Thousands were without power across western Washington

Published: Jun 03, 2024 Duration: 00:00:56 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: puget sound energy
when the gusts Spike tree cutters strike I think the house is 75 ft away and it's about a 95 ft tree so there was a probably about that much that would hit the house on such a weather warn day Greg Vandenberg was one of many who suddenly called this emergency tree cutter earlier it was a little more dicey and uh you know had to get the family out of there quick Greg's story is the norm rather than the exception as so many trees are now in full bloom these leaves are brand new they're holding on tight to these branches and they're acting like sails for these trees the result at one time 20,000 people were without power in stes County alone despite such a wild wacky windy time nobody has been hurt in any of this

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