Dean Kremer strikes out 7 Mets over 6 innings on 8/20/24

Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:00:58 Category: People & Blogs

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Carlos Mendoza Mets will face Dean Kramer's or coming off that win against the Nets. And a great splitter gets him. Dean Kramer with a couple of swinging strikes. Another running sinker with that another strikeout looking at a sticker runs it over the outside corner and Dean Kramer has punched out three of the first five on the outside corner is splitter struck him out swinging. There's a two seam fastball, what a foot and they still have it another strikeout on the splitter against Lindor and he swing it all there. He didn't like the call, but it certainly looked good. It's strikeout number seven for Dean. Another one looking Alonso pops it up left side. Henderson calls off for Dean's gonna keep his pitch count at 100 through six brilliant innings, six innings, one run for a second straight start for Kramer.

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