DES Truck Series 2 week 7 @ Darlington Raceway DES TRUCK SERIES:
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 01:44:45
Category: Gaming
Trending searches: darlington raceway
welcome to the Dei Racing League yes the dees iRacing League where we race Sundays aspinity cars 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Mondays are 34 Legends at 11:00 p.m. Thursday's gt3s at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Friday Street stops 10 p.m. Eastern Standard time Saturdays are the truck races at 1000 p.m. Eastern stand Standard Time just go to race click on the link for our Discord we have a very active Discord no requirements and it's free we'll see you the next race now back to this race a [Music] d [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the de [Music] [Applause] [Music] d [Music] d [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] d [Music] oh Welcome to the [Applause] [Music] d [Music] d [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a e e e welcome to Dei racing hey everybody Brent Thompson how are you doing good Demon ready to watch these guys take on the lady in Black tonight awesome well Brent I appreciate you here with me and uh I got a little picture of you up there oh you don't see it Brent yeah you do y yeah but hey yep that's my goodl looking mug right there all right let's see what we got going on here today yeah we got 10 laps two stage breaks here tonight going to be a long race got a 130 laps race tonight is what we're race tonight for the full race and there will be two stage breaks I think 15 lap 15 and lap 60 I believe is when they'll take their uh stage break is that right no laps 30 and lap 60 30 yeah stage break and they'll make that last run on their own they're going to have to stop sometime for fuel on that last run this one's going to be a tire wear issue um they're going to have to preserve those tires and really be careful and passing here is no fun at all this is a tight track so it's a one laner and uh we'll see if these guys can't conquer the lady in Black tonight yeah this is going to be a good race it's going to be a lot of action Brent I think we should have a lot of fun watching this trucks are gritting up now we're getting ready to give you the starting lineup here this is the dees Racing League on Saturday night trucks brought to you every week in everything done inhouse by the deesir road number one got Morgan Lily in 41 and Mark Holloway in number 56 got row number two Jordan TR and 24 Jamie how and the number 11 car row number three the 35 is uh Judson Curtis and number 23 is Thomas long Todd paron in that 69 truck and Casey cman in that 80 makeup row number four did I lose did I lose you 91 sorry about that row number five Mark bully in the 91 and sha Deion in that number three 64 car Joseph jaisa the and number 55 Michael rder at row six starting in the 13th position number 42 Poncho olvis and Jared Lester uh starting in 14th Road number seven all right let's see what we got here these guys are really going to have to be careful on this first lap these tires going to be nice and cold rear end's going to want to come around on them on turn two and turn four see how many laps this this Dees Racing League can get before we have that first caution come out tonight should be a lot of passing going on a lot of pushing and shoving and pumping these trucks are not going to look like this when we get done those are some pretty paint jobs get a good look at them now folks got a few change UPS in the paint jobs tonight yeah we have some old school paint J car is [Music] off Oregon in the 41 going to lead the field across the start Finish Line we are green flag racing at Darlington [Music] Raceway all way in that 56 truck on the outside there Gordon cross looking to the inside used them tires now while he's got them Morgan really just pulling away from the field like he's got an extra gear in that 41 truck Le a new driver with the vesi racing [Music] lead C is already out and lap number two I don't know what happened oh c tires got somebody I'm sure somebody turned it around I reckon put some action here with Garrett Stone maybe going to try to find the find the hiccup here oh oh there we go somebody got crazy on the outside there might have got a push from that red truck behind him [Music] oh yeah who is that who's the green truck there could really see what that number was on that truck oh it's a Joseph a 64 that's Joseph uh Joseph Jaa The 64 truck oh he's yeah he's got the back end just out of shape there going around the turn and lost it truck right behind him may have got into him truck behind him come up on him quick there the Budweiser there may have clipped him just a hair think that's the number nine Maybe I gar 48 that's not that's not Garrett Stone 48's see a 48 all right so let's get line back that was Jared Lester in the 40 truck it says number eight on his truck that Budweiser truck says number eight he is the number 40 on our scoreboard Jared Lester so he's the truck that got into the back of him there well uh let's get lined back up here Brent and uh let's go to a quick commercial we'll be right back all right M oh beautiful s was a stoned refusing to Bild or to coup but clim was right smart he appealed to her heart with that gal getting good old Mountain M view yahoo Mountain Dew Mountain Dew tickle your ards CU there's a bang in every bottle at the county turkey shoot cuz Luke wen't worth a ho he was hopeless till he finally took the queue Yoo Mountain Dew now he shoots off the cup gets more enough after nipping at that good old Mountain Dew sure as shooting there's a bang in every bottle of our delicious soft drink Mountain Dew it'll tickle your [Music] R welcome back all right all right welcome back to welcome back to Darlington Raceway so number five about to come out of caution everybody just needs to get used to uh makeing sure those tires before to push too hard huh yeah and and it's you know it's usually going to be those inexperienced