Published: Jan 31, 2023
Duration: 01:57:20
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: meridian source
good evening friends on behalf of Joshi's Kerala group we have been having a series of special sessions from uh for acupressure from krishnamurti lakshmana sir and on behalf of all of you we welcome like the krishnamurti lakshana sir uh for this special session on meridians lastly we started with meridians in the last session and we ended up with yin and yang meridians and now in this session let us learn more about meridians and krishnamurthy Sir has been helping people learn so much by clearing so many doubts making us realize our doubts and learn from the art of healing from learning it basically from the scratch so let us welcome uh krishnamurthy sir without wasting much time a warm welcome to you sir please take over thank you sir good evening sir yeah thank you so Hello friends okay so I'm I'm audible visible and the screen is visible and everything is okay yes sir yeah okay great so once again welcome friends to today's session um in the first class we studied about key orchi and in the second class we studied about the path in which the the key flows that is the meridian so today we will continue the learning about the meridian so um it is a very interesting topic okay and here okay I have told mechanics of Meridian okay and uh I have shown a picture of flute okay instead of showing a meridian so and I have tried to present this topic in a very very different way which is not in the textbooks okay and uh so that is why I have put this sub disclaimer since these are unexplored topics okay please take it with a pinch of salt okay so no there may be small mistakes here and there but uh no more or less it is all uh correct but uh no because the attempt is to present the knowledge in a very different way easy to digest rather than you know putting it the same way which is there in the textbook so that is why I have made this disclaimer so let us first understand the flute and then based on that understanding we will try to understand the meridians okay so float is a Hollow object and there is input inflow at one end and on the other end there is outflow and What flows in that Hollow object It Is What flows inside the flute it is air right so the air comes in the air goes out but in this process of coming in and going out what happens so air is coming in and air is going out but in this process of coming and going something is happening all those uh no for whom it is possible open your cameras so that I can see your faces so I know how much you are understanding or and if you have opened the camera focus it on your face don't focus it on the roof fan Etc okay so what I was telling is the air is coming in and the air is going out but between this coming in and going out the air is producing what it is producing sound right a is producing sound okay while you are blowing in it was just air you are blowing in the air bite but when when it is coming out it is coming out with lot of Melody and it is coming out with lot of sound different types of different uh tones of sound okay now with this you gave one but it came out as something else okay now with this we will try to understand the meridian so we have discussed we discussed uh when we were discussing the key be told that you know there are two main types of key which body receives okay one is the when is the key which we get it through the food and water that we take in okay that is which is coming from the earth now all the food and other part is no the product of the earth so we call it as Earthly energy or Earthly key so which goes into the body through the mouth and the nose okay it is not going through the Meridian this key is not going through the Meridian but it is going through the Elementary Canal that is the your digestive tract so the mouth and the nose it is going that is the Deep bio energy but there is an another type of energy which is just getting infused into the body okay that is the cosmic energy which is there around us that cosmic energy gets infused into the body and this cosmic energy is called as heavenly key okay which is coming from the cosmos so how does this Cosmos the energy which we are receiving from Cosmos how does it enter the body is what we are trying to understand now okay everybody knows how the food gets entered okay so it goes into the mouth gets chewed goes into the stomach from there it goes into small intestine largest large intestine right so this all of us know but how does this energy from the cosmos get into the bodies we are trying to understand so this key is a combination of all the five fundamental Energies we have discussed this earlier so while we were discussing key say what is key is the say we have five fundamental elements this we take in and it has its own energy the five Energies okay so this element okay we consume in the form of food and water okay food and water so they have the Earthly energy which I told okay the element so your rice your tomato your potato all of that is made out of what five elements only right or is it made out of something else is it made out of five elements only or something else the food that we consume okay so this is the and the energy of the five elements each element has its own energy right so this energy is what we are receiving as from Cosmos okay so this cosmic energy a combination of all the five individual energies is called as key or Chi okay so now this all these invisible Energies okay say you can see the water okay you can see the water in a glass but when you touch the water you feel a coldness you feel the coldness can you see the coldness you can see the water but can you see the coldness of the water no right so similarly you can see the fire the flame but the flame is giving you the warmth right can you see the warmth no right so that is what I have written so you can see the fire it is a visible element but it's energy the heat is invisible so when you combine all these invisible energies and club together it forms key okay key is equal to key is equal to all this wind heat humidity dryness coldness club together okay so when you make it because there are five fundamental energies so each will be like 20 percent okay so 20 20 so it will create a under equal distribution of 100 percent so this energy is flowing into the I have shown so if this pipe is a Meridian then the water is flowing through the Meridian right so this will be this is key which is flowing in the pipe and this pipe is the Meridian so inside the Meridian the key is Flowing so the pipe is also invisible and the content which is flowing in that invisible pipe is also invisible okay so far so good everybody understood up to this point um nod your head thumbs up say yes or no everybody understood so far okay so now we will try to dig more and try to understand so now this combined