Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:33:33
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: jt realmuto
you are locked on Philly postcast part of locked on Sports Philadelphia on the locked on podcast Network your team everyday my oh my welcome into the show everybody my name is Mark faretta this is locked on Phillies postcast in the lock on Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel make sure you hit like And subscribe on locked on Sports Philadelphia so we have give you so we give you all your postcast needs yes yeah you might have watching the channel earlier in the day we gave you the breakdown of the Philadelphia Eagles losing to the Minnesota Vikings on locked on Eagles postcast and now we're back with you for locked on Phillies postcast and what a win it was 11-2 the Phillies win this ball game JT Ruto goes off Ranger Suarez comes out where were you when the lip of Kaufman Stadium's infield saved the Philly season that's right that's the latest installment of save the Philly season we'll walk through it all on the show this evening welcome in thank you for making locked on Sports Philadelphia your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day this particular episode is brought to you by is the reliable way to get parts fast shop for your local plumbing excuse me shop for your next Plumbing HVAC and electrical job online at and get fast shipping from coast to coast at what was not to love about this game Ranger couldn't go six Innings I'll take five innings in one run I'll take six strikeouts I'll take 72 pitches and when he hit a wall as obvious as he hit a wall it was time to take him out good job by the phills give him a little bit of a breather so we can get out of that jam the Phils certainly had some luck on their side this evening there's no question about that but what is luck right luck is when what uh hard work and preparation meat or no hard work and opportunity meat that right there preparation hard work opportunity meet add them together yeah shake it up that's luck right there and the Phil is certainly took advantage of the luck that was on their side to I'm so happy I'm so excited that the Phillies won this game in the manner in which they want it I'm so excited to see ranger Suarez back in this rotation and it took him forever to get 11 win and I'm not just saying since he's been out for a month a little more than a month it took him forever to get that 11th win of the season and he's finally got it in his back pocket I am so excited I might be forced to sing for you on the podcast and on the YouTube show today it might happen I might not be able to control myself but I might have to get put out a little tun anyway let's get to it three big things we're going to count up okay we're going to start at the bottom uh number three 0 for 10 uh last night Trey Turner Kyle scherber 0 for 10 last night that was not the case this evening I'll show the entire lineup but oh my goodness gracious look at the top of the order 0 for 10 last night look at that five for 10 they combin to go 500 in tonight's ball game I'll take it I will absolutely take it also two run scored between the two of them two RBI from Trey Turner this is what you want to see from the top of that order there were some instances that have been a little uh perturbed with Trey Turner uh but if he hits and he plays good defense then I don't have that much of a problem seeing him kind of be lacad isical last night at shortstop not rushing a throw to first base until the very last second against Bobby wit Jr just barely to get him by I believe it described it last night as 1 18 of a of a step at first base to keep him 0 for two against Taiwan Walker of all people which is still crazy to me but I've been a little perturbed though the comments he made in the clubhouse after they lost two or three to the Braves about how the the Phillies aren't concerned this is just weird man this is just weird well you break out of it at the plate you break out of it in the field and guess what I'm not really gon to care what you have to say in the locker room excuse me the club house and I'm not going to really care what you're doing if you're not busting it out of the first P or out of the the Batters box you get production fans will applaud you get production people might go oh well you know at least he's the one producing in the lineup like last night Bryce Harper was the only one to actually hit out of the top three guys in the order so I took it a little easier on Bryce Harper because last night he wasn't the problem and then today he helped get the Phillies bats going uh as did Kyle schwarber and as did Trey Turner there was a little concern in the first inning Kyle schwarber let it off with this first double of the game first of two doubles in the game to left field so you a runner and scoring position got the rest of the lineup coming up there got nothing from it Trey Turner grounded out to Second schwarber was able to move to third Harper struck out B lined out to second he missed a 3-1 pitch 3-1 fast ball middle of the plate he just missed it that is a pitch that should be wound up 10 seats back over the fountains at Kaufman Stadium but uh that was unfortunate but the Phillies then later got opportunities