EXPOSED! Fani Willis Shows Up to Her Daughter’s Arrest With Nathan Wade | Tomi Lahren is Fearless

Start of Show Fanny or fonnie Willis who is definitely not still with Nathan Wade was seen with Nathan Wade on the side of a road Amazon Alexa is Shilling for Shilling for kamla and a US Navy warship Commander was relieved of his duty after a viral image showed him using a rifle with a scope mounted backwards it's time for my Losers of the week [Music] Losers of the Week! okay so it's been a while since uh fonnie Willis and her lover Nathan Wade have been in the headlines if you recall Nathan Wade was appointed to lead the case against Trump by Fulton County DA fonny Willis but after it was revealed the two of them had a romantic relationship and the conflict of interest was too obvious to overlook Wade was shoved off the case a sacrificial lamb to save fonnie and they say shival is dead well according to official testimony by both fonnie Wade and Wade their romantic entanglement ended years ago H so why then was he on the side of the road with her after her daughter was pulled over and arrested for driving on a suspended license I can tell you I've never found myself on the side of the road with an ex I'm not actively seeing who knows maybe the spotlight of a national Scandal caused them to rekindle or maybe they've always been kindled and just lied under oath fonnie has some explaining to do and so so too does my next loser this week Amazon's Alexa in this now viral video an Alexa user is heard asking the device for advice on who to vote for check out the glaring disparity Alexa why should I vote for Trump I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or its leader Alexa why should I vote for Camala Harris well there are many reasons to vote for kamla Harris the most significant may be that she is a female of color with a comprehensive plan to address Injustice and inequality throughout the country Alexa wants you to vote for kamla because she's a black woman interesting that that is the best justification that device could generate but that aside add Amazon Alexa to the list of big Tech entities against Trump after Fox News digital reached out to the company they said this disparity was an error that they quickly corrected oh comforting notice these errors ever only go one way ever heard of a liberal or a Democrat getting the shaft from one of these errors because I haven't you know this crap is so baked into everything it takes a user catching it and then posting it and then it going viral for any correction to take place word to the wise taking your electoral guidance from Amazon Alexa is as helpful as getting it from The View but speaking of things that maybe aren't useful my third loser this week is the now former commander of the US Navy destroyer the USS John McCain Commander Cameron gas has been relieved of his duties after that photo of him firing a rifle rle with his scope mounted backwards went viral even worse the image was posted on the Navy's Instagram account did no one notice this in a statement the US Navy said Commander yce was let go due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided missile destroyer H you think what the heck is going on with the US military you know by and large our us Warriors are skilled Elite and knowledgeable but damn this is a rough one perhaps the Navy should focus Less on drag queen Recruitment and more on proper use of weapons and tools just a thought but those are my Losers of the week join me now to cover it all and so Fani Willis Caught with Lover much more is host of the bo show Bo Davidson Bo I want to pick up um maybe let's go back a little bit let's start all the way at the beginning of my losers I want to get your thoughts on Fanny fonnie whatever her name is what are your thoughts on her being seen on the side of the road with Nathan Wade you know the two broke up long ago so they said so they say but I think you're 100% right you just don't wind up on the side of the road with your ex unless you are kindling as you said there's no rekindling the kindling seems always to have been there so I completely agree with you Tommy I think anytime that someone is is caught like this as many people are we find out what's really going on we really get to the heart of the truth so you're 100% right to call her out as a loser of the week a loser of perhaps even the year if we're being honest yeah I just think it's so Brazen and really the whole thing was Brazen them going on the extravagant vacations together then of course the wild testimony where she talked about her love of I think Grey Goose and hiding money you know under the mattress or something to that effect and then now you're going to be seen on the side of the road I mean you know there's going to be video footage of it so it just seems like they don't really care kind of given the middle finger to everybody that claimed conflict of interest and they intimately denied that and then there they are on the side of the road how many times do we have to see conflict of interest over and over again but you can't really script a movie like this with a with a better name than fanny can you not every time I hear her name I laugh and I don't know if it's Fanny fonnie it doesn't really matter the point of it is is that this is the makings of a Hollywood movie that the left just doesn't seem to want to make so I'm I'm on the laughable side of this with you I just think it's it's unfortunately too true but also