Where Texas and Oklahoma Stand & Rece Davis’ EA CFB 25 INSIDE INFO! | College GameDay Podcast

Welcome it just meant more because Pete th was in the building in a brand new place this the college game day podcast Friday July 19th ree Davis and Pete th with you Pete fresh off a trip return trip home from Dallas and I don't know if I feel fresh but thank you I say we just we're recording this just a few hours after you return from Dallas and from what I saw from afar it was really a fascinating thing to watch Nick Sabin being there covering the SEC media days for the SEC network and to see the coaches sort of engage in a different type of relationship with the guy who's sort of been The Godfather of coaches for a number of years in the SEC and now looking to see who might assume that role what was the vibe like around all all of that in Dallas P it was it was pretty interesting I mean Nick Savin was still the star of the show ree right um from the moment he tried to walk in and uh the security guard checked his credential and made it go back to his room by the way I walked by that security guard like 11 times I he check my credential once uh by time by time I got there so uh and you know obviously Kirby Smart has is sort of taken the throne as the as the top coach in the SEC something he has certainly earned and it was interesting to see Kirby kind of again like taking some playful Jabs at Nick he had a great line and Des he said I think Nick flies home private at night every night of spring meetings and then comes back in the morning um and you know he said he said that he felt like Darth Vader asking uh asking questions asking questions there but um yeah it was it was definitely just interesting to see Nick Sabin in sort of the the full he was obviously at the draft but in the college space uh you know his full-throated debut and he was still unequivocally kind of the star of the show you know what I mean people following him around um I will say he was like wildly prepared um watched Every Spring Game talked to every coach uh not surprising again considering the draft prep he put in and just considering sort of who he is and how he's wired there's not a whole lot of freelance let's let's wing it in uh in Nick savin's DNA so yeah I think that was kind of one of one of the takeaways um he worked a lot too like they you know he was he he did not he does not do well with idle time so he was uh he was being run around and obviously SEC media days in many ways are an ESPN production right there's a lot of sets and there's a lot of shows and there's a lot of different different places you can talk and analyze uh these 16 teams so it was uh it was sort of a really a really fun interesting debut and quite frankly I thought he was really good I watched a bunch of uh the coverage on Monday and um man he was he was dialed in he was uh you know just like could it wasn't all panish which was appreciated you know I thought you know he he you much like at the draft he was he was not afraid to be objective and you know tell is there Quick Preview Texas and Oklahoma were so many good lines I noticed the one where he picked Georgia and Texas to play in the SEC Championship game which is a more than reasonable take and his former offensive lineman Alabama Tyler Booker said well a guy used to tell me don't let a guy sitting in his basement all day affect the way I feel about the team he said so I'm sure not going to let a guy who plays golf all day affect the way I feel about it so you know an opportunity to to get back in the Boston the credential story reminded me of uh the year ironically because it didn't have anything to do with Alabama and Sabin but they were playing in the game playing the national championship game against Texas in the rosebowl and I might have told the story on the Pod before but it's the day before the championship game you know and each team comes in you know they can take photographs or just walk the field whatever they'd like to do and when Texas came in that they Matt Brown didn't have his credential at least not with him because well he's Matt Brown I mean why he he had won the Rose Bowl before he won a national championship in the Rose Bowl in addition to winning a Rose Bowl game and the yellow yellow jacket security guy stops him at the edge of not at the Rose bow they would never do that yeah they but they did they stopped they stopped Mack and eventually after it was a lengthy weight and so we had some Sport with Mack about that and I thought okay uh Nick's learning what it's like when the credential when the credential guys come to get you you know I I have one I got I got basically per walked off the field at the um at the Oklahoma USC national championship game um and a guy came up to me Mark May and me actually and he walks up and he said uh Mr Davis I'm really sorry to do this Mr May I see your credentials yeah sure he showed him the credential and he goes my boss is watching me he goes I'm going to have to ask you to leave I'm like well okay it was a little Annoying and he starts walking us off the field and I said do you think Mark and I are going to try to escape or slip back on the field we'll leave if you're you know we're supposed to be in the Press Box or wherever so sometimes the credential guys get a little sticky so he at least that guy's got a story to tell yeah that yeah None Shall Pass not even Nick Sabin when I'm when I'm here let me ask you on the outside there was a