okay well this is kind a weird idea but decied to do it's just to do it's just do an off thee cup analysis on how fish play the uh most recent magic the NOA video so this is off the cup and first saying saying these guys are just doing this for fun you know yes there is a little bit of strategy involved but they're not like really thinking about the Strategic value their moves they're just you know they're just having fun so yeah I after uh after this video there will be like a rating at the end out of 10 so yeah I guess we can just kind of jump into so fish he starts off I don't know why but he wants to draw a queen chest piece now he apparent he does take too long to gets disqualified so we're off to a great start this is a great start epic opening move from fish loed but I'm not going to do any points here because there was no way of knowing that there was going to be a time limit or disqualification so no points docked for fish for that okay two he has a dragon and Leonard the goat gets added so I mean what are you gonna do the goat Leonard gets added okay second move so this is actually fish's first move because last you just got disqualified so he you know he adds a frying pan that for glenard now do I hate this move no but I feel like this early on it's not smart to Target someone I mean we still got 50 minutes left okay I would not Target someone this early especially when you can add literally anything given that it's not too op so I feel like a better move would be adding something that gives you Advantage during a roll makes you roll the wheel because this is a magic no video there's going to be a lot of Wheels going on so do I hit this move no because the whole point is that this is going to be one person remaining do I like this move and you know bit iffy I mean it's fine but feel like something later on down the road making an item that helps you later on in like the middle to endgame is Phase which I don't know what those are in this but feel like something that helps you later on is better than something that helps you like just Target a pig which isn't going to do a whole lot now yeah you don't Target Two bolt here I do agree with that analysis two bolt he's busy because the dragon just attacked him last turn okay so you know he gets attacked by the dragon and he gets attacked by a worm epic again nothing too crazy here okay a fish lost another turn I don't know why he okay do he now this is this one I will dock in points for he just learned that he freaking shouldn't draw stuff because he might get timed out then he immediately tries to draw something again interesting strategic decision so he he lost another turn so this is a great turn from fish he you know he doing stuff actually no he's not he's getting disqualified we can't do anything two BT summons a Hydra and he gets he gets attacked by the Hy ground so that's epic he runs away from the worm and then he summons a worm on fish's frying pan and I do like this move on fish adding adding a campfire that's actually a pretty Sol ni nice job fish I mean there was really two options there uh actually three you could attack the worm you can I don't care about wind Riser right now you can attack the worm you can drop the frying pan which is not a smart thing to do because you wasted a turn you just lose Tempo there unless you I mean you can summon another one but I mean first off the Fring pan isn't even that good but second you're wasting another turn when you're already this far behind so I do like him just cooking the [Music] worm so okay tubl he summons a house he goes into the house his house gets lit on fire the pig it's with a flamethrower I forgot about this part I'll be honest I do remember Tu getting absolutely destroyed by Dragon but I forgot that the freaking pig has a flamethrower so that's that was epic I really do like that oh more dragons perfect okay I don't know why fish did this this was absolutely horrible yes for for the mem goed strategically no because why what does that what do you gain from that you could have turned it into maybe like some sort of me that heals you like maybe you could be like maybe it heals you for five or 10 however much Noah would you know however much he would heal you or allow you to heal from that feel like that would have been smarter than turning yourself into a worm but hey meemes is epic but again we're not talking about means here we're talking about the Strategic value of these moves this is off the cup I really thought okay Washington politicians left us behind but Joe MC for Joe M vote for Joe mcra where hell I Jo mcrs by the way yeah Z fish fish turns himself into a worm great maybe he could have as another that did anything before he committed to this idea but so dumb why am I analyzing this makes zero sense okay but whatever okay here we go yeah fish is winning come he's getting beat up by Dragon he's going to be doing that a lot to you know he's he's going to beat up by Dragon still okay targeting E I actually do like that he lost his Worm by the way so so that was a waste so that's epic that's really really good but yeah he attacks e now I do like I mean obviously attacking someone when your goal is to be the last person standing it's going to be a solid move I mean yeah obviously because I feel like you now with this whole Tu bold thing going on now is when you would want the target e okay at the beginning is a little early early to tell who you want to Target but now it's perfect because you want Tu in the finale Tu he's gonna