Essential Lore You Need To Know Before Space Marine 2

Intro Space Marine 2 takes place nearly 200 years after the events of the original game and both the universe and articular character Titus have gone through their fair share of changes we actually recapped the entire Space Marine one story in this video here if you wanted a recap of that Game's plot whether you're going into Space Marine 2 fresh you enjoyed the original or even if you're a longtime 40K fan I'm here to give you the absolutely essential law and background that you need before going in to Space Marine 2 the first piece of Boltgun connective tissue between the two Space Marine titles is actually the 2023 shooter Warhammer 40,000 bolt gun bolt gun takes place on gria the same planet from the original Space Marine just several years after the events of the game playing as the ultramarine stern Guard veteran malam you are sent to Grier by the Inquisition on a vital Mission the mission turns out to be the recovery of a fragment of the very same power source from Space Marine 1 the device that ultimately led to the then Captain Titus being held captive and disappearing for nearly a century but not before he shattered the artifact into fragments I will finish the work Captain tit started in Bol gun the remains of the power source is stolen by the chaos sorcerer samel who used it to open up a warp Rift that threaten to engulf not only the planet but the entire sector eventually after malam defeats the sorcerer Inquisitor Sable arrives to retrieve the power source for the Inquisition and in doing so seals the warp Rift and scurries the device away now time is a weird thing in Warhammer 4000 the current 40K timeline is currently in a period known as the era indomitus sometime within the 42nd Millennium during the fourth tyrannic War which the now newly demoted left tenant Titus has been thrust into there have been some enormous events that have come to pass in the 40K Universe since the release of the original game many of which have shaped the background and story of Space Marine 2 so let's go through some of the biggest first the fall of kadia kadia was the imperium's most important Fortress World serving as a Bastion against chaos forces emerging from the eye of Terror basically the eye of Terror is a big rift in reality that all the chaos Space Marines and demons want to pour out of and Cadia is what stood in the way in the year 999 of the 41st Millennium abdon the despoiler the war master of chaos launched a military campaign upon the Galaxy dubbed the 13th black Crusade this would become his most The fall of Cadia successful assault on the Galaxy despite a huge number of forces on both a chaos and Imperium side abdon would emerge Victorious through a desperate act which saw him launching an enormous star Fort called a Blackstone Fortress into the planet the massive kinetic force of such an impact caused the planet to be ripped apart and swallowed by the warp kadia is one of the most important planets in the 40K Cannon and is important to Space Marine 2 as the cadens will be making up most if not all of the human allies fighting against the tyranid hordes in Space Marine 2 despite their Planet being reduced to chunks cadan forces can still be found across the Galaxy as the cadan system produced huge numbers of troops before it fell one of the smaller details that marks the ingame Troopers as Cadian natives are their purple eyes we first saw this detail back when Space Marine 2 was announced as a member of the astrom militarum looked upon their aarti saviors with awe and reverence now let's talk about the return of the Roboute Returns ultramarines Primark roboute Gilman for those of you who don't know primar are the genetically engineered sons of the emperor of mankind which he bred to be his perfect Immortal superhuman generals and leaders second only to the emperor himself in the late 30th Millennium the Emperor of mankind crafted 20 of these primarchs and used their genetic template to craft 20 Space Marine Legions roboute Gillman is the Primark of the 13th Legion the ultramarines during the 30th Millennium the Horus heresy tore the Imperium apart throwing loyalists traitor Legions and their primarchs into a civil war roboute Gilman and his ultramarines of course sided with the Loyalists but Magnus the red and His Thousand Sons turned traitor these are the chaos enemies that we'll be facing in the Space Marine 2 campaign more on them later during the aftermath of this Gilman was wounded by the traitor Primark fulgrim his wounds being so severe that he was put into stasis remaining in his wounded Slumber for over 10,000 years until he was finally resurrected after the fall of kadia roboute Gilman returned not only as the Primark of the ultramarines the chapter which leftenant Titus serves but now also leads the Imperium as a whole as the current Lord commander and Imperial region Space Marines have such an incredible reverence towards their Primark with many of them seeing them as not only