lot of Texas talk there does Oklahoma is Oklahoma starting to feel that a little bit that they're sort of being overlooked as the other new team coming in and using that it's a good question because one of uh Nick's viral lines was like Texas isn't going to come and run this league and of course people in the Big 12 were like well they didn't run the Big 12 I think it was 14 four Oklahoma won Big 12 titles compared to Texas yeah yeah so I mean it like wasn't even close and I think the stat was last year K State until Texas won last year K State had as many Big 12 titles as Texas did so um again the brand is great and the highs have been really high for for for Texas when you think back to Vince Young and some of those some of those great moments but they didn't now are they better positioned to be you know consistent playoff team in the SEC now than they were five years ago or under Charlie Strong or Tom Herman yeah they are um they've done a good job administratively from the president to the athletic director and obviously they they hired a coach who knows what it's supposed to look like and they've gone and uh they've they've gone and done it I I'll say this like and again I'm I have full throated respect for the way Oklahoma did run the Big 12 for as long as they did uh vast majority of that under under Bob Stoops um Oklahoma having five new offensive linemen scares me new starter at quarterback scares me Texas has four returning starters on a very good offensive line and the fifth guy they're going to slide in at right tackle cam Williams I've been told by Scouts could end up being a top 50 pick when it's all said and done he's 65 335 he looks like a grown man and they're very optimistic about him his talent his upside so I just think that again I know we we mock ourselves for like a lot of o line talk on this podcast but that is where many many games are won and so the the combination Oklahoma is very good skill but the combination of o line inexperience now I'm not saying they don't have good players and they have probably the best offensive line coach in the country in uh Bill beaten B right so but if you just take that it takes a month you we've used this line on the Pod before you can't microwave an offensive line like it's not Jiffy Pop you just can't throw it in and all of a sudden they're going to work well together it takes teamwork synchronization um and game reps to really become a good offensive line so I uh I'm not saying Oklahoma's going to go 4 and eight but I am saying that like for the jump to the SEC there are a few red flags that that the Sooners have to tackle before I feel great about putting them in the you know in the thick of the playoff conversation you know Pete that's one of the things is I've been doing my season Making Picks When Teams Have New Roster Makeup prep and a lot of it you know among the things I list on this chart that I'm you know getting at least decently close to completing the goal is always to complete this chart before pardon me before they actually start practice so that you can start adding stories and things that actually familiar with Personnel I actually um I I've got to finish a couple teams in the Big 10 and I'll do the SEC after that but I've I've gone through the the teams that I think are a group of five contenders for the most part I've gone through um gone through the two pack the Big 12 the ACC the majority of the Big 10 um couple more teams do the Big 10 who was the most fun like who did you do and you're like man I really like this team like um oranda had a great line of Big 12 he was like I don't know how you guys pick who's going to win like every team has 40 new players and so like and and I completely agree by the way that that is exactly what I was going to say because you start looking at various sources and there there's wide variance in listed returning starters because of how people are calculating them some people are calculating returning starters by guys you got in a portal who were both time starters at the same level for instance if you you know if you got a guy from Florida who is a starter old miss you know then he's kind of listed as returning starter in some quarters the offensive line thing is the other thing because I was looking at at one of the offensive line charts here and Oklahoma's listed as having 114 career starts which is top 25 country you know which is right around where Texas where do you get o line starts by the way I'm always jealous starts actually actually no I I don't mind I didn't do the the work on it I use um one of the offensive line charts I use that has been pretty accurate over years is Phill steel I mean you you better have on your glasses for all those little tiny numbers but you know he's got things like the percentage of returning tackles a number of you know percentage of guys who made big plays on defense and offensive line career starts and where that ranks you know is one of the one of the minuscule charts and I just sort of put it down for reference um but but it is something that I've noticed that you look and you'd look at the Personnel you know from some other source and say okay only two of these guys started yet you'd look at the chart and there'd be 145 returning starts but they're not there and I know you had some fun with us about yeah it was someplace else and that was um people like you know we had some fun with the the amount of uh offensive line talk that we had the number of