Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 02:21:15 Category: Sports

Trending searches: hawkeye football
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for the last year and a half you've heard me talk about this great company in the heart of central Iowa they've got their tough core clicked together 4.5 mm waterproof vinyl flooring great for you diyers out there but even if you're just a contractor or you need a different type of flooring they've got you covered whether it be tile tile showers carpet give Iowa Floor Covering a chance to serve you better and serve your flooring needs visit them online at Iowa Flor covering.com that's Iowa Flor covering.com or you can give them a call at 515 379 7000 that's 515 379 7,000 thank you to Iowa Floor Covering in bond Durant Iowa Floor Covering proud sponsor and supporter of this show for long long time we appreciate their support and I'm joined this evening by Mr Kyle Spence who is gonna be helping out this evening Kyle how are you good to be with you um always a treat to participate in the aformentioned state hate week couple of people who are from the state state of Iowa we kind of understand the significance of this but all Hawkeye fans do and um yeah I kind of just going to get the tenor from people uh you and you had the opportunity to host a show on Saturday when I was out and then I hosted a show with Coach Patterson Sunday and so you know had a few days to kind of digest what we saw over the weekend and of course the 40o effort 34 of which was scored in the second half drawing attention across the country I saw a piece recorded with sassle and um is it Dar Danielson of of CBS sports that was posted earlier today and and Mr Danielson very respected in the media he'll be on the call with Brad nestler this Saturday for the siw game but uh I'm kind of just anxious to get people's overall takeaways from Saturday because when you look at some of the stats that have come out and I tweeted with retweeted one of them this afternoon and see the the uh the special second half that created sort of an unorthodox opening season opening win like we haven't seen that type of a second half performance even if you go back to that game against Western Michigan it looked different he scored over 40 last year against Western Michigan what third game of the season but it just looked different so I'm anxious to get kind of see how people are are digesting things I've had a chance to go back and watch the Iowa State game so I've watched that in full we'll be anxious to kind of share my thoughts on that but Kyle couple days removed from I mean you've never done the postgame thing so like now you know what it feels like to be on the air right after a game kind of giving you reactions but now it's been a few days what are your thoughts heading into shawk week well I think the media coverage was very interesting um afterwards because you could tell a lot of the outlets didn't watch the game um I would say there was a lot of kind of over-the-top you know optimism about the offense not to say that it wasn't great to see it was great to see but there was a lot of the outlets that kind of acted like it was domination from start to finish and all that stuff I think to be perfectly honest with you I think there was and you expressed this in your in your show after uh the day after the game but there was almost this kind of stunned silence at the end of the first half this kind of fear that what was last year and the year before was coming back again we were going to have a whole other year of this and then the script just flipped and the second half was nothing but I Euphoria and kenck stadium was rocking and everybody's optimistic and um you know the the the difference between those two emotions that I went through and that all Hawkeye fans went through um is remarkable and I I think after kind of sitting on it thinking on it for a couple days I think as is usually the case the middle ground between those two feelings is probably the acceptable and appropriate reaction to What happened on Saturday Saturday and you know given that I think this will be a game similar to a lot of shawk games that we've seen where Iowa State's had weapons and they clearly do Jaylen null is a is a guy he is a very very good football player and Iowa has a stingy defense and kind of a Who's Who on offense I think the only things that will maybe differentiate that from from the last couple years are I I do think the quarterback play is going to slightly better from Iowa I was somewhat impressed by Kade mcamera not the touchdown throw to Reese vandery where he was launching it off his back foot but the touchdown to Jacob Gil and then the throw to Zack ort worth where he kind of made something out of nothing those were two plays that kind of gave me a little bit of Hope um and then also the the wide receiver room I think that's that that was my after thinking about it that was my biggest takeaway from the game is man we really have had no idea besides the second half of last season who our you know who our trustworthy wide receivers were I think last year at the end of the year we kind of came to the conclusion that Caleb Brown was somewhat trustworthy and was somebody we could count on to make plays but we haven't had a guy let alone multiple guys that we looked at went those are playmaking options and I think that's recent time has had problems with drops including Caleb Brown yes we have not and that's why I keep going back back to you know what we've been saying throughout the offseason as it relates to wide receiver play wide receiver involvement wide receiver uh reliability because you know we can talk about recruiting and yes it's been a problem um let's remember IA doesn't really recruit great at any position now it's been below average at receiver for obvious reasons but when you have a guy like Tim Lester who has the track record that he has with that position even with this room that he did not bring in he did not recruit he was going to get more production out of these guys ree vandery may turn out to be a great receiver at Iowa but he was not highly touted and you know he's a smalltown you know Western Iowa kid no offense to the smalltown Western Iowa kids Cooper the jeene won but like I just think this I saw this coming I'm not trying to tell people I told you so I didn't know that we're were gonna I was gonna get 40 492 total yards against Illinois state but I've been preaching this for for months that you were going to get bump in receiver play now will it translate over I gotta see it still against a power four SL Big 10 opponent and we will see what happens against Iowa State if they struggle against Iowa State then I would say the verdict is still out and I said here Le weeks leading up to the first game I said hey it's gonna take probably a good month for the pass offense to really get grounded and you know Run game was not great even early in the game and and I'm not saying that opened up the passing game with the Run game because they didn't but second half they were starting to kind of get their flow and and this is a really good coaching staff for Illinois State I know people don't want to accept that when it's an FCS program but Brock Speck is a guy who is a defensive coordinator a former defensive coordinator at Purdue so he's a defensive-minded head coach that's why I was so surprised when I was kind of previewing the game that they were better in total offense a year ago than they were in Total Defense but that's a sound program that plays good defense you knew first game of the season that Brock back was gonna have those guys ready and was gonna get have a plan in place even though it was a totally new offense so I'm not even looking back I'm not surprised that Iowa struggled mightily in the first half and I'm just pleasantly surprised that they turned it on as well as they did in the second because there was no guarantee that would happen but I think it was to be expected that they would struggle new OC you know CAD still kind of beating off the rust plus you're going up against a coach who understands how to play defense and he knew that Iowa had to establish the Run game he knows that I was receiver play has been horrid that the passing game has left much to be desired so of course he was going to bring as much pressure as he could and I give kudos to Brock speach for doing that and for Tim Lester for adjusting at halftime I know everybody wanted to talk to ask Seth Wallace after the game you know what' you do at halftime what' you change and Seth of course talked about you know hey we just told the guys let's settle down a little bit keep on keeping on WE we'll you know we've had too many penalties Etc and I've no doubt that was part of the the language at halftime but um you know not being a football mind I wouldn't be able to break down the tape and tell you exactly what was different but I think it's clear Tim Lester made some changes at halftime made some adjustments and those little adjustments are the power of having an OC who understands the passing game and who understands play calling and there's more guys open they were just more guys open absolutely absolutely seen in other games versus G5 or FCS programs in years past and Kade missed some I mean he wasn't he missed luk Lee over the top and a would be touchdown in that first half again where he's throwing off his back foot so that will be interesting to see can Kade get off to a quicker start in week two and you know I I do think with Iowa State situation at linebacker and we can talk about the injury to kayb bacon I had a good chat with Mark Rogers the voice of college football and we had our our much beloved Cyclone guest Levi Stevenson of ESP Nation on the show on Levi Levi 4 and8 Stevens Stephen s St s uh anyways we had him on the show and we talked a little bit about the linebacker situation but I do think that's going to affect how Iowa State approaches this game I think it has to offensively I think you know it's been widely publicized this week and talked about I think most people agree they're going to have to try to spread Iowa out they're not going to be able to they proved against North Dakota they're not about to dominate anybody up front right now like even Iowa State's defensive line they struggle to get off the field and North Dakota doubled up more than doubled up Iowa State on the ground now again context is important you know uh North Dakota had like a 13-minute drive in that second quarter I think they later had a like a 13 play Drive which lasted probably six seven minutes so they were able to move the chains and so there may be something there that Phil Parker or excuse me that Tim Lester looks at and says hey we can take advantage of this but I think the big thing is they're not going to be able to play in a phone booth and beat Iowa I just don't think they have the horses up front I don't think they're good enough up front on either side of the football but they do have the white outs and I think that's the key that if we're talking about one position to jump the gun here the key matchup to watch this Saturday is Iowa's DBS against Iowa State's receivers and if Aaron Graves can wreak havoc up the middle hey there's nothing better than having a defensive tackle consistently putting pressure on the quarterback it's much more effective than having an edge rusher because it's right there and and you know we talk about angles as it relates to pass rushing you know a guy comes at you from your even if it's your blind side or opposite side hey um you can go 12 o'clock you can potentially go what would that be six o'clock 7 o clock and evade but when a guy's coming straight at you from up the middle it's the worst kind of pressure just ask Nate Stanley from the 2019 season ironically enough speaking of 2019 for people that did not see this from Iowa Athletics Hawkeye Athletics tweeted this out today Iowa's 492 total yards accumulated on Saturday under first year offensive coordinator Tim Lester is the most by a hawkey OC in his debut since 79 if you want to do the math on that that wasy fry Don Patterson Bill Snider those guys coming in in 79 it was the program's highest offensive production since 19 so they haven't had this type of a yardage performance in any game since before covid and that you know that was a pretty offensively talented team with Amir Smith marett and I see 2019 I want to make sure Nate Stanley yes I mean Smith marett uh I'm just trying to think of who Brandon Smith would you been on the outside yeah Brandon Smith Amir Smith marett but who played tight end because Hawkins didn't F left uh anyways they were good right well Sam lto was a freshman I don't know about the rest I know Sam lto played a little bit as a freshman that year but I don't I'm sure somebody will be able to tell us the point is I don't think that what we saw on Saturday is just an aberration I think it is something to I think there's a lot to take from it and contrary to what some people would had you believe total offense does do mean something and it is a large indicator as it relates to offens production Etc so I have I have a 72 year old man that wants to argue with you 72 year old man oh he's not he's not quite 72 and Levi Stevenson got on his Soap Box Tuesday about rate stats and yards per play and I have no problem with yards per play but if you if you look at if you look at total offense and yards per play together those two stats go hand inand usually absolutely and I love this I love this they're familiar you know I love I love this back and forth leave I was trying to get into you about um and he did it last year too he did uh the the whole Iowa State didn't run enough plays to qualify for NCA statistics and it's like okay I mean Iowa State on Saturday I've got the numbers in front of me yes they they let up a 13-minute drive they also let up a three-minute drive a six-minute drive drive a 4minute drive a four and a half minute drive and a five a half five and a half minute drive all in the same game like the 13-minute drives in aberration but they gave up multiple long extended drives and whether or not they ended in points like the fact that that cut down on the number of plays you got to run like we can't like same thing with like when you talked about um you know rushing averages on the on the second postgame show and you're talking about this ridiculous notion that like oh there was a 65 yard rush in there so if we throw that out they average two yards per play and it's like no that's a part of the game like oh if we throw out the 13 minute you know 13-minute drive like we would have ran so many more plays and we would have had so much more offense like no that's that's what your team produced like that's a part of the game like if that 13-minute drive was the only game or only drive that they gave up that's fine but North Dakota played keep away successfully from Iowa state in the first half like Iowa State's drives in the first half if I add them all up time and possession one they had like seven or eight minutes of possession in the entire first half like that's not a valid excuse I don't know I thought that was a little bit ridiculous yeah I will say this as it relates to um Iowa States offense I I don't want to downplay what they have because like you said at the outset they do have guys and and first third me they scored a touchdown two plays like 80 yards in like 36 seconds and approached it very differently than they typically would and Levi brought that up on Tuesday you know they typically have their run play that they come out start the season with and they came out you know shooting for the fences and kudos to them they went out and scored a touchdown they I really do buy into that I I've been thinking about this throughout the afternoon because I listened to DAR Danielson and Chris Hassel talking