energy enters T Meridian okay so I have written key is the combination of five energies key from Cosmos gets into the meridian okay and once it comes into the meridian um so be like before I go into this see there are 12 pair of standard meridians okay uh and all like every Meridian has different types of points but even though it has different set of points there are some points which are common across all the meridians there are some points which is there in all the meridians okay what is common across all the meridians is what we are trying to understand now fine so there are some set of points which are common across all the meridians so that common points which are there in all the meridians is what we are trying to understand right now and how they function the the mechanics behind those points is what we are trying to understand okay just like the flute one side the air enters and there are many places for the air to go out so similarly the key enters the meridian in one point okay and then because it is a combination of all the five elements right so now there should be five places in that Meridian to access the individual Energies right so I'll just draw this let's say we have so there is this is the place through which key is entering but key is made out of the five elements okay energies that is wind Plus heat Plus as one uh no combined form it enters so but once it enters there should be logically now if I want to module it no the key is say wind is say 20 percent heat is 20 percent humidity is 20 percent dryness is 20 and coldness is 20 percent now it has entered but I want to you all are able to see myself not able to seize her the screen is not visible it's coming slowly I guess let me stop sure now it's visible yes sir okay okay so what I was telling is this is the meridian okay I will read should I just rewrite it I'll rewrite it because this is very important for you to understand so we have let's say a Meridian okay and there is what is happening it is taking there is some lag okay and there is one entry point entry point of key okay and what is the key made up of key is made up of all the five invisible energies that is okay wind Plus heat Plus humidity Plus okay let's say each of them is 20 percent equally distributed okay this combined thing enters so logically if you are thinking if you think so there should be some place say somebody requires more let's say more wind okay but for everybody this is common every single person in the universe will get the same key but your requirement is different isn't it so say let's say you someone with a uh uh fire Constitution they require more fire someone who has water Constitution will require more coldness so but this is a common thing across the whole universe everyone will get the same key which infuses into the body but if you want to change any of the energies so there should be some point in the Meridian through which you can modify the energy so either you can increase it or decrease it there should be some point isn't it logically thinking there should be some point right yes no yes no not nod like this do like this or do something so that I know that you are no something is going inside your head right there should be some point so there are five energies so there are five points through which you can access and influence the individual energies of this combined energy right so the whole energy G is coming but say you want to access only the wind or only humidity there should be some place for you to access it so these points Five Points which through which you can access the individual energies of the key is let's say Wind Point and Heat point or humidity dryness poorness okay or in terms of if you want to say in terms of element it will be the wood point the Fire Point the Earth point the metal point and the water point okay so through this you will be able to access that individual energy okay so this is let's say so there are so this is clubbed but if I just want to access one so this is a point through which you can access the wind this is the point through which you can access the humidity and this is the point through which you can access the coordinates okay so five separate points are there and these five separate points through which I can access the energy indiv in you know individually is called as five shoe points okay what is five shoe points what is five shoe points five shoe points are the points through which through which the individual Energies of the key can be accessed okay clear so this five shoe points are there in all the meridians okay so this is five shoe points so I'm showing my screen is it coming yes sir okay okay so this is what I have written so it came as one club and now through these five points I have split it across and I am able to access independently so the Five Points through which I am accessing is called as five shoe points but the point through which it is entering is called as what it is called as the horrorary point okay the point through which the energy is entering is called as horary point okay so but this horrorary point is what we will try to understand little bit more detail about that I will come to this you're able to see my screen yes okay let's say we have well that is six pairs that uh 12 meridians okay I will just write these 12 meridians okay so I'll just draw this and say let's say this is um of fire uh fire board this is metal and this is water for this I will keep it separately and talk it talk about it little later the sixth one so now let's say these lines are the lines into which the energy is supposed to enter so now if the energy which is say entering the Earth Meridian so why is it called first of all Earth Meridian it is called because it is called because the Earth element is more predominant okay in the file in the so let's say all of these are say 10 10 percent okay and this is let's say sixty percent the Earth so Earth is predominant in that Meridian the Earth energy is predominant in that Meridian that is why it is called Earth Meridian or okay the organs which is associated with the Earth the stomach and spleen I am not explaining this because I am assuming that you all know which uh no organ is associated with which energy and all those things you all know right it is all taught right so now if because that uh element is predominant so if the energy is entering the Earth Energy so it has to enter through the Earth point okay through Earth point the key will enter in such a way that Earth is predominant and in the metal point in the metal Meridian it will enter through metal point in the wood Meridian it will enter through wood point and in the fire Meridian it will enter through fire point so that meridians energy what is there through that point the energy will enter should it enter in that way or it should enter in some other path also so in Earth say in metal Meridian