be taking a lot of damage if you can somehow get rid of ye early on in the game early somewhat early you're all you have to do is beat a week D and then you win I so you won Tu in the finale you don't want to Target Tu you make align honestly maybe you can negotiate be like hey if I make you something to go help you with your whole Dragon problem would you help me Target ye you get a guaranteed final two placement if you help me and you get rid of your dragon problem Your Dragon and hyra problem so you definitely want to in the finale so now is V going to do that no but that was a very nice option I mean shoot you can like you don't even have to make it open you could like secretly message him on Discord now you probably would hear the Discord notification pop up but that could literally be anything these start play with YouTubers okay okay the rule doesn't go well for fish so he Leonard gets an attack opportunity or whatever okay two using his teleport St tries to swap fish gets lucky here so he just stuck locks the door behind them okay spawns in trees doesn't really change the game state that much fish yet again see now if he had the health he would be at full again if you would have I forgot that he immediately goes to cook another worm to become a worm but if he would have had this he would be back at full so again the smarter move was to make you something that heals you or increases damage damage maybe but or like increases how much you get on the wheel like let's say when you eat something increases your your spin by two or whatever whatever you land on gets increased by two it's a one time use though so it doesn't get like broken like can just eat it over and over because no probably would allow that but whatever he's gonna turn into a worm again for some reason it I don't know why you could do this this just waste another Tempo when you already got disqualified two times but again mean wise absolutely go to Mo okay so he's he's a fish or he's a worm again fish is a worm dubolt is getting attacked by dragons he get he gets a shotgun there there's a bat now fish gets tared by the bat and then fish summons a wor summons another worm to try to mate with it for some re I'm just shock I forgot a lot of the things that happened in this video it's been a while but fish is going to start a worm family which if he stayed as worm maybe this would actually be an okay move is because you would have at least a little army now they are worms they're probably not very strong but strength in numbers right you can even make deals like if I have one of my worm babies or Mom or whatever if I have them attack this person for you you can give me an item that maybe you know gives me Advantage me more Ines on the wheel maybe swapping places with a player like you can use it to negotiate but instead you don't keep you if you stay as a worm that would actually be decent but you don't you have to spin to maintain you have to get above an armor of 10 I believe is what it was I believe it's over 10 or 10 or above 10 that's right because they could complain about getting n okay no uh hey you want to get his gamer Subs I I'll freaking link it in my video because I am just using his content so I will put in the comment section A Link to his gamer Subs if I do remember that it will be the pin comment you know goed okay so he's going bir through his army but again he has to maintain this so this is not a good move because they can just turn on you very easily Because unless you run away if you run away maybe they no but they would just a tat too because Noah for some reason hates tubeold in this video I feel like they would just no would just make him attack tubeold could be wrong cuz he is closer but again who knows what the hell Noah would do I okay so he he makes his Worm baby again this is dumb because he has to freaking maintain this so tuble gets attacked by another Dragon so that's epic this is doing the best so that's where we're at right now again he wants Tu in the finale so he should be doing something to help him at least but fish I guess fish too busy having warm sex so no okay I'm not trying to analyze the other guys okay fish gets one of his worms aen from get one of his worms taken so that's epic okay he he loses his transformation and gets attacked by the worm again he did this to himself so okay so fish oh what does he do this turn getting that then he decides you know what being a worm is not actually the smart mode Let's be a bat why you don't gain anything from being a bat unless he wants to go for bad strats but then he just GNA get attacked by two friends he's G be attack by the one front and the back so I don't know why he did that I don't know he just decided that would be smart I guess for the memes again this is this is all about memes and stuff but you know he did do all this worm stuff so maybe instead of turning himself into a bat he can actually use all the worms that he made now if I was playing there wouldn't be all these worms i' like that would not be the greatest thing to have all these arms when maintain the worm transformation so I don't know why he doesn't just make a sta that controls worms and no would probably allow it and he would actually have an army and again he can use that Army to have some sort of power he has power numbers you can whoever he wants to work with for that turn and give him items that will help him like he want if he wants to work for Tu he can be like hey I will if you do so and so again he he could actually be in