about this on CBS Sports Network and again Danielson believes that they're gonna have to spread Iowa out and some people are saying hey you know Roco Beck needs to throw the ball 40 to 45 times for Iowa State to win and dar's like nah I don't think that's the case but I might approach this and say hey can we can we throw the ball 20 to 25 times in the first half and then create a lead to where we can you know rest the guy's arm and and hand it off to Abu Sama the rest of the game I mean that's a pretty scripted uh plan that you know could blow up in your face I suppose but I would just have to think that Phil Parker is going to be ready for whatever they bring and he's the best EB coach in the country um but if there's any susceptibility with this Iowa defense I don't think it's the defensive line right now I think it probably is that spot opposite of Jamari now I was really impressed with TJ Hall but if you're an offensive coordinator Kyle you're not go you're not looking at the middle of the field and say oh we gotta go off the linebackers or safeties you're not really looking at the defensive line because you hey what Aaron Graves leads the country right now in in sacks with three sacks on Saturday um you know maybe Edge rushers weren't you know we didn't see anything enormous from Ethan herid and you know Deontay Craig and Max lellan but I would just have to think especially with the weapons that I was those I mean state has I'll go for it no I was just say with the weapons Iowa state has they're going to attack that side of the field and they're and I'm sure they'll test jari Harris because they've got three receivers they really like the green the kid Green from North Dakota State who Iowa was interested during the off season we mentioned Jaden Higgins and then Jaylen null you're gonna see a lot of you're gonna see a lot of passing and if they don't try to stretch the field vertically fire Matt Campbell right now because I don't know any other way that they can score points you know effectively uh and consecutively other than trying to hit on some deep deep throws yeah absolutely like they yeah and and I was going to say there too like whether or not the edge rushers are you know big names or made big plays on Saturday like Ethan herit Deontay Craig those are not Max lellan those are not bad football players like it's not we we say oh it might not be the strongest you know point of the defense you know that just means that maybe that particular position isn't top five in country that's all that means I mean they they might still be top 25 or top 30 in the country I don't know but yeah I mean I I I couldn't agree more I mean they're gonna have to throw the ball down the field and I'm not saying they can't do that I actually think that they have a chance to hit on one or two big plays I'm I think that's oh yeah that's a possibility and and they're big against Iowa before we've seen yeah we've seen not as much under Matt Campbell actually more under Paul rhods if you go back but even 2019 got brought up during the show with Levi 2019 was the double pass and remember you had two rain delays and if it wasn't for those rain delays Iowa State may have won that game in Ames because they had the momentum and had hit on a couple of deep shots so Matt Campbell to me you got to look back at 2019 and figure out okay what were we doing in that game to be effective um before we get to our callers we got a bunch of people who want to chat which is great Erica thank you for the Super Chat nerves were an issue she says in the first half must play uptempo there was a big difference between the two halves players have too much time to think if play is too slow and I I have no doubt first half Jitters are going to happen um we don't really know what to compare it to because what we saw in the first half against Illinois state is very typical right so of past Iowa offenses so hopefully that's the case and we'll see a difference in the first half on Saturday and she adds another Super Chat thank you Erica my take Lester was trying to not open up the playbook in first half he didn't want to open it hardly at all feeling cautiously optimistic for Saturday wouldn't that be nice if he if he's got all these things in his back pocket for this Iowa State Defense that's a really good defensive staff I got a lot of respect for John hok oh and by the way Phil Parker has a lot of respect for John hok let's go to our first caller thank you for calling Hawkeye hang out here from the Hawkeye of the storm who's on the line hi this Kyle Thompson hey Kyle how you doing buddy I'm doing good how about you doing good good to hear from you sir it's been a long time it has been a while what you been up to uh work very Mar okay sounds fun I've been working too I've been working too I have that's that's the truth well kind of like have prediction for the game on Saturday I think basically the how the been going for the past few years it might be another close one fair fair possibility it's close one 100% yeah like I want to see like a good one not like a close one but maybe like a 14-point win like the only way we can do it is like just try to score in both halves like can't wait till the second half to score touchdowns like we did last week I know it was the first game of the season possibly some first have Jitters but you can't have that against your rival so how many points do they need to how many points does Iowa need to score Kyle this weekend for you to be happy I mean obviously you could say more than the other team but I mean like assuming they win with whatever number let's say they shut out eye with say how many points do you need to see to feel pretty good about the offense still possibly between 30 and 40 that'll be a pretty good that's a lot of points that's a lot of points against that Iowa State Defense that I tell you what if they do that they're automatically legit they do that against Iowa State's def assuming that they're offensive points and it's not like three pick sixes like if if if Roco Beck goes down and then the backup comes in and throws a couple of pick six is a different story but that that's a lot of points they scored 20 last year and I feel like how did they do that with that offense I mean serious counter run um but I don't really remember how to 20 other than that I know they it was 14 14 and then two field goals so yeah I mean the last time they scored 40 against the cycl with 2017 when that overtime went and you all know and everyone know Brian was calling that game he was that was that was a pretty good Iowa offense and not to take anything with from Brian but he was inheriting that was his first year as a coordinator and um you know had some pretty good skill players on that team young they were green like Brandon Smith like Smith marett but T.J hackinson had a coming out party that day they had Noah aant in 2017 they had Aram Wadley in 2017 I believe that was also James Butler the transfer from Nevada um and they were pretty good up front James Daniels was on that team he's carved himself out a nice in NL career so that was a that was definitely an outlier the the 4441 it reminds me of the game with steel Jance years ago when which I was State one in overtime but I think that was also 4441 in AES there have been much more of the uh nine to6 variety you had the let's see how many let's play a game Kyle and I'm talking to both of you so I'll just refer to you as one joint Kyle uh let's see how many siock games can remember how far back can you go Kyle on the screen not Kyle on the phone oh I don't know I mean definitely no further than about 2010 not going you can remember all the way back to 2010 and tell me what happened in every game 12 no not every game I mean I would say there's a couple here in there but I mean the last like six or seven years isolated yes but you can just remember them without looking it up you can just tell me right off the bat I mean I remember I remember 17 I don't remember a lot about 18 I remember remember 19 20 21 22 23 and then 15 was obviously the 42 to3 blowout they didn't play in 20 they didn't okay well yeah they didn't play in 20 so 2015 was the 42 to3 blowout 17 was the game that you guys are talking about uh 200 2009 was a close game in wait a minute I'm gonna correct you 2015 was not a blowout you're thinking of 2016 was the bethard runs remember that was his first road start had a throw had a pass to Riley McCarron had a nice touchdown at Tavon Smith and he ran for a bunch of yards in that game yeah but yeah there's definitely there's definitely four or five of the games that were very unmemorable 2018 was the Brandon Smith catch he had a catch he came up gingerly with his shoulder that was a low-scoring game 2019 was a fun game uh that was the two two two weather delay thing and then 2021 of course was the game petus to Charlie Jones and all the the interceptions thrown by Brock pie yeah oh yeah 2019 was a 2019 was definitely the most satisfying of the of the bunch for me personally you still with us Kyle yeah um yeah I'm still with you yeah I remember 2019 game me I I didn't watch because at that time I was working at hibe I was working on that day was pretty upset I didn't get to watch the game but I did catch the ending of it I don't think I've ever missed a shawk game I'm trying to think of the last time I missed a s Hawk game how old would I have been how old would I have been when I missed a s Hawk game the only thw game I miss was 2020 when Co hit I think 2007 2007 I would have been 11 years old I don't know that I watched that game in 07 maybe we lost that day huh we lost that day did they okay I remember that they lost I don't remember anything about the game well KY we appreciate you calling in sir anything else before I let you slide one one more thing uh one of your take like I was at during today at work got a buddy of mine who's a Cyclone fan told me that they have the most talented team do you guys really believe that or it's just more both the Cyclones than the hog guys are featuring just fame or something like that yeah I mean more tal I think that'd be hard to say they have more Talent although Talent is sort of in the eyes of the beholder are we judging you like I guy like Quinn Shelty is a perfect example like Quinn Shelty is probably never gonna play in the league but in his position in Iowa's defense he is invaluable to what Iowa does um they're certainly more I would say this Kyle Iowa State's got a lot more proven Talent at receiver but honestly past that I don't really I think Abu Sama is the best back on both teams but after that like I don't I wouldn't take anybody else like clearly over their counterpart on Iowa like you know Rocko is probably a notch above Kade Kyle you you would disagree on that you think iow was got the advantage with quarterback I I don't know about that I was impressed with Rocko Beck Saturday and I gotta see more from from Cade coming off two injuries but like tight end Iowa State's good they got Ben bramer who didn't he got a couple of targets Saturday didn't catch a pass but he is really good and he was kind of an allam preseason All-American d so but they're they're so green at linebacker and again they weren't good they weren't great I should say I say they weren't good they were not great up front on either side of the ball they're really good at safety I think you could argue they're better at safety than Iowa is but then you're looking at Iowa safeties you're like hey we bring back a super senior and Quinn schy and a former festar and Xavier Wampa plus Sebastian Castro who works as a hybrid I yeah I wouldn't I think an objective person would probably say that it would be hard to claim Iowa State make them the the more talented team but again Talent is sort of in the eyes of the beholder I guess well I can take that one step further too I don't think T Talent matters at all in this series I don't think Talent has mattered at all in the last 10 siaw games well to some it matters to some extent well okay that we saw in that 19 game Iowa state was the more talented team or the uh sorry the 21 game Iowa state was was the more talented team that day and Iowa State got blown up by mistakes over and over and over and over again I mean Iowa has played tons of teams that Iowa has been less talented then and it just hasn't mattered like a lot of the Wisconsin teams over the last several years have been more talented than Iowa Wisconsin has not won the Big 10 West it doesn't matter Kyle appreciate you calling in sir and uh we'll hopefully chat with you after the game hopefully I get on then see go Hawks sounds good sir go Hawks appreciate Kyle calling in as always uh got a super chat here I want to acknowledge Midwest let's see W Midwest storm chasing is the Iowa State quarterback really that much better or does he just pass three times as much and I'm not sure how you could take Iowa State safties over Castro and waa yeah so that's an interesting conversation I mean you Castro is not your typical safety and and these are different defenses right they're constructed differently yeah I States loaded back there with Jeremiah Cooper Malik ferdon Bo freeler those are all really good college football players they may not have as as much next level potential although I think Bo freer's got a shot at his size Xavier Wampa Sebastian Castro have NFL Futures assuming they stay healthy I I I'm not saying that I wouldn't say Iowa State I I just said that I don't think Iowa State's quarterback I wouldn't take Rock excuse me I wouldn't take Rock Ock um Leaps and Bounds ahead of Cade in a in a draft like if I had to draft these guys but they do throw the ball more and I think from that perspective you look at Roco and you're like okay he's more of a weapon for that offense than kade's ever going to be for Iowa he just is because they're gonna be more dependent they're going to be more wide receiver Centric if that makes sense and you know again I I have confidence in Quinn schy and Xavier Wampa but I if there's any place that Iowa States strong on defense it's at safety um and they they showed some vulnerability at corner uh a couple of young guys well one specific I think his last name is Williams um during that game against North Dakota so and they you again green on def on the defensive line as well just a lot of unproven out there yeah I the one thing I will say from the beginning of that call that I totally agree with is if Iowa comes out and I I don't think they will but if Iowa comes out in the first half and plays a first half similar to the first half they played against Illinois State it won't be 6-0 it'll be probably 14-0 Iowa State or 143 Iowa State I don't I don't think you can come out and not move the ball and and run offense the way they ran offense and get away with not giving up points I I think the the start that they get off to is going to be very very important and even you know even if they don't move the ball like you we've seen a lot in these games like in some of those uh in some of those games even like you go back to 19 and 20 20 when the offense was a little bit better like or even 21 like uh that Penn State game in 21 was a perfect example was they didn't need to score you know they didn't need to move the ball 50 yards to score every possession like in that Penn State game once Sean Clifford went down that game was a game of okay Penn State gets the ball three and out punt Iowa moves the ball 15 yards punts they stop Penn State they get 15 yards of a field position Penn State punts like even if they can do that they're going to be okay but you're if you're just going to get stopped and go three and out consecutively the way that they did you're going to be in a tough spot because this I I as much as I would like to think the offense is better I still do not want to see Iowa play from behind because they have historically not played