NXT on Deck: #WWENXT Preview; USA Network cuts #WWERAW early AGAIN; Uncle Howdy in-ring debut

Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:58:11 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] just suppos [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to NE on Deck it's me it's Jo forth by my fav co-host the forever Champion he is our current [ __ ] serious Poli Champion the Maddie Reigns himself what's going on Matt what is up everybody I'm important to Y livey I didn't want to go home just yet weather 70 77 degrees that's about it still still on the still on still on a 180% degrees the opposite of last Tuesday still feeling good and I'm here drinking on some Kentucky com a beer that is literally this special Kentucky [Music] waso littleit yeah yeah it raw was fine literally it was a three hour show and that was it like it wasn't good it wasn't bad it was just it was just raw all we had um which is you know weird for them recently they been having a lot of great shows like the whole three hours I kept saying okay something's gonna happen something gonna happen oh nothing G happen Okay one of those type of show all right yeah yeah just it felt like you know like we had a a report recently like might the majority of their uh roster didn't get there because of like travel issues that's kind of what it felt like last night whereas like either people are not getting here when they're supposed to or I don't know like I kind of figured the Judgment day would be involved in more stuff than they were last night you know we got like two little tape segments and then we got the the non match that happened and then that was it that was it like all right okay like usually when you see like the rund down hours before the show starts you'll get a surprise no no surprises they're like this is the rundown and this is what you're getting nothing more nothing less yeah but yeah was a piece of yeah it was I mean it wasn't bad like like compared to like the worst that we've seen in the past 10 years it was fine it was okay it wasn't raw God yeah was that bad what's going on folks in we got cookies the K dangling what going on brother Kisha what's up oh man all right be safe out be safe you can always watch us back absolutely says get drunk man hey4 A C like the Kentucky common is it's not one of my favorite beers but it's cool um they're serving it in a Kentucky Derby glass I started off with 1984 then I went to 1987 then my third beer is 1984 again so I'm hoping for my fourth beer I don't get 1984 but I damn 84 again oh fingers crossed let's get into raw so last night starts off um Randy Orton Randy Orton comes out you know gets pretty big pop uh says he's going to go to you know Berlin dropped gother with an RKO last week gother made it personal which is why he dropped him because he talked about his dad and his grandfather gther comes out and uh you know they kind of get heated and they're about to throw down and that's when Luber kaer shows up takes out Randy's leg and that's kind of the story of these two Orton segments between this and the last match they were targeting Randy Orton's left leg that's going to be the thing that gother goes for because that's kind of what lewi does he always goes for the leg like a dick because he's trying to be everything short of the other in yeah more or less yeah that is L trying to be everything short of that OV that scary inward even scarier so after the attack we we get told later that uh that Kaiser and Randy are gonna have a match um and then we get Sheamus and Pete dun and I was so sure Pete was going to win I'm like well he has a match on Tuesday like as a little small NXT preview we already know he's going to be a match tonight for the number one contenders so I'm like he's not winning Tuesday at least let this man beat Sheamus or something but even when I I thought about that Sheamus can't really afford the law he do get really afford a law so Triple H essentially bued himself into the cuz nether one of them need needed that law and you you mentioned in our chat last night he he does that again later on in on Raw right and it's starting to become a kind of a thing with trill's booking where like he books people that both desperately need to win or cannot afford a loss against each other and I guess maybe it makes it more tough to call but also like I feel like people's momentum is getting stalled out that's exactly it's like you just spit all these weeks establishing the fact and cookies hit the now on the head wait before we even thought about it okay he down is mad because you called him that's essentially the story bu with all these weeks building up Pete dun but then You' had Pete dun just randomly showing up in NXT so it's like what do you want him to do is he GNA be a nuisance in nxc or is he gonna be a nuisance in the main roster because he can't be a nuisance on both he has to have purpose and having him lose like he did last night is so no purpose cuz he's going to lose the trick know he's already beat so he's going to lose the trip he's already lost chain what is all this losing all this losing is doing nothing but making us look at him he's essentially going to become another Chad Gable just like we look at Chad G Chad Gable was great but now look at him he went from Intercontinental title pitcher to you're stuck in Wyatt 6 now you're fighting Uncle how and like what the [ __ ] and and again you know Chad and his group don't need to lose because they just came together but the Wyatts can't be Ling matches