a really nice position of power but instead he turns himself into a bat so then He makes himself bigger now let make himself bigger gain any no any like Advantage no he just gets bigger okay twool get jumped by dragons again again fish wants tuol in the finale so he should be doing something to help him on his turn two nice swap I'm not analyzing their games I'm analyzing the winner I believe with fish again he needs to keep up his transformation he does at this time okay so he Wast a turn and he just can actually control him anyway if he would did this one turn earlier this turn be completely free and he would have that position of power I mean ye look how strong ye is you can just roll the worms at them I mean two of might not agree for the uh he might not agree to give you an item or whatever but I mean he's low You' be like hey I can guarantee you blah blah blah blah they get into your position final two and I mean he is in a very dominant position right now so but okay he adds he adds in time time Gods here now okay so this is the standing so fish is still winning with all these bats and worms now the one good thing about the transformation is that the animals don't attack him but the animals wouldn't attack him if he had a staff could control animals or I guess I said control worms right so I mean he could just run away and also tuol is getting targeted anyway so I feel like this didn't matter feel like they would have attacked Tu anyway just based off just based off the uh the pth where tuo was getting absolutely jumped by 50,000 dragons why would why would that change so I mean it is nice to have the guarantee I guess but I felt like it was already almost guarantee that the Dragon w in attack you also fish was not think of all this when he made that move become a bat and a worm and have a worm family okay so you know to this is epic okay okay a fish is in a perfect spot right here you would make an item to help you later or you would make it like you would just make a gun like like two gold and just shoot E from range you I mean that's all you would do you're bat right now so maybe you would want to move towards these trees over here just so the worms Oh although the pig ATT I mean they are worms you're at a pretty big Advantage right now I feel like you don't even waste the movement I feel like you just stay as the bat and just like make a gun and shoot E from here or if you don't want to make enemies the alternative is no because that wouldn't work I was thinking you can swap and then the dragons wouldn't attack but then a they just that to and B2 will get jumped by worms and stuff so maybe no that wouldn't work either yeah I feel like you just make the gun and shoot uh shoot e here just get some sort of or try to get some sort of damage on it because right now it seems kind of Bleak that two will make it to the finale again I'm trying not to you side as We Know jubo does make it to up finale but I'm sorry not to use I feel like you just get damage on as much damage as you can from range so you don't have to get close to the time God and the burning health and the freaking because I mean which is more scarier some worms and a pig or Literal time God a dragon and a hyra so you just kind of you just kind of the potential damage because it is way more likely for you to get attacked or get sworn by worms than it is for you to get attached by a dragon time God and hyra so anyway he will you know he's getting jumped still the worms attack the pig Big's dead got a natural I forgot that he got a natural killig that was okay he's making his warmy so he does try to get the time God on his side now again this move again no but I feel like it wastes Tempo here because time God right time God is already occupied with you over here right so you don't need to go up you don't need to go up to him and potentially make yourself an eny I feel like the risk is not worth because like what is time God gonna do like what do you I guess you gain rewinding time so maybe you could Roll wheels potentially and that is kind of broken but that's a big big maybe so again I feel like you just he's not he's not a bad anymore so now he could potentially start moving he could make a potion to become a bat make a potion to become a worm because all these worms that he makes are not a big problem if he didn't make all these worms then he wouldn't have to deal with this which is why I was saying it's not the greatest move in hind sight now the first time I do get why because having a strength of numbers is very nice but he doesn't keep the armor class he does realize that he can't keep the armor class so why did he do all the worm stuff if he can't keep if he can't stay a worm why did he do why did he do all the worm stuff I feel yeah again not the greatest strategic mind here five fish but okay okay but now there's rain pretty much nothing turn now there's rain again could have used this if he did make the gun he could potentially fire another shot at you and get more damage off see look at it l right now so now you could change the game plan to keep around because time Gods but I still think the smarter decision is to is to Hope and not hope uh do something to make two more likely to be in the final two because you beating a weaken two B targeted by dragon is more likely Maybe not maybe not I don't know it's tough you either way you target one of them and you make a deal with another one you just again fish is in amazing spot somehow because Noah was the target e and Target D don't