The Ministry of Jesus - 35 Reasons Healing is Gods Will - Warren Hunter
Published: Aug 22, 2024
Duration: 00:40:03
Category: Entertainment
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e e Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory welcome everybody we're so excited this morning my continually teaching on healing is God's will healing is God's will thank God for healing thank God Amen we can trust in healing today is going to be absolutely powerful the notes on this is so powerful so I encourage you while you're Ona with us if you really want to get it this is probably one of the most strongest reasons healing is God's will today uh that we are going to give uh you definitely you definitely want to get this one and share it with others this is going to be a very powerful powerful teaching on healing is God's will so make sure please make sure you share this uh invite people to join connect uh with this this is one of the most strongest reasons healing is God's will so if you can take some time to invite some people to connect with some people uh this is so important amen healing is God's will now remember on those who are listening live on sprinker this is episode 20 the ministry of Jesus episode 20 the ministry of Jesus so we're talking about healing is God's will now one thing I love about this is Jesus literally paints us a picture of the will of God in the earth if you ever want to know about healing or whether Jesus desires for you to be whole or whether Jesus wants you healed or whether we say Jesus is the great physician we talk about Jesus the Healer lives inside me why would we say such a statement because Jesus always wanted people healed Jesus always did the will of his father look at John 6:38 we're going to go through some uh about 18 19 steps on what I would consider the ministry of Jesus and now the ministry of Jesus reveals that healing is God's will the ministry of Jesus the ministry of Jesus and you're going to see this ministry catch on amen he says five come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me so keep in mind Jesus represents the will of God in the earth understand that Jesus came to reveal the father's will which includes healing for all now we're going to Define that healing for all not for some not for little align your beliefs and actions with the truth and so it's very important that you that you confess and declare I align myself with God's will as revealed in Jesus Christ Christ healing is God's will for me so I'm going to so I would even make it a confession I align myself with God's will as revealed in Jesus Christ healing is God's will for me you say why confess that because we want to bring ourselves into Divine Alignment with the will of the father as manifested through Jesus and the ministry of Jesus look at Matthew 21:14 then the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them and he healed them and he healed them I love that and he healed them some translations says he healed them all and he healed them and so this is very very powerful and he healed them the blind of the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them he didn't say just he wondered with he healed them he was going to think about healing them so what what this indicates is bring your needs directly to Jesus Jesus and just as this blind came to him he healed you he's going to heal you as he healed all who came to him so I come to Jesus with my needs I'm Healed just as he healed all who came to him now you're going to see this emphasis is going to show up in several of these stories it's going to be the word all it's going to be the word all now watch this Matthew 8 verse 2 and 3 and I'm going to look at this one in the Amplified uh Matthew 8 vers 2 and 3 and behold watch this Matthew 8: 2 and 3 in the Amplified it says and behold a leper came to him prostrating himself and worship him saying Lord if you're willing you are able to cleanse Me by curing me so we so this if you're willing because he's making it willing verse three he's going to make it very clear and he reached out his hand and touched him saying let me think about whether I'm going to heal you let me wonder if you're good enough let me think about where you've been your p no he just said I am willing be cleansed cleansed means cleansed whatever caused this to happen in the past you're cured and instantly the leprosy was cured instantly instantly another thing is keep in mind instantly notice the will of God instantly not over a period of time not over a period of time I've done I've dealt with this concerning Faith don't turn faith into a process it's now Faith we beheld the glory of God Amen so know that Jesus is willing to heal uh Jesus is willing to cleanse and cure me Jesus is will you got to get that in you Jesus is willing to cleanse and cure me Jesus is willing to cleanse and cure me healing is God's will and I receive it now God wants me cured and cleansed healing is the will of God God is working in me right now to willing to do his good pleasure Philippians 2:13 God is working in me to do his good pleasure thank you Father you're working in me you're working in me look at Matthew chapter 8: 16 And1 17 Matthew 8:16 and 17 we're just going to focus continually on the ministry of Jesus and his will to heal when evening came they brought to him many who were under the power of demons and he drove out the spirits with the word with the word he didn't have to say it over and over again he just drove out the spirits with the word he didn't have to shout it over and over come out come out come out come out he didn't do that he didn't go Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost Fire Holy Ghost he didn't have to scream in tongues and restored