F1 MONZA QUALIFYING 2024 - Live Reaction & Commentary

qualify so I'm ready for that and we'll see I'm okay it's a lovely day today went out a little bit sit in the garden after this have a lovely time um it's going to be pretty interesting qualifying though we uh you know we're um in a position where there's I don't know six drivers that could get pull position pretty nuts really it's pretty nuts but it's true what are we thinking I think it's going to be a Ferrari or a Mercedes on pole I'm not ruling out McLaren I'm just you know I've got to I've got to choose one of them um and I'm leaning towards McLaren or most likely Ferrari hi Tom thank for the 42 months I appreciate you buddy what we thinking folks on give me give me a give me your uh predictions just saying has the Formula 2 race did the Formula 2 Sprint already happened it usually happens on a Saturday or is there was there no Sprint race B what he won the Sprint really where did he start he didn't have a good qualify did he it hasn't even been updated on that website I that's pretty bad oh an Antonelli finished in p8 oh God in Nightmare I don't think Antonelli had a bad qualifying he was sixth he he finished sixth in qualifying he finished he qualified ahead of bman he's got himself uh in a couple of first lap incidents and early incidents though Antonelli not ideal you'll be hoping to do better in the yeah but they do um reverse reverse dogs though don't they qualifying results Antonelli qualified sixth two positions ahead of bman so I'm not quite sure why he started 15th because if they if if they do reverse top eight why has he started 15th he did he like I said he didn't have a bad quality he qualified sixth that's weird very weird someone would have to explain that to me did you have some sort of penalty or did he start six and lose his wing and finish 18th that would make more sense because unless he's had a penalty there's no way you could have started 15th in theory he should have started third if it's reverse top eight afternoon zo Anyway by the buy now in it this is going to be an incredible close qualifying Incredibly Close any number any number of drivers could get poll here literally ferar either Ferrari McLaren Mercedes I mean I wouldn't ever bet against Max for Sten either so Mercedes seems strong over one lap but Ferrari seemed like the team to be over a long on a long run for sure afternoon juice [Music] kapino did well in the practice sessions I think you know he was getting the hang of it he he did he did well if he can be you know pretty close to uh you know Alman I'm sure they'll be happy and satisfied with it it's actually quite built up area around Monza there's just some some houses there through the trees imagine living next to Monza I know that'll be something would it I am happy that Mercedes have signed Kimmy Antonelli I think uh it's nice to see a young Talent get in a top seat I'm really excited to see what he can do next year you know with proper amount of testing or you know with a current car um it' be interesting to see what he can actually do I personally think he will be quicker than George but he'll make mistakes and I don't think he'll be as good managing tires and things like that initially but I think his outright Pace might be quicker than George I think he's got a lot of talent so I think over a lap he might be quicker but he won't be quicker in the races George has got too much experience I think and George has got experiencing bad cars and good cars now we'll see Perez didn't even get a uh qualifying lap in really on the soft tires in fp3 so he's a bit of an unknown as to where he is where his pace is Sergio Perez just always doing Sergio Perez things Max seemed to struggle as well I say struggle I mean he was like two and a half ten0 off the fastest lap which at that point was LE Hamilton so it's all relative but for him he was complaining of uh bad turning in low speed medium speed you know so it's all relative I me Ferrari will be very very optimistic of a poll position here today in front of their home to fosy crowd and it is very warm there very spicy warm as Carlo s starts off it was neat that was very neat for caros looks good around here this Ferrari it really does do you know what I notice I know some people don't like him what I noticed when Martin brundle is doing like a fast lap talking over a fast lap what you realize is how much better he is at doing it than someone like karun chandu CU sometimes they get karun to do it and he he's just nowhere near as good and Damon Hill is absolutely woeful at it it's you know it's a skill and Martin brundle is really good at it very neat and tidy from Charla Clair we got off board with caros sints who did make a small mistake uh and K SS then backed out of it o quite the moment oooo so we're already quicker than last year but it the track's been resurfaced so there's no surprise there so let's see where Max is relative now qualifying trim Charlotte cla's put a bench backdown Norris and ven both out the stens a 10th and a half down in the first sector Norris is pretty much maxed uh Char clay matched him he's a little bit down but Nas makes no difference as Max goes onto the gravel on the second lesmos as well he's maintained a 10th and a half down which is actually pretty good through that middle sector Max is at a good middle sector 210s he's ended up well not even