comedic at the same time I think she might be auditioning for the Real Housewives of Atlanta to be honest with you and I think that that would be a perfect place for her I would watch I certainly would um I want to go now and just jump since we're kind of talking about reality and relationships you know a lot going on in the world a lot of important things going on of course in the world but for Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Alleged PR Disaster those that aren't paying attention to politics they really are concerned with one thing and maybe one thing only and that's Taylor Swift so yesterday I believe it was we had this kind of PR expose that was put out Travis Travis Kel's team calling it fake basically a document acknowledging the breakup of Taylor and Travis that's supposed to happen at the end of September kind of a coordinated date now Travis's Camp said this is completely false that this was made up someone put this out there but I'm wondering your thoughts do you think that there's any way that this could possibly be a premonition of what's to come I think it's possible and first of all this is a love story baby just say oh no could this be the end of Travis and Tay Tay and you know honestly Tommy I'm a football fan and just when I thought that I had purged the the tailor thing from my system here we go again so here's my thoughts this may be crazy but I think one either it's an elaborate prank and a hell of a good one uh two it is smart Planning by Travis's PR agency I don't think it's it's bad at all to plan ahead for what may be imminent as has been the case from some of her past relationships or potentially could it be the NFL baiting swifties to come and watch the game tonight so everybody knows that the Chiefs in the Ravens are playing to kick off the NFL tonight and I'm just wondering you know maybe that will be really the truth tell is whether she's there tonight also we've heard she's been drawing up plays for the Chiefs and so I'm I'm just waiting for and it won't bother me that much if I see him under Center auding and saying Shake It Off shake it off then we'll know how much influence she's actually had on the Chiefs but I think it's one of those three things listen I think that she made that comment or someone made that comment about her drawing up plays I think it was supposed to be in just I think it was meant to cause a reaction from football fans who are already annoyed with her being there and if so great troll great troll by her to be like hey now I'm going to be drawing up the plays for the Chiefs I think that's funny if that indeed is what it was but if it's not and it's serious I mean how narcissistic do you have to be to be a singer and an Entertainer who probably doesn't know a thing about football and then all of a sudden decide that you're going to draw plays I mean I think this girl thinks she can do it all some people think that she can do it all I am a Taylor Swift fan because I like her music but we've been so saturated with Taylor Swift it's almost rubbing me the wrong way now is somebody who actually doesn't care about football and cared about Taylor and now I'm annoyed well I think the last time you and I talked we were on the opposite side of this issue but it's nice to see that you're kind of coming around I guess to maybe a more male perspective on this I'm annoyed with it too but in honesty I mean Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes they have a great thing going they've got a great offense obviously and and for the non sports fans out there you will do anything it takes to get an edge on your opponent if I hear that as an audible tonight or a play call just because they worked it in I'm not saying Taylor's drawing up the play but if they use any titles of her song that actually would be kind of funny I wouldn't mind it but you're right it would it would hint of extreme narcissism if she thinks that she can do that I think the real Telltale signo Tommy again will be tonight is she going to be there and is this PR thing that's happening was that the NFL trying to bait Swift say oh my God we've got to watch the game tonight that's not a bad troll either if you're the NFL trying to bring more female fans into the fold yeah I mean I'm one of those people that would watch to see if she was there or not but then I would if I saw her there then I would probably shut it off because I wouldn't care about the rest of it but this is undoubtedly the most interesting team in all of sports right now not just because of their winning record but you've got Harrison bucker okay you've got Travis and Taylor and then you've got Britney Mahomes who was just thanked by Donald Trump yesterday in a truth social post for her support or at least we think support of Donald Trump through liking that Instagram post so any way you splice this who would have thought that Kansas City would be the most interesting place and interesting team in the entirety of sports right now but they've done it yeah it's interesting I mean I actually watched the documentary that pton Manning produced about quarterbacks with with Britney and with Patrick and it's interesting that you've got Britney Mahomes supporting Donald Trump you've got Harrison bucker who seems to be certainly very conservative and I stand by what Harrison said I don't think there was anything wrong with it and you've got Taylor Swift who has been very active on the left I'm waiting to see if she's going to