Play For Blood Episode 4: Bruce Willis

[Music] excuse me hi y' we're live my mic is doing [ __ ] heyy here we go it's a little better never die coming in hot yeah so Matthew how prepared for this one are you how much Bruce W have you seen compared to uh Arnold and Sly as far as what did you do research yeah as far as what I mean like research and watching I mean I have you seen fiction let's start there yeah I mean Bruce Willis I I've seen quite a bit so I forget about P fish tell me how six cents ends oh [ __ ] spoiler alert it turns out that dude in the hairpiece the whole time that was Bruce [Laughter] Willis spoiles all right I see dead [Laughter] people well we are uh yeah just whenever Rob is ready we're live now we're doing here we are all right welcome welcome welcome to episode four the Ro uh of play for blood um the podcast where we talk about blood hard-hitting action stars and ask the hard-hitting questions like what ever happened to LY sobeski um weirdly dude super [ __ ] weird you said that I looked her up the other day that's so dumb she like she does art now and like she's a mom and oh good for her yeah yeah yeah like so weird cuz literally last week I saw something with her in it on like Prime I didn't watch it but I was like oh I forgot about Ley seski was it the glass house probably it probably was who the hell we she looks like she's she's the girl that looks like she she could be Helen Hunt's kid yeah okay okay following okay speaking of you guys going to see Twisters yes I will hell no hits Too Close man the Midwest it's all about Twisters but have you ever seen have you seen Twisters I've seen original yeah why so why are you so because apparently you're not supposed to take your wife to see it oh yeah they will apparently they will just a dam will break in their panties yeah apparently the guy the guy no because of the guy who plays uh oh the guy with like the narrow face yeah the face that's called muscular not no he's like no trust me no he was in Top Gun Maverick he was in that uh Netflix movie The Hitman he looks like an arvar like I'm not Rob can you look can you look up a name for us yeah let's see this I forget the guy Glenn Powell God damn it why do I always know this [ __ ] same's Glen po I don't know I I don't have to worry about that I showed him to Amy and she was like no how do you know how do you know that was true but how does but how does Amy feel about like eight pack abs in the sex V yeah uh I the I mean she's married to you but right so I mean clearly she's not that I say that my wife is married to me more of a keg she did ask me to put on a Ryan Gosling mask once while we were going at it but you know what that's actually kind of strange that this movie came out and she put me on a diet hey you know what she also asked if I wanted to go to Oklahoma in the middle of storm season hey I don't know if that was to chase Twisters or to try and kill me in a women can like Ryan Gosling all they want but never forget that man he was a godamn liability at cornerback yes he was [Music] people forget that Remember the Titans yeah he was in Remember the Titans yes he was he was in Remember the Titans yes he was and he was a [ __ ] country godamn he's the one who yeah he's the one who's uh singing and dancing he's the one who's who made blue pissed off at his music taste yeah he's dancing Buck Owens I mean I don't have to say it but this one right yeah oh my God where what is this show about again Bruce Willis I think it was this yeah we're talking about Bruce Willis Bruce Willis we might as well get into it cuz this is going to be a long one this man's got a lot of feel like I was going to somehow connect Ryan Gosling to Joseph Gord a lot of movies haven't seen any of them you really you've seen die hard right let's jump right into die hard because if anything I mean that was like the first thing he started ask you this is Die Hard a Christmas movie or not no we talked about this on this episode on this pod or on we talked on the Lost Christmas episode of cult [ __ ] lost you know what I got I got decently drunk I don't remember what I said but I feel like I'll defend the same position to me it is yes I don't give a flying [ __ ] what Bruce Willis says it is a Christmas movie to me it is a Christmas tradition in my household that we watch Die Hard around Christmas it without Christmas that movie doesn't happen because he's only in LA from New York because it's the Christmas party to see his aranged wife Holly no Christmas party no coming to see her and the kids he's not in nakat Plaza they're not in nakatomi Plaza after hours doesn't happen movie doesn't happen without Christmas but it wasn't Christmas Christmas but the plot itself the plot itself was driven by what he's saying is if the if the plot in the storyline is driven by the fact that it is Christmas yeah you should count that did Bruce Willis say that it was he he is vehemently against it being a Christmas movie well he doesn't say anything about it now God damn it [ __ ] he does say anything anymore uhhm that was rough I feel bad about that one I I feel bad about it too cuz you know it's coming soon like I hate to say we talked about this with yeah I guess you jump right into it now we're here you know unfortunate condition Val Kilmer is uh also pretty much non-verbal at this point too yeah but that had that has more to do with the the he the his is cancer Bruce Willis has a degenerative brain disase isn't it it's a form of dementia it's some form of dementia it's it's very it's very sad I made a joke about it to make light of it that's just my my yeah I mean just like I made the joke to you that I saw your dad the other day and he was looking ashy that's true so I've made my I've made my case for Christmas movie what do we say so what do you say you say no Die Hard is Christmas I mean the only christmy part about it is the fact that he he hops in on a [ __ ] Christmas party yeah but to but to Jim's point if the Christmas party isn't happening the whole story doesn't happen the whole reason that that that nakatomi is shut down for the day is because they're having a Christmas party and that's the only reason that Hans grber can get in there yeah Nate what do you think well you asked it so I'll answer I'll the pot I love the instigate that's why this is me personally I'm about to play devil's advocate here I think it's whatever you decid it is I I'm actually you know what you're going to hate me for saying this I'm cool with that man like it's it's if you say it is then it is if you say it isn't then it isn't I feel like a lot of people like I said a lot of people it's a Christmas tradition you watch die hard and obviously the sequels don't require Christmas but that one specifically it does Die Hard One does not happen without it being Christmas I mean let me ask you this why does [ __ ] ABC's 25 Days of Christmas play the goddamn Harry Potter movies every year just cuz there's a Christmas scene in it [ __ ] that that's not a Christmas movie no it's not Christmas vacation that is Christmas but like I weirdly like a lot of chras in the title I do feel like a lot of people have tried to shoehorn like at Le is it the first or second hair it's specifically one of the Harry Potter movies they've tried to shoehorn it into a it's probably the first one because every Harry Potter movie has a scene no but there's but one of them takes play like the the main part of the main hall is Christmas that's in the first one the first one yeah it happens in all of them but there's one of the first