Published: Oct 18, 2023
Duration: 00:47:07
Category: Music
Trending searches: anaïs gallagher
Intro hi everyone how are we all you good we're good we're good we're happy we're sad we're happy today happy we have just this is the day after shooting the music video for to-do list after the breakup which is out should be out now now yeah out everywhere now hopefully the fil number one no no 250th in the chart that's very good manifestation I'm a realist oh no you see Tom Tom Tom is not the guy to manifest POS that's interesting for somebody who writes such hopeful songs well thanks for saying that mate yeah do you know what is actually true you they're hopeful I suppose I'm just trying to think of some songs name me a hopeful there's a reason why isn't very hopeful that's quite realist is it there's a reason why I never return your calls oh no some that yeah maybe your girlfriend actually now you come to think of it they're hopeful in beats but sad in content that's cuz we're behind the rest of it oh yeah sorry what the [ __ ] jingle I don't need the jingle here anyway for a laugh yeah can we yeah okay like it's Jesus Christ wow it's like this is how we do it on tour it HQ well what do we just start again now after that no no s we'll just we'll just chop it and I'll change it all we just I yesterday when we were doing I was like you know it would be good to come in the Interview day afterno just do a little podcasting debrief speak to our friends see how see where we got the idea for the video looking quite Beyond Bor today I said that earlier second time I like it it's it's it's basically it was actually a fancy dress for yeah Royal ten BS BS and I just I just [ __ ] R it don't I so what what no I was just saying make sure L speaks on the mic speak away from the mic so to my right here is Mr Lewis Mr Le yeah thank you for having me boys on this we've known been a long time coming yeah we've known leis for since 2015 Southampton join join outside the venue I was having a cigarette and Tom was like yeah recognize you off Instagram yeah is that what it is yeah that was a that's true story and then we just been friends ever since yeah we've been saying for a long time we'll get you in a video we'll get you in a video yeah we trying to get somewh up maybe on stage or like to come out then only took 10 years you're a cool guy that's what it is in it provide the Vibes mate that's for it I'll try my best not bad for an ex bricky shout out to my dad Charlie Charlie oh good lad what pu you drinking mate who else do we have with us today we have we have anus G gallager the famous I'm glad you said that cuz I couldn't say it about myself yeah we've been friends for 2018 when we were were touring with your father about to say 20 years you're [ __ ] M dates you well in dog years what would it be6 56 last night I was saying mad you have a 56 year old man living with you 56 he's an old boy oh no he's not man he jumped in the car like a youthful is not old it's kind of like why he knows what he was you I've had a thing about saying that he does it's actually not split up equally it's like seven years per year or whatever it is it's actually more like the age faster when the younger so you know you got as a puppy and then all like seeing thingy that's when then when they get like past the age of like three that's when they go to more like three years for one year mean stag I guess it does accelerate they get to 21 rapid and then di at 50 yeah cuz that that's how it would work out after that it' be three years per year I sorry I was just saying three years just like I wasn't being specific everybody here has a dog so I've got something to add to this right you know James Slater the director yesterday yeah yeah his ex-girlfriend director uh had a cat that lived till it was 25 which time for a cat but cat's notoriously die from like kidney problems his ex-girlfriend developed this diet made the cat made the diet C made it out of um ground bone chicken with all the bones into like a grinder yeah that's why it lived so long apparently wow can you not get yeah you can cuz that has bone in it don't it it's called um you can get these loads neutr Kit Kat or something like that sponsored Kut chunky nestler it's just me in it I'm I don't know you've know me for a long time you've you've been on the podcast it was in lockdown W it so you were on the screen I've been on the podcast and we've remained quite close friends came to your wedding came to your lovely wife's 30th birthday that was our first harah harah exactly you came dressed as my dad Gaga and we were the Spice Girls Josh Drew Hurst yeah that in the paper you what there's nothing funnier there's nothing funnier than just slight name like milock we went to the brid back when we were um accepted in the popular music do I actually think it is right you get when you go to the BR outside the O2 of the Brit and there're going can we have your kind of your pass says accepted Northern Indie band you what is though when you go to the Brit you get like a gift bag and it's not always quite good yeah and but thing mad things in there like there like little vouchers and [ __ ] that you've got to redeem mattresses and stuff like obviously at the time especially it was like our first year we were all skin so mattress was like that's a big deal we [ __ ] yeah we rinsed that bag and I honestly think they've just got tabs on it and whoever