Gerard Butler | 2024 Action | Full New Action Movie | Action Movie in English 2024

[Music] [Music] [Music] this is going to be could [Music] hi Dad hey Daniela I'm rushing a security is everything okay yeah we're fine I'm just checking in sorry are you going to make it yeah I think M check should go quickly I meant make it here before midnight you're still in Singapore well Hawaii's 18 hours behind went just over 6 hours to Tokyo another six to honolu so I'll be there with plenty of time to spare New Year's Eve one delay hey hey won't be any delays hold on hey sorry I'm running late this morning just need to scan your a badge or get you thr quickly thank you now tell your Aunt Carrie I'm expecting some homemade haggis NS and tatties waiting for me right okay I'll see you soon hey Dad I'm really glad that we're doing this and I'm sorry that it's taking so long for us to be together don't apologize I know you have a busy life at school yeah thanks to you that's my job sweetheart I wouldn't have it any other way well almost captain T yeah sorry I'm late it's fine sir the flight officer hasn't come by yet good oh Sam J nice to meet you nice to meet you Happy New Year and to you where you from uh Hong Kong sir did my training of the civil aviation Department ah yeah I hear that's a great Academy and you sir English I'm guessing hell no I wouldn't lower myself NOP I'm Scotty although I did fly Raf in transport years ago back then all the sexy assignments went to the English bols I didn't mind though because for me the Heavies were an easy path into the airlines well it looks like they're pushing us through weather of course they are Gentlemen let's see 119 14 passengers everything cleared any questions yeah looks like we're pushing through some serious weather it's converging here over the South China Sea we're aware of it by the time you get there it should have moved Inland and what if it sits there and stews we could push out east come north over lison that adds an hour and 18K in fuel the flight's nearly empty so we need a shorten take it to 37 you'll clear that weather good flight happy New Year happy New Year do our iPads control the weather like his does there you go hello gentlemen my name is Bonnie I'll be your Chief tonight oh good to meet you meet you Bonnie um Captain you're needed in the jetway okay see you soon Captain Captain torren flight Commander how can I help you fugitive extradition to Toronto we'll be with you as far as Tokyo the remaining constraints and be under my constant supervision oh is he dangerous what did he do I'm side 15 years ago wasn't expecting that we found him in Bali under an alias he's been around I'll say that you know this is a bare flight you're going attract a lot of attention I don't want to scare the rest of the passengers I'm afraid you're stuck with us Captain all right just keep away from everyone else please copy that let's go everything is evening ladies Isabelle how are you good yeah Maria hi Maria pleasure yeah Brody torren we're ready to get out of Singapore yes sir okay let's go okay okay confirming 14 passengers 14 passengers New Year's late I'm sure everybody's seen our special guest up the bike Lou G bar 35 fet mhm what did he do I'm sure the less we know the better you know just keep your interactions with him to a minute and that's on right good y so we going to get this new year started yes sir all right get them on board let's have a good flight hi there happy New Year happy New Year y just back there happy New Year happy New Year hi I'm not going to resend it they've seen this face I they they've SE they've seen it I Gary I can't make them sign I can't make a sign hello you got be kiding how' you get an upgrade Trail Mouse I've got to sit on me out in coach happy New Year should tell you when you buy your ticket how old the plane will be no kidding oh no need to worry folks these planes are pretty much indestructible hey girls happy New Year oh we'll have a I think that's okay yeah good okay okay all right excuse me ladies it's far enough but these are our seats I'm in 34d it's fine ladies that row there is all yours okay do you want to sit by the window yeah thanks can I help you with something than you ladies and Gentlemen please make sure that your seats are in their ight position that your seat bels are fully F and any carry on items you have are fully stowed once again thank you for flying Trailblazer set to Max take off trim trim set for takeoff and flight controls light controls free and clear check list complete passengers all tucked in Captain all right let's close it up thanks bunny good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to Trail blizzard flight 119 this is your captain speak if your next stop is Tokyo then you're in the right place if you're not going to Tokyo then you're about to have a really long morning flight time this evening is 6 hours and 30 minutes luckily I know a shortcut so we might be there a little early we'll be taking off just as soon as I learn a few pages of this flight manual thank you ready for push back ready for