three like the main the bulk of what happens in the movie in the book uh it might be book then because I cuz the first one one in the first one that I think it's what you're talking about cuz that's when he gets the invisibility yeah and and the cuz the first one they make a big deal out of Christmas cuz he never had a proper Christmas cuz he yeah he lived under the stairs [ __ ] okay hon that was a great room anyway Nate stair what do you think about die hard as a Christmas movie a Christmas movie he says not n he say I mean I can see where you'd watch it for Christmas but it's it's seems like a weak connection to me it's like one thing you know like uh it happens on Christmas day yeah but the whole movie doesn't happen without Christmas I understand that but the rest of the tropes don't follow for that film the rest of it's there's no candy canes there's no Santa Claus there's there's Cy can this [ __ ] is you know it doesn't remind me cuz all I saw was the powder I mean there's there's there's candy cane all right there the snow in that gu I mean there godamn there's there's a lot of movies I'm your white KN yeah there there's the Santa hat ho ho ho I have a machine gun now yeah uh you know all right so maybe there's a few references sprinkled in okay let me throw this out to you okay okay if is home alone yes 100 okay why it's all about Christmas yeah he literally at the end it's literally well don't don't ask me or Jim because we're of the same belief that if if Christmas like you know spawns the the story Christmas and throw in Easter vac Easter spring break be the same thing same yeah yeah kind of the weather's different now confused as some of his TR but but but some of his traps wouldn't have worked had it been Easter also we weird things he used the Christmas tree ornaments as a trap and also you people forget this cuz I the last time my wife and I watched Home Alone Last Christmas I had forgotten this little plot point I'm like why the [ __ ] didn't this kid just called the police they make a whole point of a winter storm knocked out thees and the parents called the police and the police went and checked and he was scared to answer the door and they they they they explained it all up okay but pie of break tornado takes out the power lines yeah but then you won't have the Christmas ornaments that he uses as a trap but it do it drives his motivation his parents motivation the whole thing is like he doesn't want his family around for Christmas he hates his family like Easter and and I'm sure there are people that like really go ham for Easter and not just for the ham but no one goes ham for Easter or any other holiday like they do for Christmas I got a I got a question what the [ __ ] did his dad do for a living afford to have 11 people go to freaking what was it Italy France he was uh holy [ __ ] we'll leave behind the GI watch see I need to go verify this watch it again I feel like they say the uncle in France paid for a lot of that but I could be wrong about that I mean I know his kids were there and his kids were going but he I thought the Dad paid for his whole family to go and his his sister and brother-in-law see I think it's I think it's the brother cuz they're going to visit somebody in France yeah the the other brother the other brother and I think the other brother's the one that paid for it but again that house in the Chicago suburbs even in the 90s would have been ridiculously [ __ ] expensive so well we'll we'll revisit is it that one when we actually do a Christmas episode no you're fine you're fine uh it was bound to happen with the with the that's why I wanted to bring up Die Hard first because I knew that that's where it was going to well and die hard was his first uh starring film rle I'm going to say Die Hard 2 is not a Christmas movie it's not I do have a question for But Die Hard with a Vengeance I watch takes place in the middle of the summer every Easter I watch it every August yeah so in Die Hard why did he why why was he shoeless why didn't he not have a shoes because the because on the airplane the guy told him the thing but so what happened he's he took his shoes off he's walking around clenching his his feet fists and then he hears the gunfire runs for his gun and then he has to change rooms as they are clearing rooms so he doesn't have time to grab his shoes Goa you guys know those based on a novel right yeah that is nothing like the movie so whatever so is Hudson Hawk True by the way um but yeah no Die Hard was like we said his first starring role um probably the first thing that people started seeing him in hly well no he was well known on TV for Taxi Driver Taxi Taxi Driver but part of the whole controversy with him Moonlight that's what it was Moonlighting he the controversy for him being cast as John mlan was well this guy's in a comedy show we're supposed to take him serious ly as this hardened cop any you know and he proved that wrong wrong place wrong time cop yeah that is also and I will say this my probably hands down my all-time favorite I don't want to say favorite alltime action movie but favorite old school action movie oh it's up there when we go when we're talking your your 80s and 90s action films Die Hard is my favorite you know I talked a lot about Arnold I love Arnold he's my favorite from that era But Die hard's My Favorite for one very specific reason you go watch any Sly or Arnold movie or jeanclaude vanam movie from that era they are all almost Untouchable yes right they might get a knife slash on the pectoral and laugh it off John mlan is a regular dude who gets his [ __ ] kicked in that man is beaten battered bruised yeah I was going to say the end of that fist to fist fight scene he he looked like he had no idea what he was doing yeah he's just cussing the guy out and throwing some Unstoppable Action Hero he's a New York Beat cop he's talking mad smack too he's like I killed your [ __ ] brother I'll kill you too and I think that and I think that's why I love Bruce Willis so much yes even as an action star just an actor in general but especially when it comes to the action films because he is just like an average guy um who you could very easily underestimate you know what I mean and and he's not going to completely just like he's not bulletproof like you know um except for an unbreakable but you know that's a whole different thing um but yeah it's like you look at him and it's like oh yeah that could be like your dad or your uncle or anybody really um I will say he kind of played some of that too in uh Pulp Fiction we're going to jump to that I will say I will say when I watched it like have you ever watched a like when you were a kid and you watched a movie and you got hyped yo certain things that movie brought back like I'm sitting I'm I'm 33 years old I'm watching that movie like I'm standing up I'm sweating I'm like I'm [ __ ] hyped right now and my wife is like what are you doing I'm just like I'm hyped like this movie is great and then she's just like oh my God it's so cheesy so cheesy oh look at this slowmo scene with this guy falling out the window I'm just like this [ __ ] awesome I mean and I mean we we got to touch on Hans I mean one of the greatest villains yes um you're the grber yes well Alan Rickman is just hello Alan hello Alan Rickman calling for Alan Rickman please don't forget to take out the trash um that scene where he falls out and I'm sure a lot of people know this but we are a podcast that we talk about movies so little nuggets of information that scene where he falls out of the window