Packers Final 53-Man Roster: Sean Clifford, Michael Pratt, & Anders Carlson CUT! - JM&M 8.27.24
Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 01:59:04
Category: Sports
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number five and six AJ Dylan also was placed on injured reserve meaning that he is done for the season some good news though for former Wisconsin linebacker Muma Jang meta he went undrafted was picked up by the Bengals and has now officially made their 53-man roster finally in Baseball Brewers back at it tonight against the Giants first pitch scheduled for 710 when breaking news happens ESPN medison has it covered breaking news on ESPN medison is presented by Metro of medicine everybody's ego takes a shot on this show you got to keep your chill with Jim Matt and Molly I am Savage so you're not special Jim if we want to play this game we can we can play this game and I'm just like oh my God this guy swing on J he's a complicated fell people like me I don't think so this is Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors bite on 100.5 ESPN we're learning a lot about each other and when I tease I like to deliver hubba hubba well don't quote me on that oh no it's quoted that's sa sometimes te is better than the delivery I guarantee that Sean Clifford he will be trash Sean Clifford will never do anything of significance in the NFL I'm calling it this might be the kiss of death for Andre Carlson I believe in Andrew Carlson he is going to be the number one scoring Packer next Seas I don't often give advice as far as your money but short this broadcasting live from the everlight solar Studio studio in Downtown Madison alongside Molly Brown here's Jim rage man I feel good I was right about Anders Carlson I was right about sea Clifford and I didn't die of heat stroke this morning when I tried to go for a run at like 8:30 and God it was hot then Molly why would you go for a run when it's like 90° at 8:00 in the morning it wasn't quite 90 it was like 80 but felt like 102 well yeah humidity corn sweat I've heard about corn sweat I saw corn sweat uh post as well so apparently corn sweat is trendy this is Jim Matt mly we we will talk about all the corn sweat you want to hear about we're presented by CO's light the mountains are blue you know what to do and that's crush a life I thought you and Ryan were doing these together I mean I thought he would maybe join in but well look there's a lot of moving pieces back here I'm trying to figure out what corn sweat is while you guys are talking I'm really confused don't you just like push buttons back there he's like will Wonka back there got his own Chocolate Factory of of of pleasure back there where he's just playing hot keys and playing opens and turning down the volume and everything I feel like if you Google corn sweat it's just going to come up with like toes with corns on them that are sweating e did feet sweat um yeah Fe definitely wait what that's like the number one thing that sweats is I have that that's why I take off my socks soon as I walk in the door of my house I fig that was like sweat down your leg that goes into your socks what no I don't have really sweaty feet I might he escapes your feet why do you think like shoes smell so that's it so the the tradeoff would be I never really have had the issue with like smelly socks or smelly shoes I do sweat a lot on my fa like I went for a run today I was wearing my ESPN Madison iron Jack hat and uh kind of keep the sun off me cuz normally I like to you know get the Sun and uh not today and so anyways it was legitimately dripping off the brim of my hat uh and I only did three miles and I was slow like only I would be dead at 3 miles so I mean I it's not I was it was embarrassingly slow it was like a 12 minute mile Pace but I just was like I got to do it cuz I was at Carbon yesterday I didn't have carbon for today we're going to be out there tomorrow but we not at the the gym and I'm going to play basketball Thursday Friday so like I workout Monday Tuesday get myself Wednesday off do basketball Thursday Friday and then I can get done with it but I did also uh sh this gross my wife out is I got home and she's like and just the way I sweat looked like she she said it looks like I I peed myself cuz it was like a one specific area was extremely sweaty what color were your shorts red oh wa but um why well I just have red shorts to run in and then yeah I was wearing compression shorts underneath that wasn't just out and about but still cuz the red shorts the running shorts I have kind of come with like I guess it would be I don't know if this is a normal running short thing I only bought them cuz I saw them at the Nike outlet and they were like eight bucks and I was like okay I these like I could use some shorts that to run and I can see I don't wear like short Runner shorts cuz I don't want to but like basketball shorts yeah are a lot to run in uh and I've definitely shorted like when you're younger your basketball shorts are like over your knees and like that's a lot to run in so even if you go like like above your knee basketball shorts it's still a lot to run in they kind of like baggier and like flop around everywhere and so the shorts okay and so the new ones the running short ones I have they have like a a mesh it's like a swimsuit on the inside oh yeah but it's like a Tight Mesh I'm assuming it's for support and uh but I still wear the support in addition to the the running support so maybe that's why I was extra sweaty do you feel like refresh though like you know after you sit in a sauna no how you're like oh there was a hot sweed out the toxins where I was like I might have to call my wife cuz maybe I'm going to die cuz like you know you're pushing yourself and then it was like up a hill and it was on the sun and I was like H you know what I'm not feeling great that's how I found that book for you Molly I stopped I was like you know what there's a little uh free book uh stand over here someone rudely just looked like they jammed like 30 books into it so it was an object disaster so I was like you know what I'm going to cool off here I'm going to organize these books and then I saw one for uh what you know any of your children whether it's the twins on the way or your your 2-year-old any of the the book would apply and then I got one for my daughter that's like more about I think it's level three or level four reading book so you know learn to read so it worked out but but it was not my my most athletic day there you go uh David Deerfield says corn sweat is a great great corn sweat is a great band I think they opened for Pearl Jam in Berlin in 2013 I do not know fact check fact check that Ryan please that seems sarcastic that might end up being the bums for the rest of the day corn sweat if it's a real band I'm looking into it all righty he also typed it as corn sweet I think that's why I stumbled I'm going to blame my inability to read on so corn sweet would make sense that that is a he says corn sweet is a great band but then when I Google it it comes up with like the sweet corn festival entertainment band so I don't I don't know if this is real there's also corn with a K but oh God that b we should just play corn the whole time just to piss Jim off who likees I mean I think it would piss everyone off do you like corn I don't well I do like corn gy I actually don't know if I know any corn songs I think I get corn again I don't live in my basement but I think I get corn and meatloaf confused and I don't mean that because of food they are not remotely close I just remember flipping through like my dad's binder of CDs on organiz them by like food groups or maybe by the pyramids Yeah by like or band names like these ones are named after food gra he's a huge fats um no I don't know I just feel like I remember seeing the corn with the backwards k right cuz it's backwards k and there was like meatloaf in there yep to like meatloaf is basically glamrock I enjoy Meatloaf I actually bought an old meatloaf record I do enjoy meatloaf the food love meatloaf now I want me the name is it leaves a lot to be desired it's kind of like computer where it's like it's just it computes like we put no thought into it computer what's does it do it computes meatloaf what is it it's a loaf of meat like it's just what it is I think I saw corn oh cuz he's the guy that wears like the Adidas jumpsuits right um I saw dreads as well yeah I think he was on Pimp My Ride with exhibit yeah I'm going to Google it I like exhibit but anyways meatloaf is more glamrock and he was I think at his biggest height of Fame late 70s early 80s corn I feel like it was late 90s early 2000s and they were nowhere close to as popular as meatloaf would have been I don't know do I know any corn songs Ryan would I know any corn songs I I don't know uh according to Reddit it's on or seed would be the two best corn songs that's K corn with a backwards k uh Freak on a Leash is also up there that one I've heard uh I tried looking that up to see if we could play it as a bump but I had looked up clean version as I always do to be safe uh the original version has like 350 million views the clean version has about 100,000 which makes me think the clean version wouldn't sound great oh there's the corn guy uh I don't know if this is up on our um not yet not yet um so anyways on our screen have you ever gone to like corn festival I I think I went to Sun parade cornfest once is that just like you go around and there's different types of corn to consume no it's a f like they're just naming it it's like how Oregon had you know the little Community they call it Summerfest Middleton's got whatever the heck they just had last weekend Verona's got family fest like it's it's all just like a some cars some corn Carneys and corn probably a cream puff they're all like micro they're like they're not even County Fair they're like micro like City fairs basically so I saw signs in Sun Prairie for applefest is that something I should go to or it oh okay I'm not saying you should I'm saying that like if you want to get your Apple on there's some good like I would imagine just like go to like an apple have you gone apple picking before I have but not not for years so I'm wondering if my son is like a good age cuz he can just run around then and then we can like go have fun and do it the place I go uh it's I think in Brooklyn Wisconsin plenty of room run around I think it's actually not a bad it's a fun time kill you know you got kids he's got to kill a few hours sporadically like it's just get him tired right yeah he's got to get something to get through the day let's go do this can't just sit around here all day so um with that though um you just end up with too many apples is the big issue it's kind of like going to Costco but you're picking out apples instead to tie it back to Y show you can listen back Wisconsin on the man Apple Spotify this great place it's brought to you by good friends at revive restoration uh meatloaf though before we get to the Packers Cuts today I do anything for love have you heard that song before yes all right that used to be on a commercial too two out of three ain't bad no it's like I love you I need you uh oh wait I I need you I want you but I can never love you like it's that's kind of like the hook of the song you might know that one if you heard it um the other one would be Paradise by the Dashboard Light where that one is like baby baby let me sleep on it it's two people trying like uh two people trying to hook up in the back of a car and they're having a conversation back and forth but they play play byplay they do like uh he's going to first trying to get to second oh he got stopped to Second it goes to Third and like that's the Trope of the song and it's like a 10-minute song hm uh yeah you probably have heard like the shortened version of it um should our bump backs be for today be like only bands that are food names so cake meatloaf corn cake is a band yeah me you didn't with a k or with a c c is that just a thing I don't know their most popular song what is Cake's biggest hit oh the distance you know that song Going the Distance like you probably heard it at a rock like at a sporting event let's go in the distance I don't know Ryan play that one uh you can chime in with other uh corn or not corn uh food related bands we have cake we have meatloaf we have corn can we build out a Thanksgiving uh dinner and on of the is there like a mashed po I was going to say is there a pumpkin pie turkey a dance mashed potato mashed potato mashed potato what do you watch The Wiggles no uh