drivers that are the first ones to lose the back end it's just cold tires and now this track has has another aspect to tires get used up we're start to see the same thing it's hard to keep the back end of the trucks you know nice and under underneath the truck uh going around these Corners especially for inexperienced drivers we KN this is a tough track it is we'll see if these guys can go more more than uh two laps without a caution here once we get restarted I have confidence in the Dei Racing League I believe they can we can do a lot of consecutive green [ __ ] La that was we pretty got a little over cooking over excited the before yeah we did pretty well in the uh in the infinity last week didn't we there was some cautions there was some cautions I I was in the race I don't remember how well I did to be honest with you everybody's trying to keep themselves lined up here [Music] all right here we go green flag oh what a jump like Joseph chisa may have received a Black Flag penalty for uh passing in the passing the pit for entering a closed pit exiting a closed pit Joseph jaiser has been Black Flag got caught by the officials Morgan Lily in that 41 truck out front again Jordan Tross 24 trying to track him [Music] down got a couple Vehicles a few laps down now Joseph Tri the one lap down and dck stone is showing there four laps down must he must have to go change the Ty top 10 drivers separated by about 6 seconds on the first lap here Mark holl got a little bit of a l there caution flag is out no let's see what happen looks like maybe Jeff Liden and Tad Dabney May got into it the six and the nine looks like uh take a look at the replay here to see if we can see what happened sticks got down on the apron a little bit got a little bit loose there gathered it back up down the [Music] straightway oh oh the nine it was the nine lost it there yeah that's Jeff light or that's uh Tad dad Dabney Tad Dabney kind of lost the rear end there and collected Jeff lien in the number six truck here's uh Tad yep yeah Tad got a little sideways there oh no took that number six just had nowhere to go Jeff Liden and we did have some people pit yeah those two will jump into the pits as quick as they can and get some get some repairs done everybody does have a one uh Quick Fix during this race so they can get everything repaired at least once after that they're going to have to be depend on the cartoon mechanics to put it back together we're at lap 12 of 130 lot of chatter going on on the radio everybody talking to one another trying to make sure that uh they get a clean clean few laps when this starts back up we got our races on Friday we have a street stop 10:00 p.m. Eastern the trucks Saturday 10 p.m. Eastern Xfinity tomorrow 8:00 p.m. Eastern uh have GT3 races on Thursday Legends Monday night come join our Discord final link to our Discord and jump in yeah and uh one of our actually one of our our drivers and our announcer on uh on Xfinity Jamie how may be introducing a new uh oval dirt League here soon with the mini Outlaw cars the little mini sprint cars with the wings on the top of them that ought to be fun I'm going to I'm going to stick my ring hand in the ring and see if I can't go around and around on the dirt we'll see Jeff Liden and Tad Dabney are now lap down they shared that lap down there with that accident trucks looking good brand new paint job back on both of them so they're back out there to RAC again back up front here with Jordan Tross and Morgan Lily let's see if we get a nice green flag stretch to 30 30 30 lap stage one over the track should stayed out of the accident you know that sometimes that's just what happens when you take on the lady in Black you don't tame her she hurts you got the headlights on and the pace car night race here at Darlington it gives them a little more grip in the trucks make it a little more exciting for everybody hopefully with a little less caution laps I like these night races friend they do look good under the lights all the trucks and the the paint jobs little bit of a blink there from the 56 that's Mark Holloway hopefully get that worked out sometimes that just happens during Pace cuz there's a lot of trucks poose together Mark Holloway running the Grim Reaper truck tonight at number 56 Ling in and out again there here we go green flag racing at Darlington Raceway one more time lap number 14 underway Morgan Lily back out front again that 41 truck Jordan cross trying to chase him down in the wall a little bit Jordan cross put the stripe on the Darlington wall a little further back through the field here looking at everybody everybody try to line them up in single file now race around the track here got a good race for fifth place back [Music] there it's Casey cman the 80 truck back there cross trying to run down Morgan Lily up front Lily got a good lead on him Gap is 1.9 seconds and growing is L work going to wear them tires out or he know what he's doing up there see cross mark Hollow the 2456 truck going after Mark Holloway blinking again hopefully that doesn't become too much of an issue during the race J how back there coming at him number 11 fizer cook the blinking may be calling may become an issue back up here with Jordan [Music] cross see if we can't get the camera back there on Jamie how number 11 there that 56 truck is blinking Jamie's going to have a problem passing him if he gets up behind him Jamie has been catching every lap gaining a few there he is blinking again see what it looks like from Jamie how point of view here these trucks start having internet problems like that is being a real issue you can actually appear right inside of the truck coming up behind you and res trucky how right on his bumper now I'm try to make an inside pass here on Mark hallway Holloway trying to maintain speed on the outside Jamie having to back out of it just a little bit couldn't hold the speed down low this track is hard to pass on a out looks like it might be might be Joseph chisa again the 64 truck a little bit slow