Kroger Merger is instantiation of corporate greed. Lizz Winstead and Keith Ellison visit PDR.

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 02:53:58 Category: Entertainment

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support for this show politics andri comes from politics onri Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto [Music] Willies welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media behold in to corporations we only owe a Ali to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG B RC to politics my name isto Willies good morning Houston good morning Harris County good morning to the great state of Texas and of course good morning to Northeast Texas Southeast Texas Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana and every nook and cranny reing our signals every single weekday folks first of all as well you know what we say welcome to the entire world why who receive our signals through the magic of the internet also known as orphanet created by we the people not that billionaire or that other billionaire or that other billionaire don't be fool folks you know in this next election uh we have a fight and let me well I tell you what I'm going to do that I'm going to talk about this after we do the studio and the magic from Geniuses back there so without further Ado let's go to our henos the Geniuses in the studio good morning Howard good morning Jack those heinous Geniuses they're at it again the ten cans and Stringer holding up to permit our 100,000 watt transmitter blazing across Southeast Texas and Southeast Louisiana you're listening to kpft Houston how was that for you know big voice big voice and to think to think that you are the guy who just likes the music side of the business you know what I mean yeah you know I want so good you're so good at it man all all I ever wanted to be in my life was a disc jockey that's it play records on the radio for all of my life and what have I not done play records on the radio for all of my life you know the times that I've had jobs and radio stations where I could play songs and I really enjoyed it you know it was just one of those things like okay well here's another great song we can play but but yet there always seems to be a block in the way I don't know what it is I was thinking Berto yes I was thinking that you know we're getting a lot of news and information saying oh inflation is down well yeah okay for who when I go to the when I go to the store to buy some food I'm looking at the prices going the inflation's not down these prices haven't gone down I look at my paycheck my paycheck is not inflated that's not gone up so can you please explain to me and and I don't want to put you on the spot before we get to Jack but we'll get to it explain to me inflation is down for who that's what i' like to yeah let let me explain that because this is important for people to understand right uh price Rises rarely go down let me give an example let's say uh let's say inflation is to make it easy I'm going to say a high number 10% per year per year number one inflation is 10% bacon used to cost let's say $1 a pound right uh in 2021 inflation was let's say 10% that bacon is no longer a do10 it is no longer a dollar it is now a dollar1 because inflation was 10% in that year now in if inflation in 2022 then goes to is at let's say 5% that new price of bacon will be 5% of 110 more so would now let's call it about aund .15 so in those two years the first year was 10% inflation the second year was 5% inflation inflation fell between 2021 and 2022 but your prices haven't fallen inflation has stopped the the rise in prices has stopped so therefore that price of a15 for bacon that's at 200 that in 2012 remains at a115 but it's not going any higher so at that point inflation is zero so it even though the price remains at $15 cents it'll never ever hardly except if it's something like oil that trades in a commodity Etc or there's a a spot Market drop in the bacon Etc that'll change so on the in aggregate what corporations always benefit from is inflation that even though the the the prices are going to stop right they stay where they are at if they change if they back up let's say now let's say in year 2024 bacon drops to do10 there's another thing called deflation and that is what scares economists to Kingdom come because then def deflation mean prices are falling and what normally happens in an economy is your wages even though it hasn't happened okay I'm telling you how real capitalist SC should work they never really work that way because it has always been a fraud uh what happens then is if you go ahead now and drop the price of bacon from a15 back to a dollar let's say back to a dollar in 2024 right that is now called deflation and it's the thing that economists and capitalists hate the most why because technically speaking what happens is as inflation goes up you know no you always talk about wages keeping up with inflation or wages growing faster than inflation and what has happened over the last two years is Wages have been growing at a faster clip than inflation so as prices go up your wages are supposed to come up and meet this increase in prices it has not happened over the last 40 or 50 years in the AG get in select years it has happened but if you take a look at the curve that says how much earnings we have what what compared to what we make it's a different story what what it is brother Reynolds is our economic system is a fraud for the billionaire and we just keep hearing these magical things over and over again the prices are not going to on most things are not going to fall inflation being zero just mean they're going to stop Rising that's all it means when you get to inflation of zero it means the prices will rise no more or when you get an inflation that is 2% as opposed to 10% it simply means inflation is going up at a slower rate so yeah so I mean it is it is not I mean technically speaking it's not complicated it's just not fair you know and it is something that the corporate sector takes advantage of every single time because while inflation goes up what you find in dividends and all of that that goes up but your wages don't necessarily go up so a class of people do well and a class doesn't do well anyway that's the answer oh very very good explanation I I just you know I'm standing there in the grocery store thinking inflation is down but yet prices are not down but that means the prices have stabilized so they're going to stay there for a while now deflation for prices would be good for the consumer and what you're not getting on the actual product the qu The Profit that you're not getting on the actual product you would get more because they'll buy more at a cheaper price and therefore they will get their profits and probably even more profits if the deflation should happen nobody ever said remember when I talk about businessmen and the capitalist guys that these guys aren't uh these guys are not smarter than anybody else they're just able to take your money okay but they're smarter than you know they're not smarter than anybody else yeah we need to get to Jack here because we' got callers calling in so Jack well you're doing your thing turn my mic off and I go catch the callers here all right good morning eberto good morning Jack how you doing my brother I'm going to follow that up with some talk about sex here okay you know uh men uh when it comes to women's Reproductive Rights I think men should be much more supportive of the women this is an issue where the man needs to stand behind the woman and the men need to take responsibility for their part of the sex act I.E contraception if sex is for pleasure don't go for the Home Run keep it on the playing field I like that I like that Jack responsibility personal responsibility and all the good stuff you're absolutely right sir yeah that's that's what I'm seeing every time we we talk about we talk about uh women's reproductive issues you know the the man needs to be right there with the woman no matter what her opinion is or what her stance is let me tell you Jack it's interesting because where I come from you know we used to have phrases like it's the women who get pregnant and women this and women are if they don't want to do this I mean and I came over like I said I came over here as sexist a few years later I was taught well by the right kind of folk to do things right so here you go anyhow thank you my brother uh let me see uh who's here okay Melissa talk to me how you doing good morning good morning good morning Houston how are you how are you egberto I am doing fine talk to me my friend so my topic today is Terror do you know that every time and anytime somebody sends something from overseas the customer gets charged with the bill do you know custom the customer the person who sends the shipment over gets charged gets taxed with the bill for the Tariff that they're charging overseas oh yeah in other words if if if you if if a if a company sends me something and it's a t and and it's a it's an item that's fall under the Tariff schedule I have to pay the Tariff to receive the product yes yes yes for example if you sin say you're you're you know enjoying yourself overseas and you find a pretty little trinket or a big trinket and you want to bring it over and you want to send it before you you get home right back to America you have to pay the storage fee which I E tariff from the custom and and and and it charges you like $225 a day sir a day oh what kind of product are you talking about me specifically I'm talking about instruments do you know that my instrument my drums cost $225 a day to sit in a storage before I can get here to receive it even if I receive it the person has to and the whoever holds it has to one claim the ticket if they don't claim your receipt they say oh we got to get your custom order they don't take your your your receipt that you have they gotta wa let me let me let me back up a second what what kind of product is this that they're churching you 200 a day instrument a drum I got three Dr oh hey a drum oh a drum a drum I was it was it got it I need to I need to say this I have three drums sitting somewhere in somebody's storage but because of a tariff they're charging three $225 a day do you know my instrument of 4K to get out as an individual that's crazy okay I am not a business I am a no no let me let me just I don't I I let's talk about that Offline that is crazy because what happens is if you ship through USPS right un United States Postal Service the only thing that you're no this not USPS this is a foreign entity that's holding my package hostage okay great let me let me back up then that let me that we talk about this sort of stuff all of the times you are dealing now with the private sector okay when you're dealing with the private sector they that's why they do as they please there are two parts to it when you're dealing with the private sector one is a tariff that you have to pay for whatever you bring in and that is very generally speaking for most products that's very inexpensive what I'm saying it is inexpensive now for the private company that you ship through right like if it's a FedEx or a UPS or a DHL they can do whatever they want to do okay beyond the Tariff because it's a private company now if it is sent through US mail the only thing that you're responsible for is the shipping charges and the Tariff nothing more nothing less the private companies are the extorter because they can do as they please and that is the law I'm putting today this morning you know how uh I don't well we representing kpft but I'm so I'm not gonna say that other radio station but there's this thing called Donkey of the date so I'm putting Turkish Airlines as Donkey of the Day for charging me 4K to get three drums that ain't even three worth three 4K okay because of terrorist so if y'all want to vote in that other person that is gonna charge overseas terrorist guess what honey Bott them what they call them basement dwellers no let me tell you if the drums are not the customer for that ter don't do it let me just tell you a suggestion malissa let me give you a suggestion okay if the if the drums aren't worth the 4K what I would do if you have contacts where you are and you really want to those drums you buy new drums and you have it shipped but anyway thank you thank you thank you I did have a great day now charging thank you yeah oh wait wait one one more thing when things like this happen the way you get back at companies is just tell your story and put it out there and and share it to as many blogs as you can and until and what happens is these these companies usually see that their name is turned into dirt and since you're telling the truth you can't be sued so you're telling the truth but you're just making people aware thank you very much Melissa you have a wonderful day all right let's go to Jacob come on in Jacob yes blessings in the AM and she says she's goingon to give him Donkey of the Day that's crazy talk to me my brother now give heha a dcky noise on thatw you know what I'm talking about that's crazy but yeah uh yeah for yesterday but does not mean African descendant of slave it's American descendant of slave American I'm sorry I'm you're absolutely right you're absolutely right sir thank you and what they what they feel is which I agree that okay do you believe in reparations absolutely okay they feel that reparations should be only to those of the descendants of those who was enslaved in this country somebody coming from other places they could go there and take it up with their because they they running pretty much and now Jamaicans Jamaicans running Jama the Jamaicans are running it the British is gone they pretty much is running it and Nicaragua Panama you know what I mean it's not like it was like even though here the English is you know they open it up so it's not just the English and the French so one time is the English from England and French you know cuz French has Louisiana Louisiana purchas and the English you know it wasn't the ger Germany and they was doing other things other part of the world but at that time wasn't Germany Irish and things of that nature here in this country when you know before the 1776 and then the immigrants from other nations you know Yugoslavia not Yugoslavia but up up in Europe came to this particular country so yeah there there are talking about that we the people and and you know how you tell herberto you could tell by the last name we're still carrying a last name herberto we still carrying any last names let me just say this jacob um because I think this is important I am not looking for refere as a as a black Panamanian I'm not looking for reparations here in the United States or anywhere for that matter I don't I don't have to have reparations uh is reparations doe me I think reparations is due every single descendant of a slave that really busted their butt for the uh countries that they're in what I'm saying is that the the the Adas movement is divisive when I when I did some interviews right and I uh to you know I interviewed several different sect of uh ad us vot here in Houston Baltimore and other places and the the rhetoric was not a rhetoric of first of all we haven't even gotten to the point where reparation is a thing but one of the things that these folks that lead the reparations group were actively telling you know Caribbean folks or Latin folks or whatever is but this isn't for you it was sort of a standoffish way of saying you're not included all right it was a divisive manner in the way it was done I don't think you're GNA find a whole lot of they were telling the truth right no no no it's not it is not that here's what I'm saying what I'm saying is the following there were a lot of people helping in that regards there lot if I if you follow Marcus Garvey or any of these other folks there's a lot of folks that were involved in in in the in the liberation of slaves that they as well so what I'm saying is what what I'm saying my dear brother it is you you don't even need to go there you shouldn't even be going there because uh slavery was an international thing and if you really want to be technical about it it is something that should be done the the reparations of the trade should be done on an international level because if you take a look at the interests that created it they were International interests your the the Masters in the Masters in America had International interests around the world in other words a sugar Plantation true bro that's not true let me go ahead my brother could you can I finish can I finish please come on come on you know we we talk yeah yeah absolutely uh what happens here if you take a look at the sugar plantations in Kuba okay the sugar plantations in Kuba had a beneficiary of the United States and elsewhere you look at the banana plantations throughout Central America you look at the sugar plantations and the Coca plantations Etc in Jamaica and all these other it was all an international ring okay where it were the spoils most of the spoils came directly to the United States as being the major power so if if some of the I I am not asking for it personally Jacob but I'm saying is if you follow the money if you follow the money let's let's let's be technical here and then I really want to get on the subject that we're supposed to talk about but let me just bring no no but brother no I I want you to see this I want you to see the picture and for the audience to see it as well because it also goes not only for black Americans but for all Americans and all people here's how what I'm talking about assuming that Adas is really for reparations for just black Americans right and not people from around not not not blacks for around the world I said people okay you don't go because you don't want hang up let long as you let me I'm G be quiet let me let me say something though go ahead it's we can't worry about we know what happened around the world Jamaica doing anything Haiti doing anything we worry about us and what we talking about has to do here in this soil we can't take up y calls we going to deal with them for ourself but and we like yesterday you said you can go there you go there no no no I'm not going nowhere because my last name and what