A Muslim-Israeli hostage was rescued by the IDF. But media reporting is missing half of the story.
Published: Aug 28, 2024
Duration: 00:03:45
Category: News & Politics
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you've heard the wonderful news from Tuesday Muslim Israeli hostage CED fahan alqadi was rescued by the IDF in a daring operation outside of Kan yunas in Gaza Israeli forces received general intelligence that suggested hostages werein the area and arrang from their captors in the tunnel Network after the IDF issued orders in Arabic urging local Palestinians to relocate to a safe Zone at the beach they moved in Israeli forces then entered a tunnel complex 20 M underground they identified the presence of someone they suspected was a hostage in a delicate operation Israeli forces had to make sure that they weren't being lured into a trap by Hamas or that the tunnel wasn't booby trapped aladi carefully made his way towards them along the way forces had to extricate al-qadi from behind an explosive Laden door before they then reached him and carried him out he was too weak to walk himself emaciated and said to be existing on at most one piece of bread a day for several months alqi was then helicoptered out of Gaza and to Bev's Sara Hospital finally after 326 days and weighing 20 kilos lighter the father of 11 was reunited with his family who learned about his abduction through social media on October 7 in a conversation with the former mayor of rahut the city from where aladi is from he relayed that one of the hostages with whom he was held captive in the early months of the war had died next to him since then in December alcari has reportedly been held alone without any hostages just with his captives alcari said he feared that he'd Lost His sight after reportedly not seeing sunlight for over 8 months but this is only half the story al-qadi is a Muslim a bedwin Israeli Israeli soldiers 18 of whom were Jewish alongside Muslim and Drew soldiers work together putting their own lives on the line to free aladi from the death group of Hamas when taken to hospital aladi was cared for by a Jewish doctor and all of Israel and the Jewish World celebrated al- qad's rescue now tell me again how Israel is an apartheid state oh wait because contrary to the lies the Relentless hate mongering and the accusations of ath directed at the world's only Jewish state in reality as we see here Arabs Jews Muslims Christians all of them Israelis work together and live together for the greater good and they do this each and every day Israel is a Multicultural Society it's not perfect but it is a liberal democracy where all lives are valued and all citizens are equal but that's a story seldom told by the mainstream media and social media activists it stands at contrast with the death worshipping doctrine of Hamas the jihadist terrorist organization who has no respect for human life even for their fellow Muslims who begged for mercy on October 7 but they slaughtered alongside Jews and now Hamas are pedaling yet another false narrative an outright lie that they willingly freed alqi after 10 months so let me leave you with a dose of of Truth Israel will continue their efforts to bring home all hostages irrespective of their faith their ethnicity or their nationality