on the track M oh that's what happen oh yep right there Michael Rudder and who's that in the 44 is that uh can't tell what that number is there that's a 91 I don't see a oh 91 that's Mark buly Mark bully and and Michael rder Mark bully in the 91 and Michael rer in the 55 there's Mark boly right there in that blue and gold gray truck oh he may he may slid wide May got wide just a little bit he overestimated that truck that truck just drifted up the track it is so hard to hold these trucks down low it looked like he got down the apron with one wheel and that kind of yeah right there got below that white line that forced him up the track yep got into uh got into uh that truck on the outside there well hey we're back to live uh hey we'll be right back most lowprice computer ads include legal type like this to let you know about all the wonderful things you won't be getting with your computer now this system includes everything you need to get started printer Monitor and software it's only $4.99 plus shipping and tax and best of all it's from Gateway Gateway Computers feature Intel Pentium processors call us at 1800 Gateway and we'll build one for you is there anyone out there who still isn't clear about what doing drugs does okay last time this is your brain this is drugs this is your brain on drugs any [Applause] questions those nibit we're back live Darlington Raceway lap number 24 still under caution we'll be lining it up soon and uh going back to green so we have a stage break at 30 and uh we're going to be going green flag here we got six laps left it's going to be a little a little shootout and to 30 huh got to be a quick little Sprint race right here to see who gets the stage points we'll see if they can keep it under control and not get too excited they do get a point bonus for winning the stage been looking like Morgan Lily's going to win them stage points he's been staying up front this whole race not only staying up front but gets a considerable lead on the field uh when they go racing everybody chatting over the radio talking about who's damaged and where these trucks are not going to be pretty by the time this one's over Judson Curtis calling on radio that he will be headed to the pits when this starts back up he's in the 35 truck looks like the pace car is going to be dropping down soon 41 truck leading the field to the start Finish Line one more time Jordan cross on his outside net 24 Mark Holloway and Jamie how bringing up that second row and the third row Casey cman and Todd par that 69 Truck starting to show his face [Music] got another jump on the field here we go into turn number one Jordan cross driving around studying that 41 trying to figure out how he's going that fast going to try to stay in that draft definitely pulling away from the field here takes a high line into the turn and holds the wall number nine the number six close by each other once again [Music] third position Jamie how and uh Jamie how and Mark Holloway Jamie how in the 11 got a run on him Mark Hollow on the inside that 56 gets a little bit low down on the apron got a little loose the bottom the bottom pass as well he's having trouble huh he may be slowing down for a caution or something's wrong with the truck maybe he hit the wall it looks like it's not steering right it doesn't look like it's going around the corner very well Mark Holloway may be in some trouble so it looks like Morgan uh Morgan here is uh first stage should come out when he crosses the start Finish Line Jordan TR trying to get those points from him looking to the inside don't think he's going to make it stick down there it's kind of hard to make it stick down there and get a lot of speed C it down the inside Michael rder caution this out St out for the first stage break in this 130 lap race at Darlington Raceway you think we'll have any pit bro I would assume everybody's going to grab some fresh tires out here at this track it wouldn't make any sense at all to go longer than 30 laps UH 60 Laps on one set of tires at Darlington would be a tight yeah I expect to see all the trucks coming in to get fresh tires and get some fixing done everybody slowing down for the pace car coming around turn number three and four as she start heading into the pits right here there goes Morgan Lily dipping down in Michael rder getting the uh Lucky Dog his lap back race out of the pit look like about a 14 second for everybody down to number let's see what that eth place that Poncho olis the 42 car got a little bit of time shaved off his he might have took two tires I don't know we'll find out soon or enough Poncho what was his last name save 3 seconds on his oliv yeah 11 second pist stop he probably did take two tires H definely saved some seconds on his pist stop there gain some position yeah he's he's gained 10 positions during the race he's actually one of our he's our may be the biggest mover no Tad Dabney is the biggest mover of the race at this point in the stage break moved up 16 positions during the race currently showing him up in the front there at number nine truck hey um Brent we're going to be right back it certainly is a big bun it's a very big bun big fluffy bun it's a very big fluffy bun why is the beef some hamburger places give you a lot less beef on a lot of bun where's the beef at Wendy's we serve a hamburger we must they call the single and Wendy's single has more beef than the Whopper or Big Mac at Wendy's you get more beef and less bum Hey where's the beef I don't think there's anybody back there you want something better your Wendy's kind of people welcome back Tad Dabney has stayed out on the track 22 Laps on his tires everybody behind him's on fresh shoes we'll see how uh the number nine truck holds on to that lead on them old tires Sig sawer truck there bud wiser getting a good look at some of these paint jobs on some of these truck these guys do uh spend a lot of time looking paint jobs and designning them some of them there's the Wolverine paint jobs got Deadpool on the other side