ladies and gentlemen rail birds of all ages welcome to the 2024 Derby City Classic this is round two action Justin Hall versus Kevin Jackson we're playing one pocket here my name is Summerfield habner here with rail Birds Productions and a huge shout out to bad boys for all of their support of the stream thrilled to be here at the Derby City Classic like I said we're playing one pocket uh break is a big part of one pocket it's going to be alternate break format race to three each player is going to have a designated pocket on the foot of the table looks like Kevin's going to win the flip there it's going to be rack your own Kevin's got to make eight balls in his pocket before Justin makes eight balls in his pocket the pocket will be determined by which direction Kevin breaks towards three foul rule is in effect each foul will cost you a ball can't pocket a ball in your pocket on the break that's about it like I said Lo round two neither player here has a loss yet Kevin is a player out of catches a good so that's a pretty big spread um the pack is very open at this point doesn't sell anything out to Justin but definitely still some off offensive opportunity for him there Justin's got to find a way to get under that seven ball and I mean fortunately he's got a lot of room to work looks like he was trying to either make that seven or pop it out of there got a pretty good roll I mean he hit it good but pretty good roll also with a double [Music] kiss I'm pretty sure Kevin can see that entire 11 ball and if he can I think that's what you want to do something with either play this straight through to the stack uh follow the Q ball and come to the back of the stack or he can try and bank that ball and kind of roll up towards the two [Music] I think I kind of like rolling towards a two as long as I'm really confident I'm going to make full full connection with that two ball to stop mugh I feel like pushing it too open right now favors the stronger player um I said I haven't seen Kevin play but I know J hall is a real threat from most places on the table see yeah just coming back across the table might have been thinking kiss off the seven I like that idea hands up right around the two that's going to be a more difficult queuing position looks like Justin's just going to kick here yeah queuing over that two ball trying to kick the two the 12 out is pretty tricky yeah trying to do something off the nine he's just going to take the the kick here probably trying to go to the side rail and thin side of the seven gets a good hit doesn't get a rail afterwards so he's going to ow one but a good spot to be often times it's really worth taking that foul also did a good job blocking Kevin's path back across table and don't don't know if he can see enough of that 10 to work with it's a tricky position for him so good shot for Justin there Kevin would consider thin and off the one and coming back down table ideally he'd love to be buried under that nine [Music] ball just got to come somewhere in the upper left or use a blocking ball here yeah he's he's stuck back there pretty good he can definitely consider leaving Justin Long here but but it's not really a leave it long situation yeah if he's gotten access to that whole 10 ball that's the one you've got a good line to come down behind the nine right so he tries to play something firm and aggressive getting that 10 ball back down it's a little too much draw catches the nine ball uh it's not going to be terrible for him but going to see some movement here Justin's probably going to use the 11 here try and come up between the 151 doesn't want to sell a return bank but definitely wants to get these balls [Music] moving right so use the seven to duck under the 15 that's a cool idea and you see how well that worked out for him Justin's in trouble here he's got access to the three he can definitely drop draw under that between the 97 but really touchy shot not a lot of room to work with uh he can play the the bank combo if it's there QQ ball's in kind of a funky line I'm not sure if he's going to be able to get out of the way of it so I think he's kind of looking at the kick line there trying to go left end rail first and then kick that seven ball back at his pocket boy if you hit this ball good this is a dangerous shot look at that shot wow incredible shot using that measuring system uh beautiful beautiful shot we between those two balls is tough great ball gives himself pretty long here yeah let's see this again fires this Bank too doesn't even think about it wow beautiful shot for Kevin Jackson highlight reel yeah this definitely a tester for a shot like this you just make a hero shot like that and all of a sudden you got a long easy cut they definitely feel tough and that'll happen but it rattles up for him that's a pretty good position to be in still taking a one- nothing lead I think Justin's just got to give him this ball I think he'll probably I was thinking he'd play off the one but it looks like he's got something else he's the 14 maybe fires a bank of his own and drills it wow I thought that ball was going to hold up wow so very aggressive play there from J hall uh I don't think he was too intimidated by that uh these players are just getting done playing Bank pool so a lot of banks just looking like hangers for these guys right into the pack opens it up beautifully Justin needs six and they're all there probably up for the two ball [Music] here guess he was going for the five but boy cuts it close leaves himself a good angle to come back across table I want to deal with that four ball though it's kind of right in the way of my work it's coming over for the 12 15 12 that's [Music] one well he's tight on that eightball might have got himself hooked there yeah boy he just wants to get out so bad but now