there's a song that goes I can mashed potato I can do the twist so mashed potato is a dance move oh tell me baby do you like it like this like that song tell me do you love me do you love you don't know that song no all right uh anyways that's the end of karaoke hour here on Jim Matt and Molly Packers uh Red Hot Chili Peppers there you go it's a good one uh the Packers uh may have ended the career or at least the Packers career of AJ Dylan as he's placed on IR he is out for the season they ended the hopes and dreams of the anders Carlson fan club Matt Hamilton uh you can add him to the graveyard was he the only fan in the fan club president and member Not only was he the president he's a member and uh only member I'm a Nut Amari Rogers and Anders Carlson are in the Matt Hamilton graveyard yeah uh there's probably more we'll have to think back back into Who Matt has buried with his support uh other you know what Grant Duos was cut today that's kind of interesting obviously Sean Clifford cut moved to the practice squad that's fascinating to me because I can't imagine anyone wanting that old washed quarterback who had an undrafted grade like honestly that to me is like goody trying to save face and maybe our fifth rounder can be on the P Squad and then Pratt we'll see what happens Kevin King or not Kevin King what's the guy from pen state that they they let go of that everyone loves who's a good player I actually do think kin King from Penn State was cut and hopefully if you're a Packers fan he kicks on over to the practice squad I do think he is someone with some potential Royce Newman is a name that was let go that I think some Packer fans would know of AAR Tor is another one that was let go uh so there some names in here that were let go that are not completely shocking but at the same time a little bit um a little bit shocking I think the biggest one here is the biggest news of the day is AJ Dylan going on ir and uh Molly you said this earlier so I'll kind of let you go with it but there was a hot little bit of time there when the Packers were loaded at running back when they had Jos Jacobs and uh Aaron Jones those are the best what 10 seconds of my life I think Ryan you said they were on the same uh Team for three hours which it felt likeo there on the that's why it was a great 10 seconds it felt like 3 hours there you go by um yeah no I I just I just wonder what is going through Brian gyun's mind right now if he is just thinking damn like is Aaron Jones The One That Got Away is that going to be the biggest regret of the Season losing Aaron Jones to the Minnesota Vikings not not even that it's the Vikings like to any team but the fact that he let him go when the Vikings only paid him a little bit more money and they could have coughed up that that little extra money look it's uh it it is um it seems like a pretty big mistake because the whole selling point of bringing and Josh Jacobs was that we're going to not overload him like he was uh with Oakland Vegas because Jacobs had more carries in his career which is shorter Seasons than uh Jones had with the Packers I think even if you included touches he had more touches overall than Aaron Jones did in in less years he was a very heavily worked player and the idea was hey we'll bring in AJ Dylan we'll we'll bring back excuse me AJ Dylan we'll bring in Marshon Lloyd we have Emanuel Wilson and Josh Jacobs and all of them will share time but they could have swung it they they could have figured out a way to keep Jones and Jacobs or they at least should have explored a little bit more and now Jones is with Minnesota the Packers could have had one of the most dynamic back fields in the NFL and they didn't really flesh it out to see what it would look like uh 844 770 3776 you know we could put that together at one hell of a set list here we have Kim and Oregon chiming in with jelly roll marshmallow cream uh which is there Clapton band from the 7s I don't know who bread is salt and Peppa I mean Tyler obviously bringing it Blind Melon I'll allow it Tyler and blackeyed peas is well from Tyler Brandon and Tulsa says with the loss of AJ Dylan he's putting that on Mt Hamilton too is that also because Hamilton was riding diing with Dylan as well mat can't let anything go like it's just like Sean Clifford oh you're being too mean to him no I was right when Sean a long time before the season started last year when I said Sean Clifford's career in the NFL would amount to buiss buckus might have been too kind um but Sean Clifford is going to just float away as I believe Nate Ty said yesterday it was kind of a camp body that most most people saw Sean Clifford in the draft honestly the comp I think that that Packer fans can wrap their brain around for Sean Clifford is Joel stavi like he was kind of Penn States Joel stavi that nobody like Joel stavi was nice college quarterback he looked the part he was big but he wasn't an NFL QB uh and he got a little cup of coffee and he was kind of a camp body and as Nate Ty said wash your hands of it and move on that's kind of the scouting report on Sean Clifford Packers won't seem to let that part go yep Brandon and Tulsa said Matt kept talking about AJ being in the best shape of his life with the loss of AJ Dylan today also I would like to point out I was right on Carlon Clifford and that the best shape of life is death I mean it's not rocket science though to figure out that AJ Dylan very well wasn't going to be on this team but also he's still on the damn team he's just injured and he's out for the season like one year deal he's I mean he's done no he for sure is I I I'm not an AJ Dylan Like proponent by any means I'm just saying he's still on the team but it was very it wasn't that difficult to say you got to be in the best shape of your life to be able to make this team and look it you're still in the best shape of your life and you still stick will he still be in the best shape of his life after uh the season I it feels mean to say that he might not be considering it's a neck injury right it's a stinger injury they I don't think they've actually said career ending it could be though it could also I thought I thought it was released that it was a neck injury it's a neck injury but they haven't specified what sort of neck injury it's not sure if it's like a spinal injury or something like that knock on wood it's not uh Brandon Tulsa also adds to the Hamilton Kiss of Death uh Rogers oh never mind I was thinking the other Rogers Aaron Rogers cuz he's a big a little bit and I can't obviously prove this but it seems to happen where there are Fringe roster guys who get hurt who have been like on the team and they're like we'll just IR you and we'll call it a year like you know what you'll get your money do you yeah I was going to ask do you still get paid how does that work because he's getting paid what a million dollars this year I believe he doesn't make as much money as he would have if he was still rostered but he made whatever guaranteed money up front that he had I believe do they just pay sure there's some sort of pro cuz you're injured or injury settlement that the injury I think comes like the NFL pays him some sort of like Insurance type policy it's not it's from the team also from the league interesting uh we also just look it up uh 844 77 3776 is how you get into the show tomorrow we're going to be at Carbon World Health uh me and Molly will be there I'll be showing off my tattoo so you can come out and see it uh they have a lot of great specials going on ask about semi glutide hormone optimization uh they have cry theapy at their Westside location uh they have plenty of great things at their new location in Sun Prairie come see Jim Matt and Molly out at Carbon World Health tomorrow this is Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors light you're listening to Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors light on 100.5 ESPN ESPN Madison on YouTube and Wisconsin on demand I'm Sawyer and I'm Shannon together we're twin stunts the only twin motorcycle freestyle show in the world we are born and raised in Wisconsin so we want all our fellow cheese heads to know that even though we clutch It Up Hit 12 and drift in our show we would never do it on the open road and there's another thing we would never do on the road drive drive drunk drive sober or get pulled over together we can save lives learn more at01 Wisconsin do from color changing Alexandri to shimmering ziron and everything in between at chmer 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Fries you got it because this meal is all about you perfect for a speedy lunch a relaxing dinner for one or anytime you're on the go head to to order your my Hut box today that's no one outpizzas the Hut the host might be irrelevant but the conversations aren't cowbell is that what you said Joshy cowbell Bell cow it's cowbell Mr Irrelevant with Alex stro presented by Door County Distillery a Bell cow is literally how that a bell yeah oh wow Mr Irrelevant with Alex stro presented by Door County Distillery live on ESPN medicin YouTube every Monday Wednesday and Friday and available wherever you get your podcasts tune in to Jim Matt and Molly every Friday for fish Friday brought to you by Off Broadway Draft House Madison's favorite spot for a Friday fish fry oh it's cold and Lely in the Deep [Applause] I can see Paradise byh for oh it's p and only [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dark you can do what you can do rest no doubt [Music] about do you not know this song Molly Brown wait is this the same song it just like totally transitioned you click your button and it changed I didn't touch anything it's an 8 and 1/2 minute song but yeah there's like it's like four interludes in this one song you know the song Matt Hamilton Ryan War Matt Hamilton Matt Ry do you knowt Ryan was on Hard Knock I finally caught up on last week's Matt Ryan was on Hard Knock yeah he's boys with Ryan poles the Boston College together PS was his offensive line okay I haven't watched uh hard knock at this season I need to um this feels very like um so listen to this right here hold on so I get it getting on different bases yes but it's the actual play byplay call it's actually pretty good all right go ahead uh it feels like um Bohemian rap city with like Queen how it goes between like different songs and I call Queen glam rock as well okay I don't know if that's correct but that's how I classify them I that's right and I think meat wolf is more glam rock as well you wouldn't guess by his name and it's called bad out of hell is his his two albums interesting uh Dylan from Sun Prairie said quote cake is a band question mark I'm turning the show off thanks for listening see wait turn crack it up this is the part that gets really good crack it up Crank It Up this is so weird it reminds me a little bit of uh what's that um musical feed me Seymour uh the plant what is it uh Sesame Street no it's that's what think I want cookies no that's Cookie Monster okay this is feed me Seymour it's um Little Shop of whes also very or um Rocky Horror Picture Show oh okay like very Glam Vamp if you will Horror Picture Show I don't know the other one this song could fit in Rocky Horror Picture Show and I would say The Little Shop of Horrors is like a cousin of Rocky Horror Picture Show like the kind of C be the that's a good one I had to learned that song in fifth grade that is neat oh I feel like people lose their mind now if they sing songs from Rocky or picture show oh really I have no idea was I not supposed to say that that song no no I I love it I think it's fine I'm just saying that I think if people lose their Collective Minds because everyone gets mad about everything now so they would be definitely mad about people got songs from Rocky or picture show 844 770 3776 is how you get into the show what's the news of today that surprised you the most that Molly didn't know who cake was no um this is Jim Matt and Molly we are presented by K light live from the ever light solar Studio Matt is in Holland I talked to Matt today Holland isn't that where he is Norway Norway are are they different here's the funni part I asked him today how's Holland and he said good wait well he was Holland at one point right is Amsterdam in Holland or is that in Germany that no that's an Amsterdam I learned it from really Amsterdam's in Amsterdam yeah there you go New York not in Germany um no I know he's in Norway they're basically right next to each other uh yeah it's all part of like Europe it's kind of like the East Coast it's all like on top of each other Holland