push back make the call clear taxi Runway 02 left sure Vis 1 Bud that taxi Runway 0 left this is one you that never gets so TR Blazer 1.9 in position ready for take off trazer 119 you are cleared for takeoff maintain Runway heading CL 2 and maintain 2000 watch ey cleared for takeoff Li Runway heading climate maintain 2000 f bler one by night take off power is set as speed live 80 cross checks 90 100 110 120 V1 rotate OD break landing gear up then Gear Up left up left up9 turn right heading 16 and maintain 1,000 C departure TR 119 ladies and gentlemen this since your captain speaking we've reached our cruising altitude of 37,000 ft there anything you need please don't hesitate to ask we at drill lizer appreciate you spending a New Year's Day with us thank you could you not do that sorry beautiful family thank you just it's a Juggle but we make it work how about you cap do you have a family yeah I have a daughter there here she is andell I see the resemblance you think and where's Home Daniela goes to college in California and uh I'm based out of Singapore the distance must be quite challenging for you and your wife no oh my wife actually passed 3 years ago I'm so sorry captain no no thank you it's okay Happy New Year oh thank you can I get for name uh Jin do you need any Sonic or just the J we're cutting right through the top of the storm so much for moving Inland ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking the seat belt signs have been turned on please remain in your seats with your seat belt secure thank you Jer 119 request inclined to 40,000 to clear weather TSN control this is trer 119 requesting like clim to 40,000 ft to clear weather copy comes here are not so good t guys is clear traffic TSN control trz of 119 climbing to 40,000 to clear weather and the BL 119 clear to 40,000 call ptsn TR is at 119 level of 40,000 New Year's crew huh what was that okay going to check on the passengers you have control I have control nothing to worry about folks just some weather okay what was that sorry folks just gone through some weather yours that's mine sir oh thank you he's great with the jokes but can he fly the damn plane doing the best we can sir hey can I at least get a towel we got you on just as soon as we can what happened you okay oh good just a scratch all right let's keep everybody in their seats no exceptions all [Music] right St him in tight what's happening Captain ionics are down I have control copy that check Breakers in reset reset it TSN this is Trailblazer 119 do you cop me I'm responsive there's no power May must be fried [ __ ] is anyone on this channel please respond drill Blazer 119 Flying Blind lightning strike avionics down we are dark did anyone have our position radio's dead resetting just the baby we're not transmitting on straight battery that gives us 10 minutes to put her down before we lose power dropping an uncontrolled [Music] to stop what call it out dely one minute at a time okay okay okay okay man your nav last Mark position 427 South Southwest of Manila heading 030 speed heading we should be about here storm heading Northeast we won't make vanilla mayday mayday mayday CH lizer 119 descending from 40,000 ft no radar no navigation no altimeter no ADI please respond oh my God got keep onic to fried bnie this about to get very rough okay okay okay is not not ladies and gentlemen we've had ladies and gentlemen we've had an electrical malfunction and I need everyone to have their seat belts securely fastened we're going to be forced to fly to some severe weather an electrical malfunction so I need everyone see Bel to be fully fast gotam time 8 minutes we're going don't lose the move keep your eyes on the gyro call it out get ready to take the controls if anything happens that tail now it's a party [ __ ] we got to punch through this stor let's see where we come out my phone it's not going through neither is mine come on baby hold tight hold tight could you take off the Cuffs in case we not a chance go ahead go ahead I got you I got you the goddamn T is falling apart [ __ ] s you must take your seat sit down stay here stay here Isabella just stay just stay sit down sit down sit down going to help did you help them Time 5 minutes and 40 seconds come on break through there you go Time 4 minutes and 30 seconds can you see land anywhere please sir sit down everyone stay in their seats please Captain what do I tell the passengers never thought I would never have to say this prepare to ditch okay attention everyone I need you to brace for impact this plane is equipped with flotation devices and once we are down I will give you further instruction Maria do you hear me yes copy that brace for impact those wake CS don't look too welcoming time 3 minutes [Music] all right Deli let's get this her best shot on my command we're going to turn into the wind and we're going to come in parallel to the swells soon as we touch down a slow in level okay you see that over there it's [ __ ] land feet dry any clue where we are we should be Subway around here too low Terrain too low ter rain that still