a lot of these drivers make their own paint some of them have uh sponsors and stuff like that if you're looking to sponsor one of these trucks just get a hold of as a Dei Racing League at or join our Discord or on our Facebook page and uh send us some information and we'll see about getting a paint job on one of these trucks for you give you a couple races give us some subscribers we'll work something out [Music] Burger tells me he's not going to get it his way here at darington tonight all here we go yeah yeah that is Todd Baron that Burger King cut he's always got something cool to look at when it comes to paint job he's got himself up front here going to take over the second position up there Jordan cross looking the inside of Todd made the pass there on Todd fr the 69 truck cross and at 24 run away fourth and fifth looking at each other's bumper there Jamie how and uh Tad Dabney sorry sorry Tad Todd Pon right in front of oh did they get together a block in there maybe that's to a little bit of block on it didn't quite work out for him Jamie house making the pass on the inside or at least making the attempt at it P got a run on the outside the number nine that's a Acy cman number 80 let's who that is Casey cman the number 80 I'm sorry Casey Casey cman in that Wolverine and Deadpool truck good looking paint on that truck just got J how the seven and he's got Mark Holloway back there behind him that familiar 56 truck the rim [Music] Reaper Jamie how there trying to chase down that 80 truck casy cman Mark Holloway there mark Holloway is right there looking hard digging in hard down on the bottom Tad Dabney now's got three trucks on his rear end that nine truck going to have an [Music] issue how looking hard on the bumper got a little run coming out of the corner got away from him B touch the wall just a little bit that number nine truck here comes cman in that 80 right up on his bumper how not letting him rest Reaper looking for a c oh and Grim Reaper in the wall just a little bit Mark hallway in the 56 going to run that pretty paint job Mark Morgan Lily got A9 second Gap over Jordan cross at the moment and they are 5 Seconds ahead of the field Jamie push this is the race right here yeah this is the race going on right here [Music] fourth seventh nose to tail waiting on somebody to make a mistake Jamie how now up behind Tad davney Tad tried to hold him off number nine truck casy cman and Mark holay still in line back there JY how on the inside makes a move got two wheels under the white line can he hold it out of the wall he makes the corner Pi up a position Jamie how now running in fourth got a run down P foron that's 69 truck from the Burger [Applause] King caution B lap number 43 awesome flag maybe Michael rder might had 55 truck might have had something to do with it Richard young I [Music] got he's in the Wall come down into the 91 that was the 91 that's mark in the 91 that blue and gray truck oh he hit the wall 22 didn't look too bad on Mark bully I don't know who else he collected Richard Richard hit the yeah Richard came down hit the wall watch this here little slow getting back into it Jimmy John's truck that's a new paint job for Richard Jimmy John's number 22 truck know been getting us a little bit loose right there got a little bit loose he hits the wall right here watch right there got loose again got into the wall dragged him he took his speed away oh no I'm sorry there it is hard into the wall then turned it down into the front of the 91 truck Mark Mark doesn't look like he's taking too much damage front end of his truck's got a little D in it looks like from my point of view but he should be okay still out on the track does have a little dent in the front of his truck though currently running in 10th position back up front with Morgan Lily and Jordan Tross Todd Pon right there behind them James H Tad Dabney and Casey cman round out the top six trck we're going to have some fun but let's go take a look at commercial real quick we'll be right back good deal welcome to the Dei Racing League yes the Dei Racing League where we race Sundays Infinity Cars 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Mondays are 34 Legends at 11:00 p.m. Thursday's gt3s at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Friday Frid Street stops 10 p.m. Eastern Standard time Saturdays are the truck races at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time just go to race click on the link for our Discord we have a very active Discord no requirements and it's free we'll see you the next race now back to welcome back all right Brent let's see got got another caution here we got a a second stage at lap six Ste right and yeah yeah so we have a little uh little right now little short run before they get a new another break and then it's a long run to the end of this 130 lap race and they're going to have to maintain that tire they're going to have to you know race them until they get soft and Squishy and hope they can get into the pits before they turn it that's the idea I like that last little commercial we had that was that was Earl one of our uh Racers and League members here at the Dei Racing League we encourage anybody to come join us here at Dei Racing League we have a lot of fun we race a five or six League different series every week uh every week and two of them of course Live on YouTube and we're starting to run more than that we're starting to run our creep stock series and it's just a lot of fun so join us if you have an iRacing account if you don't grab you a wheel and an iRacing account get on in here and have some fun yeah we have uh every Walk of Life and we have uh beginners in there so it's a good entry level League it doesn't cost any money jump in there whether you want to race or you know hey you want to get in here in the broadcast and Boots either way come join us uh join our Discord all right Brent getting ready for our restart here 13 drivers on the lead lap right now lap number 47 of 130 see if everybody's gotten