come out with her ringing endorsement of KLA Harris I that probably that's imminent but then you have groups like swifties for Trump so you know just because she claims to be for a particular candidate doesn't necessarily mean that all of her fans are going to vote that way so I do think you're 100% right Kansas City is the most interesting team in professional sports right now and it does have implications ironically on the November election and I'd like to see some diversity of thought you know you usually you've got the group think and on that team with the various people involved and their significant others you've got a variety of thought and I like that I I wouldn't want an all conservative or an all liberal you know group think or for the more conservative-minded folks to feel like they had to sit down and shut up so this is really the only team where you can really be whatever you want to be and I love that even if I really don't care that much about football but many other things to discuss in the realm of Pop Culture you mentioned that we're waiting for a tlor Swift endorsement possibly of kamla I don't know if we're going to get that or not I think she would be smart to say nothing and uh just continue doing what she's doing maybe drawing up plays who knows but you know there is Walz Family For Trump? also another interesting endorsement that I want to get your take on and that seems to be how her running mate Tim Walls his family not liking him so much in fact we've got a now viral photo of uh the Walls family and now they say that these might be distant relatives we know uh his brother is a strange brother is for Donald Trump but what do you make of this photo and do you think that it says something for for Tim Walls himself I do think it says something um let's start with the picture first the Associated Press when I read the title uh to this picture said here's the deal with the photo about the walls is they're distant relatives exactly as you said they're trying to distance themselves from the idea that his family might be against him especially politically maybe not personally but certainly politically and I think that's telling remember that when Mary Trump wrote her book they were all over it you're on The View you any any Trump relative that is against him they will publicize they will promote but they want this story to go away but honestly Tommy I think that the brother statement Jeff uh saying I believe it was on Facebook he's not the Tim is not the kind of guy you want to make decisions that's telling because that's a character analysis that's a character assessment and if his own brother is saying that what does that really say about who Tim Walls is I'm not even really sure who Tim Walls is had so many lies so many Fabrications so many Corrections I'm sorry a grammatical mistake that's completely different from an outright lie and I think he did commin no favors by being her chapon on the interview with Dana Bash so I think that this is a situation where media should be reporting on it and talking to those family members I don't care if they're distant or not and asking them what is it about Tim you don't like and I guarantee you you'll get a good policy conversation which the media wants nothing to do with yeah well kind of in the same line of what we were talking about they're going out of their way to Brand him as coach walls and make him seem like he is the picture of masculinity and Midwestern small town values it's really not doing it for me I I don't buy the camel hat I don't buy that that Tim Walls is the picture of what it means to be a Midwest dad as somebody who has a Midwest dad but do you think that people out there you know there's a big gender gap between Trump and kamla Men breaking decidedly for Trump women more on the commala side do you think that Tim Walls is the guy or coach walls is the guy to bring the men home to vote for kamla I don't because I think men are already skeptical myself being one of them of kamla chameleon because we don't know what she stands for we don't know what her values are she's flip-flopped on so many issues Tim Walls I think was supposed to be the anchor he was supposed to be the adult in the room and he's proving time and time again the more we find out about him the less I like and I think men are going to see through that phoniness which is exactly what you're talking about I don't care if you're coach walls camo hat wearing walls it doesn't matter this is where honestly a JD Vance shows how Superior of a VP pick that he is in my opinion I think the walls thing is is a is a bad move for them I think the more that comes out about him the less men will like it just reeks a phoniness he just seems a little odd to me I don't like the jumping around doing the kicks and the claps and the it's just well you know he spent a lot of time in China so the Bowing make sense honeymooned in China um weird place to Honeymoon but Hey listen to each their own he is an oddball speaking Is James Bond Gay?! of masculinity pop culture just cannot help themselves right so James Bond obviously a a big figure in terms of masculinity even if his just pop culture masculinity James Bond is an enduring character many generations of Americans and men look at James Bond as maybe a figure of masculinity but they're going out of their way to just hope that possibly James Bond could be maybe at one point a homosexual let's take a listen to this clip do you think do you think