William Cohen on Israel Launches Raids in West Bank and ww3

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:16:57 Category: News & Politics

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William Cohan on the Israel lunches rais in West Bank let's check it out what do you see is going on here is their activity in the West Bank a sign that they think they fighting in Gaza is closer to coming to an end I don't know if they can assume that uh I would hope that the conflict in Gaza is coming to an end so there can be a ceasefire and a exchange of hostages as such and then a plan for a state for the Palestinian people but as far as the West Bank is concerned I think the Israelis have adopted a policy of preemption they are not going to wait to be attacked uh as they were planning see they were seeing a plan evolve in with hisbah uh in Lebanon and they attacked they're going to do the same thing in the West Bank and um and so I don't think this it came about overnight I think this was long in the planning I don't think the Biden Administration or Biden Harris administration had any forn knowledge of this as negotiations are continuing uh to take place uh about Gaza in Egypt and elsewhere uh but the Israelis have made it clear they're not going to wait they're going to preempt whenever they can my hope is they don't adopt the same plan of making a desert and calling it peace to Simply level uh all of the infrastructure in the West Bank and say now we have peace I don't think that will work I think they'll be more specific than in their targeting but not adopt a wholesale policy that they done as they've done in Gaza well and as you allude to the ongoing ceasefire negotiations when it comes to Gaza the US keeps forecasting or telling us there's progress and yet it does never seem to yield a deal in which all sides agree sir are you feeling confident that this ceasefire is ever going to happen or should we be calling it a ceasefire is this more about humanitarian Aid and the exchange of hostages now well I'm less confident than I was last week um the only op ism is they're still talking as long as they're talking there's still hope um but I think as we get closer and closer to a supposed agreement uh either the Hamas or the Iranians through Hamas or Hezbollah or the Islamic Jihad or through the hois take some steps to break this up it's very clear that Iran's goal is the destruction of the state of Israel that's clear from the very beginning and they want us the United States out of the Middle East so they can continue their Revolution and establish an imperial regime throughout the region so that's their goal uh what we have to do is make sure we support the Israelis and defend them help def them defend themselves and help them if they're attacked by other parties including Iran to defend them so um I think um Peace is not really in the offing if we look at it right now but we have to hope that peace can be some measure of peace I'm not sure there'll ever be peace in the Middle East given history looking back to in 3,000 years has been going on forever but we have to hope given the stakes in the world uh given the fact that nothing is local what happens in the Middle East will affect all of us all of our economies all of our lives in one way or another so we have to continue to strive for peace well sir as you talk about history in the Middle East what about history just going back 3 years it has now been that long since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and Donald Trump and others have contended that that chaotic withdrawal is actually to blame for some of what we are seeing in the region now 3 years later what do you think of that well there were some who were felt and I shared that view that we should not have had a complete pullout that we needed to have a residual force uh a international resid residual force with our allies uh to help maintain some level of deterrence uh in Afghanistan that apparently was not the majority feeling in this country that was not the feeling of Donald Trump who actually wanted to pull out within 30 days uh notice and President Biden said he stretched that out the six month but the withdrawal was not a happy picture to be sure and there were lives lost that hope it didn't need to be lost in in my opinion and that of others but the fact is it's like anything else if you create a vacuum uh the um the terrorist will come back uh and that is the fear that we have that there'll be a training ground once again for other groups to train in Afghanistan to launch attacks against us and our allies in the region and through other parts of the world uh that's the world in which we live we have to be constantly Vigilant we have to constantly have a counterterrorist counterinsurgency strategy and be on guard at all times because the world is a very turbulent and dangerous place well and of course we're seeing turbulence in other areas of the world as well Mr secretary including the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine but Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinsky said this week that he would like to have a discussion with President Biden at the UN General Assembly next month about bringing an end to this war discussing a plan to force Russia to Halt its invasion of Ukraine he said that this would comprise a powerful package to use diplomacy economic steps and consider Ukraine's place in the Global Security architecture what do you expect that plan could actually look like well there were many proposals at the very beginning when when Putin invaded um Ukraine uh there were proposals that what might a settlement might