their demigod leader but also their father so the possibility that we may see aartis refer to robu Gilman or maybe even see him appear in the game could lead to some extremely interesting developments but let's stick to the KNE to nose for now as you may expect from the Grim dark far future it's pretty easy for things to go from bad to worse after the events of kad's fall and Rob boot's Revival a gargantuan galaxy spanning warp Rift appeared and essentially tore the Galaxy in two separating the halves with warp storms and tears in reality this Rift has also allowed further chaos incursions into the Galaxy stretching the Imperial forces rather thin we will come back to why this is important later but for now let's shift our focus into the main boy in blue himself Captain sorry leftenant Titus demetrian Titus is our returning Where has Titus been? ultramarine protagonist but where has he been in the years since the original Space Marine and what's with his new outfit I won't be recapping the story of the first Space Marine here again you can check out this video if you want a refresher but the finale of space marinees saw Captain Titus getting reported to the Inquisition by the ultramarine leandros and then arrested by Inquisitor Jerome thra Under Suspicion of potential heresy as Titus had shown resistance to the warp throughout the events of the game but as we said earlier that was nearly 200 years ago so where has he been and what has he been up to for a bit more context we're going to look at issue 498 of the Warhammer magazine white dwarf which featured some more background law for Captain Titus unfortunately for Titus after the events on grer Inquisitor thr kept him in stasis for decades only Awakening him to run brutal tests and interrogations in a vain attempt to uncover some hidden corruption within the Space Marine ironically thr would later fall to chaos and Corruption himself and would be slain by the gray Knights after being possessed by a demon this led to the Inquisition seizing thrax's Holdings and discovering Titus and many other captive Space Marines imprisoned in stasis The Inquisitor who discovered these aartis sent them to the death watch Fortress watch your keep for evaluation where Titus would finally be deemed free of heresy however after being cut off from the ultramarines for so long Titus felt as though he had no chapter to return to and believed that his story brought shame to the ultramarines so he would instead join the death watch as a black shield the Death Watch are a unique chapter that works closely with the Inquisition and specializes in anti- xenos Warfare they are some of the imperium's most elite alien killers their numbers are also made up of Space Marines from other chapters who have joined the Death Watch to serve for a period of time a great honor for most aartis this is visually represented by the armor of the Space Marine being painted black but their right poldon retaining the colors of their original chapter another Mark of the death watch is the shoulder plate and entire left arm is electroplated silver and Polished to a high shine with the shoulder plate bearing markings of the Inquisition a death watch Black Shield however is an aartis that has been severed from their own chapter either through their own choice Exile or potentially darker reasons titus's decision to become a black shield was basically a form of self-exile as he took the black so to speak and in doing so he adopted the new name nullus Titus or nullus served in the death watch for many years content that he could continue to serve Humanity by Waging War against the Galaxy's many xenos threats we are so far out of the Realms of the original gamees plot now so if you don't want to hear anymore about how Titus May reappear in Space Marine 2 or my theory crafting on the subject this is your warning click away now or jump to this Skip this bit to avoid Dave's theories Tim stamp during the fourth tyrannic War Titus would find themselves reinforcing Kaku one of the planets that appears in Space Marine 2 from the tyranid hordes however the craft carrying their kill team would come under attack from flying tyranids and nullus would be left Gravely wounded after battling a massive carnifax an event that this seene from the Space Marine 2 promotional material seems to be hinting at an ultramarine Force led by the chapter's chief librarian varo tarius sensed titus's soul and as they had not known what fate became of Titus after the events of graa they deployed to recover him however titus's wounds were so severe that his only chance to survive was to cross the Rubicon and become a primaris Marine what's one of those well I'll explain shortly but this event would see Titus brought back into the fold of the ultramarines although since he's been gone for so long his previous role as Captain is now filled by castas akaran so Titus would humbly accepted a motion to left tenant but would reclaim his name and his chapter while it is not yet certain I believe it is