there could be a um a gay James Bond I mean guys let's be adult in the room for a second there is no way around the fact that nobody would ever know James Bond desires period the important thing is that he does his missions properly okay I don't actually hate that answer the important thing is that he does his missions properly but he is a fictional character so I think that if they do make a James Bond movie where the character is gay I think it's going to be like all the other woke movies that fail but why do they have to press this issue so often can they just leave anything alone they can't because even you look at this cinematic fixture this this iconic series James bond007 as you mentioned it does represent a version of masculinity that the left is deathly afraid of and wants to tear down it's part of the patriarchy so if there's any institution left that we have anymore this is one they want to tear down so but I don't think this is what Ian Fleming had in mind when he wrote these books and if you look at the reaction of Daniel Craig in the clip that you just played he rolled his eyes Daniel Craig is playing a homosexual character right now in a movie and I don't think he's signing up for dual gay movies at this particular point one thing I really loved about the portrayal that Daniel Craig does of James Bond is the masculinity he's debonaire he's dashing yes he's a bit of a cad there's no question about it but maybe that's exactly what they're after is wanting to tear down that notion of toxic masculinity because they can't help themselves they can't leave it alone so I really loved uh Craig's portrayal because it showed that he could be strong but also you know sincere and even Gentile at sometimes but I think you hit the nail on the head if they decide to locy this institution get ready for an amazing tremendous flop I don't think the fans are going to go for it every time they try to do this no matter what the series is you know they even I don't recall the series because obviously I didn't watch it but there was an interview with the cast and they said this is going to be like the gayest ever and oh it's gonna we're going to go out of our way to make it gay and and really offend people that are homophobes and all this stuff and then and it tanked and I don't even know what it's called because it tanked so badly that it didn't even hit my radar but this is what they try to do and listen if something's gay or someone's gay whatever like it's fine but it's just this overt attempt to put it in everybody's face and it reads as as also just disingenuine to me but that's neither maybe neither here nor there I also thought it was really interesting that we do have a Daniel Craig playing a gay character because I thought when you are not something and you play it that you are culturally appropriating it and I thought there would be more of an outcry for that but maybe not maybe they just like like seeing him portray a gay character I don't know I mean people liked Brokeback Mountain so I'll just leave that where it is I want to shift School Ban Cell Phones & More now to another phenomenon as school starts up you know some some high school um folks are dealing with some different bands that are coming down and I want to get your thought uh and what you think about some of these first up is the cell phones now this I'm completely behind I don't know why kids would ever have cell phones in class I don't know at what point it became acceptable to have a cell phone in class it's not been that long since I have been in high school and I for sure had a cell phone but I went out of my way to hide it um I would hide it in my shoe I would hide it in my backpack I would pretend it was a calculator I had to get creative with it now they can just use their phones what do you think of the ban and do you think it'll be helpful I'm completely ins supportive but you know my mom Tommy was a public school teacher for about 38 years I can imagine her trying to commandeer a classroom full of distracted cell phone teenagers that just wouldn't fly so I'm in support of it and I'll say this from personal experience I mean like you when you use a cell phone I'm a one track mind kind of guy I can't focus on anything else if I'm in a text message if I'm on a phone call there's no way so if you're thinking about trying to listen to your teacher learn a lesson do a paper even think properly it's going to create a tremendous distraction and as we know cell phones themselves the all the apps you have in there take dating apps take any other game you want to put on there it's a tremendous distraction so I'm with you especially having a a public school teacher um mom that this is a tremendous distraction I support a ban on it I I don't think they should be in the classroom at all I'm all for those Yonder pouches Hey listen you can have it in your other time you know when you're walking around whatever when you're not in class but just put it in the pouch and then you can actually focus it it might actually do something to make these um literacy rates improve because we know that they're in the toilet right now thanks to remote learning and the like for covid which really was low risk to that age group anyway but there's some other bands that I want get your thoughts on now these are not maybe widespread but there is an Alabama high school that's got an interesting Li list of bands open toad slides the sandals uh hooded sweatshirts Crocs what do you