they didn't tell him when they were going to release the cable that was going to drop him so he's only I forget what it was but they had like an airbag on under him he was only like a floor up but they just didn't tell him when they were going to release the cable so that look of shock and surprise is one 100% genuine and honest shock and surprise and it's 100% [ __ ] in his pants yeah allward this this is too real he [ __ ] that suit up you guys ever see look who's talking yes and look who's talking too yeah yes I [ __ ] love those movies yes I do my I haven't watched those in probably 20 years love brother and I his kids absolutely love those movies Danny DeVito Danny DeVito um Danny DeVito Danny DeVito isn't he in the second one isn't he one of the voices in the second one oh he's in the third one he's uh uh the one that of course Bruce Willis is not in it's the dog that's right he's the dog the dog it's him and Ria Pearlman that's right it's him and his wife and Ria Pearlman are the dogs yeah that's the got kid from Seventh Heaven and uh uh [ __ ] angel in the Not Angels in the Outfield Angels In The End Zone I was going to say Angels in the Outfield is Joseph Gordon Le who connection looping it back around to Bruce Willis Looper no uh Bruce Willis is in the first two look who's talking look who's talking to and he's the voice of the uh baby yeah the little boy it's I just [ __ ] it's a good it's a fun is it Roseanne bars the the the sister in the second one yes yeah yes so uh funny about that one thing I remember I didn't even do my research for this I just know this about this movie so when you watch that and uh kiry Ali's pregnant at the be at the end of the second one yeah the voice of the fetus was Joan Rivers oh [ __ ] uh but then they I don't know if they were going to cast or what like really fell into place there but it just Roseanne happened to be the one that they actually cast in the second movie but so no okay so you said when she pregnant at the end of the first one you said end of the second one I was like the second end of the second one they okay yeah at then the first one yeah that's what I me get your [ __ ] St I [ __ ] I'll just quit uh uh so that was that and that was pre- Pulp Fiction so so uh Travolta and Willis were working together uh their first thing was not Pulp Fiction it was uh look who's talking the hard-hitting action film Look Who's Talking is it look who's talking too where I just it's been so long the cabin the snowy cabin that's the third one with the do third apparently I liked the third one the third one you really like Look Who's Talking Now oh that's what was Look Who's Talking Now oh [ __ ] yeah because then they have that like I think it's a dream like she dreams that he John Travolta's character gets frozen yeah and she goes and visit him in a block of and that's the one where he's finally made it as like a a big airline pilot and so like he's gone all the time she's convinced he's cheating okay yeah it's coming back Travolta really is a pilot in real life oh really is that why God Rest his soul his son's name was jet okay anyway [ __ ] rest his soul yeah his was dead no his son died his son died some years ago and his son was not very old no son was in his early 20s yeah TR I thought it was younger than that I thought it was teens was it 20s I thought he was like 17 I thought he was like 17 thought he was in his he befel some yeah he had some uh some tragedy well a lot of people say that's kind of when he kind of stepped away I'm supposedly he still is in Scientology but apparently when his son died that was kind of when he stepped away from Scientology and I think he kind of stepped away from everything that that too but which by the way I know this episode is about Bruce Willis but tying back to Bruce Willis John trolan now a lot of times does the bald Bruce Willis look I say he actually looks [ __ ] great bald he looks what is the there's the movie in Paris where he's like a Hitman or an assassin or something From Paris With Love he looks like a [ __ ] with a goaty and a and a bald head yeah what's some uh there's a movie with him where he's the taking of P 123 no train movies it it would have been crazy if that was it there's a movie where he's like he's like a beat A Beat cop and like he's he's older he's got a he's got a mustache and he's he's like basically getting ready to get out of the for or like getting ready to be done with the forest or his I know the talking about I cannot think of the and and he's basically supposed to escort this guy and then there's basically a shootout on the bus are you talking about John travol or um Bruce oh Bruce Willis I was confused for a second I was like that sounds like the plot of a Bruce Willis movie that 16 blocks 16 blocks yeah okay yeah yeah I was like I'm thinking I'm thinking joled this whole time and I'm like what are you 16 blocks that's why and that's why for a second I was like Wow Bruce Willis was in that exact same movie but I mean like whenever I think of jolta when he was like had short hair that's what I thought about because with Bruce Wills he had I don't know it couldn't have been his real [ __ ] hair but in that movie it's like they look a lot Alik I don't think he's had real hair since Die Hard 2 yeah that's that's valid was that was that his real hair in the Fifth Element absolutely bleach blonde 100% incidentally probably my favorite Bruce Willis let's let's do this let's yeah we we do this every episode we haven't done it what was the first thing you saw Bruce Willis Die Hard had to have been Die Hard had to have been die hard that probably was mine too yeah I think it was that's one of those weird and we talked about this uh Arnold or Sly like that's one of those weird rated R movies that like my dad was cool with showing me before I was allowed to watch most other watch Christmas no we watched the first time I ever saw it was in Hilton Head in South Carolina okay uh with with my cousins like we used to rent movies every night while the cool were you wearing spar's sper ever wants to sponsor me feel free uh what about you uh mine was P fiction okay that was literally the first movie I ever seen him in was Pulp Fiction oh Nate oh it was Pulp Fiction when he was playing the boxer character and I remember specifically that mosis Wallace was talking to him and he's like you know Pride's a mother [ __ ] and he's just sitting there listening to Marcel's Wallace like R in Pulp Fiction like I think I've seen Z hard before that but that he really popped out in that movie too the whole rest of the thing uh so yeah Pulp Fiction going go with that do you guys have a favorite favor Bruce Willis Die Hard with vengeance D of the Vengeance when he's wearing the the sign fifth element's pretty good too but I'm going to sign on that's why it's my favorite movie first first movie I saw him in was either die hard I can't remember if it was Die Hard or the last Boy Scout last scout lasty scout you want to talk about a hard opening to a movie does anybody remember last Boy Scout I can't tell you to watch the last time I watched okay do you remember do so you don't remember the opening I don't think I do if you say it it might jog my he's got like 80 [ __ ] yes football game it is raining and the dude is the dude is in aars to a bunch of like a bunch of bookies so he needs to score this touchdown so as he's running down the field reaches in his sock pulls out a revolver and just fuing line and then makes it to the end Z scores the touchdown and [ __ ] kills himself you talk