Published: May 05, 2024
Duration: 00:58:16
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: scott sinclair
I'm here at Summer strong if you've been here last few years you remember Mr Luke day and I'll let him take it from here Mike not that Luke really needs a mic up okay all right all right so uh this guy uh coach Sinclair means a ton to me um he's helped me out in my career in my uh anti-c career in my destruction of my own career multiple times uh I just had a I had a our first child and uh we all just got wiped out uh from from the job we were working at and my phone I got a voicemail on the way home from the hospital and was a guy named Scott Sinclair and he wanted to interview me for a job that I applied for months and months before and I drive over to the hotel and I call him Ed Ellis and I call Ed Ellis Scott Sinclair so it was a great start to to the interview process but I survived that and then we've been like two ships passing in the night multiple multiple times um he was at Marshall right before I got there and uh he was the also was the team chaplain at UCF and I had to replace him in that so I've been listen I've been compared to Scott for a long time okay here's the deal um but he's he's a phenomenal human being he's obviously an excellent coach because he wins everywhere he goes God dang he wins he wins everywhere he goes um I'm really really really excited I got a front row seat um you've meant so much to me and my family and uh I can never ever ever repay that but I'm I'm excited to hear um this guy is is you a couple years ago was called strong roots this guy's definitely part of of my root system ladies and gentlemen Mr Scott Sinclair hey appreciate it thanks brother yes sir you won't often see two SEC head football strength coaches intro each other it's very true very true we'll uh we'll say hello today and and be friends today for sure how how's September going to look we we'll cross that bridge when we get here well I Scott and I have known each other for 25 years at least since we were pups and Scott's one of those guys that was like just always came with a positive attitude and just you know helped us out every time every chance he got and because we were both just throwing effort at the problem generally as younger young pups we became friends and um he was there for us when we needed him hopefully we were able to do the same uh for him at times and uh it was really cool uh we were able to work together here at University of Georgia over the last couple years they've done pretty well at football for a while um and uh and it was one of those pieces of the puzzle that I go we started talking in a conference or something I was like man we just need to sit down and like have I want to dig in I want to dig into who scotson Claire is now um and what's going on at University of Georgia obviously a lot of good things are going on there and so when we did the room there we sat down it was like old times you're like two little kids talking and we're talking training we're talking culture we're talking all this stuff we kind of looked at each other like all right we probably need to do something at summer strong so thank you for coming out yeah thank you so yeah this is going to be like interview style cuz this is stuff I want to know and if you guys want to sit in in our conversation glad to have you yeah hey real quick too holy crap man this is amazing like I I ain't going to lie I'm nervous uh just to sit in front of you guys and to to hear the speakers that have have spoke already it's uh I'm humbled as all get out just to hear what everybody else is saying and uh uh the only reason we win games is so we got good players I want to make sure we put that out uh we have a small piece of the puzzle you got to have good players and we have good coaching staff and good players and thank you for letting me be here and uh uh real quick before we get going I got to say hello to my staff if you you guys I know you're here somewhere but just stand up coach Barbara coach KJ coach kale in the back and then I have one of our intern coaches here you are as only as good as your staff and uh I've got a heck of a staff that they make my job so much easier and so much better and uh it's a joy to be around those guys every day so anyway I wanted to say that first now that's something I always saw um with you I've known his uh one of his mentors at Ellis we'll talk about him a little bit later but that was always one of those things that you you guys always wherever you've been has had a really tight pack you walk together you hung out together you work together um and that's it seems like the culture that you guys have grown in Georgia what's this what's the psychology and what's the culture that you've groomed or your your team or your your staff or I mean obviously you're the head guy so you got a lot to do with it so what has that been like um you know when everybody talks about building a culture to me it's just having a standard and doing that standard every single day and not wavering from it um you know obviously we lift weights and and uh we're going to do multi-joint exercises and we're going to clean and bench and squat but to me it's the attitude the effort and the discipline that me and my staff put together and we demand from our players helps our culture to grow so is that like a consistent like give us an example what if it's like like raising kids right you have the consistency is what does it you could be an a-hole you could be nice but it just be consistent right cuz then people know boundaries and know where they're standing and then they could they could act to it so give us an example of like maybe those those boundaries are holding them to a you know and and honest to God like we don't have a lot of rules per se in the weight room but one of them is you wear black socks you wear the certain shoes you wear black shorts black socks it's just it's it's just it's one of the standards that we have right and so they can wear whatever George issued shirt they want all right I don't let them wear hats things like that but the point of it is if and I will go down and dig in your shoes and if I don't see socks or if it's white socks you're going you're going to pay the price for it and if you gave me a hundred things I would have guessed I would have not figured black socks out no it's well that's one of them and we just I think as a staff and as a as a as a culture Builder we don't let the guys waiver from that and they know when they come in that waight room they better have their shoes on the correct shoes black socks black shorts and when it's not done that way there's a price to pay for it is that just to establish Details Matter I think deta in details that really don't matter making that matter I think it I think the details matter I think the discipline of it matters because I don't think it's any different than the dline coach saying you got to be a three eye instead of a two ey and that may be you know 12 in but that difference matters you know we're not we're not coaching a coach is not coaching that just to say it uh if we're coaching a power clean and I want the bar right you know on Sho string level and not out in front of them there's a reason why we're coaching that so there's a reason why