so what are we doing you gotta give these guys something you know like there are squash teams there are talents that can be use as enhancement for for this exact reason instead of using the people that are all basically in the same range you're essentially what he's doing is like you got two C+ C+ talents and he's trying to make want a b but all you're doing is destroying one and making it a c and the other one is becoming a b like dude you can't do that yeah I I don't know why you wouldn't just like especially with things like this bring up an NXT Tag Team to just take a loss you know like they can take a loss in the main roster yeah right there's no because even last night the new day and odyssey Jones versus the final tou those I watched that whole match and I'm like I don't really want like I like this match but I don't really want it because I really need both of y'all to be doing the damn thing if y'all are the final Tesla y'all need to be coming up with a reason as to why we should new day doesn't need on WE yard just a vehicle to get Odyssey DRS over I guess take that what I mean that's working I guess it's working yeah um Sheamus and Pete dun ends in a pretty interesting way so Pete's going after the hand you know the the hand is all bandaged up uh it's it's has so much wrap on it You' think it was a cast and uh you know Pete works over whole match and then he sticks it in the second turnbuckle pad to like trap Sheamus there that's okay that's interesting that's that's different and then Sheamus mans out of that [ __ ] rips it off the the turnbuckle throws it and then kicks Pete in the face okay all right that's cool that was a good ass that was a good ass ending if like like Steven S would that was definitely a type of St all he need corny ass a corny ass end bruer weight I guess you're dead weight [Laughter] it was a it was a good match it was good it's just like like you said like what the [ __ ] why are we and that that is continue throughout the the show um backstage jier Woods and Kofi are in the locker room Odyssey walks off and woods finally Matt was finally asked the question honestly the best part of the show where they fin you know what we're listening to y'all and we understand why you're okay fine we'll talk about it so wood says I just I feel like are you trying to replace Big E like I feel like you're trying to replace e everybody watching was like thank you thank you that's exactly that's that's what we needed to be discussing and uh Kopi says no man no it's just you know remember how tough it was for us he's big we can call him we can call him big go you know it's not the same he's the Kroger Brand I'll be glad Triple H like the whole thing going into the weekend Triple H is essentially on social media he's on Twitter when we're talking our [ __ ] so last night was basically him just saying I hear the [ __ ] y'all been talking he is not going to be the new Big even though I think he is going to be the new Big E [Laughter] look let's be honest and his name is his name is Odyssey Big's name was we didn't want to say nether one of those so we just said e and now he gonna probably be oh oh can't call him OJ right so guess what gonna be Big O um the first thing I see when I get home is this hky ass turkey drinking out the mug the wrong way I feel like this is you this is an issue bad you're going to have to get over by yourself like this this me doing this is not going away it's not happen so you're gonna have to just deal with it um the Krogers yeah so they come out they do their match this is a little bit later on but let's go we'll go and talk about um and kopy's getting his ass who first off wood starts the match off with car and C and then Kofi blind tags Woods on the back and woods looks over like what the what are you doing Kofi had Kofi got in and then kofi's getting his ass beat for 15 minutes he drags himself over to the corner and wood is there fighting for it Odyssey pops up at the last second and Kofi choos his Odyssey tags him and we get the greatest image of the night which was just doing like what the [ __ ] are you doing what was that like you stole my hot tag it's like I hate this so much cuz we haven't had to go through this in essentially what 10 plus years with new day where they had to work out the king and then we're seeing them become a world unit and then on top of that we used to B so now we're just like who is this man we like you obviously but we understand what you're doing but at the same time you're not beig Big E we want to see Big E even and on top of that Drew McIntyre even made it worse with the whole thing over the weekend with everybody saying like oh we're holding out we're crossing our fingers we want the stem cells to reactivate everything p in your neck it's like dude y'all are putting Odyssey in the unfortunate position being hated when he's not even doing anything yeah that's the thing is like I don't it's not odyssey's fault we don't we don't want to hate it's just like you're not big it's them they are pushing it on them absolutely it's not his fault and I feel bad for him I do because they're absolutely setting him up for failure so here's what we're talking about uh kofy fighting for the tag what is there Odyssey finally gets up and now you you could say there's a face you could say Odyssey was closer easier for Kofi to get to the tag right right but and you know what's weird about the story is like it sucks because like neither one of these teams need to be losing it kind of feels like we're