well from behind yeah and they to play from behind effectively you have to have provens in the passing game and other than luk Lee and Addison EST stringa they don't really have provens I know ree vanders he looked good he's a true freshman and he's done it against yeah one day and credit to him two of those catches were touchdowns but com like again these teams are built differently but if you compare Iowa State's uh receiver production Saturday versus Iowa's Iowa State still blows Iowa out of the water so they're just built differently and I think you're right you can't afford to get behind and that's the case probably in any game but especially against an Iowa State team that if they do get ahead then Iowa's going to have to be for forced to throw more and Iowa State then can start handing the ball to Abu Sama and you know I I still think they're going to have problems running the ball against Iowa front especially with what we saw ha ya and and Aaron along with that linebacker in core which I thought looked really good along with Kyler fiser made a nice play um in pass coverage Saturday but Iowa state is given them one thing they are really talented at the skill position spot so Midwest storm chasing thank you for the Super Chat let's go to our next caller with we got Jack I believe who is on hold let me see if we've got Jack Jack is here welcome Jack hello how you doing buddy I'm doing all right I have one statement to make today okay if Iowa wins this game they're gonna beat Nebraska okay that's that's an interesting math math equation so why why do you believe a win against Iowa State means a win against Nebraska every single time Iowa had Nebraska on their schedule since 1982 if Iowa beat Iowa State they beat Nebraska if they lost they lost to Nebraska okay interesting I have to I'll have to go back and let me do the math here in my own head here for a second it doesn't you can count on one hand how many times Iowa and Iowa excuse me Iowa State and Nebraska have beaten Iowa in the last what 10 years so obviously Nebraska won wait a minute wait a minute okay you're right yeah you're right jack yeah you're right 2022 was the loss to Iowa State and kinnick and the loss to Nebraska and then the previous one right which one 2014 2014 and I don't remember the Nebraska game but I'm assuming Nebraska won that was a couple years after Nebraska joined the conference so that wouldn't surprise me we were pretty good at that point and then of course I can't go back further you know Jack when before 2012 when was the last time Iowa played Nebraska do you know 2011 okay before 11 I guess I 11 and 12 so 41 2000 okay and Iowa would have lost to Iowa State in 2000 and they would have lost to Nebraska okay that's a cool stat I'm might have to tweet that out and give you credit this week that's pretty cool let's hope they don't lose to Iowa state for a couple of reasons well I think I think it uh I think it at least brings up an interesting question too and I I don't know if we've touched on this yet or not Corey Iowa State and Nebraska could very well be the two games in line for second toughest on the schedule besides the trip to Columbus right Kyle didn't watch my preseason show with Coach Patterson he just gave that away uh I watched some I watched some of it I did not watch all of it you liar uh so I actually you want to know who my two losses were too obviously and Nebraska Nebraska yeah and had the same thing didn't he he did we we matched up on that so I hope I'm wrong on that but if I'm right then that streak that Jack's bringing up will be broken so good stuff uh Jack anything else for us that's it well appreciate you calling in sir and hope to talk to you after the game all right thanks Corey thanks yep thanks always appreciate hearing from we've we've Jack has called before I recognized his face so appreciate that Jack and uh I'm gonna make sure I share that stat with Coach Patterson because I don't know how many times they played Nebraska back during the the Hayden era um again my knowledge that's why I have Coach Patterson he's my he's my record book between 79 and 99 and I'm your Google I I they played in 2099 and then they didn't they played in 82 81 8079 and then before 79 they didn't play between 46 and 79 didn't play for like 30 years 33 years okay well there you go there's the answer uh okay uh it sounds like maybe Sam leaport sha berer in 19 and that would have been if that's correct and I'm not doubting Kelvin here or anybody else in the chat that was not a very good line like comparatively that was not a great tight end room because Sam leapor was really young and Shawn berer never really fulfilled expectation in fact yeah he struggled in 19 at times I believe 19 was the Wisconsin game where he got pushed into the punt or he I don't know if you want to say that or he didn't hear the the signal to get out of the way of the punt and it ended up being a costly turnover in that game so that might have been kind of a Down year for Iowa State for Iowa at tight end now let's keep in mind they lost two first rounders during 2019 hackinson so I'm not I'll forgive to have a down here yeah I'll forgive Iowa a little bit on that uh Midwest storm chasing another Super Chat if Iowa wins 2814 Iowa has 400 total yards of offense I think they could give Ohio State trouble good news we won't have to worry about Ohio state for a while because they get they get Minnesota on the road and I know Minnesota lost week one but any road game in the big 10's going to be a challenge then you get a by week so that's the good news I I would tend to agree with you if they can somehow get over 400 total yards against Iowa State this is a good Iowa State I still believe this is a good Iowa State Defense regardless of their loss of cayb bacon at linebacker and some of the inexperience they have at what kind of like Iowa one of the corner spots I still don't think this is probably still a a top third of to the Big 12 Conference in Total Defense now I don't know you know what Utah Utah historically is really good defensively under Kyle Whittingham and um I guess I couldn't tell you what Arizona and Arizona State bring to the conference but Kirk brought it up earlier this week the Big 12 typically is an offense or historically last 10 15 years has been offense oriented Iowa state has broken that Trend with John hok and hey look at all the offensive coordinators that had come and gone at Iowa State kudos to Matt Campbell just like Kirk ference has kept Phil Parker not quite as long for Matt but he's held on to a one of the most coveted names I'm sure John Hao had opportunities to go other plac places and he has not um okay thank you for the Super Chat Midwest storm chasing and Erica with the Super Chat throwing the ball more equals more chances for pick sixes and interceptions if you go back in the last again Matt Campbell era not just 2021 when they had all those picks on Brock pie but interceptions tend to be a big storyline in this game even last year I believe it was Sebastian Castro that had yeah interception that took them down I think that set up the other touchdown if I'm not mistaken you had the Jazz had he had a pick six at the end of the half didn't he okay maybe it was the pick six yeah he had so context is so important here because they scored 20 points a year ago but I'm like how did they get to 20 well they had two field goals and so i' have to go back I'm gonna go back and watch that game maybe I'll do that tonight maybe I'll do that tonight when I'm done with this show um thank you Erica for the Super Chat let's go to our phone line here thank you for calling Hawkeye hangout who's on the line hello hello you're on the air hi hey how's how's it going Cory it's going great you sound like you're are you okay do you a paramedic no no I'm good oh okay you just sound a little like someone's trying to you know what sound you s you sound like that time when Jerry tries to suffocate George on his hospital bed in Seinfeld that's what you sound like Hill over your face that's all right we can hear you that's good no I I I just wanted to ask you you know I never got the chance on Saturday or Sunday ah but what impressed you the most about the their performance on Saturday and what do they need to do to continue that success on Saturday against Iowa State what's your first name Sir James James I love you James thank you for asking me a question about how I feel about the so I love it because this show is all about Coach Patterson but after the games like nobody ever asked me what I think so once in a while I always share what I think but nobody usually asks for it so I I'll tell you what impressed me the most I think what impressed me the most was what I said earlier that there were there just seemed to be more better wide receiver separation more guys open which I think is an indication not only of better route running but better route trees better Concepts and I know this is one topic that we can discuss on this show I've gotten ripped like people have come after me this week how can you say Kamari Molt's the best back it's Johnson I I was really impressed with Kamari in that first half not because of the stats his numbers didn't look great but the guy was getting hit behind the line of scrimmage and I don't think he ever took a a tackle for a loss so exactly I'm really impressed with his small guy but I can see why Liddell likes him so much um so I like the running game right now uh you know it's just a matter of can you replicate this against better BS and a better defensive coordinator in John hok this Saturday but I really do I'm encouraged by the fact that there were more guys open and even though Kade missed some especially early there were there were still plays they left on the table and yet they still scored 34 in the second half exactly now I don't know about everybody else but to to me like I know some are saying it seemed like Tim opened up the playbook in the second half but but to me it felt like they they were just overall executing better in the second half of last week's game versus the first half it didn't necessarily seem like they opened up the Playbook more it just seemed like we were executing better overall and wasn't wasn't the play to Lea that Kyle wasn't the play to Luke Lea that Kade mcam underthrew wasn't that a first half play yeah yeah that's a first half play so I mean that play was there I mean yeah I would agree I think a lot of it execution but again without going back and like breaking down each play Play bypl here's one thing that we're going to be able to say I think with confidence heading into every week this year James and this sounds cliche and simp simplistic but if you ask Don Patterson I think he would agree the one thing we can count on every week is that Iowa this Iowa offense will have more plays at its because of who the offensive coordinator is again I know that sounds yeah sounds simplistic but yeah Don has made the comment in the past and I tend to agree with him without being an offensive play caller Iowa hasn't had enough plays there's not enough variety and Concepts and Innovation and Ingenuity in this offense under Brian ference and you know what that was you know I'll tell you what that was highlighted by and you can't see me because you're on the phone line James but I'm going to show everybody else this is what encompasses all of it right here when you see Brian ference out on the sideline with a call sheet that looks like this index card in my hand that should be an indication to you that we ain't got enough plays and right you know just having I think just having seeing Tim Lester up in the Press Box gives me as an Iowa fan it gives me a level of confidence and uh comfort I guess if you will yeah absolutely you know yeah yeah for sure you know one one thing that I I I think I heard it on Hawk talk today with uh Dolph and Kirk had it not been for the holding on the punt return and then if Le would have actually been able to hold on to the ball you know we would have had a 20 25 Point first half you know instead of just going in the half at six six nothing you know so had we executed better the first half you know it we would have been you know 20 25 points going into halftime not just six and I would agree with you the only thing I would say and you know this is true because we all went to kindergarten but they say in kindergarten if if ANS or butts were what candies and nuts blah blah blah blah blah y so yeah I mean you still got cute I mean yeah you're right but hey 34 in the second half I think the big thing is they scored 40 that that that's impressive for you look at how stagnant our offense has been for the last four years yeah I think just be be happy with 40 points in the second in the game in spite of the first half where they really didn't do much oh yeah absolutely absolutely I just I just honestly hope that we can continue that second half success on Saturday against Iowa State absolutely well appreciate you calling in James and I'm gonna get off here and uh sit back and enjoy the rest of the show well we'll talk we'll hope to talk to you Saturday all righty thank you sir speaking of uh speaking of talent by the way I think what you just brought up Corey is probably the biggest talent addition that Iowa had this year looking at that for game and I think we'll see this throughout the season but like you're talking about the call sheet and Brian having more of a limited call sheet and and and Tim being up in the Press Box with a lot more I mean you could see even on the TV a lot more at his disposal like he had a whole you know he had a couple of the big laminated sheets at his disposal and that's hold on a second let's not paint the picture like because Brian was on the sidelines he couldn't have a big play sheet Brian ference chose no no no I'm I'm I'm saying I'm agreeing with you I'm saying that is that compared to what Lester had is is emblematic of the difference in the two coordinators but I mean let's be honest here like and Don would tell you this too I think to to have all that information in front of you and manage it and call a great football game is a talent like that's that that's a talent addition that they made that is not not only impacts the way that the players are coached but it it impacts the execution on game day because you know even if Brian had that big call sheet at his disposal I still don't know that he would have called a great game does that make sense like there's certain people have a knack for for using all that information in front of them and calling a great game again it's like it's it'd be like having me go into a you know Five Star Seafood restaurant and having me be the the main cook like yeah I'm gonna put something on the plate but it probably not GNA taste very good I mean you're either qualifier or or you're not doesn't mean anything about Brian personally I don't know you know how many times have we said that on the show is beyond qualified for the job as anybody should who's making almost a million dollars and is a power five offensive coordinator so I'm not gonna anoint Tim Lester as the next great thing but he's doing what he should be doing when you're making that much money now I'm gonna credit him when he deserves credit he deserves credit from what he did Saturday obviously second half I don't think those numbers we we brought those numbers to the four you know a couple minutes ago those aren't a coincidence that that that you're setting these marks uh the first in the first game in which Brian ference is no longer the coordinator now here's what you're gonna keep hearing and I love Kirk ference let me just say I love me some Kirk ference okay but here's what you're gonna keep hearing out of Kirk fence skyle and it's okay it's okay is a dad I get it I understand I know where this is going we're going to keep hearing all year about how