we want them to be disciplined and accountable and responsible I think from football but to the real world we always got to be that and and and I think we are trying to grow men and and I say men I work with every sport I've got a chance to work with all uh all sports but right now um in the last couple years it's been just football but we want to grow men and help these young boys come in and and ow to be better men and so discipline accountability responsibility great attitude it helps you to win football games but it helps you become a better man and it helps you in the real world because when you show up late for work or you do show up for work and you don't wear what the proper attire is for for your work you may be in trouble for it and then you get in trouble for it and it just leads to crap down the road make make the small things matter and then you you have something to bounce off of you have it consistent yeah I like it um I know you and I have talked about some of the skull sessions that you've had uh skull sessions as you guys call them like what what are the skull sessions and give us ideas of that I know you might even have some different so I I honestly think you guys like the skull sessions that we started doing and it's just a chance for our team to sit down and talk uh Team well we can do the whole team as a group okay but we also break it up to 12 individual small groups and I think that's been one of our successes to be honest with you we've always talked about it's funny I I I was watching a video of Luke speak here and he's like like you know no offense he says I don't think you have to have a why or something we were talking about a why well we do believe you have to have a why in what you do at Georgia and what it what it is is I want to know about you and why you're doing what you're doing why are you playing football in college why are you uh what are you wanting out of this and if I know you're why then I have a better opportunity to encourage you when we're out there running Sprints In the Heat of the summer I know why you're doing it uh if if it's for your mom if it's for you you to bring take a uh send money back home what's the most typical why like SEC high level football what is the most typical why it's it's always family it's it's always family you know and uh I would think you know to respect their family to pay their family like what I think to take care of take care of my mom uh and to take care of my family because uh uh a lot of guys that we get a chance to coach and be uh a part of their lives uh their mom have has done so much for them M and so they only see it right to be able to try to pay back what percentage would you say would be uh single parent homes I know that's a bit of a of a side interest I would it's over 50 I would you know for sure say that um but I just I think it's uh I think it's important for them to know their why but I think it goes on Beyond like it's not just our players that sit down and talk about it us as coaches and our whole coaching staff will sit down and talk about it the reason this whole thing started was this a couple years ago we were sitting as a as a as a staff a coaching staff and somebody was saying something about names and one of my assistants at the time Rodney Prince stood up and was like half y'all don't know their names that's why they don't respect you and so it started growing from that is the dog on officer coordinator doesn't know the DB walk-on that's giving him a look every day at practice so why does that kid care why does that kid think that that coach cares about him if he doesn't even know his name so it grew from that to where okay we need to we need to grow this skull session we need to figure out do we have DNA traits we didn't even have DNA traits at the time like what is our team made of why why are we here what are we doing DNA trait what you mean so our team had like DNA is part of your makeup right that's who you are and so for us our DNA traits for at Georgia are connection toughness composure and resilience and those things matter and we talk about those things every day and I kind of wrote a couple things down but if it's not just say it and let it be it's on our big screens heck we as a staff have shirts with it on it uh I got a video to show you just H real quick on Fridays we call it get your touches in on Friday and before we start our workout we will play music and we will go around if you I don't know where that is if you keep scrolling a couple slides in but you can see the guys uh go again keep going keep going ke right there hit that so that's right before we start a workout guys go give some each other doubt and they we want them to look at them in the eye gets a little silly but it's it's it's touch it's being a part it's being connected we want to make it real not just talk about it but let it be an actual thing whether they got their their their hand claps like they do hugging tou is it's it's being loyal it's being a family it's being connected there's oxytocin there's there's legitimate hormones that and and chemicals that are released when human touch and you're reacting with one another you look at each other's eye there's trust there's we're building a tribe so we have a sport site guy I sent that to him one day and like hey here's what we're doing on Fridays and he says I like it he says challenge them to look each other in the eye when they do it next time it means more and so you know just things like that I think uh you know you can talk about it being connected but are you really you know we go around the hallways hey get your touches in get you you know no just something yeah uh to let it be real and be a part of a true family at atmosphere and not just sit on a t-shirt or not just sit on a a board and say ah yeah you guys are connected we did this I've done this the last two years MH we will go on our indoor and we may have I don't know 1600s and I'll call out four different guys one at a time and I'll put three or four players on the big board typically a player that doesn't get a lot of playing time maybe you're walk- on right and I'll say if you can name as a walk on that means so much yeah hey if you can tell me his name first and last I'll take a Sprint off and so they typically have done a really good job of knowing names and learning names and so I think the most Sprints we've done the last two years have been maybe three or two because they will not like it's not enough if I'm your locker mate and all I do is say hey what's up every day how you going to be a family how you going to be connected I need to know about you you need to know about me so that's part of the connection um toughness obviously we're trying to we want to make things uh difficult uh we want them to be challenge we want to make things um um learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations sure you know can we do that in a wait room uh maybe maybe how hard was that to establish uh I mean I think early on you you always going to get fight back from that and and and why why are we doing this sure you know wh what's the point of doing this but I think you just have to hold the course and hold the hold the standard and be the same every day and so the toughness part of it you know um just just not letting them