two10 actually 10th and a half Lando goes quickest [Music] 199 yeah they've they've got the pace [Music] I don't know what the point of that little bit of gravel is I mean it's a waste of time isn't it just makes a mess all over the with no call a Pento a couple of T off albon's time but I mean I think they'll be expecting that on his first weekend SES are on their out laap Sergio Perez uh I'm not quite sure what happened to him because he had a very slow lap Oscar piastri is going for a second run now after locking up on his first flying lap Perez gone straight into the pits it looks so good looking at the cows going through a scary I don't really like the change they made to those curbs it is a bit more yeah they can just throw it through a scar now because the the curbs are so flat pastri goes P4 which is absolutely fine half a second of his teammate but considering his little lock up and trip across the that small gravel strip you'll probably take that oh George Russell into the second Kane big snap of over steer uh it feels like there's a lot of gravel and dirt on the circuit can't see the times for George so goes P4 20.3 so 410s off Norris's time but he would have lost a bit of time in that second chicane Hamilton goes fifth 20.4 yeah half a second off the time of Norris I mean not great didn't see Hamilton's lap but um uh Russell definitely made a mistake George definitely got a little bit more in the tank because he lost some time into the second chicane so but Mercedes half a second down on Norris there I think I think that that tells us that it's it's McLaren who once again have the outline Pace I don't think Mercedes are going to have the pace [Music] what's Georgie by saying 20.1 from science good lck I tell you Alpine have pulled uh pulled it around as well their car has definitely improved from the absolute boat it was at the beginning of the year I'm not saying it's great now it's still a chungus that nose is so chunky but I mean their performances are so much better the car is obviously shredded a lot of weight Perez is currently in the bottom five by the way so he needs a lap kapino Coda Bas Perez Joe guu you have to assume that that he will be able to put in uh Paris will be able to put in a better lap now it's crazy really to think that in Formula 1 half a tenth or 510 half a second sorry is a lifetime when you think about it one two like the it's nothing really but in Formula One it's the difference between a quick car and a slow car you know half a second over a lap in Formula 1's a lot of time pretty crazy thank you very much fenel I think Kimmy will be very quick uh I I don't disagree with you I think Kimmy will be very quick I just think he'll make mistakes and I think Mercedes will be expecting him to make mistakes and you know that's what you take when you take that's the risk you take when you have a driver like it very similar to Max V stappen really I see a lot of similarities there like a very very talented driver similar age coming into Formula 1 the difference is that Max went into Tor Roso a team that weren't expected to win Kimmy is going into a team where there's more pressure in that respect because it's a team that is expecting to win and so he's going to have to live up to that and I think he'll be quick but he's got to learn to re it in Toto I think said something that was was true and quite apt and he said I'd rather have to slow a driver down than the other way around because he said you can't make you can't make a driver faster but you can you know teach them to slow down and be more measured you know and so he'd much rather have that problem than the other way and that that is true and it makes a lot of sense good laugh from albon tidy both Mercedes uh ready to go oh God that is an unsafe release I mean that is a slam dunk unsafe release that was that couldn't have been more unsafe yeah that's that's that's slam don't that Ferrari are looking they are looking good Ferrari are looking good they've brought a load of upgrades this weekend um and even if Ferrari don't get Paul position I think they're looking good for the race because Ferrari seemed to have really good Tire deck so even if Ferrari don't get poll that doesn't mean that they can't win tomorrow I think McLaren have probably got the one laap pace but I think Ferrari have better race Pace but we'll see Perez goes ninth which will be safe I think but it's not a great lap I Perez will be safe in ninth but it's not it wasn't it wasn't good oh yeah K kento's ruined his lap there he was well in the gravel yeah Magnuson in the in the gravel through aari as Magnuson goes off into parabolica he's going to be ruining everyone's laps behind well Magnuson has ruined all those cars behind that were in line to knock him out stroll bass and Joe gr new because there was was a yellow flag in the parabolica because of Magnuson and he so he essentially ruined everyone everyone behind that could have knocked him out oh Ricardo's just knocked out Yuki Coda pastri goes P3 ven's been quickest in the middle sector he's bailed out of it why didn't he pit why did he back off why yeah but why back off and not just pit that's weird that's really weird that he would back out of the lap but carry on and not pit weird ah so they were saying it wasn't they didn't actually throw the L only threw the White Flag that's curious considering how fast