is in the Netherlands never Neverland with Peter Pan I said the Netherlands not the neverland um I don't know how to read a map I got a map made of a map made of where Matt is we can look on a map you want to look on the map does that have the every country labeled that I feel like that map is it's just Matt's giant head looming over the same region that we're talking about anyways he's somewhere where we assume it's cold all the time he's basically if you ever seen uh Frozen he he's there like that's that's what I imagine Norway or Holland see that's what I thought too looks like Switzerland all all the same it's just all Frozen true what it looks like I don't know Minnesota and Wisconsin basically same thing right yeah pretty much uh I did learn from our friend G uh when he joined the show I don't know whenever that was on whatever you guys took all the day off last week Friday I don't know when it was um but he to taught me about fjords in Norway is that like the water thing yeah so it's not all just like snowy and whatever cuz I was like who wants to go to Norway but then after I seen pictures I'm like I want to go to Norway yeah uh my wife watched something with uh Zack Efron where he kind of toured and went to different things around the world he did iasa in one of them uh and then he did go to the fjor or whatever you call it in uh Norway or Holland or wherever uh but yeah it did look very nice I would say anyways I talked to Matt uh he I feel like that's the land of Carlson's forefather so I asked Matt to cut a video for us tomorrow sharing his feelings about Anders Carlson being cut so what is the most surprising news uh for you today that Sean Clifford uh was cut or actually how do we want to word that one that Michael Pratt didn't get to the practice squad is that more surprising Michael Pratt could still be on the practice sad okay so how do we want to word to Clifford one what was the most surprising roster move by the Packers today Michael Pratt Sean Clifford AJ Dylan and then Carlson and Carlson there yeah okay we'll go with that Carlson Pratt Clifford Dylan 844 77 3776 what was the most surprising roster move for the Green Bay Packers today um that's you can show 9844 770 3776 I will say you know what I was I do want to talk a little bit about the Packers like I really think that goody it's not a major air but he screwed up the Clifford pick he screwed up the Carlson's pick and especially when you talk about the the opportunity loss there like a fifth round pick your starting left tackle is a seventh round pick now again this isn't like how dare gy like screw all this stuff up but you took a lot of heat by saying he was like an maybe you give him a c right now you want to see a little bit more and maybe that's a little bit low but by point being and I think yours was that like he's not infallible like missing on a fifth round pick there are plenty of fifth round picks who are good contributing NFL players and for the Packers a team that is trying to make a playoff run this year a fifth round pick on the team that would be playing would be more useful than what Sean Clifford turned out to be well I feel like it's always an offseason topic that we get into is looking at Judy drudy Judy I'm Judy you lior we always look at uh Goody's draft picks right like this is always a topic and we always rate oh how what kind of GM is he how good has he been in the draft doesn't this lower it like for sure right like for what you're saying is the person that he could have gotten for a fifth round pick he didn't get because he got Carlson or whatever like not Carson it was a Clifford yeah no new as a c but it has to lower it you can't look at it and be like oh you wasted a fifth round pick and I'm just going to continue raising the bar with you right this and I will say like I do to compliment so I'm not again I'm not saying that all the moves are are bad or let's just pile on the negative I love the flyer of a seventh round pick on uh Malik Willis you talked about it was he a third rounder like that's a good trade-off that's a good flyer you have something more to develop in Willis I don't know what it'll turn out to be but as Nate tight said yesterday you're kind of screwed anyways there wasn't I mean if Jordan love was a more injury-prone guy maybe you bring in like tanah Hill but you got to assume that love will finish the season or play the majority of the snaps for the season and so you don't need to invest monetarily in a backup like tanah Hill if you had a different he's built a way like Brock py maybe you have to invest a little bit more he's more of a slight QB there could be different QBs with injury histories or other things where you might want to invest a little bit more if they're older that's not the case right now with Jordan love so the idea of drafting someone that or getting someone like Willis is a good move we did people chiming in Robin Madison said kin King was surprising to him Anthony Johnson Jr was surprising to chrisen Middleton so again 844 770 3776 uh what roster move made today uh surprised you for the Green Bay Packers of note I would say and Ryan or Molly please feel free to hop in on this but I would say uh Sean Clifford Grant dubos Anders Carlson Anthony Johnson Jr kayin king um James eser S Samari tor and Royce Newman are probably the most notable cuts out there that could surprise some people we're going to be joined by John adius next this Jim Matt M pretended by light this is Jim Matt and Molly Ryan is absolutely right I am Savage we're learning a lot about each other this is good to know this is good stuff to know presented by Kors light on 100.5 ESPN and the ESPN Madison YouTube channel step into Nostalgia with the Miller High Life Dive Bar of the week listen to to gym Matt and Molly every Thursday to find out where you can enjoy $2 Miller highl lives to celebrate our 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waiting to buy your next home stop now is the time to get house what's up Madison it's Stacy from Bruner realy nobody has a crystal ball to know what the future holds the longer you wait to find your next home the better the chance you'll be paying more for it than you would be today don't miss out on what could be the best opportunity to find your Dream Home contact our team at brunoy to help start your search that's brunoy let's get house hey it's U Professor Hannibal burs you're listening to Jim Matt and Molly on 100.5 ESPN to life of imitation distant cl to the reservation to don't the piss that to play for this part the feeling that to stay for in time I want to be a best friend he's I love is [Music] living I was trying to figure out which food based B name this was this red chili this is the easiest one right but it honestly like corn and Cake could overlap this version of red H Chili Peppers with the the way they saying it's kind of guitar and whatever I'm not this is not my none of these are really my lane for music I really wouldn't listen to Corn there's a few red out Chili Pepper songs I enjoy I know the song going to distance from cake but none of these are really my cup of tea black ey peas no no oh come on they're F I mean like they're they're fine yeah you didn't get it did killed that nailed it um killed it in a good way yeah uh you know what we can ask John uh aiio that right now John are you are you a fan of blackeyed pea what what was it blackeyed peas corn meatloaf uh salt and Peppa cake uh any these are the important questions we need to ask before the badger big match up against uh Louisville tonight that'll be on ESP and Madison and you also can watch it on the ESPN too but John what are you a fan of any of those teams or not teams fans yeah I would say so but think that the Red Hot Chili Peppers was corn coming back from the Break um no corn is more heavy man I used to be like not into corn but I had their CD back in the day you know early 2000s or whatever that was Freak on a Leash I think it was called so I've actually voted for Red Hot Chili Peppers though okay I can't believe and I didn't get a chance to give Ryan uh heck for it off the air meatloaf how do you leave meatloaf off of it I feel like he might be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame really yeah okay that's just a Miss by my gener Molly do you really listen to meatloaf do you like have much familiarity do I listen to Meatloaf I said I found it in my dad's like uh like CD binder in the car that's what I'm saying like people on and he was on like a Swiffer commercial or a cookies commercial a couple years ago he in Fight Club oh yeah he is he's in Fight Club he's a guy with a yeah yeah he needs a maner does he have a ponytail uh I'm sure he's had a ponytail at times uh well as uh John W well Molly looks up to see if meatl had a ponytail uh this is a this is a heck of a way for uh volleyball to start uh tonight obviously they had the the uh the exhibition game but coming in hot taking on Louisville right away I mean this is a pretty exciting way to start their season I think if they take two out of the first three sets two out of three ain't bad yeah there you I like the meetlo reference uh no but no this season talk about starting off with a bang right I mean not only here tonight but next week at fer against defending champs and the team to beat you in the National semis and the number one team of the preseason Texas and then you get number five Stanford so they are um you going to be tested right away which is I think fine which is good you learn a lot more more about your team if you take on Elite competition that you may need to face later on in the season than if you do have kind of a cupcake type of non-conference and there's some questions to be answered mainly you know how does the Freshman Setter Charlie ferringer kind of fit into this equation and how does she handle this and the other thing too is these newcomers there's a lot of newcomers on this team I believe there's eight newcomers on the team uh but these newcomers um a lot of them have never played in front of the crowds that they're going to be planed like in front Byer form next week here tonight at the KFC Yum Center every single match at the W Fieldhouse with 7,000 plus so this is an early season test for them as well I was talking with associate head coach Britney dildine just a you know a while ago and she's saying you know we want to see how they respond in that moment when they're in front of that do they kind of cave and if they do how do we get them better at that um and you know how do they if they do excel even better so um yeah I think it's it's definitely going to be a test I um but I like the way that you start off with that type of competition I really like the way that sets the tone for the season uh what is the environment like in Louisville for this game because I'm looking at the KFC Yum Center uh Great Name by the way but I'm looking it up and it looks like it's a pretty good siiz Arena are you expecting it to be full like what is it feeling like there I've asked around and the the number I've gotten is between 6 and 9,000 so it it seats 22,000 I know the upper deck has been kind of curtained off sometimes you'll see that around Arenas basketball Arenas around the country um they'll curtain off a top row uh sometimes at women's basketball games or whatnot but it's going to be around six to 9,000 I think they're fighting a couple of things uh mainly you know the the day of the week you know this is a what is it Tuesday it's a Tuesday and you know it's I think it's harder to recruit people to to get out uh on a Tuesday night that may have to travel to watch their teams as opposed if it was a weekend perhaps the the weekend the ferve matches are um so I think they're fighting that that's going to be the biggest thing but I mean kuy's here Louisville's here you know from a Wisconsin fan perspective yeah they don't have any excuses I mean you've got two Kentucky teams in this thing bring your fans out now that's a great point and uh you you meeren earlier a lot of newer players to the team talking to John Aus Badger volleyball play byplay and it'll be on night here on ESPN Madison the new home of badger volleyball I I see that uh what is it Carter Booth is kind of the featured at least for volleyball uh their post today on social uh we know Devon Robinson well Anna schmeck there are some vets on this team and obviously there's more than just I listed there they I would imagine are going to have a heavy load of just making sure that everyone can blend in and not get overwhelmed by the moment that's exactly right