out of things and making it difficult you know if that's running outside at 3 o'clock in the afternoon that's running outside at 3:00 uh if that's not telling them how many uh Sprints we got or what time do I got to make it in I don't tell them just run until you hear a whistleblow that's hey you got to fight through stuff Ty yeah that's a different type of psychology it is but I think you I think in my mind I I guess like when I first started 24 years ago you just said let's go do it and everybody did it and now you have to give a little bit more reason why or now you have to go around here to get to here um has that changed significantly in the last 24 years in in my mind it has I just think a lot more young men and young ladies and they they they want to know why we're doing something and and tell me how it's going to help me and and what can it do to make me better and you know if that's the way it's going I don't have a problem with that heck I'm educating them I'm telling them how maybe they want to be a coach one day maybe they want to learn and so is it from them wanting to legitim be educated or is it a little bit of a they want we all say it's probably a little bit of both right sure I remember getting in in trouble in college I would ask my coach and my coach was very very Hardline and I'd ask him stuff because I was legitimately interested in this field hence this right yep you know and but he would he ripped me one day stop asking question I was like I just want to know I'm trying to learn here I'm asking you questions and I'm not I'm not questioning you I'm asking questions I think that's sometimes you'll get in I think we all been in those spots where it might be like just do what I'm asking you to do we'll talk after later you know there's that too I wanted to show real quick too I think um you know I showed a couple things to my staff and they're like I think you need to show a couple of these things only because like I can sit up here and tell y'all we do that but just you're like man I they ain't doing that stuff but if I can show it to you in action and to me when we show this to our players it means more and they're like this crap really works if you can go to the uh go to the composure piece if you can hold right there all right so that is in the uh Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl game all right I think we're down 20 to7 in the third ston just throws a pick we got Nolan Smith he's he tore his Peck midseason so he's been out four games he walks by with a card that has composure on it composure composure hit that one more time you can see and I show that only because like I think that's real like we we we believe it our players believe it it's not just again as something on a sheet of paper in a hallway it's it's what we're trying to live each day so that connection that toughness composure and then resiliency piece we should have lost that game obviously I mean we should have lost it we we got lucky but I think that's part of our DNA we kept fighting and we were resilient enough to just keep keep pressing on and sure in my mind when we played Alabama in 20 uh 17 and we lost I I can see why Alabama was where they were cuz they just kept going they didn't know anything but that and I think we're getting close to that now where these these these skull sessions these DNA traits that we have these times that we can sit around and talk and get to know our coach our teammate they matter gotcha well now talk about like a few of the important pieces of the puzzle that seems like some important tenants you and I talked on the phone one day and I wrote down like what do you believe the most important component for football like what are the non non-negotiables or or the non-negotiable whether it's a training protocol what it's like we're going to squat twice a week unless or die or like is it that or is it are there non-negotiables or is everything in flux or could be decided upon later okay uh I think some of this I I learned from Ed like sure our our program is constantly changing if so give a little context to Ed Ellis real quick so Ed Ellis is is my mentor I I started under Ed uh you know we'll talk about in a minute but uh my first job was in 1999 at Wake Forest under Ed Ellis and I got to know him by doing an internship in college uh my junior year college I went up and you know I always remember meeting him the first time and I walk in the weight room it's like after 5: and he's in there by himself soaking wet sweating cleaning cleaning by himself hey coach Ellis how are you yeah hey hey you know and I was like I was just U I'm I'd like to uh do an internship with you this summer and yeah that's fine just be here Monday morning and that was it I was scared to death you know but I I just that that's kind of how the introduction happened but I I'd been with Ed from 99 to 2012 and then I left and and became the head guy martiall 13 but um crap where were we going yeah so most okay so the so the point of all that is this I think and I got a quick one Ricky you got to go fast on like go two slides next don't even worry about that keep going run here if you have to okay keep going got don't worry about that we're goingon to go keep going all right pressure I I want to show that cuz we did talk about that or I wanted to tell y'all that like so everybody's like you know you get you we won two back to back we've been very fortunate been very lucky you know how's that pressure and we want our players and we want our our organization not to think of that that's not the way we see it like we don't want to see the target is on us and I think that starts from your head coach like I'm very lucky to be working with coach Mark so you do you feel like you're the ones holding the rifle the on go to next slide that's what we want ourselves to see yeah and that's a crappy like I don't know my my my interns did that for me those guys like oh but but we don't see the target being on us we want to always be the hunted not the hunter and I think that's the mindset like we want to hunt yeah ain't coming into a game hunting us we're hunting you and so um but with all that being said if you go like to one more I'm going answer the question because I I like the way all those things I think matter strength speed acceleration we train them all Mobility balance conditioning but I will go to my grave and I tell our staff and I tell our interns all the time go to the next one if you don't strain and you don't work hard in my mind you won't get better and so to me whatever program you have if you work hard at it and you strain and you and and you push and you demand great effort I think that's how you get better effort so that's my negot my non-negotiable we're going to go in there we're going to strainer we're going to work hard and I need to see it difficult if it's not difficult I just don't know if it's going to work well I've known you for so long and and I've seen different styles of training that you've personally done but I will say that's been the common denominator is effort and work like I never saw like different places you've been with y'all would go and work like you and Ed and BJ and guys like that like no one was out working like y'all would just work I got a quick one two stories uh and and first of all