about a hard open on a movie oh yeah absolutely God for me on the last Boy Scout is where he's like [ __ ] touch me again I'll kill you touch me yeah and he goes like that was for like the longest time I was afraid that if I ever got into a fight that somebody was going to you know what that's that's like an a 0 action movie like fight move yeah that my brother and I always thought was like before Kill Bill that was like the Five Finger Death Punch that we like we cuz all these movies show that if you did that to somebody's nose it instantly killed them yeah like and in our brains we now if you ever see a skeleton this is all actually cartilage right yeah but in our but in our brains is kids were like yeah that shoves the bone straight up into your brain [ __ ] kills you instantly so that's why we' all do that move when we're fighting that's why my brother and I had that rule too we didn't do that that was cut off so it was it was the the nose jab and the sternum punch was just like off limits yeah cuz movies taught you those were like [ __ ] deadly and on top of that we didn't talk about it with Arnold but like I also thought my entire life until honestly not that long ago I watched a YouTube video where a guy that was like former Delta Force talked about it that like this move does not just break a guy's neck and kill him instantly no I was like oh I always thought it was super easy to snap just snap a neck uh like open a bottle a Coke so you're so you say so your favorite uh favorite Bruce Willis film is Die Hard with a Vengeance yes the the dynamic first of all it's a Die Hard movie yeah him and Samuel Jackson yeah him and Samuel Jackson is just one of my favorite Dynamics in any action film that is easily that's the second best Die Hard movie yeah and then Jeremy Irons yeah is f i love Jeremy Irons love Jeremy Irons um I love him Asar so is that the that's the third one that's the third one everyone after that one is not really worth watching like I told him although I do like Timothy olant was it Live Free or Die Hard the highest grossing proba I think it was that was the fourth one right that was the four him Justin long that's the one I saw and I was just like I did not know it was a Die Hard movie and I remember I saw I I I don't even remember Die Hard is the title yeah yeah but but to be fair yeah to be fair if you don't if you somehow are [ __ ] and don't know that it's a Die Hard movie go yeah that would make sense then I'll be fair that if you just see the title Live Free or Die Hard you're going to be like oh it's a movie called Live Free or Die Hard not a sequel to three previous Die Hard films cuz I yeah I watched it for long cuz he's my favorite porno yeah Nate what is your favorite uh porno no your favorite Bruce Willis movie oh Bruce Willis movie yeah so uh Pulp Fiction was really good yeah I'm GNA go with Pulp Fiction um it's got be there this element was actually really good I saw that in cinema pulled into that one um not only for Bruce Willis though CH on good oh man CHR talker yeah that was not Chris Tucker no no I know tuck hilarious side though like Chris Tucker that's one of my favorite actors he got to go in with a katana said don't do that to me don't do that to me oh my God if you guys weirdly Nate's favorite porno One Night in Paris which I didn't know anybody actually watched for porn but um have you guys ever F of night vision have you guys ever seen um the movie Death Becomes Her I don't think so with uh with Merill Streep and Goldie Han and uh I don't watch female driven films so I bet you don't well unless it's unless it's off of the website we live together so Bruce Willis plays uh which one rob you you seem to remember almost as well as I do which one was his wife was it Merill Street or Goldie Han was his wife but then he was in love with Merill stre I don't know he's uh it's it's like a quirky comedy and he's like a uh he's like an inventor scientist uh yeah he's in the middle of this love triangle he comes up with like this serum uh to where like you can never die right and so I one of them I wish I could remember which one uh so it's Marl Street Goldy hon one's the wife one's the mistress uh and the wife tries to kill the mistress and she doesn't die because she takes the serum so then the wife takes the serum and they're trying to kill each other this whole movie I distinctly remember watching this as a kid I think with my with my mom maybe my dad too but my mom really liked it um and there's like even a scene where I think he tries to like chop one of their heads off and the head just rolls down the hill and she just puts it back on like these like these these women cannot die you know they're trying to kill each other and then they're trying to kill him uh it's it's pretty fun it's all like quirky though it's all like tongue and cheek I mean it sounds like a film I would enjoy I it's it's a good honestly it's a good movie a good movie and How It Ends ISO yeah spoil it came out in 1992 yeah 92 yeah well I was only three then so I was one they're at Bruce Willis's funeral yes yeah and they're walking away from it and they do they trip and fall they yeah and their like heads fall off so basically their bodies yeah their bodies are decaying like normal alive but yeah but they're still alive so they have to put on this makeup yeah so like their their bodies are decaying as if they were dead but their brains are still alive their nervous system still alive but they yeah like the end they like he said they have to put on all this makeup to be like no we're not dead we're live people you know uh it's it's a very silly movie but a very good one not driven by Bruce Willis but he does co-star in it so it's definitely so my favorite is probably going to be Fifth Element so robs is Fifth Element Fifth Element yeah we've got a few votes for that oneck oh you know what I'm I'm actually going to second that motion The Jackal uh great great Cameo scene with Jack Black as well um The Jackal is such a good [ __ ] movie have you guys seen Jackal uh it's been a very long time so Bruce is you want to bring up the synopsis real quick but essentially Bruce Willis is an assassin um known as The Jackal he's got like no fingerprints um it's got Richard Greer in it Richard quer you know he had a hamster up his butthole once that sounds amazing was a gerbal that's what it was it was a Geral I don't know if it makes a difference but I thought it was so he was a Mr slave but there's there's a scene where he gets this like very Advanced for the9 by the way but he gets this like remote controlled sniper rifle yeah and Jack Black is the Arms Dealer selling it to him and so he's like he's trying to shoot these melons or whatever and he's like oh it's it's off Jack Black's like no way man no way it's not no I'm telling so he's like start he tells Jack Black to start running and he he pulls out a he's like I'm not [ __ ] kidding start running yeah Jack Black is [ __ ] running through the he like runs through a a river and his pants falling down tells him to stop he tells Jack Black to hold out his pack his cigarettes and uh he shoots at the cigarettes and it blows Jack's black arm off Bruce just goes I told you it was off and then he just [ __ ] unleashes and just mows him down and rips him apart Jack Black when you look at his dude we could almost do a Jack Black episode 4 his Cameo his cameos in in like action flicks are insane dude like he shows up in like Enemy of the State he was in Water World TR Thunder yes Tropic well Tropic Thunder um character though