should it enter through water point or should it enter through the metal point it should enter through metal point right so so the so it is entering through D let's say I am taking the example of spleen Meridian here let's say I am taking the example of screen Meridian the screen is visible okay fine it is visible so and the energy of the spleen is no it is associated with earth and its energy is humidity so it has to enter through humid humidity point but this humidity point is one of those five shoe points okay so that is why I am trying to say this the horary point is one of those five shoe points for the in organs so for as of now you just uh understand that it is you the Quarry point is through which the energy enters the meridian as well as it is a point through which I can access the energy the humidity the key which is more predominant in humidity enters through the humidity point and also it is the point through which I am able to access it for individual Meridian like each of the meridian which is associated in different five elements that particular for let's say for lungs Meridian it will be dryness which will be dryness point will be the uh hurry point so in simple words horary point is the point through which the energy enters the meridian and in in organs that point which enters is the element point of the meridian okay and just write it here so Pottery point it is the point through which through which I mean enters the Meridian okay in meridians this point is the element point of the Meridian so this is specific to in meridians okay but general definition is this what is a horary point already point is a point through which the key enters and what is the five shoe point five shoe point is what five shoe pointers it is the points through which individual Energies of five elements can be accessed okay this much is clear clear to everyone simple so so simple energy enters through horrorary point and it can be accessed through these five individual points okay here the energy which is entering is common to everyone common to everyone in the universe but your requirement is not same as the other person right it is different it is unique your requirement of energy is unique compared to other people in the world so it has to be customized right okay say there is let's say there is a ton of cloth okay you know this right so the like there is a the cloth comes in big tan big big girl no big bundles the cloth which is come which comes in the big bundle but that cloth of the tan has to be teached according to your size right it has to be customized So Tan cloth is what common but it has to be cut and stitched two your individual dimensions so this is customization so right you are which came in as a common thing now it has to be customized to your specific size right this process how does it happen in the key we will try to understand this okay what makes what gives the individuality in human body foreign say there is white rice okay white rice now there are different people who eat that white rice okay say someone who has a fair complexion eats that white rice someone who has medium complexion also eats that someone who has dark complexion also eats that same white rice now after eating the white rice should the dark complexion become fairer say you ate somebody who is dark of dark complexion ate the white rice the skin should become White logically yes no you are putting something which is more white right logically it should become row is it not say to a dark paint you add some white color so it will become you know fairer right the paint so you are adding something white into your body but it doesn't become white why why it doesn't become White type why it doesn't become White no okay it doesn't become white but I am asking why huh let's say somebody eats dark chocolate okay so now the fair person should become dark for one day until the food gets digested the dark chocolate that the person ate no the fair complexion should become dark or the dark complexion should become more dark it doesn't happen why because whatever you eat okay whatever you eat okay whatever you eat so before it gets converted into the body before it gets converted into the body there is a process through which it goes through and that process is custom tuned for yourself it is it goes through customization foreign whatever you eat it will be customized for your body requirements either you eat white rice you eat red rice you eat whatever kind of rice if your you're not able to see what I am writing it's clearly visible sir clearly visible it's uh okay see whatever it goes through a goes through a customization just like that customization of tan tan is same but when you cut it and Stitch it to your individual Dimension it becomes yours so this process which does the customization what what does that customization in the body what does it does the customization type your answers so it gets converted but what does that conversion there is some specific answer that I am looking for at least those who know everybody has metabolism no no it is you so unique that it is not there in anybody else okay jeans okay what is the genes in terms of TCM so in terms of TCM we can say that it has what can we say yes it is coming out it is called as kidney essence okay this kidney Essence is what gives makes it very unique whatever comes it no make sure that it fits according to your requirement okay see I am not able to make out if my screens are visible okay uh like what is what are you seeing on the screen is it my whiteboard or like are you seeing something or it you're not seeing anything are you seeing whiteboard yes sir right okay strange for me it is not visible okay I will uh you know disconnect my phone and I will reconnect okay so please make it co-host once again but once again okay others who are unable to view please try to be join thank you recording in progress okay okay good so I was trying to make a point that kidney essence is your customization and there is a coding for every cell in the body okay there are trillions of cell and there is a coding for every cell that this is how it should be okay this is how it should function all the guidelines okay customization is guidelines so all these guidelines are stored in kidney Essence this is as per TCM okay now all right so let's say there is a common thing which is coming which is General no General key see and this customization is coming from kidney essence so this is customization okay now both General and custom comes and the energy which is coming out after both of this kind of merge it is customized energy okay so the food that you eat okay it is coming say you eat potatoes and that potato is common for everyone but as soon as it goes inside it gets it becomes blood and that blood is very unique okay your blood is unique to yourself irrespective of the groups and all the way