times we referenced the 200 plus uh returning offensive line starts at Florida State last year which Old Miss has this year by the way um but the thing that that you don't know you're looking at you're saying okay these guys have played a lot of ball but they haven't played together and there's nothing in football in my judgment that needs to be as synchronized as offensive line play now everything has to be synchronized guys have to be in the right spots I get that but because of the communication needed on the offensive line it's one of the reasons I think you and I are similar in this evaluation if there are guys who know each other and have played together and have played together pretty well we value that you and I that's something that we value and it's harder to ascertain this year because you may have a bunch of guys are they going to work well together um but to your to your question about the team uh that was that was the most fun or the one that I said you know you better you better take a look at them closely on a couple of couple of sides one was Oklahoma State um they won a bunch of close games last year they have more experience returning than just about anybody they got a lot of offensive line was um I got Teams That Could Be Fun To Watch This Season OSU Roll a lot line starts and last year they only allowed I think seven sacks on over 500 dropbacks now some of that is a product of the way that their passing game functioned and obviously with all like Gordon um they were able to run it but you start to worry about teams that won a bunch of close games last year you need to look no further than TCU TCU lost class close games in 23 three games by exactly a field goal another by touchdown they were 0 and four in one score games they got to the national championship game the previous year because they were six- one in one score games so as you do this you start looking at things like that even if you like the Personnel you're like okay these guys have better be more dominant this year because they I know to say they got away with a few but when you put yourself in Peril when you bring losing into the equation in close games or maybe you're just not good enough to hammer somebody sometimes those games aren't going to go your way even if you play well so you know I think uh I think Oklahoma state was one another one that I think is being a little bit overlooked that could be pretty good uh would be would be West Virginia so you got a couple teams there and and I'm also I'm also thinking that um I'm also thinking that NC State you know NC State might be might be a little bit of a dark hor and maybe to pay attention I'm telling and I think Tennessee will win that game but I'm telling them I'm telling them to pay attention and I'm looking forward to that because I'm going to get to call that game so I'm excited to I'm excited to see that so uh a lot of a lot of teams a lot of teams that are fun and there are still even as closely as you and I followed this you start I've added the portal in Portal out the portal in column I try to be a little more diligent about but somebody lost key guy want to be able to make a note of that also so there are guys who wind up and you go oh he wound up there rocket Sanders at South Carolina I was like oh yeah I forgot about that over the years when I've gone to these media days Pete I almost invariably walk out really liking really sort of getting sweet on a team I didn't anticipate being as high on when I went in the door who was that for you in SEC Media Day Unanticipated Storyline from Arkansas Dallas so I'll say this I don't think they're GNA like go 10 and two but I did sort of leave with a with a good appreciation for Arkansas um and that's not a team probably anybody spending a lot of time prepping on in the in the in the preseason but uh Sam Pitman is one of the more compelling characters in our sport um and he uh was asked quite a bit about hiring Bobby patrino as his offensive coordinator and he basically said I did it because I just want to win I want to win and Bobby patrino is really good offensive coordinator and that's why I did it because he even intimated what we're all thinking that Bobby patrino um was going to stab him in the back and try to take the job right like that is in the back of everybody's mind when you hire Bobby patrino as CO as the OC at Arkansas and considering all the sort of things that happened with his explosive exit from Arkansas um so it was Pitman was good he was like two years ago we went nine and four I was at the afca convention I was coach of the year I was on top of the world and he kind of said he was just like look I he said he on staffs that have been fired six times that's a lot of times to get fired even like for a football coach and he was like some of those staffs were like three and DS where they just didn't work or um you know quick quick exits he wasn't on the staff the whole time there um but he's like look I you know he was basically like I've done a good job I got Arkansas off the mat they were he went through Chad Morris's whole record I think it was 4 and 20 um they were winless in the SEC and he was just like look basically I'm proud of what I've done I've help bring this program back to respectability and I'm paraphrasing a little bit there and then I'm not paraphrasing when when he said if they don't like it they can give my $12 million and send me to Hot Springs um which is uh where I believe he has