is this wii sports knockoff better than wii sports

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:24:37 Category: Gaming

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I thought it'd be a good time to pull this game out I've had it for a little bit but I haven't played it and what a better time than right after unfortunately Hudson's a developer I'm concerned but what better time than right after I say I'm quitting we Sports what move your body everybody move your body uh this is interesting I don't even want to get off the menu this this it's interesting having a menu theme that includes lyrics not many games have that let's go ahead and hit single player finally in my last video was wi Sports and I so at the end said I'm done with it and then put a weiro in my wall believe it or not I took the Wii remote out of the wall cuz it's still working and I'm using it now it's just very dusty there's a lot of drywall dust on it but I didn't want a gaping hole in my wall so I took another broken we remote I had and put it in the hole so there's still a Wii remote in my wall but it's at least a broken Wii remote that that Wii remote has no purpose other than to fill that hole in the wall so that I don't have to stare at a hole in my wall makes sense right locker room let's hit the showers of course I'm waiting for one of these games to have a locker room feature where where you can hit the hit the showers and you know hopefully they're communal wow there's some selections here I don't know open Match I suppose let's see the sports here badminton cart racing curling snowboard cross archery Supercross beach volleyball figure skating basketball or soccer basketball all day every day that's the first one team Thunder all male power based team oo all female speed based team mad maidens H speed Strikers a team of speed based members that seems okay what's the point of all these teams if they're all the same thing they're either speed or power based look at this though disco Knights are well balanced but this team is of power and speed based what's the difference a team of balance-based members We're Playing Basketball I don't know this team kind of looks like the best one to me what the hell is this I have to pick either Stefan th Cliff or Tony and this they're small medium and large I want to be the large guy large Tony come on big Tony O why does it smell like pee pee and poo poo in here I bet it's Tony Cal strength strong three minute whatever can we play the [ __ ] game here there's so many controls oh I need a nunchuck huh that's an interesting transition there's more people watching the Disco Knights versus the Boost Force than there are watching any Pistons game that's for sure okay they got the ball I thought I'm Tony why am I not Tony here I am I'm Tony and how do how do you think you pass it I didn't read the controls oh just tripped over the three-point line okay break away no this my player's slower than titty [ __ ] okay why are these characters so slow oh that was a play Oh slam dunk oh nope oh figured out how to shoot but not very well oh what kind of game of basketball I would be pissed if I was a fan why can we never like why can we never just shoot the damn thing okay nice play Oh nicer play oh I forgot how to oh they scored we let a freaking 12-year-old score against us oh half quarter didn't even make it to the three oh wait no we still have it oh three-pointer wow only my team could make a shot I don't know how they make a shot though oh here we go nope can't even make it from freaking two foot this is the world's most complex uncomplex how come they can make shots but my team cannot all of our shots [ __ ] wow nice that's a convenient time for halftime that's for sure wouldn't our tallest guy be the one taking tip off like that seems like a terrible Team Management move yeah I can't I can't score in this game or or shoot shoot a basket I I think they made it impossible this is hard difficulty and our our team seems fairly well matched if it wasn't okay guess you stole it right as I was about to shoot it I don't know how to make a basket how do you make a basket shoot no not like you'd make it I think I understand the controls I don't think this is my fault I think this game is broken this is made by Hudson so I feel like I have a a shot there to be right that this game is Just ass get out of my way freaking Napoleon now just walk right into him with the ball and hand it right off meanwhile you're not going to grab the ball or anything okay we're we're we're look okay look at this controls swing the Wii remote up to jump then down at the top of your jump okay that's pretty much what I'm doing how to pass is a yeah that's I figured that out steel yeah just swing your weote down I I I figured out all these controls beforehand but my team just blows yep just can't make a shot and I'm I'm I'm I'm freaking I'm I'm I'm swiping the ball but instead we're playing Ring Around the Rosie around all of them instead of [ __ ] swiping or stealing the ball nice play Team I was a coach of this team I've had him lit up like a Christmas tree for this play can't make a shot and uh we let the short kid get the ball stolen from him by that big bully what a game so far I'd rather play Wii Sports again let's try soccer we're not going to be the stinking disco team will be the Average Joe's nothing says a winner like Average Joe and a guy named peep PE on your team might as well be him I don't understand the point oh this is moving your character's position around not not freaking choosing what character to play that was a misunderstanding I'm only playing against normal difficulty I didn't did not like that hard difficulty game there I don't think it made the opponents any harder they didn't seem that good we just couldn't make a single shot what the [ __ ] is going on oh and of course they score I don't know what kind of defensive strategy we have here other than run away from the the person with the uh oh wow I figured out how to score on a game in Deca Sports pretty much gave that one to me there's something salty on my lips probably from the [ __ ] I ate earlier you're going to okay you could have probably kicked it a little harder than that I don't understand it seems these Hales are very quick oh look at this this game has cheerleaders right my teammate stood right in front of right in front of our own player how is thank god oh what a stop by that goalie Jesus I thought we had that was the game winner right there uh oh oh thank God goalie oh our goalie's being a little aggressive there so is theirs they're playing pass where's our Defender we have no defense what a strategy team our team's positional strategy