the composition of the blood is unique even though you ate a common food the content is very unique everybody's blood is different okay so the blood which is Flowing inside the body is customized energy okay this is what I have written customized energy which is working inside the body okay now the organs require energy right the organs require energy which energy should they take should they take the general key or should they take customized key so there is let's say your liver is there and the lever requires energy to function so should it take the general key or which has been customized to you should we take which one huh it should take customized energy right because that is specifically done for you the energy has been remolded for your specific requirements okay so let's say I will just write it is liver is there okay and the Meridian is flowing okay and the energy entered here through say hurry point the key entered okay now there is kidney Essence here okay so this kidney essence sends it customization customized energy okay uh no I will explain this little bit more mold to which this General key becomes part okay and and this part is called okay two hey what is this Parker Webster don't draw okay so I was writing that the kidney Essence sends that customized energy to organ Source Point and from there the energy is going to liver and this energy is customized and this energy is this energy is at the horrorary point it is generic and the customizing energy which is coming from kidney Essence this is the mold through which it customizes okay so simple isn't it so generic comes generic comes it is influence through a mold and then the output is customized okay so far so clear I don't I see some confused expressions in some phases confused okay you will understand this okay there is some confusion I I will re so the point at which the customization happens is called as organ Source Point all of this I had to do so I will explain okay I'll re-explain it okay um so far like if you are getting confused ignore the kidney Essence okay just uh no ignore the kidney Essence just understand the what I am trying to explain here say you all would have seen this no um The Snack Maker the Indian Snack Maker most of you would have seen it right so you put a dough and you press it you will get the different types designs of the dough right you get it right you know all of you have seen hmm which do something yes you all know have seen it right so now it has different types of dice okay Small Small die one is star one is you know Circle one is triangle all different types of so depending on the die see irrespective of whatever dough you put the die will decide what is the shape and size of the output will be this is the output right so if you have put a star die you either put a ragi floor rice flour wheat flour whichever dough you put at the end of it it will become like this shape and size and come isn't it right so this is the kidney essence it is like a mold so once and it is very unique for you okay so whatever food you put whatever medicine you put at the end of it it no it will mold it into what is required for you right so this um so organ Source Point is the place through which the organ receives the energy it is a master point for that organ okay and that is the place where the key gets modified as per your genetic mapping you can also call this as genetic mapping the kidney Essence can be called as genetic mapping so that is why irrespective of you eat brown color food red color food green color food your skin tone is the same okay so so the food gets molded into your existing genetic mapping so through already point the energy entered and at the organ Source Point the energy got modified as per your genetic genetic mapping okay this part is clear up to this part is clear and now the organ takes let's say uh say 10 units of energy came through horrorary point okay now let's say this is let's say some organ is there and it is taking the energy so the organ took eight units of energy okay out of this ten eight units came to the organ let's say let us it is hard okay and what happened the other two two units remains extra okay so now what will happen to these two units so what will happen to the two units so there is a reserve with in the human body so the extra energy which is there in the Meridian is sent to the Reserve wire okay so two units of energy is extra so the two units of energy is sent to the reservoir and from which point does it send to the reservoir it is sent through a point called as Z cleft point okay so the point through which the energy enters is horary point and the point at which the energy gets customized and is called organ Source Point and organ Source Point is the master point of the meridian through which the organ Taps and takes the energy okay and whatever is remaining is sent to Reservoir through Z cleft point so three points so far clear Rory organ source and Z cleft yeah organ Source Point is also called as uon organ Source Point so these three points are clear tell yes no do something okay fine how many of you did not understand click on raise hand button how many of you did not understand yes this is currently what we are discussing is like superficial key or Heavenly key which is coming from the cosmos so only one person did not understand rest all understood Vijay what did you not and what you did not understand say it is as simple as this so there is no what what is foreign okay now it got stitched tailored okay so this tan is General and the tailored one is specific specific or customized for you okay now you wear it you wear the cloth and the extra cloth you put it in cupboard extra cloth you put it in cupboard simple so this tan is your general key and tailoring part okay which is converted into your measurement is happening at organ source organ Source Point so this is General key is entering at let's say hurry point okay and then after wearing whatever is extra you are putting in cupboard no this putting into cupboard is happening at what it is happening at Z cleft point okay so these three should be fairly simple enough to understand okay okay somebody is asking if excess key is going into reservoir then what is the question of in Yang xse when I say key key is made up of what key is made of made up of what he is made up of inland said let's say this is in and this is Young and the whole part the whole circle you call it as key key is equal to in Plus yeah okay so like this has more details to it which we will discuss in no future classes so for time being you understand this much okay or every Point place where it enters organ Source Point where it gets customized and this is the master point Master point of the meridian and this is where the organ takes the energy from and whatever extra energy is there it is put it into Reservoir through Z clef point where is that