is not the time to push it looks like he does have room on the four coming around don't want to get stuck on that one six ball does go nice clean shot there boy you don't have to leave a lot of room for J hall to run out think this might be his out ball [Music] here that's right Justin 's one from the foul earlier on so needing two here he was shooting for nine yeah the one's got a window looks like he's going forward with that does he get there oh yeah all right one to go for Justin Hall to take down this first game Hollywood man after that gorgeous shot from Kevin Justin firing in a bank of his own what a game one Justin to break stream sponsors here for us at railbirds hustl and clothing USA JB custom Q cases Jerry Olivier custom qes Litman lights locked and loaded custom bilard apparel huge shout out to those guys for all their support of the Stream and to you as well at home thanks for tuning in with rail Birds TV you just see I mean the amount of confidence that Justin played that last game unrattled by the hero shot of his opponent pretty matter of fact thing for [Music] him and I mean Kevin displaying the same amount of confidence shooting that bank that kick Bank think was bold and did it beautifully just following under the 11 ball here nice touch gets there protects against the 10 beautiful shot just hitting a little swerve really nice speed there that's a pretty tough shot to judge yeah it's so easy to let that ball swerve a little too much catch the 10 hit a little too hard he's just got such nice touch for this game probably kicking under the 11 here not worried about taking a foul cares a lot more about the placement and it's pretty dang good ball placement is going to take a foul so he'll 01 looks like Justin might be able to see the six I thought he was going to have to do something off the 11 and he's going to nice subtle line here behind the pack again speed is perfect yeah I mean you kind of got a kick again can try and do something with the six leave him long but boy Justin's just hitting the ball so confident leave him long doesn't seem like much of an option here you could thin off the three and leave him long doubled up but I would not want to leave him a straight cut this one's a little easier to get good contact because you can go into the four instead of behind the four and you should be safe from a bank like I said these guys see Banks as hangers right now he's trying to get something in a threatening position there Justin four balls just so close to the pocket 11's so close there's no way he's not [Music] shooting bobbles the ball and that's the thing it happens to everybody especially in this game and that's why that shot is so effective it's dangerous too but good decision for Kevin Jackson making something offensive happening let's see if he can get behind these balls so kind of sticks himself unfortunately he trying to come under those balls boy and the kick is not easy with the one ball right there I think if I'm kicking I'm going the other direction I'm going into the side rail and back at the four yeah you either got to take a foul here or kick that ball in remember he owes one so that one's going to [Applause] spot out for the 10 ball here beautiful kick so one for Justin and that Ball's going to spot for Kevin it's like kicking behind the pack boy just really firing at balls ah I don't think JL is going to like this this is a great chance for Kevin to show how he shoots I mean you're a couple shots away from really opening this rack up nineball in a great position to get back on the 514 just don't want to get stuck down underneath those balls Falls for him probably enough room to draw here and get the 610 yeah that 314 is going to be big coming around for the eight Nice Shot need six if he's got the room to just nudge that 11 ball now okay so he's coming back up table it's a pretty good kiss off the two I think he was trying to make contact with those balls and just didn't quite get there trying to make three ball combo into a two ball combo Big Shot here he's going to have to cross these balls and come back down table CU there some little Windows hits it good gets over there don't get stuck on that 15 he's got room to cut the 14 I [Applause] believe all right well it's not easy but it's there 14 ball probably trying to get on the 123 combo really got to make sure you nail that cut this can turn around on you real quick that combo just got a lot [Music] tougher I do think he a line to cut the seven ball here but it looks like he's going right into the one he's going to have to have a plan it's also got to get under that 1511 I mean you you either need to play a defensive shot here or just go completely offensive cuz yeah missing this ball it's going to be a sellout you got a 5-1 lead I know feels like you got a chance to win this game you got to take it but don't sell a lead like this had room for the combo slips between the 101 Nice Shot gets a ball on his side 5-1 lead nice little Anning for Kevin [Applause] Jackson look like Justin's going to kick that three ball back in his hole oh he had the room to bank it I thought that 10 was in the way yeah I mean hanging that ball up is even more devastating than making it probably got to thin off the seven here make the three or use one of these balls to try to knock it out has the room to kick around good [Music] shot looks like just taking him up table here off the 11 opens the balls up a little more for himself also boy it's so hard to not sell a bank here looking at the 11 ball probably just going to try and drift down by the six here yeah didn't quite get there that's going to hurt but Justin needs six they're kind of all in his pockets quadrant he's got room to work looks like he can even bump off the six here get it off the rail [Music] all right