like gets up redeems every vouch from the bag you can't come back [ __ ] coming back [ __ ] them off stingy bastard getting all the mattresses and everything my mom was like make sure say just got the last out the soap my mom was like make sure the lads get their mattresses they're expensive mattresses do you know what I mean you're [ __ ] are did you all get them though that's that's why I think that's why that's the actual reason I think we didn't get invited back cuz we were the only people exactly yeah we went we went to the after show and they like papped us in the thing and it was like miles kenlock in the after and we just still call him kenlock sometimes and there's there's a football like Nam yeah you know my um on a curve but I had a I had a clutch bag that night oh yeah Making the video fashionable ah head of the curve it wasn't LV I made it myself the bag oh yeah sorry for do see theot of it nah anyway sa so let's so then we we're making a video oh we've not ined Molly yet so then hi we had Le cuz we knew Lis would come basically we were throwing it together the video with people friends and kind of we wanted it to be like we were making a video ourselves we wanted to be like a tight-knit little Vibe so we kind of reached out to our matate said does anyone know any actors who'd like to be in it and I said no but I know Molly said I know this fantastic fantastic actress and friend yeah yeah and you smashed didn't you I don't know we haven't seen it yet well yeah we we in the don't it was it went well it was an ambitious shoot it was a fun day enjoyable yeah WEA one of the most actually re yeah good everyone was having a good time it felt like a nice atmosphere yeah and you and my brother was It was kind of his idea I wanted to begin with the well you saw a video didn't he do a shout out of the Tik Tok I don't know where that is know that is is it like a uni house or something like that put the name on the screen there we go yeah it was only a small Tik Tok it was like a 30 second thing where someone filmed the front door at Uni for a year and it was like a year at the door and obviously it kind of starts to tell a story the idea was conceived in a Curry House in Oxford it actually was was it yeah few um what the tigers or what they called them the cobas you had a chicken shashlick we had a lamb yeah we did shash Elite chick Elite what did what did I have my get Curry tonight you've Charmed me it charm I'm I'm not having a curry Pro gig some people Muse tonight oh thought you like doing like a solo G what you doing tonight spinning top out he [ __ ] wish he [ __ ] wishes I got my Mak 30th tomorrow I might just do like Sandstorm and loop for a couple of hours or some that's where I'd go DJ yeah say what do you mean you've got your M I've just Just sh I'm DJ I might do actually now now we've said this five on the door few qu you anyway Crown see need f we were sat in the Curry House in Oxford talking about the the vid the song cuz the lyrics quite on the nose like relationship kind of to do this after a breakup so yeah we wanted it to reflect that but not be too obvious when you start multi caming it and doing it can just quickly become a bit cringe yeah I feel like it's a it's a lazy obvious thing to do it's like oh let's have a boy and a girl you fall in love and you what I mean then they break up you know I mean was a bit like what you did lycs is so on the nose can't get away from it do you know what I mean yeah of course we had the Mad ideas like I remember one thing saying we could have do with like two dogs or something yeah like it's just we're never going to be able to do it yeah just fleshing ideas about I mean like what should we do what should we do and then you and said I've seen his Tik Tok you could do it just from the point of view of the front door of the relationship so they meet in front of the front door and he starts to tell a story and we like ah that could be really original and work well I think it's going to look amazing hopefully yeah hopefully he a really good person have like associated with a band isn't he like he's got kind of like a secret weapon in a way yeah he's CH in as Association vision of what you want it to be S organiz interrupt yeah but he was also not only did he have a Clear Vision but I also think he wasn't being too precious do you know what I mean like he wasn't being like this is it and this is the idea and we're not like he was very open very much on that Vibe as well because when you've done videos and they're obsessing over these small things I'm like especially with that one we're filming like each shot for say seconds you're only going to use like 3 seconds here and then it's going to be fast paced so it's like there's so much to edit around when you're doing it like that and you've got to get so much done don't need to be too precious yeah shout out to kodu is the film remember when we um we did like a documentary about the band early days and we went to one of our old works oh yeah the armor Lodge and our old boss was in it as well and he was sort of stood oh for Vivo no joke right he did this shot of the pine of a p and they did it about for about half an hour set up and then like did a few takes they did it once like they got actually he went cut and our boss went [ __ ] H and we were like what the fu Chang the barrel by the end didn't yeah on his not was [ __ ] it was [ __ ] ridiculous