the off he's gonna every time he's asked about the offense and Improvement it's GNA be well we're much more veteran UPF front because and we're healthier yeah healthier right but up front it's always about the guys up front and on the offensive line and he's right to a large extent like I say you gota be able to run the football effectively in this offense but it does not take away from from the fact that how many years has Iowa Gone without a good offensive line it shouldn't take this it should not have taken this long and if you're you know Kirk's never can come out and say that well we would have had this type of a performance with Brian here with this offensive line that's not we all know that's not true Kirk may want to say that as Dad but I think you know yeah there there's some of that but again it we've talked about it the level of responsibility that an OC holds across the board that encompasses offensive line as well and yes line play has been better but it's one game and I didn't think they looked great in the first half they do have to be good for for this offense to be good I I agree with K and and and also too like this is the thing that frustrated me the most about Brian's tenure I think is we saw the offensive line struggles and he continued to put Personnel out on the field that was made for an Iowa offense with a good offensive line and called a game emblematic of an Iowa team that had a good offensive line like if you're if you know your offensive line is struggling like iow was did in 21 and 22 like and and 23 as well if if you know that if you know your offensive line isn't going to just be able to push people around you don't put immobile quarterbacks and call inside Zone runs you just don't like he still called the same game as if he thought he had a great offensive line like he there was no variety no you know quick outs to wide receivers there was no oh let's put a mobile quarterback in none there was no thinking that's the OC's job as well all right uh let's we got a a super chat here from Midwest storm chasing bringing it today Midwest storm chasing appreciate that part two of the quarterback conversation nothing against the Iowa wide receivers but look what Kate did at Michigan I don't see Iowa State's quarterback getting them to the Big 12 championship game um okay maybe he's talking about Iowa State's receivers am I reading this wrong he's saying he's he's comparing uh Kade to Roco because Kade got Michigan to the Big 10 championship game he's saying he doesn't see Rocco getting Iowa State to the Big 12 championship game so yeah I mean what's the talent differential between Iowa State at wide receiver and Michigan at wide receiver I would still think I I would say the Iowa State Iowa State doesn't have Michigan's running game either if Iowa state had Michigan's running game I think they would have a shot to get to Theory well they should I think Abu sama's a Beyond talented guy that's one thing that Levi brought up yesterday as we were talking about this matchup he brought and it's kind of like Iowa right everybody always thinks nationally well Iowa's gonna you know run you to death and yet even though Iowa tries that historically Iowa does not run the ball well under Kirk ference and Iowa State's sort of the same way I mean they have there are flashes but they are not as consistent on the you'd think with guys like David mon and Breece Hall and who am I missing even Abu Sama you would think those guys you'd be able to just torch people on the ground but I don't think Iowa State's been good enough up front and that's what it comes down to a lot with these teams you look at Wisconsin what's been their bread and butter they've had great running backs and great line play yeah again we sound like we're simplifying it but that's just you know the reality of it that's why they've had a ton offensive lineman draft they had a ton of running running backs in the league Iowa is a perfect example of a program that's had flashes and they've had individuals they've not had NFL backs and they've not had Collective Strength upfront in a long time so hopefully that's the case this year and hopefully Iowa State doesn't have the collective Talent up front because here's the deal as good as Abu Sama is unless that line blocks well it's not gonna matter because I was loaded in the front seven when you talk about those two guys in the interior and then all linebackers plus Castro coming down with the heat they are loaded so that Iowa offensive line has to block well appreciate the Super Chat Midwest storm chasing let's go to our next caller we've got Alex here Alex bringing out the Retro uh Hawkeye on the hat tonight good to see you oh you're muted I I I ain't nope you're uh there you go nope still still can't hear you you're hasn't this happened before I feel like this has happened before uh you try to figure that out as you're trying to figure that out uh we've got another Super Chat this one from James this is the same James that called in a minute ago forgot to mention on the phone I know this is about football but Caitlin Clark had a triple double tonight I've seen that I actually looked up the statline people were commenting on it not watched the game but I did see that she scored how many she have she was in the 20s somewhere and that she had 10 and 10 so hopefully we get Alex back here in a second but thank you for the Super Chat James and well she's certainly carving out a nice uh a nice start 28 according to our other James in the private chat so thank you James for that and again James H thank you for the Super Chat Robert wants to know if I'm hiding at kids day what does that mean do you hide at kids day he he was probably at kids day and he was hoping he went because he was hoping to see Corey brada and he didn't see Cory how many people are how many are at Kids Day a few at least probably 5,000 probably more than that probably 10,000 yeah some anyway uh I was there I was not hiding uh they they let us sit on the media side so we're on the opposite side we were on we were on the sidelines right before they let us basically be on the field up until the start of the practice and then they Usher us off into the East stand so ran into a couple people that that flagged me down I always appreciate hearing from people that watch the show but Robert if you run into me somewhere be sure to say hi not meaning to hide James is correcting says she had 22 he clicked the wrong button okay he had TW 22 okay 22 for Caitlyn Clark along I got I got 24 on ESPN 2410 and 10 okay all right folks here's the deal as we wait our next caller uh we've got 166 people here how many have liked the video this is a very simple thing that I I imp pleading with people to do each and every night Kyle you're going to be able to tell me in a couple seconds how many people have liked our live stream right now here on YouTube we are sitting at I am seeing 43 43 that means I'll do the math on that that's like a quarter of what we have for viewership so please folks slide down real quick hit that little Thumbs Up Button very simple do that if you haven't already done it thank you Amanda in the chat for reminding everybody to do that and if you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe it does help but thank you for reminding everybody hit that like button uh stipulate uh Corey too cool for fan section brat yeah that's I don't even know how to respond to that one uh let's go back Alex Alex we got you this time can you hear me now we got you loud and clear sir Perfect all right my first I got I got a question to you before get anywhere go anywhere okay and I I sure hope that this doesn't fall flat on its face um how is married life treating you oh well we're still married so I guess it's going that could have been really the uh be almost a year uh this come this Friday will be 11 months so still going good she lets me she lets me go crazy for Iowa football game so are you still are you still on the I'm not goingon to ask any more personal questions after this one are you still on the honeymoon phase never left it after yeah almost eight years been together yeah never left it that's that's kind of the trip you you were together a long time before you're married okay yeah so uh uh so I rewatched the game on Sunday and there's a couple things I wanted to mention that I jumped on when Kyle and Don Patterson were on Saturday after the game um so Jacob Gil caught one of the touchdown passes I have to applaud his toughness if you watch the two catches he got caught before that he got absolutely laid out and he bounced right back up and went right back to the Huddle it was just amazing to see him get just laid out held onall yeah oh yeahall too yeah um the oh gosh blanking on his name Brian Allan Jr the defensive end that so the reason why I bring up his name now we kind of transition into the Saturday game where I would say's got a lot of injuries obviously uh Caleb bacon one of their best linebackers is out along with a bunch of other uh linebackers are they're playing like third fourth string linebackers they said they might get a uh a freshman Caleb brenen uh he's he enrolled pretty early they might they said he might get a chance but he's a freshman so uh so really thin at that linebacking core uh defensive tackle I think they said Jaylen Travis might be out oh no excuse me Trent Jones but you mentioned uh Abu Sama he was actually dinged up in that North Dakota Game as well but they're he they said he's probably good to play as well but I kind of went bounced all over the place just thinking about that but getting back to Brian Allen they have two guys on the offensive line the left tackle uh Jaylen Travis and then one of their s uh Dylan uh hasser uh he he's questionable for that game both interior both one's the the left tackle the other ones he can play interior or tackle as well and he's questionable too so I think Iowa's defensive line will make Rocco feel very uncomfortable come Saturday and I think Brian Allen White might kind of have a coming out party so to speak and uh I know he T doesn't see the field quite a bit um because he's uh behind that you know behind uh Deontay Craig and I can't think of the other U defensive end that Iowa has well her you're thinking of her yeah yeah so but I I I think Iowa's defense is going to really feast and like with yeah you're gonna spread Iowa out I think that's honestly the way to attack him um uh but I think with is there any way we're wrong on that by the way because everybody's saying that this week is there anybody way we're wrong and they don't come out and try to spread Iowa out because Phil Parker's no dummy he knows they're going to try to do that and if if that's actually what Iowa state does then it's just going to hey who's prepared better and has better horses I guess I I don't know how me is it me it seems like Matt Campbell tries to play kurk ference ball playing Kurt fence he tries to play like oh we're better at Iowa football we're going to run it down your throat we have the bigger bodies and yet it never seems to work for him but I don't know maybe is is Jack because here's the deal I almost said Jack Campbell Matt Campbell is Matt Campbell I don't want to use the term humble because that's not maybe not always what it is but Alex you know for a number of years even the best of the best for Iowa Phil Parker was stubborn and and refused to make some adjustments against Purdue and it bit them several times and eventually Phil started making some minor adjustments with how he approached that game I think and Don has a test to this as well uh so you wonder will Matt actually make those changes like we all see it on the outside like oh that's obvious they should do that but sometimes coaches believe what they believe and he is the head coach obviously he believes or has believe that they should go up strength against strength and but see that's the thing their strength is not upfront and their strength AB usama's really good I it's Iowa was a perfect you've got to have guys who can block for you and against that front that's why I think the key key matchup number one I'm going to come out with a preview video tomorrow morning but key matchup number one is certainly Rocko Beck and the receivers against Iowa's DBS but then key matchup number two is Iowa State's the interior of that offensive line versus ya black and Aaron graves because if those guys are getting home and making life difficult for rock Ock they don't win like I don't see any route to vict iory if that happens because I I don't I can't imagine that they're going to have time to burn Iowa over the top in that scenario I think they'll get one play I think they'll they'll like there's a busted coverage or something something weird happens where Iowa state will get a a chunk a big chunk play and but that's the only one they'll get that's what I foresee in the game and then kind of switching for Iowa offense you know we talked always about that first half about like how bad they looked and I think it was just more of a Feeling out it's a brand new offense we saw a lot more motion and it actually got them in trouble a couple times where I believe it was um oh God I was goingon to say leaport um uh lee he was on a he was in motion but he turned towards the line on an arc which you apparently can't do because that's an illegal motion so so I think it was a lot of a feeling out but to me it looked like Kade obviously in the second half he got a lot more comfortable I think he was able to read the defense a lot better no knowing what where they were at and that's why he was so successful in that second half because you could see like okay they're in zone or they're in man coverage I know I have a a good matchup over here the other thing too this is the healthiest we've ever seen Kate we saw him in in that Western Michigan game when he ran for that first down and man I mean I mean my grandpa can run faster than him he looked I mean the one play he got that got called back which you know okay fine whatever but he looked good and I I guarantee everyone in that crowd outside of Illinois State fans kind of what you know kind of like oh God oh God oh God but then he got up adjusted his knee brace and walk ran back and then he had another one where he weirdly Dove forward instead of sliding but he looked good and that's and I think this is where Iowa you talk about the match up between Rock Ock and Kate mcir where a healthy Cade is a dangerous Cade if he has that ability now I don't I'm not asking for specific QB draws where QB run plays that Tim Lester draws up but it's like hey if it's a third and five and there's no one in that middle of the field if they don't have a spy on you go get six yards get us the first down keep the drive alive make them think about having him run the ball it just it just makes Iowa that more Dynamic which we haven't seen since CJ bethard so maybe in a maybe in a pure passing like capacity I think Rock was a little better but in terms of maybe overall athleticism if Kate's healthy I think he's better and yeah Iowa was wide receiver or Iowa st's wide receivers I think are a little better or better than iow with wide receivers not you know that's a pretty low bar to hit but I actually feel pretty good about going in this game obviously there's always a little bit of nervousness because it's an instate rival iow always say could be an absolutely terrible team they could win one game and the one game they do win is against Iowa and I when every G Alex don't you kind of feel a little nervous because you feel good like that's kind of where I'm at right now going out a Saturday I was like man I feel pretty good about where like I watched the iow state game back and I'm like okay they do have receivers and I think they do have the ability to burn Iowa over the top but that's pretty one-dimensional I don't know like I