happened to my ancestors happened on this land they can handle their business over there in Dominican Republic that's your business this is our okay again now let me let me listen let me tell you Jacob stop for a while and hear me I didn't say just listen to me not just hear me because you're you're you're given the talk of the American Master the capitalist that's how a capitalist would think and let me explain why because all you are seeing is what concern what you think concerns you solely but remember the profit of the master that you are trying to get something from didn't only come from uh from your labor it came from the labor of slaves throughout the whole region America has its foot spring in Jamaica uh through the box side and everything else America had its footprints in the Dominican Republic America had its Footprints in Kuba America had its Footprints everywhere so let's go under your assumption that and again I don't want it for me I'm just saying think about it under your assumption the you want the profits from the spoils The Spoils of what no no no no I want the profits from my ancestors labor we built country I'm talking about no I'm talking about what they did with they money and invested I'm talking about TR I get it I get it but your country was not solely built by you brother your country was built by the blood of all the people around these regions who and that's what I'm saying we have to stop thinking like the capitalist you need to you need to go do some history lesson learn our history you don't know our history more sir sir I no no sir I I I my brother my brother I know American history very very well you know my you know your you don't know our no no sir brother brother please you know one of the things in becoming a US citizen okay is we have to learn the American history in fact what you'll find I'm not talking about you now but what you'll find is that foreigners that come over here and get their citizenship know much more about American history than most Americans I hate to say it but that's really the truth now here's the thing we we go I mean we know about what the Chinese did to build the country we know about what the slaves did to build a country we know about the entire this country was built by a lot of the indentured servitude I mean we know about all this stuff sir and all I'm saying is if you really want that the enemy is not the people the enemy is that person on top and when we start dividing up our the United States government was in the about us it's not 40 ACR of the we fought the wars they didn't do it the Chinese didn't do it we did that we we did all that we did it all right I just want you to understand sir let me let me just say we'll we'll talk and so I since so I can get on the subject we'll talk about this continue we'll continue talking about this but I want to tell you every black paid black people in America paid the ultimate price I'm not going to dis Ute that at all but let's let's give let's give do what's do as well there are a lot of folks that actually made America what America is okay and and a lot of a lot of uses on the other side of the Border as well did it this country was built by a 1876 y'all wasn't here in 1876 Marcus gares was a Pana affrican he was a Jamaican he wasn't it wasn't he wasn't here in 1867 okay I tell you what Jacob let's continue talking another time but I mean because I I think I don't want to talk past each other okay I want because I think that's what we're doing to some extent but let's keep talking all right all right thank you brother thank you brother peace let's go to Harry real quickly and then I'll get to the other one hey harry talk to me good morning Howard good morning Jack and good morning Professor eberto Willis you know um um history very well as far as slavery and all that you you know as you were telling Jacob there you you understand it very well you couldn't have become the US citizen that you became if you didn't study and understand it as well you're a well educated man with the University of Texas you know what you're talking about um I wanted to comment on a few things um Melissa is right if you vote in Donald Trump he's going to put more tariffs on um China and that's going to get past down as consumer and I really feel for what Howard Reynolds was saying UI Berto Willis myself Jack you know we're getting hosed with this um so-called um gr with the grocery store inflation because like Howard was pointing out there even if they lower the prices yet what they lower the prices they'll still make their profit and they keep the prices high they still make their profit it's greed we're getting ho and now I'll go on well I was going to talk about with ar arrison she uh and I researched it yesterday KLA Harrison she got in the race has really cut in into Independence in this state of Texas it was 24% when um um uh Joe Biden was still in the race with Independence now it's down to 2% so maybe there's a chance that she can win Texas but I was looking at the Electoral College map here just before um I got on with you uh and right now it's Trump 234 and uh Harris 210 so she's got to win those swing States um to keep Trump out of the White House as we no um and then the other thing I was going to finish off of if I had been in Chicago last week I'd have been because I feel for Rashida to leave I'd have been right there with those protesters protesting because I I like I said I think K Harris is on the wrong side of this with Israel I know they're trying to work out a ceasefire thing but those protesters want an arms embargo to Israel no more arms to them because they they shot over there in Hezbollah the over the weekend and Hezbollah fired back and um that's why I'm voting for Dr West and and third party because as you we talked months ago few months back as you told me ber your your vote is a protest vote Harry and and that's the way I feel about it because I just think all those people need to live in solidarity and and and Dr West is about doing the right thing that's why I have to stick with him all right let me just say one thing uh uh you know voting is a personal choice now when it comes to being in Chicago if I were in Chicago I would be out there protesting as well with the my Palestinian brothers and my Jewish brothers and I mean my Palestinian and Jewish brothers and sisters remember people get the wrong idea this protest is not a Arab protest against Jews or something like that this is a protest against War this is a protest against genocide this is a protest about the UN on the the the mass murder of human beings that's what this protest is about and it's it it is it is is it's around every ethnicity every religion if you went out there to Chicago as I got streams from that's what you would see and ilon Omar Omar visited uh uh Al V visited virtually I mean a lot of folks visited for that and here's the thing why again I can't hold Kamala Or democrats in General on it until we win until progressives wian themselves off of the apacs of the world because APAC uh is a I call APAC a clear and present danger to democracy just as bad as I do Donald Trump and the reason why the yeah the reason why is they are causing politician I mean it's an unpatriotic uh it's an unpatriotic being that has the hold on politicians and when they when they cross them I can talk to you about Balman and Corey Bush two people that should have won their elections that were derailed by APAC and that's because again and it could happen to any Democrat any actually not any Democrat to any politician but anyway anything else real quick so I can get Bowman were about doing the right thing that's why that's why a defeat them because they they were about doing the right thing as far as uh uh being on the right side and doing the thing for the judian people over there you know that's thank you brother oh one other thing I oops uh come on in Greg sorry about that uh we went to Lil figure go ahead Greg oh uh good morning good morning sir yeah I just want to talk just a little bit the not not Harry with the caller before um about reparations and you said something about follow the money so a lot of the wealth in this country is traced back to not just slavery but when you think about reparations we have to think about Jim Crow too um and we have to think about prison slavery and the War on Drugs the war Black and Hispanic people and stuff like that um the wealth has grown by being able to develop your wealth and when your communities are kept impoverished by not giving loans and stuff like that so most people in the community have to rent they can't get a loan to buy a home because of the color of skin and stuff like that they're kept from creating wealth that's been going on since the beginning of time so it is something to think about there I can't remember the community in Ohio there's been a few communities that have already given reparations and Ohio is not even a play state but they're well aware of the discrimination and racism that kept um black people from their Community from developing wealth so it's not such a bad idea and also I I have to really get on you about this one comment and I'm a big fan of yours but I'm probably more Progressive than you are and you said immigrants know US History most immigrants I'm not sure you said most immigrants but he said something about knowing more history than Americans and I to challenge you my wife is an immigrant she passed a test and uh she studied really hard and everything but I would not say she knows more history um Americans especially my students I'm a social stud teacher and I teach history so please be careful um when you get a little defensive and something careful what we say control our thoughts so okay no no let me just say let me just say um I you're a social studies teacher and you know a lot about um uh history and and not only that you're students as well you're probably a darn good social studies teach uh student but let me just say this I went out to uh I went out several times uh you know and um how should I say oh it seems like they can't hear the callers I'm going have to figure out that out uh let me let me go ahead and uh oh I see what they're saying the speakers okay I think they will be able to hear him now all right I think you can hear the callers now that was my fault anyway um here here is the here's what I what what I found and maybe you know different or whatever there are certain Basics that we learn uh that we had to learn as immigrants coming in federalism state rights uh the the separation of the the states and you know again my was 30 years ago or more so we had to learn all those things and what I find in talking to a lot of people is a lot of folks don't understand things like the separation in the governments what states can do what others can do Etc something as simple as why it is that uh uh you know let's look at when somebody says why is it that President Bush or our President Biden can't do X Y and Z not understanding how the system works things things like that is what I'm talking about and I I will gather that you ask just about well most of the immigrants that I'm around at least and they'll be able to tell you all all these things that many people here won't be able to tell you so that's where I'm coming as far as go ahead scientist right you're a scientist right yes you know no I'm an engineer I'm an engineer scientist I think I call scientist a higher level man I'm an engineer yeah because yeah true scientist you use the knowledge of scientist create okay but you know science and with science you're I there's social science too and we have to be careful about antidotal data personal data and stuff it's good to use it as examples and stuff like that but you can't use as I stand corrected I stand corrected you are absolutely right in America you know hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second let me give you your kudas let me give you your cudas that was the best slapback I've gotten in a that you know that's I don't know that's profound the way that is profound remember science and remember what's the difference between empirical data remember what's the difference between I I love that folks that is absolutely abely true you're absolutely right I love your show keep going on and uh and keep getting even more Progressive because hey we got progressiv love people life equality opportunity they don't love hate that's kind of actually more and you know what else you know what else I'm G to take one exception you're there's no way you could be more Progressive than I we gonna fight I don't think you can be more Progressive than thank you brother thank you for the commentary all right all right take care all right folks I am lost now you guys call in I changed the complete show we went from tariffs and storage to uh Americans descendants of Slavery to uh history man you guys just took over my darn show anyway the show title today was supposed to be Kroger merger is the instantiation of corporate greed I also interviewed the the the woman who created The Daily Show with you know uh her name is is Winstead I interviewed her at in in Baltimore at oret Roots Convention as well as the uh attorney G Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison you know the guy who ran the uh the case against George Floyd I have so I have an interview with him and I have an interview with uh with uh Keith win but the interview Keith is too long I see that I'm getting another call so what I'm going to tell you guys is both of these interviews Sol interviews that you're going to want to listen to one on a woman's rights and all that kind of stuff and the other one on where our democracy goes with h Keith Ellison you can always find that at newsletter since there is another call coming in I will go ahead and wait for that and for those of you who are listening online I hope that uh you can actually hear the callers now so let's go ahead and go to brother Donald brother Donald come on in good morning eberto how are you today I am doing fine sir talk to me you always miss the forest for the trees uh okay Melissa Melissa bought from drums she's a percussionist you're you like music so you should ask are they ornamental or they actually used and then start a rapport them with them you know a nice talk uh who controls the orb that says the money is the money and that's the value cuz if you get 3% for the cost of living and it goes 3% 3% 3% 3% right now what we have had is because we gave out all this free money right you know people got supplemented because they were down and out for covid so they're taking 800 a grand or whatever getting supplemented on their food and they're buying all this food so therefore there was shortages because people had more money to spend now all that's done and guess what they still want to keep making the same profit they was making off the free money that people got it's it's just like when we have a drought the cattle man has to slaughter his herds CU he can't feed them because it cost the hay and the water and everything else have you ever seen the price of beef go down no 99 cent briskets had $349 a pound right now you might get a little discount it doesn't matter if there's a push on the market or a pull there's a shortage or a gain it's always going to be the same so you got to find out who controls that orb that sets the value of the dollar and if you devalue a Dollar by paying for like student loans or bailouts and all this other stuff okay if we bail the bank out and in a few years we bail the automotive out and now the bank's setting the price on what the automotive is going to sell for and we still need cars Ford created Ford Motor Company to create assembly line to make the car affordable to the working person to the individual we have gotten so far off track I don't know how we're ever going to get get back but that's all I got to say about it no no no no you got to wait now you got to wait now because you fail now you you uh you said I missed the forest for the trees I don't know if you meant for the drums or for the economy so I'm going to assume for both let's go with the economy though which is the one that interests me the most you have fallen for the fraud that is your economic system let's let's talk about that I believe in supply and demand because supply and demand is real if I have a shortage of something right if I have a shortage of something then I can uh to to to kind of be able to I can sell it at a higher price because if people have money they'll buy it at that higher price which is which sort of happened but it wasn't because you know people say oh you give people money here's the thing about it you fall for the capitalist trap that says the following I will take whatever money the people without pricing power has in their pocket and charge them the commensurate price I can get for them there's this theory in economics called the uh uh not Theory a concept an economic concept that says whatever the market will bear if you know there's a drug call uh well I'm not going to use a sen because people are flocking to us like crazy creating a real shortage but let's look at what happened in reality in reality people got monies in their pockets a lot of people would have otherwise saved that money but when the corporate structure realized that that money was there they brought the prices up commen it with the amount of money they knew people have even though remember what I said even though there were no shortages if and here are my proofs a lot of the pricing that groceries are seeing came through the energy supply chain we never had a energy shortage we never had a oil shortage in fact smack in the middle of the pandemic we had the oil companies raise in prices of gasoline as they were taking barrels of oil off the market that's a statement of fact that amount of monies charged for gasoline and Diesel Etc went straight up the chain to the farmer who was uh farming his land to the fertilizer people who depend on oil for fertilizer all of these things from this mere fact that the oil company decided that they were going to rise the market all those other prices went up not because of shortages but because the pricing power of a necessary resource and they cornered the market statement of fact secondly