before you drink The crucial info on mararo and alcohol and Z mountain and alcohol hi friends I'm Elizabeth CIS of shopping I have lost a whopping 88 lbs since January 2023 so over 16 months of being on almost hitting my anniversary for 17 months of being on glp1 medication um I've lost a ton of weight from being morbid obese now to just overweight for the BMI schedule today's episode we're going to talk about drinking and mararo and drinking and we GOI and drinking and Zep bound and all of the gp1 medications with a new study that came out I am fascinated by this I just had it come across my desk and I wanted to share with you this information from this new study that came out as always I require of myself here at ciss of shopping to be factually accurate so I will link Down Below in the description just click that dot dot dot more and all of my links I've got tons of links in there with all of my free resources and siding my source for today's episode two which comes from Neuroscience news let's go ahead and dive in so the diabetes drug OIC it's a type 2 diabetes approval from FDA is also the same thing it's a semi glutide as wovi wovi is FDA approved for chronic obesity management there's a study done on semi glutide which is what wovi and OIC are then we have te zeti which is what Zep bound is and what mararo is same thing both different FDA approvals for them T's epetite is slightly higher than semi glutide in terms of results but this study studied uh semi glutide meaning wovi in OIC it's significantly reduces the incidence and recurrence of alcohol use disorder alcohol use disorder is uh the acronym is a UD so alcohol use disorder analyzing health records researchers observed 50% to a 56% decrease in alcohol use disorder among patients treated with semi glutide clutch your non-existent pearls like that is crazy a 50% reduction um with this these findings suggest a new potential treatment for alcohol use disorder the study highlights need further clinical trials so this is important to note they used we're going to go through how they came up with these stats of course I always qu you guys know I always question things on there I want sources cited like how did we get this information to make sure that we're giving the most accurate applic correct information so semi glutide found in wovi noic reduces alcohol use disorder by 50 to 56% two the study analyzed electronic health records of nearly 84,000 patients in obesity it's going to go in and talk about how AI did that which I find fascinating that AI combed through 84,000 plus we're going to talk about that three findings could lead to new treatments for alcohol use disorder but further clinical trials are needed remember how I've done previous videos talking about how glp1 medications have helped with things like kidney disease um there's cancer testings um for sure 100% FDA approval for reducing by 20% Strokes cardiovascular events and activities um there's sleep apnea studies that are in clinical trials like using glp1 medications for Te eptide and semi glutide they're showing that it's not just chronic obesity management and type 2 diabetes it is a huge hoop to jump through of all of these other uh comorbidities and other issues that we're finding that glp1 medications are helping the new study by researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine reveals that popular diabetes drugs are linked to reducing incidents and reoccurrence of alcohol abuse or dependence do you have somebody in your family who has an alcohol problem or maybe a drug related problem this is fascinating to me the team's findings recently published in the nature Communications may suggest a possible new treatment for excessive alcohol use including alcohol use disorder AUD a health condition that causes 178,000 deaths in the United States each year according to the Centers for Disease Control to use Excuse me to date the US Food the the FDA um has approved only three medications to treat alcohol use disorder the active ingredient and wovi and OIC is semi glutide um it goes on to talking about okay here's what the 84,000 patients with obesity they found those treated with semi glutide compared to those treated with other anti-obesity medications showed a 50% to 56% decrease in both initiation and reoccurrence of alcohol use disorder for the year following um and so Ron Ron um X his last name is XU um zuu a per I hope I'm forgive me if I'm mispronouncing his last name a professor of biomedical informatics at the school of medicine and the studies lead researcher um you also the director of the medical school's Center for AI and Drug Discovery was joined at the me medical school's co-author Nathan Berger and Hannah Payne Professor for experimental medicine and Pamela Davis as well so it goes on to talking about how in January we showed semi glutide is associated with a decrease of I want to make sure I'm using the right words to be YouTube approved unal living thoughts and in March we demonstrated that semi glutide is associated with the reduction in both new diagnoses and reoccurrence and reoccurrence of cannabis use disorder similar findings were replicated when the team examed examined electronic health records for 600,000 patients with type 2 diabetes and again they found consistent reduction in alcohol use disorder diagnoses among those treated with semi glut tied this is huge news by the way we know that alcoholism is genetic um we know that and this is fascinating to me like I'm I'm fascinated by this with all the findings are promising and provide preliminary evidence with potential benefit of semi glutide and alcohol use disorder AUD in real world populations Davis said further randomiz further randomized clinical trials are needed to support clinically for AUD and so it goes on to talk a little bit about the research on there as well you guys also know I like to see like where the money is coming from like where the funding who's funding these studies it's always my question who's funding these studies um in retrospective cohort study the electronic health records of 83825 patients with obesity we show that seml tide compared with other anti-obesity