Kyle schwarber got another double on the top of the third inning Trey Turner brought him home on an RBI single I loved in that particular instance that Dusty wthin I I was surprised I was surprised I know it was a slow roller out of the infield in a shallow right field I was surprised if Dusty wat's like yeah Kyle schwar schwar you're going man you're going he sent him home rro uh had I guess a just a bad lazy throw home and Kyle schwarber just scored and I was a little surprised Dusty Waton said him but he did and the Phillies went up one- nothing they got Ranger Suarez most importantly they got Ranger Suarez an early lead uh so looking at the top of the order right there between Kyle schwarber and Trey Turner good to see those guys at number three on my three big things for making something happen in the early goings of this game and making sure they actually picked up uh for themselves after just a horrendous performance last night and a horrendous performance as well in the uh series against the Atlanta Braves uh number two I am think about the game that had to happen to bump this guy down to number two okay Rangers swarz tonight was incredible absolutely incred for a guy just coming off the ilil for a guy that had been out had not made a start in a month and two days okay he goes back out there on the mound after dealing with the back spasms and all that goes out there on the mound and just EX Utes pitch after pitch and listen to this 15 of his 19 first pitches were for strikes that's controlling the count that is dictating to the batter what the batter is going to do and as I follow along as pitch count in the game nine in no excuse me nine pitches in the first inning 13 in the second nine in the third 15 whoa kind of blew up there uh in the fourth and then of course the fifth inning is where he really struggled fortunately they got on that mound conference but 20 six pitches in that inning and still the Kansas City Royals were only able to get one run off of him in that inning and here's what's really amazing about that inning rro started that inning off by striking out looking at a 3-2 Sinker in that was the bread and butter tonight you tell me if you ask me how has Ranger Suarez get six strikeouts in five innings to work in his first game back against uh the Kansas City Royals how's that happen the inside corner was a big fat juicy inside corner tonight and Rangers Suarez took full advantage of a little extra of a wide Strike Zone and the Sinker he was dropping in with great consistency and there's no doubt in my mind he was aiming for it it's not like he was aiming for the inner half of the plate he was aiming for off the plate he got off the plate and he got the call off the plate tonight by Home Plate umpire Mark Carlson so in that fifth inning he Strikes Out rro 3-2 Sinker in see you later Massie steps up to the pl gets the double to center field and a 3-2 pitch then Ferman gets the RBI single on a curve ball that just hung up barely enough it's a 2-1 ball game at this point then Blanco gets the infield single the little swinging bunt to third then they have the mountain conference everybody bring it in everybody bring it in first and second one out Isbell steps up to the plate he looks at a sinker sit your ass down and then Garcia steps up he strikes out on a sinker as well he gets out of it when it was all said and done for Ranger Suarez in his first start since August 22nd Ranger Suarez five innings one earn run one run four hits one walks 6ks 72 pitches 46 of them bad boys for strikes and the erra gets lowered to 282 on the year as I mentioned it had been a hot minute before since Ranger Suarez actually recorded a win for himself when he was going into his IL stint uh lost his last three decision four decisions excuse me his last win came in June he hasn't won a ball game since June uh eighth against the New York metropolitans and that one was in Old London Town baby so Ranger Suarez going out there and just simply doing his thing and taking advantage of What Not what the defense was giving him obviously but what the Umpire was giving him tonight I thought JT behind the plate called a really good game JT was really defensive as well great uh put out he had at third uh catching Blanco stealing uh so that was nice to see uh one of the other lucky things happened with Blanco in that particular inning but there's a lot of luck involved we'll get to that that next segment so if uh top of the order is with Kyle schwarber and Trey Turner is three then Ranger Suarez coming back with vengeance with a vengeance is number two what would it take what would it take to bump Ranger Suarez in his return what would it take to bump him down number two number and not number one I'll tell you a career high two three-run Homer game ST RBI is a career high for JT real Muto and dynamite defensive plate to boot behind the plate that's what it would take to put Ranger Suarez as numero deuce on this list JT real Muto was picturesque today the home runs obviously behind the plate obviously fantastic but what I really loved about this is home run his first home run JT steps up there in the sixth inning Phillies are only up two to one at this point trying to squeeze out some more runs JT steps up there uh gets the home run