Published: Feb 24, 2024
Duration: 00:15:54
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: att outage map
everybody welcome back all right so um I was in a different video today I was going to talk about um what the different colors on a map mean or possibly the terrain features but still dealing with still dealing with maps um there was a crazy incident that just happened um AT&T subscribers lost signal for quite a while and uh no explanation and a lot of people were panicking going down to AT&T store acting the fool and part of growing up you know I'm a little bit older you know and you know Gen X are here and part of growing up with no cell phones and no internet you know we didn't rely on stuff like the internet we had you know if you want to go somewhere well you'd open up a map and you'd find out where you want to go and that's why I still that's why I still want to have Maps because I don't really want to rely on a cell phone um GPS they you know they can they go down as they did you know there were a lot of people that like I myself as like my my part-time job I drive uats and if I don't have no network Ser service then I'm not going to be able to drive you know another thing that a lot of us don't have any more landlines and um think about I think we've been paying for a landline anyway so we're actually thinking about putting it in but um cuz landlines you don't you don't need cell towers you don't need electricity you don't need you know you you're not rely on the internet you can still make phone calls to people who have landlines so I'm trying to convince my mom to get a landline in as well that way if anything does happen you know we can still communicate around because this little incident just for a few hours there's a lot of speculation out there you know whether or not it was Cyber attack or uh natural like solar flare or something personally I tend to lead towards Cyber attack because uh if it was a solar flare then why wouldn't my T-Mobile phone be out you know when T-Mobile was working you know I I didn't have any issues but there were people around us in the same city that they had nothing with their with nothing with their their AT&T line and so that's why I tend to steer away from the idea that this was something natural like an EMP because then it would have affected you know it would have affected everybody you know depart dependent you know independent of who your carrier is you would have been affected somewhat and so just uh bring this all back to maps you know if you have to if you have to get away from where you're going you know if you have to get out let say you know like I live in the city right if I have to get out of the city you know there's there's going to be back roads you can take that are going to be a lot safer than trying to take the main roads they're not going to be as crowded and uh if your GPS isn't working you need to find those you need to know how to use a map you need to get a map that's why it's that's kind of like sort of the first that's why I chose to talk about Maps you know compos some maps before I start to you know talk about sharpening a knife which is still an important skill you know you know how to sharpen your knives you know you know how to take care of your tools Sharp sharpen your axes sharpen your saws but I think that the ability to get somewhere safe is supersedes all of that because if you're not somewhere safe then it doesn't matter and in order to get somewhere safe maps are really the best option because you can just open it up you have it you don't have to rely on electricity or maybe you know like light if it's at night but you know you can just open it up and you have all your roads you know you can okay we can avoid this major you know cuz you're going to want to avoid major cities you're going want to avoid major major roads you take your back roads so that you can really get where you're going safely and uh this incident I I don't really know what to call it you know this this outage this outage that AT&T experienced it it should be it needs to be a wakeup call for a lot of you that are not realizing realizing that hey you know the we're so dependent on our electrical devices that all it takes us you know a little something to go wrong and we're in panic mode you know we're we're going to be you know I I saw videos of people going down to AT&T store and just you know pound on the completely acting like crazy and why so um I think that part of prepping in you know prepping you know being being you know of the right mind you know to to to to survive you know to prep for you and your family you have to take all this into consideration and this this was something that if it was a Cyber attack then they could have been whoever it was kind of throwing out like okay let's see how let's see how much we can do how much damage we can cause let's see how they react and I mean we had so many people that have come into our country over the last three years that we don't know who's here and that's kind of a scary thought because we know some of the people that are here and you know we know the ones that we've caught that have been on those like teror watch this and stuffs but we had so many people that just got across we have no idea where they're at and so if it was a Cyber attack they could be planning something much larger they could be I don't know I don't know um irregardless of whether it was a Cyber attack or something natural I think that this is something that it just should show you that that preparing is really important you know because if if there's no if there's no cell phones if there's no internet if there's no electricity well it's going to be hard to get things done you know if you're so relying on it I mean it's this should be a wakeup call to a lot of you that it's we could we could be entering some really bad times here very soon and that that's why it's I've I've kind of seen something happening along you know in the Horizon I I mean I could be wrong but you know