uh there's another one I'm thinking of Water World he's the pilot oh [ __ ] when they're they're flying around yeah there's another one I'm thinking of here though that D I just saw Enemy of the State the other day Enemy of the State that's what I'm thinking of the I forgot how insane the cast is of of insane cast and despite the dated technology still relevant dude it was it's a dope movie and we'll probably do like a Will Smith which we will episode so but being we an action movie podcast I have to say I watched uh Bad Boys rid or Die the newest one I I my wife was at the mun I was like you know what I'm going to rent myself a movie put the backlights on the TV the sound system up yeah [ __ ] fantastic what' she see at the mun she saw the waitress oh cute yeah so I watched Bad Boys rid or die and I will say other than the f I mean the second one is is is good and corny I kind of like this ride or die one like the best it just I don't know man the end act the whole end action sequence is [ __ ] fantastic do that make four now yeah okay they do there's a lot of drone shots that could come off corny in some movies if not done right they are done right in this movie and I'm like o I like this new cinematography using drones like did did any of you guys ever see ambulance the Michael Bay movie with um yeah okay his use of Dron in that well done they do it again in Bad Boys ride or die and it it again well [ __ ] done I could imagine a lot of action movies trying to overuse it and it kind of becoming shitty yeah they they use it like two or three times in this bad boys movie and it's done so well that it's one of my new my new favorite like cinematog cinematography tricks speaking of you you brought up ambulance that that kind of got me thinking we should probably do like a a director Series yeah for this but yeah we we'll stick with actors for now I mean Michael Bay if you want to talk about some of the greatest explosions in Hollywood history um yeah I knew I I knew Rob was going to bring up the Jackal too which is funny um but we kind of skipped over a few things 12 Monkeys is one of them if you guys have ever seen Mon it's been a long time Twisted it was uh yeah kind of a twisted flick but what's that Brad Brad Pit does such a good job of playing an insane person in that movie that whole movie is so good um that's one of my favorites but the fifth element is probably my favorite and we kind of glossed over that a bit too have you ever seen The Fifth Element no no oh my God d That's a when I when I was I opened up the list of Bruce Willis's movies I was like Jesus [ __ ] Christ I don't have time to watch all these [ __ ] said I knew this was going to be so I was like all right I'll watch I'll watch the first Die Hard since for some reason I watched the who uh who is he playing across from in The Fifth Element who was Gary Oldman and Mila yovic Oh I thought you were going to sayov I thought you godov in that movie I think we I think we all did doesn't have like a young ha all that yeah Chris Tucker chck Chris Tucker's in it he's fuckr Tucker is hilarious he's hilarious in that movie uh I thought you were going to say it was the the main antagonist was Gary Oldman and that had to be the first thing I saw Gary Oldman in okay but think I recognized him as like I I had probably seen him in something else afterwards and didn't know that was the same guy cuz he's so his look is so [ __ ] up in that movie and uh but I mean he's so great in that too just like playing that that kind of like it's such a strange character because he could have done it very like Sinister yeah and I it almost wouldn't have had the same effect as like being this like loudmouth kind of southern guy you know like he had that weird yeah it was so strange kind of like a like a mouth of the South Jimmy Hart character so not a backtrack too far but real quick your your quick synopsis of the Jackal an imprisoned Ira fighter Richard Gear is freed to help stop a brutal seemingly faceless assassin from completing his next job of assassinating the FBI D de deputy director um which Richard Gear has played an IRA fighter in more than one film uh blown away or is he the FBI agent and Blown Away Blown Away was that was um Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones okay what's the one I'm thinking of because there's one with Richard Gear I don't know I'm GNA be honest I don't follow Richard Gear's career I don't either but there was there was you when we talk about like films that were made you know like um the the you know Armageddon and Deep Impact uhhuh um this is one of those things like around the same time there were like very similar bomb movies yeah I know what you're talking about what were the movies with him and Matthew Perry Oh The Whole Nine Yards Ys and the whole 10 yards great [ __ ] movies great [ __ ] movies titties Amanda Amanda P yeah we're talking about titties titties we got yeah Amanda this she hangs out the window you haven't seen that I haven't seen any of them she's that's like part of their playm the Tulip tesy y to he's a mobster right yeah Jimmy the tul he's like a mobster Hitman yeah he's the Hitman oh Goa Amanda Pete is like a she's she's like a wannabe Hitman and she's well in the first fil in the first film she's just um uh Matthew Perry's assistant that like is enthralled by the idea of the Hitman then the second one is where she's like hired by his wife didn't kill him because she he she liked him yeah yeah um that I I've told you one like there's a scene in the whole 10 yards of the sequel that my buddy and I will randomly [ __ ] quote all the time was it in a hot tub no it's Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry are in so part of the whole thing is that uh he's a Hitman but he's got like especially in the second one it's is this the is this what they're at the hotel yeah but especially in in the second one he's got like some mental issues where like he feels you know feelings of inadequacy and all this so they go to a bar and they get drunk yeah and they stack these glasses up into a pyramid and out of nowhere Bruce Willis just gets upset and goes what is this and and the Perry's like well that's what we've created over the last few years I don't like it it's upsetting me and he just gets up he backs away and then he just bulldozes it like jumps through this P classes and I don't know why but like I I my buddy and I just be out drinking and somebody will be like what is this I like it who SS me and then the next morning he wakes up and Matthew Perry's like why does my ass hurt fell down the stairs looks around there are no stairs they're at a motel like a one L [ __ ] you know that Bruce Willis has an album yes um yeah he's a blues guy yeah dog no dog star that wasn't a trivia question so uh there there is a trivia question involved in that but I won't uh I won't answer the but no he does he has a couple albums actually yeah he's a blues guy right return of Bruno yeah so he yeah he did like a lot of like older it was like it was an album of like covers of like old blues songs and stuff he plays the harmonica too H but yeah he sings he was in B Midler's uh Under the Boardwalk yeah yeah he's yeah Under the Boardwalk um of course the six sense you guys have seen that I'm sure um so that was his first uh film with with M night shamalan then of course he did Unbreakable amaz um and later on um shows up at the end of split and then he's in glass um yeah which uh I just I loved all of those but uh the six sense I remember seeing that when I was a kid remember