coach Barbara we we'll sit down we sit down as a staff and we program and I program where we program for our summer training we program for our inseason we program for our offseason we sit down as a staff and go through it and Coach bar like you know he he's non volume I'm crazy volume let's go like I'm bear crawling we're up and like you guys we probably up down 20 minutes per group when they messed up going in this off season before we ever started a weit because we'd want we we had guys that won that have lost one game in two years so they had the big head you know they thought the crap didn't stink and so when we did our warm up if a foot was on the line everybody up down if I said cross your arms at the top and the bottom for the warmup and they didn't cross them at the bottom we stopped and we up down and we probably spent 20 minutes we had three groups and each group probably for a week and a half two weeks we spent 15 to 20 minutes up down it until they did it right but it's made a difference it's a recalibration it is it's like look this is how it's going to be and we're going to we're going to climb back into that but the hard work strain piece coach Barbara says I I put too much volume in I like volume so we do a lot of volume uh but I think you have to work hard I think you have to strain and I learned that from Ed my other story is this one it's my first year at wake and we are working out we have and I I I'll be honest I can't remember the guy's name but he wanted to come in and just kind of hang out with us for the day and you see what was going on and so Ed brought him in and he's checking us out and we were getting ready to lift and if you know Ed Ellis he don't miss a lift day and I I rarely do either uh so Ed's like all right we're going to lift and and the guy's like yeah I want to jump in with you and I don't even think we were supposed to do legs but when the guy said he wanted to jump in with us we were doing legs so we we're in the middle of a workout and and probably been 2 hours and like I'm dying and I don't even you ever heard of a py track squat like this shows my age but it's some kind of like old Smith machine squat but it was called a py track back in the day but uh we just finished a set on it and this guy is about to puke and I go over to the water fountain and I'm like Ed Ed I can't make it much more I'm I'm about to die and he looks up and he's like we got him on the ropes about to quit let's go so needless to say we finally got the guy to quit cuz he you know whatever he threw up or whatever but that was just that's just the kind of work ethic and strain and mentality that that I learned not only from my dad but also from Ed you want to hear a funny part of that story I sent the guy oh you did he he was my training partner even better no kidding he came back he was just I was like you got to go down and see Ed and he came back and he was a big strong guy right and he came back he was like I was so screwed up after that training session he goes they I thought they were going to kill me and he was like 600 lb s like he's a big strong guy and he was just like they killed he's still in coaching today he's he's crushing it in the area is that right but it was so funny I remember him coming back and telling me that story you told me that story that day I'm like oh my gosh I know exactly who that is he didn't come back no not to us no that's awesome so going into we talked a little about Ed so mentors how did you get started what are your roots we talked a little bit about that already um you know know I think my first Mentor is my father uh my my dad was um a high school graduate and that's it he was electrician and I remember seeing my dad you know I remember vividly like us getting ready to go on a vacation and the phone ringing and him having to run back inside and answering it and you know somebody needed something done at their house and so me my mom my sister sat in the car while he drove across town to fix something but what I learned is hard work all right what I learned what he taught me was uh you know just just just I I remember this I remember you guys ever skin a wire like if you're electrician you skin a wire and like the little wire pieces drop off well he would catch them in his hand and put them in his pocket cuz he didn't want to leave the place dirtier than he found it and he always told me you know we want to make sure that when we leave this place it doesn't look like we were here and I've just tried to carry that over to our wait room and I think you know I'm doesn't sound like I'm bragging please don't but we want our room and if you've ever been through it you know it it's spotless and our interns do a hell of a job but we help too but I want it to look like nobody's been in there uh I think that's important if you're trying to raise money and you got people coming through your room and and uh and they want to give money and it looks like a piece of crap in there well if I got a lot of money I ain't giving to you you know you're not taking care of the place so uh but my dad my dad taught me that a job worth doing is worth doing right it doesn't matter if you're the person carrying somebody coffee all right whatever you're doing do it to the best of your ability because you also don't know when somebody's watching you and when some somebody is is is is seeing you do something and then we may be able to help people grow when they're seeing us doing those things but my dad was a huge one uh my high school coach and I and I met somebody here yeah so Todd Haggler was my high school coach and uh uh he was he was our weightlifting coach too and I think I learned just intensity from him like he brought it every day like he enjoyed and loved weights and so he was a big big part of of of my roots as well M um uh bulldog and mad dog sure so George Smith they just keep so my story on them is this so I guess I was a 10th grader and I go to Carolina football camp I don't even know how long ago this is ways to go but uh it was part football camp and it was part strength and speed camp and so on Wednesday strength and speed Camp happened and I went to those guys and you know that was in 96 maybe 9 7 or something like that I didn't know what strength conditioning was like for the most part there wasn't a lot of strength conditioning coaches and that was kind of my first um eyeopener to this is a job like this is cool man like you know you get to you get to and I didn't really know the impact they were making on young men or young women but I saw them being able to train and and and and be around young people each day and I'm like this is cool and so they kind of opened my eyes up to what strength and conditioning could be as a profession right and then lastly uh you know Ed Ellis I mean he's look I owe everything I I have to him I started at internship when I got done with that internship I was going to go to Carolina back in that time it was uh um George Smith Bulldog was the head guy and I was going to go as a ga there and I just for all you guys and girls that are trying to get in it just uh relationships and contacts help okay and that's the truth uh but I stayed in contact with Ed when I would I would I played small ball Guilford College small uh division three School in North Carolina