Category: News & Politics
We dismantled her terrible record we exposed her radical liberal agenda and we laid out our plans to quite simply make america great again meanwhile comrade camala harris comrade showed up spewing lies and meaningless platitudes with no plans no policies and no solutions whatsoever she doesn't have... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I i don't i don't know exactly what to say about that i don't know if i'm insulted or he did me a favor [music] putin came out today he endorsed kamala and i didn't know was i supposed to call him up and say thank you very much i appreciate it but he endorsed kamala i have a feeling i don't know i i... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Do you believe americans are better off than they were four years ago i believe in the ambitions the aspirations the dreams of the american people and that is why i imagine and have actually a plan to build what i call an opportunity economy because here's the thing we know that we have a a shortage... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] [music] right strong [music] n [music] what the changes in india's population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the the interview the role that the us side played at that point of time my phone is tapped i can probably say hello to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
P сегодня начинается его активная фаза в ходе которой будут отработаны самые сложные маси приближенные к боевым задачи отмечу что за последние три десятилетия мы впервые проводим столь масштабные учения на море они одновременно пройдут в акваториях тихого и северного ледовитого океана средиземного каспийского... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Klare entscheidung getroffen was wir tun und was wir nicht tun an dieser entscheidung wird es sich nicht ändern und ich bitte um verständnis dass ich gespräche zwischen den chefs befreundeter staaten die noch gar nicht stattfunden haben nicht vorher kommentiere heute abend werden der us-präsident und... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Donald trump was fired by 81 million people so let's be clear about that and clearly he is having a very difficult time processing that but we cannot afford to have a president of the united states who attempts as he did in the past to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election and i'm... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [applause] what the changes in india's population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the record the interview the role that the u us side played at that point of time assume my phone is tapped... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] okay for uh for believe [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] donald trump was fired by 81 million people so let's be clear about that and clearly he is having a very difficult time processing that but we cannot afford to have a president of the united states who attempts as he did in the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
For for in what the changes in india's population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the record the interview the role that the u us side played at that point of time assume my phone is tapped i can probably say hello to mr episode of know your candidate... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Я вирішив замінити командувача повітряних сил збройних сил україни [музика] [музика] [музика] [музика] я вирішив замінити командувача повітряних сил збройних сил україни я безмежно вдячний всім нашим військовим льотчикам всім інженерам всім воїнам мобільних вогневих груп розрахунків ппо усім хто дійсно... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Light the light aov over for what the changes in india's pop population and the differential growth rates this city has emerged we have a very special guest on the record interview the role that the us side played at that point of time zume my phone is tapped i can probably say hello to mr m episode... Read more