a little bit comfortable it seems like we had a good green flag run that last bit space car is off here we go familiar sound of Morgan Lily number 41 going to lead the field Good Start by the field there but getting lined up Jordan having a little bit of Wile there coming on turn number [Applause] two want those tires get warmed [Applause] up 16 Laps on the tires except for Tad Dabney he's got 37 on his currently running in six position spr the field out pretty good everybody's gotten pretty comfortable here at the lady in Black oh there's a little bit of a hiccup right there happen look like Curtis uh Judson Curtis has stopped on the track he's getting it going again got it turned around heading in the right direction the number 35 truck Curtis Judson might have had a little issue no caution lap number 50 single Tru it got it back together again got back on the track oh caution J back out running again heading up to him he'd probably go a lap down but he didn't wreck it Jordan got the back end just a little bit sideways there going around that corner trying to get every little bit of speed he can out of it trying to catch Morgan the Le the 41 that man is [Music] fat a little bit of a race going on back with uh number nine and number 56 Tad Dabney and hallway Racing for six position there they are the number nine truck and number 56 nose to tail battling for position Mark Mark hallway and that that Grim Reaper truck trying to get past that number nine down the inside taking another look he's tooken a look about four times now just can't quite get his truck to the inside Jamie how up front in the uh number four position number 11 truck trying to get a run on Todd Pon in the 69 Mark Holloway finally made that passes the 56 truck sure did the number nine of Tad Davy down a position Mark Holloway made the pass on Todd Pon Todd Pon must have got in the wall he's a little bit slow Casey cman in the 80 truck trying to catch up with him now Tod Pon that Burger King truck how the 11 bu wiper up second Gord Cross Jordan and Jamie have to break the G huh yeah the Gap is actually uh pretty decent between the driver got a 1 and 1 half second gap between Morgan and Jordan and then Jordan to Jamie a 4 second uh 4 second Gap the field spreading out pretty [Music] good traffic there to grab some more it's a 35 truck of Judson Curtis there he trying to pass Miller Genuine High another good looking paint job there that another high throwback paint finally made it pass him the rest of the field will have to make the pain pass and Morgan really has just got an extensive lead on the field 2.6 seconds and widening the gap cap every lap like he's got an extra gear in that 41 view from Jordan cross watching the 41 disappear off into the distance sure did hey we got a a second um stage right now 60 should Poss be coming out here Morgan grabbing some more points for leading leading the [Music] stage definitely have some P stops here Bren yeah we'll gather the field up one more time and see if uh the 41 truck of Morgan really can just drop drive away with the finish here so far he has maintained that position throughout this entire race if anybody's interested out there in the real life sounds like ter Bur won the race did that's apparently that's what I just heard on the track radio heard a lot of the playoff pound people that were out of the race yeah I'll have to watch it after this one tonight I heard it was a pretty good one everybody coming in the pits here at the Darlington Race grab tires and fuel maybe a quick fix Maybe not maybe let the cartoon mechanics pound on it with a car Caron Hammer a little bit fix it up try to get those aerodynamics working again few driver still out on the track maybe they'll have SE them coming in on the next lap that's quite the gamble huh right get get stopped yeah well we'll see what happens it looks like most of the drivers have about 30 laps in their tires Tad Dabney came in with 51 Laps on his tire so he had the most lap at number nine truck everybody racing off a Pit Row here they come out of Pit Row all right Brent let's go to a commercial real quick and when we come back here we'll uh be close to our restart all right catch you on the other side is there anyone out there who still isn't clear about what doing drugs does okay last time this is your brain this this is [Applause] drugs this is your brainon drugs any [Applause] questions those nibbit some hamburger places Ser are actually processed chicken excuse me but what was that in there it's chicken chicken processed processed that's like when they take a lot of chickens and assemble the respective parts what parts what parts different parts Parts is Parts Wendy chicken sandwich is pure boneless breast of chicken moist and perfect and not processed it's not here to tell all the parts are crammed into one big part used yeah then the one big part is cut up into little pieces parts and parts is Parts you want something better your Wendy's kind of people welcome back Darlington yeah there's been a little bit of a change up Shuffle up here during Pit Road they've got two trucks this stayed out both of them with 31 Laps on their tires that'd be Mark booly and Jeff Liden in the numbers 91 and number six trucks so Mark booy and Jeff Li 31 Laps on their tires that's quite the gamble R I don't know think they're going to be a little slow well we we'll see how this this restart goes hopefully they don't spend the tires hopefully nobody turns it we'll see how it goes 31 laps there a lot of laps on tires here at Garlington those Taps are those tires are going to be a little bit squishy and the trucks behind them Morgan and Jordan right behind them in the 41 and the 24 are going to be on Fresh tires cuz they're going to have I mean we've been watching Morgan all night he's going to be they're going to be in his way this will be interesting this is a tight track there's not a lot of room to pass here get on the edge of your seat fan and watch this restart we might see a wreck before we even