you nailed it then that's exactly what associate head coach Britney dildy told me as well not too long ago is they're going to rely on those veteran players Sarah Franklin Anna SM dein Robinson the whole crew like you mentioned Carter Booth Caroline Crawford so they've got a lot of leadership they got a lot of new faces but they've got a lot of people who have been in this position before so they definitely are going to rely on on those uh to to help the newcomers along if they are experiencing any if they get rattled at any point here tonight because like I said it will be a a bigger crowd than the majority of these players are are used to playing but yeah I mean and that's the thing like how does every there's a a few things that need to uh have answered we need to have answered is obviously you know Charlie and how does she fit in and it sounds like she's going to be just fine they're going to run a 5-1 offense at times they may run a 62 offense like they did the last couple of years with with MJ Hamill and I Ashburn Etc but we'll see if that plays into it as well um I I want to see how the new rules um look with two labero so you're allowed to suit up two liberos for each set and you can change those set by set so you could have you know more than two suit up throughout a match so that'll get kind of interesting and confusing and I I'm not sure I fully understand the the various strategies that you could employ there but coaching staff here has been you know tinkering with how they use that to their advantage um and then the other thing we're going to see a freshman outside hitter in Trinity Shad series um she's out of Canada she's 5' 11 but she can jump out of the gym and um we'll see how how she fits into everything man she's got quick arm and she can get above the net um so you know it's it's how everything meshes together new rules new faces along with what what you said with that veteran leadership uh real quick on on Devin how was she left off of the preseason all big 10 list um you know that's a good question she three time all day 10 it just seems crazy not that you you know personally responsible for it but it's pretty I guess you can just more talk about how great great Devon is and it's shocking that she's overlooked yeah I mean she is she's an intrical part of this and she's going to be a middle blocker tonight she's played a lot on the right side uh the last couple of years but you know her her her position when she got here was middle right so um she's going to be a big part of it defensively at the net um when they are able to get her the ball she can obviously put it away with the best of them and uh it's it what it does what Devon does is it just gives the defense somebody else to worry about you know when you do have um a middle that can can score like that and we saw what Carter Booth 6'7 did in the exhibition at middle um Caroline Crawford more of a defensive type of middle blocker and she's you know she might be the odd person out here as far as the starting lineup um but that's not to say that she won't be in in situational um times when they do need her defense at the defense at the net but Robinson just adds another list I mean think about the perspective of of an opponent where I always kind of look at it you know from Wisconsin how are they going to do against this and that but if you're Louisville I mean you've got to stop Devin Robinson Anna M Sarah Franklin National Player of the Year this freshman that's going to be just as impactful I think so there's a lot of um offense that you need to stop and Devon's got offense she's got defense and you're right she she may get overlooked at times but I think it's maybe just a product of of being on a stacked a team that's stacked as like Wisconsin is uh John if I'm not mistaken I believe Louisville is an hour ahead of Madison time so the the first serve is at 8:30 p.m. Wisconsin time that means it starts at 9:30 potentially depending on the match ahead of that pass your bedtime or well no no no no no I'm I just want to know I'm curious how many cups of coffee did you drink today slash like how are you getting ready to be able to like do volleyball until 1:00 in the morning that seems crazy I love this question because I just you normal routine with the coffee in the morning um and then actually U Gary associate head coach just went on a pregame coffee walk and he's like do you need anything I'm like um yeah I'll take an oat milk vanilla latte so I've got that ready to go here soon and I'll have that but I took a nap today too to recharge because there you go like you said this is this is a later start and it's going to be a little awkward for the players yeah you know the coaching staff said we this is an opportunity for us to practice what we might seen the postseason because during the regular season you start at 7 it's start time at 7 everybody goes here tonight like in the postseason you're gonna have to wait for the previous match you know that this this match could start anywhere from uh thinking in Eastern time um you know 8 to 9 Eastern or later and so yeah that's is something that I think the coaching staff also stressed to the players that you know treat this time remember how you go through warm-ups remember remember everything you need to do don't rush yourself just because it's it's awkward and we're going to have to go in a practice gym beforehand that's you know in the hallways of the KFC Yum Center so um I think it's good for the players but yeah for me naps and coffee and then uh get back to Madison whenever we do 2:30 in the morning or so and then uh go to work tomorrow oh you gotta fly back right after too yep right after so my guess is yeah we won't be out of the state of Kentucky until after midnight eastern time so it'll be yeah it'll be rough I'll I'll say this the next time uh we have John on we should have Matt because they can unite over their love of naps because Matt Hamilton is a big Napper so that is true whether you're curler or a broadcast oh yeah Matt loves to nap even when he's got nothing going on he's like a cat yeah uh or a dog like you just take naps throughout the day well i' I've read that the optimal optimal nap so for anyone listening is 25 minutes it allows your body to relax relax and rest and it it it allows you to get that that deeper rest not too long where you wake up groggy in fact here's another trick that that people recommend you drink a cup of coffee yes I was hoping you were gonna talk about this yep so then you get in that 25 minute Zone which studies show is about the right amount of time and by the time you wake up now not only are you refreshed from the nap but that caffeine starts to kick in so there's a little extra hack for anyone listening so instead of a catnap it's a calf naap yes it's a calf naap exactly here with the thank you uh John John thanks so much for hopping on no problem no problem uh we go what do we go 7:30 pregame show y uh with myself and Jesse Nelson and Hunter Von producing and then uh Pete wait and I have the call I don't know sometime after eight probably fantastic we're looking forward to listening uh John Aus the badger call will be at 7:30 tonight here on ESPN Madison uh this is Jim Mt Miley presented by K L hey this is Hannibal burs you're listening to Jim mat Molly on 100.5 ESPN playing smooth jams right after Sports y'all still playing the smooth jams right you ra ra fellow inds and doors of Wisconsin present your Badger minute this Badger minute brought to you by ston bank with three Madison Area locations in Middleton Sun Prairie and manona Starion bank is here investing in your Community start your experience by going to staron member FDIC with your Badger minute I'm Riley ya we're less than a week away from Wisconsin football kicking off and at least one AP writer is bullish on the Badgers this season Ralph Russo released his prediction for the inaugural 12 team playoff and has Wisconsin slated as the 10 seed just one more reason to get excited about a new season of Badger football tune in to ESPN Wisconsin college game day this Friday beginning at 400 p.m. don't miss out on 0% interest for up to 60 months with no money down and equal payments order today from 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available in every state American Family mutual insurance company s and it's operating company 6000 American Parkway Madison Wisconsin the grb Rays have established themselves as one of the top baseball programs in the Midwest and the country grb Academy offers training programs for players of all ages and skill levels learn from some of the best baseball coaches in the area and find the program that fits your training goals and your schedule spots are filling up fast so visit grb to sign up now that's grb grb academy baseball for the serious [Music] player welcome back to Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors light on 100.5 ESPN also brought to you by J&K Security [Music] Solutions I got a feeling do you know who this is yeah it's the black gu P I know who they are but like they're the same I try to think of the it's just formulaic like anyone could have made this this song is uh bad luck though so I'm annoyed that you played this song Wait why is this song Bad Luck because whenever it says tonight's going to be a good night it means it's going to be bad well the Badgers are losing tonight and it's Ryan's fault I didn't want to put that onto the world but it is your fault now you you do all right well that's going away you know what it uh is fantastic like their worst song So of bad it would be uh chmer Jewelers they're wonderful you can go to Chas Jewelers in Madison or in Middleton Madison's custom jeweler and you you can run into Ruth or Devin or Scott or Garrett any of the chers family at either location Madison or in Middleton chers Jeweler's Madison's custom jeweler just side note we gotta figure out I never could figure out the TVs here why in God's name I don't know why this channel exists Spectrum news yeah um it is just a pointless Channel like is this channel just for people with like pets um that's a good question people in like retirement homes I am trying to think of why it was on uh I think I had a a preseason game replay on at one point in there I think the Patriots versus who but I thought like Spectrum news channels just one thing I don't know also like you know I thoughts on Charter stinks we're working on it we're working on it works we wanted the weather alerts big weather at it again that was pretty crazy these TVs I was in here earlier just went black and then said like you thunder severe thunderstorm warning but then it was like bright and sunny out so I don't know what happened and then it moved to like only Dodge County and up they got hit pretty hard but I got a lot of rain I got a lot of rain in Oregon today it was very confusing really yeah I was like sitting at the desk doing some work and all of a sudden it just like it was a monsoon I heard thunder and lightning I honestly thought it was like a truck like you know like it's garbage pickup day and so I thought they're like coming through and you kind of hear it I was like cuz it was kind of a low Rumble and I'm like oh it must be uh or sometimes if a plane like once a week we'll hear like a plane go over uh and so I figured it was something like that cuz it was kind of a far away Rumble you didn't post it on like your local Oregon Facebook page asking what this Rumble was you weren't that person you know what it is funny that Facebook page does work once in a while because I think it was about two years ago now and I remember being at home I dropped the kids off and I was like eating breakfast getting ready for the day and um I heard like a it felt like something like one of the I don't know if I had cats at the time it felt like something fell over upstairs I was like what is that like it was like a d and I'm like that was weird Okay and then I went about the day and then like I think I opened up my Facebook app or whatever and I saw there was a house that exploded in Oregon like a mile and a half thankfully nobody was injured during this one and what I had felt was the explosion that had come through uh like the the Reverb and they were probably a mile and a half away and I still felt like that's why the house like like it felt like something was shook upstairs because our my house shook a little bit uh being a mile and a half away that is pretty crazy uh one thing that I actually just stumbled upon it this morning for my local Facebook group is people are saying that uh people are