and and I could I could be crazy I don't know but I've just for quite a while I've like just the way that the way that the world's been been moving like the way society's going I I guess it's just because that you know so many people are so reliant on technology that it's it's just a matter of time before something goes wrong and whether it's natural or man-made if the internet and your cell phones go out just like those people running down to AT&T and just pounding on the windows and acting a fool that's going to happen and the longer and more widespread of an effect you have it's going to be even worse so um if you're in a city it would probably a good idea now more than ever to get out and get a a state map get a city map and look at it and learn how to read it and figure out where you can go safely and how to get there and have the map handy you know say Okay Okay so let's say that you know all right so if we do have to leave we're taking this truck right here so you need to put that map in the truck you need to have it ready to go so that way it's like you can get in there and whoever's driving okay whoever's whoever's passenger they you know they you know how to read this map so you say okay yeah there's we need to turn left here in like in like two miles or whatever the case may be so weird times we're experiencing some weird times and and again it doesn't it doesn't and the thing is it doesn't matter if it if it's man-made or natural if if the lights go out a lot of people are not going to know how to react and how to respond and a lot of people are going to panic and it can get scary for people so that's why for me that's why prepping is so important for me you know and that's why it's like I you know I want to make sure that I've got you know several months of food on hand for everybody in my family I want to make sure that I have a way to protect everybody in my family I want to make sure that you know my family can protect themselves as well so all this is so important and if we all just take that one little step and everybody prepares their own little household then we can get through this just like they did in the depression because the Great Depression hit you know it was it was bad for everybody and people pulled through because they pulled together and by pulling together as a community they were able to get through the dark times to come out stronger and actually better for it at the end of it and that's why I've said several times on you know I honestly I feel that our two biggest possible reasons to need to to prep are EMP which you know essentially you know electricity or Internet just going away right so the lack of electricity we'll say and another great depression and I think that if the internet goes out the lights go out I think that it's going it's going to push us towards the other so because there's so many stores that you know it's I mean we use computers to ring up everything you know I I I don't even think that half of the new generation can even effectively get out a piece of paper and do math on a piece of paper because like even in school they're using laptops for everything so we've the more we've Advanced the more we've gone behind I think and uh it's going to be important to to uh start getting ready so I still got to get a couple more maps of of surrounding states and everything but um an atlas would be a good idea you know at least if you have an atlas it doesn't matter where you're at you know cuz atlases have all all the states in them but a good a good folding map like this is a really great idea though and that's why I like you know I like I like reading Maps anyway so kind of look around and see what you can see but pretty important but yeah you know with this whole with the AT&T outage I remember a couple years ago Facebook was down for like 20 minutes or 30 minutes or something and people were panicking about that so the lights go out if there's no cell phone service things are going to get crazy and and you know we saw it we saw it just yesterday with people you know pound on going down to AT&T you know because they couldn't call went down pound on the doors and made a fool of themselves so but next week we'll get back to actually discussing the map um but it was something that just been been you know in my mind just kicking it around it's like man you know it's like I'm glad I know how to read a map really I mean you know but yeah because you without GPS you know what are you going to do I mean it's like if if you want to go somewhere safe without GPS you know you can't like you know just search for something you look at the map figure out where you're going so oh and look at this oh yeah having some heart attack so see come on down yeah let's come on down here so she got some vegetable soup put a few pieces of heart attack in it so you know that least I know exactly what it tastes like so if I need it it's not great but it's not bad so still pretty hard and chewy not a lot of flavor this it absorbs some of the CH the vegetable broth but it's not bad I could probably get used to it it's been soing for a while it's still pretty hard I can see why they would use a certain Civil War in at C because it's chewy great but yeah so Maps really important being able to read a map being able to become less reliant on technology is going to be something that I think a lot of us are going to have to do very fast but all right so next week we'll go back we'll talk about you know the train features or the colors on the map or something but we'll be back again here tomorrow well tomor project yeah we'll come back I'm almost I'm almost done with a big project but we got some things to do we got some gear to test out and uh got some survival food to test out a lot of good stuff coming up all right T if you haven't already please consider subscribeing to the channel I'd really love having you here um give me that you know that Thumbs Up Button share it out leave a comment everything is great all right all right have a good night