they're coming into that corner that should have been a slam dunk yellow straight away so Kento does go out which is a shame but you know I think maybe he had the pace to go through it was just that mistake was pretty ruinous I mean Magnuson had already gone off a little bit wide uh through a scaria maybe he's thinking he Lads behind me I'm going to [ __ ] him I'm not saying he would do that guys I'm not saying that he wouldn't do that I'm not saying he'd do that but maybe he did I mean it's possible possible is it [Music] to be fair I mean km mag's leaving uh he's leaving at the end of the season he probably doesn't care probably doesn't care that much I see these uh I've seen them loads over the past couple CLE days these adverts on sky for Salesforce what is what is Salesforce it's got um uh Matthew mccon like acting in the adverts I mean I quite like I quite like the adverts I feel like I'm sick of seeing them now h it's a big old snap for K science as well that could have easily gone very badly I mean this on safe release is is not even worth an investigation it's it's as clearcut as you like oo was close delayed the start of uh Q2 because of all the gravel oh my God the the the pattern on the nose cone of that H doesn't line up on the front nose cone oh my God that's annoying there's a a red stripe and a white stripe and it doesn't quite line up on the nose cone it's a little bit off on the front portion n that's that's unacceptable that is unacceptable unbelievable Jeff God there's loads of gravel h it is a little bit hotter I think during this qualifying session than it has been during some of the practice sessions so that probably doesn't help Mercedes other teams seem to manage those hotter temperatures a little bit better e no toe I mean if you if you happen to get a toe though when you're going down the back straight and the carow then moves out the way that's what you want but orchestrating a toe is quite tricky Forza Ferrari so I I mean it looks like Lando Norris has got the outright Pace here it's going to be hard to beat Lando I'd say it looks like it could end up being Lando both McLaren both Ferraris on the front two rows is what it looks like but you you know you can't rule Max pulling out a Wy or someone getting an insane toe that makes the difference so uh Yuki sonoda getting dunked by Ric oh yeah he's in the upgrade Yuki snow is in the upgraded RB and Ricardo is in the old spec he doesn't get the new spec until next race yeah he was purple in the middle sector So Max has got some Pace yeah e Yuki seems a little bit Yeah Yuki struggling a little bit two Ferrari is getting right out straight away ain't no messing about Kos science out first is he is that Kos sence I think it is Kos sence yeah love Formula One in Italy don't they Monza toosi what does toosi mean what does toosi mean so toosy just means enthusiastic fans then interesting The Pusher he's probably gutted he you know he's was he hasn't got a guaranteed seat has he I'm just trying to remember I don't think I don't think so but I mean he deserves one and he doesn't have one he's still in indie car isn't he yeah oh no he he left indie car he was with McLaren wasn't he I mean you got a Formula 2 Champion there that doesn't have a seat in Formula 1 yet kapino who is like six in the current year's championship has a seat bman who hasn't won it has a seat but the actual that Formula 2 Champion he doesn't have a seat so winning Formula 2 guarantees you absolutely nothing categorically nothing as well is nonsense isn't it but there you go hey Adam thank you for very much have you been playing wow I mean if I had to guess it would be well um yeah some fast laps here from Ferrari charlot Clair the quicker of the two Butters booten 20.3 they are on used tires though 20.2 for Char Clair three1 off the quickest time Norris did but they're on used tires what about Maxi verstappen oh both McLaren are on new tires why yeah Norris 310 up in the first sector alone but apparently he's on new tires but Max V stappen is three and a half T up through the first sector as well oh my ma ma yeah qualifying is going all right it's very close there's like six cars that could get could genuinely get Pole Position although if we broke that down we're probably now now q1's happened maybe four very close 198 for Max was stappen that's a 10 quicker than what Norris did last time but Norris is going to Blitz that piastri goes quicker then Lando Norris is going to cross in a second and he's going to go even quicker only by a tenth though so aaf was only a tenth and a half off so Norris 197 piastri less than a tenth off that Max a tenth and a half off charlot CL and caros signs were half second off but they were on used tires so oy oofy oofy both Mercedes are now out on track as well they've a little bit offset with everyone else that is uh that is close to be honest Max is doing a great job there only a tenth and a half off the time of Norris is I think pretty impressive really impressive considering that Red Bull looks like it's struggling quite a bit throwing this car around Alex Alba absolutely doing it around oh sideways through a scari oh he's going to get a slipstream off the McLaren though that's really going to have helped Alban fine margin we're talking about fine margins between him and like the uh the RB that puts him into eigh 20.4 yeah decent it's quite the