greensport North Carolina but when we didn't have a game I'd go visit Ed at wake can I come up and just watch y'all stretch can I come up and just so i' constantly was was always we used to do bench press meets up there and i' I'd go up there and help him bench press and he'd pay me with creatine like that was when you could give creatine out for the old school people in here ultimate orange I don't even know if you remember it young people that's like all the like the the the the get right stuff that ultimate orange you got you're right but uh you know he would pay me with that but my point is uh when I graduated college he offered me a job full-time he had a person leaving and that person left and so you know because I think I work my butt off and I I I showed him and it mattered then I cared and I wanted to be the best I could be I was very lucky and very fortunate and and I'm a Christian and I think the good Lord looked after me and uh he gave me a spot in 99 and so it's interesting that you say that some of the stuff that that I've tried to live by um here at sorex but then also we've you kind of permeate through our group is we you interface with anyone whether it's a customer coach or anyone there four things you perpetuate your team brand meaning like for my guys it's sorex so like what what we live by what we believe in are that brand we live that number two you develop and perpetuate your personal brand um that is do do you show up on time are you Pleasant to be around are you trustworthy all those things and then now some people might see the personal brand like of a Dan mckm he's very personally branded online but the personal brand of Dan mckm is different than you see online he's much better than that that's just some funny stuff and smart stuff he does online so some people take that idea but what I would I so it's those those things is the the the company or the team brand Georgia Bulldogs personal brand who are you as a player who are you as a coach learn something and teach something and so anytime you walk in or out of the room you got to do all four things and so what I hear what you did with Ed was you know you develop your personal brand you drove up there you you work meets you always showed up you were trustworthy you put forth effort you were learning stuff constantly from him and you were teaching something or bringing something to the table by helping and that's if you guys could take something away I'm not trying to hijack but what I'm hearing all throughout everything are those four things things and that's something that if you could take and just remember every time you're doing your business as a person you're always developing your personal brand you're always you're you're perpetuating and and supporting your your big team your brand whatever that may be but let them know who you are as a person and that doesn't necessarily mean something funny or or strong or a good thrower a good football player whatever it's like who are you as a person I know I could always count on what is a brand is a thousand details in an experience that creates a brand someone see they they interface with you 20 30 40 50 100 times that becomes your brand be very cognizant about how you're creating your personal brand learn something and teach something so it's interesting i' I've always had that in my mind but as I'm hearing as you're doing with your with with your kids but also what you did was you created that so I just want to kind of illuminate that I thought was super cool yeah I mean I just I I guess the other one is just be yourself you know and and and easiest way to build your own brand right yeah you know be yourself uh be yourself work hard um you know I just I don't know be humble you know you don't have to have this I think you know God gave me this and and gave me an opportunity to have this I should say and and and so I need to make the best of it Agreed 100% we'll switch a little bit so offseason we're talking about more Georgia football now I was interested this is what kind of I think what started our whole conversation off season and coming off of two national championship wins what is the difference well you we kind of went over the Target in your back um and I'm glad there isn't one I like the aggressive nature of that but like how how did the kids react how did the like does the do the athletic department feel different do this coaching staff feel different or is it still hammer down on the gas aggress I think uh I was talking to my staff on the way up here and cuz some people have to learn to win they don't know what it's it's like if they win they're like I don't know what it feels like okay so couple things number one it brings me back to this I had a player a couple weeks ago say coach I think you need to do something this summer with us to make us lose we need to feel what that feels like that's hu it's for them to understand enormous yeah that was a player so you know we're trying to come up with things that that maybe will make them fail because we've got freshmen that haven't lost a game you know so do they need to know what that feels like might undefeated in high school right like they might not have lost ever right and some of them hadn't done a dadgum thing to earn it you know what I mean let's be honest some of them hadn't earned anything so we're trying to figure out that um I think talking to the staff on the way up here one of the other things is like if you guys know coach smart like he's demanding and it's it's all the time I just told Luke we got official visits tomorrow like it don't stop but my my I guess my point is what was done is done and we don't even think about that like we're out to hunt again and so if we're not as a staff a strength staff ready to roll if the football staff is not ready to roll if the sports medicine staff the nutrition staff like it's not about what we did it's about let's go out and do something again and so I think our I think me as a coach I think we've got to figure out what our team is about you know I think our team was very connected the first year we won I think last year they were resilient they they just kept fighting um I don't know what this team's going to be so we've got to kind of figure that out but I do know that they're going to be damn disciplined as long as I'm there all right they're going to be giv great effort and they're going to have a good attitude and y'all I think the attitude starts with me as a strength coach if I got a crappy ey I always remember some a coach telling me don't bring your baggage in the weight room like you know I know if if I'm lifting I want somebody that's going to get me excited and get me Juiced up a little bit I don't want to come in there with all right here we go guys and that's just me you know we're go over here and do power clean we got four sets of five like I'm yelling let's go we got to wake this thing up let's go come on and that's just me but that's the way I want it all right and so I I I just think uh we got to demand that from them I've got to have a good attitude my staff has to have a good attitude we got to be energetic and excited I mean gosh dang it we get to wear shorts and a t-shirt and impact young men's lives and weight lift weights all day why wouldn't you be excited that's