uh again no shortages you could not go to the store and not find things that you wanted maybe spot shortages of paper towel here and there because people crazily went and got paper towels and toilet paper I don't know why but anyway that's what they did but you could always find products but everything was inflated brother it's a fraud it's not because Biden gave them money it's because they knew Biden gave them money so they could the people with price and power listen to that video that I did on price and power they are the ones who write raise the prices and you know how we know that's a fact because when you take a look at the profits of all these corporations the profits were Rel in concert with the price Rises which means their initial cost wasn't all that much higher Donald we have to stop falling for the crap that capitalists tell us it's a system designed to enrich a few and I can prove it mathematically and the problem that we have is we have been inculcated infiltrated indoctrinated into a system where the evidence of it failure is out there for all to see you are there to see your money go straight up to the top the billionaire never has a problem under no economy whether the economy is bad or good they do well and until we learn that we are constantly being ripped off and we take it out of our minds what's been indoctrinated into our minds we're screwed go ahead my brother before I go to Paul oh I'm just waiting for you to come up for the solution I know you got it cuz you small because you know how to use Aus and a slide rule so that's all I got to say about that oh thank you br I appreciate you brother I appreciate you and yeah I we I wrote a book up for the with the solution it was called not it was called it's called how to make America Utopia take away the take away the the economy from those who rigged it y I did write a book about that but thank you brother yes sir have a good onee you too all right let's go to Paul hello hello Paul good morning good morning everybody um economics 101 artificial scarcity There Is No Lack in the way oh I love you I if I if I saw you now I'd come and give you a big big big hug thank you for saying that well in the um late 70s early 80s um okay Nixon to Reagan they went away from the Adam Smith model of Economics to the canian model the free market Li FR uh we're there's raw capitalism Li fa free market if you bag up doggy dung and people are willing to buy it sell all that you can versus regulated capitalism which uh was torn down beginning with Reagan um GS John gsic or the guy on the Supreme Court named Gorsuch his mom yeah Gorsuch yeah his mom was Reus hatchet man or Hatchet woman and she got in a uh involved in Scandal had to step down but they took all the guard rails off of our regular at agencies and imposed indoctrinated as you said inculcated and you know uh um basically imposed a kesian economic model you know free market and thus went away uh unions Reagan first ordered business to act the unions the unions went away profits went up 300% wages stagnant they took away the right to deduct credit card interest off of your taxes um you cannot put a student loan and the bankruptcy filing they took away your ability to um up well they tax Social Security payments because Republicans hated it from its very Inception and so here we are and so you know we're like frogs in the Bing pot by the time we realize it's too hot it's too late to get out and people need to get out of Facebook and get their face in a book and understand you know how we got here but people other than folks like you and some others don't want to talk about causes and conditions they don't want to connect the dots you know Twisted theology has led us into you know a church State the church becomes the state for example the king of England right now is also the head of the Ang Church head of the Anglican Church in the in the frame of the Constitution made it crystal crystal clear that church and state shall be perfectly separate because democracy is actually a secular political tool for equality it didn't come from uh uh judeo-christian values it came from the Sue and the iroy which they discovered when when the uh Europeans landed here that the Su in iroy had a democratic form of societies and so they refined it it they refined it and tweaked it and so here we have you know the greatest experiment of all Humanity democracy which over the past 40 years has been destroyed thank you Paul I'm running out of time and I have two more calls that I have to uh get but look you're absolutely right and you know I it always warms my soul when I I hear somebody that doesn't buy into the this this crap here you know I like neither Adam Smith or well Keynesian at least the one thing with Keynesian is that it says government should spend to take us out of recess to make sure we don't go into recessions when they're The Last Resort but I I I want a true free enterprise system I don't even regulated capitalism is still a mover of money but we can talk about that another time but thank you so kind Paul for your commentary all right let's go to tag come on in tag tag I only got about a minute yep yep a a quick word for Howard this morning which I think I think he needs to hear uh inflation is based on the Consumer Price Index okay Consumer Price Index is based on what you pay for something so if something if cost of something goes up at the store just don't buy it and if you continue to not buy it the price will come back down and then you're not adding to inflation inflation is based on what we buy so thank you tag brother I went to war to protect America's rights and freedoms so I take it personally when a five time draft dodging coward like Donald Trump tries to take away try to take away my rights and freedoms in return especially when it concerns my daughters my girls gamer girl Abigail and queen of the monkey bars Miley are everything to me but they would never have been born without access to reproductive [Applause] care because after 10 years of struggling with infertility I was only able to have them through the miracle of IVF but now Trump's anti-woman Crusade has put other Americans right to have their own families at risk because if they win Republicans will not stop at Banning abortion they will come for IVF next and they'll prosecute doctors they will shame and spy on women and if you think that's far-fetched just look up what happened in Alabama last year so let me say to every wouldbe parent I see you I'm with you and together in November we'll send a message to Cadet bones [Applause] Spurs stay out of our doctor's offices and we you at it out of the oal office too look my struggle with infertility was more painful than any wound I earned on the Battlefield so how dare a convicted felon like Donald Trump treat women seeking Health Care like they're the ones breaking the law how dare JD van criticize childless women on cable news then then vote against legislation that would have actually helped Americans to start [Applause] Families how dare the GOP endangered the dreams of countless veterans whose combat wounds prevent them from having kids without IVF punishing Our Heroes for their willingness to serve it's simple every American deserves the right to be called Mommy or Daddy without being treated like a criminal [Applause] Kamala Harris believes that so let's make some history and elect her in November God Bless America thank you let's go to uh Ray real quick Ray yeah I just a shot yeah can you hear me yes sir yeah I just wanted to give a shout out to brother Clinton at the convention you know in history all the history shows if you look at a graph that he had the greatest economy uh according to uh history because he had a surplus and he was the only president to do that and while Trump you know talks all that you know lambastic BS you know it's basically Clinton who has the bragging rights but he never uses them and I just want to give him a shout out for his humility and just giving shout outs to all the Democrats throughout history that is so smart of you Ray thank you very much actually he had the highest worth 23 million jobs is what he created the next person to him was Carter with 10 million jobs in one year I mean in one term I mean a lot of people don't know this stuff they just take the propaganda that the Republicans put out there but it's generally lice I gotta go to Brian Ray because um but let's talk at three o'clock if you're on the show at three brother all right cool thank you have a good one all right Brian come on in my brother yeah well I guess I'm totally doctrinated because um you rambled on for like two minutes and you've never answered Donald's question and uh what I got to say is how our economic system is uh brainwashed everybody how it doesn't work I already told you how I told you already why no you didn't you didn't you didn't say I I well let me tell you specifically in one sentence in one sentence if your economic system overtime has transferred all the wealth to the top 10 and 1% then it's a failure that's the answer continue okay now Clinton did not have a surplus somebody needs to check their history and who was going to tack there's a difference between there's a difference between debt and and actually the amount of debt we have and the budget he was the only president in the last 50 years that had a surplus when it comes to the budget that's a statement of fact sir you need to no you somebody needs to check their history Clinton did not have a surplus are somebody gonna check that for me I'm look I've already checked the ti I mean you guys like to change definitions depending on who's president but go ahead sir okay that's the that's the statement of the day Clinton did not not have a surplus it was a proposed Surplus who worked with him to get this supposed Surplus the Republicans the same people no no wrong the Republicans all 100% of the Republicans voted against the Clinton tax increase and they stated that tax increase would blow the economy up it turns out that he after they passed this tax increase and losing Congress that the the the the fiscal responsibility that he brought took the economy through the roof I don't want to hear anything about oh it was done under Republicans no every single Republican voted against the tax increase that brought fiscal sanity then Bush came into office and tanked the economy like Republicans always do which is why 50 million of the 51 million jobs created over the last uh uh since 1989 was by democrats and also if you take a look even further over the last 80s something years 30 uh there's been 30 million jobs created under Republican presidents 80 million jobs under Democratic president so I mean this is not something that's Just Happening Now Republicans simply are terrible for the economy when we talk about GDP the same thing applies the GDP under democratic presidents is much much better than the GDP under Republicans these are state M of fact that can be I that we can talk about but I got to go to the studio now with Howard Reynolds Brian I'm not asking these questions you can look it up it's out there for all to see come on in Howard okay well I want to talk about Brian here for a second it was a projected Surplus it it wasn't an actual real Surplus under Clinton if you would have stayed on Clinton's taxes and Clinton's uh economic plan you would have had a projected Surplus not a real one but what yeah what happened then who came into Power then again oh you know bush bush W right exactly exactly anyway folks Jack real quick he says nothing okay anyway folks love you all all the entire show that we were supposed to be is at politics and newletter politicsand newsletter my name isberto Willies this is politics andri and you guys know how I end this baby I am what out support for this show politics and right comes from Antics onri Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto [Music] Willies welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media behold in to corporations we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b r t o w i l l i e s that isberto Willies let us engage it is politics done right [Music] support for this show politics andri comes from politicsand Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto Willies [Music] welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike Main stream media behold into corporations we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at e g b r welcome to politics right my name is Willies good morning Houston good morning Harris County good morning to the great state of Texas and of course good morning to Northeast Texas Southeast Texas Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana and every nook and cranny receiving our signals every single weekday folks first of all as well you know what we say welcome to the entire world why who receive our signals through the magic of the internet also known as orphanet created by we the people not that billionaire or that other billionaire or that other billionaire don't be fooled folks you know in this next election uh we have a fight and let me well I tell you what I'm want to do that I'm going to talk about this after we do the studio and the magic from the Geniuses back there so without further Ado let's go to our heos the Geniuses in the studio good morning Howard good morning Jack those heinous Geniuses they're at it again the 10 cans and string are holding up to permit our 100,000 watt transmitter blazing across Southeast Texas and Southeast Louisiana you're listening to kpf Houston how was that for you know big voice big voice announcement and to think to think that you are the guy who just likes the music side of the business you know what I mean yeah well you know I want you're so good you're so good at it man all I all I ever wanted to be in my life was a disc jockey that's it play records on the radio for all of my life and what have I not done play records on the radio for all of my life you know the times that I've had jobs and radio stations where I could play songs and I really enjoyed it you know it just one of those things like okay well here's another great song we can play but yet there always seems to be a block in the way I don't know what it is I was thinking Berto yes I was thinking that you know we're getting a lot of news and information saying oh inflation is down well yeah okay for who when I go to the when I go to the store to buy some food I'm looking at the prices going the inflation's not down these prices haven't gone down I look at my paycheck my paycheck is not inflated it's not gone up so can you you please explain to me and and I don't want to put you on the spot before we get to Jack but we'll get to it explain to me inflation is down for who that's what i' like to yeah let let me explain that because this is important for people to understand right uh price Rises rarely go down let me give an example let's say uh let's say inflation is to make it easy I'm going to say a high number 10% per year for year number one inflation is 10% bacon used to cost let's say $1 a pound right uh in 2021 inflation was let's say 10% that bacon is no longer A110 it is no longer a dollar it is now a doll10 because inflation was 10% in that year now in if inflation in 2022 then goes to is at let's say 5% that new price of bacon will be 5% % of 110 more so would now let's call it about aund a115 so in those two years the first year was 10% inflation the second year was 5% inflation inflation fell between 2021 and 2022 but your prices haven't fallen inflation has stopped the the rise in prices has stopped so therefore that price of a115 for bacon that's at 200 200 that in 2012 remains at a115 but it's not going any higher so at that point inflation is zero so it even though the price remains at $115 it'll never ever hardly except if it's something like oil that trades in a commodity Etc or there's a a spot Market drop in the bacon Etc will change so on the in aggregate what corporations always benefit from is inflation that even though the the the prices are going to stop Rising they stay where they're at if they change if they back up let's say now let's say in year 2024 bacon drops the11 there's another thing called deflation and that is what scares Economist to Kingdom come because then def deflation mean prices are falling and what normally happens in an economy is your wages even though it hasn't happened okay I'm telling you how real capitalist SC should work they never really work that way because it has always been a fraud uh what happens then is if you go ahead now and drop the price of bacon from a15 back to a dollar let's say back to a dollar in 2024 right that is now called deflation and it's the thing that Economist and capitalist hate the most why because technically speaking what happens is as inflation goes up you notice they always talk about wages keeping up with inflation or wages growing faster than inflation and what has happened over the last two years is Wages have been growing at a faster clip than inflation so as prices go up your wages are supposed to come up and meet this increase in prices it has not happened over the last 40 or 50 years in the aggregate in select years it has happened but if you take a look at the curve that says how much earnings we have what what compared to what we make it's a different story what what it is brother Reynolds is our economic system is a fraud for the billionaire and we just keep hearing these magical things over and over again the prices are not going to on most things are not going to fall inflation being zero just mean they're going to stop Rising that's all it means when you get to inflation of zero it means the prices will rise no more or when you get an inflation that is 2% as opposed to 10% it simply means inflation is going up at a slower rate so yeah so I mean it is it is not I mean technically speaking it's not complicated it's just not fair you know and it is something that the corporate sector takes advantage of every single time because while inflation goes up what you find in dividends and all of that that goes up but your wages don't necessarily go up so a class of people do well and a class doesn't do well anyway that's the answer oh very very good explanation I I just you know I'm standing