A Skeptical Look At 'Crimson Desert'

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:37:39 Category: Gaming

Tags : luke stephens
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Intro Crimson desert this is the upcoming game from Pearl Abyss the developers of Black Desert online and it has excited people for a long time ever since it was first revealed in this trailer you're seeing here in 2019 it's been on some people's Radars and over the last 5 years or so as they've developed it further and further people have gotten the chance to play it people have gotten the chance to do previews and with it set to release next year at some point people are dare I say excited and in this video we're going to look at the game skeptically and evaluate whether or not it's fair to be excited for this and little spoiler alert I think it is cuz this looks really good not perfect but still really good but before we get into that a thank you to the sponsor of this video New World eternum new world eternum is the upcoming arpg coming to PlayStation 5 Ad Read Xbox series X and S and PC on October 15th with an open Beta running right now they've done all sorts of stuff like adding platform support so you can play with your friends across platforms they've increased the gear score they've added new 10 player raids new endgame content to work through along with other things like direct X12 rendering and swimming is in the game now all sorts of stuff so if you want to check it out on one of their Fresh Start worlds experience some of the allnew Cinematic stories or just jump back into new world with a bunch of quality of life improvements and balance updates you can try the game right now this weekend during during the open Beta through September 16th and then you can keep an eye out for the official launch on October 15th again links and everything below if you want to try the game for free this weekend and see what some of those quality of life improvements are like and we're back ladies and gents so What Is Crimson Desert? Crimson desert as I said was announced back in 2019 in this trailer you can see here now since it was revealed it has changed and frankly I think there have been a couple of downgrades that we've seen in terms of animation quality in terms of cinematics and stuff like that but on the whole the game seems much more real now than it did in this original 2019 trailer which got a lot of attention but people kind of forgot about it CU there was let's just say like a couple big events between 2019 and and today you know some stuff went on but even still this trailer did a really good job of showing why people were excited for it there's all sorts of monsters werewolves vampires there's goblins in the forests there's dragons and ogres and Giants I mean it really is a Fantastical World which seems to have been built by a team previously only known for creating an MMO but in the last couple of years we've gotten further trailers that showcased what I think is a much more fair representation of what the game will actually look like and run like when it releases while the facial animation quality is a little bit lower they certainly seem to make up for it in terms of Dynamics with destructible envir environments with lots of enemies on screen uh particle effects out the ever living ass and very large set pieces and levels as you can see on screen right here this trailer in particular was shown at Opening Night Live for Gamescom last year and it was so impressive that the chief complaint about it was that it was too goodlooking the game looked so good people were like there is no way that this is coming from a relatively unknown studio if you're not familiar with Black Desert online and people got really excited though they maintained what I would consider to be a healthy level of skepticism because it looked too good to be true and I will just say if you ever find yourself developing a video game and people's primary complaint is that it looks too good to be true that's a good problem to have so long as your game is actually real you know if we're dealing with like a day before situation then we might be in trouble but if you actually do have this game put together and you can share it with people you probably have something special on your hand and to their credit they have actually been very transparent with the footage that they have and with the demos that they have even so far as opening it up for 45 minute to hourong demos at various events like Gamescom just even a few weeks ago and in preparation for this video I actually spoke with a handful of people that got to play that demo at Gamescom and I collected their thoughts and the thoughts of other people that made videos and discussions about it on Outlets like IGN or Gamespot or similar Outlets like that and I've put it all together and tried to evaluate as fairly as I can what this game actually is Crimson desert based on what has been playable to people thus far seems to be an amalgamation of various different design philosophies specifically those that are born out of their experience in MMO development it also takes inspiration from games like The Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed specifically the most recent ones which were the big open World adventure games and it takes a couple of other very obvious Inspirations from games like tears of the Kingdom notably in this 50-minute section of gameplay that they dropped just a couple of days ago when I'm recording this video you can see that they take straight up the dive from the sky islands that they did in tears of the kingdom and put it in here and this is something that allegedly the game will feature a lot of is a lot of verticality the ability to fly in hot air balloons over the map and then basically sky dive down with a glider that's inspired by uh my understanding is it's a god that is based on Crows which is why you'll see the effect in a moment when uh he activates it but it's a vast world that they are encouraging you to explore in many many different ways and the seamless transitions from Sky down to surface is wildly impressive and it's not something that many games are able to do even partially like the fact that they're just casually doing it while maintaining a decent level of graphical Fidelity is very very impressive impressive now this may be one of those things where you think it looks too good to be true which is I think a perfectly reasonable feeling to have especially in light of how lackluster a lot of games have been recently in terms of technical performance but