to health all who were sick all who were sick look verse 17 restored Lord what all all all all look at verse 17 all and I want you to see the emphasis all thus he fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet what by healing all he was fulfilling by healing all he was fulfilling by healing all he was fulfilling by healing all he was fulfilling so recognize that Jesus fulfilled prophecy of healing all and this is very important the Fulfillment in your life so if you want to see this healing oil you want to see this fulfillment life you need to make sure you continually clear Jesus Took My infirmities and bore my sicknesses and I'm Healed because he healed all Jesus Took My infirmities and bore my sicknesses and I am healed because he healed all himself took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses he took them and removed them disease is not mine healing is mine I refuse to Bear what Jesus already bore for me I refuse to Bear what Jesus already bore for me I am not tolerating sickness and disease Jesus removed them and I refuse to have them any longer Jesus removed them and I refuse to have them any longer make sure this is in your confession so he said what do you mean hogia to say what he says to get your will in line with his will look at number five Mark 5: 25 and 34 Mark 5: 25 and 34 what I might do is make these notes really available to some people so you can get this this is this is going to be in in a book we're revising and redoing on on healing is God's will look at this now a certain woman had a flow of blood amen amen so a certain woman had a flow of blood Mark 5: 25 and through 34 and we see that for she said if I may only but touch his clothes I shall be made whole now I love this woman she pressed through she said if I may only but touches G immediately the Fountain of a blood was dried up we see this in Mark 25-34 incredible um I mean how this lady was totally healed and he said to her daughter your faith has made you hold go in peace and be healed of your Affliction what a powerful story yeah but there's several things I always teaching this she got what she believed she got what she said and she got what she acted upon I teach this many times with this story she got what she said she got what she believed she got what she acted upon and so you have to believe right amen you've got to say right and you've got to act right in alignment with the will of God and uh when she touched His Garment she was instantly healed her faith when her faith touched the anointing flowing from Jesus the miracle was now she didn't come to Jesus and she didn't asked Jesus will you heal me she didn't question whether Jesus could heal or not she didn't come to Jesus and says please heal me she didn't come to Jesus and say if it be thy will she just reached out by Faith by faith secured the will of God faith secured the permanent will of God for her healing not questionable the woman with issue of blood did not come and ask if Jesus would heal her she didn't ask if it's his will to heal it she didn't ask any of that her faith assessed the will of God for her healing we can said that where her faith accessed the will of God her actions her actions tapped in to the will to heal and it is his will to heal if it was questionable she could have asked she could have wondered she could have not touched him she could have done it in doubt no but she got what she believed she got what she said and she got what he acted upon one time a pastor heard a pastor tell a story and he was trying to tell in his church how that he doesn't believe in this healing stuff so he don't teach on he's never seen a healing in his church um he don't believe it's God that God does healings today all this so he says I've never seen a healing in my church well well you know you look if you don't faith comes by hearing he by the word of God if you're not teaching on healing if you're not preaching healing amen if you're not believing for healing you're not acting on healing of course no healings is going to happen in your church and of course you will see no healing so recognize that Jesus has fulfilled the prophecy of healing by healing all Jesus Took My infirmities he carried my diseases thank God by Stripes I'm Healed so her faith made her whole amen her faith made I believe I receive and my faith has made me whole remember the power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in me you must declare it the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in me my faith puts that power into active operation in my body disease has no chance to survive in my body why I believe the power that raised Jesus from the dead is working in me and that power is irresistible the power that that that that is greater than sickness and disease that power flowing uh in me makes me whole remember greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world greater is the healing power of God in Me than any disease and sickness in the world there reason we know the ministry of Jesus and that healing is God's will is Acts 10: 36-38 in Acts 10: 36-38 I love this you know the message which he sent to the sons of Israel announcing the good news of Peace the good news of peace through Jesus Christ is Lord of all now watch this you know the things that have taken place through Judea starting galile and after the baptism preached by John now we have acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil amen wow how God anointed consecrated Jesus of Nazareth the holy spirit in power here we see the will of God In Action Jesus manifesting the will of God how he went about doing good and curing all notice the word you again all all he curing all who harass it doesn't matter if there's a multitude