Michael Corleone Blanco, Youngest Son of Griselda, Tells His Life Story (Full Interview)
Published: Apr 30, 2024
Duration: 02:30:46
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: griselda blanco
all right here we go today we have Michael corleon Blanco son of gisel De Blanco aka the Godmother who recently has a Netflix series on her life Welcome to Vlad TV I appreciate you for having me well we've done a lot of interviews about your mom recently with Charles Cosby uh so I think it's only right to start with your mom's story first and lead into your story now your mom grew up in Colombia where exactly Ania also known as sanim the the the Trinity and she was originally from Santa Marta and then moved to this neighborhood with my grandmother and my grandmother was a lady of the night I guess you could say and this neighborhood was the only neighborhood where there was black people prostitutes and there was uh illegal gambling and Rea cannabis at the time okay and she grew up in extreme extreme poverty from what I understand no electricity no R water what did you say it was like growing up in that type of environment um we would have these conversations a lot during her visiting she would explain to me why she became who she became and how poor she was so she would tell me that she was so poor that um she'd go to play soccer outside her house but all the other little girls would make fun of her cuz she was so poor and they would tell her look look at your feet they're full of blood from the slaughterhouse your mother can't even afford shoes for you hahhaa and my mother would run home and hide in her closet and she told me mikito that those days were the days that I promis myself that my kids will never live in poverty well The Story Goes that when she was 11 years old her and some other kids from her neighborhood kidnapped a 10-year-old kid and uh held him hostage do you know about the story yeah it was a very um wealthy Engineers son I believe and they the barania was split by Main Street so her gang there was two gangs it was my mother's gang that they they were um the lifters you know they were pickpocketers they call them DS they were pickpocket and they came up with an idea to stop pickpocketing and hit it big so I guess they kidnapped the engineer's son and they held him for a couple days I don't know if it's true she never acknowledge that she killed the kid right the story is is that they try to get a ransom the parents wouldn't agree wouldn't comply to it and she ended up K him at age 11 but she never confirmed the story she never confirmed it but she was around 10 11 yeah okay did she talk about any murders she did as a kid yay and nay she would she would try to keep that kind of hidden from me but I knew of other murders that she committed in person you know just out of respect or something like that okay so then at 13 years old she met her first husband Carlos tril yes very young age yeah to to get married yeah P panitas ran the other side of the neighborhood Carlos his name was pestanas cuz he had eyelashes like my brother black his eyelashes were very long and um he fell in love with her he was uh he would falsify documents and he was the local Bootlegger numbers Runner and he kind of taught her that game and then they got into marijuana right they had three kids Dixon Uber and Oswaldo yes and uh they had nicknames yeah and negro py and cheeky right uh El negro because what he had black hair well panitas was from afro Latino descent like I said anti a lot of Afro Latinos from the coast so he was um of a darker skin tone so we just called him black since he was little right and Uber his nickname was P cuz he was skinny like a straw p means straw in Colombian B gotcha and osalo his nickname was cheeky cuz he was cheeky TI short small okay got it who's the spoiled one I'd say cheeky cheeky yeah right and me of course right of course cuz you were ultimately the youngest later on yeah okay so like you mentioned they started a marijuana dealing business in Colombia um everything for it was marijuana extortion numbers and um rooster fight rooster fights yeah if you seeon they show when Pablo Escobar would go to anti with his boss and his boss would have the VIP section my mother kind of like the guy before before the wars and they were um Contra andas contrabands they would in goods from different countries into Colombia and resell them but you couldn't sell nothing without my mother's permission may it be electric domestics or marijuana okay but at one point that marriage went bad and they got into an argument no no no that's that's public record it's so um panita dies from Hepatitis B in a New York hospital after they wereing for years okay because the story is that she had him uh they say she had him Ked and El capan Carlos Bravo but neither of them were killed by her really yes so all this was false false 100% I speak I wrote about it in my book okay was this something that that she pushed to make herself more fearsome or other people try to put that on her um I think it was Urban myth cuz during the 1960s to like the 70s she became like an urban legend because first she was a known criminal but then they made so much money with the Contraband and and sending Rea to the United States her capan later rafik whenever body that she became like a real estate Zar in medene so a lot of people back then nobody knew what a dealer was or a queen pin was so you couldn't point the finger and say oh this lady's a druger it didn't exist the routes didn't exist she basically created the routes so she was she was bit of like a political figure I guess in the city of medene cuz she started buying up so much real estate from the dollars they were making in New York Okay so her and Carlos tro ended up divorcing at one point no he died from Hepatitis B in the hospital in two days oh so she was still married to him at the time and she had her household with him they all lived in New York my brothers and him okay cuz then at one point she met Alberto Bravo yeah capan that happened in Colombia or in the states um El Capitan was her childhood friend they grew up he was I think he was from lellis and she was from Ania so all the rich kids in order to get their weed and their drugs or have a prostitute they would come to anthia and my mother basically was the queen of elu so they were teenagers and they became real good friends I guess later on he joins the Navy and uh he helps her figure out how to transport more cannabis to the United States later game okay so what year did she actually move into the United States uh early 70s by 1975 um panitas and El capan and my mother were already transitioning to crystallized cocaine and Bas it was still base and then crystallized cocaine MH and that's how they they basically broke bread in in the city of New York okay cuz she set up shoing queens yes and her and Alberto Bravo were married yeah they were married but it's it's um it's also like Urban myth that they were married as as lovers or she had her husband from Colombia but she needed United States citizenship and he had become a citizen uhu so they they did it for that okay and from what I understand her business with Alberto Bravo started to really take off where she was making millions and millions of dollars yes so what happened between her and Alberto because the story is an argument happened he was cheating on her a out occurred he shot her she killed him but you're saying this is all nonsense yeah it's Urban myth and I had the conversation with her over and over again because you know being a young man I wanted to know wait but he was your husband right and you you know you loved them right and she would she plainly told me that they were best friends since they were little that they never had sexual intercourse or nothing like that and that she loved him as a brother hm he invented the boat routes because he was in the Navy so he had a lot of political ties as far as being able to use military boats to SM in the weed okay so what happened with their business relationship nothing really happened with their business relationship they were making money and my panita dies Carlos Trel dies they continue on their their organization my mother and capan Alberto need more goons so my mother was on her way to pereda because my brothers were motorcycle motorcross uh world champions and pan Pan-American Champions so they had a race him Pera and there was um like there was a lot of rumors about these three brothers in pada that they would kill and eat from the dead and it was my and they were bank robbers so the eldest brother robbed the biggest bank in Colombia which is called el Bank National the national bank and that was my father so my mother ends up in Pera looking for enforcers um she leaves my brother's race after they win the race and she meets these three gentlemen and she tells them look I have this new industry I'm co-creating and it's Caine it's going to be the future but I don't have enough muscle I hear you guys are the baddest of the bad yeah want you come with me to maging help me deal with a couple of things I got to tie up and we'll take it from there and then with the years there were still workers and my brother black Dix and and negle um sees that she's kind of falling in love with her main enforcer which was my father okay so cuz in 1975 she gets caught with 13 PBS of cane I think it was 100 Kos it was the first ever yeah operation Banshee right 37 other people were arrested as well so she ends up fleeing back to Colombia to avoid arrest she played she was the first female to ever place a million doll bond in cash she placed the bond and then she cleared it back to jump bail basically yes okay so she moved back to Colombia and that's when she met uh Dario zulva your dad yes and that was because she needed the muscle because in the Netflix movie it's a very different story it's he's a Hitman sent to go kill her and then he falls in love with her he his own boss and then so so this is just all make belief yeah my mother and my father never had another boss right my mother would tell me I I've never bowed down don't you bow down to nobody okay when you watch this play out on Netflix what you think can't really comment about [Laughter] it my opinion yes is that the story deserved a lot more okay so now your mom Griselda and your dad Dario are having a relationship she ends up getting pregnant yes and right before she gives birth they they end up getting married yeah but uh you could say that I it was a ceremony for the family I think there was a preacher or something but I don't think they ever had like a wedding license or there's no public record of them being married okay common law marriage Bas common law marriage yeah she was still married to capan in the United States I see what you're saying yeah okay so then August 5th 1978 you're born in median Colombia see ban Rosales and I guess your mom was a huge fan of The Godfather movie series yeah cuz she named you after Michael carleone that's another Urban myth so um the kid is born everybody's there my father's brother um Mio Bako was named Miguel so they name me after him Miguel Michael and he's entering the room and um I guess they had he had been partying and he's in there and he's like so what are you going to name the kid and they're like we still don't know we were thinking about naming him Miguel and he goes you should name him Michael as a matter of fact you should name him Michael [ __ ] you love the movie you're the Godmother and he's The Godfather named the kid corleon coron and it it stuck until my mother had it taken away from my legal documents oh so you're not actually coron anymore no I am but legally my mother had it taken off my Colombian birth certificate so when I look at my birth certificate it's no longer there okay so now you're a baby growing up in Colombia at this point your mom and your dad they're still in business together yeah my dad had never touched money like that I mean he was a bank robber so he had touched pesos but now he's in charge of being the main enforcer for her network and they're dealing with dollars and they're in perubian and Bolivian base to me genene and it it got out of control because a lot of people don't understand this but the the first crack epidemic didn't hit Queens New York first or didn't hit Washington DC or La first the first crack epidemic hit medin Colombia and it was base because perubian is part of their culture to smoke Base Cocaine and uh they were just getting into crystallizing it so my mother had established these Laboratories and she brought chemist in that she met in New York and in Peru but the main chemist was from New York and she brought him to medene and they started crystallizing in a neighborhood called s Paulo so to like to this day if you ever go to me when you go to this neighborhood you'll see like um these houses they look like they're stuck together but they're different colors but probably the first floor is all three houses because that's where they would put up the tables and the laps and the The Ether and everything to crystallize the base to cocaine to send to the United States okay so you and your dad was a bank robber and a killer and a killer at one point do you know any people how many people your dad Ked a lot I mean personally I saw him around two people three people but they say Pablo Escobar wouldn't look my father in the eyes cuz he knew the water that would wet him and then in the future my brother earthquake terot they call him ter kinos cuz he had a 500 motorcycle T he became Paulo Escobar's number one sario he did his first hit for Pablo at the age of 10 and it was because Pablo Co Ed him knowing that he was ruin Dario's son so he knew he would be a good okay so there's a huge age difference between you and your brothers my brother cheeky 9 years nine years yes sir okay not that huge and then the oldest Brothers how many years different um probably 15 16 my mother had him when she was 15 so my brother right now is 58 59 got it okay and you said you know in the midst of such a dysfunctional and dangerous life my gordita my mom always had time for me I was her favorite child her spoiled baby yeah so she'll spoil you a lot yeah I guess I'm a good father be I I was raised by different men in my life but I crave that affection from my mother because my mother was so into her baby boy so I was like like um her we call it so I was always Pig Out Mommy Mommy I was always with her everywhere you know we shower together I was always her like little mascot but then I was my father's mascot too you get it but it's like a misconception a lot of people say she was a bad mother but to this day I can remember my mother putting put vapor rub on me putting in my family we have a lot of bronchial problems so I remember her nursing me back to health and a lot and even during I mean I'm not going to tell you she was she wasn't she wasn't perfect but my mama took good care of me right and your dad spoiled you as well yeah but you did say that your dad was uncontrollable and violent yeah very violent so what would you see your dad do with home name it I remember walking into a sauna and my dad straight up telling me this is basuk