the way I see it so I I just well I've seen that through your like Throwback Thursdays you guys tell us about the throwback if you've been following on social media they were it is throw down Thursday corre sorry all right so I don't know you guys that started and I'm going to play a couple we we'll play a couple fast ones for you because I do think they're kind of funny but it really like it really just started um we just like to lift weights as a staff and I think it helps us Bond as a staff I think when our players walk by and they see us lifting together and maybe doing the things that we ask them to do I think it gives us credibility all right I think um it it started helping to be honest with recruiting Because they would show recruits and stuff and the recruits are coming on campus going holy crap y'all did this or y'all did that this is like the first one we ever did and we pulled and just we're just going guys SC go through them if you THS episode four but I mean we just wanted to pull a truck up a hill I don't know but it started growing and it started picking up on like Twitter and all that kind of stuff I'm not good at that but we just kept grinding out I mean going I mean look Prince is about to get so pissed off back there we're trying I mean Ed Ellis is what in his upper 50 oh yeah yeah he's in the back going it yeah so we end up making it we'll go to the next one then we get kind of we start to get a little creative with us and this is probably one of my most favorite of all time and we got a we got quo popping in here with us episode five all about getting piped up get let's go this I I really like this one I'll be honest like we do a plank around the track for 400 m with our feet and hands being pulled by a golf cart so I don't know I thought it was kind of cool like and it it's different and the guys see that they're like man you guys are nuts so we did that when we did that for 400 meter uh all right I love squat toober you guys like SX and squat toober that's what it's all about we go around campus during Squat toober and we I think it's a way to get people involved in exercise so we're passing t-shirts out we're going around campus doing squat toober th Friday at we put the the din body squat in the back of my truck and we we're in October still that's one thing speed it up a little bit the very end wanted to see if you can there's a bus driver that stop the bus and gets off the bus and squats with us it's crazy there you go right here 's passing out t-shirt for squat see the bus in the back watch [Laughter] this watch this my man jumps off the bus he starts squatting I mean hey come on all right go to the next one we'll see what else we got uh I just think this is cool because we do try to make it somewhat educational to be I mean cuz I don't want we don't want to look like idiots all the time so this is just recovery uh we'll speed through this one too but it's just uh some different things we do for Recovery that we have in our building here was a great example of us being able to uh use it as a recruiting recruiting piece so we got some some different things but you can uh just see some nor Tech boots in the heated massage chest you you see coach Barber the minute in the cold in the uh hyper chamber here um whatever that c thing got to play in there right [Music] now cryotherapy Cy and our our video Department obviously started doing pretty good with it too but we just have we just have fun with it just be in the beach well we don't have sand but we got water so these are salt tanks or whatever you call them yeah you go to next one see what else we got all right this is probably I think this might be the last one but I so high I was talking to uh Aaron you're talking about Highland Games so every year at Thanksgiving we like to involve a turkey and we've done Summer Olympics we've done Winter Olympics and we did Highland Games turkey Edition Thanksgiving Edition Thursday season 3 episode 12 Happy Thanksgiving it's time for the turkey holling games I mean look we just have fun you [Music] guys we see Ellis throw the uh throw the turkey then we go I mean look at [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think there's one more go to the last one just CU we don't just lift we can still run now I'm getting old but I got some fast guys on staff so throw down Thursday season 7 episode 11 4X one relay we're trying to get it done in 1 minute so let's g g get it so that ain't bad for Old Men 4X one and making it in a minute I didn't think I was D I mean come home you can fast you [Music] want my back there so Barber got to take it home [Music] good I don't know but we just have fun you guys I mean golly Life's Too Short not to have fun and so again it started with with us doing something to truck and then we had a coach go you know you guys are to keep doing this because recruits are liking it so then it just grew to recruiting and then it just grew to us just enjoying cutting up a little bit and having fun kind of goes back to the culture piece right yeah you're building the culture from the top down this is what you guys are about you'll you'll do hard stuff you get after it you love up on each other yep that's awesome how how has your training change yourself uh I think if you like look at our program and kind of how we change we we still do a good amount of volume but I I went back and looked at like I have my first our first 1999 weight fors program and looking at the amount of stuff we did and I showed it to my staff and they're like holy crap like that is a lot but I think looking at the stuff like we do way more Dynamic warmup way more Mobility work now than we probably did then um we probably involve a lot more single leg exercises than we did then um I had a video up here we're going to do five things we always do we're going to push vertical or horizontal we're going to pull and I like to pull every day so we're going to do some form of uh well there's our pushing we'll go through it real quick we always use bench blocks all right I had ran Smith linebacker for the Ravens now he tore his pet three sets of five at 80 something per not really bad he tore his PE so I just said the hell with it we're going to use blocks from here on out so we always bench with a block I don't know if it helps but we Haden had anything since yeah so especially for big guys you know uh we'll we'll do it but we're going to uh this is another push you can hit it real quick just let it roll I'll keep talking over it but I really like the Jammer arms I mean I use it whether it's an upper body piece like this as a push or even a triple extension exercise but I like to do the uh the jammers single arm Double Arms we're going to do a a pulling motion or squat what's next our pulling motion the Bulldog pad if you don't have it get it I mean I really we use it all the time the Bulldog pad was actually designed for Scott when we uh said if you like the Bulldog pad thank him for asking the question and we we made it right there in his office so we got you know fat grip rows right here but we're going to pull every day uh on a three-day program or a 4-day program we're going to pull every day uh hinging motions I always like to do some kind of hinging motion every day hang clean power clean snch Jammer arms you know uh