like a summer home um and that's sort of like the hot springs is kind of the cape cot of Arkansas if you're not uh if you're not on those uh lakes on the on the Ozark and uh I I just think it's it's an interesting place right now so ton green was there the quarterback from Boise we remember ton green we watched him a bunch of late nights we talked about a lot on this podcast he's a big long athlete uh the kind of guy that Bobby patrino has had a lot of success with this year and pinman used the stat that they lost five one score games last year and just just looking here at BYU one score game LSU one score game at Old Miss and that and that was a blown that was a a blown game really D they they really really should have won that game yes uh at Alabama won the score game Mississippi State 73 I don't think Bobby patrino is going to score three points with Tor green quarterback so I just kind of left like appreciating the like unusual cander of Sam Pitman like just just win baby or just fire me I think I've done a pretty good job I can like go I can go to bed at night thing I've kept the team first the state first and all those uh and all those things right so I I just sort of left like being like bman like you're you know we're in this time of year Reese it's a really interesting time where like all of our preseason Notions are coalescing and they they're like gospel and then when they don't happen we're shocked right like Arkansas is going to go two and 10 because they were bad last year and it's just like there's so much ambiguity so like like that would be like what I would caution our our listeners is like don't get convicted in the preseason in modern college football if you get convicted in the preseason college football you're going to be surprised like there should not like there should be very few shocking results because we just don't know who these teams are we just don't know what they're going to look like between player movement between coaching changes between everything else so I will be curious when uh Arkansas goes to Oklahoma State week two like they they're going to play against obviously a a very good veteran Oklahoma State team in one of the more difficult places to play in college football still water is going to be a hostile hostile environment that's a that's a a series a rivalry a game that means a lot in that region that's not like playing BYU right like I mean the the Oklahoma State uh Arkansas game because geography because of History really uh really does mean something so I'll be curious if they they can get through that um you know there there's like a there's a path for them to to be improved off of the 4 and8 One and seven where they uh where they where they were last year so I uh I I think I don't know if I'm sweet on arkans on the big picture but I left like sweet on Sam Pitman for his cander Rush defense was average last year that'll be a big deal when they go to still water and I believe too in this modern era of college football um that you referenced I think momentum is a real thing because the chemistry might be a little bit more fragile because that is it's incumbent on coaches to try to make sure that cools is quickly and sometimes that when adversity strikes if there's not the depth or there hasn't been time uh to establish the depth of that type of chemistry which is sort of an overused term but it's it's real if you could explain why it's real you could you know you could make a lot of money but if you start generating momentum in either direction sometimes it feeds on itself if you you know if you for instance if you start losing a bunch of close games as Arkansas did last year sometimes you sit around waiting on the Anvil to drop on your head you know you're in a close game you go oh no oh no and it's not like you know I don't think athletes at that level freeze up and typically start saying what's going to go wrong it's sort of a colle Ive feeling and maybe a slight pressing from the athletes of it could be something as simple as I'm going to make a play and because of that they get a little bit away from their assignment because they're going to make a play they end up it ends up going against them little things like that that's what that's how I Define momentum and it's hard to pick out even on tape but it will be something that at the very worst moment something goes wrong on the flip side if Arkansas were to say win in still water which would be an unexpected result as you cautioned us earlier maybe not to be shocked by anything but to me that would be an unexpected result sure if Arkansas goes to still water and beats Oklahoma state if they do that now all of a sudden they feel a little bit better about themselves they start to believe in this guy from Boise State you know Bob patrino has had a lot of success with uh you know with quarterbacks like tayen green from Boise State you start getting some momentum you you say hey this guy's working out at Arkansas I can play at this level you win a game on the road behind him or something then um you know then you start believing a little bit you know another thing that happened at media days that was entertaining was Lane K and Paul fine bomb had a had a Quick Preview & Expectations of Ole Miss pretty good exchange where Lane was really giving Paul the business about his rather Inglorious exit from USC and and Paul's role on that when he was on college game day I think and you know Lane's a funny guy he can