of people multitude sometimes in in the Hebrew context here uh multitude can mean anywhere from five 10 15,000 but when they use the word multitudes uh which is a very unusual thing in the Hebrew language and the Hebrew language when you studied further it almost makes it sound like sometimes the crowds Jesus had could have been anywhere from up to 50,000 people sometimes and he healed all he healed all amen so believe that Jesus anointing is still effective today that anointing Isaiah 10 moves burdens and destroys yolks amen Jesus has Jesus anointed by God heals all who are oppressed by the devil including me and I receive that healing anointing in my body I declare that healing anointing is flowing through my body amen acts 5: 12 this is number seven these are so powerful please get this um acts 5:12 at the hands of the Apostles many signs and wonders attesting Miracles it says in Amplified ATT testing Miracles were continually taking place that is incredible ATT testing Miracles acts 5 512 were taking place among the people and by Common consent they all met together at the temple and in covant portion Sol's porch this is so incredible acts 5:12 the hands of the Apostles so recognize that the ministry of healing continued through the apostles and it still continues today don't short circuit it it still continues the same power that worked through Apostles is at work in you today and so you got to receive that unchangeable rece receive the healing as part of God's unchangeable will don't change God's Will from disciple to disciple amen don't change his will and think the healing stopped because even the 70s were sent out and and they said Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name and everywhere they went all were healed you'll see the word all there again look at John 14:10 number eight John 1410 the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself John 14:10 the words that I speak to you I speak not of myself the father that dwelleth me he does the works this is so powerful look at this do you not believe that I am in the father and the father is in me what I'm telling you I do not say on my own authority and my own accord I don't say on Warren's Authority or Warren's Accord but the father who lives continually in Warren does his works his own Miracle Deeds of power Deeds of power can you see that now this verse I mentioned greatly in a manual we have called work in the works as well in a manual called wisdom for signs and wonders you can get that manual on our website at sword and look for wisdom for signs and wonders bu that manual it'll really help solidify in you this scripture in a powerful way look at this speak not speak only words of faith that align with God's will I this is such a powerful thing remember you need you need to say this the father is in me working healing in my body now the father is in me working healing in my body now I know it look at number nine John 8: 28 and 29 John 8:28 and 29 these are so powerful you must get this that you shall know that I am in he and that I do nothing of myself I do nothing of myself I and and and I am he for whom look and they do nothing of myself Accord on my own authority but I say exactly what my father has taught me now we we're going to do a message dealing with the authority dealing with the compassion of Jesus dealing with the authority of Jesus as it flows out of the ministry of Jesus I look at verse 29 so here we see as well and he who sent me is ever with me my father has not left me I always do what pleases him so the healing pleased him the healing pleases the father so we want to follow jesus' examples like Ephesians 5 says we want to be imitators of God dear children we want to follow his example and we want to be believing and acting on his word believe just as Jesus healed all it's God's will to heal you and it's God's will to heal all so I do what pleases God by believing in his healing power and his healing will to flow through me Malachi 3:6 this is number 1010 I am God I do not change I change not I do not change I change so this is an a powerful affirmative Truth uh that we will be healing has never changed reflecting on the ministry of Jesus ministry uh we need to declare God's will to heal has not changed God's will to heal has not changed he healed all then and he heals all now including me let me say it again God's will to heal has not changed he healed all then and he heals all now that includes me that includes you look at number 11 Mark 6: 5-6 in Jesus Hometown the Bible says it could do there no Mighty works but they Marvel because of their unbelief so remove unbelief from your life by immersing yourself in the word of God find the healing scriptures of God Amen get Faith established re you know uh build your faith by meditating on the scriptures amen Jesus healing say I remove all unbelief I receive healing Amen in the part of God's unchanging will sorry uh Luke 4 and verse 23 this is number 12 Luke 4:23 it says physician heal yourself The Works you've done in other places do year now you know look what happens how they challenging Jesus here but don't let familiarity or tradition hinder your faith amen don't let familiarity sorry don't let familiarity amen or don't let familiarity let me say it don't let familiarity or tradition into your faith trust in Jesus trust in Jesus healing power amen declare it I break free from tradition and embra the full manifestation of God's will to heal amen Hallelujah I was trying to look for my water but number 12 uh number 13 Matthew 4:23 and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sicknesses all manner [Music] of disease that's it's Granny's oh man that sickness is glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus he's healing all just receive that healing healing power is Flowing right now Jesus went about Galilee teaching the synagogue and preaching the gospel of Kingdom healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people I love that just all manner of sickness all manner of disease all manner of sickness all manner of disease amen I just love that healing all healing all hallelujah thank you Jesus amen so engage in this believe it I receive the teachings of Jesus the gospel's healing power for all including me amen a I hope some of you are tapping into this receiving this is is so powerful amen number 14 Luke 4: 40 now when the sun was sitting all that had any sickness with diverse diseases brought them unto him and he laid hands on them and every one of them I love this now there're Sting the son indicating the end of the Sabbath all and all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought to him and and they said Lord if it be thy will no he laid hand his hands upon every one of them and cured them on what every one of them every one of them all of them all of them say every one of them was cured every one of them was cured we don't know where they were we don't know what they believed we don't know they did not come to him and said I wonder if you want to heal me uh they did not come to him and said if it be thy will they did not show up to Jesus like that they came expecting healing to flow period period you must do this take action steps just as the people brought the sick in believe that Jesus lays his hands on you through faith and heals all Jesus lays his hands on me now and I receive my healing as part of the all of the all who are healed I receive it in the name of Jesus you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover the spirit of the Lord is upon me for he is Anointed me the same anointing that is on Jesus is now on me me amen uh number 15 John 5: 19 and we'll look at verse 30 as well John John 5 verse 19 man I hope you get these verses write them down get this in your spirit because this is so powerful that Jesus answered them by saying I assured you most Solly I tell you the son is able to do nothing of himself what but he's he's able to do only what he sees his father doing for whatever the father does the son does in the same same way in his turn look at verse 30 I don't come to do my own will amen I don't come to do my own will look at uh John 5:30 now I am able to do nothing for myself independent of my own accord but only what I'm taught by God as I get his orders even as I I judge aside and put as The Voice come in so I give a decision and my judgment is right just right because I do not seek or consult my own will I have no desire to do what is pleasing to myself my own aim my own purpose but only what the will and pleasure of the father is who sent me so Jesus is showing us when he's healing all healing all healing all healing all go look up all the verses on all all all all all from Matthew Mark Luke John and you'll see Jesus 100% there was never a 99% there was never a 99% amen there was he was desire was always to heal all the only thing that stopped was familiarity unbelief doubt limited amen limited Hallelujah they limited themselves Jesus never was out to stop he wanted everyone healed this is so powerful so I speak what God says about my healing and I receive it as his unchanging will for all so you got to you got to get that old part mark 16:17 these signs shall follow them that believe they'll speak in new tongues now it says also in these chapters in the end of Matthew they'll cast out Devils heal the sick raise the dead so why would he say we need to cultivate an atmosphere of Faith with signs and wonders including healing can flow freely speak in faith that you are part of the all who are healed I believe that these signs follow me including healing amen including healing you'll see this in Mark 161 177 18 19 Matthew 28 amen and you'll see very clearly how Jesus when he sent out his disciples all were healed when he sent out the 70 all were healed so this is so important look at number 17 1 Corinthians 14:8 Paul says I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all why did I I mention the word tongues because what I'm trying to say here engaging in spiritual practice learning to now now don't don't underestimate this Paul prayed in tongues Peter prayed in tongues the Corinthians praying tongues the Philippians praying tongues the Galatians praying tongues everywhere in the New Testament you'll find out everyone in the New Testament over and over spoke in other tongues amen they spoke in other tongues now in 1 Corinthians 14:8 Paul says I thank my God verse 18 sorry Verse 18 I thank my God I speak in Tong morning so what I was saying was why is he saying that because like speaking in tongues to build your faith for healing recognize just as Paul embraced all spiritual gifts healing is also available to all so what happens is desire earnestly that which is spiritual thank God for word and knowledge know Word of Wisdom uh uh Gifts of healing working of Miracles we desire that which is spiritual also to flow freely and in that the will of God the will of God to heal all is also revealed I use all spiritual tools including speaking in tongues to strengthen my faith for healing now that's a good confession I want you to say I use all spiritual tools including speaking in tongues to strengthen faith for healing building myself up my Most Holy Faith praying in the spirit and as my faith is strengthened faith has a way of connecting who's with me and making a withdrawal from the perfect will of God of absolute healing to manifest in the earth so you got to engage you got to engage in this you got to engage in