breaking into cars people are saying that it's already a red flag they're saying somebody said that their car was broken into well I don't know if it's breaking into if you leave it unlocked cuz you don't really got to like break anything to get in but they broke into the person's car and then they said that they have like bells on their door that they heard like ringing because somebody was trying to open their door but they had it locked so they were like make sure you lock your doors make sure you lock your car so I told my husband I was like hey I know you have a habit of leaving your car unlocked make sure you lock it or make sure you don't have anything in there that you like don't like want stolen and he was like nobody's going to break in my car but I got my car broken into a couple years ago they took my iPhone charger and that's it that was it I don't keep anything else in my car but like they took your iPhone charger yeah they took my iPhone charger that was kind of annoying cuz those damn Chargers break on me all the time and they're also $15 $15 so I don't know maybe you can sell it on Marketplace for five I think the yeah I was going to say the inconvenience of not having one is probably bigger than like the replacement cost yeah it was annoying I honestly if if someone took it they more like you know I need one of these yeah yeah they just needed they turn on to sell it's not worth the risk of trying to sell it get caught selling it like but like my like middle console thing was like lifted up with like crap everywhere and I was like you want my Bath and Body Works lotion like n so you were broken in you weren't brok was it broken into or just un no my I think I just left my car unlock so they went in your car yeah see that's the thing is it like broken into or is it just like well you didn't break shopping in your car so I'm imagine like 15-year-olds raided your car probably and they're like I could use a charger yeah for sure yeah boys I'm guessing if they didn't take your Bath and Body Works lotion and others well yeah see girls would be like hey this is a $10 lotion single boys because they would have could have gotten it for their their girlfriend here's a half used bottle of lotion uh that appeals to woman in her mid 20s but like whatever it's fine uh Donnie and deor says people are breaking into cars get information from your glove compartment well I don't know what information they're going to steal from me I don't have anything honestly is that like too negative I don't know my wife's a big like concern about everyone stealing everything and um what does that mean like I mean like if I leave the garage door open when I go for a run she' be like you left the garage open like my hband does that too but that's because he has so much fishing stuff and it's like all right I get why you would be concerned that like somebody's going to steal something you don't have like valuable stuff in your garage I don't know I I just it's not that I just like where if that's the concern we need to move is that's my answer every time like if you're worried about people coming into our garage or our house in the middle of the day we should move like we live in Oregon we live in a nice neighborhood for a reason what are we doing here if this is your concern that's you're worried about it that's usually my P you can't fight off Intruder Jim come on I was running she's fake tough I got I there a bat under my bed I don't know what it does they run when they see is wet pants right exactly yes uh I'll tell you I'll tell you what the my biggest hope is that they don't realize that um what is it that dolly is my dog that's a pit mix is the biggest baby on the face of the Earth and is terrified of like the garbage truck going by cuz it's too loud that's insane uh she's gotten worse with age she's just she hides under her feet at anything uh but anyways she looks Fierce yeah and I do feel like if someone came in that wasn't supposed to be there it piss her off I I think it would end very poorly for them CU every once in a while I'm wrestling with her I'm like a good thing you're a giant baby because you can bite my arm clear off is it safe to say that Dolly's in the best shape of her life uh I would say the person coming into the house is in the best shape of their life if they met d CU I think I think Dolly I think Dolly would bring it this is Jim Matt and Molly uh we are presented by cor step into Nostalgia with the Miller High Life Dive Bar of the week listen to Jim Matt and Molly every Thursday to find out where you can enjoy $2 Miller highl lives to celebrate our love for Di bars we are going to tell you about some of our favorites featuring one extra special die bar that will have $2 High lives on special for the week taste the champagne of beer in its natural environment a delightfully different dive bar in Wisconsin like Hooterville Jerry's Place Remington's Tavern and Wilson's bar and grill hey it's Kelly Sheffield Wisconsin Badger volleyball head coach you're listening to 100.5 ESPN w TLX manona Madison a good karma Brands radio station broadcasting live from the everlake solar Studio this is your metr Kia Madison Sports Center good afternoon Madison I'm Ryan wers and this is your sports center update brought to you by Wisconsin Badgers volleyball on 100.5 ESPN from the season opener tonight to the NCAA tournament catch every thrilling match all season long right here on 100.5 ESPN and speaking of that the Badgers do open their regular season tonight the number three Badgers taking on the number six Louisville Cardinals at the ABCA first serve Showcase in Louisville first Ser is set around 8:30 p.m. you can hear that call right here 1.5 ESPN pregame coverage with John adius and Jesse Nelson starting at 7:30 p.m. right here 1.5 also catch the game broadcast nationally on ESPN 2 now the Green Bay Packers also making some massive moves today as they traded their SE traded for seventh round pick Malik Willis yesterday means they released quarterbacks Michael Pratt and Sean Clifford today both players could still come back on the practice squad but they'll have to clear waivers before they can do that tomorrow afternoon and the Packers also releasing kicker andos Carlson and international pathway player Alex hail head over to ESP WI for more news and updates about all the Packers roster moves ahead of today's 3 p.m. deadline second hour of Jim Mt mly starts right now metr Kia of Madison Madison's trusted Kia dealer stop into metr Kia on the E side of Madison or metr Kia of [Music] everybody's ego takes a shot on this show you got to keep your chill with Jim Matt and Molly I am Savage so you're not special Jim if we want to play this game we can we can play this game and I'm just like oh my God this guy going swing on gy he's a complicated fell people like me I don't think so this is Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors B on 100.5 ESPN we're learning a lot about each other this is the lamest practice list of all time oh my gosh what gets you geared up to hit somebody like Stacy's M uh not I I was never actually kind you guys kind of nailed on the head uh you're talking about Clifford before the show or before I came on and talk about like yeah I looked at more like an undrafted free agent I did I didn't think he was draftable thought maybe yeah classic Camp body see if you can run around a little bit and do some things watch your hands broadcasting live from the everlite solar studio in Downtown Madison alongside mlly Brown here's Jim rutage [Music] it is Jim Matt and Molly presented by K's light Ryan can you look through our talking text line it's a 608 number coming through there's a lot of information the W block from the South Side yes I I think he's a kbn fan I think he's a kbn fan but he I gave him that name about last week out well I'm trying to explain why why I gave him the name he's the W block from the southide because might like kbn he also likes the Wisconsin Badgers okay who's promoting Jaden Reed a Chicago native place for the Packers now but also will Pauling Chicago native going to have another awesome season for the Packers or for the Badgers maybe set their alltime single season reception record we'll see but um I'm also pretty sure like I'd say 80% sure that it's Caro the bower bear oh okay I think it is but he's not texting into our show so don't we want to tell him hey you're texting the wrong number no I think he was texting the right show I think he's just saying that he is drive time I'm not really sure he he put 1 198 you own the drive time in the MK One 98 don't ask me what then um 94.5 for you guys only that's what I'm saying I think he's texting the wrong show I don't know it's Caro so if he's listening now so well Caro if it's you call in we love to hear from well cuz I don't think his name was ever Caro in the talking text line yeah it was right was I don't think so no I don't know Caro is tough to nail down he's very tough to nail down I'm not even positive it's a real person this is Molly we are presented by K light the moner blue you know what to do and that's Crush uh we do have a poll question up people are answering it so let's uh fire into it and the question was what Packers roster move are you most surprised by today right now 63% of you say AJ Dylan to the IR uh then uh Anders Carlson at 17% Michael Pratt at 15% nobody surprised about Sean Clifford at 5% I know David Deerfield said hey everyone thought Clifford was going to get cut I said that he was a bum the second he was drafted and I've maintained that uh and even into the preseason that this was a bad decision so uh we did have people chiming in um none of them in your poll cutting Anthony Johnson Jr and Kevin or yeah Kevin King were the ones but that's not Kevin King it's kayin King right yep kayin King this person wrote Kevin king so I'm I'm just reading it as is I didn't mess that one up okay uh I I just love that people love like you just picked the most bottom of the roster randos like King and Johnson what are we doing here folks get drafted Evan Williams and Bullard uh you're going to have to you're going to move off some players in the secondary it's just the price of doing business is they draft a third safety as well am I missing another one or they just draft two uh they drafted Bullard Evan Williams and then kitan oladapo who basically took Anthony Johnson spot right exactly and so like that's that's Sports man uh and I don't know where they'll end up hopefully they'll be on the the practice squad if you're a Packers fan but it is funny like you're getting caught up in the bottom of the roster the surprising part is because it seemed like gy and some of the coaching staff were talking highly of Johnson and they thought he'd be a core special teamer which as we know with Rich bachia when he has his guys who can play on special teams he wants to keep them around that is true wasn't that you literally today that was talking about Ritz or Anders Carlson staying on the team because he was rich P's guy yeah that that was a big belief that was I was we were talking about it in the studio today or in the office okay okay I couldn't remember if I was I I thought it was you but I couldn't remember so well I mean yeah he worked with Daniel Carlson with the Raiders out in Vegas and Oakland before that he had and like he knows the family personally which is probably a big reason why they Ed the six down pick on him but totally worth it rich bace has been a very interesting hire for the Packers I feel like is he still like one of the highest paid special team I believe he still is the highest I mean it's not like a super high bar he makes like a million and a half a year but it's still I mean he's the highest paid if halfly works out the same way uh the vasio worked out I don't if I said that right uh anyway is do we call that a win yes because it's better than what Joe Barry was it's a win it's not like a huge win yeah but I think bace but that's that's like the best that's honestly the most likely scenario that half's like a slightly maybe Joe Barry was slightly below average and half will be slightly above average but are you happy with what Rich bace has done for special teams I feel I mean outside of kicker it's been okay it's been I mean which for the Packers was an extremely low bar similar to the defense yeah exactly like if they're just average to like sometimes pretty good and if they have like a real kicker I think we'd feel a lot different so like how much credit does he get for Nixon yeah that's a great question I don't know like is is that