be self-deprecating he can also have a razor sharp WID and he used it used it on Paul um but the one thing is is Lane May really be Vindicated this year in the SEC because he's had great offenses he's had good teams he's done a really good job there but now he shored up the defensive front which has been really the one area where almost Miss has had moments on defense it's not as if they you know they they've been bad a couple times but they haven't you know it's not as if they haven't never been able to stop anybody the whole time he's been there but now they've got the guys up front um you know most notably Walter Nolan coming from Texas Adam to Old myth are you in mid-season form on Prince Lee's last name ree I I'm not I'm not you got it you got it for him not in mid-season for him I learned it last year at Florida let me uh let me get it right here off the off the trusty guide and that's a that's a tough one man that's a uh I did their spring game two years ago I believe it's yam melon I don't know Reese is the pronunciation expert for our new listeners by the way he is meticulous about pronunciation in the game day like an hour before game day starts hey how do you say like fill in the blank of a poian lineman and he has all the right like te days is accented and uh and everything so a here here's what and uman Mellen is what is what I have that's what I from Florida last year umen umen umen umen and uh and you helped me you you are far too self-deprecating uh the iala niala at Tennessee is is one that I'm gonna have to have to have rolling off the tongue like OU yeah yeah by the time that they play North Carolina State oh yeah you're calling that game so you really need to have that thing down yeah so uh and then so you have um you have um you have Walter Nolan and then obviously I think they're going to be really really good on offense I'm just GNA go ahead and say it man I think Old Miss I think Miss makes playoff I have a hard time arguing with that um when you uh when you take a look at what they have back on offense um you know Jackson Dart rare quarterback three years in a system like that there's there's a lot lot of continuity on that offense there are some holes on the offensive line but like give Miss credit as a program and as an athletic department they saw nil as an equalizer to get them out of being sort of what they have been historically a bottom half SEC team and they have been aggressive they have been um they've almost like used it as a flex to show how much they care and everybody cares in the SEC but they they really really have gone all in on we are going to be in competition for the very best players to get us in position to to to be competitive in the uh in in the SEC and if you look at the way their schedule builds as they have to find themselves there have some questions in the secondary there's you know there's some you know it is not a perfect roster by any means but you have Ferman Middle Tennessee at Wake Forest um who should be much better um and then you know I wonder how many Old Miss fans are going to show up in Winston Salem that day uh to try to to try to drink uh truest Stadium dry um and then you have Kentucky at home at South Carolina like that is about as manageable as a first half schedule that any SEC team has and so if you can navigate that with Kentucky probably being the the most difficult game and that's at home that's a noon game in uh in Oxford you can really like gear up to dial in for LSU Oklahoma at Arkansas Georgia at Florida like when you go down the stretch for your uh you know for for your wheelhouse for your wheelhouse game so at there are no easy secc schedules but I do feel like the combination of returning Talent portal editions and the way the schedule sequences really puts Old Miss in position to uh you know they're they're in good position to go to LSU on October 12th and be ranked in the top five and uh you know ready to uh ready to roll I think if you look and we'll do our playoff predictions later uh we're going to do that as part of our preseason I think I mentioned on an earlier podcast CFP Predictions SEC Teams Over/Under we're gonna break it down in groups of 12 um 12 that are on the cusp 12 that need some help I think and then obviously 12 that we think will make it Miss is probably going to be in 12 that or it will be in my 12 that I think we'll make it why don't we use your georgas what your 12 out there I haven't I haven't settled on it yet but what would you think if I said this that people are going to say okay how many teams are the SEC in the big in the Big 12 I mean sorry the SEC and the Big 10 going to get um I think Georgia Texas are going going to play i' would be very surprised if Georgia and Texas didn't make the playoff I think Old Miss is going to make the playoffs so now the question becomes how many among the group of Alabama Missouri LSU and I'm G to say Tennessee um how many how many among that group are able to squeeze out the last couple of spots and you know look I'm not saying old Miss is A Cut Above Old Miss might end up scrapping with with that lower group there for for one of the spots too so but how many how many of those that'll be the question and that's where some of the Intrigue will come as you watch the other conferences play across the country how strong are they how many spots are available you know whether the ACC comes up with one or two will be a really big deal is it Clemson and Florida State