and that's Cain shut up little stop asking so many questions you know what it is walk out um I was 5 years old when he killed a man and it was probably my fault it was a club I mean it was um it was like a party in his FAA and um I grabbed the gentleman's wife's butt from the back 5 years old 5 years old be I grew up different you know I grew up around women and parties and stuff like that and um this is when he had kidnapped me to Colombia and we at his FAA and he was having a couple bosses over and all his bodyguards were there and the gentleman was actually part of his crew and he brought his new wife and he brings his new wife and uh one of the other little kids I think it was my nanny's my nanny's son kept on like egging me out to get me in trouble he's like grab her ass and I don't know what and I did and um the gentleman goes stay witha this little son of a and he grabbed me like from my hand and he moved me and it's like one of those scenes from a movie that the music turns off and everybody looks and my dad got up and he said what did he just call my son and I the guy by his neck my dad was real tall tall he was like 6'2 being after eating all that American food heavy guy and uh grabs a guy starts pistol whooping him in front of everybody and he tells his bodyguard to take me upstairs and they're dragging him out and I remember getting away coming down the stairs hearing the shots seeing the guy on the floor and then as they're ushering me off he tells his other bodyguard kolio he's like kab take him upst stairs and um I remember the heat from the gas and I'm inside and I remember that Bo and they had just poured gas on him and threw the match on him and his wife was there I remember her screaming and everything the crazy thing is that um my dad tells his wife the gentleman's wife you got two choices you can cry here all you want all night and die with him or I'll give you a job as being my son's Nanny she later became my nanny yeah the wife of the man he had just murdered who just got killed became my nanny became your Nanny yeah what kind of Nanny was she she was a very good nanny so much that she took care of all my cousins and all my cousins would have sex with her all the time okay you know type of it's It's a Colombian story you know out there money overrides everything so he a guy gave her a house took care of the guy's family my father would kill people by accident he was so prone to it that he would kill people by accident um my mother bought him a conversion van you know the big bubbly conversion vans from the 80s and uh leaving that FAA when they were a couple still he's bending a corner all drunk in the big metal mirrors he hits a a regular civilian that was a farm worker he hits him with a mirror bending the corner drunk he didn't mean to and he the guy grabbed the guy picked him up took him to his house and said this I didn't mean to do but here's $20,000 $20,000 back then in the late '70s was like if not hundreds of hundreds of thousands of dollars he basically secured that family's future I mean what was it like to be 5 years old and see you your father in front of you shocking but normal to me I guess because my cousins and my uncles were always shooting if there wasn't a gun there was machetes if there wasn't machetes whatever there was okay so you're originally growing up in Colombia and then you guys go back to the US yeah we make it through Mexico right and we get back to the States now you actually had us legal papers cuz I guess you guys got Asylum because no I got Asylum you got Asylum I got Asylum I got the convention Against torture but none of my f all my families were residents citizens they had money so they would pay lawyers and they get their matter of fact my brother black when he was released from federal prison he was released in Morgan Hill California in the Bay area and we liveed together there okay so you guys move back to the US and uh I think you were 1 years old 1979 you guys moved to Miami mhm and that was the first time we came back to the states right and from what I understand once giselda was in Miami things just became massive yeah she released a lot of the Base Cocaine that she would get from her Peruvian and Bolivian connects um you saw Scarface Sosa so the gentleman Sosa um gives her hundreds of Base Kan back then they weren't crystallizing it yet and she had to crystallize it in the States but she had already created the crack epidemic imagene so she's releasing base in New York and in Miami so now all the Latin Community is smoking crack before you know before they made it crack cocaine it was still base and it was more addictive than crack so um they got um a stronghold in the Miami Market because now they're crystallizing the cocaine as well so now the cumans are involved she's paying them to be her Corner dealers she's basically mimicking what she did in New York but now in Miami but in Miami it was U Miami still wasn't what you see now is it was like a a cowboy land and it was an Italian land a lot of the Mobsters had had you know their their their power there and the beach was Jewish Italian and maybe some Cubans and then my mother did the same immigration wave that she did in New York with everybody from B anoia she got everybody to moveed to Miami and then set up her distribution throughout and she started buying all the real estate you know in good places the beach Palm Island Alton Road um Sunny Isles ball Harbor she started buying just everything buildings houses and this is where she essentially became the queen of Caine yes no no in Queens they used to call her the laa the Queens the queen of Queens mhm and then she be you're then in Miami yes she becomes the queen of cocaine right you said uh everything changed in Miami you know people are saying how come these people have so much money behind your backs yeah and you know people started to really talk um there's rumors that she was making over a billion dollars yes um she had $1,500 dealer ,500 dealers on payroll distribution from Miami to LA to everywhere else um Everybody worked for my mother everyone worked judges cops name it everybody worked for my mother well but by 1981 when you're 3 years old the Miami drug wars were in full swing the second Cowboy Wars the first Cowboy Wars I was too little for that but it was in the early '70s late '70s right but the second one was in 1981 yeah and uh that was actually the most murders that ever occurred were during that time um there's rumors that she was responsible for up to 250 murders can you comment on that at all might be an understatement for from what I understand you know I mean a lot basically you know apart from the actual Wars they say that sometimes she would people she didn't want to pay um it was it was Insanity during that time now you were too young you're three years old so I assume you didn't remember any of this stuff actually I was up until I was five and six I was always present around my family yeah they try to hide a lot from me but I don't want to say it but I guess violence was an everyday thing and if it wasn't my people like to blame my mother but from her mouth and from other people that were always around her my cousins my female cousins and even my brothers they would tell me they're like you know what sucks what that gordita gets blamed for everything your father and your uncles did because were they were Savages they came from P like I said they would eat from the dead and um was that true though was your dad actually eating dead no no it's a it's a phrase that we say in colia in other words they're so Savages that they might turn to cannibal cannibalism okay yeah but it's not real right and your mom would have these massive parties during this time yeah that is true right and I guess she had a sculpture of her face a bronze sculpture and our house in Palm Island and I guess Escobar and Carlos later would show up and rub yeah everybody good luck yeah now I remember when I interviewed Charles Cosby he said that your mom actually started Pablo Escobar in the business yes 100% you talk about that so Pablo's boss and Pablo were Contra andas but Pablo was a little famous in medene because he was a real good um car thief and Cemetery thief in other words he'd go to funerals when people would be buried with jewelry and stuff Not only would he dig them up and steal whatever they had on but he would steal the plot clean uh shave the plot off and resell the plot again but he was into stealing a lot of cabs and cars renol that's why he would race renolds and um the only place you can actually conduct criminal activity and chop cars and all that was in Baria and my mother ran those rackets as well but it really at that time my father was already already a Godfather Pablo was a car thief still so there'd be times like I've heard of one of a time that he bought a fleet of cabs that they hit in like a whole weekend they had hit for like 10 20 taxis and um my father had a shut down elu umaru they do that a lot in Colombia like when you have Warfare they'll close the whole vicinity kind of kind of how cops do a perimeter my father would do a perimeter for and and start tying up L ends and uh Pablo was trying to make his way into Elario with the 20 taxis and he makes his way in and my father straight up kind of got a little loud with him and told him do me a favor grab you your little goons and these 20 cabs take your ass back to nval we're busy today okay and early on what was your mom's relationship with Escobar of a mentor and um my mother was seen as something else in Colombia like I said eventually everybody knew she was a criminal and she was this queen pin but at one time she was just a political lady that owned the whole city all the best real estate the best houses the best buildings and she owned businesses so she was like a real estate Zar and uh then cats out the bag there's too much money cocaine money she starts buying up um malls and supermarkets and land that people of corporate entities wanted so if you were a multinational and you want to invest in Colombia and you came to medene you wanted those 10 square city blocks to build your super market yeah oh Griselda owns that you got to buy that from Griselda so she had a lot of political influence and she had a lot of business influence but um once the king that my fathers and my uncles started doing in meene because of the base epidemic then the cat was out the bag then everybody knew but Pablo Pablo's boss was a Contraband and he was a very well-known Contraband he had made a lot of money in San andreos San andreos are like flea markets right throughout the whole country so he had a lot of money and he got into cocaine he got into cocaine and the only way you could ship the routes use the routes was with cela's permission later on Pablo took over the routes so he starts working with my mother but then he tries to do some sides and then he TR tries to do his own routes and my mother didn't like that that too much so I guess my mother was about to do it to him and uh Pablo would always come and hang out in bario antiochia hang out with the beautiful prostitutes that basically probably worked for my mother's racket as well and um they start meeting each other a lot and then my mother kind of starts me toing him and kind of um I don't want to say brainwashing but kind of throwing the little knit at him listen what you might have to get rid of your boss in the future for me or for yourself cuz if you don't kill him he's going to kill you because we're too friendly and then um lo and behold the guy puts a hit out on Pablo while he's in prison and then Pablo jumps out and him so they had a bond my mother was like hey thanks for that I wanted him out of bit anyways and then Pablo tells my mother you um how can I get money like this and she goes pump your brakes but in the future I got you and that's what it was his first 100 kilos he um he called up my mother and he said like I got 100 kilos and she's like that's it ship them they're done half an hour and she made him his first million dollars at one point things start going bad with your parents and uh was it because he was having affairs with other women or having kids outside his marriage or what exactly happened Yeah well yeah he had kids outside the marriage but she didn't know about that until I told her that in the future but um my mother would call him the actor and people thought it was because he had Porsches and he had the fastest motorcycle in Colombia and because he lived the life of an actor but the truth is my mother would tell me I didn't call him an actor because he looked like an actor tall dark and handsome it was because he was real good at lying like an actor and I knew he had all side pieces but I still love them Michael and he would tell me I dream I dream with him till this day okay because at one point he was concerned with you essentially being around her in the US and he decided to essentially kidnap you and take you back to Colombia it's a pretty big deal what what exactly was his rationale for doing that cuz that's a very extreme Tye type of behavior I mean yes she has other kids but this is a baby and obviously she's extremely attached to you well I I wrote about it in my in my book my mother the Godmother I think it was deeper than that I think it was the drugs got to them because the killing was still an everyday thing and now we were at war with rafu and mind you that rafu at one time was my mother's best friend and my dad's good friend and I guess my dad was like okay something's going to happen either we're going to die and this kid's going to die and what do I do plus I just left her my my father had just left my mother for this beautiful blonde lady and my mother was going to have her killed so my father's plan was to take her to Colombia as well and I guess my father just saw that the kingdom was falling and then he he um they were co-parenting I guess you could say and my dad comes to pick me up at the penthouse we had in Broward in fortdale and uh said we're going shopping and next thing you know I'm on a private jet and I'm landing in bot and I look out the window and I'm like oh man you know okay because you're only 5 years old at the time you're six yeah five six years old and now you're living in Colombia well for the second time third third round third third time right so now you're with your dad fulltime and but he's still doing his thing there's wild parties there's drugs yeah everything else like that how long was it were you separated from your mom a matter of weeks just weeks I would say a month a month at the most okay so she was determined to get you back yeah so she actually hires a Hitman I don't want to say hired I mean they were probably all her hitters and then um they CA a lot of uh law enforcement in the area and they still didn't have the whereabouts of my dad's FAA my dad had like he had an Arsenal buil an underground Arsenal hide all his weap not Keta to hide the weapons and his money in this new farm that he had bought outside of bota and um we had gone to a mall and I guess the people doing homework or one of the bosses that owed my dad think he owed my dad like half a mill he didn't want to pay my dad and I