on a 3-1 EXC me three-oh Sinker well inside I mean Ranger knew that that pitch was getting called a strike I got the sense that uh in this particular ball game tonight singer did not want to pitch inside and catch the plate to JT real Muto so he was aiming for the same spot that Ranger kept peppering Laton counts in this game tonight so with a 30 count singer tries to put one way inside on JT real Muto figureing out maybe he fouls this one off and J JT real Muto on that Sinker demolished it to left field with two men on 393 feet just like that Phillies go from a 2-1 lead to a 51 lead they take singer out of the game I was surpris some people I know you're talking about on the broadcast they were little surprised he even pitched to JT real Muto but he did um and he took full advantage of that then later in the game in the eighth inning JT Ruto stepped up again with another two Runners on same two Runners were on base in the sixth inning as were in the eighth inning Nick casianos and Bryson stot and JT Ruto this time on a one change up first one was a sinker Second Home Run was a change up that he talk about demolishing a baseball 425 F feet a 425 foot three-run home run on a one change up that he belted the left center field to give the Phillies a nine to2 lead they add to it later in the game excuse me eight to2 lead they they add to it on Hayes's RBI double then Turner adds to it as well with another hit an RBI single to right field they made it a 10-2 game they just kept on adding on as the game went on which was great they did not take their foot off the gas throughout this game tonight now as I mentioned uh those three things are all great things that happened for the Phillies tonight but they did have a lot of luck on their side when we come back I know we talked about it with uh Braden Mars the Angels in the Outfield right there was one particular play in that sixth inning leading up to JT real muto's three-run home run oh excuse me the JT real muto's first three-run home run of the game because again there were multiple I want to make sure I don't want to confuse anybody uh Lady Luck made a nice appearance and that sixth inning we'll talk about that when we return you're locked on Sports Philadelphia you're locked on Philly postcast and the locked on Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel make sure you like And subscribe to locked on Sports Philadelphia back in a few oh man all this excitement has me parched you know what I mean I need to uh hydrate to give you a better second half of the show you know what I'm saying that's why you guys got to take advantage of liquid IV because when you're talking about America's pastime you can't forget to hydrate that's where liquid IV comes in especially at liquid IV's allnew popsicle firecracker flavor a Sure Fire summer hit get hydrated with electrolytes essential vitamins and clinically tested nutrients from the number one powdered hydration brand in America because baseball and sum are go together like liquid IV and indulgent hydration tear pour live more with liquid IV one stick plus 16 ounces of water hydrates better than water alone powered by live hydroscience an optimized ratio of electrolytes essential vitamins and clinically tested nutrients that turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink eight essential vitamins and nutrients 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outfit okay sixth grade maybe and uh remember the scene when they're telling uh Adrien Brody when the kid that that fella dude that is like really good actor now I can't remember his name but he's like put Adrien Brody in and Danny Glover was like he stinks and he's like no but if an angel's with him he'll be awesome and then Adrien Brody goes up right and Adrien Brody this little lanky guy right uh he goes up and he hits the ball barely and then the angel comes in bounces the ball all over the place this is a great movie anyway that's what it reminded me of in the sixth inning of tonight's ball game I tell you all that to tell you this in the sixth inning Nick casianos goes up there and he hits a uh a fly a fly ball to right field easy rro is supposed to come in make the catch b boom bang you down one out casianos leads off the inning with a fly out to right field except that's not what happened because of angels uh casianos hits the popup Massie the second baseman goes back for all the young players out there this is the outfielders ball and you can see on the instant replay Massie going I got it and he's saying I got it you can re I got it okay and then rro fifo fums in and I guess he heard uh rro coming in and then Massie just stopped just stopped I never saw a camera angle see if Redfield was saying anything I don't know but either way that's the outfielder's ball if you play baseball at any level and you were an outfielder you knew you had to call that off you call off that second Basin you let that Short Round get back into into the infield get out of the Outfield where you don't belong son and rro just just let him have it and Massie just pulled up and said all whoops whoopsie so anyway it goes in the book as a leadoff single so wouldn't you know it Bryson St who has not exactly been the hottest hitter in the month of August or for the season for