just talent but then we could be saying the same thing about the defense soon like if I'm judging special teams I'm judging it on coverage honestly because the rest is more of like you have Specialists for punters and kickers like a lot of times they have their own coaches or you even have someone else during training camp that's coaching in those specific positions and then like returning to me that is one of the things in sports where either you can or you can't either you are capable of returning kicks and punts or you can't do it I don't think that's taught it's a little bit like running a football but running football you can teach a little bit returning kicks and punts I think it's honestly now with the new kickoff rules it might be something you can kind of teach guys maybe but you still have to find the holes and do it at such a high it's more about scheming up like good blocking schem true right but you still and I I that's where you're right I mean obviously and that's where the special teams coach would matter of like having good blocking and having the right players for it but you still have the actual returner the one that can take it to the house they have to be seeing all that happening in a split second and that's what's surprising about Nixon is before the Packers I don't think he ever returned kickoffs it was like first time when he started doing it with well and that again goes back to like it's an innate ability so maybe nobody popped him back there and he never tried it and it was just that's that I mean finding the guy and figuring that out realizing that is part of what a good coach does true that's a good point uh 8447 good wins by the way 844 770 3776 is how you uh get into the show and uh we haven't heard from Acy and toast in a while no I mean is he still on the clock it's still his draft pick right right it is still his draft pick I honestly am forgetting regularly that we have that fantasy draft so I got to get going on I wish I just like set it for I mean like week by like set it like a week in advance or weeks in advance at a time like look can I just set it for the like set my buys and so be like all right Barn injury I can just let this be so they're like autod Drafting and like you want to just do that for a whole league Auto playing for the regular season right well not even Auto like I'll go through and set it for each week but like I'll look at the matchups and everything and then just be done with it yeah oh so like you just put yeah I mean this is a league where where there's no money involved so like is that how you feel with I think that might be how you are with like every fantasy league though too because you've said it in the past where yeah like once you hit a point you're just like if we if we do ours are we even doing ours I don't we are doing ours if we if we do ours I might try this whole no running backs thing I've seen just take a flyer on it basically draft everything but running backs because um fill in like they're so hit or miss throughout the year just fill in the stuff that's harder to fill in so H hurt a lot yeah so if you have the top tier receivers and the Top If you have like two out of the top 10 wide receivers and the top tight end and the top quarterback that might be more valuable than the running backs because they's still Diamond dozen I'm new to fantasy football this is only my third year doing it I think um isn't running back supposed to be the position that you draft first right but that's the point if everyone's doing that kind of Moneyball it do the opposite I get it I get it uh we were also asking the best food named band/musician uh shot and Freud shot and fraud shot and Freud what he said he he chimed in God I hate when this jumps it says how do you know how heavy a Hot Chili Pepper is Give It Away Give It Away give it away now you don't get that one do you Jim I do okay I know the CH I know that's the one I know he just chose not to laugh away give it away get away now that's probably the one Chili Peppers tape SL CD that I had tape who are you yeah tape I feel like it might have been a tape for me no way no way they're not that old what was that was that blood what's the name of the album record I was probably yeah exactly I was probably like five when came out it was blood sex sugar magic oh can't say magic I'm not yeah exactly sugar was what got me um there's a lot of bands that are um uh names uh Spice Girls spicy I definitely so it did come out on tape and I think I definitely had the tape uh dork dork that is neat Ice Cube does that count Ice Cube out food I I snack on them actually if if you're pregnant and you're eating and you're craving ice cubes you're iron deficient let me just tell you well I meant more of like when people I just watched the the bear and I remember ice chips I just watch like never mind just watch the talking about make it babies we're talking about the in the bear uh one of the uh one of character was pregnant and they gave her ice chips like at certain points like surgeries things like that ice chips you can eat that cuz it Doesn't um fill your stomach but it makes you're eating something yeah and then obviously there's water in there I get it em& that's a food that's that is true One Singular mm there you go Fish how did we not talk about this we have fish fried fish that's a big mess on our part Big M yeah that's pretty crazy that there is so much uh Pearl Jam that come on [Music] the Smashing Pumpkins uh we allow that one I mean pumpkins are food but when you're smashing them using cherry pie cherry pie no no wait that's a song but I warrant it's not the band I think that's a cover that's a cover band in Madison called cherry pie uh of course there is yeah so uh Bowling For Soup yeah what that's a real thing yeah um what's that song called why are you acting me like of course pull that one up pull that one up no no no it is 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Ridgetop exteriors listen to Wii and T presented by pel windows and doors of Wisconsin on 100.5 ESPN you haven't been as adamant as I've been are you thinking that this offense is going to take a step backwards from what we saw the last 8 weeks I think it's going to take them a while to get back to where they were the last eight weeks yes wi and T weekdays 9 to noon on 100.5 ESPN also brought to you by hman Lindsay paints Coors Light made to chill and American Family Insurance you're only minutes away from a better buying experience at Simon Chevy in Mount horb Jim rage here what is a better buying experience well that's the thing you get to Define it it is the experience that is customized to you what experience do you want at a car dealership they can be your trust trusted friend or your trusted expert so if you're in the market for a new or New To You Silverado Colorado Blazer Trailblazer remember you're only minutes away from a better buying experience and that's at Simon Chevy in 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won't do [Music] that do we know the answer to what what Me Love Won't Do for Love um he will do anything for love but he do that what I don't that's one of like what do we think it is great mystery I mean everyone's got their lines would goody do anything for love except keep Sean Clifford on the roster uh this is Jim Matt Molly presented by C's light we are uh maybe Jason Wy knows the answer what goody won't do for love he won't get him a number one receiver I'll tell you that much but uh Jason how you doing today Mom the [Laughter] meat uh Molly did not know who Meatloaf was so no no no that is phony baloney you didn't know who the Red Hot Chili Chili Peppers were also phony balone but anyways no I know who meatloaf is I just don't know his music I I know this song because I believe it was in like a chips aoy commercial I'm not kid is that how you know it Jason yeah I know it because of the chips aoy commercial who doesn't right I mean it was either chips aoy or Swiffer I can't remember it was the peak of meat Love's career when he was in chips aoy commercial you think it'd be a meatloaf commercial of all things but apparently not uh Jason kind of a an interesting roster day for the Packers um I we asked our our fans was it the Clifford move or the the Pratt move or I guess you Ty Willis into that or Anders Carlson or Dylan going on IR what was did anything catch you a little bit off guard or surprise you a little bit today um by the way uh in Meatloaf's um obituary he it says he was known for bad out of hell uh not for the chipsahoy commercial just just to clarify I didn't even know he was dead if I'm being honest that's terrible uh he died in 2022 okay uh so it's been a while um rip meat um but uh his actual name was Michael Lee a day and now we've officially covered all the ground that we need to on Meatloaf um look I I I don't nothing was especially surprising um now there were some quarterbacks that were released or were rumored to be on the trade block that when I saw that uh the Browns for example were shopping both Tyler Huntley uh and jamus Winston uh I I didn't expect the Packers to trade for jamus Winston but Huntley was interesting um and they were guys that obviously have played a lot more football uh in games that counted than Malik Willis so the fact that they made that trade yesterday we all knew that that meant that they were going to be cutting both of their quarterbacks today now I think um many of us are expecting them to bring uh to to bring Sean Clifford back on the practice squad and maybe he's even the backup uh in sa Paulo on the six but this the the here's the only reason why the anders Carlson thing surprised me and I was saying this to Homer and bulaga last night and of course when they clipped it on social media it's me saying you know I think they're going to keep andr Carlson which is an entirely the truth I thought that they would be afraid to release Anders Carlson and then have him do what Daniel Carlson his older brother did after the Vikings gave up on him which is go somewhere else and end up being one of the better kickers in the league and kick at a 90% accuracy rate on field goals now maybe they can see the future and they realize that Anders is never going to be as good as his brother so it's time to cut their losses but you know I do find myself wondering if he makes the 32 yard field goal is he is he their kicker because that field goal that he missed in the fourth quarter to me anyway was what underscored his incredible inconsistency and the guy that missed a at least one kick field goal attempt or extra point attempt in 10 of their final 12 games last year it felt to me when he pushed that kick wide right this is why you can't have him as your kicker because it's almost as if you go through a game just waiting for him to miss because you know he's going to miss once every game and so I don't know if I don't know if Greg Joseph did as much to win the job as Andre Carlson did lose it that's one of the things that I'm hoping we get to explore with with gy a little bit tomorrow when he speaks but the bottom line is is that you know I'm not surprised that they weren't happy with either of the backup quarterbacks I'm not surprised that Andre Carlson lost his job uh just because I thought if they had a choose they would keep him I was wrong about that but I'm not surprised by it the AJ Dylan piece is really interesting so he has this Stinger injury which is obviously neck related injury he missed the last three games of last season regular season finale both playoff games and then he was diagnosed with this again uh I was talking to somebody earlier this afternoon who uh posited that maybe he never plays again like you got to be really leery of stuff going on in that area of your body and your neck and so I I don't know but it's it's a it's a shame because as you guys as we talked about he came back in the best shape of his career and I thought he had really gotten off to a really good start where you thought okay this guy took the challenge of getting a crappy contract and no interest on the free agent Market he's ready to be the number two behind Josh Jacobs and now it's Emanuel Wilson and it's a guy with a hamstring injury that I don't think is going to be ready for the opener so that to me is going to be really interesting what they do at running back yeah and that kind of leads into my question of what position do you think Packers Fan should be more worried about should it be kicker running back which one which one should they be more worried about cuz it I don't feel confident in either one of