Category: Sports
You guys like i thought it was a much better episode last night you liked it a lot more than i did i it was so it could have been great it could have been great and it just what kept it from being great had they give me more draft room more of those discussions about the judon thing and it's i mean... Read more
Category: Sports
Okay well high expectations doom caleb no because all he needs to win over our bears fans the there's that's the all he needs to do is have the bear the people in chicago be like we got it right that will quiet anything else any of the any of the other noise and for them to think they got it right i... Read more
Category: Sports
He's a head coach of the chicago bears 1 and0 getting set to take on the texans on sunday night football after a season opening win against the tennessee titans matt erlu how are you coach good to see you i'm doing well great to see you too good to see you man so hey you're calling the defensive plays... Read more
Category: Sports
Matters so what has mattered and what matters well we are into mini camp this week so it's all mandatory this week which means the attendance should be where you want it to be which will give you a a much clearer picture of what everybody uh is doing when everybody's on the field obviously there's going... Read more
Category: Sports
All right here we go welcome in to bears now live final hardox episode in the books let me know if the audio is sounding good if you guys can hear me why for yes in for no i thought a great final episode i really did thought it was a great ending to a good but not great series of hard knocks i think... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] welcome into the take the north podcast i'm adam stazinski filling in once again today for david hall as we continue to shuffle our schedule around during the end of the bears offseason of alongside dan weeder of the chicago tribune and dan the training camp is over for all intents and purposes... Read more
Category: Sports
Ryan poles is [music] special this is bears now by chat sports i'm harrison graham let's get into a little hard knox finale reaction if you joined us live last night i appreciate it but we know not everybody had watched the episode by then ryan po's starred in the series finale i thought i thought he... Read more
Category: Sports
He [music] chgo after dark hard knock edition powered by comed as always we love comed frankly i love that my power's on right now thanks to comed because of the storms that came through a little bit earlier tonight uh brags is stopped sweating from all the [ __ ] he talked a couple weeks go about how... Read more
Category: Sports
Did ryan poles do it again did the chicago bears jam find another hidden gem we'll talk about said player here in just a moment but listen we are trying to get more new subscribers this year in the month of august than we did last year last year we picked up 2612 this year we're at 1,132 right now so... Read more
Category: Sports
How is radun what can you tell me about his his knee right now coach yeah so he had mri you know he has uh mcl sprain and it's a day-to-day uh deal so we'll see where he is tomorrow um on wednesday and that's what's going on there and then again we'll reassess it as we go like can stay to day and again... Read more
Category: Sports
I didn't stop at the stop sign my lady she was um rushing to work she's going about 55 and i got blindsided um and i hit and um yeah i got hit i almost lost my life that day colber was a star guiding the chargers to the championship game when he was 9 years old but before he could take the field in... Read more
Category: Sports
Packers fans let's break down the green bay odds for the upcoming season the packers aren't the favorites to win the super bowl at plus 18800 but they're still a force to be reckoned with last year they made it to the divisional round despite a 98 regular season jordan love takes the reigns as quarterback... Read more