this is once again a reason why it's nice to see that they're actually making the demos available they're actually doing these gameplay Demos in front of people where it's running in real time to be perfectly clear it's expected that this is running on probably a very high-end PC with a controller plugged in and that's why they're getting decent performance and another one of the perhaps more interesting tidbits of this is that Gameplay, Compression, And Graphics we've actually gotten a very good and extensive look at some gameplay elements we don't really know moment to moment what will be going on but we do know that in terms of combat this is a very robust game and the way that they've chosen to demonstrate that is with a demo that was available at Gamescom where people could try basically up to four boss fights if they could get through them in the allotted time and these boss fights or anything from like an abominable snowman with antlers or uh another like Soldier archetype or a goblin archetype and different boss fight Styles like that but as you can see these are pretty large setpiece fights and they are expected to be fairly organic while you're exploring the world they want you to be able to find these things as you're just exploring so it's not something that only happens during like main quests and things like that whether that end end up being the case at the end of the day remains to be seen but it does seem like they have a lot of fights available and they're pretty varied even this one you can see is purely chaotic with how much is going on with the snow and particle effects everywhere and even like the hair simulation on the body of the creature is wildly impressive and as you fight him and you draw blood you see the fur turn more to a crimson and it turns darker and darker and actually gets bloodied it's very very impressive and this is one point where I do want to take a moment to just point something out that I think can be ground for unfair evaluation and critique and that is what is known as compression by my metrics with these types of videos that I make anywhere from 70 to 80% of people watch these videos on their phones or just a mobile device they're not watching it on a big TV or on their PC or something like that as a result YouTube tends to default to a lower bit rate and a lower resolution by default unless you press that little gear icon up there and change it to a higher Fidelity uh quality level basically and even then on a small phone like screen it's hard to make out individual details even once you crank that quality you kind of have to zoom in and look specifically like I can do here like if I go here and I actually zoom in on certain parts of this Frame we can find pixelization we can find compression artifacts and stuff like that but that is not indicative of how the game actually will look when you're playing it uncompressed coming straight off of your PC and this is notoriously a problem with footage from companies like IGN for example where they will upload footage of the latest 4K 60 whatever game and their footage is at 1080P and looks like it was encoded at 460p so I think it's really important to note that sometimes compression can make games like this look a lot worse than they actually are sometimes you do have instances where you can spot artifacting that is not video compression that maybe is an artifact of things like FSR upscaling on consoles and things like that which you can see in games like black myth Wukong where there's sort of a checkerboard pattern across certain areas of the screen in those instances you can spot it you can point it out it makes it way harder when it's also overly compressed and lacking in detail but in this particular footage that you can see right here coming directly from the Crimson desert YouTube channel you can see it looks far far better than the same footage that was posted to other outlets channels like IGN or Gamespot or whoever else so really make sure to pay attention to where you're watching the footage and which quality level you have it set to otherwise you may unfairly think that the game doesn't look as crisp or clear as it should when in reality it looks like this it's just been compressed 15 times over and it doesn't make it look as good as it possibly could and this is topical because just recently the other day with the announcement of the PS5 Pro Sony hired CNET to do the big like gameplay reveal of uh the the console and to show some extended footage and stuff and in this video that they did like they show footage and stuff showing like look at this okay we go back a few frames uh they have 60fps at 4k on PR mode what do you notice about this the max quality is 1080p and it runs at 30 frames like I'm not joking they hired CET to reveal their Cutting Edge high-tech console and the whole point of the console is that it can do really high quality at 4K 60 allegedly or just 4K 30 but still 4K at the very least and then these guys they hired to basically do a puff piece on the game or on the the console they put it out at 1080p30 which is like 2012 levels of quality it's un believable so watch out because you'd think that like professional journalists and stuff that cover gaming would understand resolution bit rate and frame rate and stuff but uh they never cease to amaze me so don't assume anything but back to Crimson desert the footage you can actually get directly off of their channels not from a partner media site that's overly compressed it on their end their footage looks way sharper and is actually pretty impressive make of it what you will because again this is almost certainly running on very high-end PC Hardware if you are fortunate enough to be spoiled and have like a 4090 or whatever then awesome but don't expect like a 2070 to run the game in this quality level at this frame rate and resolution okay so just just trying to be as fair and straightforward as we can it seems like if you have the Firepower to do it you can get it looking and running very very well but you're going to need that Firepower but perhaps the point of all of this is just to say that in the past when we've seen games that look too good to be true like so good that they might be faking some gameplay and some footage typically they keep it hidden away and they do not make it available for people to test certainly but in this case with Crimson desert the devs have actually gone out of their way to make the game more and more available to more and more people taking it to things like Gamescom if they wanted to keep it exclusively at like