like that's insane you go and shoots a bit L don't you everyone's a bit like yeah the first like shoot you've done Molly music video or have you done do you know what actually I did do a music video with um my friend khum when I was like I want to say like 14 running around some like Castle in Wales is is can we still see this what's it called I actually don't even know what it was called no I actually can't but um is a singer a Welsh girl called Caitlyn Lan who's awesome she's really good um but what were you playing Ghosts no we were playing friends we were just friends running around m which we are so it was believable yeah yeah nice but yeah it was I I had I had a great time really good and the crew were dead nice everyone was dead sound yeah and Behind the scenes Gallagher first ad yeah you kind of took on a few roles yesterday didn't intimacy coordinator intimacy coordinator I want to say that I was script supervisor continuity keeping that on track I was also a friend I was a table for Molly te her pizza offer one point M but like I just long job long job list after the breakup cheers Che so cheap sh thing done you were good yesterday you were good yesterday weren't you I was stun driver dri Supply the Christmas jumpers yeah no yeah L is actually naming all the good [ __ ] I'm sorry yeah keep going you you made sure I got fed that was it yeah huging payment I saw you picking up cat [ __ ] in the in the alleyway then cleaning bird [ __ ] off your carce yeah I'm just chatting [ __ ] yeah all the [ __ ] all just all the [ __ ] just [ __ ] related stuff do you what you you disappeared for loads of parts I went around and you sat in the back of in his garden on a a bench like [ __ ] Oliver Reed waiting to go into his we s in your car for a while video you my garden be careful what you say Okay um yes sat in my car Bas did [ __ ] all till about 9:00 then did [ __ ] all great good day out you were making sure like you said people were fed made a real Point everyone everyone steps up don't and does their own thing on them scenarios a lot behind the scenes Sho a lot behind the scenes a lot of punched eggs I did everyone was they went down the storm didn't they they did I just I just created the rain funny videos idea yeah yeah oh the rain yeah you the rain Creator I was the the rain man yeah you the rain man I was like were you doing it from the ladders and I was like B sh get up there get up there you said we needed a heavy heavier flow of rain than it was it's more the uh angle the angle yeah the height I think creates that it works well but yeah know a good time yeah um what were we going to get into that you'd never heard us before have you Molly no love that do you that's yeah okay you don't know who we are I'm like um that's [ __ ] well weird you didn't look at the Brit nominees in 2017 what were you doing when miles kenlock was on the scene yeah and Josh Drew I had Jew HZ the other day D HZ yeah the hotel yeah that's good HZ um he does yeah how was you how was your experience with working with us like really fun I was a bit nervous you know Being in a band cuz yeah cuz it come into a situation you don't know anyone I could have shown up to anything yeah and also now hearing like the dog idea like there was a lot going on I was really walking into like anything yeah yeah don't judge me on the dog idea I also think like there's a es especially if you don't maybe if you don't even have friends who who are musicians there can be a big misconception or like idea of what like a band's going to be like but I I said to you yesterday didn't I I've never seen like when you guys did your little Cameo I've never seen a group of people who look more like a band oh like you look like you look like a band take that take that yeah no it is a compliment you look like a you look like take that yeah get all this you don't like the beal yeah you just give the energy hair yeah maybe it's hair complimentary hair you got complimentary hair what do you mean by that me no one's no one tastes the same I mean no I mean yeah well exactly I mean like nobody's hair is sort of an ice or like your hair all works together yeah all complimenting each other I get it compliment yeah if you squint when it comes to Miles no you need one you need a blond you look fresh after your sickness book just been your your hair's looking after your sickness a toxic statement however I will take it for what it is and we overthink that no no it's it's called from an honest genuine place you the you had a good I was just going to briefly touch upon the fact this is kind of new ground for you is it Lou I was pretty nervous on the train I was texting you boys I was like you impression you were just going to be like in the back I'll come up be a little bit part in the background and then I saw the cool come through I was like [ __ ] hell yeah every SE in the I mean it's a privilege be I loved it and everyone made feel great but I [ __ ] hate you what's your day today then Lou just I I know what it is what just yeah no every day my day job's fashion I work in fashion PR um work with you boys a little bit on some stuff but yeah so it's new ground out the comfort zone but it was good you were an extra in 1917 don't talk about but my ass is on the billboard yeah yeah leg Yeah blown off were still attached were they blown off they BL pixel I was mid picking up a body B that was my summer job about five