guess he leaked it back to my mom and rivy and all them so then they knew what mall my dad had a business at and they my dad was real good at not having pictures taken of him like if you see the kings of cocaine there's only a couple pictures of them my uncles and my dad but um nobody really knew what he looked like so the people that were doing homework at the mall knew that there'd be this tall big guy dressed in $1,000 suits and his son would be dressed just like him and I guess he went we went to pick up the money from that business mhm and the the guys doing homework followed us all the way back to the ranch nobody knew where the ranch was so they if it it didn't happen like it happened they were probably going to come to the ranch but it would have been it would have been a long day okay so from what I understand you were with your dad you guys are driving and you get pulled over by some police officers or so you think no they were police officers 100% okay they were regular police officers it's Colombia yeah we were leaving laa in a bulletproof Bronco that my dad had had um made it bulletproof and I guess was so heavy that on the way out the tire popped so we had to leave it there and then we jumped in a Cavalier back then it's an American car in the United in in in bota and um they didn't have a license plate they threw something on it no license plate or whatever and we left in that and he told three of the gentlemen to stay three of his bodyguards to stay and we only went with K kolio and um life is crazy um we're exiting and we we we're making it too to the dentist cuz I had been complaining about a toothache for days and as we're we're driving there you know they approach us and two motorcycles and one was a lieutenant cuz um in Colombia only lieutenants can have a beard uh mustache if you're not a lieutenant you can't have a mustache and uh they started harassing him and he thought it was just such a Shakedown he in his mind they didn't even know who he was but the truth is he had just bought this ranch with like 100 acres um Prime cattles and Bulls from Spain and um they knew how to do it they knew what they were doing it was planned for days and my father's arguing with them look guys listen I got to take my kid to the dentist here's a couple $10000 and they took the money and they're like n it's not that easy because our our head Lieutenant wants to come talk to you and then my father's like for what this this and that he goes come on he goes yeah I go to talk to him let's go to the station there yeah follow us to the station and uh as we're driving my dad's like okay this might be more than a Shakedown but he still thought it was a legal thing so he grabs his cult 45s and and he gives it to me and uh K I think he only had like 238s or something like that that and um gives me the weapon and as we're driving then boom two other motorcycles pull up and then I I noticed it and then my father noticed it and he and he tells he tells K he goes so you I remember saying he goes this is weird and then they're like pull over pull over now pull over now and my dad's like no I'm going to keep on driving and then they're like this way and kab tells my father the station ain't that way the and then they kind of peeped it and then they threw the motorcycle in front my dad jumps out and he's trying to negotiate he's like look Jen we can still fix this what do you guys need you know here's more money boom they handcuff him with his left hand to the door they handcuff him and uh they peeped it right there and I guess it was I want to say a matter of seconds and like 40 graphically I know you want to say I was young but I have such photographic memory from this time and most of the times in my life and um a Supra a Volkswagen and another cop car police cop car I mean police like it's painted police and here comes more lieutenants and all I heard was the tires screeching and I looked and I remember I remember seeing the Volkswagen and I'm like a yellow Volkswagen it's not a cop car and then I see everybody jumped out and come on I grew up I'm with Bono every day in Miami and I saw all the bandits and I'm like ah and then I just heard the he uh K jumped out and he just started airing them all out over the car with his 238s dinging and then my dad's like myo myo like give me the weapon so I kind of kind of stumbled as I try to give it to him kind of stumbled with it and uh I look and G is running and it's like um a cliff so he's just like they they they're shooting at him now and he just jumbled and my dad was my dad was breaking the handcuff you know he's a big man you know breaks a handcuff and you to this day like you know I don't want to kind like I didn't hand him the weapon quick enough so he hands a hand cuffs and they're shooting and you know now there's bullets flying through the car I'm in the back seat but this chair is is I'm trying to open it and um my dad takes off and finally the chair like somehow opens up and they're just shooting and shooting and I remember seeing like the Bandit with it was one Uzi at that moment and my dad looks at me and I'm already stumbling out the car and I'm running poy poy and he's already making it like to the school he already had a couple yards and then he turns around he goes myo and he comes back and he runs towards me and uh he States me up and then uh as he's grabbing me I look to my left and I see the gentleman with the uzi like like and aim good and then I get so scared cuz then it starts and then I look to my right and there's a gentleman over there with a Luger and it was a German gun and uh I recognized those guns cuz the old boy had those guns before here in Miami he had a whole bunch delivered to him and um five six steps and all you saw was the and uh we fell together and the impact from the floor was so much that I kind of like got knocked out for like a minute everything went white and then I look and I'm falling on my father and his back was just riddled so he he died yeah take them up [ __ ] story [Applause] never want some water got some right here grab your balls young man [ __ ] always makes me cry yeah so so your dad actually could have gotten away yeah but he died trying to save you I got the death certificate 27 bullets and not one pass his chest City H man who was a big guy so he was holding you as he's as we fell yeah as he's getting shot to death yeah he falls um I see his back riddled and I'm still poy poy you know I get it because obviously I've been around violence for these six years of my life and I I'm like oh my God they just my dad is dying my dad's bleeding but this isn't real I guess at that age I was stuck between what is real and what's not cuz you're a child but I was already living a life of a probably a teenager already I was already advanced on on violence and drugs and women and andaine and crack and um I'm trying to shrug him like get like pops you're good get up and then um they start rushing towards us and I kid you not like a movie The Bells rang I could hear theing birds TP and um it was in front of a church and a Catholic school so then as they're rushing the bells ring which means like the school is out and the church doors open up and nuns and school girls they come running out cuz I guess they saw this little boy and they're like no no no and they jumped on me and they all got on top of me as they were trying to pull me out and they were going to kill the nuns like one they were trying to K you right so in my mind I'm thinking they're going to kill me because you know it's weird to say but even at that time I understood Pon Nismo and Godfather you know I understood that if you The Godfather kill the kid too so he doesn't come back for me right so in my mind I'm like okay we're dying right now and I I I still smell the nun's clothing on me holding me that nun wouldn't let me go and uh they're like grab the kid grab the kid and they grabbed one of the nuns and they threw her off and then the school girls jumped on me and they're like man listen this is not going to happen then I heard sirens of the ambulances and real police or the cops that weren't bought coming and uh I look and they just got in their cars and they screed it off and the uh gentleman police officer comes the ambulance pulls up and they throw us in the ambulance and my dad was still myo was still talking to me and he was gasping and choking on blood and uh yeah he uh he Flatline right in front of me sorry if you're lost man I mean at the time you don't know it but years later you find out that your mom essentially killed your dad yeah I mean how can I explain it uh I didn't believe it I didn't want to believe it and growing up becoming a bad guy or you know whatever I would ask her these things constantly and frequently like hey what let's be be honest with me this weekend you know and um she would never acknowledge it you know and then um I remember like I said I remember my brother's ex-wife that we lived in the Bay Area I remember her talking to my mother and always telling her do you remember how goodlooking Dio was he was a goodlooking old man he was beautiful you know and I I like I tell you my mother would say but I still dream with that guy till this day I still love that guy to this day and I would ask her cuz she was my legal guardian and this is in the Bay Area living in Morgan Hill Santa clar County and uh I tell her I'd ask her hey is it true did did my mommy my dad and she's like that's a conversation you have to have with her not me she never acknowledged it so your mom never admitted to it nah never and then everybody around me would tell me that it was rafik that rafik had put a million dollar on all of us and um it was his people that found us at the mall and it was his people that found the ranch and then later on living with my older brother negro and arinka in medene when um I guess you could say even back then I had the plan to write this book and tell this story about my family so I'd ask him constantly and one day I was drinking aente smoking good weed at at the ranch he just plain out told me because I was talking to him about a friend of ours and I'm like oh but he was my mom's hitter and I remember him and he was a great dude and he's like yeah my mom had him killed too and I'm like wait and he and he goes you want to you know the truth now and I go what and then my brother black told me he goes yeah mommy had your dad killed when you heard that I was 17 at 17 when you heard that from a reliable source yeah were you mad at your mom or was what think I always knew V you always knew I think I always knew yeah okay and I never judged her for even though as a boy without a father I kind of hated her for a minute for it but I never hated her for it yeah you know it's my mama how soon after that situation did you go back to the states with your mom right away um right away so they hold me at the police station and um not a lieutenant but like a regular Beat cop I guess he wasn't a corrupted one and he was right next to me he was like babying me you know this kid just saw this assassination and he's talking to me and um I grab him and I'm like look what's your name this this and that and he's like I'm like are you one of the good ones and he's like yeah and I go you want to make a lot of money and he's like what and I tell him my dad has an arsenal around a million dollars and I know that my family will pay you if you help me kill the cops and help me kill the Bandos that just killed my father I got you I'll take care of you I can take you right now to show you the stats you want to come with me and he's like no calm down and then my aunts had made it up from Pera this is hours later and uh my theadi she my godmother um she comes into the holding cell and they come they hug me and then the the the police officer the good police officer tells her I need to talk to you can I go talk to you yeah look something's wrong with this boy cuz he just Tred to course me to go these people okay so so now your ants they're coming to get me they're meeting with the cop yeah the cop is telling them about this stash and this whole situation so what happens next I go with my aunts to laa and they coerced him to bodyguard us to lafa the same police officer so he grabbed one of his friends and we go to lafa and um I show them how to pull the metal plate out where the weapons are and the money is on the ground and um they had to pull it out with a tractor it was a tractor yeah it's a farm yeah so they had to put the chain to the metal plate and move it out with all the dirt and everything then you saw everything m60sbs up in P like weeks later but they take me to pada to my grandmother's house and um I think I I wrote about it in my book um I wouldn't eat for like 2 days I wouldn't eat nothing and they made me some soup and I went to the corner and I had a conversation in the corner with my father and I sat back down and ate all my soup the guys that they your dad yeah I would I would later find out that rivy was one of them and a couple of other Bandits rivy who's your mom's Hitman yeah was one of the guys and I didn't recognize him there that day well you were a kid yeah but he I'd be around rivy every [ __ ] day right and I still didn't recognize him okay and then after that you went back to the US yeah my um they put me on a PJ straight to opaka airport Miami and um we're there for a matter of weeks and then we hit it to Anaheim Orange County okay now the of your dad started a war in Columbia that's another Urban myth that's not true it's not true okay cuz from what I understand all the friends uh Escobar yeah Pablo Pablo had a lot of love for my father yeah probably love my mother more your uncles as well right from one of your father's Brothers was very close to Escobar and yeah there was a rumor that Escobar put a $4 million price on your mom's head no that's all that's that's not true none of that is true my in the year 1992 I took three letters that were given to me handwritten from Pablo to my mother and before that in 1991 me and my brother cheeki went personally and visited Pablo in L so you met Escobar yeah I met Pablo once I mean twice once in Palm Island when I was a baby boy and then1 what was that meaning like it was like being around Julius Caesar I I'm a fan you know like I'm a mafia Prince my brother cheeki is 26 years old and he's the first person to ever make the metagene cartel with black American cartels my my brother was the first person to ever work with black people in the United States or work heavy with black people thousands of kilos and um when I'm visiting my my brothers get released my brother Dixon's living in Morgan Hill California he gets tired of being on parole and he's back to meene my brother cheeki he gets received by loo choas and within two weeks he sends 400 kilos to New York those 400 kilos were for the whole East Coast it was the DMV DC Maryland Virginia area and he starts taking all of Rafel Edmond's clientele Rafel and him were real good buddies but we didn't we didn't know at the time that Rael was already dropping it like it's hot in order to get my brother extradited to the United States cheeki is kind of aware of it but he doesn't really care cuz he's a bandit