aligning your will with the will of God and that's one of the things that uh praying in other tongues does as well uh number 18 Matthew 9:35 Matthew 9:35 Jesus went about all the cities and Villages teaching the synagogues preaching the gospel Kingdom and healing every disease every sickness every disease this one you got to have Matthew 935 you have got to have this in your in part of your all you've got to have this in part of your all Matthew 99 and verse 35 let's do this one Matthew 9:35 and make sure you could see it on the screen I you got to have this one solidified in your system and Jesus went about all the cities and Villages teaching in their synagogues so is teaching teaching faith comes by hearing hearing by the word proclaiming the good news of the Gospel what's part of the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom curing all curing all did they say curing some curing 99% no curing 80% no curing all kinds of diseases and what some weaknesses and infirmities 80% of weak know every weakness and infirmity so get the word all and every amen all and every we go forth in faith believing that Jesus heals every sickness I take over Jesus heals every sickness and disease including mine as part of his healing will for all Matthew 12:15 Matthew 12:15 tells us as well it says and Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude a great multitude now this is not just a multitude of 5 10,000 people a great multitude is emphasis this could be really a huge crowd a huge crowd Matthew 12 what I to say verse 15 Jesus went out from there many people joined him and accompanied him and he what and he cured all of them he cured all of them give this to me and amplify one second let me just see or New King James another translation I want to just see the idea of how he cured all of them and Jesus was aware and with Drew the okay no no no um where am I at Matthew 12:15 many followed him and he healed them all yes he healed them what he healed them all so we can see Jesus continual compassion towards you believ in his will is to heal all including you Jesus is mov with compassion for me and he heals all including me amen Luke 6:17 and 19 he heals all look at this this is I I love these I love these he wants to heal all this is the ministry of Jesus and a look at this in this is so incredible and Jesus came down with them and stood in a level place and there was a large crowd another translation again says great multitude of his disciples and a great throng of people from all Judea and Jerusalem the coastal regions this is incredible look at Verse 18 uh Watch What Happens now and who came to hear him they came to hear him remember faith comes by hear and Year by the word to be healed to be healed did they come to be healed did they come to question where they wanted to heal them no they didn't come to question him they didn't come to question him they didn't come to say if it be thy will they came to him to be healed to be healed this is the decisive decisions she got what she believed she got what she acted upon she got what she said to be healed of their diseases and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were being cured look at verse 19 oh it's so important to get this look at verse 19 now Luke 6:19 and all all the people all the people all the people were trying to touch him for power was coming from him and healing them all oh you got to say this all the people were trying to touch him for power was coming from him he healing them all healing them all healing them all how do I have to say that healing them all healing them all reach out in faith reach out in faith reach out in faith the minute Faith touches the anointing that's flowing the miracle is now I reach out in faith and God's healing virtue flows to me he's anointing he's flowing to me healing me alone and all others who believe he's healing all and all the people who try to touch him for power all the people who try to touch him see it's the way you're trying to touch him if you're going to touch him with the question if you're going to touch him with doubt if you're going to touch him with unbelief you're going to touch him with wrong Doctrine wrong information about healing it's not going to work healing them all healing them all look at Matthew 15 ver 30 wow and a great multitude once again Matthew 15:30 a great multitud came to him unto him having with those that were lame blind Dame and many cast down at jesus' feet now notice what he did in Matthew 15 30 what did he do he laid them down his feet and he healed them all he what he just healed 99% he healed 80% he was wondering if they're going to no no no he healed them all he healed them all get this he healed them all he wants you 100% healed he wants you healed he healed them all bring your needs before Jesus in prayer believe he wants to heal you I bring my needs to Jesus I am healed as part of the all who receive healing I bring my needs to Jesus I'm part of the all who receive healing you must get your confession and your words in line with what he said he healed them all look at Matthew 19:2 a great multitude followed him and he healed them there once again Matthew 19:2 we see it a great multitude follows him what does he do he healed them there Matthew 19:2 so follow closely to Jesus trust in his power he's going to do it I followed you you Jesus I follow you Jesus I'm Healed here and now now just as he healed them all and a large C followed him and he healed them there he healed them there look at Matthew 21:1 12-14 let me give you just two more verses two more verses I want you to have I want one of the reasons I'm doing this healing is God's will is for all our partners because I want you absolutely healed the confirmation of