working Captain 90 seconds she'll give us [Music] War what's going on we can't be landing here 20 seconds we might be better off over the water out of time there that's a road time 10 seconds past zero are you that's a [ __ ] road flaps full flaps full fuel jettison Vis confirming fuel dump my side nothing here right side failure trying again negative [ __ ] I stick a dynamite manually extend gear hurry let him get steady and locked too low ho shut up speed brakes extended reverse full thrust reverse full thrust help me with the brakes stey okay everything off how did you one minute at a time right Billy we still got fuel in the hot plane let's get everyone El now's go Ellie get everybody in the front this damn be okay please everybody listen up I need everybody off the plane now which way are we going everybody quiet go to to the front go to the front I need you all off this plane now we have two two okay let's go okay come on move move let's calmly exit the planes everybody stay C let me through hurry Bonnie in a single line come on through come on please move to the side please move to the [Music] side okay sit down hold your arms like this arms clossed sit down [Music] flight 119 what do we know Sydney well sir we lost it somewhere west of the Philippines lost the plane requested a higher altitude at 5:16 a.m. local 19 minutes 23 seconds later all communication stopped Manila ATC had them on radar until 5:43 a.m. local when the plane did below 20,000 feed and lost all contact get me David Scarsdale right now um we have some cuts and bruises but um I think everyone's just pretty rattles anyone of s Service no no one what do we do about a prisoner I don't know that's a new one for me um I saw him eyeing the officer's keys so I took them is he dangerous he's being extradited on a murder charge the officer the officer said yeah he might be dangerous look we just keep an eye on him and keep them separate from the other passengers okay let's just try our best okay all right here I think you should hold on to these let's go what's going on everybody everybody listen listen up uh I want to thank you all for your cooperation I'm sorry for we just had to go through now I know you all have questions yeah so here's the situation we got hit by lightning and our main power and comms are down wait a second okay so as of now there's no way of calling for help no one you're kidding no one what I need everybody to do right now listen up how just remain calm right once the plane cools down we're going to get back on there we're going to get our things get some water we're going to figure out what we're going to do do you know where we are yeah we think that we're near devow in the southern Philippines you think we think very rest assured me and the crew are going to do everything we can to make sure that we get you out of here safely all right okay thank you Terry there everyone this is David Scarsdale he specializes in corporate strategy and crisis management happy New Year let's hope so is this the last point of contact yes it is it's a hell of a storm what idiot sent them flying through that it's Airline protocol flight was live it was the most efficient route I thought they could Fly Above It you thought what are you a [ __ ] meteorologist too how much fuel did you save about 12,000 well congratulations that's barely tip money on this deal the clock is ticking every minute matters if that plane ditched it C or crash landed we can count those minutes in lives lost or saved got it okay so what can I do call the military US assets what are your best options well in that part of the world there's only one option right now what's that you're going to want the the lawyers out of here it's fine tell me private assets I'm already into it mercenaries Terry the Philippines are not the Amalfi Coast now I need a group working on press releases for every possible scenario a ghosting like Malaysia 370 a crash landing with no survivors a hijacking with demands if you have plans for New Year's Eve I just canceled them yeah right to the end tight as we can why can't we just stay inside the plane it's safe and dry that's a good question Mr uh Sinclair Matt Sinclair well without air conditioning that plane is going to cook in the Sun so we're better off out here with a shelter and a breeze but hey while you're there I'm want to step in and help secure that L and clear okay if you're in your bags you find anything like uh bug sprad sunscreen food please share all right Mr gasbar well looks like we got ourselves in a bit of a mess [Laughter] here and so I'm not quite sure what was supposed to do with you to be honest I'm a bit surprised you're still here you think I'm [ __ ] stupid enough to try to escape in a jungle I don't know and handcuffs unless you're offering I don't think I can do that then we have nothing to talk about [ __ ] this is what happens when a 40 amp fuse gets hit with enough juice to light a city check it out what about the radio oh no it's right melted and a transponder it's hard to tell without the power if we could reroute from the