six years ago I remember no to be fair you did very well for somebody who hasn't acted yeah I was nervous like genuinely did you find uh Molly a good kind Molly was Molly was brilliant yeah week thec guys I think that's the end of theed yourself Molly Molly was great I like M you Le on this one yeah everyone you do that yeah the argument AR back we had a good [ __ ] off in there we did it felt really like CTIC to go outside for those scenes you know what it made me like I walked in was like you looked at me all night that was true that was that was I love that one yeah was jumping up and down when they were arguing the SC she was like this yeah yeah it's like mad she [ __ ] loving I was playing tun the really help I would set the scene too much they'd be in there and I'd be like you've just found messages on his phone like he he's he's been fllying with one of your friends at your Christmas party I was like very very into this where you getting those examples from yeah research yeah you haven't looked at me do you know when you put the tunes on the Christmas tunes and obviously the room we were entering the house I felt like getting rat ass it g me that feeling Christmas I want to get R feeling when you go to a party in the mood now I have I have of two more things to mention sorry just want to get Improv them out there uh as a sort of bracket over what I'm about to say I loved everybody's improv when they had to like um you know make up things to say one my number one favorite uh was your dad oh yeah oh star the show he was amazing his improv was the best he came and he was playing Molly's dad meeting leou for the time my and Dad played your Christmas scen um and everyone came and they were a bit nervous but your dad like threw himself straight into it and his improv line also you're the fellow I've what is it I've heard a lot about or heard about or yeah amazing he doesn't have a I don't know he does he said he's in the Navy Works cigarette scene was good yeah cigarette you're like Dad go outside have a tab yeah cuz you want like the cuz you would have that would you like at a house party what the really mundane stuff in there as well sparked up Charlie you had a really good one when you came in and you did a full monologue but I went you're not on camera committ you getting the reactions of the other people yeah it added to like the vibe yeah I was I was just shouting in the party scenes cuz everyone was a bit like we had the music on didn't we everyone was a bit subdued though everyone was a bit like I's this going yeah trying to get like up for it when you screamed who I think it was you you was screaming at Emily B's girlfriend uh you need a Wii don't you Emily Emily I think you might need a we Emily go upstairs for a we like trying to get upstairs like move yeah it was good good vibes it enjoyed it everyone in it is basically oh yeah and all all the were like friends as well we just called on all our mates around us and yeah everyone popped down for a fake Halloween so obviously we haven't seen as we're doing this podcast we haven't seen it yet we shot it on film yeah so obviously you can't like my M was at moment just rewind that let me have a look at what I I was like Mom it's film you can't do that like you've got to send it on camera from 1948 mil's like what electricity does the camera run off I didn't say that I said is it electric I wondered it but just didn't say it no it's crank no no but I was thinking is the like some battery in it or something yeah no it's just all fcking hell it's a was it like when they were made what is it a there's not a battery in that's what I'm saying yeah not a light meter in or anything like that that's all done externally right interesting so when you think about it they could have made it like they could have used it like 2,000 years ago before electricity but they would have had to make it and it still worked well I'm going to I'm going to quickly I'm going to well just going to be I think you need a lot of chemicals to make films that probably wouldn't have been around the mechanic of it stuff works before electric that's all I'm getting at cool it the wheel there's a wise words the weed the weed the wise words as stuff works before electrics I think shooting on film added to the fact we moved fast with it though because when you can watch it back you go oh just do that again and move your right arm to that position it becomes too precious whereas we just like well [ __ ] it we can't see it I think there a real yeah I think there a real magic that gets lost when you when you keep redoing stuff to get like the perfect shot Listen to I went to a talk the Filming other day sorry to be boring but I went to a talk the other day a photographer who shot a book about um like um lost people of Siberia or something like that and he shot it all on thumb and he was saying that he had the best time ever because usually if you were going to like shoot a photo book like especially one that's like on location you'd come back to your hotel room at night and be like subconsciously be like oh I took loads of portraits yesterday so I should probably take more Landscapes which like naturally takes you out of it cuz then you're thinking like you're over compensating correc thinking more about the book than the actual trip well yeah but then because he was shot it all on film and he couldn't check anything you're just kind of