get to turn two we've got 12 trucks still on the lead lap here two trucks a lap down that would be Michael the 552 they will be fighting for the lucky dog on the next caution green flag is out here we go with the restart and sure enough 41 got ah heck of a start coming right up back to 91 going around the outside 91 trying to hold the inside he's got the B Tires 24 on the outside that's Jordan Tross they got him on the outside everybody held their line nobody wrecked it we're through turn two down the back [Music] stetch number six truck of Jeff light fell back to eight the number 91 of Mark bully fell back to third don't know how far they can go on those tires but they're sure going to run them 60 nine of Tod paron there in a battle with the 11 truck of Jamie how Jamie how been pressuring all night long Mark hallway down the inside of Casey [Music] cman uhoh something happened see if we can see what happened here Brent oh who is that the sideways Brent the nine all right Brett take a look here yep now I just got loose a little bit all right let's let them get this line back up we're going to go ahead and take a look at one more commercial we'll be right back oh look at Kyle bus out there yeah he is all over the track I mean what has gotten into him today oh that cannot be good oh unbelievable waa look out wait wait a minute is Kyle in Reverse yeah you don't see that every day okay that is bad bad driving this is not like Kyle at all are we winning I thought you were looking M&M's makes race day more fun what is Kyle welcome back right now I'm showing I'm showing Jeff Liden and Mark bully both with black flags so a couple Black Flag issues couple people going to have to go in the pit here we are on lap 69 130 yeah 70 of 130 one truck out on the track right now has got what we call a meatball flag means they've got damage and have to come in and have that fixed that's Michael rder 55 truck he may already be in the pits everybody starting to tighten it back up get ready to go again lap number 71 here 130 the rest of these laps will be run by the drivers and on them if they need tires they need to get them no more stage brakes some of the truck's got a few scrapes and scratches on them a lot of use that [Music] quick a car is off number 41 and number 24 lead the pack down the straightaway here we go green flag racing [Music] Dar oh DOD BR down the inside almost got into Jordan the 24 that was close Jamie how now I'm bumper trying to make a pass down the inside got a little heel down below the white line 10 laps on the tires on these trucks so they ought to be nice and warm and ready to bite like it might have had a problem back in uh number nine truck yeah check the number nine trck up looks like yeah looks like Tad dab man lost it got into the wall and wck the only truck that wrecked is all by himself no caution came out that number 74 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lien may have gotten another Black Flag for speeding in the pit oh that's unfortunate very unfortunate yes it does happen one of them things know you get your emotions get to flying around and you get upset you get you get mad you know you just just make make make mistakes is all it is but you got to gather it back up get back out there and keep racing happens to the best of us we'll be racing next infity tomorrow night and I'm sure temp will fly at one point or another back up here at the racing with Todd Pon here and Mark Holloway in the 5 six trying to chase him down and that Grim Reaper [Music] truck Angel of Death looking for a Whopper down H the way watch that fast for a minute this race [Music] here up in second two two second gap between himself and first place more than ly in that 41 truck Jamie how in the number 11 4.6 seconds behind Jordan C 5.7 seconds [Music] backk H right on bu Mark coming up on the 23 oh that's a 23 Thomas long down into the wall a concentration just long enough and tap the outside wall that forced him down into the saw wall and I mean he hit that thing pretty hard whole front end of the truck is gone there on the 23 no caution though no caution single car wreck he's on his own went right down to the inside too and then you know stayed down all by yourself just made a a bad bump off the wall and took it right down into the saw wall we on lap number 82 of 130 we're starting to wind this one down one lap at a time here we go if you're out there watching uh leave a subscribe and a like and a comment there maybe put a number of the truck you're rooting for tonight let us know you're watching and let us know we uh put on a little bit of entertainment for everybody on the weekend Oh Mark Holloway starting to Blink again let's hope that doesn't become an issue he BL was blinking early in the race but we haven't seen it a long time he's been pretty stable for the rest of the race hasn't been an [Music] issue up with Jordan cross the 24 B on that outside there trying to make it work get some speed out of it oh I think that's uh I think that's Richard there in the 22 truck and Jimmy law Jimmy long J johu currently running in uh 10th position he is relapse down that Jimmy John truck number 11 truck and Jamie how there coming up on the back of him try to work his way around Richard looking paint [Music] job round goes Jamie Hal ting to Budweiser tonight Tod and Mark H the next make the pass on uh Richard [Music] there Morgan Lily has now stretched that lead out to three and a half seconds over Jordan cross in the 24 truck coming up on lap number 90 in about three more laps going to have to start seeing how much longer they can go on where lap number 25 on the tires on most of the truck I'm showing the number three truck is in six position he's got 23 lap on his everybody El scor about 25 Richard young in the 22 got 21 laps on his tire so everybody will have to come in right about the same time thees starting to live up to reputation again and runs into green flag lap you haven't seen too many yellow in this this third portion of the race sure