in Colombia he's a boss and he he's making more money than a lot of people and Pablo didn't like that and a lot a lot of people didn't like how much money he was making everybody loo choas he was making Lo Cho him and lo choas to this day I have nothing but the most respect and love for the OA Clan okay so you come back to the US yeah and at this point you guys are in Irvine California you mean before my mother gets arrested before she gets arrested correct before after yeah after your dad's murder you move back to the US you guys go to California yeah Miami cell exactly um my brothers had my my brothers lived in Beverly Hills and in Orange County um ubber had two houses in Orange County but my brother cheeki had the a mansion that he had just bought I'm not going to say from who but it was a very known comedian at the time and um he buys this mansion that's one of the biggest mansions there that a Latin guy had in all Beverly Hills and um he started building it like extra and he put extra pillars up and stuff like that and it was really just to stash the amount of money he was making and um he had a roll he had a Rolls-Royce and he had the second Mercedes thousand in the world the other one belonged to the Chic of Dubai I think it was and he has those in the car and El Ceno which was my brother's favorite Hitman my mother raised the kid and uh he was in the house too I speak about him in my book as well cuz um he made America's Most Wanted and he's the only person in my cartel That Got Away from every and every FBI apprehension he would always shoot it out with the feds and and get away and um we're living we're living in in here in the Los Angeles area and everything was great everything was plush Lamborghini port Ferraris Mansions we we would go from San Francisco to LA like on the weekends my brother had a house in Morgan Hill and in um in Oakridge and it's like million dooll neighborhoods on the lake in this little town and it was basically cuz my brother Dixon black he was um he was a real Bandit you know he he wasn't that guy that was like oh he's a Mommy's boy no my brother or you think I'll him that was my brother or you you're not going to him no personally well yeah you said that your brother has really had a key role in the whole operation uh you said at 15 Oswaldo uh was already a drug trer became the head of the family um you know El negro had his crew Uber had his crew but uh Oswaldo was not only his crew but your mom's crew yeah as well so yeah you're you're this whole family yeah chei took over the routes and he took over all my mom's wholesalers and retailers he like he basically since Miami but then when we moved to California my mother uh closes a deal with gacha gacha is el meico el meico but he's Colombian but they call him El meanu cuz he was into the Mexican culture a lot he started a lot of the routes that you see later on Chapo and everybody had gacha was the plug the Colombian plug and um he gives my mother The Story Goes that he gave my mother a million dollar signing bonus that that he told my mother look you guys do everything for those OS you guys do everything for Paulo everybody why don't you just take over all of my distribution here or have your son cheeki take over all the distribution here and um my mother goes yeah no problem shoot me a little meal just for doing it you that favor and he gave her a million in cash and then my brother cheeky at the age of he I think he was he went to jail 19 at that point he's 1718 and because of that he becomes the third largest cocaine distributor in the world and he takes over all California Chicago and DMV okay so the DEA had been trying to track down your mom for 10 years yeah and a DEA agent uh Bob Palumbo yeah finally figured out where your mom was yeah and in 19 1985 the FED swooped in yeah and arrested her uh you were you you walked into your house and the feds were no no I was I was there I was there when they all got incarcerated at different times but at that time to answer your question it's a good question excuse me I'm at home and um the night before they they felt it the night before the heat was on and it it turns out so my mother goes to we go to one of ub's house outside of Orange County to pick up a bag and my brother had you know a bag for her remember she at this point grela my mother becomes like an urban myth an urban legend you know nobody has seen her since Miami nobody could physically talk to my mother they would have to talk to my brothers they would never see her or talk on the phone with her and um Bey has a bag for her and I know this because I'm there as he gives her the the bag the briefcase and she opens up the briefcase and you know I see the dollars I'm used to that and um the phone rings and my mother's going upstairs and my brother hangs up the phone and he's pale and he tells her um what's his name just called he said the feds are down the street and my mother goes yeah right and he goes he wouldn't lie to me ma he says the whole area there's feds and he my mom's like no way and then I remember my brother Dixon trying to take my attention away from that cuz my mother's on the second floor looking at the living room with her money and she's emotional she's like no this can't be and then my brother wubit is like look what you can still get away you can get on a plane tomorrow and just leave with mikito to Colombia to meene you're good everything's there waiting for you and she's like I'm not heated up nobody even knows I'm here in California she goes you guys are heated up and those are here for you and then my brothers go my brother tells her look it's real easy we're going to jump on the bikes we're going to create a distraction we're going to clear it and and you back door little Joey and you get out of here she always had a Supra at Uber's house and a Supra at the new house she loved the Toyota Supras when they had to come out and um they were all there were always a different shade of blue I don't know why it was a light blue and then and um I remember my brothers jumping on their ninjas bo bo bo bo bo bo and I knew that they were good because nobody's going to catch these guys are super bike world champions you're not going to catch them the helicopter is not going to catch these boys and um I remember exiting and getting to our house and her parking the the super in the garage and um I remember like that that clear and present sense of danger like what's going on not again wait we're going to have to leave again but before we left the argument with my brother py telling her it's not for us this is for you there's no way they know you're here and you got to clear it in the morning on the private jet and you'll be in meene within a couple hours or Mexico and my mother is straight up telling him no this is your fault you guys are on fire and I'm not going anywhere because of that little boy that little boy has been traveling this freaking State running from house to house for the last six years he starts school in one week so if it comes down to it it is what it is I'm not going to put him through it right but the feds actually do arrive yeah and she gets arrested yeah they um I wake the night we we we make it home my uh brother's mother's there my brother's grandmother's there and she sees my mother's emotional and she sees like you know damn something's going to happen we fell asleep and it's crazy because you know how I say we live in a matrix like I remember being with my pet crocodile stuffed animal and now my my daughter has a stuffed animal like that it's a crocodile and every time I look at the crocodile I have this Vision like oh my God what a trip and I remember me playing with the crocodile my mother soing my hair like that it's time to go to sleep baby everything's okay and I'm like Mommy what's wrong with you and she's like nothing's wrong we go to sleep in the in the a.m. we shower together and my brother's grandmother makes us food and I tell her I want to go to the park and my mother was so like emotionally distressed like she knew she was reading the Bible and I I hied to the little park down the street and um I had been you know they've tried to kidnap me since I was young or you assassination attempts or whatever so I always knew that if you had three letters on your jacket you were either a fed or a killer but you were going to come get me anyway so I knew that either the feds or the killers were our enemies and I had to run from you so I'm in the park and they were playing toy guns and I like could think about oh let me go to my house and get my real gun so these boys will respect me they'll see that I you know and um I see like a like a Nova Park beige you know Nova car back then the those type of cars and then I see these three gentlemen jump out with Blue Jackets and the three letters on their back and they're like come here and I'm like uhuh you're going to kidnap me or you I don't know who you are but I know I've been warned about you so I I cut through the park and I try to make it out and then the other feds jump out of their cars and they're like they're like no no no no come here and uh one of the gentlemen goes mikito I think I don't know if he was Latin but he said it just like my mother would say it and he goes mikito he goes something's going on at the house and before I even saw them I looked at a helicopter and it was above my house from a distance and I'm like hey what is that helicopter there and the helicopter was there because of my mother they had already closed the the house on her yeah so she gets arrested after the trial she gets convicted to one cter conspiracy to manufactur import into the United States and distribute Kane did you get 15 years or 35 years at that point I think it was 45 or 48 but by the old laws you only had to do half of your time okay got it yeah so now for the first time your mom gets sent to prison New York what was that like now you don't have either one of your parents yeah I have my brothers but now my brothers well if you read my book my mother the Godmother when she gets arrested in those couple hours they take me to an orphanage here in La it was the the biggest orphanage in LA county at the time and that that to me was like prison like you're walking in there's Bob wire there's there's pods and these people are are guiding you and um I was there in that orphanage for 3 to 6 months as a an orphan and I remember that it was it was so mindboggling for me because I didn't get it I'm like what are you all doing here and you went from this millionaire kid to being at the bottom now yeah and um my mother sends a lady to come get me she's a queen pin also Gloria yeah I mean it's public record I don't want to say her name but yeah yeah and um good lady and I'm grateful for everything she did for me and um we're in Queens New York she picks me up as my auntie and I'm like who are you she's like I'm your auntie and I'm like say the code word say the secret word so I know you are and she's like hey this this and that and I'm like oh migita I'm likea she goes Michael um choose your toy whatever and we're going to New York to see your mom and then we This was um 8586 and then uh we make it to New York City and then the very next day I go to see my mom and I was happy I still hadn't seen my brothers because they were you know they were scrambling I think the indictment had already come down on them but they were Cowboys they didn't give a they were running California man like like if if it was metagene it was crazy how they would from the Bay Area to LA from the bay to LA and it was thousands of kilos for them so they were on top of the world they never thought they were going to get caught and if they did they were going to go out how they were taught to go out but but um visiting my mom in in the FED building in New York City and my mom is telling me it's it's College H College yeah un they call it and you know I mean it's it's a criminal thing that that you know like the day will come that you might have to go to college to sit down and uh learn something and she would tell me no it's a hospital but it's a college and at the age of 6 years old I was already way Advanced and I'm like Mommy don't lie to me anymore I know these are the feds and I know she the fan so at this point for the next I guess few years you're kind of getting shuffled from family to family person to person you would show up and Hey listen I'm going to pay all your rent yeah essentially and I'm going to live with you and well that yeah that at that age that had already happened that's how it was but they they would pay everything and then in my later years I guess at the age of 12 13 i c everybody I lived with right yeah and your brothers are also going to prison now yeah so before they get locked up uh my brother Dixon visits me in New York he actually puts on like a costume and goes to see my mother's trial and if I don't want to say no names but if you see certain movies or series of certain people that told on my mom they had plastic surgery and my brother would tell me he goes bro I didn't even I didn't even recognize the and I grew up with the [ __ ] and she was sitting right next to me when they ask her for her testimony she gets up and I was like oh my God she was right next to me the whole time and he didn't recognize her and um my brother tells me look you're about to be S years old you kind of know what's going on yeah we can't see mommy but I'll give you these handwritten messages and these verbal messages that you have to go tell mommy every visit but I got to go back to Cali and I'm like no I want to go back to California with you so I guess it got too complicated for that lady cuz she was doing her thing too and I go back to LA and that was right before 1986 and um the house that I'm living at is the house that they got caught at because of coming to visit me well not cheeky cheeky cheeki is in the Mansion when the feds Rush him and they shoot it out wow right I remember I think in the book you said that uh Oswaldo would always tell you that your mother your father and your brothers never wanted you to be a drug trafficker never they were trying to keep you away from everything but they were full-blown into it it's funny because they would say that but then chiku taught me how to load a gun at the age of four you know and and he he he would show me everything he wouldn't hide it from me because I think we only had that that gap of N9 years so he was a lot more honest with me my brother Dixon would try to hide it hey don't play with guns Watch He-Man all that and but Chi was straight up tell me look what are you going to do with your life they don't want you in it but it looks like you know what we do yeah all right this is how I do it right and in 1989 your brother Oswaldo ended up being in a cell with Rael Edmond yeah and Rael was essentially one of the kingpins of Washington DC he was the biggest yeah black American dealer in the country at the time yeah and later on became a snitch yeah he later on dropped it on people he he they said he was going to drop it on my brother but from what I understand he didn't fully drop it but then other people say that yeah my brother was about to get extra died for