like going on Instinct of what looks right and what you need to do so kind of the same thing it's like you're not being able to go back and being like oh maybe we've got too much of Molly on the stairs so let's do it was just like what kind of printed off all the scenes we needed to get we just highlighting them when they're done the highl old it was there was quite a lot of planning pre from our end in i mean we we sat you had like such a good idea of what it was yeah oh yeah was there was one I think there was three sort of meticulous like the the seconds of the song So from like 1 minute to 1 minute 10 seconds this is what that happens there we did it like to that level so it's going to make it quite good when you're editing then yeah as well that's so we did that and then from that list of like we did like song sort of this is why we'll have to edit it though because we didn't use a Clapper board so all the scenes are just like mish mash I'm going to have to watch it and be like okay they're in that I have to go in chop it up categorize I've already thought about I'm going to do it categorize it into what it is when does it need to be out next week when does it need to be out though down yeah and then cuz we again we shot daytime then evening but we didn't do it in chronolog we like cross cut between like M did you get more than what you expected as well or did you get like 45 minutes I think we got 35 minutes we did 11 rolls of film which is about right that's what we how many feet is that 100 fet per roll 1100 so yeah wonder how how tall that would be we could Google it yeah else to ask about the day about life were you happy with how it went I liked it yeah I was said but you in your element W you enjoyed it it's a bit of you though that's what you want to do before the old uh this songw writing thing yeah before that good at it thanks filming sh do both yeah I know I would like to do more I guess you are yeah you are do both it's a bit of a mad it's a bit of a Mad thing though in it recently as in like music videos if they're on like the Music Videos decline if you like yeah they are some in it is and it isn't though I think cuz like for some artists it's really strong still is it yeah for like Josh from Jungle it's still like a thing in it like there well I think you go you have to go out you have to go one he makes all their videos as well yeah I think you go in where you like you have to get you have to have an idea and you get it and then you you put huge amounts of budget into it you know what I mean and then like that obvious it depends if you're like Drake or something like it's going to all stuff like Drop in the Ocean in it but like yeah on the whole in the industry you Tik to just online traditionally that's what it's for you know there needs to be like there needs to be like a YouTube channel for music videos again well there was I'm saying like one for like I don't know maybe I don't know if it's bands or whatever but something that's a bit more like exclusive or something Fair the St TV and that is still going is it like they still Channel watch put it on terms of the box box was good that channel for was that his own channel it's a channel it was like on Sky I what was the one where you could send in a picture of yourself blue Peter no it was like it had one and then it had like you could send like messages and then it says Molly is listening to this and like a photo of your we used to watch that Danny banfield's house and had tunes on it is that so had like a videos up and then it was like underneath was like a message thing and was like a bit of advertising they would like send a picture of themselves and like put a number on it like call me watching loving the that video just triggered like an old M Tom and Stock's loving the you take that video then he's just like listening to Ringtone Era it in my car on the way to uh what no he's watching tving TV mate no one work for home then as well that was like the Crazy Frog era on it as Welling out end M that do you know what I I kind of categorize in my head that's the ringtone era in my mind J you ever get anything from jamster no the [ __ ] it's like four quid for a ringtone when you're like 10 four quids a lot in it it's it's the sort of thing that I wouldn't put past you getting do you know what I mean you near SP 200 quid in a game the other day when it was out the week later for free those MIDI files aren't the ringtones don't know M anyone leave like a voicemail thing oh like a like you know like pretend like hello like that kind of [ __ ] yeah just like a prank sorry I can't get to the phone right now used to be sorry you can't come to the phone right at present what do you remember the uh hello that one I used that one was classic yeah and then um I remember a really Sinister one me Uncle John used to have recorded he recorded him and his mates in the back of a van as if they crashed [ __ ] you now it was so dark like like they were shaking the van whoa [ __ ] hell and my Grandad rang John once and he went straight to voicemail and he [ __ ] himself it's quite a good like don't answer your phone on behind the wheel though isn't it you think always you say you know if we were in like the or in the T and we're like having a nice time like laughing he Touring always goes think advert yous were really intense scary I'm not scared of like crashing or anything like that but I