Med ball throws late in season we don't clean we throw throw Med balls but we're going to do some kind of Olympic Li exercise every day uh trap bar deadlift I use that in season wrist and shoulders and back we we will start cleaning from probably the first seven weeks and then on week eight or nine we'll start throwing Med balls just to save our wrist elbows and shoulders just smk um we do hang cleans power cleans I just you know show you some different things do I mean just so you don't think I'm up here bsing but and look I'm not the I'm not the Mr technique Guru I if the technique's good and it's somewhat safe I'm good with but I'm not g to spend an hour doing technique work CU I just don't think I got time we're going to squat back squat front squat single leg squat we're doing a lot of split squats right now I know the dep's not perfect i' I'd want it a little deeper than now that's not where I want it but hell you got to coach it you know you got to you got to demand the best you can out of it but that's uh our guys in there squatting a little bit go kind of see the room set up you can keep going Ricky if you want so we don't run out of time I like to do neck we're going to do some kind of neck work I like to do like neck supported rows because I get rowing motion and I get a isometric neck contraction at the same time we have neck machines we'll do those we do a thousand million shrugs obviously you get some some traps from your cleans and things like that but we do a lot of neck supported rows and then I like for our core rotation anti- rotation so I I stole this I forget who was doing this it really might have been Rusty but I don't remember if it was but I saw it on Instagram this is great so we can do a POF press one guy's holding it one guy's twisting and then you just then you just do D it up that's right so we'll throw hamstrings and things like that in there too so now how did you set the room up because I know you and I we we went through a lot of like your vision behind setting the room up to do those things like you you had it very it's it's a system behind it it's kind of if you want to if I could show you that I think it's kind of cool to see it if you won't but if you flip over Ricky real quick to like the first and keep going keep going we can always come back we need to go again to the first weight room look keep going if you want to all right you got to go back one there you go the weight room on the left was when I got to Georgia that was 2016 and I'm like man can we do something and they're like let's don't bandaid it let's let's wait and so we started waiting so go to the next picture that this NE that was the initial design I wanted indoor turf I wanted a ramp I wanted stairs you know I I didn't want a lot of columns and that's what I got and I'm like all right we got I got to get with Burke and we got to start working so we go to the next picture I like it but it's so freaking long and I like what I don't like is I don't like to coach through a rack like I don't want to see a guy on the back side of the rack and then another guy on the front side that's just me so I'm like all right like this but it's too long I can't see what the guys are doing at the other end so let's go to the next one so that was better I like that but I've still got if you notice I've got a I've got a platform and a rack and a platform on the left side and that to me didn't work cuz I didn't I didn't want it that way so we started going hm wait a minute what if we what if we call one side our speed side which is the right side that's where we're going to do all our Olympic lifting our our snatches cleans whatever and the right side or the top side if you want to call it there with the gray platforms that's where I can bench and squat and I have a walkway that I can walk through there and see it so I can actually coach and I don't have guys missing if we ever need to do the entire team at one time on a platform I can do it if we ever need to do the entire team on a rack I can do it but the way typically our our our workouts are set up it's four stations so we may have a group in the bottom left corner doing hand cleans the group up top might be doing I don't know split squat the group over here on the top right is doing a bench and the group on the bottom might be doing pull-ups why did you set it up that way was it for efficiency was it like capacity getting athletes through was it to kind of visually move some things around because it was different I think a couple reasons one if we want to do all cleans and all bench and then flip it we can but I like it this way because number one if we got a group of 40 or 50 guys in the room it's one coach per 12 guys which is doable which is doable the other one is I think it sucks to do your squat if it's four sets of eight or four sets of 10 when it becomes your last station and I know that doesn't necessarily follow the strength and conditioning guidelines of doing your explosive movement or your hard movement first but I always heard Joe Ken say it too but you got to be explosive and fast and you got to be able to push through stuff in the fourth quarter just like you do the first quarter and so that's a mindset for our guys cuz you know what they do they sure as heck don't want to be in the group that comes to squat last and they will we've got stairs in our room and we'll start warming up on the stairs and they will run to the front of the stairs cuz typically they know that first group I'm going to send to a squat station now sometimes I'll screw them and I'll wait till they run up there to the front and then I'll send them to another station just to screw them up you know especially the guys that never get up there and then they think they got squat that day uh but that's that mental like change up like changing up on them heck the the game you prepare for a team sure and all of a sudden that team comes out and they're doing something totally different well you know the unknown and unknowable that's it so anyway I like kind of stations I like them separated I think I love 18 through 22 year olds but they don't listen all right you know you can't trust them so I personally like to separate them out a little bit so I can coach them a little bit better and and and make sure they're doing we don't do cards I mean I if coach Kell is in the squat station he knows on his his workout plan it's four sets eight at 70 something per and we take them through every set all right first guy you got your weight ready we'll double check the weight eight reps go and a lot of times it's on command like that but when you separate it out that way and you can go a couple more Ricky to really see what it looks like but uh the final that's the final product um you know it it turned out really really really nice uh the turf in the middle has been great we don't lose a lot of time going down our indoor we can do our warm-up right there there's the stairs we've got playo stairs built in there that we can jump up run up they ended up being 12 of them so it's great to do step UPS I we're going to do four sets of 12 step UPS you got to go down eight times you know go up four right four up left but it uh it's worked out really well a that's awesome I was it was a lot of fun working with you on that project I