going to the theater um and yeah dude that that ending like as an adult enough is like whoa damn didn't see that but like when you're a kid and you say like oh [ __ ] like I had no idea that would even be an option as far as like what was going to happen Donnie wbag yeah Don yeah Donnie was in that from New Kids on the Block Kids on the Block in his in his tidy whes yeah I mean sadly enough when I saw the six cent I knew immediately because he get shot in the very beginning of it yeah and and then it just cuts to him taking care of this kid and the kid tells him he's like right when that kid says I see dead people I was like he's [ __ ] dead yeah well how old how old were you when you saw it like did you see it when it came out year did it come out yeah 999 99 so 99 I was eight and you put that together well yeah because I was like go [ __ ] yourself because at the first time I'm like why aren't they talking about him getting shot yeah and then that kid said I see dead people I was like he's dead you were you weren't you were thinking too much about it I was I was still throughout that whole movie I was still worried about him being shot they scrolled over it like it was nothing I was 10 years old and I did not put that together yeah I remember having that oh [ __ ] moment as a kid when like he drops the ring and all of a sudden he realizes and all it yeah and all these things he starts putting it together himself and well there was always something like with the color red yeah in that movie too that was like um [ __ ] him up you you're talking about when you were a kid speaking of a kid have you guys seen the kid no I'm familiar with it but I never saw it with him and um was it Spencer Breslin is that the kid's name from yeah uh where he plays so that that kid plays him from the past and he shows up during the present to like help him through like some kill mental issues and stuff that that he's no he doesn't try to oh sorry that's another movie where he that's another movie where a kid version of himself comes yeah that's not the same thing no this is a Disney uh like a light-hearted family movie so um but it's that's a good one if you guys haven't haven't watched it check it out so he goes back in time and helps himself yeah he's got to go so the kid shows up the kid shows up from the past first oh to try to help him and then they end up having to go back in time and there's no explanation to is like there's no like not even like a quick like I made a time machine out of this DeLorean like there's no Exposition as to like how are we going to travel through time it's just like magic like the kid just shows up and then when he like accepts that I have to go back and help my kid version of me now they just drive through a tunnel and then like end up in the past there's like nothing at all like scientific about it it's just like oh look we're in the past now well have you seen the movie about time which has nothing to do with Bruce Willis no I don't think I have yeah it's uh so it's basically like this kid he like when he turns 18 his his dad basically tells him like our family the men in our family had this gift where we can go back in time but it's only in our lifespan and so this and the secret is you have to go in go into a dark space close your R and grip your fist and you think about the time you want to go back to and it takes them back there and that's a wild concept and it is basically like he's like changing like he's he's trying to change things but then he finds out that things change when he goes back like the butterfly effect but not as bad yeah so like for instance his sister's like really bad into alcohol and drugs and stuff and she gets into a car accident well he's and the reason being because she's dating the shitty guy well he goes back in time to when he she would have met him at a party and she stops it and then when he goes back come to find this called uh about time about time no I never saw that uh it's got uh it's got the uh I can't I'm so bad with the names uh The Notebook the girl in The Notebook Rachel madams yes she's the main uh character the girl that he falls in love with but so he goes back in time and after you know trying to help his sister out well his daughter he has a daughter becomes a it's a boy now and he's and it's a whole different kid so he has to go has to go back and let that happen and his sister goes gets into the accident and then they basically just have to work he's just got to work it out why would you just stop the accident his dad oh God I'm trying to think sounds like a movie full of plot holes and paradoxes so the dad in the movie is like one of my favorite characters he was in Underworld he was the head vampire in Underworld oh [ __ ] Sheen no not Sheen um cuz he's the head werewolf um Bill NY oh bill naayi yeah Bill Nai yeah bill yeah I was like the Science Guy yeah and he's and he's the dad and he's great in the movie he's so good in the movie Bill n n and basically basically when the kid the kid talked to him he said so what do you do he goes I go back and I just read a bunch of books that was um he that was Davey Jones daav Crockett yes yeah he was daav Jones yeah he was great but we were talking about time travel that's what we are uh so I I wanted I don't know if you're going to skip ahead of this cuz right around the time of the kid then he unbreakable he he makes a movie called Hearts War which was a decent World War II movie but there's a movie I want to touch on called uh Tears of the Sun okay yeah so you have you ever seen Tears of the Sun war movie right yeah it's a they're they're a Seal Team basically um but what this is one of those and I don't double don't verify me on this but I'm pretty sure the story was that basically that script was supposed to be Die Hard 4 okay uh he agreed to do Die Hard 4 but when they when they scrapped that script part of his deal with agreeing to do another version of Die Hard 4 he wanted that script himself and they turned it into so he could still make that movie yeah he they turned it into that film where they basically go they go to South America as like some sort of Seal Team and there to rescue a couple of Americans uh uh that are no longer safe because of the warlord that's taking over the region and the girl Monica beluchi is the woman that they're there to save and she's like insistent she's like I'm not [ __ ] leaving without the villagers so they now have to take like 30 villagers through the woods as the war these Warlords are chasing them down um one of those movies like I don't ever think about but when I see it I'm like you know what I'm I'm gonna watch that it's a it's a decent Bruce Willis film I'm I I'm a sucker for what you might call Mil porn or military porn like anything that is like he said porn we can't have an episode of play for blood without porn mentioned evidently but you know like literally you dude I'll watch any movie or show yeah that involves it now if it's shitty I'm not going to revisit it or I'm not going to finish the show yeah but I will try just about any show that involves like Special Forces or something like that and I'll get all [ __ ] weird and hyped about them like [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] clear rooms no I I haven't seen that but that but that does sound actually really good um no I wasn't necessarily in uh the Rugrats yes so he was in the rug he was in the Rugrats uh he was in the Rugrats Go Wild uh cuz that's the Wild Thornberries that's one the Wild Thornberries and so of so the Rugrats meet