isolation bus to the essential bus could draw down more arms from the battery in theory Captain plan's fully unloaded except for the bodies and their personals I'll handle it okay okay hey Bonnie yeah sorry about Isabella [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing there you know what they say no video it didn't happen here we all are alone in the jungle no idea of how we're going to get out survivors the worst [ __ ] plane ride in the history of bad plane rides there's our lovely plane that decided to fall out the sky Trailblazer never flying this again there's our snacks that are going to last us about an hour 060 and carry that course for 13 minutes so assuming the transponder went down with the lightning strike let's do the math that's 17 minutes 300 mph so multiplying that out that's [ __ ] that's over 1,000 square miles search radius it'll take a miracle to find us here Captain this island here YOLO it's very very bad it's run by separatists and criminals there's no government or police if this is where we landed we're not safe all right we tell Bonnie but let's keep us to ourselves for now and then there's this guy Mr mysterious yes very friendly keep me out of your [ __ ] videos hey did you hit your head are you okay Maria can you please get the medic bag yeah I'm need you to do an on camera hit for the Press Terry we'll have a statement prepared but you'll need to take questions too shouldn't we wait till we know a little bit more if we wait until we know more it looks like you're hiding something just show your concern be humble you know the drill got it here you go you Mr [ __ ] weatherman time to redeem yourself I need everything on that aircraft flight times maintenance logs names of the tax you last service the plane everything yes sir you got it sure about this captain no but we're running pretty low on options heck not tying them up if he runs at least he's away from the others right all right let's go and break it to the others all right everybody listen up so here's our situation Mr Deli and I from our calculations we believe that we have landed on an island somewhere in the Sulu cluster we don't know which island the problem is the area between where the transponder was struck by lightning to here is so vast that search and rescue could take some time Jesus how long it's going to take so we're also going to have to ration food and water what's your next move smoke signals can you just keep it to yourself him the break at least he landed the plane we didn't crash yeah we were in the middle of nowhere though we stranding yeah come on man we did in Crash man listen last night we flew over some kind of facility I'm hoping they have a phone or a radio if I can get there make contact we could be rescued in hours until then I need everybody to be careful because we don't know what's going on in that jungle I'll go with you I will come too I appreciate it but Mr gasbar has kindly volunteered to come what you're taking a guy in handcuffs makes sense come on t t fore speech speech speech speee speech foreign foreign speech well we're doing everything we possibly can to find flight 119 sparing no expense deter that the plan is uh no that's not the Assumption we have very little however we are coordinating with all the search and rescue efforts in the region as soon as we have some updates some hopefully some positive news we'll get right back to you pe through your officer's bag for supplies came across your pocket knife former military or something group that Commandos parachute easts French Foreign Legion paying benefits suck but you don't ask any questions if you can hack it questions nothing's black and white Captain I was just a wrong place at the wrong time no one cares what really happened I was 18 and [ __ ] so rather than uh rot in prison har ran going to Legion and the story how'd you get caught get it doesn't matter let me ask you something bring my knife sorry no I left it in the bag how about the dead officer's gone we should be getting close about now Roy Torrance Scottish UK citizen Royal Air Force and flew commercial for 20 years New York to London Paris Tokyo hot [ __ ] Roots since then he's been flying Egypt meridiana Frontier and Trail rail Blazer fling [ __ ] third TI your roots why would happen check the video file Hey where's my drink I you like 10 minutes ago what are you get out of here hey hey hey what the hell's going girl can this get any worse [Applause] I like this guy holy [ __ ] for John shellb back it's David Scarsdale what's your status prepping a load now should be in the air 0900 please guarding tell me we're going back to maau fin the flight plan for Manila and we'll see how things shake up are you telling me you have no idea what this plane actually is it's not in MA cow I can tell you that that's going to be extra scardy that's going to be extra happy [ __ ] New Year ow they're on their way they'll reach the earring in about 3 hours then parachute in once we get the plan's location so how much in the emergency fund half million great that might be enough to get