Reservoir what is that Reserve wire all that we will learn later okay so far so good okay now we will go to okay so this is a I will skip this point uh for those who did not understand you can skip this point but for those who understood it is basically as you there are uh in meridians and young meridians so for in meridians this up this rule applies okay what is a horary point for water Meridian that is the kidney Meridian uh kidney or urinary bladder okay it is the water point of the five shoe points that we discussed okay so similarly the fire point of the heart or small intestine meridian is called as the horary point for it so similarly the metal point of the five shoe points for lungs and large intestine is a horrible point the Earth point is the hurry point for the spleen and stomach and wood point is the horrorary point for liver and gallbladder so if you have not understood it just ignore this slide okay don't worry about it you understand the way that I explained foreign so next we will come to yeah meridian's own Point okay so next we will come to Liu connecting Leo Connecting Point okay see all the meridians are interconnected okay all the meridians are enter connected so now let's say so we discussed that there are the meridians are in pairs okay so the key is uh having in and young so similarly there is a pair of let's say this is Earth and this is fire for Earth there is spleen and stomach for fire we have heart and small intestine okay so now the energy is Flowing inside this also it is so the energy is Flowing inside this also the energy is Flowing inside this also okay the energy is Flowing inside this also and the energy is flowing in this also right there are four sets of energy flowing in the individual Meridian now if like these tools spleen and stomach belong to the same category of the Earth okay they are closely connected okay and this meridians are also called like husband and wife husband and wife okay so spleen is husband that is in and stomach is wife that is Young okay now if there is any energy shortage or excess okay so if the husband uh you know if the wife requires money what she will uh whom will the first person that she would ask is husband okay so there has to be and if the uh husband requires money and if wife has extra money he will ask the wife so there is a first level of exchange of energy between say if there is uh no energy exchange which is supposed to happen between the husband and wife meridian so there is a point called as you connecting Leo connecting point so even this is a lower Connecting Point of point of let's say this is clean and lower Connecting Point of stomach so the tapping Point through which these spleen can take the energy from stomach or the stomach can take the energy from spleen okay so the point through which the paired meridians so we call this as what spleen and stomach is what paired meridians right so the point through which the paired meridians exchange energy the points through which paired meridians Exchange energy is called as Leo connecting point so understood this is clear so similarly say heart will have one Leo Connecting Point and small intestine will have another Leo Connecting Point and they will exchange energy through that okay so through a Connecting Point spleen and stomach will exchange energy and let's say hard and small intestine energy will exchange energy but what is not this the energy cannot be exchanged through this sentence this pair will do the energy exchange this pair will do the energy exchange but the energy cannot be exchanged between these two pairs using low Connecting Point so it is not possible right so the energy exchange between the look The luo Connecting Point is the point through which the energy gets exchanged through within paired meridians only okay here so far so so far clear hmm when I see the faces no I don't feel that you guys are understanding some confusion some people would have understood uh-huh okay so no confusion clear clear see out of like we have close to how many people or like 170 70 order no 179 sir yeah yeah 179 so at least 17 people should respond ignore this husband wife if you don't understand or know if there is any confusion just ignore it okay now let's proceed now we will try to understand how say through Leo Connecting Point it cannot connect say between the two different pairs so how will it connect so there should be some other mechanism right say if there is extra energy in let's say spleen so spleen has let's say excess energy okay extra energy and it wants to share it with some other organ so what is the mechanism through which the exchange happens is what we will try to understand now [Music] so this Leo Connecting Point all of them will have all the meridians all the each pair will have its own set of Leo Connecting Point so every Meridian will have its own Leo Connecting Point okay so if there are 12 meridians 12 meridians will have its own Leo Connecting Point so now we will go to the mechanism of the exchange of energy between different pair of meridians okay so now if you see this here I am trying to represent say each Meridian will have its five shoe points okay where the five elements are can be tapped can be accessed so let's say this is the heart Meridian which is representing the fire and it has its own five set of points that is Earth metal wood water and fire okay Earth metal wood water and fire so this Earth metal wood water and fire is there in all the different set of meridians now this hard meridian so similarly spleen Meridian is there which is representing Earth and lungs Meridian is there which is representing the metal and kidney Meridian is there which is representing water and the liver Meridian is there which is representing the wood element okay and this is the Creative Cycle like from wood the energy goes to uh the uh fire and from fire it goes to the Earth and from Earth it goes to the metal and from metal it goes to the water and from water it once again comes back to the wood so this Creative Cycle and control cycle we will learn later okay at some point of time I am only trying to explain how the energy exchange happens okay so we will learn this creative control cycle in detail later now say there is uh let's say extra energy here so there is more energy in this part okay now this heart Meridian has to say some other Meridian has to take that energy let's say uh say Earth Meridian has to take say Earth Meridian is less so now it is you know deficient so it has to take the energy from the heart Meridian because it is excess okay how will the connection happen so between let's say between heart and small intestine heart and small intestine it happened through which point it happened through tap in through your Connecting Point so it connected through Leo Connecting Point but outside so now it is supposed to give to spleen so who will give to