know why he just felt like it this this video which is why but he's in an amazing spot right now to make an alliance with someone gain not only one item per turn but could potentially gain two items per turn could I mean could potentially gain the alliance of ye with the dragon having a dragon on your side would be nice and tub has swapping so you can do some sort of like swapping strength like you can swap and then like summon spikes Noah definitely has spikes so like you can have two jump into Spikes have them swap I don't know two would be up to that but you can make but you can cook all the worms right if you would have turned those into food you could you could cook the worms give the food a tubal tuble would be healed he's already e still attack by the dragons but you gain a you gain an over just kind of being a worm so I mean which one do you choose or bat sorry now he's a bat okay Mak us stab to take damage so now would be the perfect opportunity to make an Ali to now it's absolutely perfect because now if he takes damage he either heals and okay well now the food wouldn't work but now he either heals or he takes damage I don't know actually he might not have staff anymore I think yeah he got rid of his other staff I believe or maybe it was a p maybe he didn't have a staff by now okay I love I love the rewinding aspect of this video by the way yeah you still want to take okay now now he's kind of cooking now that he made this I really like his move because again he's in a perfect spot he has strength and numbers this is perfect now he could have probably did this earlier I feel like wasting Tempo like this is kind of bad because you have to waste two turns but the power that you do gain is probably worth it I do say probably because alliances are very crucial in a game like this okay can you get backstabbed yes but since they're so weak they they are not very likely to backstab because they are just so so weak right now like healthwise so feel like again this is a pretty solid turn but you do waste two you do waste Tempo but if he if he used this perfectly this would be a very very he would be he's already in a really great spot if he would have did that guaranteed final two at least you probably guaranteed final two and have a very very high chance of winning maybe maybe that's me being over dramatic but I feel like that would be very nice especially with Noah if he's Noah's targeting both of these guys throughout the entire video he would definitely allow something like this I think so I yeah I feel like I feel like doing this it's very nice if be able to use it perfectly this is a really really nice move from fish you now he doesn't use it at all like how I said he just really wants to be a [Music] worm F's getting absolutely destroyed what what what did heing he bre the healing potion God oh hey you guys wna what is this I don't know what that is no don't play okay okay now he's going to become a worm honestly now I do like the moon now fish did I think all this ahead but now that shoot fish was cooking now he's in a now he's in a perfect spot to use the numers because look at this Army you can even have you can even make with dorm again get even more baby even more power and he can just kind of do that because he's not being he's not going to get targeted by anything so he can just kind of keep doing that and gain an immense strength in numbers now can he lose the STA potentially someone could make something Noah could block him but now that he has his staff assuming Noah doesn't do anything doesn't winning is getting vinyl two would be almost guaranteed I feel like when getting vinyl two is guaranteed and having and winning is pretty likely but he he doesn't do any of that but tubal counters him and gets rid of all the on I know this is analyzing fish but using now he has to completely come up with a different game plan now the win is not very likely now he could have made an argument here that he gets or at least his wor baby gets an attack of opportunity and if he would have played this like I like I would in this situation Jubal would not have done this he would have had the alliance he would have had the strength of numbers Tu wouldn't have done this and you could just Target easy and then probably win in the final so this wouldn't have happened but now fit has to completely come up with a new game so we're gonna see we're gonna see what that game plan is okay fish I don't remember what fish did okay I don't remember I think he just I don't why does he want to keep going big I don't he doesn't gain anything again he could use this a summon Advantage getting a rroll tell swapping places actually broken but instead he just like I want to grow bigger or if we're bringing time God into this you could potentially rewind to a time to where you had all the worms now and it's I mean at this point you have to swap I feel like at this point you have to swap your Lion's to ye because I feel like after tubo did that you know you could still make an alliance with him but given that he made you waste a turn I feel like you should capitalize and he's in a worse position than two right now so now you want to probably try to take ye to the [Music] finale and try to Target to both so I feel like you make you make something a rewind time or like maybe summon more babies or whatever blah blah blah and guys I know I was saying a whole lot earlier on in this video that making these worm was not a smart decision but now that he made all this he did was a lot