medications is associated with 50 to 56% lower risk for both incidents and reoccurrence of alcohol use with a 12-month follow-up period um side note I don't know if it says it in the article or not but I'm going to say it zound um when they were looking at these records was not released yet when they were looking through these records just to give context on that because it's saying it's compared to other anti-obesity medications but it should note in there with the dates that they just gave that is not I'm saying the count of shopping saying this the article is not saying this but zebon wasn't FDA approved for chronic obesity management so therefore it wouldn't be lumped into the study meaning tears up atide and mararo is not an anti-obesity medication it's technically an FDA approval for or type 2 diabetes so it would not have been Terra eptide would not te eptide would not have been included in this study consistent reductions were seen with patients stratified by gender age group race and patients without type 2 diabetes and their similar findings were replicated in a studi population of 59883 patients with type 2 diabetes these findings provide evidence with potential benefits of semi glutide in alcohol use disorder in real world populations in their calling for more um I'm going to put that down they're calling for more studies to be done on this so this we are on the precipice as I say in pry much every single video I get so jazzed to be on the Genesis of these medications I mean I've been on glp1 medications now for the last since January 2023 so gosh what has that been 16 months now I mean it's been like being on it meaning the full like full go around with it almost 17 months um and it's Chang changed my life like can you imagine for people who folks also with alcohol dependency or Addiction in their family of like preemptively like that's fascinating to me and I know we talk in my free encouragement Group which I'll link down in the description link below my free resource for y'all um it's there's thousands of amazing sharp awesome motivating kind science-based awesome really cool people in that group which I'll link just click dot dot dot more where we've talked about um alcohol like oh can I drink on these medications now alcohol obviously has sugar and if you're a type 2 diabetic taking um mararo perhaps maybe thinking about your blood sugars with that with having an alcoholic drink or for anti-obesity medications like you do you I have no judge there's no judgment for me at all on any of this um but it's interesting about how people in my group I don't drink but people in my group frequently say when they do drink that either they have bigger hangovers they can't drink as much um which would track right because gp1 medication are SL uh making that gastric emptying delay there's a Slowdown In the gastric emptying delay with that because of gp1 medications so it would track that your drinking patterns would change and that the hangover subsequently with that would change too so being mindful of that my like motherly nature comes out my mommy nature comes out of like be mindful when you are drinking you know make sure you're pacing yourself that you have a detonated driver your patterns are going to be different from my observation again I always like to talk from an experienced strength and hope place I don't have experienced strength and hope with drinking while on glp1 medications but viewing other people in my group who do of many have said how alcohol consumption for them has gone down I'm curious if you do drink do tell me in the comments has your alcohol consumption gone down doing glp1 medications um it blows my mind like it's it's fascinating it's fascinating to see um the changes of people's bodies and Cravings we talked about that too in previous CS of shopping YouTube videos here about how taste Cravings have changed as well and how people are like I just don't crave alcohol anymore or other people have stated in the free encouragement group I used to wind down with a glass of wine at night and now a lot of people are like I don't like that at all like I don't do that anymore and so it's interesting to me and it clocks to this with the alcohol use disorder and again I'm not a healthcare provider nor do I pretend to play one on the internet simply my experienc strength and hope of being on glp1 medication and hopefully encouraging and motivating thousands of other people to talk to your healthcare provider um and encourage you if you choose to go on a gp1 medication that it's fascinating to me about the lifestyle changes because Eli Lily does tell us the maker of mararo and Zep bound and NOA nordis the maker of OIC and um we GOI they tell us we need to make permanent lifestyle changes with our physical activity and with our eating habits and that corresponds too with our drinking habits right um and this clocks about how many many many people have said in my free encouragement group I don't drink anymore or I drink substantially less um it's interesting to me very interesting and so if you have that genetic component of having alcoholism in your family or even in here it was talking about cannabis use um that it's saying that it's using that AI to go through those patient records now that article to clarify I do again always require myself to be factually accurate did not specifically say that AI went through those patient Healthcare records but the lead um zuu XU the um the lead researcher on that was from the AI School of it so just to clarify I'm assuming I'm making that assumption because they're from the AI school that they used AI to go through these Healthcare records to find those patterns um but I find that also fascinating too that AI is helping us in a positive way I know so many people are afraid of AI with this but how it's helpful to go through come through these hundreds of thousands of Records to come up with this information too and so um there's hope if you've got somebody within your family with alcohol ISM or alcohol use disorder or alcohol incident share this video with them it's interesting this study was based again on semiu tiddes meaning wovi OIC um and they said