Hoon buts it's quite the Hoon so Russell what's he got in the bag 10th and a half oh my God that is close how goes first what he must have had a toe he must have had a toe there blood H keep going back to this cup of tea it's it's bloody empty stop stop going back to it you Nutter it's gone the dream's over so it is so close the top five are currently separated by two10 of a second oh ma ma ma and why is the te always gone why is there just not an endless supply that just always you know like um a bottomless cup of tea that just refills kisin goes third Char Clair goes s not not a great lap from charlot Clair though I mean Hamilton must have had a toe for that lap he must have so Hamilton Norris SS pastri V STA and Russell andair all ran on new tires then so that the top six separated by 210 of a second like literally oh hey What They Se that that's what they're separated by bunkers isn't it wild is what it is I don't I mean I don't know if the the front guys are going to go out again I mean they probably don't need to the top three or four I don't think they would need to go again they might want to though I wonder if Hamilton had a toe down the uh the pit straight on his lap I didn't see it but Paris is going to need a good lap here I mean we've said that before haven't we but peris is going to need a good lap because if he doesn't get a decent lap in and you know albon hulkenberg Alonzo magn Magnuson gazy Aron R any of those gets a decent lap decent toe you could be in trouble h a onstein is LA to be honest it looked like he was going really slow but he's not think it was just the camera angle no he is he is going really slow they doing a double warm up lap I mean in these temperatures I wouldn't have thought so anyway anyhoo km mag is down on the time that he needs to get out of the elimination Zone hulkenberg just put the fastest first sector in of anyone he's done this before he was half a tenth quicker than Hamilton who I mean that's wild he's really quick in that first sector hulberg I think he did also get a toe down the pit straight which has certainly helped because yeah he's now two and a half tth down in this you know in the second sector but that's brilliant for him that'll put him well into safety and above Perez Magnuson on the other hand is in 12th and struggling he doesn't I don't think this is going to improve his time at all no it hasn't so mag magnuson's out Perez is putting in a good lap so I think he's going to be absolutely fine hook lost loads lost half a second in the final sector o so he could be hulber could be in trouble now perz is going to be safe he's managed toh put a lap in as V stappen does a purple middle sector oh Christ but Perez Paris only went eighth he must have yeah he must have backed off must have backed off poor first sector for Alonso Alban is two and a half T down after two sectors which is really good but now after a scar and the rundown to the parabolica we'll have to see where he ends up I think Alban's going to be safe though yeah cuz aon's down and Alonzo's not putting a lightning quick time yeah albon puts himself into ninth I think he's going to be safe another good effort from Alex albon in that Williams alono 11th I get the feeling Aon isn't going to improve by a whole lot yeah stays 15th so Aon gazley Magnus Ricardo Alonso out hulkenberg makes his way through by the skin of his teeth and albon another good performance from Alban George having a lovely time out there he's going to finish the lap called the Aston Martin's been going bloody backwards isn't it over the last two years I it's it's so weird they they had such an improv mement and now they're arguably worse than where they were it's uh yeah stra Aston Martin strange they were like the shock of a couple of years ago weren't they and uh then other teams have now sort of caught up and got their act together and ason Martin have gone the other way yeah I I I feel like you're not R down I feel like a large part of why Aston Martin struggle is they're quick at the start of the season but for whatever reason they don't have a good upgrade plan in place like other teams McLaren and Mercedes have been very good over the years of improving their cars and bringing regular updates and Aston Martin I've felt have never quite been as good or at least over these uh last you know let's say three years doing that regularly over the course of the season and so by halfway through the season they've already gone backwards and other teams have caught them it's uh it's weird Eddie how you doing hello hello from Britain so yeah not ideal but there you go if rumors are to be believed and it seems like this is kind of one of those like uh well-known Secret at this point that Adrian knew he is going to go to Aston Martin supposedly it's possible they're going to announce him next week um but yeah we'll see you got you got to think as well like Aston Martin head of Arrow Dan Fallows worked under Adrian Nei and now he's he's like out there on his own isn't he and uh will he want Adrian's input again they won't be the tires he's wearing juice yeah I don't know why they keep pushing this slipstream talk like they don't want to do it because like I say one car has to give up a lap to do it it's and there's no guarantee it'll leave them you know pay off they' haven't mentioned it but Hamilton must have had a slipstream to get that fastest