Category: Sports
Intro we got some really really good players and um i think we showed it um and we're going to work to keep showing it and keep proving that um that we're a team capable of doing special things because that's our goal that's why we're here that's why we played for the new york yankees so um it's really... Read more
Category: Sports
I think caleb has a great great opportunity to bring excitement back to the chicago bear fan base something that has been missing for a long time no disrespect to nfl fans but college football fans are just different next level um yeah and we know your uh your rose bll title game has gone down as one... Read more
Category: Sports
Obviously you know the way the season ended obviously you know was you know unacceptable um as a leader i still trying to figure out if i could have done things better um you know we let the city down you know we had them all hyped up but you know things happen i literally think we ran out of time to... Read more
Category: Sports
I have tried to learn the dirty bird dance i would like to bust it out at some point maybe on a touchdown run if i can be fortunate enough to run one in how hyped are you man to be on the falcons this year and what are you most uh looking forward to yeah the regular season's drawn close now it's been... Read more
Category: Sports
I know that uh death valley is there's there's nothing like it um and and no matter how hard you prepare for this environment uh when it's actually here it's saturday night and those lights come on and people have been tailgating all day long and it's time to play football uh that place it's [music]... Read more
Category: Sports
Who is the biggest the eagles's biggest threat the answer to that is always the eagles not the cowboys excited to talk about retired life man how's it been for you what's been the most exciting part maybe something that surprised you a little bit about it well it's excit the whole thing is exciting... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro this football season you might see more nfl players wearing guardian caps over their existing helmets the nfl mandated the caps for certain positions during practices 2 years ago but it's now allowing players to sport them during preseason and regular games contact football has given some players... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] i'm over the moon right now i'm just trying to process what has happened and i have two really heavy gold medals on my neck that are causing me neck pain right now and i'm just in awe of the moment and everything that's [music] happen three gold la 2028 that's where the vision is for me i was... Read more
Category: Sports
I do think the angel caleb thing is funny like it's it's just funny to me because they're two totally different positions and the media tries to like make them be like competitors but it's like that's a guard and that's a post so at then they they never even guarded each other so it's not really a rivalry... Read more
Category: Sports
I don't want to say i give myself any number um uh goals to go to go accomplish right i'm at the point now where i'm in my third year and and all i want to do is be a part of a play playoff [music] team got to talk some football with you man so no way around it you know this is going to be a huge season... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] [music] you can use it as itself on its head it's got his own camera the person using the headset can really zoom in on what they want to see they can manipulate the image to suit their sight loss there's also a second setting where we connect in with the local tv cameras at an event and this... Read more
Category: News & Politics
E [music] we at least we are more vulnerable we have these men who come around and just use as as properties they see a young girl manipulate them Read more