is it NC State in Florida State or is it or is it just the winner what's your SEC over under Reese if you had to play off teams from the SEC what would you set the over under at five and a half five and a half yeah because four and a half well see there I started to say four and a half here's why I said five and a half because I think then it's a little bit of a harder I mean maybe it's easier because you just hate the under but I think I think you feel like that you're definitely getting four right so then you're just you're just yeah so then you're then you're just looking at the one so I kind of look at it and say if I set it at five and a half are you saying they're going to be dominant and control it or you know or are you saying four to five is going to be gonna be the max so what do what do we think here just generally and I have to admit I have not like run a lot of this scenario stuff out in my mind we think let's just say four from the SEC four from the Big 10 and then you have uh two other automatics right so that's no three other automatics three other automatics you'd have big 12 ACC G5 so that'd be three that's 11 got one spot you had thought Big 12 one on the Pod last week um so you think like you don't think both of those leagues get two you don't think the Big 12 and the ACC both get two you don't I don't think it's I don't think it's possible but if you're asking me to make the prediction I would say I would say no and if you ask me right now which is more likely to get to I'm going to say the ACC because I think um I I think fora State and Clemson you could have a scenario where fora State and Clemson split uh maybe I the you know and certainly if Clemson upsets Georgia then then everything changes but if Clemson were to lose to Georgia and then lose to Florida state in the regular season still make the championship game and then win then you know you probably have both of them I would think so I think the acc's got a better shot at two than the Big 12 if Notre Dame goes and wins at College Station opening week like they're you know they're right in the uh right in the thicket of uh right in the thicket of that so they're a variable um that's interesting in all this yeah I'm I'm GNA scroll down here and look at at Notre Dame schedule um because it sets up pretty well for them they'll obviously have a gargantuan game against Florida State in early November it's in South Ben um jury out on what USC is going to look like at the end but you know they've got they're at A&M and uh and then Florida State at home if they can win that A&M game they're going to be favored a lot if not every week at least until Florida state gets there and maybe and maybe after that as well so I mean it that's a really really huge game for the First on campus edition of game day the first edition in North America of college game day this year in college station on the thought from Mike Elco uh yesterday at media days I should say Thursday at media days about that game is they are very bullish behind the scenes on the offense I'm sorry on the defensive line at Texas A&M um so they got Nick scorton who led the big tenant sacks last year he is uh all our draft experts universally consider him a first round pick off the edge he had 10 sacks to lead the Big 10 last year he's from Brian he hits all the Paradigm measurables they have Shamar Turner who is a second Team all League player last year move inside he could be a first round pick too he's kind of changed his body at defensive tackle and then there's a kid named Shamar Stewart who hasn't done a lot yet there but he was a top 10 recruit and they feel like he's like he's the guy the NFL Scouts are like okay we're supposed to look at him but like what about that guy like off the bus he has like the first round it so quietly they really feel like there's good bones left there this isn't like now they've made some nice portal ads they certainly have some flaws the receiver room isn't isn't very deep um or doesn't really have many high-end guys like they're not perfect but boy if you're Mike Elco and you have a dominant defensive line remember Notre Dame's going to break in two new tackles to to start next season both their tackles were top 100 picks you called their names early in the draft I just think that's pretty interesting when you have that home crowd advantage and you have a a a group of just MERS um up front it was interesting to hear uh was Trey Zoom the left tackle of Texas basically admit at media like yeah we had discipline problems like it's been a whole different ball game discipline wise and again new strength coach cleaned up discipline it's all the offseason stuff you're hearing with every coaching change so I don't want to be like naive but I just feel like Mike Elco what he did year one at Duke sort of rattles in the back of my head when I think about this like he took a bad team from the year before and a pedestrian roster and maximized it and if he and that crew can figure out how to maximize this with Conor wigman being back healthy I think there could be in the o line too they felt like there was a lot of talent there that didn't get maximized so if you can get those two lines right Mike oo is going to win you some games in the margins and and with Conor Wegman too there are there are a lot of Scouts and observers who are very high on what he could what he could do at A&M this year there's going to there are going to be plenty of surprises