this in a crusade setting is incredible signs and wonders follow the preaching of the word and one of the Crusaders I just said father thank you I've preached preach your word thank you Father I've delivered your word and thank you Father you said that signs and wonders follow the preachers I ask you right now confirm your word and the minute I finish praying that prayer the next me you know people were just having Miracles and miracles and miracles and the testimonies just kept pouring in from The Crusade and our partners are listening you're part of those Miracles you're part of that as you swow as you give you connect with that this is incredible look at look at Matthew 19:2 great multitud falling and he healed them there he healed them there look at Matthew 21 veres 12-4 Jesus cleansed the temple afterward the blind the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them amen he healed them he healed them he healed them amen and he healed them he healed them thank God he's healing all amen look at let me give you one more verse I come to Jesus in faith he heals me as part of all who receive healing James 4:2 let me just give you one more verse you have not because you ask not you have not because you ask not James 4:2 you have not because you ask not so begin to ask begin to ask amen you do not have because you do not ask so ask in faith receive healing it's God's will for all the ministry of Jesus was one of regular healing all everywhere Jesus went he manifested the healing of God he's nature to oh man to me this is so powerful this is so powerful father I just come before your presence right now I come before your throne right now I lift up every partner every person watching right now in the name of Jesus we bring everyone watching me right now before the blood of Jesus before the mercy of Jesus Before the Throne of God we know that your blood is applied to the mercy seed your blood is ever speaking healing your blood speaks by his stripes ye are healed first Peter 2:24 he himself bore our sins on the cross that we having died as Sin might lift our rightous by whose stri he were already healed so I declare you are healed I declare the healing power of God is flowing through you I declare whatever Spirit infirmity has you is driven out now I declare if you've got high blood pressure diabetes sickle cell anemia whatever the blood issue is I declare a Divine blood transfusion from Heaven Jesus has applied the blood The Mercy Seat Jesus seated that at the right hand of the father praying for you he always manifests he always desires he always want all to be healed he wants all to be healed now come to him believe believe just like that woman just like the woman press him she didn't question his will she questioned said she got what she believed she got what she said she got what she acted on so get what you believe say I believe that he wants me healed I believe in the children's bread I believe Jesus the Healer lives in me I believe that greater is he that's in me than any sickness and disease in the world I have the Divine antidote of sin sickness and disease living inside me I have the greater one living inside me I have the same power that raised Christ from the dead living inside of me the healing power of God is in me flowing through me everywhere I go healing manifests I lay hands on the sick they recover out of my belly rivers of living water flow healing flows out of me everywhere I go Shadows are being cast sick of being healed Miracle pow is Flowing right now in the mighty name of Jesus so I declare you healed now in jesus' name now in Jesus Jesus name wow that is great this morning I got carried away today amen we love you we bless you we thank for watching us go to our website connect with us partner with us today partner with us today amen uh right now I don't want to bring up a need but I tell you what the what we are expecting right now just to take care just to take care just to take care of the current Crusades in Fiji our part in sua and our part in the other plac laa in the other places in Fiji the one is going to require almost right now just a minimum about $50,000 now you take some time to pray if we get 50 people if we get 50 people watching watching us who can seow $1,000 each 50 people 50 people sewing $1,000 these two Crusades coming up will be absolutely taken care of so you just take this in prayer I want to encourage somebody to sew right now somebody watching share this maybe there's some friends are interested in partnering with us to see Souls saved see miracles happen uh one of the great things while I'm talking to these people in in the Fiji and talking to some of these people when we're dealing with Crusades especially right now there with all the Indian people there and all the people there the Hindu people there the different is the need for healing recently they had an evangelist do a crusade but he just did a Salvation Crusade and that's great bringing people to Jesus that's what we want but he said they on desperate need of the healing power of God so your seed when you partner with with us when you SE the ministry you become partakers of that Grace and I'm going to pray that the same Revelation concerning healing the same power of God's Divine influence and Grace will come upon you as you sew the seed because the anointing that you sew into will be the anointing that you reap and I mean there is divine connections there is divine connections amen and we pray for Supernatural office I want to encourage you we're looking right now right now for 50 people if you can s $1,000 each and help to take care of these this Crusade coming up we bless you we love you we thank you for watching right now in the name of Jesus amen amen amen