almost feel nervous that I'm not that nervous you know what I'm saying it's oh yeah it's one of those things where it's like man why am I it's it's one of those things where you're not I get it I don't know how to explain it but it's the the thing that that catches my attention too Cory I don't know if you've seen this I know you're not a betting man over under set at 35 and a half not surprising but as confident as we probably feel the line is Iowa minus two and a half like this is they're they're saying this is a this is a pick them game if it was on a neutral site well you could almost it's if the home field is three then that means they like I would stay a little better yeah yeah that's that that I mean I don't know how all that works because like you said I'm not a betting guy but I let me just say this this is the same Vegas that had Iowa at seven and a half total for wins last year and they have Iowa at seven and a half this year now they were way off last year we all knew they were gonna be way off and they're gonna be way off this year again so I don't know may maybe those guys in Vegas just don't know Iowa very well besides they don't score a lot of points they I think it started when it opened it opened up at like six and a half and I think it got bet all the way up to I think it's like right before the season started it was at 88 or and a half so it was so it was opened up pretty low for Iowa but I mean that's really all I wanted to come on and say I Pro so uh unfortunately well maybe not I shouldn't say unfortunately Saturday I will be near De Mo in a park well out not in De Mo but outside of De Mo for my son's birthday so I'll try to I'm trying to like shut off social media so I don't see the game so I can watch it in full but I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself so I won't be on Saturday probably but uh I appreciate everything you know Cory does K uh Kyle it's you know you're kind of a new face haven't seen you around too much but it's you know you're a great addition it was fun to talk to you and Don on on Saturday after a Hawkeye win so you know hopefully we'll see you next Saturday after Troy and hopefully I will be sitting three and0 sounds good Alex thank you sir appreciate it and um by the way can I just address something here in the chat so Midwest storm chasing thank you for the super chat but he says how much do I need to donate to be able to call in you can call in whenever uh the phone line so the phone line was full here a few minutes ago both of our people that were on the phone line are off so the the the line is open now we also have streamyard you can call in Via streamyard thank you for the Super Chat uh but it's 515 635-6017 56351 1601 all right um and we're going to get to he's thrown another Super Chat in here that we will get to here in just a minute so uh again thank you for that Midwest storm chasing uh let's go to our next caller we've got Gabriel here hey hey how's it going you guys hear me we got you L and clear how are you pretty good how are you guys we're uh we're hanging in there we're doing okay I'm looking forward to the game Saturday I'm sure you are as well yeah me as well I just wanted to share a little bit um I was a big I've been a big c fan uh ever since before he transferred here as a big Michigan fan it's actually where I wanted to go originally they didn't want me they didn't want me but I wanted them uh I chose Iowa instead it's my second option um and I tore a ligament in my knee about a year ago now and I go to the rehab facility here wonderful rehab facility here uh sports medicine at Iowa and I show up and I'm EX I because K mcnamer is there uh I get to rehab with him for about three months we have the same time okay uh this guy is incredible he is such a nice guy he's a great team leader I remember at Michigan um when they had that two and four season at co uh he was the one that pulled them out of that he was the one that got them to that big 10 Championship they won it because of him uh he's a team leader and greatest thing ever I had this uh knee test I had to do and it was like a a resistance test it's harder as you go along and you got to try your hardest for like 30 seconds this guy comes up right next to me and is like screaming in my ear he's like go go going he is the he is just incredible I just want to share that sure you're not sorry what was that are you sure you're not actually Kade mcnemar's brother or something I'm pretty I'm pretty sure you're not just trying to put a good word in for Kade oh look at this what are we what are we he's got a Jersey oh and it's a sign Jersey y he got it for me that's something so he he came here with Gabriel came here with the evidence that's great that's right no I had to I had to show up you know hey that's all I had for you guys I just want to share Katie's a real leader I was ecstatic when he decided to transfer here really disappointed with his first time but once he's healthy he is dangerous that uh if a good game to watch if you want to see how well he performs is um 2021 versus Michigan State they lost that game Kade got injured uh on the final drive I believe but he was incredible that game uh watch that game if you want to see how well he performed so you you are under the uh impression and the belief that what we saw in the second half of the game on Saturday can be the norm for Kade mcam 100% yes you I me you watch I I watched every game for Michigan 2021 that's what he that's what he looked like that's that was just normal for him that's not a that's not abnormal plays for him that's just what he looks like when he's healthy let me ask you this because you before we let you go there's a lot of Michigan fans that don't like well they don't like me there's also a lot of Michigan fans that don't like Cade explain that to me do you know why that is because there are claims that he was not the best on the way out of Michigan it's ridiculous they they don't like him because he made like two or three negative comments after he got forced out of the starting job by a younger quarterback what do they expect him to do it's like the craziest thing he won them a big 10 title and then the next year the year after that he gets forced out after he gets injured like of course he's going to be a little negative towards the coaching staff that chooses a Young quarterback over him but it was it's completely ridiculous and I was uh in some comment threads the other day defending him because Michigan fans are all about how he's just toxic and when he literally LED them to a big 10 Championship it's ridiculous that there's no I I would I would ask those Michigan fans if they've ever seen a mirror well I'll say this Gabriel I'm glad you don't have your last name on here because I I plan on cutting this segment out and posting it as its own video on the YouTube channel because I believe that all uh Kate first of all this show and Kade live rentree in Michigan fans heads so I'm gonna post a video that is signed your name but it's going to be to Michigan fans because I think what you just said what you just said is actually really insightful with all in all honesty because we don't know I mean we I I know Coach Patterson has had conversations with k at practice and he's always cordial with with uh with Coach but you know the fact that you've been had some exposure to Kate that's good to hear from a non- teammate because of course your teammates you're going to expect your teammates to come to bat for and even even off uh even outside of the rehab facility I saw him at uh PBB the other day or not the other day but while I was rehabbing with him dapped him up said hi he knows my name I saw him outside the IMU said hi he's he's just he's a great guy and people calling him toxic Michigan fans calling him toxic hard they don't know what they're talking about well Gabriel appreciate you calling in sir and uh don't be a stranger to the show we look forward to hearing from you again absolutely thanks for having me thank you sir that's good stuff I didn't expect that call and Coach Patterson will like to hear that because uh again I Coach Patterson he's been around enough people that you don't annoy a guy and he's had question marks not not about Kate's character necessarily but you just don't know right and you know there were there have been Michigan people that have said a lot of negative things about Kade Mur but on the flip side there have been plenty of Michigan people who were very and fans that were very complimentary of kade's contributions and as they should be uh Kade Kade did helped them hey Jim Harbaugh may not have a job May well he he probably wouldn't be at the Chargers right like if he had gotten fired by Michigan maybe he would have ended up as a head coach in the league but Cade helped them to a big 10 title and um you know he looked pretty good in doing so as Gabriel brought up so I I appreciate his perspective I still think they that Iowa and I saw somebody comment this somebody commented why didn't anybody ask Kirk fence on Tuesday about not playing Brendan Sullivan well first of all I wasn't there I wasn't there in person um I'm gonna be a part of almost all the zoom press conferences this season but unfortunately Kirk is usually not available by zoom and so I don't know it's a good question why Brendan Sullivan wasn't put in until they were up 40 to zero but you know maybe that's grasping at straws or I should say trying to to look at a glass half empty and um but I do think it's a fair question um we got a super chat here from Midwest no we got that one already different one Midwest storm chasing thank you for all your contributions uh if Iowa lacks if Iowa lacks to Iowa State in quarterback running back wide receiver safey Corner D line how do we win according to the Iowa State guy yesterday which the excuses he came up for with Iowa state was a typical Iowa State EV well first of all Lei Stevenson and he'll admit this hope is the biggest Homer I had somebody reach out to me who will remain nameless I had somebody reach out to me today and it was a private message of somebody that I know well and said did they did and this was I'm not this is not a derogatory thing but more so along the lines of his homerism somebody reached out to me and said did you find that Iowa State guy under a bridge in Ames because that and I understand again not any disrespect to Levi but I mean the dude bleeds Cardinal and gold like he cannot see things objectively he can't he cannot do it he can't do it so like yeah he's done this before this is our fourth year of doing a show with Levi Stevenson over on the Iowa football at the voice of college football channel so go back and watch previous shows there was one year I think it was 2021 because remember Iowa state was supposed to be really good in 21 Kyle we went through like every position and like every single position he gave the nod to Iowa State and then Iowa went out there and Blitz creaked him so really matter uh I do think I gave and I may maybe I'll give this if if you have any time Kyle I know you're busy you're good at making Graphics I might give you our our picks from yesterday because we went through and picked our positions I don't think we need to Levis together but I did give I I did give Iowa State the notic quarterback assuming we're just looking at the on line I'd give Rocco the slight nod over Cade mcamera I give them the slight nod at running back if it's just a one versus one but at the same time that room is that room's gonna play I give them the KN at wide receiver I would not give them the KN at corner or on dline safeties I'd say is a a wash and then give Iowa tight end I'd give Iowa offensive line linebacker I'd give them linebacker linebacker is just you know massive linebacker is the biggest gap on the field and I give Iowa special teams I mean Levi was going on a a tangent about how oh we got two punters and then one guy's a pooch punter it was even mentioned during the fox broadcast if you have two punters you have none and I don't like that argument for quarterbacks so much but I do think if you're a specialist you ought to be able to if you're a good good specialist you ought to be able to learn how to Pooch punt at times and how to whatever they call the other type of punting right need two yeah yeah you shouldn't need two guys you know that's like saying you need one for long field goals and one for short no no you don't well and and that has happened but usually that means you have guys that aren't as complete right and I guess it can work but uh when they start having more roster uh when when you have the RO the new roster uh limits right with what is that going to 105 or whatever that is that will affect how teams approach obviously the walk-on thing all that but I wonder how that will affect that type of of a mindset with having a pooch punter and having a regular punter and whatnot but I think Iowa has the not of special teams I was really impressed with Kaden ouan here's a guy who you don't getal block in the back he's got a touchdown on the in the first half which by the way he didn't need the illegal Block in the back probably not you you know again usually you don't usually those blocks don't don't affect the play that's why they're so unfortunate but it did happen and it was an illegal Block in the back and I just thought Kaden ween was really impressive so and here we go with thank you Midwest storm chasing for all the support but um here we go Dom Abu isn't as good as Caleb Caleb Johnson is better than Abu Corey come on I'm not gonna argue with anybody Dom you're a regular here I appreciate you I don't even believe Caleb is as good as Kamari like I as of right now I think Kamari Molton is a more complete back I think Leon Williams when healthy is a more complete back now these are this is a room at Iowa full of several guys who specialize in different things Caleb Johnson's a long Strider he's got great speed once he gets in the open field but he's not a guy who consistently drives through contact in in spite of his size and it's sometimes harder for a taller guy to get low um he's not gonna make guys miss he's not jittery he's not that type of a back so I'm fine with that debate but some people have taken that personally this week that I have made the statement that I still think Kamari Molton is their best option right now WIS I hope Caleb Johnson the next great thing but we've said that before and he's laid eggs so yeah anyways I got nothing against Caleb Johnson I'm just seeing it as objectively as I can breaking Cory Johnson Caleb Johnson hater I just oh boy I mean I will say it's it's whether Abu Sama is the best back in the game or not I think I mean I can't speak to Iowa State's backup running backs I I frankly I don't know anything about them but Iowa has a running back room that at least gives you different looks I mean the one back is very different from the other even I would love to see Jazz Patterson get touches he's different than all other you know all the three others there's there's different things that Tim Lester could use the four of them to do jell Washington's a guy we didn't see he was on the field lot Saturday we really didn't see much out of him yeah the more I talk about this game the more I think Iowa wins let's go to our next call let's go to our next caller we've got uh we got James who's been waiting forever James appreciate you being here not the same James that's on the screen on the in the comment section James thank you for being here yeah how you doing tonight great we're great first off I'm gonna say something to me I do kind of agree with I do think Abu is the best running back in this game now I don't think he's the best I think our room's better obviously like you said yesterday but I do think he's the best individual One V one whether you go Kamari or Caleb but so do who do you believe