look like uh the fact is that president zalinski has said I'm not giving up one inch of of Ukrainian territory to the the Russians who have violated uh the international rules of law the rules we've had in place since the end of World War II and I want all my territory back uh many people felt that was unrealistic but on the other hand the ukraines were willing to fight and die for it at this particular Point uh I don't think that the ukrainians can hope to win through negotiation what they can't win on the battlefield they're going to have to inflict much more damage against the Russian before Putin will be willing to say Let's Make a Deal so I think in the time between now and the UN General Assembly between now in the time that winter sets on I think with the help of the United States and the European allies giving ukrainians much more Firepower that may give them an opportunity to reach some sort of an accord with the Russians but I think Putin is going to have to suffer much more before he agrees to any kind of a compromise well and do you think Putin will ever get to that point so long as China is still in his corner I ask you this sir knowing US National Security adviser Jake Sullivan is in China as we speak meeting with senior officials what role does China play and this and frankly the Middle East as well all of the conflicts globally we're talking about well as far as the Russians are concerned they're waiting and hoping that President former president Trump will be elected he has told Putin take whatever you want of Ukraine do whatever hell you want throughout the NATO countries and so uh the Russians are looking for a trump Victory to give them the victory they want in taking all of Ukraine with respect to China China um is supporting Russia and they're supporting them cover overtly if not overtly and providing them with some Munitions also coming from North Korea but the Chinese are more focused up at this particular point on what's going on with respect to Taiwan from the Chinese perspective if president Trump were elected and if he were to sell out the ukrainians they would look at that and say well wait a minute if uh the US is not willing to help Ukraine which is fighting for its freedom why would they want to come all the way over to uh China off the coast of one and fight to defend the Taiwanese they would look upon that as an incentive to take either military action or certainly action which could isolate the Taiwanese and could count on the United States not to come to the Taiwan Taiwanese uh Aid so there's a lot involved geopolitically in terms of who gets elected how they're calculating that but we also have to send a strong signal to the Chinese don't take action you need not take action we're not supporting independence of Taiwan you need not be that aggressive against Taiwan and you surely shouldn't be that aggressive against the Philippines because we have a mil a military treaty a mutual treaty with the the Philippines to a a defense treaty not only with the the Philippines but also with Japan in that greater region we have a lot at stake I think the Chinese would make a big mistake if they would to use Force I don't think they're planning on that at this point what do you see okay let's talk about it guys let's talk about this [ __ ] man y'all he World War I y'all see what's going on World War I that's what's going on World War I you know what I mean World War I that's what's going on if you if you don't know that by now you just you just ain't H if you don't know that by now you just ain't here it's World War II man [ __ ] better prepare theirself and get prepared what's going on man like like they say but they saying they trying to stop it they say they trying to stop the wars and stop all the [ __ ] so they [ __ ] around and stop it you know what I mean Punk Putin he [ __ ] around chill out and just fall back but it's been a lot of Bloodshed you get what I'm saying China China want Taiwan you know what I mean man like it's a lot going on you hear me plus the Israel plus Israel and guess what US involved in every every last one of them how we how how are we involved in every last one of them though we involved in every last one of those situations you know what I'm saying that's deep but guess what if you go through something everybody better have our back the same way we got their back man I'mma say that though [ __ ] better have our [ __ ] back man cuz it seem like as soon as a [ __ ] go through they little crisis or whatever they going through the US come through we come through drop food water whatever a [ __ ] need but when it's time for something to get done here we don't do it it's it's kind of strange it's kind of strange I don't know but I don't know man this whole situation man that's why I say the world going through a lot right now I've been saying as I've been saying we've been going through war war war war war so that's what time it is right now it's war time it's War it's War other countries it's War inside the country you get what I'm saying it's War inside the cities and different blocks [ __ ] at War right now it's war time every day it's war time that's why I say so a [ __ ] just got to got a [ __ ] better gotam it peret self you see what I'm saying protect their self it's a lot going on man it's a lot going on right now I wouldn't I I wouldn't advise nobody really travel to too many different countries because it's too much going on man they talking about the impo and the covid-19 and this war and more hostages and right now ain't the right right now ain't the time to be trying to travel man you know what I mean right now is right now is the