Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Published: Apr 02, 2024 Duration: 00:06:06 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] story [Music] hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story and today is National find a rainbow day National find a rainbow day have you noticed any rainbows lately today maybe well we got a story about a rainbow and it's called there is a rainbow Yeah by Teresa trinder pictures by Grant Snider this story was copyright in 2021 are you ready here we go says here a story has a beginning and an end there is a here there is a there and there is something in between on the other side of the screen there is a school on the other side of a window there is a neighbor on the other side of the street there is help on the other side of the the town there is a voice on the other side of a river there is light on the other side of a mountain there is a path on the other side of sadness there are hugs on the other side of a storm there is a rainbow on the other side of today there is tomorrow the end I should mention that uh this story was written during the early days of covid-19 when there wasn't much hope when we were really scared do you remember those days where we had to stay inside protect ourselves mask up it seems like it was so long ago but it really was only a few years ago the end well that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Music] [Music] now [Music]

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