the spleen it will be who is Mo which this Meridian is predominant with which energy it is with the fire so if it has to go out it has to go to the through the fire and it has to connect to the uh sorry hold on so this so now this fire has to connect to Earth how will the connection happen is what we will uh see the connection is for the Earth so which is the point the Earth point so the Earth point will connect to which point it is supposed to connect to the it is supposed to connect to the fire okay so the Earth point of the fire will connect to the fire point of the but okay let's say the spleen is having extra energy and it is supposed to send to let's say wood okay wood is having less energy so from Earth to Wood it is supposed to spin so how will the connection happen so the wood point of the spleen will connect to the what point of the wood it will connect to the Earth point of the wood point of the earth will connect to the Earth point of the wood okay let's say similarly if there is ah no extra uh energy in spleen and it wants to send to lungs okay how will the connection happen the metal point of Earth will connect to the connect to the Earth point of the metal the metal point of the metal point of the earth will connect to the Earth point of the metal this is slightly complicated slightly not too much if you are not getting the you know Crux of it just ignore for time being okay but for those who are understanding I'm explaining this point say now if the energy is supposed to go uh say from Earth to uh say kidney how will it happen so the energy will go from water point of spleen that is Earth to the Earth point of the water okay so the connection will happen like this so this is called as mother and son connection okay we can discuss this little bit more in detail in some other point so if you are finding it little confusing just ignore it so this is what I have written so the exchange of energy is through wood point of fire Meridian connects to the fire point of the wood Meridian and the fire point of Earth Meridian connects to the Earth point of the fire meridian so this is how the connection will happen so this is called as see here we will not look into the sequence like everything should be connected to everything right Nema is asking shouldn't the sequence be water would water would fire rather than wood water fire would now in the figure I have given it in the you know Creative Cycle Way okay so this is called as the this is how the exchange between different pairs of energy different pairs of meridians happen different pairs which belong to different elements will happen okay So within the same pair it is simple through low Connecting Point it will happen but if it has to exchange with other pairs then so it will happen through the mother and son points okay to summarize so these are the points which exist in all the 12 meridians what are those that is T Point through which the energy enters the meridian the point through which the point so horrorary point is the point through which the energy enters the Meridian it is there in all the 12 meridians and the organ Source Point what is the organ Source point the point where the key gets modified or customized okay and for in in meridians it is the earth point of that meridian so if okay I will not go into this okay just understand key organ Source Point is a point where the key gets modified and the Z clef point is the point at which the excess energy gets stored into the reservoir okay and the fourth point it is okay the communication between the same pair of meridians okay the same pair that is of the same element the communication of energy exchange of energy happens through the Leo Connecting Point and the exchange of energy uh between other elements happens through the Mother Sun points okay and the five the the Five Points through which the five individual energies of the key can be accessed is called as five shoe points okay clear some three four people have told yes okay so this was about the meridians okay which are common for all the points which are common for all the meridians and apart from this there are other Points each point will do something else you know it has its own function and it is a detailed discussion which we will have sometime in the future but this is the common points which is there in all the meridians so any questions on this any questions so anybody who has questions raise the hand yes Asha Praveen okay hold on okay representation you have to keep your surrounding silent sir actually when you told the son and mother point uh so mother point is the point before I mean like when we take this fire point and next Arc point so Fire Point is the mother point and Earth point is the sun point right sir see the sun point is the point which connects to the sun element is the point which connects to the mother element okay according to that element point is called the mother point and the mother point will give the energy to the sun point of that element sun is that the concept in this okay what I will do I will explain this concept more when I take a b uh no Creative Cycle okay okay I will explain okay but let me understand now mother Point means the element like in the art heart mother point is no no the problem is if I explain you others will get confused okay okay I'll wait thank you okay uh who else Nadi Nadira is that in um in organic classes cycle how the bad organs through which points they are communicating repeat the question in organic organ Cycles um no I will see organ clock uses this method okay you can it is not um the organ clock is the process through which the energy gets uh no shared between those 12 pairs or the 24 uh no the 12 meridians so um so imagine that there is a mother the mother is there and there are 12 children sitting around the mother now she has to feed the 12 children so what she will do she will mix the rice in the bowl and no she will take one muscle of that handful and she will first feed one child and then she will go feed the second child third child fourth child fifth child so similarly up to 12 child and then she will come back to the first child okay so the feeding happens so the organ clock is the process of how the cosmos which is the mother the nature which is the mother how she feeds us the body meridians so when we discuss the organ clock I will discuss it more now I will not discuss it because it is off the topic thank you anybody else has any question on this yes sir can you just make it clear mm-hmm yeah ask I mean you had told heart is uh I mean it's where it went right in the lower Connecting Point you had told his plane as uh in and stomach is Young sorry vice versa see okay what is a in organ what is the definition of a in organ which stays inside Works continuously see there are I have come across two different versions of the same thing okay um in organ is which functions