Category: Entertainment
What's coing heir [ __ ] they set two lures they're dogs before you ask on a hair and a hair has to outrun the dogs so what if it doesn't what a big rabbit gets [ __ ] doesn't [music] it proper fact yeah tomy before this germans get there do you know these tits erel i know a lot of tits governor but... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] on the eve of the battle his bride elizabetha who be prized above all things on earth knew that he must face an insurmountable force from which he might never return [applause] [music] w [music] don't here lord dark i'm on this [music] the vengeful turks shot an arrow into the castle carrying... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
You walk away clean you go out on your back i i'm calling in every hitter in europe you hear me yeah what you tell to pack like ha the game i got you until i know Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] wow look [music] [music] yeah boy yes [music] [music] huh [music] [music] hey what happened [music] let's [music] go 3 2 1 go [music] [applause] [music] what [music] w [music] what [music] [music] no stop [music] go [music] sp [music] [music] where night ni [music] [music] hey next five minutes... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] cool probewnung geil das hier auch nice od geil m drin die probewarnung geil es war auch noch nie passiert im stream Read more
Category: Entertainment
We kind of figured there's got to be a good reason to put uh to get back into film together something we feel like we could um build upon what we've done before yes so you build upon 13 by adding one and you have 14 yeah pretty simple yeah before people even see their next collaboration with the movie... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Antoine susan of paris plays the harp uh no title but good family what about the title husband yeah he's cute his boyfriend thinks he's handsome also right on no matter put him on all the invitation lists he's a divine dan next Read more
Category: Gaming
Nicht auf schiffen anbringen [musik] hier nutzt suchen nichts mehr also aufbauen so jetzt den geschützturm und der unten drunter groß okay [musik] trifft sich schon für sich ganz gut [musik] alle blöcke dann fördern das war ja hier ne ja so dann macht er nämlich hier groß nach da unten muss noch da... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Stop it huh [music] [music] [music] huh lollipop [music] hello hello there [music] no woo w [music] huh nope [music] [music] wow damn [music] [music] [music] sp for you thank you hey play for bo [music] hi [music] hi ready what [music] happened mommy [music] tr to f daddy hey what happened daddy he... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
In 180 a.d., general maximus leads the roman army to a decisive victory over the germanic barbarians near vindobona, bringing an end to an extended war and earning the admiration of the ageing emperor aurelius. maximus intends to return home after the victory. however, emperor aurelius tells... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ein filmemacher war seiner zeit immer voraus zeit steh still los vom visionären autor und regisseur francis fordopola kommt ein ereignis auf das einen nichts vorbereiten kann man stelle sich die heutige gesellschaft als ein ast der zivilisation vor auf dem weg in eine sackgasse ist die art wie wir leben... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ah tu veux jouer c'est ça et ben t'inquiète on va te trouver un rôle attends mais c'est quoi ce sang là on dirait du vrai sang mais qu'est-ce que tu fais un film de zombie et attends alors le truc c'est que ça doit être conséquence un plan séquence plan séquence on coupe pas la caméra une demi-heure... Read more