do you believe that it's like somebody said to me like yesterday in a comment they said literally this is the I don't know how anybody could have watched that game on Saturday and come away saying that Caleb Johnson's not the best running back are you kidding me are we really gonna jump I also feel like what you said about Caleb Johnson is very true Caleb Johnson is very Hit or Miss game wise he'll have one good game and the next game he won't look the same you know what I mean where like he doesn't look the same like he'll have one really good game and he'll look bad the next game or won't be that same person or he won't have that many yards next game it's kind of he's not consistent if that makes sense right it's very Hit or Miss for him it's very up and down even even in games he even in games he plays well Cory made a good point Kamar Molton did not take any negative plays kale Johnson takes tackles for loss all the time yeah especially he'll also have one or two big plays and you'll be like oh he looked good cuz he had one or two big runs but it's like just cuz he one or two big runs his numbers will be infl a little bit you know I'm not just saying that because I know Cory did say that yesterday on his show but that's not what I'm saying but sometimes you never do get inflated when you have you know a 60 yard run here and you know a 40 R here your numbers do get inflated a little bit so yeah I I just I can't I'm amazed I I really should just not engage with people on in the comment section but I'm you know why that that caller that commenter that said I'm amazed that anybody could see it that way I'll tell you what I'm amazed at I'm amazed that anybody would jump to conclusions based on one game against an FCS opponent oh and by the way one half Caleb didn't play in the first half so we can't comp they're not even equal samples we sawari playing it was a different half of football and the difference was not just Caleb Johnson being there in the second half I think anybody with a brain would say that agree with that but no I was just saying I feel like AB is definitely one V1 I feel like Abu Sama is the better running back but I feel like our room overall is obviously better but yeah got a kid named Hansen that played a lot yeah but they they're were only too deep after that they very we don't have like what we do where we have four guys we feel like we can give the ball to you know what I mean like they're not like that where we feel we can give the ball to four guys and who knows one of those guys could be on that's the thing I was talking to my friends the other day I thing about the Ia room that is special it's like you have four running backs one of them is bound to click right like you can ride the hand because you have four options you if you find the high hand you have a chance to ride the High hand the rest of the game and that's kind of why I feel like we have a better running back room just cuz we can have more hot hands you know we have people that have had good games here and there so you know one of them is bound to go can I just real quick address Erica in the chat she says I wish Corey would find a different Iowa State analyst just I that has not I am not involved with Mark Rogers recruiting effort likei I I don't have contact with Levi last I knew Lei like blocked me on Twitter or I I don't think I blocked him maybe maybe we're not blocked I don't have anything against Levi but I did not recruit Levi I'm not the one who invites him on year after year after year and real quick let me defend Caleb Johnson for a second to Jared he says the shame with Caleb Johnson is that if he changed his play style he could be so much better I don't know that I agree with that either because some guys are just who they are and just because he's big and athletic doesn't mean like Russell Russell Dickerson who am I Eric Dickerson who's Russell Dickerson he's a country singer ER Eric anyways not everybody's not everybody's going to run like they look like Derrik Henry is yeah just yeah that's what I was gonna say just because he looks like Derrick Henry doesn't mean he's gonna der Henry Derrick Henry does run like he looks yeah so I'll give him I'll give him that but you know I just think we have to have balance with the things and I I hope Caleb Johnson goes out there and runs for 800 yards on Saturday I hope he runs for 800 yards and is inspired to run for diabetes the next day I I don't care I hope that all happens but I'm just simply saying I don't believe right now that there's any reason to anoint one guy or the other and by the way if Liddell Betts and Kirk ference and Tim Lester had solid reason to think Caleb is our number one guy he would be on the one line he's not well he is on the he's on the or one line he's sharing the top spot on the depth chart with Kamari Molton so anyways the one thing too I think is interesting to look at last year what happened we were down running backs in this game right and I feel like this room is healthier this year than they were last year right and Jazz played well so I'm not huting against Jazz right Jazz did play well last year right so by say like I feel we're healthier this year in that room than we were last year and I feel it gives me a little bit more confidence in that aspect of things uh James can you give us all a Desmond Hudson update uh no I don't you talk about last week what he do last week sorry I shouldn't laugh I you know what I had somebody email me Kyle here a few days ago and say that uh I won't even say who was on the show with me that day but me and somebody else that was on the show and someone else that was on the show we were very rude because we laughed regarding Deacon Hills 20-yard touchdown I had somebody take the time to email me about this because they were they thought it was so disrespectful that we like he's like three 260 and he's a touchdown yeah I'm gonna guess what when when Vince wfor got an accidental accidental pick six or like BJ rajie had an accidental pick six we laughed it was funny it's great it's great I but he's also you can go on YouTube and look up compilations of big man touchdowns because the funny and a quarterback is not supposed to be that big okay and he's not Big Ben Ro if rothberger did it that'd be one thing but anyways we weren't making than Ben Roth so what did Desmond Hudson do if anybody forgot Desmond Hudson was an Iowa receiver you transferred to un and I okay so what happened was actually the first play he had like a 5 yard game the next play they ran like a screen play and he just got blow he got got like BL blowing up right away that's why that's why statline looked like that if that makes sense right like is he is he their number one guy receiver he's a number two guy he's a number two guy okay but he doesn't he's not doing much is he no but they didn't need him to do much this last game they pretty much they their running back went crazy so they didn't really need to do much so but and they also play Val peso who is not that good at FCS level so it kind of was easy for them just like just you know don't have to do much if that makes sense but but no I feel like this game for me scares me more than I think you're scared about it just cuz it's Iowa State and I feel like they're the ones that usually make mistakes but like what happens if they don't make mistakes it's always what's in the back of my head right like they've always seem to make the mistakes in those games right but if they didn't the results would be a lot different you know what I mean like I'm always like what if they don't make those mistakes right like what if this year's a year where they don't make mistakes it's kind of the way I look at it right like well think Iowa was better at a lot of SP I I mean like I'm more confident in the X's and O's of this than I've been in previous years and Iowa Was Won in previous years when they've been fairly even so I think Iowa State's gonna not only G have to limit mistakes but they're gonna have to figure out a way to win a couple of matchups that we don't expect them to have a chance at winning but I'm also saying like last like the last couple years you know it's kind of been like where they've made the mistakes where like the ones you said like the the point where they ran into each other I think they would if they got the ball back I think they would have won that game they driving on us no but I'm saying they were driving on us right so I'm saying like if those things don't happen like if they play a perfect game you never know what could happen is what I'm saying right because like a lot of times St they seem to be the team that makes a mistake if that makes sense for anybody wondering Desmond Hudson and I'm not not gonna laugh because by the way nice kid nice kid uh two receptions for you and I last week against valo for negative one yards am I saying that right Kyle negative one yards or negative one yard how do you say that appropriately what's the proper way to say that negative one yard any 2023 if anybody wondered Desmond Hudson for you and I you know what his best performance was um James I I remember the game I don't remember who against but I remember watching the game it was against North Dakota the team that Iowa say played on Saturday they he had four receptions for 61 yards and he had a touchdown against Iowa State last year yeah I remember that because I remember but can I say something about him real quick I know this is not a sure you and I show right but I have met the person and I have talked to him about like why he left Iowa and he had nothing but good things to say about the school nothing but good things to say about the program right so like I don't ever want nobody to bash on you know some people for leaving right because some people do have good intentions right he's definitely the person that did have good intentions right when I talked to him about it all he had was good things to say about Iowa right it was never nothing negative to say about Iowa he was always like he thanks him for the opportunity like he always will love Iowa no matter where he's at right so I don't ever want nobody hating on a lot of people cuz you don't know why people transfer right and I feel like some people always be like oh people transfer I don't like them because they transfer right some people transfer for the right reasons right some people transfer to get more playing time or they don't see play in time or they're transfer for other reasons right you never know but that doesn't mean that they still don't respect us you know what I mean they don't respect us as fans not respect the school if that makes sense yeah yeah I I agree um and I got nothing I again everything I've known about Desmond Hudson and heard he's been very complimentary of Iowa and he wasn't some great recruit it's not like Oliver Martin yeah yeah he was a part of the well he was a Brian wasn't he a Brian recruit I'm trying to think of when he got done yeah he was he was yeah he was but so but no but no yeah it's gonna be interesting to see how this game goes and I hope we can watch us win and I hope we can watch Colorado new Nebraska it's the only game iot for Colorado for because I hate Nebraska with the passion right so hopefully we can watch Nebraska too that'd be a good day you know watching I win watching Nebraska would always be a good day so go Panthers on Saturday absolutely but yeah how nice is it gonna be James to see an Iowa Iowa State game on CBS yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be cool like you always think about that as a prime time slot right in Big 10 like when they were at the SEC that was always a prime time slot right like they always had that 230 big match up whether it's Alabama versus like Auburn or something like that right like that's always the 230 match up so now it's like us we're The Prime Time match up you know we're the match up they're trying to like they're looking forward to so yep I agree it's gonna be it's gonna be a fun day for sure but all right enjoy your night and uh gohawks always and I appreciate you guys for everything and I couldn't be on last Saturday obviously because I at the game so I I heard what Kyle had to say so but I couldn't say anything back but I heard Kyle and I know he did a good job on that so thank you absolutely thank you James appreciate it Erica you by the way oh go for it uh Erica thank you for the Super Chat Levi claim that this that Iowa state has a mic leech offense I don't know that he said that exactly but he did say something to that effect uh so thank you for the Super Chat and Midwest storm chasing was up next so Midwest storm chasing you left I know you're probably on a schedule but he did add another Super Chat so I thank you for that I was mowing the yard listening and Levi made me want to run myself over wow can I can I just say by the way it would be incred and I know you'll never do this it would be incredibly funny to have Levi scheduled for the postgame on Saturday regardless of the result I don't I don't think first of all I don't know if you watch at the end of that show Tuesday I just gave up trying to talk I was done I just stopped trying to talk because we could have been there all day and he he just wanted to hear himself talk so he he wanted to get into a a 60-minute pillow fight that's what he wanted to get into wanting to argue about what's better total offense versus yards per play yards you know whatever I anyways um so Midwest storm chasing come on back if you are in the area James does uh is Brent musberger on the call he does not work for CBS I don't even think is Brent musberger still working anywhere last I knew he was working for like some he was like the voice of some team or program yeah so I I I know it's going to be Brad nestler and and and I said Dar why did I say who is Dar Danielson who is Dar Danielson I called him Dar Danielson is there a Dar Danielson who is Dar Danielson let's see Dar Danielson I'm so listen this is not my night man I kept been calling Gary Danielson Dar Danielson the re you want to know why why is that name in my head Dar Danielson is a reporter for radio Iowa and I I I haven't had contact with DAR Danielson in well since I worked radio 10 years ago well eight years ago whatever it was wow James you're absolutely James knows everything he's a guy on radio aisle yes why am I saying Dar Danielson holy canoli why wow um okay uh Midwest storm chasing says can I join for the Levi part two inter if only there was going to be a part two interview that would be uh that would be you can you can you can you can let me handle that show and you can you can sit with your popcorn love that all right unless Midwest storm chasing comes back in Corey might be our final caller no we've got one on the phone line I'm sorry we've got one on the phone line Andy you're up first good to see your face again great to see you gentlemen great show as always uh couple things I want to First speak out against the hate uh that I'm witnessing on this show the fat shaming of Deacon Hill you go right ahead and speak out against it buddy boy you go right ahead Johnson hate effect and then the uh and and first and foremost I should have spoke out of your hat for these 3x5 notebook yeah i' got I've got plenty of them I take notes on these things all the time but I'm also not trying to run a big 10 offense that you don't know that might have been his choice of a a cigar menu for his Victory Cigar you don't know what was on that I want my bagel I want my bagels with blueberries I want regular cream cheese I want them toasted lightly he's probably just got those for his intern for after the game for his after halftime snack you know BF had that all right here he didn't need oh yep we we got to see what he had right here I'm sorry listen you're just seeing me up now so so uh I'm an let me remind everyone I'm an Iowa State