haven't colorful truck there Poncho at number [Music] 42 cross trying to chase down that leader little bit of a battle here the 80 and the leader that's Casey otterman he's in seventh position that is the leader putting seventh position of lap down sha Deion and Mark Holloway are the next two truck just to the inside of the eight truck there a truck is number 40 Jared lker or Jamie how at the moment Jamie how trying to work his way around them everybody working their way around lap traffic at the moment we got trucks all over the track now B trpes are over now so there's going everywhere oo real close there Poncho in the 42 that colorful [Music] truck 7 70 psychedelic just run away with up there traffic the number 80 of Casey cman he's in the seventh position [Music] going number three of sha Deon is still on on the lead lap but not by much [Music] puno may have been in the wall just a little bit there leaving a stripe on the Darlington wall Jamie how down around inside getting by Theon going to work his way around J Jared ler there number eight Budweiser throwing up with number 40 on the scoreboard [Music] 34 Laps on these tires start watching for a pit entrance anytime map Number 96 so they've got about 34 laps to finish this race this will be about the halfway point if anybody decides Here Comes Jordan Fross he's coming in to gra some new [Music] shoo that's going to force this leader to come in also he can't stay out too much longer with Jordan cross on new shoes cuz he will out running you think so huh Gordon knows this Dees iRacing League can go long runs on green flag there may not be a caution right up to the end of this race little bit of a wiggle by by the eight truck there's the 41 truck of Morgan Lily still out there running he is on 36 laap tires how long will he stay out he knows Jordan cross is got in for tires by now really riding that outside line here comes Jordan coming up out of the pit show him a lap down what Jordan doesn't need right now is a caution coming out of the pits he's getting back up to speed around three and four and he's about a full straightaway ahead of Morgan Lily L coming out of turn four now Jordan going into turn one Morgan ly running 31.8 second lap cross register his first lap here on Fresh tires cross for a 30.2 in his first lap Mor a 31.3 keep an eye on that leader to see if he's going to bring it into the kill for that 101 bit of a Wile there going out in the corner5 Jordan's last La 297 31 down a bit by lap traffic there Curtis 35 up Morgan had a little bit of an issue getting around in [Music] there Gord cross running a 299 39 running a 31.7 it's almost 2 seconds per lap faster the 41 of Morgan Lily that's 11 of Jamie Howell uh Todd Veron the 69 Mark Holloway 56 and uh sha the number three all on Old Tires Jord course tires everybody behind him we getting tires now Richard young in the 22 place on 37 lap tires be coming in Cross R long over the hood here with his T car [Music] start running that high now our Le oh that was late that might be a problem there coming around going to try to catch that LP back up let's see how it all shakes out finally out got the top five driver still needing to Kit cross down the back scetch Jordan cross cross the start finish line now and he should have he should have pitted right after Jordan did may have waited a little bit too long and may gave Jordan enough time to gain on him of course we'll see how it works out towards the end of the race he'll have pressure tires in the last you know 10 laps of the race but here he is comes out right behind Jordan Tross Jordan Tross got him KY hold him off now that is not easy to pass on he's going to have to pass him early while he's got fresh tires and they're nice and sticky once these tires get broke in at about that 20 or so is passing here is almost impossible cross played the early Pit Stop work oh Morgan L terribly sideways coming out of that corner I cannot believe he held on to it really good save by Morgan hilly there 41 truck oh he right on of Jordan again oh Jordan going to hold his line and give him a challenge for that front position and we have some more people pitting I think or no that was a pass all away heading into the pit oh and here they're about to take the lead but Morgan's trying to pass Jordan what happen to here odar final truck now into the pit so the they've cycled all the way through now Oregan Lily is a 41 back out front Jordan cross could not hold him [Music] off got a little something extra there that truck he just make it go a little bit faster drove it down on the apron still made Here Comes Jordan up on his bumper try to take advantage of that slow down and then Morgan just pulls away from him like he was sitting still [Music] we have an onboard camera with Morgan L with number 41 TR cross kind of chasing down still he's just pulling away from from Jordan like Jordan was sitting still already got a 1.5 second lead over second place he's out running Jordan Frog by 7 seconds per lap [Music] lap 113 of 130 we're definitely on the down hill side now coming to a close in this Darlington Race [Music] showing 50 Laps on the number three sh Le in third place right now but I'm showing him on 50 lap tires don't know how he'll be able to maintain that for very [Music] long foron there a lap down in fifth position he is the lucky dog at the moment but I uh you know we'll see if we get a caution Todd saying he took two tires the last stop hoping for a coughing Maybe I think that may be the number number three truck of Shawn Deion may be hoping for another caution too he is on 52 Laps on his tires still out there on the track maintaining third position Jamie hows coming [Music] [Music] JY how creeping up on the bumper number three there that's the number three truck sha de on 53 Laps on the set of tires on that truck should be an easy pass here down on the inside goes the number 11 of Jamie how slides by him and makes the pass into the corner I wonder if Sea's trying to go to the end with that same set