I think it was 800 kilos right I think he's still locked up actually I think he was released and he in the Federal Protection Program okay he's in witness protection then I guess that makes more sense okay so at one point your brothers are getting out Uber gets out he gets deported straight back to Colombia first first Ood gets deported to Colombia and then my brother Dixon gets released here in California yeah he gets released in um well he ends up coming to live with me I pick him up at the airport San Jose I have to jump on a plane from San ho San Jose to LA to come up to come pick up 50 Stacks to place his bond with my legal guardian but she's not a criminal but I know my criminal Antics so I jump on the plane here and it was during the Rodney King rights MH and um I remember being on the plane with that lady and looking down as we're flying into LA and seeing the whole city on fire and she was like she started shaking she goes we're going down to that and I go [ __ ] don't worry we're getting picked up on my my brother's goons and by his girlfriend and ELO which was a Mexican dude from caloa he he him and um his homeboy Danny K a Colombian kid that was like one of my brothers do boys they pick us up at the airport with another car and I to this day I remember it was a blue Regal and uh we go to my brother's girlfriend's house while the riots are going on and they're counting money there and it was they had separated my little 50k in a box but I I kid you not that on the table there was probably at least a couple meal right so the rest of your brothers are getting deported back yeah to Colombia yeah my brother Dixon uh he's on parole in California I play I we place his bond he bonds out he's on parole parole board won't let him ball till you fall he he wants to be a dental assistant but they want him working a 9 to-5 at a a a fabric company or something like that and then he just gets fed up with being a regular person and he's like look I'm going to leave you want to stay here in Morgan Hill and I'm like yeah I'd rather stay here be an American kid and he's like all right I'm going call my cousin she's going to come take care of you this is where we stash all the money um see you in summer and it was just like that I go to Summertime back to Colombia by that time my brother cheeki was a capo again right uh El negro ends up losing his US citizenship yes became a fugitive then eventually gets sent back to Colombia he flies back flies back right so now you're essentially back in Medan again and Pablo Escobar is running that whole city right yeah Patron Mi and you guys are all good of course my brother Chiki was H he'd go every weekend of his think about it my brother Chik at 26 was probably making him an extra couple Mill a week so you know Pablo like that and um my brother didn't pay taxes to Pablo Escobar a lot of people had to pay taxes my brother wouldn't pay taxes well right around that time 1991 your mom is locked up in California and a local drug dealer in Oakland named Charles Cosby sees your mom on television and decides he's going to start writing her letters MH those letters turn into visits which then turns into a romantic relationship and six months later your mom actually introduces you to Charles Cosby yes you were 12 years old at the time 13 14 around yeah okay yeah 13 13 14 years old at the time still still a very young man uh I was already doing big boy stuff right yeah you guys became close I'll say this I'll be less of a man if I don't acknowledge that he was present in my life at a time and he had a certain position that he held I'm not here to talk about nobody he spoke highly of you and I'll speak highly of him to a degree as well okay you get it a lot of people um in dealing like to extend the truth sometimes okay that's all I'll say well from what I understand from my interview with him is that your mom was still running her business while still in prison yes and according to him he started working with her said that she fronted him 50 kilos that's what I heard I clearly was not there uh I was there and his role was more of a worker do boy than a big- Time George I'm not going to say that he probably didn't get weight but if he would have gotten weight I would have known about it because everybody who pushed weight from my mother in the area and was a holder I would see them on a frequent basis so if they would they would tell me if they gave him 50 kilos I'm not saying they didn't give him kilos and I'm not saying that they did I'm not going to incriminate the guy either Charles did his thing I'll say that okay how did you take this young black guy dating your mom who was essentially twice his age at that point I'm from the bay I'm okay with black people I'm okay with Mexicans I'm okay you know with with that you know black and brown like my say yeah but he's much younger yeah he's a young dude um perm very pimpy dis ways and and and you know I'm not stupid you get it but I also know what my mother needs and I know my mother needs a friend a pen pal somebody to help me [ __ ] in help me travel across the country and pay these people off cuz I'm a kid and how long can I get away with $100,000 on the plane from state to state right so I I needed somebody and my mother needed somebody so I'll give him that he was a good dude he did good till the day that it happened but I took it like all right my mother likes this black gentleman he's not a scumbag he gets money and he keeps his eye on me and you know at the time I'm going through my adolescence I'm becoming a criminal I'm becoming a gang member I'm here in this little town becoming I I don't want to say a teenage couple but for a 14-year-old kid to play with ounces and then kilos and by the age of 16 a kilo I was already doing my thing and this man was from the town from Oakland and he had swag and you know to me it was like damn you're pretty cool man let you know just don't don't hurt my mother's feelings and keep on doing your job so he was around he was you know he did his thing but then that next year 1992 your brother Oswaldo ends up getting K in Colombia yeah I was with I was with him two months before he got killed the story that Charles told me was that he had insulted Escobar at a nightclub so that's all nonsense it's nonsense my brother doesn't bow down to Pablo he loves Pablo he's basically one of Loo's Clan and he's griselda's son in other words my brother was already taking over meene my mother's Partners back in the 7s a couple of them were from the Kali cartel my mother had a great relationship my mother was a businesswoman she did business in Spain London Brazil and of course Khali because back in those in her days there was no beef between different Empires that all happened because of Pablo so Chiki had those ties as well because of the good relationships mother had made you know when they were younger so he's working with everybody and now he's working with Rafel people the black people on the East Coast black people on the west coast and he's making major money it kind of ruffled Pablo's feathers why so at that time there was two three offices of killers in medin and one was loio in monri later on it became latasa and other offices of but to this day that building is still in monik and um my brother was a colombian-american my my brothers were Colombian Americans so they knew how to do things flashy they knew how to spread money around they knew how to take care of their workers and if you were somebody else's worker yeah but you don't look like you eating right yeah here's a truck here's a house and here's $100,000 have you ever seen $100,000 in your life no how many people you think you got to kill for that yeah that's on the house keep that the day I call you now you with me so I guess that kind of got went back to Pablo and at the time Pablo's L sitting he's about to escape I was there when he escaped at my brother's Penthouse we were on the rooftop watching everything um I guess he kind of didn't like that but that wasn't the thing if you read my book in my book it's clear that the beef was with Los tomates the tomatoes lo tomates I know it sounds funny was a cartel that was under Pablo and meene but at the same time they were playing both sides and [ __ ] with Los Pepes Los Pepes P for Pablo were the ones it was Kali cartel mein cartel Delta DEA everybody together to Pablo escobars that's why the name was Los pepis followed by Pablo that's how they Nam themselves and Chiki was such an intricate part making everybody money in medene that they kind of didn't like cheeky either so at a nightclub to elaborate the correct story is my brother Dixon and nego which is the most violent one out of all my brothers is at a nightclub and he's there showing with his you know American women and they're there together and Los tomates are at another table and um the tomates right-and man uh goes up to the table and he puts a bottle on the table and he's like that's for you guys we got this you know like showing up and my brother's like yeah yeah okay you can leave now and and the guy gots offended and he tells my brother black he goes what's up with you gelos that's what they call us and my brother goes excuse me and he's got his Go's there but my brother's like bodyguarding and my brother's an old school Bandit and he's like what do you he he's like what's up with you and he's like we didn't ask you for a bottle and the guy's like no no I brought it here just to you know for you guys and then he goes my brother's like take that back and he goes what's up with you gelos and my brother goes excuse me and he goes he goes bro I'm going to put it to you real easy yeah Pablo's not going to last the guy telling my brother and he goes and when he's done now you guys ain't going to have insurance and cheeki is not going to have insurance and my boss is going to take over meene and you're going to bow down and my brother Dixon tells him buddy I'm grel the Blanco's son we don't bow down to Pablo we'll never bow down to anybody and drops him in front of everybody these guys shoot it out with his goons the very next day doat gives my brother a declaration of war and tells him oh now we're going to kill each other we lived on the penthouse they lived on the first floor to meene yeah was at that time um I think it was the second capital of the world next to Bosnia or something like that because there imagine a city that per per square Capital there's more billionaires than probably Saudi Arabia you get it they're allers so their power struggle usually wasn't for oh I'm it was over anything I bit I'm the powerful guy here and it was all because of worker got loud with my brother and my brother was quick to bust that trigger and he did that killed the guy and then [ __ ] hit the fan I'm there I'm there a couple months after that happened they're already Waring and Pablo already knows that El tomate has changed sides so he's kind of like all right cheeky do this do that but then um something happened in DC something happened that there was a load that was lost and that load was a couple M and um one of the bosses that owned that load was being a little tough with my brother cheeki also so he got will tomates and then my brother cheeky kind of peeped it and my brother cheeki was like you know what what we're going to kill them all we're going to tie that up and uh they got to him first okay so that's how your brother osalo got yeah and then The Story Goes that Mickey and loates put the hit on Chiki for the debt that was a couple M because Chiki was about to kill him too and lates they had already killed a lot of lates organization I'm back in Cali I kid you not the last day I see my brother three days before I saw my brother he was on my other brother for taking me to a nightclub I'm 15 I'm 14 I turned 14 inagine I'm in the nightclub and you know I see the whole CIO thing and then the next day my brother's telling me other brother yo why did you take him to that nightclub you know we at War and that little kid is kidnapp like this and they they not even kidnapp him they'll kill you both there and it's a WAP and they're on my brother ID my big brother and nego and cheeky and they're telling him idiot and then they tell me look but look kid you got a choice to make yeah you can stay here but we're not going to allow that because we're at War again so I want you to go back to the Bay Area we're going to buy you a house what you want a 64 Impala we're going to buy that puppy too you're going to go to college you're going to study business and you're going to give up this whole you want to be a couo and I'm like yeah no problem you're going to buy me a house I'm I want to go back to the States I had a great summer vacation send me back and uh the day before I jumped on the plane I'm sitting in the office looking at my brother like I'm looking at you and he's there on his marble desk the other guy's holding the amplifier to the old pioneers cell phones um his bodyguards outside and I'm there chilling on this white leather thing that my mother had that that chair until she died as well and I look at my brother and something told me this is the last day you see your brother and uh two months later he gets killed at the same club that they didn't want me at so now you lose your brother yeah after losing my father and your mom's in prison for decades yeah how bad did it hit you when o Balo got killed it's my idol yeah I think I became trigger happy after that I think I I lost it all well uh Charles Cosby our interview yeah go ahead she been CAU sh with my mother during that whole time a damn black boy I hate crying like a but you make me cry sorry man sorry this is my job unfortunately I know trust me I know I do this for a living yeah it ain't easy though yeah I don't want to be that guy he cries on Blood TV I interviewed Charles Cosby and he said that one of your brothers called him to let him know that Oswaldo got killed so he had to call your mom yeah to break the news and he said that she absolutely lost it yeah absolutely lost the fact that she's in prison while this is happening she couldn't go to the funeral but she had a letter that was read at the funeral basically saying that she'll get revenge for everyone involved in this my mother had a saying and she put in the letter and her saying was it's a it's a Colombian saying when it talks about and uh she basically anybody know that was involved that she would make the ground shake under their feet yeah uh one of the guys involved in the M end uping himself I think he went to a a church end up just shooting himself in the head to save his family yeah yeah the other one was actually captured tortured by my brother black yeah he was um 4 days my brother brought in a doctor to keep him alive oh yeah and then uh finally he it up a I think it was a screwdriver and put it through his nose he told me my my brother chiku was loved yeah now Charles Cosby his plug was Oswaldo I mean that's what he said I highly doubt that that that's what he said but he said that once Oswaldo passed he now had to work with Dixon and Dixon didn't like him I think my brother Dixon always knew what was going to happen my my brother Dixon would always tell me hey yeah you talk