moving the six into probably dis spankable Zone look like leaving himself for the 12 here looks like he might have room to pop and slide for the seven hey you got to make sure you get pretty straight here that side pocket's huge from there a [Music] 716 he might be coming all the way across behind the six ball I thought he'd just take the bank but looks like he's going all the way across perfect shape it's pretty textbook out there for Justin Hall nice out all right this is going to be Kevin's break tournament sponsors here Derby City Classic Diamond billiard products all the tables you see out here all these beautiful lights uh my favorite table to play on in all the world Simona's cloth arth billiard balls outsville acq rack they're the makers of the template rack here at the Derby City Classic ACU stats video productions and master billiard shock big thank you to those guys big thank you to bad boys and huge thank you to railbirds for having me in the booth man I I tell you Kevin has played really well throughout this whole match and just you see these little teeny openings that just turn the game around kind kind of sold that last game out but he's very strong player hopefully he gets a chance to yeah pocket some more balls here big break down two nothing less of a spread this time lot less of a spread it's a couple on his side he gets a ball high nothing low and from what we've seen so far you're going to see something yeah pretty pretty offensive here from Justin moving both those balls getting on the other side of the ball but does sell a bank interest in that 923 in the stack I'm not sure if that's wired towards his pocket doesn't he'd like to get to the other side of that stack but just really isn't room to do so if you can get up high off this 10 ball that's the shot drills the bank no problem looks like he's probably going to try to bank this 13 I kind of like banking the 13 into the stack goes straight to the pocket good shot uh 612 very interesting 923 very interesting that 11 off the three looks close at this point you just got to take a good look at that stack he doesn't want to move [Music] it it's going into the stack that's I thought it was going to work out well unfortunately opens the ball up for Justin doesn't get Justin a lot from here unless he really forces something so playing a safe shot not sure he's got room to knock the seven into the stack and come behind I don't think you can really afford to try to twist that 7 in either try to do something with three back at his hole CU ball to the lower right hand corner pocket so leaving him long leaving him a tester and yeah again nothing really doing offensively for Justin with that looks like he's got room to knock the three towards his hole and drift down table he's taking a look at the pack playing the 14 misses it but gets under the seven man so definitely gets away with a Miss there [Music] this is one where I I think I'm just going to try to get behind the pack I don't feel comfortable forcing anything here and I'd like to protect my seven I got a couple ball lead yeah make him make him shoot his way out of this I think a lot of players would think about the 12 off the six back of your hole looks like you might have to come a little under the 12 to get enough angle off the six yeah I I prefer just standing off the 12 coming back behind the pack [Music] here so looks like he's kicking behind the pack probably going right into that six ball taking a foul but that's a good foul to take would have liked to open things up a little bit more but Justin's going to knock that seven ball out of there hits it good Kevin's got to be really careful of those uh two stripes that look wired up towards Justin Soul he's taking a look at that now they might they might have landed a little low but boy Justin is going to fire from anywhere he's got to look at this three ball I kind of like banking the three back in my hole coming up table if you can hold underneath the five I don't want to sell a shot on the five might be able to do the same thing with the 13 from there keep allall going up all right we'll get in another ball over there Q ball ends up up towards the 14 that's a great spot for it using the 11 gets a ball on his side Kevin just going to move that 11 out of there [Music] nice touch like to be on the bottom side of that six ball but it's a it's a big ball when you get that close Justin can yeah I don't think he can really afford to bank this 14 one ball's in a very makeable position it looks like you're all doubled up but I think this is a way smarter shot how does that 12 off the 15 look well it looks like enough to take a look at this is something that looks like you can kind of stretch that line it looks like it's lined up a little bit low but with enough draw you can force this thing forward he's not makes it look out Q ball no way oh play such a good shot but loses the Q ball so that Ball's not going to count he's also going to ow one never mind he's going to spot two cuz he had one so the ball that he pockets is illegal and he owes one for the foul and that's going to give J hall ball in hand in the kitchen right now I'm thinking where I want to be for the 13 to open up this pack looks like and yeah leaves himself a I think he got to the wrong side of that he might just have to stop the ball and take the back cut on the 15 yeah he definitely wanted to be a little further up on the table to come back into that coming back for the 11 gets there but I mean this is a tester also it's got to fire this ball back come back across table hits it good almost gets through the window that worked out well banking the one ball maybe not so thought he saw something definitely move some balls open some stuff up Justin makes it three it's hard to not get caught up on somebody just