there in the grocery store thinking inflation is down but yet prices are not down but that means the prices have stabilized so they're going to stay there for a while now deflation for prices would be good for the consumer and what you're not getting on the actual product the qu The Profit that you're not getting on the actual product you would get more because they'll buy more at a cheaper price and therefore they will get their profits and probably even more profits if the deflation should happen nobody ever said remember when I talk about businessmen and the capitalist Guys these guys aren't uh these guys are not smarter than anybody else they just able to take your money okay but they're smarter than you know they're not smarter than anybody else yeah we need to get to Jack here because we got callers calling in so Jack while you're doing your thing turn my mic off and I go catch the callers here all right good morning Berto good morning Jack how you doing my brother I'm going to follow that up with some talk about sex here okay you know uh men uh when it comes to women's Reproductive Rights I think men should be much more supportive of the women this is an issue where the man needs to stand behind the woman and the men need to take responsibility for their part of the sex act I.E contraception if sex is for pleasure don't go for the Home Run keep it on the playing field I like that I like that Jack responsibility personal responsibility and all the good stuff yeah you're absolutely right sir yeah that's what I'm seeing every time we we talk about we talk about uh women's reproductive issues you know the the man needs to be right there with the woman no matter what her opinion is or what her stance is let me tell you Jack it's interesting because where I come from you know we used to have phrases like it's the women who get pregnant and women this and women are if they don't want to do this I mean and I came over like I said I came over here as sexist a few years later I was taught well by the right kind of folk to do things right so there you go anyhow thank you my brother uh let me see uh who's here okay Melissa talk to me how you doing morning good morning good morning good morning Houston how are you how are you Eggo I am doing fine talk to me my friend so my topic today is Terror do you know that every time and anytime somebody sends something from overseas the customer gets charged with the bill do you know custo the customer the person who sends the shipment over gets charged gets taxed with the bill for the Tariff that they're charging overseas oh yeah in other words if if if you if if a if a company sends me something and it's a ter and it's a it's an item that's fall under the Tariff schedule I have to pay the Tariff to receive the product yes yes yes for example if you sin say you're you're you know you're enjoying yourself overseas and you find a pretty little trinket or a big trinket and you want to bring it over and you want to send it before you you get home right back to America right you have to pay the storage fee which IE tariff from the custom and and and and it charges you like $225 a day sir a day what kind of product are you talking about me specifically I'm talking about instruments do you know that my instrument my drums cost $225 a day to sit in a storage before I can get here to receive it even if I receive it the person has to and the whoever holds it has to one claim the ticket if they don't claim your receipt they say oh we got to get your custom order they don't take your your your receipt that you have got wait let me let me let me back up a second what what kind of product is this at they charging you 200 a day instrument a drum I got three Dr hey a drum oh a drum a drum I was it s you was got it I need I need to say this I have three drums sitting somewhere in somebody's storage but because of a tariff they're charging three $225 a day do you know my instrument of 4K to get out as an individual that's crazy crazy okay I am not a business I am a no let me let me just say I don't I I let's talk about that Offline that is crazy because what happens is if you ship through USPS right un United States Postal Service the only thing that you're nope this is not USPS this is a foreign entity that's holding my package hostage okay great let me let me back up then that let me that we talk about this sort of stuff all of the times you are dealing now with the private sector okay when you're dealing with the private sector they that's why they do as they please there are two parts to it when you're dealing with the private sector one is a tariff that you have to pay for whatever you bring in and that is very generally speaking for most products that's very inexpensive what I'm saying it is inexpensive now for the private company that you ship through right like if it's a FedEx or a UPS or a DHL they can do whatever they want to do okay beyond the Tariff because it's a private company now if it is sent through US mail the only thing that you're responsible for is the shipping charges and the Tariff nothing more nothing less the private companies are the extorter because they can do as they please and that is the law I'm putting today this morning you know how uh I don't well we representing kpft but I'm so I'm not GNA say that other radio station but there's this thing called Donkey of the Day so I'm putting Turkish Airlines as Donkey of the Day for charging me 4K to get three drums that ain't even three worth three 4K okay because of terrorist so if y'all want to vote in that other person that is going to charge overseas terrorist guess what honey bottom what they call them basement dwellers no let me tell you if the drums are not the customer for that ter don't do it let me just tell you a suggestion Melissa let me give you a suggestion okay if the if the drums aren't worth the 4K what I would do if you have contacts where you are and you really wanted those drums you buy new drums and you have it shipped but anyway thank you thank you I did have a great day now charging thank you oh wait wait one one more thing when things like this happen the way you get back at companies is just tell your story and put it out there and and share it to as many blogs as you can and until and what happens is these these companies usually see that their name is turned into dirt and since you're telling the truth you can't be sued so you're telling the truth but you're just making people a weird thank you very much Melissa you have a wonderful day all right let's go to Jacob come on in Jacob blessings in the AM and she say she's going to give him dkey of the day that's crazy talk to me my brother give a heha a donkey noise on that one she know what I'm talking about that's crazy but yeah uh yeah for yesterday man ad off does not mean I skin descendant of slave it's American descendant of slave American I'm sorry I'm you're absolutely right you're absolutely right thank you and what they what they feel is which I agree that okay do you believe in repr ation absolutely okay they feel that reparations should be only to those of the descendants of those who was enslaved in this country somebody coming from other places they could go there and take it up with their because they they running pretty much and now Jamaicans jamaic is running Jama the Jamaicans are running it the British is gone they pretty much is running it and Nicaragua Panama you know what I mean it's not like it was like even though here the England is you know they open it up so it's not just the English and the French at one time it's the English from England and French you know cuz French has Louisiana Louisiana purchas in the English you know it wasn't the ger Germany and they was doing other things other part of the world but at that time was a Germany Irish and things of that nature here in this country when you know before the 1776 and then the immigrants from other nations you know Yugoslavia not Yugoslavia but up up in Europe came to this particular country so yeah they they are talking about that we the people and and you know how you tell herberto you could tell by the last name we're still carrying a last name herberto we're still caring their last name let me just say this jacob um because I think this is important I am not looking for refer as a as a black pananian I'm not looking for reparations here in the United States or anywhere for that matter I don't I don't have to have reparations uh is reparations do me I think reparations is due every single descendant of a slave that really busted their butt for the countries that they're in what I'm saying is that the the the Adas movement is divisive when I when I did some interviews right and I to you know I interviewed several different sect of Adas both here in Houston Baltimore and other places and the the rhetoric was not a rhetoric of first of all we haven't even gotten to the point where reparation is a thing but one of the things that these folks that lead the reparations group were actively telling you know Caribbean folks or Latin folks or whatever is but this isn't for you it was sort of a standoffish way of saying you're not included all right it was a divisive manner in the way it was done I don't think you're G to find a whole lot of they were telling the truth right no no no it's not it is not that here's what I'm saying what I'm saying is the following there were a lot of people helping in that regards there were a lot of if I if you follow Marcus Garvey or any of these other folks there's a lot of folks that were involved in in in the in the liberation of slaves that they as well so what I'm saying is what what I'm saying my dear brother it is you you don't even need to go there you shouldn't even be going there because uh slavery was an international thing and you really want to be technical about it it is something that should be done the the reparations of the trade should be done on an international level because if you take a look at the interests that created it they were International interest your the the Masters in the Masters in America had International interests around the world in other words a sugar Plantation that's not true no let me my brother can I finish can can I finish please come on come on you know we we talk yeah absolutely uh what happens here if you take a look at the sugar plantations in Kuba okay the sugar plantations in Kuba had a beneficiary of the United States and elsewhere you look at the banana plantations throughout Central America you look at the sugar plantations and the Coca plantations Etc in Jamaica and all these other it was all an international ring okay where it where the spoils most of the spoils came directly to the United States as being the major power so if if some of the I I am not asking for it personally Jacob but I'm saying is if you follow the money if you follow the money let's let's let's be technical here and then I really want to get on the subject that we're supposed to talk about let me just bring no no but brother no I I want you to see this I want you to see the picture and for the audience to see it as well because it also goes not only for black Americans but for all Americans and all people here's what I'm talking about assuming that Adas is really for reparations for just black Americans right and not people from around not not not blacks for around the world people okay you go because you don't want to hang up let long as you let me be quiet let me let me say something though go ahead it's we can't worry about we know what happened around the world Jamaica doing anything Haiti doing thing we worry about us and what we talking about has to do here in this soil we can't take up y CS we going to deal with for ourself but at we with and like yesterday you say you can go there you go there no no no I'm not going nowhere because my last name and what happened to my ancestors happened on this land they can handle their business over there in Dominican Republic that's your' business this is okay again now let me let me listen let me tell you Jacob stop for a while and hear me I didn't say just listen to me not just hear me because you're you're you're given the talk of the American Master the capitalist that's how a capitalist would think and let me explain why because all you are seeing is what concern what you think concerns you solely but remember the profit of the master that you are trying to get something from didn't only come from uh from your labor it came from the labor of slaves throughout the whole region America has its Footprints in Jamaica uh through the box side and everything else America had its footprints in the Dominican Republic America had its Footprints in Kuba America had its Footprints everywhere so let's go under your assumption that and again I don't want it for me I'm just saying think about it under your assumption the you want the profits from the spoils The Spoils of what was made no no I want the profits from my ancestors labor we built this country hey I'm talking about no I'm talking about what they did with they money and invested I'm talking about I get it I get it but your country was not solely built by you brother your country was built by the blood of all the people around these regions who and that's what I'm saying we have to stop thinking like the capitalist you need to you need to go do some history lesson did to learn our history you don't know our history more sir sir I no no sir I I I my brother my brother I know American history very very well know my you know your you don't know our no no sir brother brother please you know one of the things in becoming a US citizen okay is we have to learn the American history in fact what you'll find now I'm not talking about you now but what you'll find is that foreigners that come over here and get their citizenship know much more about history than most Americans I hate to say it but that's really the truth now here's the thing we we go I mean we know about what the Chinese did to build the country we know about what the slaves did to build the country we know about the entire this country was built by a lot of the indentured servitude I mean we know about all this stuff sir and all I'm saying is if you really want that the enemy is not the people the enemy is that person on top and when we start United States government in the about us it's not 40 ACR of the we fought the wars they didn't do it the Chinese didn't do it the Y we did that we we did all that we did it all right remember me I just want you to understand sir let me let me just say we'll we'll talk so I since so I can get on the subject we'll talk about this continue we'll continue talking about this but I want to tell you every black page black people in America paid the ultimate price I'm not going to dispute that at all but let's let's give let's give do what's do as well there are a lot of folks that actually made America what America is okay and and a lot of a lot of uses on the other side of the Border as well did it this country was built by a 1876 y'all wasn't here in 1876 Marcus gares was a pan affrican he was a Jamaican he wasn't it wasn't he wasn't here in 1867 okay I tell you what Jacob let's talk let's continue talking another time but I mean because I I think I don't want to talk past each other okay I I want because I think that's what we're doing to some extent but let's keep talking all right all right thank you brother thank you brother peace let's go to Harry real quickly and then I'll get to the other one hey harry talk to me good morning Howard good morning Jack and good morning Professor eberto Willis you know um um history very well as far as slavery and all that you know as you were telling Jacob there you you understand it very well you couldn't have become the US citizen that you became if you didn't study and understand it as well you're a well educated man with the University of Texas you know what you're talking about um I wanted to comment on a few things um Melissa is right if you vote in Donald Trump he's going to put more tariffs on um China and that's going to get passed down to Consumer and I really feel for what Howard Reynolds was saying youi Berto Willis myself Jack you know we're getting hosed with this um so-called um gr the grocery store inflation because like Howard was pointing out there even if they lower the prices yet but they lower the prices they'll still make their profit and they keep the prices high they still make their profit it's greed we're getting hoes now I'll go on what I was going to talk about with Arie arson she uh and I researched yesterday KLA Harrison she got in the race has really cut into Independence in this state of Texas it was 24% when um um uh Joe Biden was still in the race with Independence now it's down to 2% so maybe there's a chance that she can win Texas but I was looking at the Electoral College map here just before um I got on with you uh and right now it's Trump 234 and uh Harris 210 so she's got to win the those swing States um to keep Trump out of the White House as we know um and then the other thing I was going to finish off of if I had been in Chicago last week I'd have been because I feel for Rashida to leave I'd have been right there with those protesters protesting because I I like I said I think K Harris is on the wrong side of this with Israel I know they're trying to work out a ceasefire thing but those protesters want an arms embargo to Israel no more arms to them because they they shot over there and esbah the over the weekend and Hezbollah fired back and um that's why I'm voting for Dr West in third party because as you we talked months ago few months back as you told me ber your your vote is a protest vote Harry and and that's the way I feel about it because I just think all those people need to live in solidarity and and and Dr West is about doing the right thing that's why I have to stick with him all right let me just say one thing uh uh you know voting is a personal choice now when it comes to being in Chicago if I were in Chicago I would be out there protesting as well with the my Palestinian brothers and my Jewish brothers and I mean my Palestinian and Jewish brothers and sisters remember people get the wrong idea this protest is not a Arab protest against Jews or