summer gamefest where only select few journalists could try it and check it out they could have done that but no they're taking it to like public shows like Gamescom to let thousands and thousands of people check it out which to me is a very very good sign because you can't fake that type of demo in front of that many people instead you know if if you're being that transparent with it it's probably because there's actually a there there there's something here to actually show which is very encouraging and like look at that how cool is that it's it's just a very Dynamic encounter and verticality introduced it seems seems to run pretty well like again just very very impressive very smooth gameplay but look each of these things are what could probably be described as like keynote showcases or just that showcases these are individual encounters or boss fights that are made to look as good or compelling as they can be but it doesn't really tell you what the connective tissue is this is one of the things I said about black myth Wukong where like obviously the boss fights looked awesome and beautiful and smooth but we weren't clear what was actually going to happen between boss fights what was the connective tissue between those really cool moments because some amazing games can be held back just by having poor connective tissue making the runs between really good boss fights a trudge can be enough to bring it from a nine out of 10 down to like an eight or down to a seven which is where it seems like it landed for a lot of people in that like 8 to 8 and 1 half range and so while Crimson Quests desert looks really good in those set pieces what are you going to be doing from moment to moment in between those big setpiece fights and and encounters well normally we would just be left to wander but in this case they've actually released like an hour of gameplay just for people to check out and see as you can see on screen here just showing what you'll be doing while you're playing roughly an hour of the game completing various quests and they show a few different things here you know IGN did a preview of this discussing it in more detail and they pointed out some interesting things so for example individual quests that you'll get in a given area could have overlapping consequences or overlapping causes that could be resolved with one action I know that sounds really really vague and not that helpful so let me explain it with the most powerful tool ever created by man uh Ms paint if we have say like a a castle okay and in this Castle there is a quest for you to get okay you pick up the quest they tell you and this is what 's example was that there has perhaps been a series of raids conducted by somebody in the middle of the night and when they attack the air is filled with a red smoke and it causes confusion and it's very very strange but it's very very unique as well you might take that Quest on listen to that dialogue and go okay interesting interesting I'll put a pin in it we'll revisit that in a minute but I want to go look around the rest of the town and then you explore the outskirts of the town and maybe you find another Quest that's popped where there's uh maybe some farmers who are talking about how somebody broke into their barn and stole some of their sheep or something like that they could also tell you some little tidbit like yeah they broke in in the middle of night and you could try to connect those two be like okay two raids in the middle of the night they're stealing stuff sounds like Bandits to Me Maybe it's connected maybe it's not probably not most video games don't do that but I'll go look around and then you start pursuing this Quest and it turns out that they actually share the same cause which is a camp of like Goblin Bandits who throw these sort of red smoke bombs to confuse people when they attack them and when you fight at that encampment you actually see the red smoke going off and you can connect the two and it turns out that that was the cause of both of these problems and you can kill two birds with one stone by taking out that camp and I personally think this is really really cool cuz typically in open world design and with a lot of these bigger games they basically create quests kind of individually and then they just sprinkle them throughout the world toss them about there's not a whole lot of careful intentionality with how things overlap and intertwine because that's just a lot to handle when you just want to be able to hand one Quest designer this area of the map fill five or six quests in and then this guy goes over there build some quests over there and you just kind of try to spread through the map as quickly as you can with as many highquality quests as you can certainly but there's not often that much room for intertwining the stories but in Crimson desert at least the parts that these people got to try and see in more detail they said there were quests where there were multiple instances or effects of different problems so you might hear multiple people talking about a problem with like a monster or a giant bear that's been causing them trouble and you could pick up one or two quests that have the same problem and you can fix both quests and solve those problems for those people by defeating one enemy or by taking on one narrative Quest line and taking care of that resolving it solving all of the cascading quests that are associated with it it's a cool concept and I personally like this now to be perfectly Fair there is a potential downside to this which is that basically you could have a bunch of quest lines in a given area and you look at it and you're like oh God there's so much to do so many quests but it's very possible that it's just because these quest lines have like the same origin and so they're basically just the same quest line with different starting dialogue in in effect and so it may seem like there's a ton of different quest lines but in reality there's only a few it like tasks to be completed it just seems much more compelling at first so there is a potential downside to this but I think the upside seems compelling as well so it's just another instance where we'll have to wait and see when we actually play the game but I do like that choice to make these quest lines more interconnected because it does make sense if you were in like an open world environment in a Fantasy Realm it would make sense that if there were a camp of Bandits nearby they would be causing trouble for more than just a guy or more than just this one farmer over there makes sense that they'd be causing