from these moments that the story of Space Marine 2 will kick off going back to the whole What is a Primaris? primaris thing if you played the original Space Marine but haven't kept up with the comings and goings of Warhammer 4000 you may be out of the loop when it comes to this new flavor of Space Marine basically a primaris marine is similar to the Marines you may have seen Titus fighting alongside back in 2011 but the next step in a St Evolution bigger stronger and the new standard for Space Marines over 10th Millennia prior to the current timeline Robo Gillman tasked belisarius Cole an AR Maus of the mechanicum with creating the next generation of Warriors tens of thousands of primaris Marines were created by Cole and this new generation of space crusading super soldiers continued to be cultivated by the majority of Space Marine chapters the non primaris Marines what Titus was in the original game are now called firstborn but there is a process that allows a firstborn Marine to be transformed into a primaris marine called the Rubicon primaris it is also known as the calgarian rights in honor of the ultramarines chapter Master Manus calgar who underwent the operation himself but it is this procedure that is responsible for leftenant titus's new form and stature the eagley among you may have also noticed a lot of the weapons have also changed in the Years between games new Marines need a new kit so primaris also have their own equipment and weapons more suited to this new generation of aartis weapons which will make up the majority of the usable War gear in Space Marine 2 for example instead of the standard bolt gun from previous 40K games the standard issue bolt weapon of the primaris is the larger bolt rifle there is also a new standard version of Space Marine power armor the Mark 10 tacticus armor which you can see Titus and the rest of the ultramarines wearing throughout the trailers there are also some other armor variants like the heavily armored gravis pattern or the lightweight Phobos pattern but all of that is to say there are going to be a lot of new guns gadgets and suits of armor to hunt zenos and Heretics with in Space Marine 2 now we get to the filthy zenos and heretic enemies of Space Marine 2 the tyranids and the Thousand Sons the tyranids also known as The Great Devourer is a giant The Tyranids space fairing insectoid like alien race driven by a hive mind whose sole purpose is to consume all organic material AC across the Galaxy and boy do they look hungry from their ships to their Weaponry they are entirely biological and all linked together into the larger hive mind or as part of a hive Fleet The Hive Fleet will'll be getting up close and personal with in Space Marine 2 is Hive Fleet Leviathan The Strain of zenos responsible for the fourth tyrannic War we mentioned earlier and a fo Titus now has much more experience fighting from his stint in the Death Watch tyranids also come in all shapes and sizes such as the smaller horag and termagants who make up the dense waves of the creatures as well as the larger forms like Warriors these larger forms are also synaptic creatures which means they are able to direct smaller tyranids while also acting as a link to the larger hive mind and killing one of these creatures can disrupt that link on the side of chaos this time round however are the forces of the Thousand Suns the thousand The Thousand Sons suns were one of the original Space Marine Legions but turned traitor during the Horus heresy with the legion and their Primark Magnus the red eventually dedicating themselves to the chaos God of change and sorcery zinch one of the main features of the Thousand Sons is their use of warp magic with most members of the Legion having sorceress abilities and their War gear being touched by the warp the other main feature is that long ago the vast majority of the Thousand Suns Marines were turned to dust and intuned within their warp infused armor this was due to a spell cast by the Thousand Suns Chief librarian AAC araman the intention was to rid the Thousand sons of mutation but instead the less psychically sensitive Marines were cursed and became the Mindless rubri meaning there will be plenty of spell slinging and demon summoning when we come to face off against the other boys in blue this not only makes them a unique enemy but could lead to some interesting moments across space rine too since as we discussed earlier our main protagonist Titus has some uncanny resistance to the ruinous Powers but how exactly these elements will Clash we'll just have to wait and see and with that I think I've covered all of the essential law for anyone returning to Warhammer 40,000 after playing the original or for folks new to the franchise we're going to have plenty of Warhammer content in the leadup to Space Marine 2 as well as more to come after the game launches so subscribe so you don't miss that like the video If you enjoyed and thank you for watching [Music]

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