Kroger and Albertsons MERGE into MONOPOLY

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:08:17 Category: News & Politics

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so you know how everything's still very expensive and how anytime you go to the grocery store you just constantly think well this inflation is real bad is like I've been hearing on the news that inflation's going down well how come I'm not seeing it well in a little bit of a Twist I think that I actually found exactly why things are still expensive so a little under reported news piece that's been going just kind of under our nose uh is about how the two biggest grocery conglomerates are about to merge and that merger is being challenged in court now Republicans and uh right-wing pundits would have you think ah how dare you how dare you tamper with the market how how dare you block this merger this merger will be great for Americans except it's not so here we go I'm gonna get me over here boom sorry about that all right feds take grocery merger to court a amid 2024 fight over High food prices is it almost like they saw that they'd be able to control the market and monopolize everything cuz that's what I'm seeing this idea that corporate greed is not a driver of inflation is it's a laughable laughable thing to say to people nowadays where it's not how is this even political like how did you guys go from well we just don't we we're For the Working Man we're for this guy like we're for the guys the guys guys of America well the guys guys of America that you're fighting for are billionaires who are they are taking your money they are capitalizing off you specific Ally much more than us too because you're actually buying into it so think of it this way it's the same guys that buy the largest trucks and then complain about gas prices that kind of it tracks right well I'm kind of glad to say that uh the FTC has stepped in and they are challenging this with a lawsuit because there were some text messages that came out from the uh two owners or the two CEOs of Kroger and I forgot the other one Albertson's that's right Albertson's which in uh my locality is Marianos and Jewel so number one the th the very thought that these two would merge at some point was kind of insane I mean going back to the 90s because even Marianos was Dominics at that point um I'm pretty sure that uh Costco uh had something to do with that for a while um as far as making like they were like the third market share or whatever um but with this happening think about it because now Walmart's already charging you high prices so what what is the incentive for these guys to lower prices there is none especially if they go through with this this merger so I'm is going to say it for anybody that's fighting for the idea of this kind of merger did you just lose the plot entirely like can you explain how you came to that thought process can you also explain to me how this is going to save us money because I've heard it from some economists that you can tell have never they haven't been in a grocery store in years they have staff that take care of that so for us average Americans that have to go to the grocery store like have to a little bit later and I'm not really looking forward to it we kind of have to deal with this so real quick a challenge to the merger of the country's two largest grocery store chains goes on to trial on Monday the Biden Administration the Biden administration's latest and perhaps most cons consequential bid to combat High grocery prices see it's almost it's almost like they're looking out for us because these GI giant corporations are totally screwing us and I think that what happened is they just broke from the lobbyist sphere because like the lobbyists before they could keep this all closed doors they could but now man you want to talk about the balls these guys have look at what they're doing during an inflationary period during record profits and the number one issue in the election cyle is the economy go figure it always is this is what always pisses me off is even when the econom is good somehow it's devastatingly bad I remember when Donald Trump was running against uh Hillary Clinton and he was using the economy then and the economy was great like it it he inherited a good economy and just made it better for the time for a little bit of time but um I I mean as much as I admit that yeah he was pretty he was all right for the economy for uh the little things that he did like the deregulations it was all the like you could see it quickly but what you didn't see were how the tax cuts would eventually come and trickle down on us especially on an election you're weird how they Sunset it at that exact time it's almost like they knew that they'd be able to use it as a mar as a uh election wedge issue because they they know that you guys don't pay attention to this stuff they know that their own electorate does not pay attention to this stuff and they know that they can rewrite history and just tell you things and you're just going to go like yeah yeah it's totally that way you're never going to look into it and this is the party of do your own research isn't it g so again Lena Khan somebody who takes a lot of crap from the right she's pretty much the only one standing in between us and uh higher grocery prices even when inflation's coming down and the FEDS are about to adjust the uh the interest rates so it's just very odd how we are constantly constantly being gaslit by these fools and then we we just do it and we go me and then the news Cycle takes over and goes inflation so bad inflation so bad record profits are up stock market good it's just yeah and here we are fighting about it you're like I guarantee my comment section is going to be flooded with a bunch of of future billionaires protecting their future capital I swear to God it's just ridiculous especially when you see that it's like um wait what do you do it's like I don't think you're ever going to be a billionaire uh I remember arguing capital gains with my uh my father who does not make anywhere near the amount of money that is required to pay those capital gains taxes so I just kind of found that funny that he's protecting something that he has absolutely no say in so anyway I just wanted to cover this real quick because I felt like it wasn't getting enough traction so just remember this is happening right now pay attention to it and if this merger does go through just expect your grocery prices to be higher and don't let any politician especially Donald Trump tell you the Democrats did it they allow it they are the only reason that that the groceries are so high I don't understand it but we just need to let the market do what the market does but all right well you know what to do leave a like comment subscribe I'm on the way to a thousand so I really appreciate the support I will see you in the next one

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