Top 5 Teams in Genshin Impact (My Personal Pre-Natlan List)

Published: Jul 19, 2024 Duration: 00:19:26 Category: Gaming

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Intro today we're going to go over my top five teams in genin Impact before heading into natalin I'll be ranking these teams on AOE single Target multi-wave comfort and my overall satisfaction with using them this will be a biased tier list there's no getting around that there are simply too many variables too many different enemies and honestly too many great teams to just have a top five objective best list sheet DPS isn't everything and there's a lot of intricate scenarios in genin that make some teams better than other others in different Cycles so without further Ado after building and testing every single character in genin Impact here are my personal top five teams welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and Number 5 build number five is Navia plunge what Navia Falls potentially short in sheet DPS she makes up for in very consistent and easy to execute damage if you're a longtime viewer of the channel you know that we are Mashers at heart here at Jello impact and although I do my best to learn all the intricate mechanics of a character's kit I love it when I can execute a character's Combos and best synergies consistently simply and easily and Navia gives me that she has great single Target performance she has all right AOE performance given the fact that Navia plunge a makes up for her AOE shortcoming quite a decent bit although it's obviously not as good as characters with a huge AO e like noet or nuu or grouping like kazwa the fact that plunges have such a large AOE and that her skill can hit more than one enemy make her serviceable AOE and a menace in single Target the fact that there's no veres and vener to keep up no complicated rotations flexible rotations due to Navia not needing to stay on field for specific length of time very consistent buff up time and without the need to apply debuffs to enemies she has very consistent multi-wave performance multi-wave has become a bigger and bigger thing in the recent abysses of gench impact and honestly forever but as multi-wave phases become more and more impactful and more and more challenging characters that can deal with multi-wave damage heavily increase in value at least for me she's also very easy to play you can either slot in a shielder like Jong Lee but even just a second geoc character such as my personal favorite chiori gives you a fair bit of damage mitigation as you'll be collecting a lot of crystallized shards on the team which give you some Interruption resistance and of course you have very strong healing with Shan Yun so overall it's a consistent comfy team that can deal with a wide variety of scenarios what keeps this team behind the other four is mostly the raw power it's got good raw power but especially without five-star weapons or without constellation in your finina by the way all my characters are at c0 and I test both with and without five star weapons but the raw damage just isn't as impressive as especially the higher teams on this list and so overall it makes it in to the fifth spot if you want to build this team but you don't have all these characters chiori is the flex slot here you can swap her out for Jong Lee albo ning Wong and who wouldn't want to swap out for that skin or geot traveler I do prefer chiori but she is definitely the one unit that is replaceable on the team on the Navia plunge team fena shenyun is an Irreplaceable core but if you just want to build a Navia team there's plenty of other options check out my full Navia video I also want to talk about for each team if I think they could be improved in natland so for Navia I think it's possible that we get an upgraded upgraded of chori in nlin um chiori at C1 I see staying at Navia side pretty much forever in terms of like Peak partner but C zero chori which is what I use she's not using her whole kit so if they release a geoc character that can use their whole kit on a Navia team I mean I could see it out I could see it outpacing Chia on the team um I know there's a new new Geo character coming out in 5.0 I mean I kind of doubt that a fourstar would outpace chori on the team but it's definitely possible or maybe you'll end up using two GEOS we'll have to wait and see but I do think at least czo chy will eventually be replaced on the Navia team as we get more powerful off field sub DPS or buffers that are Geo so yeah I definitely expect this team to improve in the future in one way Number 4 or another coming in at number four it is hyper Bloom hyper Bloom for all of suu was my go-to team especially in single Target very similar to the Navia variant typer Bloom has incredibly strong single Target performance and is also incredibly easy to play it is probably the easiest team to play in the game it has excellent single Target performance okay AOE performance it's not great but it is serviceable n's ability to tag multiple enemies with dendro and Singo being able to tag enemies with his rain swords gives the team extra blooms in AOE which you might not have in single Target and the team just basically does a lot of damage so that especially if there's only two Targets on the field you're often just able to burst them down quickly enough on top of nahita doing respectable AOE damage technically I do prefer double Hydro but alham is the better team he himself brings some better AOE performance and an overall more front load to burst down boss phases or to burst down certain waves of enemies so although I often gravitate towards the double Hydro hyper Bloom alyam hyper Bloom is technically the one that actually deserves to be in the number four spot using yolan you to buff alam's damage as does nahita I just find the double Hydro One more brain dead to play because it doesn't have any worry about rotations at all you're basically just using abilities as they come off coold down and normal attacking on whatever character you on ideally nahita but if you end up on yolan no big deal you can also reposition yourself using yolan skill in the abyss chamber the team is very good in multi-wave and using Singo also gives you some extra Interruption resistance so Singo plus Kookie gives makes this team actually very survivable and very tanky the main core is nahita Electro and hydro so there's an infinite variations of hyper Bloom Chlor and Hyper Bloom might have the highest ceiling it might be alyam it's definitely not double Hydro but it ends up being the one that I play the most Sino is really good especially in non- multiwave scenarios you can also use Ryden instead of Kookie I suppose but losing the healing is a pretty big negative for me if you want some more ideas