them at this point if I'm being honest yeah I mean I think obviously you worry if something happens to love but you've got one of the best upand cominging quarterbacks in the league there so as long as he's healthy there's nothing to worry about right uh at running back I think you feel really good about Josh Jacobs as your starter it's just what exactly is this going to look like in both the short term and the long term and remember they're going to be able to put in all kinds of uh waiver wire claims if they so choose uh they'll have some options at that position and again you can call guys up for the practice squad so you get 16 guys it's really more and with uh the extra International pathway player in Alex Hil you get 17 guys you got 70 guys that are at your disposal uh I would still say kicker because I didn't think that Greg Joseph was like Head and Shoulders or even uh you know a tiny little bit when like you go back to back when you're a kid and you're you oh I think I got you by like just by hair um I'm not sure that Greg Joseph was significantly or even partially better than Anders Carlson so I I guess I'd have to pick that as my one that I would be more worried about do you think Greg Joseph even makes it through the full season with the Packers I I know you don't like making predictions but I'm asking you to make a prediction God you sound like the female version of to um I I don't know I I mean it's not out of the wrong possibility he does to make it through the week right like if there's somebody else that got released that they like better uh or that they were working on some sort of trade with as the cuts were coming down and it hasn't gone through yet like I don't know maybe that's possible um but you know look he has experience he's kicked some game-winning field goals in the clutch for the Viking KS uh I think you know if you if you spent some time talking to him like a bunch of us did he's clearly got a very regimented process I think that probably appeals to them I'd be curious if maybe the kickoff part of the equation was in any way a factor because I think Andre kind of struggled a little bit with keeping it out of the end zone so again I look forward to Matt leflour and gy talking to us tomorrow uh because these are all questions that really need answers talking about Jason Wy you can listen to Wy and T weekdays here on ESPN Wisconsin 9 and noon and not to just continue to blor the kicker thing I wonder if some of it though Carlson reminds me of like you always see this like golf like the long drive competition guy who can't consistently put it in a fairway and I feel like the waiver wire is full of these big leg kickers who can't put it all together um Greg Joseph and I'm a little biased he went to FAU but uh GRE Joseph for his career inside 30 he's perfect uh even under 40 yards he's only missed one kick and so it's really uh if you're kicking if you feel like you're going to be close and you want someone that you can rely on very very much inside of 40 he's the guy it's 50 plus where he's a disaster because I think 40 to 49 he's probably League average uh but it's that 50 plus where he's only like 50% uh and I think the pack it's almost like they have Mason Crosby again is my point wow uh except you what that fa so you like him better right um I will say this I I really have enjoyed the conversations I've had with Greg Joseph he does do the third person thing which is a little weird it's amazing um because Jason Wy doesn't do third person does that make you uncomfortable if he's talking like in the locker room in third person are you just like icky hey uh Greg Joseph's got to compete with Greg Joseph and that's who he's here to compete with he's not here to compete with with Molly Brown he's not here to compete with Jim rutage he's here to compete Greg Joseph's got to take care of Greg Joseph um and and and hey if that works for him great um I I tend to chuckle when people do that personally uh but again I if that's what it it clearly worked for him I mean he's reached this point where he's the guy so apparently talking about yourself and the third person is the way to go I just if you asked him if he seen sign and I think Jimmy was the character's name in Seinfeld where he refers to himself oh Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy's going into shock right right then George brings it back as well George starts doing it Molly you've not seen Seinfeld I'm guessing no all right Ryan goodness seen I'm not even like a Seinfeld Stan but neither one of you are even helpful on this uh on VHS jat Molly gracious Jason you have the same issue I'm sure that I do of like everyone keeps on getting Young and just things that I don't think are old they just miss yeah we need to get better at that like I was I was actually driving the car earlier today and Enter Sandman came on and if you've got it on one of the Sirius XM channels that is 90s on N or 80s on eight it tells you the year and it was 1991 and I'm like so this is the equivalent of me when I was growing up at the 80s like my parents talking about like that's even like pre-beatles right that's like them talking about Elvis Presley and Chuck Barry I mean oh my God I'm I'm I'm ancient so you know between and here's the other thing so they trade for Malik Willis and there's no way that anyone uh under our age is getting a what you talking about Willis reference nobody right right no that's a great point um I know it from Hannah Montana but that probably makes you feel really old Hannah Montana what you monana used Different Strokes references Hannah Montana wow I don't know it's that old that it's now like in the Lexicon where it's like we going to need a bigger boat like they don't know it from Jaws you just know it from something probably we need we're going to need a bigger something it's like a Trope I didn't know that was a line I mean I've seen Jaws I've played the game too I just all right I can't there's a great Jaws board game your guys' girl would love it all right I can't handle being old for a minute here Jason uh the Packers 2020 DFT class will always be viewed as amazing because they got Jordan love but the rest of it not great uh depending on how you feel about AJ Dylan and it just goes to like I mean even with like the Clifford we had Nate tys on yesterday and he said Clifford viewed by everyone he ever talk to him as a quarterback as a camp po like Joe staves where like you bring him in you wash your hands of him you don't draft him Packers used a fifth round pick on them and they used a sixth round pick on Andrew uh Carlson and they have a seventh rounder starting left tackle so those late picks have value they use the seventh rounder to get their new backup quarterback so again I'm not saying these are major blemishes against goody but it is always a tight RPP that these GMS are walking of good or great to average yeah I look at the 2020 class and when you draft AJ Dylan in the second round he wasn't good enough MH like if if this is the end of the line for him and and I hope if he wants to keep playing that it's not but if this is the end of the line for him uh it wasn't good enough uh Eddie Lacy was a second round pick had backto back 1100 yard seasons as the Packers running back and people didn't think he was good enough but he wasn't the mayor of dor County and look AJ Dylan is a fantastic guy like he is impossible to dislike uh the girls did uh uh with the toire kids did uh a thing for feeding America Eastern Wisconsin with AJ Dylan I mean he is a authentically likable guy so I don't wish him any ill will but if we take his we just call him running back x uh and then we call Eddie Lacy running back y we should be saying that Eddie Lacy had five times a better career than running back X if we take out how likable he is and you know Eddie was introverted he didn't do a lot of stuff in the community and so no one ever really felt the connection to him the way we all feel to AJ but he he's a disappointment as a second round pick I I don't mean that in a mean-spirited way but yeah you look at that draft um you know John runan is starting for the Giants um and Jordan love is the Packer starting quarterback that that obviously matters but you know and this is I hate doing this because first of all all GMS Miss and second of all when I start pointing out his misses then oh Wy hates gy and I've known gy for 25 years I'm the only one who still calls him gy because he and I were buddies way back in training camp and he was a young Scout and I was a young beat writer so everybody else when they ask questions ask him Brian I've never I haven't called him Brian in 25 years so I don't do that but I look at his drafts and the 2021 drafts you've got Josh Meyers left from it you've got Eric Stokes who's clearly been a disappointment right as a first round pick um he's obviously had a lot of injury issues so that's part of it and you've got Isaiah McDuffy left from that draft okay so now we're into the last three drafts and most of those guys are on the roster from all three of those drafts including nine of the 11 guys that they drafted in the spring and but some of them if we're again being honest made it based on their draft position right like Marshon Lloyd had a hip injury then he had a hamstring injury he's on the roster only because he's a third round pick yeah uh you look at the two linebackers they picked Edan Cooper in the second round and Tyron hopper in the third round who I always want to call Chad Hopper which not um but both of those guys um are are they could turn out to be really good players we have no idea I would never judge them right now but if you're but the reason why Christian Welch who was probably your best defensive player all preseason and is a critical special teams piece is not on your 53 man roster is because you drafted two guys that high that's the only reason he's not here so you know there is an advantage to being a draft pick goody is certainly hit on a bunch of guys I was talking with Prime Time wers shine while I was uh waiting for you guys and um I was surprised that Anthony Johnson got released um I assume they're gonna try and get him back on the practice squad but he played a hell of a lot and was with the ones at different parts of training camp and so for him to get released was a little bit of a surprise but again they've got a lot of young talent and I'm eager to get the season started I'm eager to see if they can stay healthy so they can have all these young guys be productive and I'm eager to see where it takes them Jason I know hindsight is 220 but now looking back at what the Packers could have done a few months ago when they got Josh Jacobs and then when Aaron Jones was still on the roster and it was the best 10 seconds of my life being a Green Bay Packers Fan do you think that Brian gudun like is looking back at that just with massive regret is that going to be the biggest regret of the season for this team is letting go of Aaron Jones I don't I don't think he it may be a regret but I don't think he regrets it like I think he had made his mind up like this is you know again there's there's an aspect to this that is a little bit uh duplicitous because uh as you pointed out those two guys were never going to be on the roster together ever um and what happened was goody made him an offer as opposed to an offer you can't refuse gy made him an offer he had to refuse Ed because I mean it wasn't as insulting as the offer that Jordy got uh when they kind of pretended they wanted him back or the offer that Devonte Adams got when he was already one foot and his torso out the door um but the offer they made to to Aaron Jones was hey uh this is what it really meant hey we don't really want you but if you want to come back really cheap I guess we'll take you back and once he said no there was no one two punch of him with Josh Jacobs I don't think goody regrets that at all and I'll be honest I love Aaron Jones authentically great dude uh really enjoyed covering him I'm guessing with the Vikings he's probably gonna have injury issues and he's probably not going to match the production he had with five straight 100 yard games down the stretch last year Jason uh that's a great way to to end it there great stuff as always we appreciate it all right everybody take care be good that is Jason wiy I'm sure he would have loved to have joined us at Rus Cris steakouse last week because we had a great time out there uh in fact we had such a good time that even the some of the technical difficulties we had to work through didn't matter because