one of us out of Indonesian prison are we good boys good now there you go boss welcome to trines this is Carmen listen carefully this is an emergency I'm captain bro torren Trailblazer 119 we've gone down on an island in the Sulu sea I'm sorry I don't understand my name is Captain bro Torrance and I'm the captain of Trailblazer 119 and we've gone down we made a crash landing on crank calls all day about this hello I hear you I'm here I need you to patch me through to emergency Ops immediately listen we've been getting calls all about just shut up and listen we' beens all day about this disapp now can you tell me your employee badge number I don't actually have my badge on me Carmen sir I need you to believe me on this com can you hear what I'm saying our flight has gone down I'm the captain of hello not bad my [ __ ] head I ha that now don't let me down hello than thank God hey can you hear me now listen is that you yes wee are it's me you okay I'm okay I'm okay now don't talk just listen cuz we might cut out okay quick grab something to WR with Danny not now a Carrie you say you're dad yes where are you bro okay I got it we've gone down all right I want you to write what I say and get it to Trailblazer immediately okay all right we're on an island somewhere in the Jolo cluster in the yeah now we have no radio and I don't know what island we're on [Applause] [Music] fore [Music] for de life yes [Music] as the [Music] always at the [Music] be for [Music] [ __ ] you can come out Captain I'm not going to hurt you drink it all hurry we got to move are you okay would you rather that be you that's it then you bear it all deal the [ __ ] later reach anyone yes going can't depend on it I got cut off loaded step to safety and shoot son lucky for you I snuck up on these guys I got a feeling we're going to see a lot more hey hey come here hey I got passports here Filipino UK hey T here buram missionaries with a Good Samaritan Fellowship oh [ __ ] $200,000 needs to be prepared and cashed by tomorrow they say instructions to follow for GU by tomorrow they're going to kill us I got to get some passengers come on [Music] [Music] did you hear that yeah someone's coming yes he hey get back get back get back get back we don't know who it is we don't know who it is get back get back in stop you there it's out the truck what what the [ __ ] is the matter with you [ __ ] where is Captain I'm in charge bless passenger list [ __ ] I'm get going wa wait wait wait wait passenger L Captain bro Torance Captain torren isn't here where is he where is he you w looking for help help where I don't know a phone a radio so no no one know you here [Applause] [Music] last Point get no go move computers alas iPad [Music] [ __ ] the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] were you going to do it's a [ __ ] Army we can still find out where they are they're going to know where they are they're going to know [ __ ] heyu don't [ __ ] move you speak English yes yes little little empty your pockets come on okay hands over your [Applause] head that Juma he in charge t means Chief where's he taken him Hey where's he taking them I'll tell you that will kill me kill my family me or that two village where is he keeping them in dandalin come on come on Warehouse on the river then boat takes Bo takes some where I don't know where [ __ ] tell where come on I don't know whatever that do say we do I got to go after them do what we should wait you said you make contact I don't know how much got through and I'm no waiting here to find out they're my passengers they're my responsibility you don't have to come I'm not expecting you to and I'm a captain AT Trailblazer 119 and we've gone down we made a crash landing on we've been getting cranked about this I hear you I'm here I need you to patch me through to emergency Ops immediately listen we've been getting calls all day about shut up and after that call was cut off torren phoned his daughter Daniela and Maui she confirmed the details of the recording and she said he told her they went down somewhere in the Jolo Island cluster I need Keyhole satellite access to this area to find that plane our assets are going airborne we'll Circle the Jolo cluster until we get them in drop location but I need you to call in some favor to make it happen got it good job d sh down little Villages one Road in one road out is this any use to me you speak to garlic yeah she's plugging in now wait I got I think we got it we got it found it Dave found the plane Jolo Island torren was right Stand By and there it is can't believe it's intact sending the coordinates to where assets now they'll drop on site ASAP well it's really no need they'll contact the philppine government surely they'll send the local authorities with the search and rescue it won't be that easy Terry why because there is no Authority on Jolo Island it's run by separatists and militias the Filipino Army won't even go there anymore they got their asses kicked so many times look the guys will parachute in but they're going to need some help getting everyone out bil just