the Wild Thornberries and the one thing about Wild Thornberries is a Lia Thornberry can speak to animals um and so of course Spike the dog uh has to have a voice so they they yeah they were Bruce Willis because Bruce Willis um to to do the voice of spike which was great uh we're getting to a point where we're going to have to like start FASTT tracking through like all of his 2000s movies um which we yeah uh I mean lucky number s 16 blocks uh obviously Oh no you're skipping over Sin City was that before lucky number s yes okay yeah Sin City you're right you're right yeah um yeah Sin City uh Alpha Dog lucky number s 16 blocks Over the Hedge um you know he was in uh he was in Grindhouse he's done some things with Tarantino he has but I do want to touch on Sin City absolutely absolutely no we can sure that is so again when we talk about like some of these the you know nobody made exactly like a copy of cinity at the same time yeah but that was very much this weird time where like comic book movies had come out but they were straying really far from the comic books and so then there was this wave of movies like 300 Sin City um the spirit which was actually [ __ ] terrible but there was the string of films where they did like almost shot for shot or at least panel Recreations of comic books and in my mind as much as I love 300 it is not because of the movie it's a bunch of reasons but I have a [ __ ] Spartan helmet tattooed on my arm yes but for me 300 is a boner City it is a boner City uh Michael fast betterer Jesus Christ oh Lord um Jesus Christ but to me the best done version of like a shot for shot or at least a panel Recreation film has to be Sin City I mean the the artistic Direction they use in that like the scenes where there's like they use white you know the white for blood or something so that it just what a beautiful [ __ ] film especially for such a violent film you rarely say like oh what a beautifully shot film when something's that gory but I mean that was so beautifully shot yeah the whole like no Jess Al Jesus Christ absolutely roario Dawson's in there too Rosario Dawson fantastic love Rosario da ever see surrogates yes that was pretty good I was going to I was going to bring that up as well yeah surrogates I actually really enjoyed to me that is actually more socially relevant now yes than it was when it came out yeah right like we have headed even closer to that with luckily like the whole metaverse kind of died off people buying um [ __ ] real estate online died but we are getting to that point where like just have a bunch of avatars walking around just staying in our home I know I feel like we're heading more towards idiocracy let's let's be oh see I think we'll head towards them where CR I I usually do I think I think right now we're on a we're on a highway that is headed towards both but at some point one is east or one is east and one is West and it's going to be like a war that decide like there's can we not be on the highway it makes me motion if there's going to be a there's going to be if if there's going to be a great War then we're headed towards ocracy after if we don't have that War uh but other things happen we're be headed to towards surrogates where something darker yeah what is it darker how is idy what what war would need to happen for idiots we're all the [ __ ] SM like there's no we're just we're just breeding the breeding the [ __ ] stupid yeah um what about copout you guys ever see copout yes and I actually love that I love Kevin Smith it was hilarious I know he for a long time he actually held a grudge against uh Bruce Willis yeah and said it was a terrible experience in Bruce was a huge dick yeah but I love that movie who hasn't he said is a [ __ ] dick yeah he he he hated like half the staff at for SNL yeah Kevin Smith Kevin Smith yeah oh I don't I don't know anything about him and SNL yeah he really hated Jimmy Fallon I feel like a lot of people secretly hate Jimmy fall he hated Jimmy Fallon because he couldn't say a joke without Jimmy Fallon laughing and they're supposed to you know yeah are you talking about are you talking about uh Tracy Tracy Tracy Morgan I'm Kev we're talking about the director I'm talking yeah yeah we talking about the director we talking about cop out I'm like wait a minute that [ __ ] guy yeah well Kevin Smith is the director same guy that did clerks and Mall Rats and and chasing it yeah yeah you do you know the original title of copout yeah no I think I heard this before but what was it two dicks it was two dicks it was two dicks okay and they the studio was like I know you're playing on words here cuz they're detectives yeah well he so copout did not do well in the box office not at all and so I think probably part of uh Kevin Smith's frustration just came from like he like spiraled after that cuz that was when he got really heavy kicked off the airplane cuz he didn't fit in the seat uh that was like a whole thing and he like got like that just like made him even more depressed and like yeah so uh so he probably lashed out and that was also one of his very few uh outside of Miramax like Studio films and the piano or The Crying [Laughter] Game but he's he's made it very well known that like he doesn't work well in the studio system yeah and that was kind of like his last try at making a studio film and he got Savaged for it which I don't understand the savaging like it was was it a revolutionary comedy no but it was a funny funed I liked I liked Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan working together and then also throwing Shawn Williams Scott in there which seemed weird I was like are you going to throw another guy in there but then he was like it just worked so well I was hilarious yeah I mean I honestly I to this day I do not fully understand why that film wasn't again not saying that it it deserved like High Praise but like why it didn't hit with people but not that is I bet when most people see Bruce Willis movies they think it's going to just be hard yeah and then you got two comedians that you're throwing in there and they're just like it's not the movie I thought yeah and I could see that I I'm also going to say uh like we know he's in Expendables this is an unpopular opinion but I liked red better than Expendables okay I I will actually retired extremely dangerous that I'm not going to second that motion but I will say hilarious both of them were hilar I like them for different reasons red leans into the comedy and the absurdity of uh of like these old people and I John malovich I mean my God I know it's not red but give give the his yeah he's in Expendables he's only in the first two briefly apparently he asked for some ridiculous amount of money to be in the third for a day of shoo I think he was just done with it yeah which always upset me about those movies where it's like these are have you not made your money these movies are the for the fans can we not set our [ __ ] aside um okay on that note if there's anything else in the like mid to late 2000s you guys really want to touch on we can but I mean not particularly two shitty Die Hard movies so many things and PR four rooms is very good that was late was that early 2000s late 90s late 9s 90s that was again he that might have been the first time he worked with uh Tarantino you know what that's that's kind of like a film Nerd movie though it's I don't think many people are like my wife's not going to sit down and watch four rooms and be like that was good but like a film nerd's going to be like that was really that's how we