something like that this is a protest against War this is a protest against genocide this is a protest about the UN on the the the mass murder of human beings that's what this protest is about and it's it it is it is it's it's around every ethnicity every religion if you went out there to Chicago as I got streams from that's what you would see and ilon Omar Omar visited uh uh Al V visited virtually I mean a lot of folks visited for that and here's the thing why again I can't hold Kamala or Dem rats in General on it until we win until progressives win themselves off of the apex of the world because APAC uh is a I call APAC a clear and present danger to democracy just as bad as I do Donald Trump and the reason why the yeah the reason why is they are causing politician I mean it's an unpatriotic uh it's an unpatriotic being that has the hold on Poli Ians and when they when they cross them I can talk to you about Balman and Cy Bush two people that should have won their elections that were derailed by ape and that's because again and it could happen to any Democrat any actually not any Democrat to any politician but anyway anything else Harry real quick so I can get Bowman were about doing the right thing that's why that's why a defeat them because they they were about doing the right thing as far as uh uh being on the right side and doing the Humane thing for the judian people over there you know that's thank you brother oh one other thing I oops uh come on in Greg sorry about that uh we went to little figure go ahead Greg good morning good morning sir yeah I just want to talk just a little bit not not hay with the caller before um about reparations and you say something about follow the money so a lot of the wealth in this country is traced back to not just slavery but when we think about reparations we have to think about Jim Crow too um and we have to think about prison slavery and the War on Drugs the war on Black and Hispanic people and stuff like that um the wealth has grown by being able to develop your wealth and when your communities are kept impoverished by not giving loans and stuff like that so most people in the community have to rent they can't get a loan to buy a home because of the color of skin and stuff like that they're kept from creating wealth that's been going on since the beginning of time so it is something to think about there I can't remember the community in Ohio there's been a few communities that have already given reparations and Ohio is not even a play safe but they're well aware of the discrimination and racism that kept um black people from their Community from developing wealth so it's not such a bad idea and also I I have to really get on you about this one comment and I'm a big fan of yours but I'm probably more Progressive than you are and you said immigrants know US history or most immigrants I'm not sure you said most immigrants but you said something about know more history than Americans and I have to challenge you my wife is an immigrant and she passed a test and uh she studied really hard and everything but I would not say she knows more history than um Americans especially my students I'm a social studies teacher and I teach history so please be careful U when you get a little defensive and something careful what we say control our thoughts so okay no no let me just say let me just say um I you're a social studies teacher and you know a lot about about um uh history and and not only that you're students as well you're probably a darn good social studies teach a student but let me just say this I went out to uh I went out several times uh you know and um how should I say oh it seems like they can't hear the callers I'm going have to figure that out uh let me let me go ahead and uh oh I see what they're saying the speakers okay I think they will be able to hear them now all right I think you can hear the callers now that was my fault anyway um here is the here's what I what what I found and maybe you know different or whatever there are certain Basics that we learn uh that we had to learn as immigrants coming in federalism state rights uh the the separation of the the states and the you know again my stuff was 30 years ago or more so we had to learn all those things and what I find in talking to a lot of people is a lot of folks don't understand things like separation in the governments what states can do what others can do Etc something as simple as why it is that uh uh you know let's look at when somebody says why is it that President Bush or or President Biden can't do X Y and Z not understanding how the system works things things like that is what I'm talking about and I I will gather that you ask just about well most of the immigrants that I'm around at least and they'll be able to tell you all all the things that many people here won't be able to tell you so that's where I'm coming from as far as go ahead you're a scientist right you're a scientist right yes you know no I'm an engineer I'm an engineer scientist I think I call scientist a higher level man I'm an engineer yeah because yeah true scientists you use the knowledge of scientists create okay but you know science and with science you're I mean there's social science too and we have to be careful about antidotal data personal data and stuff it's it's good to use it as examples and stuff like that but you can't use as data because I stand corrected I stand corrected you are absolutely right in America so you know hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second let me give you your kudas let me give you your kudas that was the best slapback I've gotten in a that you know that's I don't know that's profound the way that is profound remember science and remember what's the difference between empirical data remember remember what's the difference between I I love that folks that is absolutely true you're absolutely right I love your show keep going on and uh and keep getting even more Progressive because hey we got progressives love people life equality opportunity they don't love hate that's kind of actually more and you know what else you know what else I'm G to take one exception you're there's no way you could be more Progressive than I we gonna fight I don't think you can be more Progressive than all right thank you brother thank you for the commentary all right all right take care all right folks I am lost now you guys call in and changed the complete show we went from tariffs and storage to uh Americans descendants of Slavery to uh history man you guys just took over my darn show anyway the show title today was supposed to be Kroger merger is the instantiation of corporate greed I also interviewed the the the woman who created The Daily Show with you know uh her name is Liz Winstead I interviewed her at in in Baltimore at oret Roots Convention as well as the uh attorney G Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison you know the guy who ran the uh the case against George Floyd I have so I have an interview with him and I have an interview with uh with uh Keith winst but the interview Keith is too long I see that I'm getting another call so what I'm going to tell you guys is both of these interviews solid interviews that you're going to want to listen to one on a woman's rights and all that kind of stuff and the other one on where our democracy goes with Keith Ellison you can always find that at politics newsletter since there is another call coming in I will go ahead and wait for that and for those of you who are listening online I hope that uh you can actually hear the callers now so let's go ahead and go to brother Donald brother Donald come on in good morning eberto how are you today I am doing fine sir talk to me you always miss the forest for the trees uh okay Melissa Melissa boss from drums she's a percussionist you're you like music so you should ask are they ornamental are they actually used and then start a rapport them with them you know a nice talk uh who controls the orb that says the money is the money and that's the cuz if you get 3% for the cost of living and it goes 3% 3% 3% 3% right now what we have had is because we gave out all this free money right you know people got supplemented because they were down and out for Co so they're taking 800 a grand or whatever getting supplemented on their food and they're buying all this food so therefore there was shortages cuz people had more money to spend now all that's done and guess what they still want to keep making the same profit they was making off the free money that people got it's just like when we have a drought the cattle man has to slaughter his herds because he can't feed them because the cost of hay and the water and everything else have you ever seen the price of beef go down no 99 C briskets at $349 a pound right now you might get a little discount it doesn't matter if there's a push on the market or a pool there's a shortage or a gain it's always going to be the same so you got to find out who controls that orb that sets the value of the dollar and then if you devalue a Dollar by paying for like student loans or bailouts and all this other stuff okay if we bail the bank out and in a few years we bail the automotive out and now the bank setting the price on what the automotive is going to sell for and we still need cars Ford created Ford Motor Company to create assembly line to make the car affordable to the working person to the individual we have gotten so far off track I don't know how we're ever GNA get back but that's all I got to say about it no no no no you gotta wait now you got to wait now because you fell now you you uh you said I missed the forest for the trees I don't know if you meant for the drums or for the economy so I'm going to assume for both let's go with the economy though which is the one that interests me the most you have fallen for the fraud that is your economic system let's let's talk about that I believe in supply and demand because supply and demand is real if I have a shortage of something right if I have a shortage of something then I can uh to to to kind of be able to I can sell it at a higher price because if people have money they'll buy it at that higher price which is which sort of happened but it wasn't because you know people say oh you give people money here's the thing about it you fall for the capitalist trap that says the following I will take whatever money the people without pricing power has in their pocket and charge them the commensurate price I can get for them there's this theory in economics called the uh not Theory a concept an economic concept that says whatever the market will bear if you know there's a drug call uh well I'm not going to use a syic because people are flocking to us like crazy creating a real shortage but let's look at what happened in reality in reality people got monies in their pockets a lot of people would have otherwise saved that money but when the corporate structure realized that that money was there they brought the prices up commensurate with the amount of money they knew people have even though remember what I said even though there were no shortages if and here are my proofs a lot of the pricing that Grocers are seeing came through the energy supply chain we never had a energy shortage we never had a oil shortage in fact if smack in the middle of the pandemic we had the oil companies raising prices of gasoline as they were taking barrels of oil off the market that's a statement of fact that amount of monies charged for gasoline and Diesel Etc went straight up the chain to the farmer who was uh farming his land to the fertilizer people who depend on oil for fertilizer all of these things from this mere fact that the oil company decided that they were going to rig the market all those other prices went up not because of shortages but because the pricing power of a necessary resource and they cornered the market statement of fact secondly uh again no shortages you could not go to the store and not find things that you wanted maybe spot shortages of paper towel here and there because people crazily went and got paper towels and toilet paper I don't know why but anyway that's what they did but you could always find products but everything was inflated brother it's a fraud it's not because Biden gave them money it's because they knew Biden gave them money so they could the people with price and power listen to that video that I did on price and power they are the ones who write raise the prices and you know how we know that's a fact because when you take a look at the profits of all all these corporations the profits were relative in concert with the price Rises which means their initial cost wasn't all that much higher Donald we have to stop falling for the crap that capitalists tell us it's a system designed to enrich a few and I can prove it mathematically and the problem that we have is we have been inculcated infiltrated Indo ated into a system where the evidence of its failure is out there for all to see you are there to see your money goes straight up to the top the billionaire never has a problem under no economy whether the economy is bad or good they do well and until we learn that we are constantly being ripped off and we take it out of our minds what's been indoctrinated into our minds we're screwed go ahead my brother before I go to pause oh I'm just waiting for you to come up for the solution I know you got it because you smart because you know how to use an Aus and a slide rule so that's all I gota that oh thank you br I appreciate you brother appreciate you and yeah I we I wrote a book up for the with the solution it was called not it was called it's called how to make America Utopia take away the take away the the economy from those who rigged it yeah I did write a book about that but thank you brother yes sir have a good one you too all right let's go to Paul hello hello Paul good morning good morning everybody um economics 101 artificial scarcity There's No Lack in the world oh I love you I if I if I saw you now I'd come and give you a big big big hug thank you for saying that well in the um late 70s early 80s um okay Nixon to Reagan they went away from the Adam Smith model of Economics to the kesian model the free market L FR uh we're there's raw capitalism L fa free market if you back up doggy dung and people are willing to buy it sell all that you can versus regulated capitalism which uh was torn down beginning with Reagan um G John Gorsuch or the guy on the Supreme Court named Gorsuch his mom yeah Gorsuch yeah his mom was Reus Hatchet Man a hatchet woman and she got in a uh involved in Scandal had to step down but they took all the guard rails off of our Regulatory Agencies and imposed indoctrinated as you said inculcated and you know uh um basically imposed a kesian economic model you know free market and D went away uh unions Reagan first Ed business T the unions the unions went away profits went up 300% wages stagnant they took away the right to deduct credit card interest off of your taxes um you cannot put a student loan in a bankruptcy filing they took away your ability to um well they tax Social Security payments because Republicans hated it from its very Inception and so here we are and so you know we're like frogs in the Boiling Pot by the time we realize it's too hot it's too late to get out and people need to get out of Facebook and get their face in a book and understand you know how we got here but people other than folks like you and some others don't want to talk about causes and conditions they don't want to connect the dots you know Twisted theology has led us into you know a church State the church becomes the state for example the king of England right now is also the head of the Ang Church head of the Anglican church and the then the fres of the Constitution made it crystal crystal clear that church and state shall be perfectly separate because democracy is actually a sector political tool for equality it didn't come from uh judeo Christian values it came from the Sue and the iry which they discovered when when the uh Europeans landed here that the Sue and the iry had a democratic form of societies and so they refined it they refined it and tweaked it and so here we have you know the greatest experiment of all Humanity democracy which over the past 40 years has been destroyed thank Paul I'm running out of time and I have two more calls that I have to uh get but look you're absolutely right and you know it always warms my soul when I I hear somebody that doesn't buy into the this this crap here you know I like neither Adam Smith or well Keynesian at least the one thing with Keynesian is that it says government should spend to take us out of re to make sure we don't go into recessions when they're The Last Resort but I I I want a true free enterprise system I don't even regulated capitalism still a mover of money but we can talk about that another time but thank you so kindly Paul for your commentary all right let's go to tag come on in tag I only got about a minute yep yep a quick word for Howard this morning which I think I think he needs to hear uh inflation is based on the Consumer Price Index okay Consumer Price Index is based on what you pay for something so if something if cost of something goes up at the store just don't buy it and if you continue to not buy it the price will come back down and then you're not adding to inflation inflation is based on what we buy so thank you tag my word my brother I went to war to protect America's rights and freedoms so I take it personally when a five-time draft dodging coward like Donald Trump tries to take away try to take away my rights and freedoms in return especially when it concerns my daughters my girls gamer girl Abigail and queen of the monkey bars Miley are everything to me but they would never have been born without access to reproductive [Applause] care because after 10 years of struggling with infertility I was only able to have them through the mirle of IVF but now Trump's anti-woman Crusade has put other Americans right to have their own families at risk because if they win Republicans will not stop at Banning abortion and they will come for IVF next and they'll prosecute doctors and they will shame and spy on women and if you think that's far-fetched