too much and I used be like what you mean he's like you can't be talking around people like that especially people that come around like that and I'm like what do you mean he goes it's not like what you think it's not like the movies like he could be there for a reason just be careful what you say and I don't want to talk to him on the phone and I used to be like okay go so every time I call yeah you're the goet and I used to be like what do you mean he's like yeah I'm not going to talk to him ever again on the phone well by 1993 Charles Cosby started to see a white girl yeah and Griselda found out yes and according to Charles she had hired a Hitman through you I have no acknowledgement of that okay regardless of what happened he was driving bunch of guys pulled up in a Mustang and just started shooting up his car he gets shot in the arm he was wearing a bulletproof vest the vest got shot up but he lived he went to the hospital and then when he went back to his house your mom called him and said I know what you're doing there's a car outside and you need to come see me tomorrow so the next day he went to go see her she called him the nword and stuff like that and she was upset he ultimately got her to calm down and so forth um but their relationship kind of ended to a certain degree after that how did you did you know about this situation of of him getting shot and the the confrontation with your mom and stuff like that not at all got it okay but then in 1994 Gisela Hitman rivy who had allegedly killed 40 people ended up turning informant you knew rivy yeah I I think it was it was n it was yeah it was 94 yeah 93 94 when you found out that rivy had turned inant I didn't believe it how close was riy and your mom pretty close but that that's another thing also all right so my mother's a queen right she's got her Knights and her enforcers then there's rivy then okay my mother my brothers my father and his and his brothers and rivy and everybody else yeah you get it so yes they had a friendship and yes rivy was in my house but he'd be more around my brother cheeky than my mother so my father and my uncles were quite jealous with who you brought around my mother because like I said my mother gets blamed a lot for the evil my dad and my uncles did cuz they were real they were the real cowboys matter of fact if you if you see public record and you look up the pistoletto gang those were the first cowboys that's theing Cowboys that was like named after them and Los pistos was my father's crew so they're the ones doing all the murdering and killing so they didn't want no other Killers coming around my mother but then rivy becomes you know he proved himself and he he becomes real close cheeky takes over everything sold down rivy and everybody works for cheeky so in 1994 to answer your question when they say this I'm like not not rivy ri's the masika ry's from my house and I'm there when Charles tells her because I had just spoken to my lawyer with to this day he's still my lawyer I call him Uncle Nathan I love him Nathan Diamond Nathan p Diamond best attorney in Miami um my mother turned pale it was like and I looked at her and I'm like I don't think so and she's like it can't be myo and I'm like Oho Mama you're about to jump out it was 1993 because she was supposed to be released 9394 yeah she was about to get out girl and then out of nowhere now riby is now seven homicides something like that yeah connecting her to a bunch of murders yeah so now she has a whole bunch of new charges which include the death penalty yeah the electric chair in Florida yes she gets transferred to Miami because of a phone call yeah yeah to stay on trial for that yeah she could have she could have fought everything and she she could have write she could have wrote it out but the truth is she was facing the electric chair and I don't want to believe that rivy S I don't want to believe that rivy did it 100% and I'll tell you why cuz rivy was from our house and I we knew rivy and when you're so makavelic like it's like are you really going to do it so I think this is my personal opinion that everything that transpired with within those months or those years that that everybody was dropping it on my mother I believe he knew he was going to sabotage it and I and and my brothers told me that later on when I'm living with them in Colombia they're like man rivy is crazy bro he knew what he was doing this this and that he was just trying to beat a couple life sentences or his death penalty and I'm like I believe it too and um one of his relatives reached out to U and we sent him $2,000 commissary so I can say that whatever rivy did at the end of the day I can't say I hate the man can't say I love him either but I um I appreciate the fact that my mother wasn't on an electric chair you know and I know she died violently but at least it wasn't on a chair well according to Charles as your mom is getting ready to to face all these he his charges and potentially get the death penalty according to him she concocted an idea to kidnap John F Kennedy Jr and the idea was to kidnap him have him we have her be released from prison go to Colombia somewhere and then give them back it was cheeky it was Cheeky's idea so this is real this is a real idea I mean to a degree I think it was just a concept and they never went through with it I think it was you know back then people were still living under the impression that you could get away withing and kidnapping political figures and flee to Colombia so it's not far-fetched but I was there present where my brother cheeki would brag and balls mommy will be here in one year mommy will be here in a couple months this this and that this this and that and then I think when hit the fan even be I think Chiki knew that they were probably going to try to indict her for something else so he was coming up with the he had done it before like myop paku when myop paku jumped in the federal building with one of the bosses of one of the five families or one of the coues from one of the five families in New York when they fall from the federal building and um he's put in a wheelchair my brother cheeki with his with his Nik W connects you know I'm not going to say Iran Contra or nothing like that but with his naika people he had bought a bulletproof helicopter he had some people from nikar Wes and they were ready to come get my brother my uncle from the building so Chiki was already on that Supernova super coo what's that cause half a billion pay that okay I mean doesn't that sound insane though naap John F Kennedy's son and somehow the American government will go along with it and well The Story Goes then that they got so close to it that um one of the ladies from Elario antiochia that was handling it in New York got so close that she touched his hand yeah I mean according to Charles that you know there was the kidnappers were paid $100,000 there was four Colombian kidnappers and they saw him and they were about to snatch him up and put him in a van but a police car started drive down the street and then that was their only opportunity they never saw him again so ultimately um nothing ever happened um now at one point Charles gets arrested because the government gets wind of this whole kidnapping situation and he was flown out to Miami to testify about this whole situation yeah my lawyer offended my mother for that case he said he didn't say anything he didn't cooperate listen I'm not here for that I'm not going to say he did or he didn't but but things went a little Haywire in that whole trial because before it actually happened one of the the workers for the prosecution was caught basically sending sexual pictures to rivy two workers two workers they were basically having like phone sex and she was she would bake cakes and have them walked in the county jail for him yeah with stuff in them and you know yeah so essentially after all this was found out the whole case fell apart and in 1998 your mom plad guilty to three second deegree charges which was 20 years to run concurrently so with time served she would get out and fight years 7 five something like that something like that exactly that next year uh she was transferred from the federal uh prison in Florida into a state prison and at that point the cushy life that she had yeah previously went away and now she's really doing a hard time yeah she becomes a number and now she's doing a hard time I have a lot of um her close friends that that live in the area where I live in or or friends of mine and there was a thing like in the state in Florida State a lot of the girls would get grisela right here because they would call her grandma grandma grisela and um they said it was hard for her but she was an old lady that was used to doing time so but it was hard for her because our daily conversations were different you know it was she she's like listen this this ain't the camp this ain't the feds these [ __ ] treat me bad here and this and that but now you know after a while he got easier for her because lo and behold she's grel the blanco so she's going to make it work for herself too and you know my mother still had a little bit of change put away so there was always little money here a little there she still it was easier for her but yeah um if you know you know Florida state prisons are completely different yeah well your brother Uber ends up getting killed this was was it 2000 or 2001 I was there 2001 I buried my brother what was that situation around horrible um Chey was my idol Dix in like a father to me and my brother Uber my best friend we were living together and um one of the houses that now it's a nightclub in LA 33rd Street me and I remember all those days um we had a bulletproof Dodge that fit it would fit a 100,000 under under the steering wheel it had the shotgun thing here and it had this other compartment for probably like a u an Ingram or mini uzi but my brother Uber wasn't a violent man he was um a Playboy he was a businessman from head to toe armanii down tailored out and he would only surround himself with Gentlemen of the same caliber and a lot of those gentlemen were hated by Pablo's Old Guard or the new guard which was Don benna's guard because they were more businessmen than they were dealers and bandits and my brother was that that kid that would always look look we can figure this out guys there's no need to put a hit on each other was split the loss let's swap it out he was always and he would always tell me since I was a kid he would tell me K he would tell me like that he goes look if you're going to do this understand one thing you don't have to everybody we can figure it out you can be a businessman make money and um I had already gone to Brazil for him to pick up half an them and I was supposed to go to Spain I was about I just got my passport I was going to go move to Spain and I was going to become this a c or at least a money man and and life was great cuz we we still could make it we can still become the Blancos again and um they kill him coming out that gym I wasn't I was at the house I was going to school computer school and uh he he got me up to go to the gym and I had party the night before it's Colombia party every day and uh I'm like nah bro leave me the alone I'm not going to the gym and um I still smell his doana to this day and I didn't go and the only little gun he had on him was a p32 man and he wasn't even in the Bulletproof Dodge he was in a Land Cruiser and they thought it was bulletproof like the Dodge they thought it was fourth and fifth level so when they hit him they hit him with everything man they hit him with AK AR pistols everything so who was the ones that did it Papa Mahia Papa Mahia put the hit out from Mexico we had we had like 2 million on his head so we knew the day he landed in Colombia the cops were going to cash out that 2 million anybody was going to cash it out you know we're waiting for his ass too because that's the only one that was left they had already a lot of the people and uh he didn't go to Colombia he makes sure he gets deported to Mexico and then from Mexico he had a meeting with a certain individual and uh he told a certain individual look you don't need a green light and um cuz I don't I don't think Don B would ever green lit that because D was the boss of meene at the time and D was more of a a good person as far as a political man he you know he wasn't like Pablo that yeah everybody so in order for you to commit an assassination of that level you had to get that green light the individual that green lit it was one of PA of Pablo's original and haters and he was a paito too and he was running a lot of Pablo offices at the time so he I guess there was kind of friction because remember dbe is one of the guys that killed Pablo so he's like my that I Ain I ain't asking nobody for a green light and uh he gave him 100 grand extra and the hit was a couple hundred grand too yeah once again man I'm sorry for your loss this is now your father and two brothers yeah that are K violently and your mom is still in prison yeah I'm going to need a minute murder talk good yeah I'm good okay thank you Lord Lord you go to hiding after this yeah one year one year one year hiding in magin and was it around that time that you wanted to kind of rebuild the business no I that the time it was all over I wanted to come back to the States and be my own couple you get it in my brainwash mind it's like all right the last hope which was Uber because my brother Dixon had already retired um he was already losing his mind kind of and um I had so much hope in in Spain and Marty and Monte Carlo and all these different places that trafficking was opening up that I thought that me and Uber were going to do it you know so when they kill my brother I'm like [ __ ] what am I going to do man I I want revenge but I got to hide because the city's the city's um is going to hell and babble probably has a lot more money than I do right now and I'm I'm a kid and I'm like you know what I got to make it back to California and Miami I got to make it back to the States and okay I got all these plugs I'll be I'll be multi in a week but it was all an optical illusion it was all an illusion that that yeah to to continue so I survived that year basically in in different ketas hiding out with my brother Dixon and his wife and my my cousin and um Mario Yo which was always with us and um I was part of an organization in meene called AA underground and we were a hip-hop organization but um we had been convicted for organized crime in Colombia and um they would hold me down so after a while it's like man um fear you know that's I'm a Blan I'm G be out here so I just started being in me the gene everywhere and then speaking to certain individuals to see if we could wrap that up or or or I could just exit and you know not want any more of anything and um it was just told to me like I think you'd be better if you leave because these people have a lot money and you're next well then in 2004 your mother who was age 61 at the time I believe she cut a deal at that point to get out no she had already because because of her plea she was her time had already run out she had already done five or something like that right so she