so you're having a new television delivered to your home you know do you know what a great thing to do on that new television would be I CFB 25 BTS: Rece Lends His Voice To The Game would think uh it would be to play the game as everybody call play college football 25 on release day just in case some of our listeners weren't aware it is the game the game and you it was I got I got an email because I I've we've talked about this I've been working on this among many others for you know a couple of years I got an email that the people who got the deluxe edition and um the early uh the early release people we had been in a select group to get the early release they had 700,000 people playing online and you know that's not that's not counting those who got the early release or the deluxe editions and just said okay I'm going into my diam mode I don't need to play you know against anybody else so people are really excited about it and I think the players the players have been very excited about it too you know at media days there was a lot of talk about the game like there is you know the the nuance and the sophistication at what at what it was discussed was uh there was a level of depth there that was uh there was an intensity to it um it wasn't like are you playing the game it was like tell me who you playing with and how you are playing when have you played and did you pull an all nighter and did you play this morning and uh yeah no it's it's it's it's a ton of fun have any of your calls gone like awkwardly viral like uh like you know all the schools are like tweeting out different things so I've heard your voice on like random rice games you know what I mean like calling a calling a touchdown for Dean Connor or something like it I have no idea if it's uh if it's gone viral or not but one of our one of our friends at uh at Tennessee uh actually texted me the other day and I guess at some point Bill Martin texted and said that um you know I love I love to pay tribute to the old announcers and John Ward the legendary voice of the vs always started the you know the broadcast on the radio by going it's football time in Tennessee and at one point I said over the things that I guess it seems like every time they throw it's first downtime in Tennessee and Bill I obviously i' forgotten saying that and um and he sent me the line goes that was a great line so that's what they that's what those guys sought to capture was that it's not just people you know calling the game is capturing what it's like to call a Tennessee game in this case or you know hey look man we did so much there are going to be hiccups and I'm sure there are going to be some things that are going to go viral that like boy wish I hadn't said that you know but you know I wish I had said it that way or whatever um but I wasn't trying to pick out the bad things by the way I just think there things and some quirky things and you know sure no doubt it was one of the things I that they did there were a couple of times when you when you're in the midst of it especially early when you were when I was getting the feel for what it was going to be like some my mind started at the beginning of well you don't want this to sound generic so try to try to have some fun with it now you don't want to pull a groin having fun with it but you know you would maybe say something that you felt was colorful funny whatever and what the producers found earlier when they were putting the game together and they would start to play is they would come back and they would say it was a good line we like the line but it but it's too memorable and because if you play a lot the memorable line is going to where the people like the memorable line or not is irrelevant but it's going it's you know different than it's a first down for instance even that line that that bill through if you get that too much when Tennessee plays that's not what you're after so there were times when we' say okay you know they'd say we're keeping it in but we're working with the I don't know if algorithm is the right word but working on the program so that it doesn't fire as often so we need you to give us five more that are a little more he got the first down type of things you know so it's um it was a fascinating Endeavor of what I've seen how many hours did you spend um I know I had over 30,000 clips and I think it was I'm looking at my notes 20 250 hours wow of of Voice work on it and people would be excited to know this before you've even broken in the new console very well um my guy Torsten Staley major Oregon Duck fan by the way who is instrumental and and putting all of this together and getting it together has already hit me up and said hey you know we've got to start scheduling some work on CFB 26 wow because you know we'll start you'll start making adaptations and patches and saying because you know look this is such an undertaking not by by Me by them that they're going to be even if the game is awesome they're going to be some as I mentioned earlier some glitches not glitches in gameplay but things that you know well ree that wasn't the greatest way to say that maybe you know you and David and Jesse can work this out make sound a little better also they're going to be changes they going to be different players they going to be different uh different offenses they going to be things that they discover that we don't have covered like even like less than a month before release there were a few little