just look up what happened in Alabama last year so let me say to every wouldbe parent I see you I'm with you and together in November we'll send a message to Old Cadet bones [Applause] Spurs stay out of our doctor's offices and we're now add it out of the oal office too look my struggle with infertility was more painful than any wound I earned on the battlefield so how dare a convicted felon like Donald Trump treat women seeking Health Care like they're the ones breaking the law how dare JD Vance criticized childless women on cable news then then vote against legislation that would have actually helped Americans to start families [Applause] how dare the GOP endanger the dreams of countless veterans whose combat wounds prevent them from having kids without IVF punishing Our Heroes for their willingness to serve it's simple every American deserves the right to be called Mommy or Daddy without being treated like a a [Applause] criminal comma Harris believes that so let's make some history and elect her in November God Bless America thank you let's go to uh Ray real quick Ray yeah I just give a shout yeah can you hear me yes sir yeah I just wanted to give a shout out to brother Clinton at the convention you know in history all the history shows if you look at a graph that he had the greatest economy uh according to uh history because he had a surplus and he was the only president to do that and while Trump you know talks all that you know lambastic BS you know it's basically Clinton who has the bragging rights but he never uses them and I just want to give him a shout out for his humility and just giving shout outs to all the Democrats throughout history that is so smart of you Ray thank you very much actually he had the highest worth 23 million jobs is what he created the next person to him was Carter with 10 million jobs in one year I mean in one term I mean a lot of people don't know this stuff they just take the propaganda that the Republicans put out there but it's generally lies I gotta go to Brian Ray because um but let's talk at three o'clock if you're on the show at three brother all right cool thank you have a good one all right Brian come on in my brother yeah well I guess I'm totally doctrinated because um you rambled on for like two minutes and you've never answered Donald's question and uh what I gotta say is how our economic system is uh brainwashed everybody how it doesn't work I already told you how I told you already why no you didn't you didn't you didn't say I I well let me tell you specifically in one sentence in one sentence if your economic system overtime has transferred all the wealth to the top 10 and 1% then it's a failure that's the answer continue okay now Clinton did not have a surplus somebody needs to check their history and who was going to T there's a difference between there's a difference between debt and and actually the amount of debt we have and the budget he was the only president in the last 50 years that had a surplus when it comes to the budget that's a statement of fact sir you need no you somebody needs to check their history Clinton did not have a surplus are somebody gonna check that for me I'm look I've already checked it at all I mean you guys like to change definitions depending on who's president but go ahead sir okay that's the that's the statement of the day Clinton did not have a surplus it was a proposed Surplus who worked with him to get this supposed Surplus the Republicans the same people no no wrong the Republicans all 100% of the Republicans voted against the Clinton tax increase and they stated that tax increase would blow the economy up it turns out that he after they passed this tax increase and losing Congress that the the the the fiscal responsibility that he brought took the economy through the roof I don't want to hear anything about oh it was done under Republicans no every single Republican voted against the tax increase that brought fiscal sanity then Bush came into office and tanked the economy like Republicans always do which is why 50 million of the 51 million jobs created over the last uh uh since 198 9 was by democrats and also if you take a look even further over the last 80s something years 30 uh there's been 30 million jobs created under Republican president 80 million jobs under Democratic president so I mean this is not something that's Just Happening Now Republicans simply are terrible for the economy when we talk about GDP the same thing applies the GDP under Democratic president is much much better than the GDP under Republicans these are statements of fact that can be I that we can talk about but I got to go to the studio now with Howard Reynolds Brian I'm not asking these questions you can look it up it's out there for all to see come on in Howard okay well I want to talk about Brian here for a second it was a projected Surplus it wasn't an actual real Surplus under Clinton if you would have stayed on Clinton's taxes and Clinton's uh economic plan you would have had a projected Sur plus not a real one but what yeah what happened then who came into Power then again oh you know bush bush W right exactly exactly anyway folks Jack real quick he says nothing okay anyway folks love you all all the entire show that we were supposed to be is at politicsand newsletter politicsand newsletter my name isberto Willies this is politics then right and you guys know how I end this baby I am what out support for this show politics andri comes from Politics on Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto Willies [Music] welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media behold in to corporations we we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b t o w i l l i s that isberto Willies let us engage it is politics done right [Music] support for this show politics andri comes from politicsand Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto Willies [Music] welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media behold in corporations we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b r t politics Willies good morning Houston good morning Harris County good morning to the great state of Texas and of course good morning to Northeast Texas Southeast Texas Northwest Louisiana Southwest Louisiana and every nook and cranny receiving our signals every single weekday folks first of all as well you know what we say welcome to the entire world why who receive our signals through the magic of the internet also known as orphanet created by we the people not that billionaire or that other billionaire or that other billionaire don't be fool folks you know in this next election uh we have a fight and let me well I tell you what I'm going to do that I'm going to talk about this after we do the studio and the magic from the Geniuses back there so without further Ado let's go to our henos the Geniuses in the studio good morning Howard good morning Jack those heinous Geniuses they're at it again the ten cans and Stringer holding up to permit our 100,000 watt transmitter blazing across Southeast Texas and Southeast Louisiana you're listening to kpft Houston how was that for you know big voice big voice announcer and to think to think that you are the guy who just likes the music side of the business you know what I mean yeah you know I want so good you're so good at it man all I all I ever wanted to be in my life was a disc jockey that's it play records on the radio for all of my life and what have I not done play records on the radio for all of my life you know the times that I've had jobs in radio stations where I could play songs and I really enjoyed it you know it was just one of those things like okay well here's another great song we can play but yet there always seems to be a block in the way I don't know what it is I was thinking Berto yes I was thinking that you know we're getting a lot of news and information saying oh inflation is down well yeah okay for who when I go to the when I go to the store to buy some food I'm looking at the prices going the inflation's not down these prices haven't gone down I look at my paycheck my paycheck is not inflated it's not gone up so can you please explain to me and and I don't want to put you on the spot before we get to Jack but we'll get to it explain to me inflation is down for who that's what I like to yeah let let me explain that because this is important for people to understand right uh price Rises rarely go down let me give an example let's say uh let's say inflation is to make it easy I'm going to say a high number 10% for year for year number one inflation is 10% bacon used to cost let's say $1 a pound right uh in 2021 inflation was let's say 10% that bacon is no longer a doll10 it is no longer a dollar it is now a doll10 because inflation was 10% in that year now in if inflation in 2022 then goes to is at let's say 5% that new price of bacon will be 5% of 110 more so would now let's call it about aund a15 so in those two years the first year was 10% inflation the second year was 5% inflation inflation fell between 2021 and 2022 but your prices haven't fallen inflation has stopped the the rise in prices has stopped so therefore that price of a115 for bacon that's at 200 that in 2012 remains at a115 but it's not going any higher so at that point inflation is zero so it even though the price remains at $115 it'll never ever hardly except if it's something like oil that trades in a commodity Etc or there's a a spot Market drop in the bacon Etc change so on the in aggregate what corporations always benefit from is inflation that even though the the the prices are going to stop Rising they stay where they're at if they change if they back up let's say now let's say in year 2024 they can drops the doll10 there's another thing called deflation and that is what scares economists to Kingdom come because then def deflation mean prices are falling and what normally happens in an economy is your wages even though it hasn't happened okay I'm telling you how real capitalist SC should work they never really work that way because it has always been a fraud uh what happens then is if you go ahead now and drop the price of bacon from a15 back to a dollar let's say back to a dollar in 2024 right that is now called deflation and it's the thing that economists and capitalists hate the most why because technically speaking what happens is as inflation goes up you notice you always talk about wages keeping up with inflation or wages growing faster than inflation and what has happened over the last two years is Wages have been growing at a faster clip than inflation so as prices go up your wages are supposed to come up and meet this increase in prices it has not happened over the last 40 or 50 years in the aggregate in select years it has happened but if you take a look at the curve that says how much earnings we have what what compared to what we make it's a different story what what it is brother Reynolds is our economic system is a fraud for the billionaire and we just keep hearing these magical things over and over again the prices are not going to on most things are not going to fall inflation being zero just mean they're going to stop Rising that's all it means when you get to inflation of zero it means the prices will rise no more or when you get an inflation that is 2% as opposed to 10% it simply means inflation is going up at a slower rate so yeah so I mean it it is it is not I mean technically speaking it's not complicated it's just not fair you know and is something that the corporate sector takes advantage of every single time because while inflation goes up what you find in dividends and all of that that goes up but your wages don't necessarily go up so a class of people do well and a class doesn't do well anyway that's the answer oh very very good explanation I I just you know I'm standing there in the grocery store thinking inflation is down but yet prices are not down but that means the prices have stabilized so they're going to stay there for a while now deflation for prices would be good for the consumer and what you're not getting on the actual product the qu The Profit that you're not getting on the actual product you would get more because they'll buy more at a cheaper price and therefore they will get their profits and probably even more profits if the deflation should happen nobody ever said remember when I talk about businessmen and the capitalist guys that these guys aren't uh these guys are not smarter than anybody else they're just able to take your money okay but they're smarter than you know they're not smarter than anybody else yeah we need to get to Jack here because we' got callers calling in so Jack well you're doing your thing turn my mic off and I go catch the callers here all right good morning eberto good morning Jack how you doing my brother I'm going to follow that up with some talk about sex here okay you know uh men uh when it comes to women's Reproductive Rights I think men should be much more supportive of the women this is an issue where the man needs to stand behind the woman and the men need to take responsibility for their part of the sex act I.E contraception if sex is for pleasure don't go for the Home Run keep it on the playing field I like that I like that Jack responsibility personal responsibility and all the good stuff you're absolutely right sir yeah that's that's what I'm seeing every time we talk about we talk about uh women's reproductive issues you know the the man needs to be right there with the woman no matter what her opinion is or what her stance is let me tell you Jack it's interesting because where I come from you know we used to have phrases like it's the women who get pregnant and women this and women are if they don't want to do this I mean and I came over like I said I came over here as sexist a few years later I was taught will by the right kind of folk to do things right so here you go anyhow thank you my brother uh let me see uh who's here okay Melissa talk to me how you doing good morning good morning good morning Houston how are you how are you egberto I am doing fine talk to me my friend so my topic today is Terror do you know that every time and anytime somebody sends something from overseas the customer gets charged with the bill do you know custom the customer the person who sends the shipment over gets charged gets taxed with the bill for the Tariff that they're charging overseas oh yeah in other words if if if you if if a if a company sends me something and it's a and and it's a it's an item that's fall under the Tariff schedule I have to pay the Tariff to receive the product yes yes yes for example if you sin say you're you're you know you're enjoying yourself overseas and you find a pretty little trinket or a big trinket and you want to bring it over and you want to send it before you you get home right back to America you have to pay the storage fee which IE terar from the custom and and and and it charges you like 220 a day sir a day oh what kind of product are you talking about me specifically I'm talking about instruments do you know that my instrument my drums cost $225 a day to sit in a storage before I can get here to receive it even if I receive it the person has to and the whoever holds it has to one claim the ticket if they don't claim your receipt they say oh we got to get your custom order they don't take your your your receipts that you have they got to wait let me let me let me back up a second what what kind of product is this that they're churching you 200 a day instruments a drum I got three Dr oh hey a drum oh a drum a drum I you was it got it I need to I need to say this I have three drums sitting somewhere in somebody's storage but because of a tariff they're charging three $225 a day do you know my instruments of 4K to get out as an individual that's crazy okay I am not a business I am a no no let me let me just I don't I I let's talk about that Offline that is crazy because what happens is if you ship through USPS right un United States Postal Service the only thing that you're nope this not USPS this is a foreign entity that's holding my package hostage great let me let let me back up then that let me that we talk about this sort of stuff all of the times you are dealing now with the private sector okay when you're dealing with the private sector they that's why they do as they please there are two parts to it when you're dealing with the private sector one is a tariff that you have to pay for whatever you bring in and that is very generally speaking for most products that's very inexpensive what I'm saying it is inexpensive now for the private company that you ship through right like if it's a FedEx or a UPS or a DHL they can do whatever they want to do okay beyond the Tariff because it's a private company now if it is sent through US mail the only thing that you're responsible for is the shipping charges and the tar nothing more nothing less the private companies are the extorter because they can do as they pleasee and that is the law I'm putting today this morning you know how uh I don't well we representing kpft but I'm so I'm not gonna say that other radio station but there's this thing called dony a date so I'm putting Turkish Airlines as Donkey of the Day for charging me 4K to get three drums that ain't even three worth three 4K okay because of terrorist so if y'all want to vote in that other person that is on a charge overseas terrorists guess what honey bottom what they call them basement dwellers no let me tell you if the drums are not the customer for that ter don't do it let me just tell you a suggestion malissa let me give you a suggestion okay if the if the drums aren't worth the 4K what I would do if you have contacts where you are and you really wanted those drums you buy new drums and you have it shipped but anyway thankk you I did have a great day now charging thank you yeah oh wait wait one one more thing when things like this happen the way you get back at companies is just tell your story and put it out there and and share it to as many blogs as you can can and until and what happens is these these companies usually see that their name is turned into dirt and since you're telling the truth you can't be sued so you're telling the truth but you're just making people aware