that matter then steps up to the plate and would don't you know it lady luck wasn't done singing Just Yet Lady Luck takes that baseball or the Angel takes that baseball that was a patent in double play ball for a 463 double play and was it a 463 double play no it was not Bryson St somehow magically strategically hit that grounder so that it would bounce perfectly off the lip of the infield and bounce directly over M's head for his second don't I look stupid play of the inning and then after Bryson stot does that you have Runners on first and third and you got nobody out but you know you know what it doesn't matter where they are on the bases it only matters that they're on base when JT Realo slams that pitch down the left field line to make it all of a sudden a 5-1 Phillies Victory excuse me Phillies lead just at that moment singer goes out long comes in that was all they wrote for the rest of that inning so luck was certainly on the Philly side in that sixth inning you know they say sometimes it's better to be lucky than good what I don't care Angels sure Lady Luck destroyed tonight I'll take it I know will all take it because the way the Phillies have been playing in case you haven't noticed terrible uh also one more positive I wanted to point out from tonight's game uh Taiwan Walker had nothing to do with it so let's just rejoice in that moment you know what I'm saying okay uh when we come back I want to take your comments on this game what you guys have to say about it but we'll also take a look at what happened in the national league tonight with the Phillies and uh those pesky Atlanta Braves as well back in a few locked on Sports Philadelphia and the locked on Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel tonel you guys just go through the summer hopefully you guys are working out in the summer maybe you meant to work out during the summer you just couldn't get to the gym some things in life happened where you couldn't make it you know it's easy to talk yourself out of the gym every once in a while but for those who strive on getting stuff done including workouts every minute 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Dodgers right now at the bottom of the fifth inning are losing to the Tampa Bay Rays 5 to3 that's the way that's going and the New York metropolitans are up six to one on the San dieago Padres that's how that's shaken out good times in case you missed the top three in the beginning of the show I'll tell you one more time uh number three was the top-of the order guys Trey Turner and Kyle schwarber breaking out of their Funk number two Ranger Suarez return he was incredible number one JT R Muto career high seven RBIs on a two that's two three run home run games he hit two of those not too shabby let's get into the chat check and see how you guys are doing on this fine Friday night excuse me Saturday night geez losing my mind John Marinelli we're back baby we're back again we're so back from the PE from the people that brought you Marsh's amazing catch against the Mariners saved the season and from the people that also brought you Kyle schwarber saves the season with a grand slam now they bring you the infield lip of the grass in Coffman Stadium save the season coming soon anyway uh Morgan Landy BCB damn right bcib best catcher in baseball sech sketchable kind of forgot JT was on the team for a while there uh good to see him good to good to see him to things do things I think MP what's going I'll win the series and I'll start to feel better me too ibh good good evening everybody hopefully this is a side of things to come don't we say that after every single win right oh KGB officer uh gang who did TMax say that'd be Allard co uh Cody Allard getting the start tomorrow Colby sorry Colby Allard hey he hasn't done a bad job for the Phils he's actually done all right uh a couple of times they had Orion kiring as the opener and then Kobe Colby Allard would pitch like four Innings five innings and like a low run or two like if you're telling me you're starter like tonight for instance going five innings or if you're throwing five innings only allowing one run I feel kind of good about that start to the game especially if the lineup really is turning itself around uh ibh Ranger looked good in was limited pitch count yeah did I hear right that they wanted to get to 90 and then he hit that wall in the fifth inning 90 that seemed a little steep I hope I misheard that Andrew Smith Walker never needs to pitch again yep [Laughter] uh MP that's that's I like it I'm for it I agree with you I like it uh they should have put Taiwan Walker in in the ninth inning they should have that would have been great this is your job now this is what you do see how it's 11 to two I even you would have trouble you could have a slightly worse night than you did last night and we'd still win if we put you in the ninth inning by the way for those watching I do I keep taiwon Walker right over here in the studio that's who I'm talking to over there anyway uh what else we got Timothy B tomorrow okay I see what you're saying KGB is right if I had a dollar for every time this was said in the chat KGB is right I wonder if the Russians are watching this and they're catching it like what is this why is he talk why is he