was ready to exit and then she ends up actually getting out yeah and getting deported back to Columbia yes sir excuse me from what Charles Cosby told me in our interview was the day that your mom got out her Hitman rivy who snitched on her got stabbed seven times that same day yeah that's true but it was just a coincidence yeah okay no it was I'll tell you why I know the whole story cuz I know people that were in the county while he was being transferred all right go ahead it wasn't that um he's being transferred to another state prison and he goes to to the county on a I guess that's like a you know leeway to to go do his time and while he's there he runs into these black gentlemen that he had killed one of their brothers in prison and I was told this from somebody that that knew the Latin guy he went up to and he goes up to another Latin guy and he tells him yo you got a shank you got something and he's like I'm not going to help you and he's like yo we're Latinos and the black guys are going to kill me and he's like that's your problem but I got to see the [ __ ] tomorrow that's on you and he was able to somehow get a shank or make a shank quick and like not to take anything from rivy but he's a Savage because they Rush him he Yoles one of the dudes takes his eyeball out takes his eyeball out shows it to them throws it on the floor and tells them come in come come even closer and I'm going to leave this [ __ ] blind and then the the correction officers came in but they had already they had already hit him a couple times something like that but just to be clear my mother didn't order that okay well now your mom is living back in Colombia yes do you go see her no why um at the time I'm I'm getting an asylum in this country I was working to get my papers because I I wasn't allowed to be a US citizen so I had married my ex-wife to get citizenship and then um I geted up on a little something and um I'm out on bond while I'm still trying to become a regular person and then my mother is living in in Colombia and um I start learning what it is about exclusivity I start learning about life rights so I have a producer friend of mine that has made a a lot of well-known documentaries I'm not going to say his name but it's it's a amongst the black urban Infamous culture and he starts telling me look you can do this you could do that and um I start reading contracts from from different production companies if they're going to get consultation or life rights from somebody so I tell my mother look we could do this we could do that my mother is like nah I'm not going to share No stories poy and I'm like yo mommy you're you're already famous you're an urban legend let's make some money in Hollywood and she's like do you really think people want to hear my story and I'm like yo Italians the Irish Mexicans are going to tell their stories they've already told so many stories and and look at all the mom movies um give me the chance mommy give me your power of attorney and let me figure this out and um I was on probation and I'm working at a marble company for another Colombian guy right and as I'm working for him I get a phone call and it's a guy that is now dating my my ex-sister-in-law he's a Colombian American guy that handles the radio rackets we all know what that is I'm not going to say yeah right and then he calls me up from a private plane coming back with this big time concert organizer I won't say his name either but like yo there's a documentary coming out and it's called the Cocaine Cowboys it's made by these kids These Guys these guys and it's going to be famous at that time there was a gentleman from the Bay Area from Oakland named Lou he just happened to be the best friend of one Tupac Shakur he was when doublin correctional facility at one point and we this is fact men and women used to share the yard at one point there was the last prison in all the United States only for yard I'm not saying they would but they would share the yard yeah and Lou was a Mexican man and he um he had a ring that my mother gave him right and they would talk so this gentleman leaves prison and he becomes a documental super guy he's like he had a a company called no bull films this is the first guy that put me on point like look look what I can do you can do this too and uh he calls my my mom gets in touch with him and she goes hey go check on Michael he's in Miami he's uh he just had two kids and um maybe you can get him into your business and make make show him the way change his ways and uh he comes from Oakland to Miami and he pays my probation off he pays everything and I'm like yo Lou what I know how you get down let's get down and he's like no bro look we can do movies we can do documentaries you can do this I own this company and I I kid you not we're driving around I'm showing him the hoods in Miami Carol City this this and that I had done a little favor for him he comes off he pays my probation I kid you not while we're driving around Aina Shakur calls him so I'm like oh he's not full of [ __ ] Tupac really was his best friend and he starts telling me look Michael you see this is what we're going to do and I'm going to pay you and you're going to become my partner and you're going to we're going to open up this company and you're going to learn about production and I'm like hell yeah get me out of this you know I'm on probation I'll be done in a couple and um I get the phone call from the guy on the plane and it's him telling me that they beat me to the punch that now this company called racking Tor is making King Cowboys so then I call Lou and I go Lou they beat us they're doing this he's like don't worry we we're still going to get into production you're still going to do this Michael you can be a law-abiding person you can get into production you can make money off of Show Business and I'm like yeah yeah whatever bro they beat me to it I get out probation and I get back to the streets man and um I had the number one tattoo party on on in in South Beach with um a gentleman named pride and everybody was there you name a criminal organization they would show up well in 2006 they dropped K cow boys yes one documentary which your mom was mentioned in yeah then in 2008 they dropped K cowboys 2 hling with godmother starring Charles Cosby yeah and they illegally put my picture and my image on a video on it that's when I think a lot of the world at least the hip-hop world found out about Griselda I think that really cemented it yes yes if you knew you knew but yeah you knew you knew but this was the first time the story was put together visually and and it became a very big it was a DVD at the time yeah this is before streaming yes sir now according to Charles he spoke to your mom about this and she okayed it not true what did your mom think about I still have the envelope with the letter and everything he wrote to her that was hand delivered to her by an associate she didn't even open it up aha she's like man I don't want to know about that guy so she was unhappy about the documentary no so okay Cowboys one comes up I get the phone call from the private jet I go speak to my lawyer with is Nathan p Diamond the same lawyer the same people that I've always represented the family till this day and Nathan and my mother tell me sis and the CIS on them let's stoping now there's certain things that's not public record Michael handle that and I go no no no no no wait mom we had this conversation with Lou yeah we can become famous off of this listen I know one thing about hype and I know about hip-hop and I know this and I know that we can get into the movie business Ma and Michael goes bro you crazy Michael bro I'm not going to share none of these stories and I'm like should I get you a check and that's when I met Branco looting and everybody else first I first we sold our life rights to one company we sold our life rights together me and my mother exclusive then I was just learning the business that I do now and we sell our life rights I get her $60,000 cash advance I kid you not she blew it in 48 hours she calls me in 48 hours and she goes what's up poy where's the rest of the money coming I'm like no M doesn't work like that we got it in advance we get the rest upon principal photography and then we get our our back end which we probably never see she's like all right okay Run game to somebody else and send me another check and I'm like what did you it was $770,000 I'm like Mom gordita what you spend 70k on in 48 hours she goes oh come on puppy I put a sound next to this I put a I put a a steam room next to the sauna I fixed the gym expanded the pool and I helped all the ladies out in bar Ania and I'm like ma you're giving out money again to the same people like why you doing that she's like they needed it they're poor and I'm like all right don't worry we'll figure this out and um I don't put the Cy and the Cy on them I closed the deal and then we're on contract for three years mind you that people that don't know the business don't understand what it is to get shelf right and you know we'll snatch up your project we're going to shelf your ass because it is what it is so they shelf us and they got to pay us yearly by the second year their time had run out on the contract they were uh 48 hours late on a cash payment and I tell my mother I go ma what do you want to do and she's like what do you think we could do you have the power of attorney you know the business Michael and I told her I can get you another deal she says make it happen and I did and that's how I met branting and I met one of the greatest mentors or I call him a mentor but one of the greatest examples I've had in my life as far as people that know how to tell stories and that was Nicholas py he wrote Good Fellas casino and he's the one that told me look you can write this and you can do this this and and that's how I got into the game with my mother and that was our second deal so a lot of people don't know maybe I should have saying not to brag and boast it's beneath me but for the last four years of my mother's life the deals that I closed provided for her luxurious LIF sound no dealing well according to to Charles though he said that when they did the screening of the film K cowboys 2 there was like a Q&A session at the end and he actually brought you wait that never happened I have a civil contract with Charles and it was an understanding that the red carpet wouldn't be R fully because we had come to terms I'll say that we had come to terms but I was at the screening and I did show up with 60 individuals half Colombian and half goons from Miami and I had a great time and now I work with Billy Corbin and them so he didn't give us any money he didn't give my mother any money he he didn't say that yeah no he but he didn't say that he showed up and when he introduced you the crowd went crazy and stuff like that something like that okay so that part is true yeah that I won't take that from that part is somewhat true yeah okay yeah um so in 2011 this is three years aftere cowboys 2 came out you got charged with trying to buy five kilos from undercover in Sunrise Florida I didn't I wasn't there okay uh you initially played not guilty you were put under house arrest and you uh you got sentenced to two felony counts of cocaine I think it was one count and conspiracy to traffic Caine to traffic cocaine so that case that's completely over now yeah can you say what happened I can't I can't elaborate on it but I paid my debt right okay so now your mom has been out of prison now for some years and she's living in Median on September 3rd 2012 she was with her pregnant daughter-in-law at the cardiso butcher shop she she wasn't her daughter-in-law anymore she was a lady of the night that at one point was my my brother's lover that my mother would pay for her to be around him cuz at that time my brother had become a mental case and he had lost his mind and he um you know years of addiction and childhood trauma and Trauma he he um became schizophrenic and dementi he had dementia I'm sorry for that yeah and um my brother would have my mother would have this young lady around him to take care of his needs and to keep him grounded and on that day uh it wasn't only for her it was for like all the local prostitutes that that were real bad my mother would give them like every month she'd go to this butcher shop and got pesos with which is equivalent at the time to like $1,000 American Dollar and hand them the meat well as she exited the butcher shop someone pulled up on a motorcycle and shot her twice yeah I got the phone call from that pregnant lady's man and he was looking at my mother right uh Mojo i' rather not say okay I mean he's dead but I rather not say Okay out of respect for his family you've lost your father two of your brothers your last brother is schizophrenic and now you lose your mother yeah my best she was my best friend also yeah yeah worst day of your life yeah you could say that never heard a voice well you know I just heard a voice the other day on a voicemail my mother was different my mother would walk into the room and you could feel her power and then in one moment all that power could be gone with a s like a sign of love you know and and laughter and she had this dark humor about her that even though it was kind of evil it was funny you know and and she was I'm not saying she was a saint but she helped it load of people and to this day to this day they love that lady why do you think that she was living in Medan during this time as opposed to just going somewhere where you know um my mother died a God-fearing woman right she became a born again Christian prison in prison I heard that um so she felt that God was going to look out for her she didn't fear anything of this world I'll say you know she had done so much I the the night before she died um my one of my Close Associates in myestro from um I had called him to ask him you know how everything was in the neighborhoods cuz the Mansion where my mother Liv these Mansions were built by loo and Pablo it was like one of the first um Urban complex mansions built and uh my brother cheki had given me that house so then after my mother left the penthouse I moved her into my house cuz we had a issue with the renter and I told her just live there and then that's when she started putting the pool and everything and and being this luxurious lifestyle everybody knew that was griselda's house but to get into that neighborhood or to get into that house you basically have to bring a tank cuz like I said it was built by Lo choas by Pablo and everybody so the security perimeter was ridiculous and all the neighboring little neighborhoods the very poor all those neighborhoods all the people that lived in those little houses their houses was given to them by cheeky so they would hold us down so when I called the night before to speak with with with El Maestro um he tells me nah they're good everything's good but ever since that soap Opa came outon everybody knows that's your mom's house everybody knows your mom's still out here now everybody points her out they ask they ask her for her autograph places Michael he goes look um Loos offered a bulletproof Land Cruiser for her I'll hold her