continuously say there is lungs and large intestine okay lungs functions continuously 24 hours but large intestine has its function is main mainly wild defecation right even though even in the other point it will be collecting the food so when okay let us put it in this only when you put the food the large intestine has to work when you don't put the food large intestine is not working so large intestine is working in intervals as and when needed what is continuously functioning is Yin what is working as and when required is Young this is the definition and when they say husband and wife so this definition of Inland Yang is uh fixed throughout all the books is was this the question that you had or you had the husband wife was the question who or was it which I you you muted yourself huh so yeah it was husband and wife sir husband and see in some places what I have heard is husband works more compared to wife so they have compared it to in organs husband is in and young is wife okay in this concept but in some places um I'm once again I'm hesitant to get into these runs because I don't want to confuse people uh nurturing when you take in terms of nurturing who is more nurturing mother mother is more nursery and who is nurturing between and Young is nurturing is nurturing so indeed in when you see it in this concept some places it is written the uh no uh nurturing part the yin is wife okay so like there are two different versions of it so but as of now you don't uh you can ignore the husband and wife if it is confusing just understand it as in and young in this which is continuously working and the young is working as and when required make sense yeah yes sir husband is working continuously wife is working when say uh when the husband goes to see now we can't whenever this was created it was in some different time you know many hundred thousands of years back we cannot compare the same thing now all right so no your argument may be you know wife also works continuously yeah earlier she used to be in the home she used to get rest you know in between but now it doesn't happen so now that husband wife correlation makes no sense so you understand it as continuous is yin and uh no whichever happens at hospitals one more thing I'll ask you later just I'll just see if I'm gonna ask you again I have one more thing yeah anybody else anybody else has any other question okay interesting that everybody understood I'll mute you I saw uh this generalized Chi is kidney Essence itself no no no generalized Keys what we are coming getting through say you can understand it as tan is the general key and the tailor is the kidney essence okay and organ source is also okay kidney Essence is uh in okay sir kidney Essence is the tailor so he always teaches It Whatever tan you give he teaches it to your size yes okay so because you are unique in the entire existence and you had given one more example of that yeah how you make man that that uh all the different different uh shape which you had shown that is kidney Essence yeah kidney Essence is no it is the Maori yeah I'm old whatever you put once it goes through kidney Essence like it it customizes for you say if uh no if a banana if you give banana okay so monkey eats the banana the banana becomes oh eats the banana the banana becomes cow a male eats the banana the banana becomes the male body okay a female eats the banana the banana becomes a female body the banana is the same but the mold which is there in each of these different animals or different person is different so once you put the Marana in through that mold it molds it as and you know as per the mouth and that is happening through kidney Essence the kidney essence of monkey is different which is you know as per the requirements of the monkey the kidney essence of the cow is as per the cow kidney essence of male is different and the kidney essence of females different everything is you need yes sir one more slide you had just shown kidney Essence uh liver and horary point something rolling down can you just get back to that it was not it was too fast actually which one was it and that you had uh not this one I had written huh no no you had not written it was done which one this thing it's this one foreign okay so let's see if anybody else has any questions so if you have any other question you can type it or you can raise your hand okay yes sir yes you are oh okay um my doubt is regarding the Leo Connecting Point um Leo Connecting Point when we use does that point balance the the other element which is a sufficient energy are it will go again imbalance with the like a slide sisa for example um your stomach and spleen is there now spleen is weak so I am transferring the energy from stomach to spleen in this case uh the spleen gets the sufficient energy and again the spleen gets more energy from the stomach under the stomach goes down by using it or when it comes to balance the energy gets stops um see it is okay I will try to explain it in a different way okay see this is a slightly Advanced uh thing to explain in this is a basic thing but I'll because you have asked this question I'll try to explain see um it is something like this okay so let's say the husband wants some money okay so would he first go to the bank to borrow money or he would first ask the wife he asked wife it is easier you know it is less complicated so he would first ask the wife so I will have to um you can mute I will explain this concept and then I've required you further raise your hand okay foreign see those who have not understood the creative and control cycle don't worry if you do if it is becoming too complicated this when I explain in detail I will you know explain it once again so let's say if the situation is such that the let's say this is hard and small intestine okay so this is fire now the situation like say instead of if the situation is like this say normal is 5 and 5. okay so now it is 10. so if all of the elements are 10 it is balanced situation so all of them are five and five okay now if the situation becomes such that the situation becomes such that this is so this becomes 4 and this becomes 6. okay so now say the in has become 4 and the young has become 6. but still as the energy it is still 10. okay so in this situation what will happen it will try to connect through the Leo Connecting Point so the energy it will try to exchange within itself okay so it will try to come back to the normal it will try to come back to the normal and become 5 and 5. okay so now it is right now imagine a situation where now it is become such that the entire circle both stomach and spleen has reduced and now it has become such that it is say three and three so now can it use so now instead of 10 it has become 6 now can it take from one another no it cannot take from one another so what it has to do it has to take from it will first try to take from the