experienced it me and my buddies who were like Tarantino Buffs at the time got that movie and sat down and watch it there's a different director in every room and you know yeah my brother cool my brother's the one that show that and True Romance were two movies that my brother were like hey you know how we like this movie we got to watch this and and my brother and I don't get along very well together we never really have movies were some of the few things we did and so those are two movies my brother like saw and he's like you got to watch this with me and down and like show me those movies um but other than that like yeah the the two four Die Hard four and five me right I like Timothy olant I like Justin long but PG-13 for a film that traditionally was R-rated and then they shoehorn in the yippy Kay [ __ ] I'm like God damn it go [ __ ] yourselves of course cuz they're only allowed one [ __ ] um yeah we didn't mention Armageddon so uh armag get it on I I don't want to miss a thing so anyway um we could go on and on and on and on and on but it is time for Pop Quiz Hot Shot um Pop Quiz Hot Shot Jim is going to play this time so he is the reigning champ um who won last time Casey that's right I did not win oh it was it was n by by default by default all right Casey Casey we're going to start with you then um we're going to we're going to send this one to you um in which foreign country was Bruce Willis born a Russia B South Africa C Germany or D Austria d d Austria is incorrect Nate to Steel oh that's uh C Germany that's right all righty Nate uh question to you ranking at number 156 on the list of highest grossing films and earning nearly $673 million what was Bruce Willis's highest grossing film a the six cents B Armageddon C Live Free or Die Hard or D The Fifth Element Fifth Element D that's incorrect Free or Die Hard Jim de steal Live Free or Die Hard is incorrect Armageddon [ __ ] Armageddon Casey to steal Armageddon Armageddon God damn it the answer is the sixth Cent are you serious I mean that movie was crazy I mean I that movie but I did not expect it to [ __ ] gross that much so he he gross out of action movies yes yes godamn we uh since we went round robin we're going right back to Nate for that one I'm still shocked I don't no cuz he stole it's my it's my question [ __ ] he sto he stole Casey's question then he went to him in 1987 Bruce Willis released his first album the return of Bruno the hit single from the album was a cover of the Staple Singer song Respect Yourself what number did this single reach on the Billboard Chart a number 21 B number 36 C number five or D number 40 what was what was B again uh 21 36 5 or 40 I'm going go with 21 you [ __ ] [ __ ] Casey the steal can I get the question again in 1987 no buddy just pick a B A C or D the DI I promise you you're not his his number his number one hit from from his album was a cover of a song called respect yourself what number did I'm going to go with d cuz I love it D so it's 30 number 36 or number five Nate that is your 36 final answer the answer is it reach a whopping number so by default I get the point God that's pretty good no one gets it no one gets that point we not nobody get the point on the last either I'm impressed I didn't think there was a shot in hell he had on top of no way I thought 21 was generous okay speaking of the return of Bruno we're not going to get into that we're on him now right sucking [ __ ] this is you just wanted me to lose my title um with the exception of a made for TV movie called The Return of Bruno Willis only has one film writing credit for which film is he credited as a writer a The Last Boy Scout B Hudson Hawk C The Jackal or D 12 Monkeys a a The Last Boy Scout is incorrect Nate with the chance to steal hson Haw Hudson HW is the correct answer oh yeah who's who's he's winning by the two two two zip two zip you got to give me two in a row to get a chance to beat him now well we're on the last question and it's for you okay well then it's worth Five Points let's make it spice up the odds here hey I don't care I mean the points are irrelevant y Five Points um all right Five Points this this could be this is the winner this is the winner in which 1996 movie does Bruce Willis portray a degenerate named muddy looking to hire Hitman to kill his criminal wife a the whole nine yards B the whole 10 yards C beas and buad do America D4 rooms beon Butthead that's right correct oh my God yes he is the voice of Muddy in be and buad To America that was that was my favorite question um that was your favorite question not the stupid Bruno [ __ ] question you [ __ ] guys we could again like I feel like I say this about everybody we could go on and on and on and on and on about Bruce W but um you know unfortunately he's not making any more films um and and and one thing I will say is like unfortunately his last 15 films most of them were C you know what I I do actually now that we know what's wrong with him just kind of r i i I think he knew and so I think he was making every film he could just to make as much money as possible hey here's 5 million to do this direct to video here's five million to this direct video I think that explains his choice of films over the last 10 years regardless of what he's made over the last 10 years he's left a legacy before that [ __ ] yeah he has yeah uh you obviously no nukes obviously we hope he he does you know uh as best he can with with what he has I don't know how he he's not I mean he's not going to get better um I just hope it's painless and peaceful yeah absolutely is all I can say about that and and I hope Demi's okay and their kids and their kids we we weird kind of relationship they always had is like for all of the divorced couples in Hollywood they were like the only one that actually like yeah stayed friends he was like friends with Ashton apparently they like during Co like Bruce stay with them D they co-parent like a [ __ ] dud they're they're amazing so so Bruce Willis is amazing Demi might be uh we might have to add her to the list yippy Kaye [ __ ] that's how I'm going to end it all righty thank you you guys

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Anna Delvey Dances with an Ankle Monitor on DWTS!

Category: Entertainment

[music] fake aris anad delie is joining season 33 of dancing with the stars ankle monitor and all known for her infamous scams delvie real name anna sokin secured permission to travel for the show while underhouse arrest from conning new york's elite to dancing on national tv del's latest move is sure... Read more

🎭✨ Joker 2: A Musical Journey Divides Critics with Bold Themes! 🎶🔥#News thumbnail
🎭✨ Joker 2: A Musical Journey Divides Critics with Bold Themes! 🎶🔥#News

Category: People & Blogs

Joker 2 titled foley ado has premiered at the venice film festival and is receiving mixed reviews directed by todd phillips the sequel features joae phoenix and introduces a musical element that some critics are finding tedious while the film has captivated certain viewers with its ambitious approach... Read more

Taylor Swift Urges Fans to Vote & Endorses Kamala Harris | 2024 VMAs Highlights thumbnail
Taylor Swift Urges Fans to Vote & Endorses Kamala Harris | 2024 VMAs Highlights

Category: News & Politics

In a powerful message during the 2024 mtv video music awards taylor swift used her platform to make a call to action about voting not only did she win big at the vmas but she also endorsed kamala harris for president let's dive into her impactful speech and what it means for the upcoming election just... Read more