on how to build hyper Bloom check out my nahita guide and you can also swap out for finina even for nlin improvements to hyper Bloom I could absolutely see it it seems like we're going to focus first on burning with the release of Emily so I'm guessing that dendro characters coming out will focus on burning first because we technically already have ayam who's perfectly good for hyper Bloom we just got cland that was also technically an upgrade for hyper Bloom so it's unlikely that we'll see a direct upgrade early on but there's definitely a possibility of a dedicated hyper Bloom character at some point in the future whether that's a five Electro character that's basically a five-star version of cie that does even more or an on Fielder or a hydro character somehow or another dendro character I could definitely see hyper Bloom improving in the future but I think that both the alham and the cland and the double Hydro variants are very very impressive Number 3 already number three if we talk Peak Performance arlino is the number one team on this list and this is both based on what I know of numbers as well as my personal clears arlino Vape is is nutty benett yolan kazwa is my go-to core however in some AOE scenarios Singo can be used instead of yolan both for a little of interruption resistance but also some extra Hydro replication to vape multiple enemies all at once and in single Target replacing Kaza for sucrose has netted me more damage as she gives both an em buff as well as a thrilling Tales buff to arlino my go-to is yolan and Kwa just as like a generalist thing and if you're really feeling like you just want a consistent clear you can do Jong Lee but if you do Jong Lee it's definitely it definitely is a damage loss but it's still very very very very very strong I really like the type of difficulty that arlino is as a character she's not mechanically difficult this is the only mechanically uh intensive swirl team double swirl used to be like a main mechanic and I'm just tired of it I'm tired of uh trying to apply the right element on the right team on the right enemy and get the perfect double swirl especially since there's no visual indicator as to whether you're not you actually got the double swirl so for a long time I wasn't playing I I wasn't playing Hut VV Vape I wasn't playing Yia VV Vape but arino reignited my love for VV Vape because of how strong it is she doesn't have Interruption resistance so definitely unless you play Jong Lee in which case again the damage is lower she is susceptible to being knocked around and if that turns you off from playing this team so be it but when you can get it to all come together man is it satisfying to just see the enemy's health bar melt so she's good in single Target she's solid in AOE she doesn't have as big of AOE as it originally kind of first appears like it is big but it's like right around her it isn't like in front of her very much so you kind of have to really position yourself in the right way and it's not as easy to get all the hits on all the enemies of course you have Kazo on the team to help with that so overall her AOE performance is still good it definitely still beats Hut or other characters like that I definitely find her easier to play than Lenny because you can just dodge during her combo it it's not a big deal if you have to dodge Dr combo same same goes with versus characters like Hut or other ones she's not really punished for having to dodge and she doesn't like have a specific mechanical combo like huta you just need to be able to dodge the enemies and if you can dodge the enemies and you can get your Buffs then you're Goen she also has the the unbelievably great ability to switch out and keep her pyro infusion her py infusion is tied to her bond of life not to one of her skills and it doesn't expire when you switch off so if you start a new wave of enemies you want to reapply kazuwa you can uh she also has the ability of if you say don't if you say fight a fight small enemies on one side and you don't need the Ben buff to kill them quickly you can or if you don't need to launch yons burst to kill them quickly you can and you can just set it up later for the next enemy like you can be playful with your rotations and I love characters like that so single Target insane best on this list AOE good multi-wave great comfort is where it kind of falls off still not awful is definitely the least comfortable team on this list there's other options you can do with arino that are comfortable if you want to see those check on my other video do I think that arlino will be buffed in nlin yes I think that Bennett will get a replacement in nlin and I think that that will buff arino so get ready for that I don't know what it's going to look like but I do think either Bennett and or Shang Ling will buff will it still be VV Vape that's AR Lino's best team I don't know AR Lino's other great teams as well we're just specifically zeroing on VV Vape that's the other thing I'm not including on this list small variations of the character like I'm not going to include all the five different variations of AR Lino as the top five teams each character gets one team that is my number Number 2 three number two you guys are going to hate me for this Chlor and overload now I'm biased okay choran she's my favorite character in the game I love choran I'm a choran simp but this team does absolute truckloads of damage it has very good AOE people very much underestimate how good Chan's AOE is it's very similar to nolet's AOE it's not as good but it's very similar and that it shoots through the enemies in a line and her Dash has good AOE and in general when most enemies are relatively close together you can hit the enemies in an AOE now I have C6 chevo you probably do not but one day hopefully you can get her if you don't have C6 chevo I have tested C Sher BR without C6 this team probably drops to probably number five for me our Lino moves up it it drops probably below the other one so Shu C6 does make a difference and you do notice if you do have a five-star weapon on FAL right if you do have choren five star weapon this team like I I've tested all of my all of these teams with both five star and fourstar weapons and for all of them you do notice the five star fourar difference this team you definitely do notice it Claren signature is very big for her if you have Miss spitter that's good too fishal definitely wants a festar weapon ideally she's doing a lot of damage on this team the base attack really matters so single Target very good not as good as arino but still very good AOE quite good I would say it's better AOE than the arino team um why do I pick this team over aggravate even though aggravates technically technically slightly better because it's