mother so this is the mother so if this is the fire this is the wood so what is the mother so it will try to take more from the mother so that it can expand and become 10. so if let's say mother has extra energy so if she has uh let's say 14. okay so Seven and Seven so she has more the mother has more so now what it will do it will give that extra 4 to the fire so the fire will become 10 and the wood will become wood will also become 10 from 14. so it this the wood has reduced the energy to give to the fire so that both of them are compensated say imagine uh the You Are Burning uh wood you are putting it into these some no you are cooking a you are cooking a meal and the fire has become less okay fire has become less so what you do you add the wood to the stove so that the fire becomes more if the stock of the wood itself is less so will you add the wood no so it has to find some other ways so either insert now it has to give to the sun sun right this is Sun that is the Earth so instead of giving full amount to the sun it will less give less to the sun because it itself doesn't have so the the essence of this is first it will try to exchange the energy between within itself or second it will try to take more energy from the mother or third it will try to give less energy to the Sun or it will also no there is some controlled and controlling organ so write this fire is controlled by water and the fire controls the metal this is metal and this is water so it will try to find some means to get that extra energy from either this or this when it doesn't it is not able to get that much energy then it will start becoming weaker and weaker and weaker so now what you have to do at this point of time you have to give the treatment source so that the extra energy comes from nature you added from nature into this so that from six it grows to 10. okay first it will try to do internal management first level this is the first level and then it comes to the second level that also if it is not working it goes to the third probably this is uh say fourth and fifth so it is not getting the uh energy what it requires within the entire cycle so at that time the disease starts becoming prominent so at that time of time what you have to do you have to either put that extra energy through Cosmos or through food or medications okay so that it becomes big so clear is this part clear what I was trying to explain this is slightly Advanced uh uh did it make sense okay um anybody else has any question so we still have some 12 minutes left if it is too much just ignore see reverse key access Keys when the key has become more in the organ see if this is say 5 and 5 let's say this is spleen and stomach okay I can write it here so let's say this is the normal range so so this is Pi N5 okay this is normal so now if it becomes like this so now it becomes 4 and 4. so the entire key key is What e is equal to in plus Young okay so now the entire key has reduced so this situation we call it as key deficiency okay the energy has reduced a little bit okay but the balance between the in and the yarn is still the it is maintained four and four okay so this situation we call it as key deficiency okay now let's say it further reduces so now so let's say in yeah so let's say this is in and yeah so the youngest four now how much is this so this is 10 this is 8 and this is 7. but here what has happened the balance between the yin and the young has got Disturbed so here what has become less here the yin has become less in comparison to young so we call this situation as in deficiency okay now let's say it has in some other form it has become like this so the in is 4 and the youngest three so here also what is the situation it is seven so now what do we call this situation as we call this situation as young is less compared to Yin so we call this as Young deficiency okay now we will take another example so I will try to write it here I don't have enough space okay I will write it again so let's say this is the normal foreign now there is a situation where became like this so again is let's say seven and young is still file now what is key here is equal to 5 plus 5 which is equal to 10 here key is equal to 7 plus 5 which is equal to 1. okay so this is a situation of excess Yin so excess in generally it is mentioned in the terms of either say wind cold attack on lungs or you know cold uh you know excess cold in large intestine excess cold in stomach all of this is excess in situation and if the opposite happens let's say it is something like this if n is 5 and Yang is let's say seven so here also key is equal to 5 plus 7 which is equal to 12. so this situation it is excess Young okay here the what are the kind of situations will fall in this stomach heat liver heat heart fire blazing okay these are the kind of excess young situations which fall under this category okay so there are more details to it okay which I will not go in today's class because this is a very basic class so uh I hope this was that made this made sense so okay Maria Antonia you are asking uh what is the cleft point where the energy is stored that is what I told what is that energy what you know what is that Reservoir where it is stored how it stored all of that is a future things which we will discuss in the future place see once again there are hundreds and hundreds of situations if mother is less sun is less both mother and son is less the controller is less the controlled is more no there are hundreds and hundreds of situation this is where you become no you understand all of these different different different permutation and combination that is when you become you get gain Mastery over the subject okay so in this one session I will not be able to cover all the hundreds and hundreds of different you know permutation and combination so uh I hope you all enjoyed today's class was it useful do you all enjoy okay fine so if you enjoyed you can put it in the group so that more people know will be motivated to join the classes okay so with this I thank all of you and give the session back to the host okay extremely thankful to you sir and uh from all of Joshi's Kerala group for such an exciting session we thank you from our bottom of the heart because he explained with so much patience answering the questions again and again about uh and very much interested to clear all the routes of the participants so from the bottom of our heart thank you so much sir and you are helping us develop this art of healing so well uh by understanding every Keen uh information of organ Source Point or every Point um and z-clipse points how to um I think in the future we'll be learning more how to control all of them to make ourselves healthy so from all of us on behalf of all of us a great gratitude to you and thank you so much sir thank you everyone thank you everyone good night sir good night participants [Music]