stalling out but finally since odyssey's joined new day for like these past few raws the carry and cross wood stuff is starting to like oh that's kind of maybe he's got a point cuz this whole match was Woods being like what the [ __ ] is happening and even after the match ended out and and boss man brought it up too he like if they still have him C after all this that's be so stupid and I instantly agreed it's like we were if we G do a h do it last everybody we didn't want to see it happen but we were ready to see it happen now essentially said all right they're going to be AOK if somebody turns heill in this process now we're probably everybody yeah yeah they definitely missed the the peak to do this months ago and I keep saying like maybe it's gonna be Odyssey turning you know maybe Odyssey turns on them uh but then like why would you do that if he's getting over as a big face for everybody um Michael said something last night by the way I just want to mention this before I forget talking about Bronson Reed and how like Bronson Reed's been injuring people and Cole says well you know he would suspend him but fans love to see him like what he got be suspended that is the NBA don't play that they ain't gonna be like well you know what everybody loves LeBron not suspend be like yeah suspension they don't give a damn who you are suspension that's that's like that stuff you seen like sports movies where it's like them talking about oh you know we can't suspend the guy he he rangs the most tickets like but in the real the real in reality especially now it's like that doesn't happen you will get they don't they do not give two shits how important you are to the team if you broke a rules you got to pay you have to suffer you have to face the consequences he you think they told Michael you know what just ignore dog and stuff come on back yeah he he had a whole dog fighting ring at his Mansion but you know he we saw a lot of jerseys like no that's not how that goes BR Reed is so popular with the fans uh he killed your first world heavyweight champion in Seth Rollins he has killed a national treasure in R2 of this company damnn it AR truth you telling me our fans are picking Bronson Reed over our I don't think so I don't think so come on he's so popular with the fans he's a hill first of all how is he how is he popular with he supposed to be bad he Randy Orton uh it it it doesn't make too much sense um trip we pay we're paying attention you can't [ __ ] we are paying attention it's like back when uh when vent used to just like try to make us forget things were happening the week before like no we know we're te you ignoring us being confused doesn't mean it's not confusing like it's just uh any let's try to run through the rest this this part suck Maxine D and I I was it even a minute was it even a minute long like it was not I don't understand that's never I hated that part and it's like you said it's straight up there was no reason if you're G to have that segment there's no point in having match that could have been a braw that could have just been anything that didn't need to be a sanction match for them to interfere that's really that's where they up yeah but you can have like American made and Alpha Academy in the ring arguing about things and then something happens like there was no reason for for them to have a whole Mach because even when we saw the M like soon they announc the MCH we said oh okay and then we saw the white six all right we know the white six are going to come after iy so there really nothing for us to wait on then it's like oh we're going to have a match wow we've already seen the w s are going after her saying that it was a last chance it was no point in having that you let let your social media do the stuff it needs to do so you don't have to have unnecessary on yeah it there you know we've talked before about like things can be predictable and still be fun that was something that was just predictable and like I don't even want to waste of time to get here let's just exactly hurry this up it's like you already told us at like 4:00 in the afternoon that Ivy was going get got so why are we having a match we already know she's about to get got and man like not not even just that like they didn't even discuss it when the American made was backstage like they didn't even hit like you know they're looking for a new like person to go after why would Chad Gable not be like oh I cracked the code like he that's been his whole thing for the past few weeks so you tell me Chad G didn't see that tweet and even at this point now it's like y'all have been interrupted by them multiple times man when y'all hear that just run like Max yeah Max got the hell out J Uso J Uso leaves everybody else has common sense but soon as they all align together they become idiots Ivy included her stupa K's Delight that she that's that's literally how she said like yeah I'm not scared you oh yeah thank you yeah it there was that you said I think it was was it you that shared that video uh of uh them going backstage asking if anybody watches uh love Island oh yeah you shared that you shared me yeah you you shared it earlier I hadn't even seen the extended one I had only seen Seth reaction so when you shared I was like oh it's a whole video yeah and then at the end Woods is like you know this this this and then like Jackie reban like mentions like oh the lights is flicker it must be the Wyatts and woods says oh I gotta go and he immediately leaves camera it's like that should be everybody's