of turns but now now if you use these worms perfectly that would be a very it would be a very very nice spot again so all making all these worms could have made him be really really really really really good be in a great position again but he doesn't use them right so that's kind of why I have the do point I'm not sure what I'm gonna grade him yet because I'm just kindon of okay two yeah two is he immediately loses his potion I believe yeah he does lose his potion I forget that D got Shunk that's epic completely forgot that he get but yeah anyway whatever the ey of Rocket Tower to gets added here that doesn't have anything to do with with analyzing fishes game play but I just thought okay yep I forget what happened here tubal gets attacked by S I believe is what happened and okay horrible turn you just wants to paint now he isn't a he isn't a great enough spot to where he doesn't he doesn't have to do anything but still you can make so many things that helped you again I'm not GNA name him because I already no I'm nameing them again advantage on spin rolling a wheel healing yourself CU you're like that's 70 and imaginal video literally anything can happen so you can so yeah you can make I mean sure you could have cooked all the worms made one of those uh one of those meats I talked to you about that that would get you up to like 75 that potentially 80 and then every so you have double or close to double whoever's in second place which would be very nice that' be a very nice spot to be especially when jubal's getting targeted by dragons and ye is getting targeted by a literal time so okay makes a sniper he gets attacked by the time God he gets attacked by dragons okay he he goes for house house setion you see someon the gun I guess we I rewinded too fast I didn't see him make a gun but he made a gun now it's not a healing gun so he gets healed if it was a healing gun he could he would actually do one point of damage here okay he get healed by the drag such a dumb video okay so we got the of pesticide taking out a gun I mean there's not a whole lot and now now the tires are quickly turning on fish now fish is getting attacked by drag people get SW by dragons the entire game and then fish just Dodges them so that's pretty epic anyway R the key feeling nice MO the idea of this move is really nice I do like the idea the idea is that oh they're going to think oh okay well he's not a worm anymore now again if you would to use the worms like I like I thought would be the smart way to use them he wouldn't be in this situation to be on his side okay you could switch lines is I mean either way it' be very nice to have one of them on your side but whatever it's fine it's fine so he he gives the wand he gets a natural 20 and he wants worm food I don't know why okay this is the standing fish doing goed second place that's just because because they targeted if there was an even game B be way worse spot but it was it wasn't even game okay fish was fish did literally nothing so far he he like used some worms got attacked like once oh everyone gets you he just keeps taming stuff I'm sorry he just keeps taming all the animals dragon [Music] okay fish tries to cook a but it's is not a horse just crazy okay dragons are gonna start attacking he gets healed I believe or Tam he goes for a flip okay what is this we just open up what is this what just open what is what is openet move okay there's a bom I don't know okay ye's dead f is in the final two by literally doing nothing now I'm after this I'm going to have to decide what the hell I'm going to give fish okay dragon's turn shooting to B I mean there's not a whole lot you can do maybe make another Dragon to attack him that that may be an option but this point you don't realize that the dragons W been notice that they're healing not not hurting him so at this point yeah shooting him completely fine not a whole lot fancy stuff you could do so I mean get now fish is getting attacked like he want honestly I don't hate I I don't hate the uh the cooking for that I don't hate that move honestly it's it's an okay move because I mean you've been getting very unlucky with the shotgun so I mean just trying to feed them it's completely fine I think that's an okay move probably one of the better moves fish is made throughout this entire thing so yeah I'm gonna have to make a slideshow determining the positive and negatives of this uh of this gang by fish okay two bolt takes a ton of damage of hand I don't know why he made a gravestone again make something that gives you R roll wheel gives you Advantage blah blah blah whatever okay side of her H her I don't know why I said her okay feat him again they're back on his side again I really do like the move Dubble he's still getting SW he's shooting D yeah completely like probably the best move there's not really a whole lot you can do these wiches he gets attacked healing by fish big damage this should not have been this close get it with the shotgun that's 20 fish wins go get go get gamer Subs okay H I'll I'm GNA make a quick jump cut real quick make the positive and negative stuff and yeah oh yeah uh before I do that let me know first of all let me know how you feel about the video and second of all uh let me know what other Magic game you would like me to analyze so yeah for now that's the end of the video there's going to be a cut and then you'll see what the positives and negatives were and the rating so yeah let me do that real quick

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