things that they didn't have covered that we went back and fixed there were new sponsorships to bowl games that we went back and added like in late June did you feel good saying the Snoop Dog Bowl welcome to the Snoop Dog bowl that was one of that was one of them uh that was one of the ones Pete I don't know if it made the cut or not but I I think I said something to the effect these two teams want all the smoke the soup dog I hope they kept that I hope they keep that too and I don't know if they will or not um but anyway uh it what those what those Folks at EA have done I'm glad the players are enjoying it I'm glad the fans seem to enjoyed it so far because it's it's going to be fun kicking kicking was supposed to be easy and I'm I'm a novice gameplay I play I always enjoy the game I like calling the plays but what I've been told by a couple of people because I've got to get a new console so I can play is that my my ability was like okay I'm calling this play and I just hit the button and it would go to the right guy I'm told that actually executing the passes is much more difficult than it was in the previous editions of the game and kicking which was supposed to be easy always vexed me anything longer than an extra point anyway so I ended up just going for it most of the time because I I knew I was going to miss the kick so anyway so now if it's even harder it's going to be gonna be more difficult is Chris Davis playing he he will and he's not a Hu he's not a huge yeah he's not a huge gamer uh he um he play he plays a lot of onine Chess but this is the one game that that he does like to play and so he's he's fired up about playing too and some of his some of his not only his teammates now but guys he's played with over the years have already have already hit him up one of his one of his buddies pitcher on another team is a a gargantuan fan gargantuan Nebraska fan he got the Early Edition and he's already he's already in you know so he's already won two national titles he's got the 90s back exactly exactly so it's good so yeah it'll be fun I'm looking I'm looking forward to playing you know who's you know who was wild and and couldn't wait couldn't wait to get his hands on with Scott veld Scott seen some CS of Scott talking about it yeah he said he was gonna kick the tar out of his kids in the game he wasn't G give any think the phrase he was using is my boys are gonna taste the boot yes taste the boot that's a great line that's a great line I can see Stanford Steve playing a little bit I don't don't know that for sure but that's uh that would seem to fit right in his wheelhouse so back to it are you going to play I know you got other things to do you've got Teddy it's tough to find time s am not like just to just to just to be blunt the bandwidth the bandwidth isn't there I don't have a console so that's like an obstacle now if it's like set up in one of our game day offices and I I would like dabble with it I'm like curious about it more like the mechanics and some of the the stadiums like so all these schools are tweeting out like different stuff so I've I've gotten some like glimpses of it but um yeah the the other iterations of the game like there's a generation that grew up with the game kind of in their wheelhouse of high school college and I really think much like fantasy football helped Propel the NFL to be an American institution I really do feel like the video game really helped Propel the the popularity of college football as we hit this playoff era as we became more National as a sport um I really do feel like the game instill like when you talk to a certain generation about teams and times they're like I remember that from the game more than I like remember that game on a Saturday night when they beat you know somebody in overtime right so I I think it's a it's just an awesome energy jolt for the sport at a time where it's really soaring I think at like an all-time high in popularity we're entering this new era with the playoff which I firmly believe is going to energize the country even more um and so I just think it's like yeah it's it's it's an awesome awesome moment in time and I am predictably lame enough where I'll be like texting quality control coaches instead of actually playing well that's what you should be doing and that's a you find a little time to do yourself a favor Tedy was a little older I might play with him but he's yeah he's still in uh you know Dino Ranch and uh and things of that nature so we'll uh we'll have him ready yes it'll be fun Pete congratulations on making it through the latest media day I think you have a little bit more to go so little bit more Ain tough in there we'll continue on the college game day podcast season previews are coming groups of 12 culminating with the 12 teams that we think will make the playoff and I'm told that we might even have an opportunity to do an in-person podcast during the giant college football Summit meeting for that's exciting we haven't done one since two years ago NC tournament I think that's the last time we did an in person I think it is too and which is odd because we see each other every uh Thursday Friday and Saturday during the season but anyway uh enjoy enjoy the weekend hope everybody else does do enjoy playing college football 25 download the podcast wherever you prefer to get your podcast or better yet just go ahead and subscribe we'll talk next time [Music]

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