reaction I I watched that video and I heard the little piano tune I was like the Wyatts are coming out at some point while she was asking this stupid question I'm not worried about no love is I'm running like what like oh I think it's crazy how like people that have never been touched by the Wyatt 6 run the second that theme hits or the second someone mentions them but the people that have been attacked by the Wyatts repeatedly stand in that ring and just wait for it to happen right it it's it's I I hate complain about it because again I love the Wyatts and it's just like y'all got y'all got to at least make American maid seem a little bit smarter than this they can't be this stupid already my only I got two wishes since we know Triple H is on social media be first I need I said it this morning I need Braun Bronson BR super thre I TI the most overused first name in the country and never noticed that say it right now on Monday Night Raw we have Bron have Bron we have bre last time I checked they are all called BR I need bra bra bra just like Tony Tony Tony I need that I then I need the second thing I forgot for next but that definitely that BR I need that cuz I noticed that I said why do we have three people on the roster and they're not even on separate shows they're all on Monday bra you would you would said that like last year when Braun returned when Bronson returned and Braun was back you're like wait hold on Braun and Braun and then Braun was in NXT like how many Braun's we got are they gonna change it Noe they didn't change his name they're all Bron we're kind of we're kind of we're getting there because on this show Bronson faces Miz and real quick we'll just kind of go see what happens at the end but I want to mention what Miz does beforehand uh at the end of the match he goes to do another tsunami and then Braun strowman's music hits so you're close we're almost there we're right there Matt right there this I'm like triple who whoever comes up with Vince was a real good he was a sticker on making sure people didn't have like rep repetitive names and me I'm like all right we got a bron all right cool got Bron all right cool Brun breaker what he Triple H are you a LeBron jamesan like I like LeBron James y like LeBron was not a name until that man was born so why are all these Brawn you got Brawn like oh he's strong br8 like that bra the other ones are the straight rip off you got Bronson that's a real name I know Bronson pin from perfect Strang but come on now Tri I remember the second I need American to come out to HC need them say I need I just need that American made just one time because I say it every time they come out I I can't stop thinking about it whenever cuz last night when Gable was like what are we where are we American made and that's exactly what's playing in my head all they really need is just like that five I say it every time they come out that's literally all they need just have them come out to itan American M from WCW and then put up the def I don't even care what they do at the I just want to hear American Med it would it would honestly it would pop me so honestly I would start cheering for him that would that would turn them faces for me I'll be honest because CU to me it's like if you hear then some other music come I'll be like hey I'm with that that's cool we don't have to hear the rest of that song [Laughter] ass oh god um but Miz before that match is talking he's you know there's like yeah Bron's in a in a not DQ match tonight and that it wasn't announced on their website before raw happened so we're like wait who is he facing and then we see Miz backstage like oh my God oh my why and then Adam Pierce walks up GM of raw Adam Pierce and he says are you are you sure about this and Miz looks at him and this is like Miz's new stick he looks at and goes no no I'm not sure like no I'm not sure about this at all why would I want to do this and Pierce goes you know I thought about suspending Braun you know he doesn't care if I cut his pay and he goes yes you should suspend Braun and you need to ban the tsunami like Miz is the only person back there that has any Common Sense Miz has common sense in the year 2024 after all the conniving and everything he's like he's like suspend him and B the move what the hell is wrong with y'all like I I love this this as much as we complain about some of the stuff that Triple H does it's essentially us writing Triple H is basically throwing it out the window like you know what I'm not going to disrespect yall I know y'all have common sense and and Miz is that Miz is essentially that like no Adam Pi stop he doesn't care about money B the moov I don't know I don't really know B move he B move dude all we need now is like the smackdown version because raw has The Miz NXT has Ava the GM being like what are you why are we doing this what why yeah this is rid like she just gets so frustrated we need someone on Smackdown to do that so we can just have that little Trifecta cuz like M literally just walked in he's like what's the problem Mr oh I don't know what to do about about Bron what suspend him suspend him he killed my friend he just he he killed Seth Rollins he killed my best friend he even says look I don't have a lot of friends in this business and Pierce goes yeah I know let him kill one of mine yeah like I don't want to he's gonna kill me I can't let him just do that the truth but I just I could not last night I was like why are we having CZ he he beat Miz last week anyway yeah I was like how is M