thank you very much Mel you have a wonderful day all right let's go to Jacob come on in Jacob yes blessings in the AM and she say she's going to give him Donkey of the Day crazy to me brother that give a heha a ducky noise on that she know what I'm talking about that's crazy but yeah uh yeah for yesterday but does not mean African descendant of slave it's American descendant of slave American I'm sorry I'm you're absolutely right you're absolutely right sir thank you what they what feel is which I agree that okay do you believe in reparations absolutely okay they feel that reparations should be only to those of the descendants of those who was enslaved in this country somebody coming from other places they could go there and take it up with their because they they running pretty much and now Jamaicans jamaic is running jamaic the Jamaicans are running it the British is gone they pretty much is running it and Nicaragua Panama you you know what I mean it's not like it was like even though here the English is you know they open it up so it's not just the English and the French at one time is the English from England and French you know because French has Louisiana Louisiana purchas and the English you know it wasn't the ger Germany and they was doing other things other part of the world but at that time wasn't Germany Irish and things of that nature here in this country when you know before the 1776 and then the immigrants from other nations you know Yugoslavia not Yugoslavia but up up in Europe came to this particular country so yeah they they are talking about that we the people and and you know how you tell herberto you could tell by the last name we're still caring a last name herberto we still caring any last names let me just say this jacob um because I think this is important I am not looking for refere as a as a black Panamanian I'm not looking for reparations here in the United States or anywhere for that matter I I don't have to have reparations uh is reparations doe me I think reparations is Du every single descendant of a slave that really busted their butt for the uh countries that they're in what I'm saying is that the the the movement is divisive when I when I did some interviews right and I uh to you know I interviewed several different sect of AD us V here in Houston Baltimore and other places and the the rhetoric was not a uh rhetoric of first of all we haven't even gotten to the point where reparation is a thing but one of the things that these folks that lead the reparations group were actively telling you know Caribbean folks or Latin folks or whatever is but this isn't for you it was sort of a standoffish way of saying you're not included all right it was a divisive manner in the way it was done I don't think you're going to find a whole lot of they were telling the truth right not no no no it's not it it is not that here's what I'm saying what I'm saying is the following there were a lot of people helping in that regards there are a lot if I if you follow Marcus Garvey or any of these other folks there's a lot of folks that were involved in in in the in the liberation of slaves that they as well so what I'm saying is what what I'm saying my dear brother it is you you don't even need to go there you shouldn't even be going there because uh slavery was an international thing and if you really want to be technical about it it is something that should be done the the reparations of the trade should be done on an international level because if you take a look at the interests that created it they were International interests your the the Masters in the Masters in America had International interests around the world in other words a sugar Plantation that's not true no no let me goad my brother could you can I finish can I finish please come on come on you know we we talk yeah yeah absolutely uh what happens here if you take a look at the sugar plantations in Kuba okay the sugar plantations in Kuba had a beneficiary of the United States and elsewhere you look at the banana plantations throughout Central America you look at the sugar plantations and the Coca plantations Etc in Jamaica and all these other it was all an internation naal ring okay where it where the spoils most of the spoils came directly to the United States as being the major power so if if some of the I I am not asking for it personally Jacob but I'm saying is if you follow the money if you follow the money let's let's let's be technical here and then I really want to get on the subject that we're supposed to talk about but let me just bring no no but brother no I I want you to see this I want you to see the picture of it for the audience to see it as well because it also goes not only for black Americans but for all Americans and all people here's what I'm talking about assuming that Adas is really for reparations for just black Americans right and not people from around not not not blacks from around the world like I said people okay you go because you want to hang up let long as you let me I'm G be quiet let me let me say something though go ahead it's we can't worry about know what happened around the world Jamaica doing anything Haiti doing anything we worry about us and what we talking about has to do here in this soil we can't take up y'all CS we gonna deal with for ourself but we with Y like yesterday you say you can go there you go there no no no I'm not going nowhere because my last name and what happened to my ancestors happened on this land they can handle their business over there in Dominican Republic that's your business this is our again now let me let me listen let me tell you Jacob stop for a while and hear me I didn't say just listen to me not just hear me because you're you're you're given the talk of the American Master the capitalist that's how a capitalist would think and let me explain why because all you are seeing is what concern what you think concerns you solely but remember the prophet of the master that you are trying to get something from didn't only come from uh from your labor it came from the labor of slaves throughout the whole region America has its Footprints in Jamaica uh through the box side and everything else America had its footprints in the Dominican Republic America had its Footprints in Kuba America had its Footprints everywhere so let's go under your assumption that and again I don't want it for me I'm just saying think about it under your assumption the you want the prophet from the spoils The Spoils of what no no I want the profets from my ancestors labor we built country he I'm talking about no I'm talking about what they did with they money and invested I'm talking about was TR I get it I get it but your country was not solely built by you brother your country was built by the blood of all the people around these regions who and that's what I'm saying we have to stop thinking like you need you need to you need to go do some history lesson to learn our history you don't know our history more sir sir I no no sir I I I my brother my brother I know American history very very well know my you know your you don't know our no no sir brother brother please you know one of the things in becoming a US citizen okay is we have to learn the American history in fact what you'll find I'm not talking about you now but what you'll find is that foreigners that come over here and get their citizenship know much more about American history than most Americans I hate to say it but that's really the truth now here's the thing we we go I mean we know about what the Chinese did to build the country we know about what the slaves did to build the country we know about the entire this country was built by a lot of the indentured servitude I mean we know about all this stuff sir and all I'm saying is if you really want that the enemy is not the people the enemy is that person on top and when we start dividing up our the United States government was in the Constitution about us it's not they us the 40 acres in the MU we fought the wars they didn't do it the Chinese didn't do it the y'all we did that we we did all that we did it right I just want you to understand sir let me let me just say we'll we'll talk so I since so I can get on the subject we'll talk about this continue we'll continue talking about this but I want to tell you every black paid black people in America paid the ultimate price I'm not going to dispute that at all but let's let's give let's give do what's do as well there are a lot of folks that actually made America what America is okay and and a lot of a lot of uses on the other side of the Border as well did it this country was built by a 1876 y'all wasn't here in 1876 Marcus garage was Pan African he was a Jamaican he wasn't it wasn't he wasn't here in 1867 okay I tell you what Jacob let's talk let's continue talking another time but I mean because I I think I don't want to talk past each other okay I I want because I think that's what we're doing to some extent but let's keep talking all right all right thank you brother thank you brother peace let's go to Harry real quickly and then I'll get to the other one hey harry talk to me good morning Howard good morning Jack and good morning Professor eberto Willis you know um um history very well as far as slavery and all that you you know as you were telling Jacob there you you understand it very well you couldn't have become the US citizen that you became if you didn't study and understand it as well you're a well educated man with the University of Texas you know what you're talking about um I wanted to comment on a few things um Melissa is right if you vote in Donald Trump he's going to put more tariffs on um China and that's going to get passed down to the consumer and I really feel for what Howard Reynolds was saying youi Berto Willis myself Jack you know we're getting hosed with this um so-called um gr with the grocery store inflation because like Howard was pointing out there even if they lower the prices yet what they lower the prices they'll still make their profit and they keep the prices high they still make their profit it's greed we're getting H and now I'll go on what I was going to talk about with Arie arson she uh and I researched it yesterday KLA Harrison she got in the race has really cut into Independence in this state of Texas it was 24% when um um uh Joe Biden was still in the race with Independence now it's down to 2% so maybe there's a chance that she can win Texas but I was looking at the Electoral College map here just before um I got on with you uh and right now it's Trump 23 4 and uh Harris 210 so she's got to win those swing States um to keep Trump out of the White House as we know um and then the other thing I was going to finish off of if I had been in Chicago last week I'd have been because I feel for Rashida to leave I'd have been right there with those protesters protesting because I I like I said I think K Harris is on the wrong side of this with Israel I know they're trying to work out a ceasefire thing but those protesters want an arms embargo to is real no more arms to them because they they shot over there in Hezbollah the over the weekend and Hezbollah fired back and um that's why I'm voting for Dr West and and third party because as you we talked months ago few months back as you told me BR your your vote is a protest vote Harry and and that's the way I feel about it because I just think all those people need to live in solidarity and and and Dr West is about doing the right thing that's why I have to stick with him all right let me just say one thing uh you know voting is a personal choice now when it comes to being in Chicago if I were in Chicago I would be out there protesting as well with the my Palestinian brothers and my Jewish brothers and I mean my Palestinian and Jewish brothers and sisters remember people get the wrong idea this protest is not a Arab protest against Jews or something like that this is a protest against War this is a protest against genocide this is a protest about the UN the the the mass murder of human beings that's what this protest is about and it's it it is it is it's is around every ethnicity every religion if you went out there to Chicago as I got streams from that's what you would see and Elon Omar Omar visited uh uh Al V visited virtually I mean a lot of folks visited for that and here's the thing why again again I can't hold Kamala Or democrats in General on it until we win until progressives win themselves off of the apacs of the world because APAC uh is a I call APAC a clear and present danger to democracy just as bad as I do Donald Trump and the reason why the yeah the reason why is they are causing politician I mean it's a unpatriotic uh it's it's an unpatriotic being that has the hold on politicians and when they when they cross them I can talk to you about Balman and Corey Bush two people that should have won their elections that were derailed by APAC and that's because again and it could happen to any Democrat any actually not any Democrat to any politician but anyway anything else real quick so I can get Bowman were about doing the right thing that's why that's why defeat them because they they were about doing the right thing as far as being on the right side and doing the Humane thing for the judan people over there you know that's thank you brother oh one other thing I oops uh come on in Greg sorry about that uh we went to liil figure go ahead Greg uh good morning good morning sir yeah I just want to talk uh just a little bit the not not Harry with the caller before um about reparations and you said something about follow the money so a lot of the wealth in this country is traced back to not just slavery but when we think about reparations we have to think about Jim Crow too um and we have to think about prison slavery and the War on Drugs the war of Black and Hispanic people and stuff like that um the wealth has grown by being able to develop your wealth and when your communities are kept impoverished by not giving loans and stuff like that so most people in the community have to rent they can't get a loan to buy a home because of the color of skin and stuff like that they're kept from creating wealth that's been going on since the beginning of time so it is something to think about there I can't remember the community in Ohio there's been a few communities that have already given reparations and Ohio is not even a play state but they're well aware of the discrimination and racism that kept um black people from their Community from developing well so it's not such a bad idea and also I I have to really get on you about this one comment and I'm a big fan of yours but I'm probably more Progressive than you are and you said uh immigrants know US history or most immigrants I'm not sure you said most immigrants but you said something about knowing more history than Americans and I to challenge you my wife is an immigrant and she passed a test and uh she studied really hard and everything but I would not say she knows more history than um Americans especially my students I'm a social study teacher and I teach history so please be careful um when you get a little defensive and something we have to careful what we say control our thoughts so okay no no let me just say let me just say um I you you're a social studies teacher and you know a lot about um uh history and and not only that you're students as well you're probably a darn good social studies teach uh student but let me just say this I went out to uh I went out several times uh you know and um how should I say oh it seems like they can't hear the callers I'm going have to figure that out uh let me let me go ahead and uh oh I see what they're saying the speakers okay I think they will be able to hear them now all right I think you can hear the callers now that was my fault anyway um here is the here's what I what what I found and maybe you know different or whatever there are certain Basics that we learned uh that we had to learn as immigrants coming in federalism state rights uh the the separation of the the states and you know again my stuff was 30 years ago or more so we had to learn all those things and what I find in talking to a lot of people is a lot of folks don't understand things like the separation in the governments what states can do what others can do ETA something as simple as why it is that uh uh you know let's look at when somebody says why is it that President Bush or our President Biden can't do X Y and Z not understanding how the system works things s things like that is what I'm talking about and I I will gather that you ask just about well most of the Immigrant that I'm around at least and they'll be able to tell you all all these things that many people here won't be able to tell you so that's where I'm coming from as far as go ahead sure you're a scientist right you're a scientist right yes you know no I'm an engineer I'm an engineer scientist I think I call scientists a higher level man I'm an engineer yeah because yeah true scientists you use the knowledge of scientist create okay but you know science and with science you're I mean there's social science too and we have to be careful about antidotal data personal data and stuff it's good to use it as examples and stuff like that but you can't use it as data I stand corrected I stand corrected you are absolutely right in America you know hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second let me give you your cudas let me give you your cudas that was the best slapback I've gotten in a that you know that's I don't know that's profound the way that is profound remember sign and remember what's the difference between empirical data remember what's the difference between I I love that folks that is absolutely true you're absolutely right I love your show keep going on and uh and keep getting even more Progressive because hey we got progressiv love people life equality opportunity they don't love hate that's kind of actually more and you know what else you know what else I'm G to take one exception you're there's no way you could be more Progressive than I we gonna fight I don't think you can be more Progressive than all right thank you brother thank you for the commentary all right all right take care all right folks I am lost now you guys