always get a little thing in my head on on the tour bus that just as I'm closing my eyes before I see being like you just as you're like closing your eyes think like sorry sorry don't worry I was just about to tell about my TR let's move on go this sorry no it's really it's really Sinister I was just like every time I go to sleep on like you're on the just on a bon eye you just on the m6 and also you no eyes on the driver you know even like what no offense like the a lot of the drivers are sound well a few of the drivers we know sound but like is the like what are the what health are they in you know what I mean they're always like I agree I agree I agree they're always like in the 60s like tabing constantly 10 coffe flying like0 literally knocked out yeah blom's for new bus driver regulations 2024 that's your thing that's your Hill you're going to die on I've been in that situation though when you're on a bunk and you're thinking about [ __ ] your heart stops in it that was on a bus [ __ ] didn't I like it I can tell you not I didn't do you remember when we were staying at he that time we staying at the all in at ethro Joe in his own room was doing a bit of press or somewh me you were sharing a bed rockar randomly me and you shared bed you know when you dream lucidly yeah and there like a where's this [ __ ] going here like a Dre dream like disaster and I shot out of bed and looked out the curtain Tom there's been a bomb do you remember vaguely is it really early days this it was me and you to shing room are you sure yeah cuz Tom the holid was the round the circular one I thought it was me and Tom cuz you your own space don't you so it was Joe there's been a bomb could have been Joe yeah sure I remember I don't know if I just remember you telling me or not we shared a bed at Danny's house no sorry just to carry on that story I went Tom there's been a bom you just went really just sorry Danny's house no that's it that's where the story end full stop sweet you know me going really though you know when you're in an hotel and when the alarm starts going off you never rush Alarms out I'm always it's always like 5: in the morning I'm like it's not going to be real yeah like I can't be asked getting if it was legit just be moving miles is the opposite what are you going to say when the alarm went off and miles ran off no no this is we just stayed on the train and Miles missed the train because he was you on the train you know on the already on the train no and I thought something was going on quite Sinister and I was scared right announcement like exit yeah yeah no it was like I can't remember but our remember thinking oh I'm [ __ ] J you know what I mean and then just [ __ ] walked out see it say it sorted exactly I walked out and got like a stress nose bleed and then then three days put it on wait I sent it to you you put it online I was like yeah whatever and then just [ __ ] 3 days later I came back to the same train station went to get a Starbucks and some girl was like excuse me mate and I was like oh yeah yeah it's like are you the guy with the nose bleed I like I am the guy with a nose bed so you Donovan's friend yeah well do you know what I I I commend you for having your own back you know what I mean yeah it's been no no don't do it you're you are right it's stupid to I'm I'm just I'm just in a just when there's an alarm going off no that's it's stupid that's what saying but it's on my beh it's always lazy I'm in the bed I'm like I can't be ask getting up kind of vibe Dangerous Places it it was more how tragic yours was that you got a nose bleed and there was nothing going on and Josh if Josh wasn't on the same train and Josh just say like I'm staying on the train it would have been as less tragic I'm I'm with you like you know just going back to like tall buses and stuff if you're about to get on a ferry you have to get off the bus yeah I just can't be asked us to stay on rather just stay in trapped down there now we don't do that but early days we're traveling a lot we just used to yeah oh yeah I wouldn't do it now though why aren't you allowed to do that because you lock the caret don't they you know fills water it'll sink so if you're in there you [ __ ] Bas so the air lock it so no what and also the other reason the air lock it is if there's a fighter they can starve the air so the Fire doesn't spread to the rest of the boat he Tred to bre I was on a once and somebody left their hand breake up and it like smashed a [ __ ] my car that's another reason why say just dangerous H can fail and [ __ ] you I mean it's stuff like that like any like the bus yeah you two care cuz it's going to be the allow to edit for them sorry it like if [ __ ] handbreak break and [ __ ] and you just [ __ ] like it's just [ __ ] dark in it the world is a dangerous place yeah try and stay safe and watch people going be like oh [ __ ] was having a nice day listen to a few more positive things just like the music video thing cuz this is why we're talking from experience I would say it's always better when we do it ourselves in it you know like honey sweet was us and Slater to be fair when we've worked with James Slater who kind of helped us out production wise on this but like charag the for Grand I did another great um greme Norton yesterday with Charlie I pulled him aside in the kitchen I said if you could tell me your worst experience go on worst experience what I said