we're were eating steak sandwiches and drinking C is light and and uh crem Boule and having a wonderful time out there with Lee over at RIT steakouse whatever the occasion head out to rqu steakouse in Middleton this Jim Matt mly presented by KL sure listening to Jim Matt and Molly presented by Kors light on 100.5 ESPN SPN Madison on YouTube and Wisconsin on demand if you're looking for a special piece of jewelry for any occasion Condon Jewelers is always there for you Condon Jewelers has the best selection of jewelry you'll ever find and guaranteed to have the lowest prices in the Madison area free shipping is always available visit Condon or call 241 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have safety Sprinter safety Technologies include curtain airbags all around load adaptive electronic stability program and crosswind and attention assist number four vanare mobile our maintenance team can come to you with routine service who wants to go in let them come to you they work with multiple trucks on one visit use the Mercedes M connect and last but not least get your zimri Sprinter at zimri European at Rimrock Road and the belt line or go online at zimri european. comom because they never charge over the MSRP hey it's U Professor Hannibal burs you're listening to Jim Matt and Molly from 100.5 [Music] ESPN all right yeah what a man what a man a a again a a a a a good man what a man a man a man what a good yes he is [Music] a this song played at my [Music] wedd when you uh remove the garter B belt is that gross you did that that always gives me like the biggest heebie jebi why why are we talking about this in the air right now no please talk about it it just gives me like the run your hand no I don't want I don't want to yuck somebody's yum but it's not that yum there's it's just always gross as it's like your Grandma's watching yeah but like if you do it like yeah you look it's just like all right this Jim M give us to play by play yeah well these are strategies so you you had more of a like a was it a cere like what was I did a I literally went to a courthouse and we went to breakfast or brunch right after that's why I didn't know how much was to it but there still was was there a kiss at the end of this yes okay what kind of in front of strangers no in front of uh my dad was there my mom was on FaceTime cuz she wasn't able to make it cuz we did it very last minute um our kids were there my in-laws were there that's it okay but then like I'm guessing justice of the peace or something or someone oh yeah that dude the whatever the judge or whatever SOA monitor yeah Jon was there I'm a little hurt you didn't ask me to be the offici I could have easily done that I am by law can do that is true I might maybe maybe when I renew my vows but also that's also the kiss of death yes yeah nobody's well I think after a certain point like I renewed like my grandparents law vows but it's like 50 years of marriage so I don't think they're at that point you're like we're whatever we're just kissing yeah either we're dying alone or we're just going to stay in this thing but uh I'm not saying that was their situation um but the kid like we had a discussion my wife and I did before we got married of like we planned our own she planned it I helped write the ceremony that was my my big part of it Greg scows was the officient of our wedding and um it was much more of a low-key thing it was at the louer family heritage center out kind of near Christy's Landing kind of out that way it's a public park out there you kind of reserve the space uh we were paying for our own wedding and I was on a programming guys salary so like uh it was uh we were uh you know pinching pennies but anyways we had a discussion of like well what kind of kiss do you have uh so what kind what kind of Kiss did you have was it like tongue was it open mouth like what did you do for the cuz it was like a normal kiss you would not like a goodbye kiss but it wasn't like anything it wasn't sexual in the kiss like some people go after it yeah no girl you I'm out yeah like it's just not the time or place like do that later like this is in front of your friends your friends and family are here your mom is here that's like how I feel about it like like I said it gives me hgbs so like a respectable but loving kiss was probably like that's ours that's how I wouldbe more than a PE but like not tongue yeah exactly yes yeah um and then but that's how I would describe how like the the garter belt removal went it was like I think it was it's not like she had it all the way up her her thigh there you know it was down closer to the knee so it was a little bit mean there's kids did this thing it's not like I'm throwing my head under her dress and going to get it sometimes people do though grosses me out I did not I don't understand I guess if you have a if you are one of those that want to have an adult wedding which always sounds nefarious when it's adult what's going on the wedding then I think you can get after a little bit more if that's your thing but otherwise like there's family around there's kids around like it was more of like okay this is the Trope this is part of the wedding and but it was like I got on my knee and like I took it down from her knee I believe it's not like I yeah it's not like I was up up up there so it's just one of those things it just grosses me out I'll try to take that personal but like no no no not you not your just like the whole idea of it I don't know I don't understand the point of it I don't know where it came from it is a weird wedding tradition but a lot of times like that was one of those things where it's like okay we'll just we're just going to do this and so it just kind of popped up um but I think it's mainly because my wife likes that song she want to use that song so was like we can use that song here what a man so do like a little walk out and everything yeah um yeah I don't know uh 844 770 3776 how did you kiss your wife uh at the altar and uh where was the position of the garter belt ran is so uncomfortable so crazy I think I want to have your baby o perfect time Rosie is a honeymoon baby so Jamaica right yeah the fact that I like know these things she have dual citizenship uh not that I'm aware of uh I should be careful now of saying where where she was conceived even at this point she was born in America so relax folks um but I would say that uh we did always want to get an A made Jamaica kind of onesie for her we never did so now see but then that again that makes me uncomfortable because it's like now you're telling people when and where it happens it's funny when it's a baby it's going to be hilarious when I buy her or wear that shirt or something along those lines when she's like 16 or 17 like that's going to be the funnier part to embarrass her is that's of my new plan is I got to figure out how to make her embarrassed by me and be like and point it out you at least have a good story I don't about getting married or children you have a good location I should say I have nothing spectacular we're g to call I wasn't in Jamaica okay you GNA ask me I don't know I don't I don't know what to ask yeah where were you going with that Ryan I oh no he's single he needs entertainment oh right something to get his juices whoa Okay add that to his list he likes to know what's going with everyone doesn't like to watch who likes to listen uh JK Security Solutions is locally owned tell me how the baby was made uh a family run business that has been part of the Madison Community for nearly 40 years Jeffrey and the whole team and J andk care about making sure your home or business is safe and secure with Services ranging from commercial fire detection to commercial security and surveillance they are dedicated to keeping your business safe home services include security and home automation services using control 4 keep your home and Business up to date with our friends at jnk Security Solutions this is Jim Matt and Molly I got an idea I got to run by Ryan in the break and we at least going to share if you would give the thumbs up to the thumbs down to it but that'll be it if he gives thumbs up we'll go deeper into it but I'll at least tell you if we can have a little radio Trope if we're open to it this is Jim [Music] this is Jim Matt and Molly Ryan is absolutely right I am Savage we're learning a lot about each other this is good to know this is good stuff to know presented by Kors light on 100.5 ESPN and the ESPN Madison YouTube channel for Love of the Game there's nothing like being selected to the Olympic team and love of their country championship of that level 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think it is this is Jim Matt mly presented by K is light uh let's get to throwing stones 1 two three some takes are cooler than others you know this kid is as cool as the other side of the pillow some opinions are just cooler than the rest it was cooler than being cool I and if you keep it chill then it's a cold take chill out I'm chill I'm chill as a cucumber man I'm always the coldest this is throwing stones presented by Metro Kia Madison Madison's chillest Kia dealership yeah guys whether it's hot cold or just chill every host deserves a chance to get out their best take of the day but guys we're running a little tight on time today we only got about 3 minutes left of the show so each of you gets 30 seconds to get out your best take of the day Jim why don't you go ahead and start now all right and uh I have a question for Ryan so I tease this before the break there's someone that uh I basically if I'm on Tik Tok and you're doing stuff for content on radio I will follow you and then I realized that one of the people that I follow is a onair personality or producer I'm not sure exactly what for uh music station in Green Bay she posted that she's having a hard time finding a good man Molly we have a good man here so my question to R and you can consider it is more of can I just comment on her post and be like hey our producer is awesome he's single and in Madison uh maybe we can make a connection ask her how bigger Bumble range is we'll consider it all right Molly you're next I'm not asking her that cuz it feels like I'm being creepy by bum range does that mean like your radius is she okay with someone from Madison first of all she's in green B okay you do the station you're from the Fox Valley area from the Fox Valley you visit there I visit there because that my parents live there and they're 45 minutes away from Green Bay well halfway baby I'm not moving to Green Bay your 30 seconds nobody stting to move to Green what okay uh m meta making the 53 man roster for the Cincinnati Bengals that's totally awesome watching him in college was cool now just seen that actually happened and uh yeah that's super cool it is a great story I did see a lot of people saying oh not fast enough for Luke fickle but fast enough for the NFL not really though like and I love this story but he is a special teamer and the way that the Badgers play defense as opposed to the way the NFL does that happens a lot where some guy just doesn't fit and he doesn't play well in space but he have to play in space as much in the NFL and essentially he's a special teamer that in a pinch could play linebacker but uh he was good enough to be a great special teamer for the Badgers it speaks to what Wisconsin has brought in as far as culture and players they recruit them yeah it's fun seeing Badgers uh go to the NFL and I hope he's successful so that'll be cool I mean sometimes you're just not always the right fit for somebody and who knows if I'll be the right fit for this uh radio woman in Green Bay Green I'm asking this for honestly you'd be doing me a favor cuz I'm on like you see people looked at the profile so this way explains why I looked at a file so I'd love to be like hey can we make a love connection can we can we talk more about this tomorrow we'll talk in the break we'll talk about it tomorrow in the break it's done the show's over okay Molly you won today all right I'll take it I took a RIS I took a RIS you took an L just to get him a d you didn't lose no no I you didn't lose Jim we just have to consider it yeah no I did I was just saying like I took a big chance like that's all you did yeah uh go be a winner go to H chunk gaming Madison maybe Ryan can go there and win some money and then he can get his own private jet back and forth to Green Bay what do you know go be a winner go to Jamie Madison this has been Jim Matt M presented by [Music] K with the incredibly spacious three row Chevy Traverse