kind of a pain to set up the swirl and it's kind of a pain to refresh for multi-wave multi-wave is like a big thing again lately this team has zero downtime between waves absolutely zero downtime between waves a new wave starts you're already halfway killing it by the time it launches choran being ranged means you can do damage from afar her skill allows you to reposition I can't tell you how many Abyss chambers that this was my best performing team out of all the teams on my account beating every single other team just because of how bursty the team is and how quick it is to set up sh like you basically take no time you official skill takes no setup time shev's skill takes no setup or you have I guess if you have to use Toma on the first rotation because you need the overload before you do shevo or you do shev's burst and then skill but even burst and skill takes basically no time Toma takes no time and then choran burst into her skill takes no time and then refreshing it like the animations are so Snappy and so quick you have basically no no downtime when you're doing damage and here's the big kicker the future potential for this team is absolutely through the roof and I would never hype you up on future potential because that's irresponsible but it's something that I am excited about because Toma is basically dead weight like yeah yeah he's providing tenacity of the milth buff to both Fel and choran that's good and yeah yeah he's giving a 15% damage to some of Chan's damage yeah that's okay but can you imagine if we had a pyro archon that could fit in this slot like yes he is giving infinite Interruption resistance and that is a big factor of why this team is so high it is so brain dead to play is unbelievably easy it's much easier than aggravate teams and that's probably why I perform so well with me cuz I'm Masher at heart massive skill issue but can you imagine if Toma was replaced by an archon who probably be the strongest or second strongest character in the game when they launch and that and she should fit perfectly onto this team either a pyro buffer and or an off field pyro damage dealer that will probably be very flexible in their rot rotation and that will probably fit with Clan's very unique rotation cuz she can't use changling cuz changling has too long of a cool down this team will be Giga with the Pyro archon I just hope and pray that shevo will be on the Pyro archon's Banner so that you can get C6 so that you can all be awakened to the glory that is the Chand overload team by the way do not build anyone on this team for overloads overloads don't do damage shevo Buffs the damage percent crit attack back of the other characters after doing overload so there's no overload damage going on for alternatives to cland if you want to build this team you need chus that's an absolute must if you want other clorine teams that don't use sh go check out my video Toma can be replaced for DEA but it's pretty cope cool Downs are really long Interruption resistance not that good doesn't give a damage bonus so it's pretty much a downgrade in every way uh and then fishal you can replace her for yi and you can replace Toma for Bennett you can technically get a little bit faster with Bennett but it's not worth it because Toma follows you around and if the infinite Interruption resistance is just too good to pass up when you're not losing that much from going with Bennett okay now for number Number 1 one number one you guys all knew it was coming I would be considered a hack to not make this my number one team and of course novlet hyper carry is the top team in gench and impact you know it I know it everybody knows it nolet's amazing I you could you you can't even knock him for nothing good good single Target performance not insane not the highest on this list um plenty of characters can out DPS him in single Target huta Lenny arino cand plenty of characters maybe some more um but but ease of use is off the charts with Jean Lee being on his best and Slot team yes his single Target performance is good but his AOE is crazy being able to basically powerwash the entire screen is absolutely nuts and in such a huge range um using C on his best team means you have a grouper innately you also have Jeong Lee you're using finina if you have noet C1 obviously it takes it even to another level but I just have again CZ of all my five stars um and I've tested both with and without nolet's weapon he's definitely less impressive without his weapon but if you happen to have the battle pass weapon or even the free to-play Weapon It's so still insanely insanely good um his multi-wave is great in between charge attacks you can just swap out to reapply Kazo or reapply fre or reapply draing whatever you need for the new wave mostly it's going to be kazwa um without having to start a whole new rotation without any downtime like I and it's so easy to play I feel like I should be able to go on longer about how about how good this team is but replaceability you can replace Kwa for another animal unit you can replace Jong Lee for another defensive slot you can do Charlotte you can do baiju baju is probably the most popular actually for people that have BYU um novet finina generally not replaced I mean you can replace someone with Lisa for the defense shred um and you get some Electro charges in there it's so flexible but yeah this team really is truly truly insane truly the best team of genin impact and for Natan how do I see this team improving I'm actually not sure I don't I mean I think that if the power Aron gives Interruption resistance or maybe if she does lots of off field damage maybe just slot the powery archon in instead of Jang Lee but I feel like she's going to have to do with an attack buff and so I can't if she gives an attack buff you're kind of wasting that on this team um but there's definitely there's definitely room for another character to take over if the other character that eventually replaces Jong Lee does not provide Interruption resistance then novet C1 will be better and this team will take a dip that team would take a dip in terms of like quality of life for a c0 novlet cuz right now one of the great things about czer novet is you know you're not feeling like you're missing out on his constellation one because you want jongi or baju or something on the team anyway so it barely matters so I'm not exactly it's not super obvious as to what the team upgrade will be for natalin I definitely think it's possible maybe maybe maybe maybe Emily with some burning stuff maybe Emily plus the power Aron will make a burning noet a thing so it remains to be seen let me know your top five teams down in the comments have a good one take care bye for now [Music]

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