I said what was your worst experience making music video not for Worst Experience the outcome but for the day and he said Charan I think blown Rose was worse person in the big it was all right for us blow rose that was that was pure like the label that was Major label stuff though cuz it was just all about you yeah they set fire to this table with that I was on he was sound the guy who set fire to it yeah there was a fire safety guy a good had a good chat with him he set fire to a table you were on we would like sat me and this actress was like sat opposite ends of the table and he lit the table and it the fire got close and by the end it was like this close to my headend and I was like I'm going to have to get up cuz it feels like it's going to just [ __ ] burn my face it was Freez I think it was like January or something we Shar yeah that was me sparklers for the for the flip side of that just to end it on a positive note uh obviously as I'm a up and cominging presenter clearly the so if that was going to be your worth a podcast you know it's been mentioned what about you get sponsored straight away [ __ ] you could do it any that studio sorry carry on I actually could that is actually true that true like managing it now yeah I'll man producer I'll produce 100% anyway anyway anyway if that is going to be New York your worst experience um and you can't say that yesterday was your favorite what has been another really good one The Keeper in New York because we went oh yeah we went to New York and we were making it again with you and these other Lads We messaged online blah blah blah long story short they came and helped us cuz they could shoot on Super Eight yeah and we kind of liked the way their stuff look blah blah blah that because we went for like four days just St 5 and you and and we just traveled around New York let's be honest the idea was we want a holiday to New York we should just shoot a video we did that gorilla as well all it yes it was just all just going around and that was just again just a laugh basically so that was probably would agree maybe a reason why in Jaan was amazing that was really good that was so good do you know what it seems to be that the apart from yesterday which The Best Experiences wasn't really about you guys yeah because there was other two people in it seems to be that the best experiences you have when you're genuinely just enjoying yourself and having a cool time yeah right well I think we cuz we are mates do you what I mean you don't like as a b where where we're like five mates so it's like whenever we get somewhere it's us five doing Sumit whether it even like yesterday whether we're not the focus but we're doing something together do you know what I mean it's fun or like say New York was fun where I think when they get something like blow Rose and shamine them two examples that was like proper major label so where it's like it's all about Tom and you know what I mean like lead singer and it was almost like Tom like like Tom how I hated them but then when I them yeah I I liked him because it was just us four in a [ __ ] room somewhere having a laugh and Tom be like right film this fil and then you doing like loads and loads of takes of just like singing the T like there's no soul in it it sh we are a band band like you said everyone kind of brings something quick fire round you could do this at the beginning everybody go around and say your favorite music video Fire Round this is fun I like is everyone just going to say [ __ ] filler though no no I don't think I that you going to say Thriller No No were you were you I don't know what I'm going to say actually just give us give us a couple minutes I liked your stranger thing for that you did honey sweet you it all yourself H honey sweet was good and I it's hard I've can I have two sure I feel like I got to look at my por sure smash the gorillas ones when I was a kid so probably one of that there's one where he goes there a loop the loop in a car whatever that one is let me that's the the beach buggy it's [ __ ] I used have the poster maroon miles yeah whatever that one is I'll go with that just cuz it's nostalgic not sty is it that's Bruce Willis that's a great video that's a that's a really is it Bruce same car um who else is in that massive video that Bobby wak yeah cuz he sings the BB have you seen you haven't seen it miles um it's dark but it's come to steady by Apex Twin haven't it's just a load of like like masks of his head and loads of mad [ __ ] going on yeah the stuff on fire breaking why like Peter Gabriel sled Jam is a good video that was the first stop motion it's going to have to be an honoring mention to Thriller because he's just Fat Boy Slim woman with what's his face Christopher W yeah good it's a great video do you know what I mean you like that gone around yet should I the wrong bit Sweet Symphony wow yeah that's good great Med yellow Joe just saying load can we like go around and everybody mine is Michael Jackson Liberian Girl Tom [Music] um thank you very much moving on yeah someone else I don't know got um I've got a few on my head but one that sticks with me is Dakota Stereophonics because that's my first tune that my dad introduced me to and it just sticks my head yeah the Kelly Jones miles say come to Daddy Apex Twi uh Josh I found it it's the 192000 by gorillas Video Charlie I like the age of the understatement by L shadow puppets