it's a tie isn't sudden death on cheerleaders don't care they're rooting for the orange team there isn't even an orange team oh yeah see sudden death I like this and I get to start with the ball first obvious Advantage [ __ ] me I forgot how to pass again I keep I I you don't play the basketball game and then go to this one because you think you know how to pass but you really don't oh son of a [ __ ] get uh uh oh uh we might have potential here oh you you're oh oh hey I won a game that might be the only one W could have been a foul on the goal for whatever the hell that was I don't know why he insisted on trying to protect the short side when I was all the way over there what do you think uh gas is do you think they made it the same as Mario Kart yep it's Mario Kart but not very good graphically or handling Le I think it's all the drywall dust in my Weir remote not really staying on the pavement the most but this thing's starting to go warp speed so I don't know you turn good at first and then you start turning really slow that's what I notice about this game I'm I'm thinking a third place finish might be all right I don't know maybe a first place finish will be better no everyone's cutting that last corner like little [ __ ] stains never mind we're going to finish in first somehow we hit the after burners at least my character seemed very happy about the win that was fun Deca Sports a game a lot of people recommended to me if I remember right seems like a rather halfhazard thrown together game figure skating how in the world can I figure skate with a we and an unchu a damn it would have like to go back in time on that one oh we landed on our tokus oh here we go the farting stance oh I think we I think we got that really farting stance we're going a little rogue with it oh I don't don't know why don't know what that was supposed to be I don't know why I I I shook my Wii remote but we just keep on eating our ass oh Serpentine step didn't really happen that doesn't look very good 56.6 fourth oh I don't how many four maybe there are five no firmly in fourth LeBron we're playing as LeBron let's do it nice nice not nice take it easy on LeBron Tony it's me uh oh oh don't I'm just kind of waving what the [ __ ] are we doing here LeBron LeBron you had to back up a little more eh the [ __ ] how can he do that how to smash swing the Wii remote down when the shuttle glows red you know what's funny is is every time I do that it seems the shuttle goes unread the second before Oh top LeBron what are you doing man you're the only idiot that freaking allows a a a red that does your own red rocket and ends up giving up a point that seemed pretty red that seemed pretty red oh that seemed pretty red hold up maybe I'm on to something here oh the phone we're coming back oh my I figured out you got to swing really early to get those Red Rockets uhoh oh no don't swing too early though because LeBron will be six feet off oh that worked yeah is this is came this has became a tight game Le what what's the what's the tactic sometimes uhoh okay we're still at Match Point here we could lose if he gets another Point here but he's not this is the game whoever scores wait no maybe it's not whoever scores next point I don't know bad mitt rules to be honest with you come on why did he do that most of the time he he's jumping for it that time he just kind of stood there and gave it a look and then you get cooked Tony still cooked you and you kind of deserved it LeBron not me but you did lose think it's time for some beach volleyball this is another good one for uh the female representation heyo way to go mad Ms looking bad Crusaders kind of looking bad as well this is uh going to be a tough matchup based on looks let me read the controls I'm not going to [ __ ] about the controls again oh wow o this is oops I think I could have got that this is uh little tough I'd say I don't know why you missed that one there chicky pooing let it go right between your legs got to watch out with behavior like that God Bless America I want some good speed on those not freaking floppy tits wow I don't know how they're getting some of these oh I I didn't know you you didn't have to set it she did not set that o how the world's longest volley of beach volleyball is right here on Deca Sports right now off until it comes right between my legs destroyed flipping destroyed oh no we got to Rel race against LeBron seamless can we trick okay and clearly did did not take do something right with those turns or jumps can we go on our head look at this I'm the most talented biker in the land I landed on my front tire and freaking just stood there I don't know how you're supposed to go over those fast I don't like this it's a [ __ ] show let me just start going the wrong way wrong way we no couldn't couldn't manage to have a head on oh wow I would think that was not very well aimed but it gave me the best result yet this isn't a very riveting game Stefan is somehow forgotten how to shoot the bow luckily so now we're creaming him and I won that seemed marginally suspicious that he just duffed his last two shots so that I win but uh okay I'll I'll take my win oh you hold it like a snowboard well we were doing good until then hit that jump at the speed of light nice looks like me a of course we fall right before the Finish Line that's a good spot to fall how in the world did we just get third uhoh This Ain't Good curl this thing away boys uhoh [Music] brush uhoh disaster has struck disaster has struck the curling field and I have [ __ ] myself oh no I don't know how to I didn't know how to curl that thing away I was curling my we remote it said in the instructions that's how you you do it but it didn't it didn't curl well I think I just lost the game yeah I freaking plowed all my [ __ ] away so that they could get one one inch closer than mine oh we have to do that five more times yeah go suck your own dick because mine I I won't let you touch mine that's ridiculous how how can you do it that many times in a row that's every game in in Deca Sports I am mildly what's Deca challenge bad mitton Deca challenge hit the shuttle at a the uh at Targets appearing on the court score more points by hitting consecutive targets without missing so Deca challenge seems like training games oops I went too far back everybody move your body tournaments uh that makes sense Deca League take on three teams in League battle to see who's the best in all 10 sports no thank you and yeah all right well that's the entire game well I don't know what to think about this one I had high expectations higher expectations than what this game provided that's for sure

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