graduate and I'm a dieh hard Hawkeye fan so this is I am I feel a little bit guilty and slightly conflicted but I'll be going for the Hawkeyes all the way shame on me I appreciate and I love uh that University that gave me my education and I had a good run as a golf course superintendent thanks to their Horticulture program um but moving on when I think of Iowa Iowa State I think of Iowa State pursuing the ball very aggressively on the defensive side and there's always an X Factor where when they're over pursuing whether it's the screen pass to acam Wadley or whether it's burning them with the Mir Smith marett or or possibly uh I want to ask you guys uh who do you think I want well two two questions questions I'm going to tell you my answer and then you give me yours who do you think's going to have the most running yards for Iowa and who do you think's gonna have the most receiving yards for Iowa and then I'm gonna throw a third one in there what who is gonna have some level of impact that you would have expected nothing from uh initially so my my thought is this I get to answer the questions I'm gonna answer and then I want your answers all right go ahead then I can shut up and I won't okay so I think Lee is going over a 100 yards against these linebackers I think and this is my I'm going to it's a I get a wild card on this but the two power Runners uh Kamari Molton and LeSean Williams that I call are power Runners Jazz Patterson's not a power Runner well yeah yeah but I mean he's he might be the most he's looking he's that dude is just looking for concussions I mean the way I'm serious going head hun but but I I believe that I don't know if we're gonna get the Breakaway long runs with Caleb Johnson I think what's going to happen is willay 100 yards and either Kamari Molton or Leshawn Williams is going for a 100 and then I'm gonna say my wild card is Caleb Brown's gonna get 60 yards and one of them is gonna be like a somewhat key play all right so now you guys give me your Spiel on what you would expect from Iowa on the offensive side as far as significant top R Top rusher top receiver I will I will surprise some people I think it will here's my guess I think Caleb Johnson will be the leading rusher but Cory you've been hating on him all show he's just kissing up the called out you know what's funny what's funny about this is I can have I can stay objective while also taking heat from ridiculous sources uh about a couple of comments that I've made I I can also listen multiple things can be true at the same time like I can say I think Kamari Molton is the best back while also saying I think Caleb is the hot hand right now and look look here's the other thing about this Kamari is really young and this is only his second game being the quote unquote lead horse so I do think in a game like this a rivalry still pretty early in the season even though Caleb's been inconsistent during his career I think maybe he's the more reliable pick so that's why I'd be SEL I'd be picking him for this game hopefully both guys I I'd like to see you know a couple of guys with 50 plus and then maybe you add a guy like lean with you know 40 and Jaz ands it gives you 30 you know those are pretty good numbers when you add all those up so that's what I'd say there as it relates to receiving yards um I I think Reese Vander here's the deal with Rees vandery Kade was looking for him a lot Saturday and just go back and watch those not just the highlights but even on a you can see Kate looking his Direction so I'm gonna go with ree vandery because hey it's between him and Gil I gotta see it from Caleb Brown before I'm giving him that nod I gotta see it out of Kaden ouan Seth Anderson's not going to play it doesn't sound like you know maybe Terrell Washington can get involved but I think it's between Gil and vandery both those guys proved reliable with their hands on Saturday but I'll go with vandery uh and yeah we'll see it'd be nice to get somebody you know we talk about Iowa State be beating you over the top let's see somebody beat Iowa States DBS over the top that's gonna be hard to do Kaden Wan's got a lot of speed maybe he's a guy maybe Jacob Gill's a guy or maybe like you said Caleb Brown can come back and do it so you got Vander or uh Gil getting more receiving yards than Luke Lee were we including tight end well yes yeah I think it it depends on do we expect some do we expect somebody with the Iowa receiving Corp to beat their guy over the top and that doesn't linebackers is what I'm thinking Le yeah ISU linebackers yeah maybe and for you know what you know who's at this was brought up today as we we chatted with Abdul Hajj over zoom and I can't remember who it was in the media but somebody brought up Zack ort Worth's per catch average it's like 40 yards or something insane you know he's a guy nobody's talking about but they must really like I was gonna I was gonna name him as potentially a player that wasn't you know isn't expected to do anything and Addison aringa too like nobody talks about Addison AR stringa Addison AR stringa is a really good good football player yeah well I yeah I they're loaded at tight ends so so maybe they'll just throw all these tight ends at those linebackers and uh yeah may maybe attacking like I said earlier in the week and I'll bring it up tomorrow on our preview if Iowa can run the ball effectively early and make those DBS cheat up then maybe you can strike on a couple of play action balls and maybe we see a waist down used we didn't really didn't have to there weren't really too many waist down opportunities Saturday um and I don't think it's as big of a deal to to take advantage of waste down opportunities when you're up 30 to zero in Illinois state so uh yeah a number of interesting storylines Kyle you got anybody else in the mix in mind Zack was my Zack orw worth was my guy nobody expects anything from that would do I think Jacob Gil lead in receiving yards outside of tight ends I think he'll be the leading receiver I think I don't I don't see Iowa beating them over the top beating Iowa State over the top and I think from a couple of those catches in the first half Jacob Gil stands out to me as somebody that could make that good physical rivalry game catch uh that I think you know aniko Ragini would have made or some of those players that you know were not piling up stats but would make some of those important catches so I'd go with him um and I think Kamar Molton leads in in rushing yards okay and if I can selfishly jump in which team ends up with uh more turnovers or the key turnover that determines the game which team makes that turnover well yeah I mean I have no reason to believe that'll be Iowa uh so I'd have to go Iowa State there there's nothing about the game but like it may happen but there's no indicators of that we saw receivers holding on to the ball through contact we saw guys like Molton and more so Molton I think than Caleb Johnson I Molton dealt with with more contact if you will and having to playr contact and then Cade you know against Illinois state was really sound with decision-making had a couple of under throws which could get you burned against a better defensive back field so hopefully those things get corrected on tape but that was I think major just footwork just decision making with your footwork but yeah I would have to go Iowa State I don't have a lot of conf special teams usually come back into play in this game my nervousness for Iowa is we do have a pretty green punter um that's the only you know um variable that I'm concerned about but I I I suspect if Iowa can get up then you can get the typical Iowa State quarterback pressing our DBS are going to get you game determining pick and I think we'll create a couple turnovers I I do think I I'll go on the record and say Kade turns it over once maybe two to one kind of two to one yeah I'd go two to one that's about what I'm thinking well Corey I appreciate you being here uh we'll we'll I'm assuming we'll see you forsaw post game with Coach Patterson uh I'll be driving I'm gonna stay in I'm driving halfway back my son's got a game the next day at uh noon but I'll be staying in uh how do you say it atawa Illinois at one of the hotel there okay never heard that before okay whatever it is that's my halfway um but anyway yeah I'll probably tune in and um in case Don Patterson's watching I wanted to throw a little name Dropout for our 7879 80 Hawkeyes the name for today is Phil Seuss he was a left-handed quarterback Phil Seuss I know the name but I'll I'll I'll bring that up to Don for sure I think you might have mentioned Pete gails and I mentioned uh you know some receivers but uh this is a quarterback before G Gordy banan came in um it was Phil Seuss and and uh that's a blast from the past or a little name drop from the past that's for you Don if you're listening well Corey drive safe Saturday and whenever we talk to you next let's hope we're talking about a Hawkeye win yes and one more thing one more thing Roy Higgins at higin eyes Jay Higgins [Music] father he his dream is to have a new chant startup in kinnick with his Hawk Hawk Hawk so here's my um Anita Iowa Iowa wave suggestion oh the CH the Haw guy you know the the third down stop the CH except it's like skull okay except it's H maybe we I'll be listen I'll be in the South End Zone okay that's where it's gonna start mark my words I will get I will make my rounds and it's gonna happen it's gonna start in the South End Zone just watch it will happen and Roy this is for you just be ready appreciate it s we'll uh we'll talk to you next time all right go Hawks Cory uh yeah that that would be uh Kyle's looking up at his better half here what's going on H okay people didn't know he had a better half they know now uh are you following the show on Facebook are you showing Following the show on Facebook Kyle yeah I believe so okay not that I I think I use my Facebook about once a calendar year it doesn't matter if you're not following us on Facebook be sure to do that here is the Facebook page I I'll I'll check right now how about that here is ridiculous that you're having to check here is the Facebook page all right follow it on Facebook we post segments WE Post scheduling announcements postgame previews all that stuff right here on the channel you can like and follow even turn notifications on be sure you do that Facebook and then also on Instagram but we're trying get this Facebook page up over a thousand followers we're at 9:30 folks we're at 9:30 and the link is in the description below but you can just search from the Hawkeye of the storm on Facebook and it should show up but again link is in the description if anybody has problems finding it all right uh Midwest storm chasing is here all right we got you sir thank you for yeah we're doing good we appreciate your support and thank you for being patient on the phone line yeah no problem Hey I what was Caleb Johnson suspended for like why was he why couldn't he play the first half uh what I was told is well first of all it's no secret that it was a violation of Team rules and my understanding is that it may or may not have had something to do with an obligation he fulfilled with his one of his nil partners and perhaps it was not the best of communication between him and Iowa I'll just leave it at that that's what I was told gotcha I've was looking all over for it and I'm like I couldn't figure it out so fig maybe you know they're going to keep that internal but based on what I was told that's what it is uh you know here's the thing about Caleb Johnson and I'll say the same thing about jazz Patterson although I don't know as much about jazz they're interesting personalities and sometimes you get that I mean think about the number of receivers iow was had that have those unique personalities like sometimes it's kind of like kickers have a stick but I don't think like the weird weirdness of of place kickers is necessarily going to be like going against the grain of Iowa but I think sometimes the receivers and the running the skill guys that have those unique personalities maybe sometimes clash with the Iowa way and I'm not saying that's the case with Caleb necessarily but you know I think of an extreme example is Dr Johnson kolanos I think Charlie Jones would be another really good example just personality wise I think maybe the two parties didn't mesh as well as some would like and Smith marett at times Aram Wadley at times maybe Tracy yeah so but that's what I was told uh that it was uh in regards to something that happened some time ago in the offseason gotcha and then Kade McMan um so I I I said in a Super Chat earlier about the if so if you if you took uh Michigan's wide receivers and brought them to Iowa for his 2021 year and then because then you have so many more opportunities probably downfield because I don't think Cage's ever going to blow you away this season with pass yards with no offense receiver core but they're not they're not top tier but that's what I was trying to say to you guys because if you brought in if you brought in Michigan and then you compared that to Iowa State because Iowa state has really good wide receivers and I just feel like that would be more of a comparison because I feel like the numbers would be closer I mean you guys can have your opinion I could see that I think I think it's clear we talked about this when Cade committed anybody that expected even the prod and his production at Michigan was good I wouldn't say it was great but we you had to have expectations lowered a little bit given the climate he was coming into but you know with the new OC better play calling better receiver development better Concepts you know I don't know that second half of what we saw Saturday is going to be the norm but even with the downgrade quote unquote of Iowa's receivers I think you're upgrading it tight end I think you're you have a chance of being just as good up front this year at Iowa as they were in 21 at Michigan so maybe that accounts for some of that so that first half of the Iowa State game I like if there was a panic button I hit it like 100% within the first within the first quarter I mean I I know they're throwing a rush at us but IA couldn't run the ball more than you know two three yards and then you're going to bring in Iowa State this weekend which is supposed to be probably even better up or is better up front than um Illinois State what if we can't run the ball again then we have no choice in to air it out yeah and then then what are we gonna do I mean that's that's my biggest concern then then you have every right to that concern but I'll remind you not that it always works out this way because there are exceptions to the rule one being 2022 but more often than not Iowa's had a bad offense and still beaten Iowa State yeah I mean and usually it usually doesn't take much yeah I mean they typically speaking again exception being 2022 when Iowa bit itself in you know in the back too many times let's not forget that 2022 game remember Iowa had a blocked punt early in that game and still lost I think scored a touchdown two minutes into the game and then didn't score the rest of the game was it a touchdown or a field goal no it was it was it was a touchdown it was a block Punt and then it was a rushing touchdown and it was like what final score was like 10 to seven 10 to seven they they went 57 and a half minutes without scoring yeah so there there are exceptions when you're so bad uh and but that was an example like they still that defense did everything it could and that was a good Iowa State offense with Xavier Hutson Hutchinson at receiver but you gave up one touchdown on the the uh unfortunate I think he I think Riley Moss kind of tripped and fell down or he got beat some way or the other in the in the end zone and it just took so the margin of error is very small clearly if you don't run the ball well in this