alive again if our truth Di and I was like you know what Matt you're thinking too much wild I was I was like didn't Miz die against him last week and then Archer like took the death yeah okay why are they fighting again I don't know that was one of the things where we're like is everybody here for this show like did somebody miss their plane because this this didn't really make any sense but at least Miz made it funny like at least Miz took his time had fun with it um we did get punk and priest Punk comes out with the strap over his neck and he goes yeah you know uh I met a you know talks about a fan that he met in over the weekend that beat cancer and he says how much he loves the fans like what a hot Street because of you because Punk for some reason now is the like carry the flag kiss the ass thing I've already we've already discussed it many manys ago already know already terms man about take over Mas show I'm not happy but we will see they're going to bring Sean up to run to run Fridays instead like all right now we like they have already put the writing on the wall that Shawn Michaels is not going to be there that much longer because NXT always goes through Cycles it was Triple hes but before Triple H remember we said one we had like JBL was commission yeah JBL was commissioned for like six months yeah like we're entering we're slowly but surely we're going to get to that point where AA is the GM CM Punk is gonna start having more and more power like why is CM Punk in NXT he is semi-retired essentially he is going to slowly but he's learning the ropes from HBK but I'll give it 10 Years Phil Brooks is gonna be running I wouldn't be shocked yeah I would be shocked if he because he he clearly still loves this stuff so like his I guess his next move after retirement would be to like hey help the Next Generation and I I guess we'll see how that goes I don't know it be him cor and keeping her ACL has to restart every eight months yeah JBL yeah JBL ran NXT that was like I think that was around the time that they crowned their first Women's Champion yeah was when J was there even when he was NXT commissioner I was like why is the super rich dude be how much are they paying I couldn't take it seriously you're too rich to be here why are you um punk pulls out a handful of bracelets that he got over the weekend I guess or maybe throughout his career and he's talking about how all these bracelets mean a lot to him and he says you know what it might be a Taylor Swift thing maybe I'm Taylor Swift from men which which one I guess was the line of the night really is someone on Twitter had said that many many years ago they said who basically the Taylor he ain't my Tor because I don't give a damn about him but the way I've seen people act when he came back to a that dude crying in the crow all that definitely the Taylor Swift man he's love him or hate him he's the B he's always so yeah he yeah absolutely um Drew comes out they talk kind of more the same that we've seen over the past few weeks but we're getting a strap match we're getting a strap match at bash and Berlin between them so the strap match I remember it as now originally it's like you there's there are four corners you got to touch all four corners in a row to win and last night I was like wait if someone if your opponent touches a corner after you touch it does it reset like that corner or do you or do you both because I remember sometimes they have two lights and sometimes it's just one light yeah some of them are if it's a strap match it's the first to hit all four corners but then I've seen the other ones where it's like all right first to four but if someone if your opponent touches that corner then you lose like I've seen it like that too I guess will just be surpris Berlin because like we had already said before the match was we said on the pre yesterday oh they're probably they're gonna fight at Berlin it's probably be a St so when it happened I was just like all right cool last the the P show we did last week that's what we said like oh he he with with the belt strap match gota be it's like and essentially even when you brought up the rules I honestly completely forgot about strap matches like like 1999 2000 we used to see those type of matches and then elimination chamber and everything else got in it and they just said [ __ ] it so we definitely going to be in for a surprise when we watch it I can't even remember the last time I watched the strap but also there's a strap match where you just tied to your opponent and there's no corners that's what we got that's what we got in NXT with Eddie Thorp and djack yeah those are the those are the strap matches I'm used to I'm not I'm the ones where they have to touch a corner are so stupid I'm like the only time that has ever been cool I think that was Eddie Guerrero and JBL when they had to deal with that but like the rest of them were just [ __ ] that one and honestly it's another JBL one but like the one that I remember when I first think of strap matches is JBL and Batista decided to like he like wrapped the thing around jbl's throat and carried him on his back he was touching the corners and JB would like cut a corner as he passed him he's like unconscious I remember that but I also remember you know just these other way to do the rules I don't know man I I guess it's because be in for a surprise yeah yeah pretty much because like it's a it's a step that's so rarely used that they they can give us any rules like all right that's that's what we're doing all