two colom in that direction no you can't just ask for them back yeah well you're the military man I was hoping you'd have some ideas thank you for helping priest in the legion used to say redemption can only be found in the most unusual places well it's certainly qualified hey hey hey stop stop what are you do hey stop oh name country name country Maxwell caral England name country spr Taylor American name country name country mat Clair American name country K Sweden name country h sh back you dead jundy Roger that set security go police up the shoots get them out the open TR Blazer CP this is shellback 6 how copy we got you on Comm shellbach getting your visual up now let's check the plane check on you yeah Terry here what do you mean no we got two bodies in the RAR Galley give us a look sh looks like they might be crew members did you properly convey the urgency of the situation zip them up we got him that's unacceptable that is unacceptable you tell him I said that philipinos won't send a rescue team without a battalion of troops in support they're saying 24 hours true to form any sign of the passengers or the rest of the crew that's a negative boss at least from what I see right now TR Blazer CP you're seeing this right looks like we may have a hostage situation on our hands see the boats they filling them up taking them off the island once they gone that's it [Music] got to do this quietly now God until we absolutely have to that's it that's your plan you got a better one [Music] oh [ __ ] that's him that's that's the bus you got to be in the house this way for go sh hey everybody okay yes all right okay we're going to get everybody freed up and ready to move hurry hurry hurry hey hey going to have a look around now we're going to load back up on that bus where are we going by to the plane made contact with Trailblazer I'm not sure what got through but they know we're alive so they find that plane and they find us all right everybody ready to move all right quiet Bast okay quick quick quick hurry hurry hurry Hur hry go go go [Music] go you can drive this thing yeah I can drive anything okay ke thought 's a big one stop there's a bunch of arm [ __ ] on the road we're going to get mow down if we try to drive past him I can engage him but it's just going to draw more of him oh yeah I can handle these guys how you going to do that going to distract them going to get so F that's your plan well you have a better one look we don't have any other choice you're never going to see your goddamn family again what about their families look you know I have to try right I mean I'm the captain these assos are never going to kill me worth too much to them [Music] hello anyone speak to Captain of the pilot your pilot Captain Torrance I let to speak to johnar that to johnar other Pilots say you leave passengers to call for help how they go by you I came to talk to you about that I contacted Manila they send uh search and rescue Force lots of solders so I'll be I'll be having my passengers back thank you you think you come here speak to me tell me do what you say you think backwards you want H now P Torance no rescue coming look we had problems in the air I had to L the plane my people just want to go home you can understand they're my people now you're mine not matter why everything in Hol belong to me until I don't want no one care when small man die but make example of big man I kill him how they care how they be [ __ ] you buto for me we friendlies Captain stay where you are stay where you are you hurt Captain T are you hurt no I'm okay we got the package intact Easter Road main house how copy CH back out wait wait wait the others hey we got him let's move MO move mooving got you move everybody okay everybody get down roll out roll out [Music] now it's done [Music] [Music] took a hell of a beating Captain how you feeling okay okay thanks who are you guys the trail blazes Ford advanced crew on this John Isaac Mo Willis and lake so hold on you're the advanced crew there's the rescue team k 24 hours is the best trailblaze it could do so unfortunately we just became the rescue team 24 hours we nobody left by that understanding that's why we need to work up a contingency now we did bring an emergency fund but not enough to buy our way off this island so what do you suggest we do captain I got a plan no that's not the Assumption we have very little information at present however we are coordinating with all the search and rescue efforts in the region hopefully Dad I don't know if you'll get this but I love you so much you are the most amazing father and I'm sorry if I don't say it enough I don't know what's happening or if you're hurt I'm so scared so just please come home TR Blazer CP this is shell back six let's wait a sec copy 6 what's your status hostage is secure but we've got another plan you're not going to like it come on everybody hurry hurry I gather them here everyone around come on now there is no full Rescue Team team coming anytime soon not for the next 24 hours all right we can't wait they're going to come at us with