talking so much about KGB anyway um Joshua simber what's going on uh I'll be pleasantly surprised if we hit the ball tomorrow isn't that the truth Dave briger what's going on well it's about that time that there has some has risen some life okay NFL preseason is trash I don't pay attention all right fair enough far as You' have gotten weaker in your 40s you can still lift the bar or is it in storage no it is I'm gonna tell you right now all right there far asy can't Ben the bar remember the last time he challenged me what happened the philes won so I'm not gonna I'm just I'm I'm going to let them create the good Juju right now will come a time I'm sure between now and the end of the season where we will need Mah to bench the bar and that will save the season just like Brandon Marsh just like house wber and just like the infield lip of the grass at coffin Stadium barsy it's almost like you have low testosterone like like to our right there will be no political conversation on this program uh although I find pretty much everything funny uh St for forces Star Wars 99 absolutely Pat Henry was going on now they just have to keep it up I concur Ranger is the energy shift we needed great command tonight says Jonathan uh Johnson wall yeah ah AR St my first fary two a day we're running two a days that's what we're gonna do we're gonna run two a days on the whistle go all right uh the London series hurt Ranger Suarez had the Home Run Derby hurt as the Home Run Derby hurt Alec bom really Alec I Alec bow was the only start was he only started tonight to got not get a uh not get on base hold on I'm using the wrong Mouse deep to popop Bowman 0 for five tonight I believe Bowman 0 for five tonight he also just ended a 36 on base streak 36 game on base streak I'm Not Bow gets no Strays I'm not I'm not shooting Strays over there at Alec bone KGB officer holy Tasty Cake how did I miss that sorry I missed that one earlier Matt fors I don't disagree if the team hit like this they'd win Mo matter who is no matter who's pitching Damian too bad they'll lose tomorrow thanks Damian that's a Wayne world reference for those that get it anyway why is he pitching thought everyone was back uh because uh was the rest situation what am I missing I'm missing something STS is pitching tomor say m uh far can't Pence the bar you and the bar will meet soon my friend to save the season there we go uh thanks everybody the chat you guys are wonderful as per usual Phillies are back at it tomorrow night excuse me gez tomorrow afternoon Miss scoozie uh 210 start time tomorrow afternoon the Phillies will try to win a series not only will the Phillies try to win a series what else will the Phillies try to do they'll try to win two in a row then they win the next one that's what's called a winning streak it has happened before uh Kobe Aller does get the start tomorrow left-handed pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies back up from the miners his last two starts he's gone at least four Innings that Seattle start uh he pitched four Innings allowing one run it was earned uh that was after Orion kirking opened that one up then he also went up against the Arizona Diamondbacks and went five innings on allowing just one run on six hits not too shabby they reversed course in that one uh Colby Allard started started that game went five innings allowing just one run on six hits struck out three didn't issue one walk which is pretty awesome then Orion kirking came in later and that was the only game the Phillies won against the Arizona Diamondbacks so Allard gets the ball tomorrow for the Phils Seth Lugo against the start for the Kansas City Royals veteran 34 year old right-handed pitcher bringing a boatload of experience 3 27 games uh in his career he's coming off a start against the LA Angels where he won seven Innings allowing two runs on four hits he walked three all in all in the season he's got a 14 and7 record with a 302 erra and as I said veteran uh right-handed pitcher 34 years old will be uh slinging it tomorrow for the Kansas City Royals here's what you can look uh look for when you're looking at Lugo uh junk but deceptive uh looking at about a 93 9 2 93 m per hour fastball cutter slurve um and that's what he's going to be bringing to the table uh tomorrow so philli is look out for that thanks for watching thanks for listening make sure you go ahead and hit like And subscribe wherever you do that on that thing right uh and hit like And subscribe and locked on Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel my name is Mark farzetta this is locked on Sports Philadelphia's YouTube channel so make sure you hit like And subscribe and also thank you for making us your first listen now make sure you check out lock locked on MLB podcast to prepare for the fall classic with our boy Sully who has it covered every single day you can find the link on locked on MLB in the description so you don't need to search part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for listening thanks for watching my name is Mark farzetta once again hit like And subscribe on locked on Sports Philadelphia back with you guys after tomorrow afternoon's game and the Phillies hopefully coming away with a two uh excuse me a series win and two in a row see you then bye