so matter of fact with fires balls in on you it just feels like it's slipping away but Kevin's done a great job keeping his wits about him want to do something offensive but man your bank lanes are so jammed [Music] here yeah I like thinning off the 15 nice touch good speed Justin might I just not want to come down table I was thinking he could double him up behind this 9813 but just going to move these balls put him in his Corner appears maybe players taking a quick break here hold up sugar hold up wow how's that for speed control holy cow I think he might not have wanted to land that in the pocket but if that's what he was going for pretty incredible Justin trying to move both balls but doesn't get enough of the two Kevin's going to shoot that wishes he had a little more access to the bottom of the Q ball yeah boy if you can slide draw right into that 10 you're looking good so the pocket opens things up a little bit looks pretty comfortable jacked up unfortunately yeah drilled that one for Justin yeah that's it's easy to do it usually happens the opposite where you're trying to fire a bank and you just fire it dead in your hole but sometimes it can go that way too well Justin needs four start with four got room to come around gets all the way under nice shot it's a little straight and he's on the rail here it's going to lay up to look at the bank here on the six if you got the room no he's playing safe he's got a six nothing lead yeah Jam him up there put him on the rail looks like he can two rail that three ball a little bit wide come between the 7 six back at his pocket if he'd like to seems like he can kind of follow it down table Q ball up towards at 14 can also play out the the six or the eight try to come to that right head Rail and then back up towards the upper rail here Okie do yeah got a bank on the one you've got a cut on the seven and that's kind of hard to resist he's getting the one to his side QQ ball down there and he really knows that Kevin's on his heels he's just patiently waiting really doing everything he can to not let Kevin run balls that worked out pretty well 1510 kind of pointed towards his hole as well yeah Justin's just taking him up table from [Music] here yeah you can just kind of feel that need to to force something to happen creeping in and I wouldn't say Justin is a traditionally patient person in this game but uh it's when you're in this position that's kind of what you do is sit back and allow your opponent to make a mistake little more aggressive there he's got a cut on the one he's got a cut on the three if he wants it that's yeah that three is a big back [Music] cut looks like he nudged the 10 ball there acknowledging that to Justin guess this is kind of what I mean is it's a pretty aggressive shot if you miss it's going to cost you the game and Kevin obviously great shooter but when you're up 6 nothing you kind of force your opponent to take a shot like this and unfortunately it's just it's such a harder ball than you imagine it to be in that position J hall considering the back cut of the bank that one ball so makeable and a lot safer shot HS it a little long boy almost gets under that nine [Music] ball like Kevin looking at banking the three and trying to leave him inside the seven huh bold shot great Q ball nice shooting just like he's just moving the 96 Justin says try it again that's a lot tougher position to try and bank this three ball in for Kevin can kind of do the same thing but you're going to have to play the three into those balls and follow it that way lot less predictable shot but if you get a good straight straight QQ ball line you can still get behind him it's really hard to not sell a bank even if you hit this ball really well so he's just crossing it and getting to that side hits it great makes the bank Kevin Jackson with a very aggressive shot there and converting beautiful play and unfortunately that gets you one and now you're jacked up over a couple balls looking at two hanging in front of his hole when those are the last two he needs thinking about jacking up thinking about maybe playing off the eight two rails behind the 17 it's a whole lot of table to deal with though maybe considering kicking behind the one and moving those two [Music] spanking the one into the seven moving them both out of there does it really sell a return Bank Nice Shot just dragging off the one down to the side or end rail kind of a free Bank on the eight if you want to push your Q ball forward uh 15 ball Banks also just got to be cautious of that 1 8 10 yeah so trying to use that eight he was a little inside of the line and that leaves a pretty free return bank here for [Music] Hollywood looks like he's not holding for the one ball he did hold for the one makes the bank wow that's how quick it happens this is Justin's out ball did he get it there didn't get it there again that's you just until you're playing these games in that situation you don't realize that I mean yes you sometimes you take that ball for granted but it's it's a tough shot avoiding the double kiss just with the bank again trying to cinch around the seven ball this is he makes it look easy but that's a harder harder Bank than it looks like misses does sell a free Bank on the one here it's a great line on that one ball not able to make it gets him all the way down table makes this return Bank quite a bit tougher for Justin yeah that's one where you really want to leave it close to your hole there that might be it ladies and gentlemen Hollywood Justin Hall taking down Kevin Jackson That's Kevin's first loss he's got a buyback here thanks for tuning in with rail Birds TV my name is Summerfield habner uh hit that like button hit the Subscribe button if you get a chance we got a ton more Derby City Classic action coming your [Music] way