ATT down! where its down is the issue. it's only down in large areas there is nothing on the west co

Published: Aug 19, 2024 Duration: 00:08:09 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: is att down
this is weird good morning to everybody or I don't even want to say good morning anymore just hello there's no such thing as a good morning till Jesus comes okay I went to everybody knows that I'm having some legal issues from several years ago that are coming to a head and so I'm trying to report my public defender to the State Bar for not contacting me it's been two years and I haven't even received a letter telling me where to go to court I mean there's 22 emails that are unanswered in two years so I feel like I'm already convicted I mean my lawyer just will not respond and I don't know what you do there but anyway if I could get your prayers for that cuz that's driving me nuts but anyway I went to down detector to see what AT&T was down and AT&T was through the roof with down detector being reported so I pulled up the map to see where it's at y'all look at this Miami Orlando Atlanta Charlotte Washington DC New York City Michigan Indiana Ohio Missouri St Louis Illinois Chicago Oklahoma City Dallas Houston San Antonio I can't remember what's here at the top of Louisiana but New Orleans is having some outages Little Rock Fort Smith where I live right there up in the corner by Oklahoma and one right there in the center of Iowa y'all something is going on because Sam has Cricket which works off the AT&T network and her phones call it I'm on AT&T mine will not call out at all I've tried to call other people with AT&T on my plan with her phone and it just goes straight to voicemail when you call mine it goes straight to voicemail why are these the only cities having the outages do youall know that AT&T the reason they're rich is they own the network they are the ones that own the network do y'all remember in the ' 80s when they done the breakup of the bail system and then you went to Southern bell Pacific Bell made them break up into one company well at ended up with the network so this is just messing with us this is on purpose just on the East Coast there's nothing on the west coast something is a foot if you know what I mean they're really messing with us this is a heck of a thing where you got to watch your own government because they're trying to get you in I think it was 2017 I went to talk to a preacher he had been teaching on Prophecy and everything and it was bothering me because I see all this stuff happening that's when the Revelation 12 sign happened and I could see everything happening in the government I figured out Trump was fake when he was running the first time and I lost everybody I knew because of it and now even though most of them found out he's fake they still won't acknowledge that I knew it the whole time but that's not the big issue it's just finally they understand thank God but I went to the preacher and I told him he's a retired military chaplain he run the mental health facility I was court ordered to go to him so he was my counselor I went to his church and I told him exactly what was going on and he tried to have me locked up for 72 hours and take my rights because he thought I was crazy I wonder if he sees it now well I love y'all and we're fixing to be together there's so much um dysfunction going on and so much it's getting really nasty I mean these Works Christians are getting nasty towards once saved always saved and I don't see how they don't understand that that's proven what they believe is not the way I mean I don't know anybody with once saved always Sav us that gets nasty with Works Christians in their comments and just harasses them and trolls them but but we get them a Works Christian will always put you in your place you can count on that all right well I love all y'all and Jesus is coming and the important part is he died on that cross and his blood is covering us he poured his blood out on Calvary and from Calvary it covers Us when God looks down on us all he sees is Jesus we are covered by the blood our sins are forgiven past present and future as far as the East is from the West we're not going to get to the Bea seat and get chewed out we're not going to there's not going to be any of that the bride doesn't get chewed out before the wedding we are going to the Bea seat to get rewards and it'll be for things we don't even know we done I guarantee you they'll be rewards for things we have no idea that we done because we touch people even when we don't realize it you know yesterday a guy gave me a ride home on a lift because um I'm on Medicaid so they pay for my transportation to the doctor's appointments cuz our Jeep's in such bad condition well a guy was driving me his name was Billy and we was talking on the way back and he was saying well I love Jesus but I I do drink about 12pack every weekend you know Christians won't accept me because I said they're not Christians man I said it's not about what you put in your body it's what's come forth from the heart it's what you believe and I told him the gospel and he saidoh I believe that and I said then you're good I said all that baptism and all that stuff they're putting on you is not what you got to do I said if he wants you to stop drinking he'll take it from you he did me everything I've stopped he took from me I didn't quit I haven't I haven't been able to quit anything I couldn't and once I was to the end of myself he took it I absolutely know I mean look how I ended up in Arkansas the people that know me and know that story how can you say that story and not see God in it but we're getting Mighty close we can't be here much longer I mean they are literally poisoning Us in everything we're eating and breathing drinking our mind would probably be blown if we knew what they were doing to us I know I'm not the only one that's having constant headaches constant ringing in my ears I'm hurt like crap I can't get out of the bed most of the time and then Sam's going through the same thing she thought it was Lyme disease at first but yet I'm going through it the kids are going through it everyone I talked to is going through it so that tells me that they've already started messing with us with frequencies if y'all don't understand what 5G is you need to do some research look into Soul Korea Olympics wild hogs they had a problem with pharoh Hogs when they had the Olympics ypics in South Korea they used 5G Towers to kill all the Hogs these things are a weapon and they're using it all right I love y'all 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 Romans 10:9 and 10 confess with your mouth you believe in your heart think about the psychology of that the more you talk about it the more it goes into you the deeper it gets the more intense it gets just like love the longer you're with somebody you love the love gets more intense all right I love y'all hold on to Jesus we'll be all right read Psalms 91

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