right going come up with some new absolutely absolutely be like whip your opponent with the strap and then uh HP on one leg and rub your belly the the first person to whip their opponent on every extremity wins all right I guess sure um Dam priest and Dominic Mysterio the match didn't even happen uh they became just a brawl that another that was so dumb I was like y could have just had a brawl there was no exactly you could have had priest and R in the ring and just talking and then they come out and attack and yeah it did feel a little clunky the end of it is Ria's trying to slam Dom into the table with the Rip Tide Liv comes out of the nowhere hits her with the chair and then Judgment Day holds priest on the ropes while Liv whoops re his ass just like why is Liv beating the [ __ ] out of R Ripper even if she got a chair shot on her like she's doing this by herself like a lot of that I I was just like all right it's all them you brought up a good point because I was kind of wondering everybody in the new how is this one woman getting destroyed like yeah you threw her into for the bring but RI it is what it is like again we already know we're going to get a mix tag that bad yeah I guess you know we just they had they had to get them to win at some point so I guess that was last night look formidable the ter are definitely winning in that bad oh my God they're beat the [ __ ] out of him going to kill him um we had the women's tag title match we had iaon and ala fire holy Union uh defending against pure Fusion Collective and damage control and not good it was it was clunky it started out like it started out with like no tag rules and then halfway through there were tag rules and then the end of it there was no tag rules it it was it was choppy and it just kind of they announced it I I completely forgot about that match as the night progressed so when they were like all right it's time for the win this tag title oh this is y'all have not all the work that J Jade and Bianca did on building those titles up has essentially been undone because and it's no one's fault but because they undid everything by not promoting them by not having defend those tit they essentially they did a 180 soon as they got those belts on them and now it's back to why should we care about why should we care about these Bel and we knew they were going to win last night because jayen Bianca had already said it they were like oh y'all won all right we just waiting on y'all to win because we want to take those belts off all right cool y already y already spoiled the match yeah yeah pretty much exactly um so you know they the Champs retain um Kyrie gohost the in elbow Shan counters into the Kira Fooda clutch and while she's holding Kyrie down uh I think Isa does like her backstabber then they have a cold assure but because we don't see them often as like we don't see them often we don't know that the Finish is cool we don't know anything about them like essentially like and you probably agree with them since they've won those titles it's basically as if they're a brand new tag team like yeah when they won what was it clash of the castle it seems like we're still at Clash of the castle like as far as I was concerned last night was the night at Clash of the castle we went back and looked at how many matches they've had since winning the belts and it's like you can count them on one hand and still have fingers left yeah like they still treat them as if and they literally still treat them as if they're the new Champion it's like we had multiple view they're not new they've already beaten like several teams at this point what are we do yeah so yeah it's it's just this is clearly their weak point this This Woman's tag is just the talent's there they just they need to do better um last match of the night was Orton and L Kaiser it was solid you know it was all right um was gonna win soon soon as it announced RKO out of know after the match Orton and gu are getting a fight and USA Network cuts the show off early again I thought I was imagining things last night I was like bit still talking out of nowhere it was time for that I didn't even watch that show much I talk [ __ ] last week oh watch right bed that that three hours was all of three hours last night I'm like oh yeah I'm super B um all I can all I can essentially talk that up to is you agree with me that's that's USA being house hell they're being petty as hell and on top and even then it's so confusing with the way they're going about this cuz it's like yeah you're losing raw you advertise all throughout the three hours that you're getting Smackdown so why are you [ __ ] over one show when you're essentially still getting a show you're just not getting Mondays you're getting you're getting Roman Reigns I don't know why y'all mad getting show got Roman Reigns yeah you're getting Roman and Cody like you're getting the the the bigger Stars you're getting the show that does bigger numbers like literally getting in my opinion like as much as they love to call Raw the flag it's Smackdown Smackdown got raw in Cody like come on man USA stop being petty you're getting a better show yeah it's going to be on Netflix on Netflix raw but get yeah you're getting two to three million viewers every Friday as opposed to what they you know normally got with raw is like I think they're they're getting up is like 1.6 1.7 but it's damn near double their numbers you know so like why are you upset about this like that's that's that's been my whole thing about it because it's