Iowa offense but hopefully hopefully they're not as dependent on that with the Tim Lester Acumen right yeah did you yesterday Levi said that the he always sees the next dumbest play like wasn't that just a dig at himself like remember that I saw I saw a real today on Instagram of the on the they did a kick or they Iowa punted it and the two guys just ran right into each other yeah that was I know year was 2019 yeah you know what I like about that my favorite YouTube video you can look it up is that video with Dave Matthews Band Crash in the background have you guys seen this on YouTube I can't play it on here because it get demonetized but go look up Iowa State punt Dave Matthews ban and it should pop right up but that's a that is a gem that one's a beauty by the way are you are you are you really a stormchaser yeah I am I I just I never really did I never really posted anything about it because I just started my YouTube channel like this year okay so and there really wasn't stuff going on this this spring down here anyways I'm from I'm from Fairfield so okay we're we're a little bit more south so there wasn't there really wasn't anything great going on here this year so very cool well I I can say I appreciate your your support not just with the super chats but calling in and I know sometimes you got to wait a little while um well I got I kind of got scared there for a second like oh boy what am I gonna talk well I didn't know what to talk about I'm like well you know what I got I think of some things you can just if you heard a couple of callers earlier with all due respect to our callers you can literally call in and then just sit there and breathe into the microphone and you're gonna in with you're gonna fit with some people right just saying you are okay so what you Sebastian Casher stripped that ball Saturday I I feel there wasn't a whole bunch of talk about that like that was a high like that was a high quality play like that was heads up yeah like no one I don't see any like because usually when something cool happens in the game you see it all over Facebook or all over Tik Tok like that was one play that was left out like the two touchdowns that Kaden ma Mar throw were were highlights immediately but I think what Sebastian cter that did did that day was incredible and let's I know it seems simple enough let's give credit to TJ hall for jumping on the ball right away and covering it up the way they're Tau to cover it up that seems simple enough but believe me they practice uh you know scooping and and jumping on loose balls in practice for a reason so and and they weren't very good in takeaways a year ago they've talked about that that was clearly an offseason that was a point of emphasis in the offseason was doing better producing turnovers and they did it week one you think Levi went and talked to the linebacker crew at Iowa State and told him all the sweet nothings again like he told you I'm sure I'm sure leevi went there to Hype him all up today and John hok just welcomed him in you know with open arms he was he was the motivational speaker at open practice yeah that was ridiculous yeah I sat in there mowing the grass and I couldn't help but laugh a couple times you didn't say anything back I was just hoping you're just gonna unload on him eventually but this by the way I wish Cory would unload well here's the deal I a mark show B if you can just go round and round and just be it's like talking to a it's like talking to a philosopher like they don't want to get anywhere they just want to talk in circles like they're not actually everything's a question nothing's concrete or backed by evidence it's all just question with question yeah yeah I sat I sat there and listen you guys go round and round about total yards and yards per play and you can have it you know the first thing I go look at for any team if I get on ESP and the check stats I go to total yards 100% of the time ler reasoning I'm not saying but they're both worthwhile and total yards has total offense has long been accepted as the most General metric for offense whether you think it's modern or not I know he tried to take a jab at Chuck long because I I brought up Chuck long you know he's he's been runner up and was a great in Iowa history he's been on the record and said total offense he believes total offense is the best way to evaluate a quarterback and an off I looked at the quarterback ratings and I saw where Cade was I think it was 14 or 15 rated under uh the Iowa State quarterback was that accurate or was it 10 I think it was 10 I think Iowa State guy had 74 what type of rating are we talking about I don't know I can't remember what they call it Focus yeah qbr yeah qbr that's it okay yeah I don't really know see there's a difference between qbr and passer rating and I don't you'd have to research that I don't know exactly I can tell you that uh one thing with um with confidence that Iowa has had a lot of bad passer ratings and qbrs in recent time I was had a few single digit qbrs last couple when you look at Kade mimir's total even in spite of that first half and you see his completion percentage on Saturday your jaw hits the floor yeah was it 94% in the second half or 93 yeah it was something like that what was the to what were his total numbers to he was 21 of 31 for 250ish and then the three touchdowns okay which can we all agree that that bomb that the Iowa State quarterback threw in the very first play of the game was a 5050 ball like no more than Kade throwing the ball into the end zone like that was that had the same it was a great catch by J yeah I I watched the full Iowa game I'm like well I know we play next play them next weekend so I might as well watch it and I like I saw that I'm like oh my God we're we're in trouble but then it was a real nice throw to the end zone that was yeah give him props on that one brocco made some nice throws in that game like I that's why I say I go away impressed with him that's I just that's why I keep going back that's the way they win that game Saturday is with his arm yeah and I agree with them keeping Kate in the game as long as they could or as long as they were willing to I mean I when they hit 33 points I mean yeah I get it probably pull him out just save him for the next game but he needed all the Reps he could get I mean I know he's had a hundred or more in Fall practice but he he needs game time I mean there's a difference between going into practice and going into a game I mean everything's different and he needed he needed that so I don't agree with people saying I'll put what's it I can't remember his name but I just at a minimum when you're up 330 I wanted to see him get at least a drive that's what I I wanted to see him get one drive even if it was just the one drive because remember hey let's let's not forget uh there have been plenty there has been evidence a plenty in recent years of Iowa's back not being ready for the moment so let's not let's not that happen again and kage's not someone that's even though he said he claims he healthy guy could go down again any minute he's kind of a liability but correct yep and if he goes down then you throw on throw in the second guy then he ain't GNA know what he what he's doing and which if they played that close in Fall practice I see why Kirk F gave him the nod I mean I think K deserves it even if even if he wasn't may he was just playing a percent under um the second guy I mean I just feel like still you give Kate a chance I mean because I think if he has a good year this year he could be bya a fourth or fifth round pick in the draft I a good yeah it depends on what you mean by has a good year uh I don't think he's on any draft boards right now but I guess nobody really expects him to have some great year so if he sure I guess that's mine I mean minus the knee injuries maybe I don't see nflg I'm just looking at with two blown up knee well a knee blown up tce yeah was it the same knee the second time as the first one you had surgery on yeah it was was it and did he he did he go back out to Cal California get that surgery done or did he do it here in Iowa because I thought I read something the other day where he went clear back to California to do rehab again well we just we just had that guy call in from Iowa well I I know but I know I feel like he had the the rehab the surgery I feel like I heard that too somewhere some specialist in California or something far away yeah I just always thought University of Iowa was probably one of the best around really for Sports Med I guess my op be right maybe he did go out there but anyways fellas thanks for having me on here app thank youate the support absolutely and good stuff uh good questions good comments um we'll just have to see yeah I I I'm not some huge Rocko Beck fan but I just have to see Cade in this moment we just haven't seen it like we have not seen seen him perform well against an FBS team we haven't he didn't even look good against Western Michigan last year no so let's see him perform well against an FBS team coming off injury or just in an Iowa Jersey how about that Iowa Iowa State Saturday I think our last caller hung up if you're if you called the phone line we're on hold forever we apologize you were next in line but again I understand not being able to wait couple comments here to finish off Matt Williams can Caleb Brown be the Debo Samuel of the Shanahan style offense wouldn't that be nice uh Jack have you seen the basketball non-conference schedule yes and I'm going to go ahead and share that for everybody since uh you asked about it I'm sure Jack saw it but uh let's go ahead and throw this up on the screen so Iowa Men's Basketball did release its non-conference schedule for the 2024 2025 slate and one clarification Cory I I just searched up just to make sure I was correct the Kade the two knee injuries were the different knees it was the right knee that he blew up first but it was the right quad I was thinking originally the was the same on the same leg as the knee it was actually the left knee that he blew up the second time got it okay good information to know um in response to Jack's question let's go ahead and share the Men's Basketball schedule that was released earlier today officially released we knew all these matchups were taking place let me see if I can get this a little bit bigger for people maybe maybe not it's not gonna let me okay this this will work so we can we can at least get a good look at the schedule three really good neutral site games they get Utah State they get Utah they get wazu and those games are all in the vicinity of the state so Kansas City sou Falls and Molen none in the state but all very close and then they have a bunch of snoozers at home which has kind of been the norm I mean it's been the norm it has South Dakota Southern special how many of these logos can you even can you even Define so Southern Southern I can but the first two I have no idea South South Dakota then USC Upstate is the one to the left of Iowa state New Hampshire is the one on the bottom far right is the one on the top right riter go look that up Kyle let's see if I don't I don't recognize it yeah it's rder hey I'm I'm five for five or whatever it's pretty good and then is the top left don't tell me the I don't want to I'm not going to guess the exhibition because I don't care like a D2 team the one just inside so between Southern and the exhibition it's not Colombia is it no it's te Texas A&M something Texas A&M Corpus Christi Corpus Christie yeah is it really that the lion the lion there Texas A&M let me see it's I I can see it on the I schedule it says Texas A&M C and then it doesn't say anything else okay and then bottom the one don't tell me but the one between Iowa State in Utah on the 15th of December I have no I don't even know what that is what is that what is the logo pirate of some sort or a I have no idea is it Manhattan I have no it's not Manhattan says it says New Orleans on the Iowa basketball schedule I okay I forgot New Orleans was a D1 program uh okay that's that's that's an exhibition too by the way no it's not what ises exh what does exh mean on the schedule then I've got it out of order here so I can't tell what order they're in I'm on the website well there's not two exhibitions what is okay never mind maybe there's not it says exh below below the below the what are you looking at what are we looking at the correct schedule here well I'm not looking at the one you have up I have you on the side of the screen I have the Ia website I guess it's not but it has for some reason okay you're you're all confused so first of all it's Texas Texas A&M Texas A&M Commerce is the second logo Commerce I would have been able to tell you if it was Corpus Christie and then A&M Commerce hey I was right about Ryder and I was right about USC Upstate you are right about Ryder I would not have gotten Ryder I I didn't know so that is a typo on the Iowa website where it says exh yeah that is a because it says Iowa State's an exhibition yeah it does yeah I guess I guess we're playing Iowa State for fun we're scrimmaging wow that is that is a big typo so uh people flocked to social media to to rip it Iowa Athletics for the scheduling ER but that's the non-conference schedule intern's getting intern's getting fired yeah so that was released earlier officially released earlier today and Brian yes thank you folks uh all not just Brian but everybody that's going to tune in that does tune in each and every week Angela thank you for being here um I didn't see your name earlier so if I apologize apologize if I missed your name and Lucas wants to know about alternate uniforms this year nothing yet nothing official that's never really excited me so I I don't know other than they usually do one they usually have one every year it seems like didn't last year they had two they had one on the road against Penn State and I think they had another one different dat I'm guessing they'll have at least one that seems to be a thing right now with Iowa so they don't the the only one that gets me excited is if they have a top 10 team or something coming to town and they were the blackout jerseys for a night game that's the only because of the obviously the history with that but folks Iowa post game with Coach John Patterson if you're interested in sponsoring the show or any of the shows with Coach Patterson this fall send an email to the email at the bottom of the screen info fromthe hawy ofth storm.com info@ fromthe hawy ofest storm.com you can also DM me through Twitter Iowa Iowa State this Saturday 2:30 PM Central Time kick on CBS not Dar Danielson Gary Danielson and Brad nestler on the call and uh followed by Iowa postgame with yours Shirley and Coach Patterson also you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram and get updates on everything from the Hawkeye of the storm including our postgame shows follow me at fromthe Hawkeye on Twitter and Instagram and from the Hawkeye of the storm on Facebook I need to change this so it says X right because it's no longer Twitter I'm stuck in the I'm stuck in yester year here let's make sure that this is correct can I get this all so it's on one line why does it have to be look clunky like that here let's see if this will people why does that still I give up all right X and Instagram right there at from the Hawkeye and then from the Hawkeye the storm on Facebook and um as always hit the like button on your way out folks share the show out on social media because if if you enjoy the content others will as well and um Midwest storm chasing Hawks by million thanks fellas thank you Kyle thank you for being here and uh spending the last couple hours thank your your better half as well and uh we'll we'll talk to everybody Saturday after Iowa Iowa State the big S Hawk contest in Iowa City have a great night

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