everything they've got and we're not going to survive now Deli and I managed to get the power back up on the plane we only have one chance and that is me flying is out of here in this thing listen listen Len if I didn't believe it could be done I would not put you guys back on that plane I have a daughter and I have every intention of hugging her again and making it home and I'm telling you that the way home is on this plane I've got you this far I just need you to trust me this one more bit okay all right pre-flight checks okay everybody follow Mr bil come on sh b along and back guard to many stops can't be certain the damage already done won't affect white characteristics or that the engines won't fail shellbach said it can be done he's the man on the ground short of proper inspection he's not qualified to make that determin they're being hunted Terry and you're talking about inspections after all they've been through Imagine The Fallout if I allow towen to fly that plane and incinerate everybody in Imagine The Fallout if you don't make sure they get on okay come on come on let's go let's go we have [ __ ] we're about to have a lot of bad guys up our asses I'm going to need you to pick up the pace Cap all right we've got two convoys here and here and it looks like a third is not far behind all right I'm got to fix this break for you got to buy me some time got it let's go let's go [Music] I got it Captain help move I can't get him move move Mo time to go Captain time to go now them up reloading moving get up go back go back I need CS it's already on a team Channel once I start the engines you have 2 minutes I'll leave the stairs down watch that you know I can't get on that plane with you right yeah okay good luck you two M time [Music] [Music] find a way to strap them in bunnie everybody stay down okay just hang with me just a little bit longer cabin doors won't seal without a reset keep them open all of them okay so they're balanced heav still shot nothing on screens checking Hydraulics they look good okay Apu working Apu working engaged engaged okay all right dely start them up starting engines you okay yeah I'm okay get down [ __ ] I'm out of ammo check up P it leg reloading [Music] reloading RPG I need you with me Deli keep your focus in here okay engine's alive let's turn this baby around the hit our fuel tanks were toast this is Captain torren is anyone there is anyone near godamn it I'm about to take off Captain you listen to me that plane stays right where she is am I captain torren my name is David Scarsdale tell me what you need I need directional assistance we have no radar no nav we are fully manual I figure we've got about 300 Mi tops find me a place to land sh back I need you and your men on the plane now I got to go as soon as we make this turn get to the [Music] plane cover me let's go [Music] do we have enough Road it's going to have to be that's move move Jasper move that's come on let's go my RNG clear my wing is clear can't wait any longer Shel what your St we take us up [Music] Captain [ __ ] get down [Music] what the [ __ ] [Applause] full throtle [Music] on oh cap your shoulder I'm okay we're losing power right engine should to get down no we need know the thust we can get we're going to hit we're going to hit safe left engine come on lost right engine shut it down now sh it down too how bad right Wings Turing edges damage okay just keep an eye on it this is Trailblazer 119 we're airborn Trailblazer 119 reading your air speed at 135 knots ordering stall rate this is as fast as you'll go and reading your altitude at 400 ft you need to take her up to 3,000 or she's not staying up negative on speed and altitude 119 you need to take her up now we have no [ __ ] doors we're depressurized we're low oned fuel and we just lost an engine now don't tell me what I already know find me a place to land pulling up lists of available airfields now let's get it up on the screen best option seasi Island 50 Mi due south adjust your heading to 15° there's a small airport there can you make it we're going to find out jungle cleared keep wet have a visual on Cassi come on come on p a little bit more L right safe control losing altitude have a visual on Cassi Runway prepare for landing gra for impact for impact for reverse on one speed breaks help me on the Brae stey congratulations everyone you okay I've had better days 1 minute at a time right one minute at a time [Music] [Applause] you're a hell of a pilot Captain I should accomplish that absolutely all right let's keep moving everybody [Music] on you okay are you okay no yeah no it looks worse than it is I think it was just a Ricochet or something hopefully this is a better layover than the last one all right guys it's been an honor good job Dy just give me a moment hey are you going to go to the hospital thank you so much thank you oh down think [Music] that is me I'm coming home yeah yeah you all right I'm going to be a little bit late [Music] [Applause] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music]

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