think do you think that there's justification for Banning these items maybe they're just fashion violations but this High School is saying that they're a problem well number one I would never wear slides or Crocs but that's just me but you know when I I went to prep school Tommy in Memphis and we had to wear like collar shirts um khaki pants but I will say this when when you do have a dress code it does establish a sense of professionalism I think it prep prepares you for the professional world so I'm all for a dress code however the artistic side of me says I believe in artistic expression I had no sense of style when I was in elementary school and high school zero and then I went to Chicago went to Northwestern I learned about Kenneth Cole and different like you know friends of mine had to take me to dress basically and I would wear the all black thing I I think that's perfectly fine I was an actor I was like that was kind of a hip look you know what I mean so I don't know why why you ban all black they're saying it's because what because it's a depressive look I I believe you should be able to maintain your stylistic expression while also you know if you want to look weird look weird I I think weird is good actually I think Jordan Peterson would agree that that young men and women have to be able to express themselves appropriately but the Crocs in the slides I would just never do I mean slides are obviously a very popular thing you know when I was in college athletes would always wear socks and slides I think that's still a hip look now now uh Crocs they they sure went through an evolution I'll tell you Bo Crocs went from being what old woman wore and hair stylist in the Midwest and then they were completely out and all the Crocs stores were closing and people like no no no we're not doing Crocs anymore and then they made a Resurgence with young people who now buy the little jewels and put them all over their Crocs which I think is really doesn't look good but listen fashion evolves what is old is new again uh you brought up the all black clothing that's actually at an El Paso middle school that banned the all black clothing because it promotes I guess depression oppression I'm not sure as somebody who primarily wears black I agree with you I think there's nothing wrong with wearing all black clothing I don't think it's going to impact anybody's mood one way or another but there is one interesting thing too that I read about some schools removing the mirrors from the bathroom okay someone removed my mirror from the bathroom there would be hell to pay B if they removed that mirror now again again this is for self-image reasons and this that and the other I mean I don't think you can coddle these kids that much what are your thoughts that's too much I agree with you you know look a removing a mirror let's be honest that's that's absurd that's where some of these things take it too far the slides you know the all black because of what it may represent they're going to be in a pickle actually though because if you are wearing something that represents a movement or a personal cause how are they going to deal with that we've seen some of that in the professional sports world but removing a mirror just because of self-image problems I think is hysterically bad um I think that we do have to support young people in terms of their self-image there's obviously a tremendous self-image problem in young men and young women but you know what that is the job of the parent they should be promoting that they need a two parent home hopefully or male and female influence to be able to teach these kids what self-confidence actually is and that's why I say from my personal experience having a dress code I think it made me a better dresser it made me think more about how professionally I wanted to present myself so I think those are good things but some of this other stuff seems to be a bit garbage to me yeah no I agree I don't know what the young kids are wearing now I think they either dress like they're homeless or they dress like they're going to a strip club and I'm not sure um what what their sense of style is but I think that a level of professionalism is important but let's not take it too far last thing Harris/Trump Debate Predictions I do want to ask you is uh kind of going back to our political discussion on the debate next week because I'm curious to know what your thoughts are um I think there's a lot of folks that think that Donald Trump is going to perform well he's going to wipe the floor with kamla um I would urge people not to get too confident and too cocky because I think that you're always better at being the underdog and they're really making commelin to the underdog in this situation what do you think that Donald Trump needs to do to win this thing well you know Cory leowski says let Trump be Trump um there is some Merit to that however I think you have to be careful what he was able to do to Hillary Clinton he pretty much decimated her in that debate if depending on the mic situation goes I think it's going to be very easy to bait Donald Trump into interrupting her and we all know that KLA Harris wants so badly to say excuse me I'm speaking let me finish I'm speaking I'm speaking which is a power move for a female a lot of females will see that as standing up to a man standing up to a bully he's got to be careful about not doing that too much on policy he will mop the freaking floor with her and I think that's