down and you can pay for another professional you know bodyguard escort we call it un Esa to to to be with her around town so then I call my mama that night and I tell her Gita do me a favor stop going to the hood to anti stop going here and um let Chito hold you down and just chill out at the house nobody can get you she had told me something couple weeks before that that she had heard something from somebody that they were doing they were planning something and I'm like so why are you going back to that neighborhood and she's like Michael I don't care the night before when I talked to her I told her ma just take care of yourself just stay there and um she goes stay where she goes you think I'm scared she goes she goes I tell you since you were a boy fear don't live here Poppy I belong to God and the day I go see Jesus I go I I'll go happy and I'm like come on don't say that man you know I mean I understand it but don't say that you ain't going nowhere she goes I've done so much in my life Michael that if I die tomorrow I know God forgave me for my sins and I know I'll see Jesus so what bodyguards what bulletproof cars and uh just like that a chauffeur had taken her to the hood and she had she had done her run in the hood saying hi to people blessing them and then she went to go get the meat and to bless that lady she took the ring off her finger when she died you know she stole from her oh I got the ring back ah don't get it wrong I got the ring back but uh I don't know why she thought it was hers and um and it wasn't even a diamond ring or nothing like that but the fact that she took the ring off my mother's dead body offended me yeah and uh yeah the whole neighborhood in buses when my mother died not only did the whole neighborhood come out and see her but then the whole neighborhood in like 10 buses went to bury my mother in a gold Cy you talked about in your book that you were trying to figure out why this happened right now do you know who did it yeah can you say who did it nope and I won't well when I interviewed Charles Cosby about this he said that he met up with Escobar's Hitman and he told him the whole story behind it he wouldn't say the details of it but he said that he knows the story based on the Hitman do you know who I'm talking about yeah it's talking about popey popey exactly yeah would popey know anything about this to a degree probably but Popeye like other individuals like to extend the truth and throw flowers on them that they never could even afford so and you can ask Pablo son that because he'll say the same thing about papey I won't say it about another individual but the truth is sometimes people like to glamorize what they couldn't live in real life yeah I'm sorry if you're lost man um all thank you for that mother father you know Brothers ants uncle's cousins best friend 20 22 people I think 22 members of my family not to count my friends and people I grew up with and people that I broke bread with and look man I'm not here to push a narrative or nothing but I'm going to tell you that this [ __ ] some evil and and I I do believe in generational curses and I break them in Jesus name amen but I'm GNA tell you something man like the youth have to understand that it's not all rainbow and pots of gold you know like killing don't stop once killing starts killing continues and and that's just something that the world the world has to correct and us people that live that life we got to correct that because if not it'll just continue you how do you feel when when you look back on it and 20 you know cuz hindsight's always 2020 and you have kids Yourself four four kids although I've never met your kids I would probably guess that if your kids wanted to follow in your mom's footsteps you would do everything in your power to stop it man my my eldest kid never saw a toy gun till Pirates of the Caribbean and he was 8 years old when when you look at some of your mom's decisions and the fact that your brothers followed in her footsteps and everything and and you you dabbled in your own way and so forth now listen once you get to a certain age you can't stop kids from doing what they're G to do but you could do your best to try to you know Steer them in a certain direction and your brothers ended up unfortunately having the same story as your mom and your dad and stuff like that when you look at that how do you feel I guess it's a mix of feelings because as her son and a member of the blanco cartel I kind of used to glamorize the lifestyle and I kind of had this understanding or or this this brainwash illusion and I've spoken to shrinks pastors ministers name it and it's like this monarchy that you believe that this is in your blood this is what you have to do I had a surgeon tell me um a neurologist tell me and my sister which my sister's my father's daughter and he told me look um I go I go it was it my fault was it our my brother's fault you know was it my mother's fault because as a boy the day comes that you have to blame somebody right and you look at your parents and it's like I learned it from watching you like the commercial right and then they say the apple don't fall from the tree so this neurologist said I your fault why cuz genetics plays a crazy role in this life because even and then I'm going to say this once I had a conversation with my mother once right and uh she's like why why you doing this why do you do that why are you so bad like your father and I and then and then she goes to me I'm going say in front of my auntie she she goes to me she goes Michael I have friends that I did time with their kids are doctors their kids are lawyers why did you decide to do what you do and I told her and I I'm kind of wrong for it cuz I kind of blamed her and I go did I ever question you on how you fed your family did I ever question you on anything you did because you know I'm not going to Sugar C I was a Jack boy and a dealer for many years and she she uh she told me yeah she was no doctors and look at you and I told her you show me aing doctor in my family that's it yeah I mean I guess the question that I ask myself when when we go through this whole story is that your mom touched hundreds of millions if not billions of dollar billions of dollars multi-generational wealth yeah she could have stopped very early on and had more than enough money to last forever facts I remember for example when I was hanging out with BMF and I I got to see everything you know I was in Big beech's House hanging out Blue Da Vinci and where Jackie Gleason's house at the beach it was the White House in in Atlanta oh in Atlanta okay yeah and I was seeing all this and and the BMF Billboards were there and the Ferraris the Christal and I was like respect the B well this is all incredible but I know how this is going to end yeah it's very clear like when I saw the Billboards I said this is insane this is this is insane because as a kid from the suburbs I know no one's selling any albums here I know where this money's coming from and I don't want to be anywhere near it when the feds come and that's exactly what happened so I I went back to my broke life yeah but I stayed out of prison exactly why do you think that your mother and your brothers had more than enough money and to walk away but but they didn't walk away they continued and not only they continue but they had the wars and everything else like that when a lot of times it's all ego- based hey okay fine this happened I'm sorry let just this this is not worth shooting people we we're all rich why do you think everyone just kept going to the point where things just ended in the worst possible situation I think and I know that once you've done too so much dirt once you've hurt so many people I think that Universal Karma never goes away I think that once you've done so much bad you can't turn back and and I think that my mother and my brothers had reached that point at such an early time in their career and they made so much money I mean my brother cheeki probably made more money than my mother really yeah my brother cheeki was on a whole different level you know worldwide and they don't want to see it go away but it becomes more than that because if it goes away then how can you defend yourself against your enemies well but you have enough money to defend yourself don't you yeah but one day they're going to pass you one day they're going to surpass you not only that how you going to keep that money if you don't hold down the compound you get it and and and yeah worse than that the minister that raised me in Northern California told me one thing he was there both he was there from my mother and me when Chiki died he was there when my mother died he was there for me during all these years and he would always say stuff that would just make me wow this man is so wise and it's real easy if you live by the sword you die by The Sword and my mother was clear on that yeah well uh in 2012 Westside gun formed a record label called Griselda records which has you know Benny The Butcher yeah Conway the machine I I text with Conway Conway is my dude he's a good dude how did it feel to find out about this record label named after your mom which is actually a pretty well-known label now with prominent artists I'm going be real honest with you at the time when I was more of a street individual I felt like somebody owes me something right when I'm when you're from the streets and you grow up being who you are like if you don't give it to me I'm going to take it and then when you cross over to this corporate world and you understand business real business you understand that nothing's ever personal I respect them for what they've done for hip-hop cuz I'm A hip-hop head so I respect and I listen I love underground hip-hop so just like wuang like I respect what Gela records has done I won't talk ill about them because I'm a grown man and it is what it is but I think in life there has to be like I guess a balance of of respect and if it's not for an individual it should be towards a legacy but I respect what they've done and and and I'm kind of happy what they've done because they've done it so well that they've also held up my mother's Legacy and I'll respect that I'll leave it at that right and then in 2019 you were in cartel crew yeah three seasons three seasons how's that experience hard um not easy but I'm grateful for that too because even though I've been in the business for a while it was only a matter of time before I got either in front of the camera or behind the camera like I am now like right now you know I'm I close I closed a development deal I got three new shows popping I have a hopefully by the end of the year we'll have a series based on my intellectual property coming out and it's it's it's an experience that I always knew what was going to happen because I used to tell my mother when she was incarcerated I used to tell I tell her either a couple or an actor or a director or something like that Ma and she's like I prefer a doctor or lawyer and I'm like I think I'm going to be TV I can figure this out and I loved it but at the same time what I do for a living sharing these stories it's not easy you can ask my shrink and he's very well paid you get it and and it comes to a point that you can't live in the past so I read this book it's called The Power of Now and you have to identify where your pain and I've identified with that pain and and to a te I'm I'm I'm over certain things but the experience of show business I'm so grateful for it because I feed my family every day from this you know and I'm grateful for that because a lot of people can't talk that and a lot of people can't say yo I'm still here still here well and then this year the giselda series comes out on Netflix yeah you end up filing a lawsuit which from what I understand has been settled so there's probably some ndas that got signed along the way so I know you can't talk about it yeah I can't all I can legally say is that that matter is no longer pending no longer pending yes sir and based on the story and hearing all the details obviously a lot of things were embellished or just fabricated overall me personally I think that Sophia Sophia regera actually did a a great acting job you may not agree I'm not going to hate she's a Colombian Queen and my mama taught me to be a gentleman yes I I just think acting wise like I said I'm not looking at the actual content in terms of acting I thought she did a great job from what I saying JLo was supposed to be she's still doing it oh she still doing it yeah from what I understand and then there was another series um starring uh Katherine Zeta Jones had one I can't comment on that either oh was there a lawsuit regarding that one as well no actually no was real easy okay yeah I heard that one wasn't as good though I I watched it I'm not going to hate on cther Jones she's a hell of an actress yeah yeah she did real well right well Michael I appreciate you coming in and um you know we talked about a lot of difficult things I appreciate you time my brother um there was a lot of loss but for you know the the emotion was for very good reasons yeah we're still here man and we're still here you're still here you're essentially The Last of the Mohicans Last of the Mohicans your brother is here but unfortunately I mean I had a uh you know someone I knew with schizophrenia it's a tough one it's a tough one you know she she would talk to herself she would she would hear voices and have and talk to her voices and at one point she tried to take her own life it's a it's a tough disease to deal with I know you know having your brother go through it is tough to see yeah it's hard um but you're essentially The Last Man Standing uh to tell the story and uh ultimately it's a cautionary tale uh because yes there was billions of dollars and there was Ferraris and private jets and girls and and everything else like that but growing old is a gift amen I'm 50 good for you and um I think was old as hell and it's like yo I'm just getting started there's still so much I speak to Nathan Diamond Nathan p Diamond my mother's lawyer all the time I told him Nathan I'm 46 he goes oh you're spring chicken spring chicken man um it just gets better if you continue to take care of your health and you see your family grow up and and your kids and and so forth um you know although we you know we create we deify the these figures who who die young like Tupac and Biggie but if given a choice none of these people would have chosen to to leave that early um you know and your mom she did live into her 60s yeah she was she was turning 70 yeah she was about to be 70 so she at least got to live and she at least got to leave prison yeah and go back home and live luxurious and live luxuriously at the end she didn't die in a prison cell that would have been a worst case scenario yeah I'm thankful to God for that yeah and I'm just sorry for your loss overall man appreciate your time you're still here and I wish you all the best it sounds like you got some really dope projects coming up yeah and while the people are out here hearing please go to mym motherthe godmother decom and buy my book there we go it's what it is Michael until next time appreciate thank you peace