of [Music] tires he they these tires are known to blow you can blow a tire here the simulated ey racing Le if you push it too far they'll give you what's called a meatball flag and force you to go into the pit to change those TI 35 truck coming up on his back there Judson Curtis back up front with Lily the 41 truck now has a three second Gap over second place Jordan Tross in the [Music] 24th still pulling away [Music] got a little bit of a race on between the two lap cars in fifth and six oh no that's to Pon is in a little T with tra trying to get away from him I think is what he's trying to DOD Pon on third truck in a three three cars lap down shanon Mark Holloway and Todd Pon Racing for the lucky dog nine laps to go in this race at Darlington Speedway coming to a close Dem yeah we only have three cars in the lead lap now uh you know Morgan Jordan and [Music] Jamie praying for a caution I don't think it's going to happen oh what happened to Jordan Jamie Jamie justed Jordan what why did Jordan go into the pit I am confused BR you hear anything on the check the track I'm checking this oh I'm checking to see what happened here yeah it looks like uh the 56 maybe Yep looks like the 56 that is Mark Holloway oh they got together going into the turn and they got up into the wall Mark Holloway put the 24 and Jordan cross up into the wall a little bit they got together and uh yeah he hit pretty hard well let's go back and take a look here Brent I think this is the replay there it is right here yeah that looks like it oh yeah oh right there and just checked him into the upla a little bit he got it this got the together that's a racing incident I think yeah Mark Hall May got a little loose Jordan probably started to turn the corner there and bad timing no caution came out lap 125 go and take a look at a Chase from more yeah yeah oh that's too bad was able to gather back up and keep going we're back alive here's our leader and then we got H Jamie Howell now in second place 22 seconds behind our leader he's about uh he's about 9 seconds away from being lap leader would be the only one of the lead La friend yeah Morgan Lily in the 41 just ran away with this race tonight he's got a little something extra in that truck we'll have to ask him about his ey rating tonight when he gets in the booth if he makes it in I'm not even sure if uh if Morgan L is in the Discord well let me tell you Brent he is a 31 Ira five lap to go now that probably would explain why the number 41 truck is so far out front thei Racing League does host mostly rookie and novice races 3000 IR rating would qualify you right up there with what we would call a taro racer or at least the a class 41 Morgan L he got the 3,000 iring that's that's pretty good that's impressive we are racing Jamie how back here in second right now everybody else lap down got Mark Holloway Shawn De Jordan Fross and Todd Pon all on lap down three laps to go here to end the race at Darlington it has been a rough one in the beginning we had a few cautions last half of the race has been fairly clean green flags racing couple trucks turned themselves and found the saw wall once or twice other than that hadn't been too bad of a race but this Morgan Lily number 41 has just run away with it today yeah if you forget that first stage and half of that second one man we we've been going quite a while this has been a well two people are on the lead lap I guess it says it right there right it has been a rough race for a few drivers out there tonight two laps to go tomorrow night let's hope tomorrow xinity we get uh not not so rough on so many drivers two to go y here we go two to go where are we at tomorrow night at Xfinity Atlanta I believe we're going to Atlanta in Xfinity that's going to be a fun race that's going to be fun love these short tracks it's nice to go something like Atlanta yeah we will be at at Atlanta Motor Speedway as exterior tomorrow I'll be in the uh in my my car running my 45th Infantry paint Scheme I'm sure final lap Brent finishing here they come Crossing start finish spine white flag racing here final lap here at Darlington the too tough to tame lady in BL black it has taken a few trucks out tonight several cars over 22 laps down several seven laps down a one five a four a two and several one lap down two cars finishing on the lead lap that would be Morgan Lil and Jamie how the number 11 truck Bren why don't you uh go on chat chat mic and I ask Morgan to try to come in Discord and U Mark H as well all right we'll see if we can get him in the chat menu in here and get him in the interview box let watch it burn up here for my winter all right Brent wow that was an interesting race I think tomorrow I think Atlanta is going to be a much more fun race to watch uh this one was had a lot of stuff going on at the beginning but we had a long green stretch to spread everybody out uh great job to everybody that raced with us here uh great job to first second third place uh Congratulations Morgan yeah it looks like uh it looks like we might be able to get Jamie how in for an interview for second place but uh yeah Morgan Lily and Mark Holloway are not in our Discord tonight so we're not going to be able to talk to them yeah well let's just close it out like that then Brent and uh you know hey Brent thank you for uh joining me and tomorrow good luck at Atlanta you said is that correct uh yeah yeah Xin at Atlanta yeah a big shout out to any fans watching tonight or anybody may watch later on when they you know when we play it tomorrow or whatever um anytime you watch one videos leave a subscription a like and a comment down there it helps with our algorithm and uh helps us put these races on for our league and make sure that we don't have ra charge anybody to join the League and and it's entertaining for our fans we love you guys and we want you we want to know you're out there watching so thanks for watching and we appreciate you awesome well thank you definitely thank you for watching thank you Brent thank you everybody