what he's got to call out if he can just focus on the issues which are the economy crime the Border diplomacy overseas energy he will be fine but he's got to be careful because she's not a bright person at all and I think it's smart of trump to be debating right now debate prepping with Tulsi Gabbert who also mopped the floor with KL Harris I think that's very bright to do so I think as long as he stays in his Lane kind of like he did to some degree with Joe Biden he'll be okay and he'll come out the winner but they're going to be media declaring KL Harris the winner before it's even happened yeah well I would also say this speaking of Hillary Clinton I know folks think oh this could be the same thing let Trump be Trump because you know he was so aggressive with Hillary and so funny with Hillary and he really rattled her with just kind of being an a-hole to be honest and we loved it but that was also in 2016 when we were not that familiar with Donald Trump and so it was funny then but I remind people that Hillary Clinton and kamla Harris are very different I don't find kamla likable but nobody found Hillary likable so when Trump embarrassed her or rattled her I think even people that maybe would vote for Hillary Clinton they kind of liked it because Hillary is just so unlikable kamla though she does have a fan base and if Trump does act like a jerk towards her that's just going to play right into her hand I think he needs to be very restrained and I think that in fact he needs to let her talk as much as possible in fact if I were him I would say you know what as a gentleman I'm going to seed some of my time to kamla because I want to hear more about her economic policy and then I would just sit and say like she can have my 20 seconds that would be hilarious and I would call her out on every single policy decision she's made particularly regarding the Border particularly regarding the economy she's saying We've Got A New Path forward what the hell is it you haven't said so I exactly I would say KLA please tell us what this path forward is because the past three and a half years you've leted us into hell so tell me what you're going to do differently seeding some of that time could be a very strategic mood but I think you're right if he does if he goes out of his Lane too much and oversteps and tries to be an a-hole or a jerk to her I don't think it will look good I think he can do it strategically and hit her hit her with some uppercuts when he needs to uh but the policy thing alone he should be able to just run away with yeah well we're going to have to wait and see I think it's going to be highly anticipated highly viewed and I I can't wait to see it I think it's going to be a great time I hope that he can stay just a little bit restrained but I if there's anybody that cannot be restrained it might be Donald Trump so wait for some of the accents too please God give us some more accents KLA you better thank a union member we better have fog horn Leghorn we better have the South Dakota accent Tommy we better have everything I I can't wait to hear it you know she's preparing now as we speak I believe so it'll be very interesting to see and I also can't wait for the Tim Walls JD Vance debate that's also going to be very interesting oh Bo it's always great to have you on the show I appreciate it and you have a fantastic weekend and we'll have you back soon you as well always a pleasure Tommy folks that does it for this Thursday episode of Tommy Len is fearless I will catch you right back here at 1:00 p.m. Eastern tomorrow for my one-on-one interview with Florida Georgia lons Brian Kelly you don't want to miss that also catch full episodes of this show on Fox Nation whenever you want please like And subscribe to the YouTube channel @ Tommy lenis Fearless from Nashville God bless and take care hey thanks for watching if you want more of my hottest takes musty conversations and of course my final thoughts click here and make sure you subscribe here so you never miss a beat I will be here every weekday and I hope you'll join me [Applause] [Music]

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Category: News & Politics

>> ainsley: former president donald trump and vice president kamala harris squaring off on the debate stage last night meeting face to face for the very first time. it was a heated debate, less than two months until election day. >> brian: joining us right now on the phone to react after that very busy... Read more

They Go SPEECHLESS When Alina Habba TRASHES Democrats thumbnail
They Go SPEECHLESS When Alina Habba TRASHES Democrats

Category: News & Politics

Trump defense attorney alina habba i'm john mike keane and we go over the good news for trump let's watch alen habba the reality of the situation is this case never should have been brought sance passed on it so did alvin bragg but then the president decided to run for office so that's why we are here... Read more

Judge Merchan PANICS FACES DISBARMENT After Alina Habba CAUGHT & EXPOSED Him For Doing This LIVE thumbnail
Judge Merchan PANICS FACES DISBARMENT After Alina Habba CAUGHT & EXPOSED Him For Doing This LIVE

Category: Entertainment

[music] what happen gang it's your boy retro back again with another reaction video yeah today we got another huge update i know you guys could probably tell it's going down just by that title along today we've got trump's legal spokesperson attorney alina hba coming out detailing judge juan meron's... Read more