time to be trying to stock up on supplies to be real with you know what I mean if I was if I if I can give anybody an advice right now stock up if I can give you any advice right now stock up stock up on everything I won't give a [ __ ] what it was stock up water toilet paper you get what I'm saying those are the main things water toilet paper you going to need water stock up for real man cuz [ __ ] if [ __ ] if [ __ ] get to hit in the fan and [ __ ] get to going get getting [ __ ] up here [ __ ] ain't got no water [ __ ] going to be [ __ ] up you need water to survive you feel me another some more some more good advice I tell somebody man go and get a uh a water filter you get what I'm saying so you can at least filter your water what the water that you can go and get or able to get access to you you can at least filter it you get what I'm saying like it's a lot going on man it's a lot going on the food [ __ ] up you get what I'm saying come on man this [ __ ] [ __ ] up right now man I ain't going to lie to you this [ __ ] [ __ ] up you know what I mean every day a [ __ ] just [ __ ] like every day a [ __ ] just wait for some bad [ __ ] to happen you get what I'm saying like for real any day any day now any day now any day you know I mean this World War I only thing [ __ ] can do is protect their self though man like protect yourself you know I mean if you able to go and get a gun get your gun license I do advise that go and get your gun license if you able to go and get a gun go and get your gun license why not you get what I'm saying if I was a fing I going to get my gun license right now I going to get my [ __ ] I ain't lying I go and get my gun license right now I have my [ __ ] I have my [ __ ] I carry my gun everywhere with me I would give then I really wouldn't give a [ __ ] we going to war we not going to war [ __ ] better just leave me alone you get what I'm saying but if I can advise anybody to do anything man get get your gun license man and protect yourself man this is a lot going on man and it's looking scary this [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] really you ask me this [ __ ] really looking scary man we don't know what tomorrow gonna bring we don't know we don't know [ __ ] [ __ ] just waking up every day and just going this [ __ ] is waking up every day and going with the flow a [ __ ] might even have enough money even pay their bills they still going with the flow trying to tell you man this [ __ ] real right now you know what I mean [ __ ] [ __ ] had that little PPP money and that [ __ ] little cheese the E Pua and all that [ __ ] ain't do right with they cheese [ __ ] the money up going through it [ __ ] [ __ ] grinding tricking ain't stack their money they going through it you get what I'm saying like man it's right now right now survive with a fittest man survival with a fittest right now it's surviv with a fittest man so it's just like [ __ ] man figure it out no matter what you going through figure it out you see what you see what the world going through everywhere you go every every city you go to is something going on you know what I mean so it's just like [ __ ] I'm in Cleveland I can go to Atlanta it's something going on I can go to Atlanta I can go to California it's something going on I can go to little small city in California it's still going to be something going on like it's something going on everywhere man believe that you feel me that's in America out of out of America like it's something going on everywhere man you know what I mean so it's just like damn but this war [ __ ] that's going on I ain't even going to lie this war [ __ ] that's going on is kind of scary because if this [ __ ] really take place we going to be affected America going to be affected by this and it's going to be it's going to be a lot of [ __ ] going through [ __ ] they ain't never went through in their whole life I ain't lying it's going to be a lot of people just be giving up [ __ ] going to be giving up [ __ ] going to be committing suicide all type of [ __ ] jumping out of buildings I'm not I'm not I'm not asking I'm not asking for the [ __ ] to happen I'm just saying if it was that happened like that that's what's going to happen believe that [ __ ] can't [ __ ] can't [ __ ] don't know how to go through stressful situations man you feel what I'm saying [ __ ] ain't built [ __ ] ain't built for tough man for real [ __ ] don't know how to go through stressful situations so I'm asking this this war [ __ ] to die down you get what I'm saying cuz [ __ ] already going through enough [ __ ] already going through enough [ __ ] got enough problems so I just ask this warship just die down man I'm hoping Putin give it up you get what I'm saying but it look like he not cuz it's Bloodshed you get what I'm saying you still got dude of North Korea he still plotting and making his little moves like this [ __ ] going on man so motherfu like I say man just stay aware you know what I mean stay updated on what's going on stay tuned you feel me like I say tap in cuz I'm going to keep you updated on what's going on not just not just hip-hop media not just uh not just social media or whatever I'm keeping you updated on everything you what I'm saying cuz we not going to miss nothing on this channel I'm going keep you updated on everything you get what I'm saying so like I say just tap in hit the Subscribe you know what I'm saying so every time I drop new material you know I mean get to you and you able to soak this game up man and goddamn it learn something you feel me but other than that like I say stay tuned more content to come

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