know it took a long time we tweaked it tweaked to tweak but it was it's it's awesome how it turned out you had a great vision last question new and personal challenges for you what books what Adventures I've seen you from a big strong lifter almost like a bodybuilder you were strong as a powerlifter almost like a bodybuilder then you started you mean you just went rim to rim in the Grand Canyon yeah I mean like there's I see these ad it's fun knowing someone for so long because you get to see these changes and new adventures in their life like what what's the new stuff for you Michael here Michael Easter is he here is Michael here Michael Easter here yet he should be coming in tonight so you got so B told me about a book a couple years ago called The Comfort crisis and Michael's speaking if you haven't read it read it all right because it it it gave me uh I think I'm saying it right a mugo misogi misogi all right it's something that challenges you and almost pushes you to the limits that you can't do and so I read the book and then I had a friend saying hey I'm going to go hike to Grand Canyon but we're going to go rim to rim to rim so that's 44 miles and we did it in a day and I said you know what screw it let's roll and so I started at 4: 4: in the morning and I finished at 11:30 that night and it was you know it was but it is how brutal was it like y'all y'all think I'm lying but it wasn't that bad I mean like I did a lot of training for it but I think mentally I mean I'm not even mentally as strong as half you guys but like I don't give up very easy and I just I think the biggest part was it it just got sick of being in that damn Canyon like and when I'm ever gonna get out of this thing but uh you know it was I I I I was telling U someone I was I ended up doing like 500 step UPS single leg on on a Sunday I would increase 100 reps every Sunday just to try to get my legs ready for it um I I think I ran a a marathon or right close to a marathon to get ready for it but my nutrition was good it was just a a mental challenge you know and then and look it gave me credibility cuz when the guys at at at back at school found out that their damn old strength coach did that like I'm now I'm a young strength coach I'm ready to go again you know but uh but that was fun um but but the Michael Easter book I like uh uh Dan John's books I read Dan John's book really really good yeah Dan spoke here probably seven or eight years ago and we need to have him back because he he has some just just very simple to the point very applicable stuff I I totally agree I like him I Joshua metf Cho wood carry water okay or pound the stone those are great ones I like those they're simple easy I'm not real smart so I need that kind of easy book to read you know you start getting in depth I'm done um but uh but I like those and so um I think you know the other challenges I I I I I know I told you guys but uh I like the outdoors I think that's for me it's a way to get away because good gosh you guys and Luke can attest and a lot of y'all can attest but we don't get a lot of time off like May is our only time and look I'm not going to trade it for anything but my son wanted to start hunting so I got into hunting I finally killed my first deer with a bow last year so I was excited about that yeah I was talking to you on the phone you're like dude I haven't been this excited like the dopamine hit dude that was in a drilling rush like no other now gosh now the other part was the sucker went like 150 yards and I was by myself and I don't know how to gut it yet so I'm dragging it I was glad I worked out cuz I thought I was going to have a heart attack pulling that thing out of the woods but um that was fun I just like to get out and like I said we don't have a lot of time so when you get to get out and do some things like that it's definitely a for me a refresher and and I enjoy doing that well we we know you guys especially don't have a lot of time in May you know I mean Luke I talked to him and he's always trying to fish and he has the one month a year and I know you don't have any time with what you're doing so for you to sacrifice your time to come here and be with us during May which I know you can be with your family and that that means a ton to us um and I appreciate you being with us and and how long how long are you in town for uh so my my my my family and are headed to the beach tomorrow 7 in the morning but so I'd like to get out of here tonight sometimes head back if you get a chance um well let's take let's take uh two questions and then I've got if you go to the end look I I'm not real good at email I will get to it but if you got questions email me I will do my best now look you can't get mad at me if it takes two months but I'll eventually get back to you all right and and I will be happy to try to email you back um now I'm not good with grammar it might be run on sentence but I'll do my best to email you back back but yeah any question last time I checked that's not what they pay you for yeah that's very true let's let's take two questions anybody got something that means I did good or I didn't cover anything we got one question right there yes sir what's your abute if I could put it all together it'd be RDL H clean front squat so I get I get a little bit of everything right there if I could do that that'd be it we're going to squat try later on some kind of whether it's a front or back or a single leg we're going to squat that's that's the I don't the bench is not as important for me but we're going to do some kind of squat I think we always we tell our guys the legs feed the wolves and and we're going to be strong from the ground up so that would be uh be my my number one yes sir I I think it honestly it starts from the top and and our head football coach doesn't allow it and his finger is on everybody and now he lets you do your job but he's going to be on top of it and if he thinks you're slacking he's going to tell you and it's been from from me to one of my assistants to a football coach coach to a player and he ain't afraid to hold back and tell you what he thinks and so I think because he demands so much and it's he's always on like I'm not kidding you guys he's always on and I think because of that we all have to be on if you want your job for us I think as a coach I've got to figure out ways to um to excite and energize and not let our players think that they've arrived so for me it's sitting down with our staff and saying what do we need to do different how can we challenge them um what do we need to do to change up you know we're working out on a Friday and all of a sudden sometimes this has happened I may say all right we're done we're going outside and we're lunew walking it's just something change up to keep them thinking to keep been exciting for them and and and trying to trying to find out new ways to motivate them because I think the problem is the nil and the way that crap's going it's hard to motivate them all right because everything is becoming motivated by that and that's that's that's a challenge that I think we're fighting right now right on well Scott it was awesome having you thank you for always being a friend and supporting and it was great having you with thank you appreciate it thanks man appreciate it good J thank you