like yeah raw is raw but you got to think about it in 20 2024 turn is raw really raw like when we were talking about in the chat about LeBron it's like at some point in time just like we talking about last year yesterday aging out at some point in time LeBron is going to age out that's what essentially is happening with last week some point in time stuff is not going to be LeBron's not gonna be MVP we already see that LeBron's not gonna be first team all NBA we are we're seeing stuff like that braw is not going to be raw in 1999 yeah raw was everything but there wasn't streaming there was just table Now Ra's on Netflix there's a bunch of other stuff on Netflix too but when people about wrestling they only know essentially one of two people currently they know Cody they know last time and then you you talk about like the women that like still draw a lot of attention like you got Ron raw sure but Jade Carill brings in a and beon yeah so like I feel like you're getting a better product I don't know but it it is it is clearly USA just being Petty as hell I agree 10000% it really is cuz it's like we're so used just from us being season wrestling fans we're used to seeing wring go off at 11:05 and now y'all like nope 11 not even that 1059 yeah 5959 it's like why are y'all so damn because there's no way that show y'all are showing at 11 o'clock at night is getting y'all like a boost out of there's no way there's no way it's impossible the only show that's get them AO and you already know who I'm about to say gotta get out of jail first before the show can return mother [ __ ] Todd krly bring back get that man out of jail I was a loyal w i hey ra knows USA know what to do they know how to do it I was not a fan of that dude but because I was too lazy to change the channel I would sit up there and watch it before I knew it I like TI Chris so yeah my dude got to get out of jail and then because they would always play it after raw and after NXT so like you would have to you know either get up and change the channel every time or you know I might have to sit through this episode of Chris before I get up like Todd Chris and M and Miss oh God I I can't believe I said I miss Miz and misses so much oh my God that was such a funny Todd chle Miz and mes were the two shows that I steadily it would be like oh this is coming on at the r all right this for another hour this would be great backgound yeah oh [ __ ] all right well I'm glad you're all right Kisha holy [ __ ] that's that's rough car car AC oh wow yeah rush hour traffic people being stupid that's why I wasn't even I didn't try to go home I didn't try to go oh I got off 45 and I'm like I'm going I I told y'all last week I miss an appointment because uh yeah there were like three car wrecks in the middle of a tsunami that we got like it was impossible to get out of our neighborhood uh let's get into NXT um for the most part it's NXT but like always every Tuesday we say this when it's not like a show that we're really hyped about and then they end up overd delivering so that's what I would I would expect that tonight oh yeah tonight doesn't look like much but they going sh Mario yeah I think this this is yeah that was that was Maurice's Mom right yeah that one one was nuts um I think this is another one of those like look at these women that y'all don't really know about yet and let them shine because that that no the No Mercy Gauntlet to determine uh Ro s the morning Contender we've already pegged the two possible choices it's either Jada Parker or Soul Rook those are the only choices if J Parker wins did you know I was able to convince H then HK told me go home and Julia is wrapping up her last I think she's just wrapped up her last Julia never plus every time we're like yeah Julia's close Julie's almost done like it's been five months are you sure she's coming are you sure we l she has been we draft I we she got drafted into our Fantasy game that was in May it's about to be September she still ain't showing up she she keep changing hairstyle though at some point her stanie vur gonna have to do something like it it's it's like Stephanie vur apparently is having Visa issues why the [ __ ] did y y like why were put the grab her if y'all knew she was gonna have visas should have had that before you signed right because I feel like now like they just did that despite aew and now aew was looking at him like okay you took her from us but she ain't wrestling for y'all either can't use her right but uh that gaun so it's J Parker rining player who just recently joined No Quarter catch crew Adriana Rizzo who is the woman from um Tony D's family uh Carmen petrii AKA Natalia's former best friend AKA sword chick Kendall gray the woman with the most UN you know just porn star name I've ever seen uh and so R there then we got chase you celebrating their NXT Tag Team title win uh that should be a good time wasting yeah yeah I'll just I'll just be watching fia's crazy eyes and [ __ ] time um be on the lookout for who interrupts them so they then we'll probably get a on who's GNA be their new Challengers yeah is it fraum or is it gonna be somebody different I kind of hope somebody different let's move off from uh Hank Hank and tank Hank Walker and tank Ledger taking on the good brothers that might be fun that might be fun yeah that would be good I wouldn't be try to from what's the face pop up sounds like it's been a while it's time for them to try and get a title shot so they can move uh let's see we got a shot to the Adonis he's been kind of butting