call in and changed the complete show we went from tariffs and storage to uh Americans descendants of Slavery to uh history man you guys just took over my darn show anyway the show title today was supposed to be Kroger merger is the instantiation of corporate greed I also interviewed the the the woman who created The Daily Show with you know uh her name is Liz Winstead I interviewed her at in in Baltimore at oret Roots Convention as well as the uh attorney G Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison you know the guy who ran the uh the case against George Floyd I have so I have an interview with him and I have an interview with uh with uh Keith winst but the interview keyth is too long I see that I'm getting another call so what I'm going to tell you guys is both of these interviews solid interviews that you're going to want to listen to one on a woman's rights and all that kind of stuff and the other one on where our democracy goes with Keith Ellison you can always find that at politicsdw newsletter since there is another call coming in I will go ahead and wait for that and for those of you who are listening online I hope hope that uh you can actually hear the callers now so let's go ahead and go to brother Donald brother Donald come on it good morning AB Berto how are you today I am doing fine sir talk to me you always miss the forest for the trees uh okay Melissa Melissa bought from drums she's a percussionist you're you like music so you should ask are they ornamental or they actually used and then start a rapport them with them you know a nice talk uh who control the orb that says the money is the money and that's the value cuz if you get 3% for the cost of living and it goes 3% 3% 3% 3% right now what we have had is because we gave out all this free money right you know people got supplemented because they were down and out for covid so they're taking 800 a grand or whatever getting supplemented on their food and they're buying all this food so therefore there was shortages cuz people had more money to spend now all that's done and guess what they still want to keep making the same profit they was making off the free money that people got it's just like when we have a drought the cattle man has to slaughter his herds because he can't feed them because the cost of hay and the water and everything else have you ever seen the price of beef go down no 99 cent briskets at $349 a pound right now you might get a little discount it doesn't matter if there's a push on the market or a pull there's a shortage or or a game it's always going to be the same so you got to find out who controls that orb that sets the value of the dollar and then if you devalue a Dollar by paying for like student loans or bailouts and all this other stuff okay if we bail the bank out and in a few years we bail the automotive out and now the bank's setting the price on what the automotive is going to sell for and we still need cars Ford created Ford Motor Company to create assembly line to make the car affordable to the working person to the individual we have gotten so far off track I don't know how we're ever going to get back but that's all I got to say about it no no no no you gotta wait now you gotta wait now because you fail now you you uh you said I missed the forest for the trees I don't know if you meant for the drums or for the economy so I'm going to assume for both let's go with the economy though which is the one that interests me the most you have fallen for the fraud that is your economic system let's let's talk about that I believe in supplying because supply and demand is real if I have a shortage of something right if I have a shortage of something then I can uh to to to kind of be able to I can sell it at a higher price because if people have money they'll buy it at that higher price which is which sort of happened but it wasn't because you know people say oh you give people money here's the thing about it you fall for the capitalist trap that says the following I will take whatever money the people without pricing power has in their pocket and charge them the commensurate price I can get for them there's this theory in economics called the uh not Theory a concept an economic concept that says whatever the market will bear if you know there's a drug call uh well I'm not going to use a s because people are flocking to us like crazy creating a real shortage but let's look at what happened in reality in reality people got monies in their pockets a lot of people would have otherwise saved that money but when the corporate structure realized that that money was there they brought the prices up commensurate with the amount of money they knew people have even though remember what I said even though there were no shortages if and here are my proofs a lot of the pricing that groceries are seeing came through the energy supply chain we never had a energy shortage we never had oil shortage in fact if smack in the middle of the pandemic we had the oil companies raising prices of gasoline as they were taking barrels of oil off the market that's a statement of fact that amount of monies charged for gasoline and Diesel Etc went straight up the chain to the farmer who was uh farming his land to the fertilizer people who depend on oil for fertilizer all of these things from this mere fact that the oil company decided that they were going to rig the market all those other prices went up not because of shortages but because the pricing power of a necessary resource and they cornered the market statement of fact secondly uh again no shortages you could not go to the store and not find things that you want maybe spot shortages of paper towel here and there because people crazily went and got paper towels and toilet paper I don't know why but anyway that's what they did but you could always find products but everything was inflated brother it's a fraud it's not because Biden gave them money it's because they knew Biden gave them money so they could the people with price and power listen to that video that I did on price and power they are the ones who write raise the prices and you know how we know that the fact because when you take a look at the profits of all these corporations the profits were relative in concert with the price Rises which means their initial cost wasn't all that much higher Donal we have to stop falling for the crap that capitalists tell us it's a system designed to enrich a few and I can prove it mathematically and the problem that we have is we have been inculcated infiltrated indoctrinated into a system where the evidence of its failure is out there for all to see you are there to see your money go straight up to the top the billionaire never has a problem under no economy whether the economy is bad or good they do well and until we learn that we are constantly being ripped off and we take it out of our minds what's been indoctrinated into our minds we're screwed go ahead my brother before I go to Paul oh I'm just waiting for you to come up for the solution I know you got it because you smart because you know how to use Aus and a slide rule so that's all I gotta say about that oh thank you br I appreciate you brother I appreciate you and yeah I we I wrote a book up for the with the solution it was called not it was called it's called how to make America Utopia take away the take away the the economy from those who rigged it y I did write a book about that but thank you brother yes sir have a good onee you too all right let's go to Paul hello hello Paul good morning good morning everybody um economics 101 artificial scarcity There Is No Lack in the world oh I love you I if I if I saw you now I'd come and give you a big big big hug thank you for saying that well in the um late 70s early 80s um okay Nixon to Reagan they went away from the Adam Smith model of of Economics to the kesian model the free market L FR uh we're there's raw capitalism L FR free market if you bag up doggy dung and people are willing to buy it sell all that you can versus regulated capitalism which uh was torn down beginning with Reagan um G John Gorsuch or the guy on the Supreme Court named Gorsuch his mom yeah Gorsuch yeah his mom was Reus hatchet man or Hatchet woman and she got in a uh involved in Scandal had to step down but they took all the guard rails off of our Regulatory Agencies and imposed indoctrinated as you said inculcated and you know uh um basically imposed a kesian economic model you know free market and thus went away uh unions Reagan first ought a business to the unions the unions went away profits went up 300% wages is stagnant they took away the right to deduct credit card interest off of your taxes um you cannot put a student loan in a bankruptcy filing they took away your ability to um up well they tax Social Security payments because Republicans hated it from its very Inception and so here we are and so you know we're like frogs in the Boiling Pot by the time we realize it's too hot it's too late to get out and people need to get out of Facebook and get their b in a book and understand you know how we got here but people other than folks like you and some others don't want to talk about causes and conditions they don't want to connect the dots you know Twisted theology has led us into you know a church State the church becomes the state for example the king of England right now is also the head of the Ang Church head of the Anglican Church in the in the frames of the Constitution made it crystal crystal clear that church and state shall be perfectly separate because democracy is actually a secular political tool for equality it didn't come from uh judeo-christian vales it came from the Sue and the iroy which they discovered when when the uh Europeans landed here that the Su iro had a democratic form of societies and so they refined it they refined it and tweaked it and so here we have you know the greatest experiment of all Humanity democracy which over the past 40 years has been destroyed thank you Paul I'm running out of time and I have two more calls that I have to uh get but look you're absolutely right and you know it always warms my soul when I I hear somebody that doesn't buy into the this this crap here you know I like neither Adam Smith or well Keynesian at least the one thing with Keynesian is that it says government should spend to take us out of re to make sure we don't go into recessions when they're The Last Resort but I I I want a true free enterprise system I don't even regulated capitalism is still a mover of money but we can talk about that another time but thank you so kindly Paul for your commentary all right let's go to tag come on in tag tag I only got about a minute yep yep uh a a quick word for Howard this morning which I think I think he needs to hear uh inflation is based on the Consumer Price Index okay Consumer Price Index is based on what you pay for something so if something that cost something goes up at the store just don't buy it and if you continue to not buy it the price will come back down and then you're not adding to inflation inflation is based on what we buy so thank you tag my brother I went to war to protect America's rights and freedoms so I take it personally when a five time draft dodging coward like Donald Trump tries to take away try to take away my rights and freedoms in return especially when it concerns my daughters my girls gamer girl Abigail and queen of the monkey bars Miley are everything to me but they would never have been born without access to reproductive care [Applause] because after 10 years of struggling with infertility I was only able to have them through the miracle of IVF but now Trump's anti-woman Crusade has put other Americans right to have their own families at risk because if they win Republicans will not stop at Banning abortion they will come for IVF next they'll prosecute doctors they will shame and spy on women and if you think that's far-fetched just look up what happened in Alabama last year so let me say to every wouldbe parent I see you I'm with you and together in November we'll send a message to Old Cadet bones [Applause] Spurs stay out of our doctor's offices and we you add it out of the Oval Office too look my struggle with infertility was more painful than any wound I earned on the battle field so how dare a convicted felon like Donald Trump treat women seeking Health Care like they're the ones breaking the law how dare J D van criticize childless women on cable news then then vote against legislation that would have actually helped Americans to start [Applause] Families how dare the GOP endangered the dreams of countless veterans whose combat wounds prevent them from having kids without IVF punishing Our Heroes for their willingness to serve it's simple every American deserves the right to be called mommy or daddy without being treated like a [Applause] criminal Kamala Harris believes that so let's make some history and elect her in November God Bless America thank you let's go to uh Ry real quick Ray yeah I just a shot yeah can you hear me yes sir yeah I just want to give a shout out to brother Clinton at the convention you know in history all of history shows if you look at a graph that he had the greatest economy uh according to uh history because he had a surplus and he was the only president to do that and while Trump you know talks all that you know lambastic BS you know it's basically Clinton who has the bragging rights but he never uses them and I just want to give him a shout out for his humility and just giving shout outs to all the Democrats throughout history that is so smart of you Ray thank you very much actually he had the highest worth 23 million jobs is what he created the next person to him was Carter with 10 million jobs in one year I mean in one term I mean a lot of people don't know this stuff they just take the propaganda that the Republicans put out there but it's generally lice I gotta go to Brian Ray because um but let's talk at three o'clock if you're on the show at three brother all right cool thank you have a good one all right Brian come on in my brother yeah well I guess I'm totally doctrinated because uh you rambled on for about two minutes and you've never answered Donald's question and uh what I gotta say is how our economic system is uh brainwashed everybody how it doesn't work I already told you how I told you already why no you didn't you didn't you didn't say I I well let me tell you specifically in one sentence in one sentence if your economic system over time has transferred all the wealth to the top 10 and one% then it's a failure that's the answer continue okay now Clinton did not have a surplus somebody needs to check their history and who was going to tack there's a difference between there's a difference between debt and and actually the amount of debt we have and the budget he was the only president in the last 50 years that had a surplus when it comes to the budget that's a statement of fact sir you need no you somebody needs to check their history Clinton did not have a surplus are somebody going to check that for me I'm look how I've already checked it to all you guys like to change definitions depending on who's president but go ahead sir okay that's the that's the statement of the day Clinton did not have a surplus it was a proposed Surplus who worked with him to get this supposed Surplus the Republicans the same people no no wrong the Republicans all 100% of the Republicans voted against the Clinton tax increase and they stated that tax increase would blow the economy up it turns out that he the after they passed this tax increase and losing Congress that the the the the fiscal responsibility that he brought took the economy through the roof I don't want to hear anything about oh it was done under Republicans no every single Republican voted against the tax increase that brought fiscal sanity then Bush came into office and tanked the economy like Republicans always do which is why 50 million of the 51 million jobs created over the last uh uh since 1989 was by democrats and also if you take a look even further over the last 80s something years 30 uh there's been 30 million jobs created under Republican presidents 80 million jobs under Democratic president so I mean this is not something that's Just Happening Now Republicans simply are terrible for the economy when we talk about GDP the same thing applies the GDP under democratic presidents is much much better than the GDP under Republicans these are statements of fact that can be I that we can talk about but I got to go to the studio now with Howard Reynolds Brian I'm not asking these questions you can look it up it's out there for all to see come on in Howard okay well I want to to talk about Brian here for a second it was a projected Surplus and it wasn't an actual real Surplus under Clinton if you would have stayed on Clinton's taxes and Clinton's uh economic plan you would have had a projected Surplus not a real one but what yeah what happened then who came into Power then again oh you know bush bush W right exactly exactly anyway folks Jack real quick he says nothing okay anyway folks love you all all the entire show that we were supposed to be is at politics and newsletter politics and newsletter my name isberto Willies this is politics and right and you guys know how I end this baby I am what out support for this show politics and right comes from Politics on Publishers of how to make America Utopia take away the economy from those who rigged it as I see it class Warfare the only resort to right-wing Doom it's worth it how to talk to your right-wing relatives friends and neighbors and other books written by Berto Willies [Music] welcome to politics done right I am your host eberto Willies this is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics this is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes We the People whether you are liberal Progressive conservative or otherwise you get to hear your point of view we are an independent media outlet that unlike mainstream media beholden to corporations we only owe allegiance to you remember you can also send me a tweet at EG b r t o w i l l i e s that is at eberto Willies let us engage it is politics done right [Music]

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