lap surely um h e so final session here we go genuinely any one of like genuinely any one of six cars could pull out a lap here which is crazy one small mistake is could be the difference between first and eighth for right 12 minutes are they all on new tires [Music] God they're going so slow [Music] oh how the hell Max's having to avoid two um unsafe releases today that one felt a little bit like the Fernando alono one do you remember I can't remember when it was now but it was Lewis Hamilton it might have been at silverson or something when when uh alono was like un safe release you know he was wanging the wheel around just to make it look dramatic cuz he's a Wy Fox felt more like that Max was maybe putting it on a bit bit a bit for the show there just for the for the sake of it but right Oscar piastri he's going to be the first flying lap that we're going to see in Q3 I don't want to see Zack br's face let me see piastri I don't want to see Zach br's face there we go why did they have to do closeups of people's faces when there's cars starting laps like it's so weird they look at people and it's people in the back of the garage and they zoom in on them and the people are just like nor is quicker in the first sector nice and tidy through the chicane for Norris as pastri heads down to aari oh piastri went a little wide there science goes quickest in uh sector one 194 for piastri that is quick that is quick oh 3 100 of the second Norris is quicker Al signs goes thirdd fif behind his teammate fourth for charl Clair [Music] ooh George Russell going around the parabolica third Hamilton fourth wow that's close oh my God that's close Max must have had a mistake cuz Max was on new tires and Perez was unused Max must have had a mistake 310 separating first to sixth oh man it's wow I mean Norris and piastri separated by three 1,000 of a second or is it 100s 100s three 100s I mean Hamilton did the same lap time that he did and Russell pretty much equaled that that he did in Q2 a 19.6 so I mean [Music] so I mean yeah yeah who knows who knows how this is going to end it's exciting we've had it's been a very good qualifying because it's just so close is that drama is their drama llama at the end of qualifying well Max obviously needs a stellar lap because for whatever reason he struggled last last time around yeah I mean listen that would be a very Max for stappen thing to do wouldn't wouldn't it strug put really struggle on his first lap and then put it on pole I mean listen I I wouldn't bet against Max doing anything these days you know yeah just zoom in on her face zoom in yeah yeah get nice and close see inside her paws like both Mercedes still in the garage they haven't come out the pits yet now they're coming out now right so max is the lap I want to focus on here as Max starts his final lap nice and tidy through the first chicane nice and tidy through the second chicane as he heads into the first lesmo a little bit wide oh there a car off ahead of him I don't know who that was it was Perez's teammate that might have put him off there in the gravel at the second lesmo Max is a 10th and a half down well almost 210 sorry Perez has got out of it as well Norris not improving in the first sector piastri not improving Russell's going to get a toe from Max ven vapen seventh Norris improving on his own time through the middle sector though the science goes quickest through the first sector pastri is a tenth down on on Norris science is a 10th up Norris improves by a tenth piastri had a slow first two sectors though yeah he's not going to improve so P currently second but SCI was put in a really good lap third charl Clair goes third so it's two McLarens two Ferraris Georgie Russell goes Third only a tenth off the McLaren's though oh Hamilton sixth but that's the that's less than a tenth he's 7100s behind his teammate and that's the difference between third and sixth that's crazy isn't it that that less than a tenth was the diff was the difference between being behind his teammate and being behind two Ferraris spicy like Hamilton did a 195 it was like seven hundreds of a second or whatever three qus of a tenth I mean that's crazy isn't it he's been good in qualifying George to be fair he has been good in qualifying Lando though M McLaren front row there we go so Lando has a very very good chance of eating into some Championship points tomorrow if he can convert that into another win Max struggling in seventh there's not a given that Max will get on the podium especially with the race pace of the two Ferraris so m H spicy spicy spicy yeah this what I mean like no point less than a tenth was the difference between Hamilton Stein 6th and Stein second you know it's crazy is it I think it'll be uh very very close tomorrow very very close I think Ferrari you're going to have good race Pace but McLaren probably have good race Pace as well um it's going to be interesting it's going to be very very interesting I am very much looking forward to that very much looking forward to that um right I'm going to post this link here here give this a watch latest video on Kimmy Antonelli give that a watch folks uh give it a like you know do all that jazz and I will catch you for the race tomorrow have a lovely rest of your weekend if I don't speak to you um and I'll catch you tomorrow goodbye so

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