heads with this guy backstage Dion Linux for no reason oh because the ladies like Dion and he tried to like buddy up with him like Dion's like I like to readed and as Shanti went Reed what are you a nerd fight me that's how we got the match like I'm not friends with nerd all right cool so that's the match and then Wendy Chu and Lola Vice in a one-on-one match and uh then the number one contenders match which we pretty much all know who's winning this yes NXT title number more contenders match Joe Hendry versus Wesley versus Pete Dunn we know who ain't winning Pete Dunn Pete D he lost yesterday he got to spend a whole week losing he better not he better not pop up in smack down his ass Lo look all right Kenisha the chats everybody in the chat's Pervert and 90 80% of this 80% of this podcast is too so just right you have to just deal with that at this point but Ken being 10000% 1,00% um yeah Wes I think because he already kind of spoiled his his no mercy match is going to be against Zachary Wentz yeah yeah so he's not going to have two matches and then Dunn he just got his ass beat I don't know why he's going to win this one if he was going to win a match he should be last nights so why are we gonna do Pete D against Ethan PA that's a weird match to have that's why I was so that's what irritated me because I'm like you had Pete done his biggest way is beating why couldn't he beat shamers on the way to losing trick has to get his L back they got to have they're going to make trick they're not trick they're going to make do lose all this week and then watch next week he's going to beat somebody he had no business to beating just for the sake of the yeah it's it's it's it felt like we're finally getting some more repeat done and now we're back to like I guess they don't really want to do anything with them you know I guess we not doing anything Joe Hendry is clearly winning this just because that's the only real option so you know we're probably going to get Josh Alexander showing up at no mercy maybe because he's T agonizing Henry and then that's that's his former tag partner Ethan paage um like you said you know it's an NXT card but nine times out of 10 when that happens we usually end up loving the show so right they'll they'll shock us with some pre-tape stuff that hasn't been announced yet or they'll have somebody pop up and we're not expecting TNA TNA gonna have to do some heavy lifting like it Ain about to be the NX tal that yeah yeah it's it's Joe better win honestly yeah Joe better win this yeah because I don't know what the point of either other option is um better do something she can't just be fighting L VI and then losing like no what you she's basically like Pete D there has to be a reason for her make make her work them make her matter and if not then what are we doing right um that's for us today there wern't any other big news to discuss really so we're g be back yeah we'll be back tomorrow to talk about uh NXT and preview Dynamite as we're heading I believe this weekend is all in right all in this weekend this weekend is all in and I think next week is Bash at Berlin and then after that we can get a break then I guess at that point then we'll be able to do the qu I already know Rush the quiz I think I think next week is also the the TNA show so we might have two next week yeah TNA is the uh is next week I keep forgetting that and I'm I'm supposed to be G I ain't bought tickets yet so that's why I keep forting I buy the tickets I'm G be remembering wasting no money yeah yeah yeah once you spend the money you're not g to forget a damn thing about it [Laughter] right uh and no mercy Jesus Christ that's going to be a tough one good luck cookies brother if you if you survive this weekend I see that last much longer than that that's oh yeah [ __ ] I'm probably gonna win this weekend just to lose it at some point that's usually how it works for me I'll win it one weekend and then the next weekend is a multiple show weekend every damn time but folks if thanks for following us following along with us today you can follow us at facebook.com undering pod and twitch.tv undering pod you can also get us at link tree and finger tip.com undering pod get there go follow us get our you know if you follow us on Facebook and twitch you're GNA know when we go live we go live Monday through Thursday sometimes on Saturdays depending on what you know whatever we're watching um you can get us at our links I'm at Greg Bush askk over on Twitter Kenny oh yeah Kenny at rockr 44 and Mike at Mr fresh beard today both celebrating their birthdays happy birthday boys happy birthdays hope y all had a chance to get out and have a good time and Mike I know with kids again Mike got off he he he off work so he definitely celebrating his birthday now happy 33rd to him then Kenny's you know 87 years old but k out here 133 Mike 33 Kenny 133 you can find are are you EV serious currently quiz champion and the forever IC Champion himself mattye Reigns at d right answer you get T our street team captain and our current predictions champion at bore malente and last but not least our good friend Local News correspondent Justin Devonte Baxley folks thanks for joining us we'll see you tomorrow talk about anything that happens tonight Dynamite hope everything stupid happens over next 24 hours but we'll stay on your best as always do the dawn do the da y'all well regie I didn't know you were you were you know a vampire either [ __ ] peace y'all PE

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