it was anti-obesity medications so that means wovi that's type two um not tyu diabetics that's what the FDA approval is for OIC just to clarify just to make sure we're comparing Apples to Apples on there but it's helpful it's giving us that there's so many uses that we're finding with glp1 medication and as we learn more you know there's so much in the pipeline I talked in previous videos If you guys did not see the rat true tide video where I talked about this is red a true tide if you compare Reda true tide that's still probably two to three years um from being on the market it's still in clinical trials um but the was this dinosaur lost its head but if you compare it to te eptide how much it's like the Godzilla of gp1 medications how exciting it is we are at the cusps and the very beginning of glp1 medication and in an upcoming video or uh or it's already been released um how I talk about the new Chinese tested glp was this it was this particular character in my glp1 video um that is in the Chinese uh clinical trial phases which vary against us clinical trials but nonetheless it's a new glp1 medication Eli Lily side note um sold the rights to that to be tested over in China it's you got to go watch that video if it's not yet out comparing ratr Tide versus Terra zeeti versus this third new glp1 medication so a lot of stuff is in the pipeline if you were getting frustrated with the shortage go ahead and go to join Fridays they are my um tella Health company I work with use the discount code Queen this video is not sponsored by them but I always love to share their information because they prescribe both brand names and also compounds I was on Monaro from the monjaro shortage switch to zet bound because of the ZET bound shortage I'm now on the compound teup tide um which is the comp it's it's majo and um Zep bound active ingredient and so my heart's desire is to go back to brand names but in the interim we know that the shortage is going to last at least until 2025 per Eli Lily's q1 2024 investor call and so keeping that in mind if you're having a hard time getting your brand name medications now I do also want to share um the protein shakes I am obsessed with many of you guys ask about protein and muscle mass loss and uh bio care I will link those down below too has been super helpful um you can have these for travel particularly with Peak Travel season pop these into your pocketbook um I like to have mixed mine with ice i'mi like that I like to mix mine with ice um but and you can also it mixes with water 6 ounces with cold water um you can also mix it with almond milk if you wish you can you can do a lot of things with these and they come in chocolate and also mixed fruit so I highly recommend biocare they've given us a discount code that I will also link down in the dot do more click that description area and you'll get the full list of all of my um resources and free ones too including my free meal plan dietician created it is a week-long meal plan totally my gift to you um the dietician who created this is a gp1 focused dietitian she has her master's degree in nutrition she's brilliant it's the the meal plan shopping list and then there's 16 or 17 high protein additional um recipes that come in this meal plan so you can get that on counos my blog for all things glp1 related and that the direct link is also link down in the description link below many of you guys have asked about my updated summer and um spring and summer Amazon shopping list um that is also linked down below particularly with travel season coming up like how do you travel with your gp1 medication yall know for my like real job I am a video marketing strategist and so when I travel and fly to clients like how do I get my Med medication to go with me I've got a lot of experience in that so that updated list and it's a list in general if you're just starting glp1 medication for me I'd rather buy the hacks to get ahead right um to get ahead in the journey as opposed to like testing and trying let me test and try I love doing that so I do that on the back end um because it's fun for me including this dress many of you guys asked about summer dresses I will link it down below I have this one in um this color which I'm not a huge fan of and I also got it in pink it does dip a little bit low which I'm also not a huge fan of either um but it's cute see it's just making it's causing issues here so they have the sizing super cute though too and I'm almost six feet tall so I appreciate like I appreciate the sizing on there so I'll link that down below for you just be mindful of the top I wish I had worn like something else underneath but enjoy if you're going to a party it'd be a cute party dress so sweet friends um we do two things here at count of shopping one this is your accountability time what are you doing today to move you closer to your goal get accountable what are you doing today not tomorrow not yesterday but today and two tell me in the comments and two our Emoji for today is going to be I feel like that's wrong I shouldn't do that cheers like a water bottle something with a beverage cheers um but in a productive healthy way that's our emoji and I do Emojis for two reasons one it helps with a pattern recognition for me to get to know you if you've made it this far in the video um I want to know you and I truly do care about you um so I will that's part two of that is I'll pray over you if you don't believe in prayer I'll uplift you in positive thought but it's my way of knowing our community there's thousands of you and one of me and it's an easy way that I can get to know you better by seeing your name pop up with that pattern recognition so today's Emoji is cheers um and I'd love to know what you think about this study too I find it fascinating and your own experience strength and hope um and if you don't feel like putting the comment here on YouTube also in my private Facebook group um we be having I'm sure more discussions on this as well so sweet friends be kind yourself be kind others I'm count us of shopping count my blessings cuz life is delicious I hope you have a great day I'll see you guys soon bye guys thanks so much