We Met Mclovin (he was cool) #mclovin #superbad #funny

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:10:10 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: superbad
no what you're up okay guys I'm going to chug this entire can of Red Bull just for the hell of it Booyakasha no way how the F did you do that broe [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to the most extraordinary Vlog that I'm ever going to make in my lifetime my name is Princess SS Sniper Wolf deline this is uh my good friend Udan this is bradden this is uh James Hsu Nam Miku and uh Brendon who does not want to participate and we're going Fan Expo today boys cowabanga finally off the train in the streets of Toronto how do we feel yipp yes sir how we feeling today gang how you feeling we're feeling great yeah we going to meet some celebrities we going we going to go at havsies on a j and we going to smoke it it's going to be it's it's going to be fantastic shut up this guys totally fat boying out it's sir I was going to say I have a question can I borrow your outfit after oh of course you can is it is it is it a character or did you just kind of mishmash a bunch of [ __ ] in your house oh I mixed up a lot of stuff in my head believe it or not um I actually run an online uh uh pod review show um and and I came up with the character SS Sniper Wolf deline whoa um yeah just mix a lot of things together and see what fits but um I just want to say that um as a teenager smoking weed who grew up with your movie it uh really does mean a lot to me to uh than to hear um thank you I'll you high right now oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah of course I know all the time I could see a fellow Stoner dude oh yeah yeah man but uh you know the main question that I have today you know a lot of people seem to mention the super bads the role models the How to Train Your Dragons but what's your most Pleasant memory working on the show blar and Sun wow wow great reference I don't know if you guys know what this is um it it's an insane puppet series that my friends made and it's on YouTube you guys should watch it it is a mind [ __ ] that's really special because it was two of my best friends from high school that uh one of them is is an insane Puppeteer like he makes special effects for for movies and commercials and all that stuff he's just great at making stuff so he had an idea for when Instagram was popping 10 n years ago uh just an Instagram TV show of a father and a son one's like a vet dad who served in the Army and the son is like a really nerdy character and he just built like a tiny set of my bedroom and all it is is like a puppet busting through and he's like son I love you I'm like get out you know like it was just 30 second comedy funnier than that I'm not a writer but it was 30 second videos just for Instagram and we made it you know he paid for everything and then um comedy centrals saw it and they're like we love this we want to make a YouTube show of it and so we made 7 Minute episodes full sets we got like Donald fison Jim rap Jane Lynch Pat noswal like a bunch of really great actors to voice these insan looking puppets and it was really cool to see the growth of like 5 years of something that pretty much we developed from the ground floor which I'm not used to cuz we just work on these movies that other people are working on or developing so that was just really cool that it was made by my two best friends um and uh rip blinson we loved it yeah that that is absolutely incredible and I will be seeing you later to sign a couple mcloven tap yes dude love it desperately looking for an ATM uh in downtown Toronto it's uh very fun as you can tell I also asked a question to McLovin and uh not going to lie I don't think I've ever sounded like more of a loser um actually I have an online po show oh yeah but soon enough we're going to be jumping in the line and we will be meeting the man himself enough like for your story or like P rev or well yeah it's for it's for my Vlog you got anything to add [Music] bradden pick me up if you want crack cocaine what did I miss Arnold Schwarzenegger with his son and his son's girlfriend just biked past us be for real damn I missed Arnold schor I missed the Terminator himself yes that is depressing wait I missed it all right see you guys soon um sh to sexxx boys are getting Subway and on a side note can we just take a moment to realize how sexy youan is no no please you you you oh thank you but yeah no he's just an absolute beautiful man he's like a combination between SoundCloud rapper and like certified lover boy okay lost my friends and not going to lie I'm starting to get a little scared there is so so many fing people here hey guys today we're here at Fan Expo 2024 and I'm going to be teaching you how to Riz a cosplayer I have a list of lines that I guarantee are going to work every time let's do it yeah however you want okay uh uh uh your smile is almost as big warm and lovely as my P Ben POV true hey guys got a couple new pairs of glasses here's number one and here is the second pair pretty neat um and uh we have not gone to the mcloven line yet uh we have to wait until 3:30 right y yeah we have to wait until 3:30 so to occupy the time little mini drink review we're going to be trying the toxic waste energy drink mythical mango flavor let's try it with my co-host udane hell yeah and James might even say something quirky too no I'm not drinking it they sip let's try it that's not of sore yeah it's cuz it is it just it keeps spraying you know for a drink that's based off of such a sour candy that really is not all that sour to be honest with you um still pretty good though has like a nice mangoyan trying the first sip of um mythical mango toxic waste give it a try you got his Pocky this sh is lowy gas not going to lie it's pretty good it is pretty gas lest own out of own yeah honestly that's totally F feel is not going to lie too yeah yeah what do you think RK it tastes how plastic smells what would you give it out of 10 TR I go into the negatives yes negative 10 oh okay it's not great opion yeah I personally disagree but cheers mini drink review cuz James has let me try his drink this is hatar imune let's try it oh that's like a slightly less intense cream soda I like that I'm just for the hell of it I'm going to give it an 8.5 out of 10 Yeehaw back to the convention okay guys we're finally in the line for Christopher mince plus and I'm so excited to got my mlov and tapestry I can see him when Auto going doing other people over there and I am beyond nervous this is going to be something different man so close we are so close and I am [Music] ready fortunately he couldn't slap me in the face but overall he was a really nice man yes sir I love you have a great have a great rest of your convention thank you man overall I'd say that this day at Fan Expo 2024 was a success met some pretty cool people reviewed some stuff drank some coke did some coke uh all the all the luxuries and you know what I'm happy with how it went thank you very much and we'll see you next time oh bro I'm literally like tripping in Toronto dude this is serious man I be Tripp when I'm Toronto thank you very much for watching I have been your host princess SS Sniper Wolf deline um and yeah today's been a complete success met some cool people drank some coke did some coke smoked a little Vaped a little reviewed some stuff overall I'd say it's a complete success a total epic Kawaii Ramen Desu moment did you already do something like that is this another retake are you retak this is another retake thank you for pointing that out bradden thank you very much for watching and have a great day hey yo this is my secret admirer for real Michael Myers up there

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