the aesthetic is bang on no no no you w finished I think you'll all collectively agree with this one rock DJ Robbie Williams stay up stay stay up past 8:00 took his skin no you're okay I'm I'm not going to be intimidated by all Indie Favorite Music Video people so for me it's just Beyonce lemonade Al like anything anything Beyonce that's that's true to me Beyonce is a bit um she's like annoyingly good is she she just like it's like everything everything she touch is just is unreal yeah so talented I'm kind of similar to you I've got two if I'm going to be honest a little bit similar to Charlie as well I think one of my favorites cuz I think it's a great music video is two tribes Frankie Goes to Hollywood but a sort of fir favorite of mine is toxic bricky SPC that's miles's favorite tune what a great year oh yeah that's so good that's such a good music video my mom had a DVD Favorite Classic Music Video not a DVD had a video of all the Britney Spar music videos when I was growing up and she would just play it on repeat I was doing the proper like you know those like inappropriate dance I was like 5 years old in front of the TV like it's a bit wor I mean but really good what were you going to say what your what's your sledam is one that came to my air time I'm going to go with that I remember see live time is a good video when I was um yeah it is sled Jammer Peter Gabriel it was the first like stop motion kind of take yeah that just came up on there with the animation yeah you he gets taken in don't he to the thing Family Guy Family Guy yeah it's really good but that's um that's a great music do you know what sweet no no it's a bit of tape it's a shame that um sh so many good classic music videos it'll be it be a shame to see him go sorry I've got a Welsh phrase I'd like you to translate don't mind yeah yeah yeah my cousins used to live in Angel and they used to say it to me all the time R well that means sex on the beach there Can you speak Welsh you go so I can answer that one quite can you speak Welsh yeah well I went to a Welsh primary school so I spoke like fluent Welsh up until I was about 12 when then then I realized I couldn't spell any English words and was like I [ __ ] can't anyway so I had to like focus on that for a while no um but then when you say a Welsh Primary School just Welsh just Welsh like you get in trouble for speaking English Jesus I know and they were quite brutal with it actually that's intense yeah they' probably shout at you like guil you like callum's floating was as well yeah he got that though is it you need to keep languages around but it's weird because it's in Wales like I mean it's become kind of like a posh thing oh really to be able to like speak Welsh it's like kind of a a like a privileged thing it's because your schol podcast yeah are like you know here you do an exam and you go to like a bit of a better school like a grammar school or whatever it's they're the well speaking ones in Wales aren't they the better schools of the Welsh but mine mine really wasn't like really really wasn't so they t schools say ucation and they like they taught us Welsh like by speaking it so like it wasn't like technical Welsh so now I speak to people in the Welsh that I can like retain and they're like what wob it's like sish yeah like wnglish yeah massive why say WL all I know is poty Ping poty Ping microwave what's that P Pala butterfly P Pala is that pretty car te D car te that means I love you I love you is panad T yeah panad pan paned pan you know is what's that pan kenon yeah go on leaks yeah leaks after this CH will be [ __ ] learning Welsh every day doing look at the look at the icon here Tom Tommy Harrison always has to get a shout the podcast scops go the little icon we were discussing we were discussing this last time in London on a 36 day streak that's impressive what did you do to what do you have to do have to do it for 36 days I'm only eight no what do you have to do I do half an hour every morning and it gradually speak into it yeah so it's like for the two minutes you're like right finish the sentence then for like another two minutes you like hear the sentence have to write what it is then another one you'll write you have to read it and then say what it is that's your next sponsor now you train premium sponsorship for du lingo language language lingo is that language langage Bobby Bobby language is word what was tea again pan of the day yes please make Two Sugars I forgot you were really that was mean press it press it yourself right [ __ ] off a good way to end it anybody [ __ ] I say do I plug anything it's always nice to saying about yourself what you're up to at the moment anyone you want so if you liked the video just been a [ __ ] video I'm not doing anything check her out hire her yes yeah we highly recommend Lou will't accept ation J don't think what you no no fashion ick fashion I enjoyed it I enjoyed it but I don't want [ __ ] do love it and it's a privilege to be part of it so thanks boys I think more than [ __ ] up to be honest so thank you to saying it and um thank you for just letting me hang out and always you brought the energy you're always welcome and the things we mentioned before there was a job there was a lot of job rolls W you're always welcome aren't you mate special thanks and we'll we'll we'll start our podcast soon yeah yeah obviously uh watch this face right [ __ ] off now come see you