lots of ruckus and trouble for everybody around so I like it in concept I like the idea now a couple of other things that were referenced in the IGN previews Scope And Exploration and in some of the developer interviews that have also happened is things like the scope of the world obviously as you can see on screen it's vast and their goal is to go for something on a scale that you would typically only see in like a big MMO game but with single player quality and interactivity and dynamism which I think again is really really cool to see there's also been discussions over the minutia of combat and it does seem that the people who have tried it say it feels really really good to play in addition to just looking cool and being pretty polished when you're watching it secondhand but when you actually play it yourself there is a lot of depth there which you would hope to see coming from a team that has been building like an MMO for years and years and years that they would understand things like long-term progression and development of a character but it seems like they've also pulled it off here which is awesome one interesting thing they noted is that there is apparently no camera lock on at all even in like individual boss fights which is a choice that some other games have made like I think Dragon's Dogma 2 also did that but it's just an interesting choice you know I'm not really sure why they would make that choice in this particular instance at least in Dragon's Dogma it's like oh there's these big monsters and so you know you need to Target specific limbs or stuff at different times in the fight so having a camera lock on could lead to more trouble than it's worth where maybe you're locking onto their head when you need to lock onto the the beast's body or legs or left leg or right leg so maybe this is just you know quality of life choice where they just found that it didn't feel that much better to play with lock on I don't really know maybe they add it in later but I did think that was an interesting choice to make you know it's not what I would have expected because it seems like if it doesn't fit the situation you just don't use the lock on but then again I I've seen some people playing games like uh Elden ring for example with the camera locked on even when it makes their life way way more difficult you know it's like just turn it off I swear the fight will be easier but some people just leave it on all the time so maybe maybe it's just something like that where they just figured and we'll help people you know just don't bother but even here like in this fight sequence that you can see I'm just still taking away when you just take a moment to look in the distance at some of the detail that's here like there's a gigantic I don't know if that's a cathedral or or what there's a huge Tower in the distance there's ruins over here and this is something that it's really hard to pull off but basically you want to make sure that at any given moment when you're playing an open world game off in the distance there's something that catches your attention something that makes you say ooh I wonder what's over there I wonder what's in that cave I wonder what's uh in this Temple I wonder what's in these ruins and if you can pull that off it's really easy to get lost in the game that's why I've said with some open world games I find them easy to play not because they're not difficult or challenging in terms of gameplay but because it's easy to just boot it up and lose yourself in it you know that's how I felt with games like Red Dead 2 for example where you know I'm just like I'll boot it up and I'll just go do a hunt real quick just for fun on a Friday night there's no other games that have released I'll just do that it seems like a good time and 3 hours pass and I find myself sitting in a theater in snd watching a magic show and I'm like what the hell happened you know it's really easy to get lost in that is something that's very very difficult to pull off when it comes to open world design but in this case it does seem like there are seeds of very promising high potential design choices here and given their experience in the MMO world I'm optimistic again we won't really know until we play the game cuz that's just something you can't really test for or hear about in previews it's something you'll experience yourself when you're playing the game for hours and hours and hours on end but it seems like they're doing things right based on the footage Potential Flaws that I'm seeing here but okay okay you're probably waiting for the shoe to drop and for me to discuss some of the potential shortcomings of the game which I am happy to do now because no game is perfect there's always potential little hiccups or uh issues you might have you know even a game that you might be really excited for like GTA 6 I'll bet you a good chunk of change that that game is almost certainly going to be CPU bound just like the digital Foundry guys were saying and as a result probably it's going to run at 30 frames at launch even on your PS5 Pro and as a result of that I think that is a shortcoming that's a downside you know a negative thing for GTA 6 I would say the rest of the game you know if that's here the rest of the positives are probably way up here so it definitely outweighs the bad but with even like the biggest budget most amazing games there's usually one or two things you can point out that are detriments to it and so I'll bring these up here but I don't want you to get it twisted and think that therefore the game is bad or we should shun it or something because with all of these evaluations uh of any game when we do it skeptically we're trying to be fair and a the good and then also acknowledge the bad and way how it balances out and some of these potential downsides may be very very small but some of the upside could be very very big or vice versa that's why we evaluate them as critically and fairly as we can so that we don't end up just being negative Pricks who are like oh well the game looks amazing but um you know the the lack of clarity in the grass is not impressing me so I guess I'm going to wait for a deep deep SA you know like I don't think that's fair anyway let's get to that specifically first and foremost in the footage that we have it does seem like they are ring on upscaler pretty aggressively to hit decent frame rate targets if you look at the original announcement footage from 2019 the game is ridiculously sharp there's no sign of any upscaling at all as you would expect I mean this was 2019 well before like dlss and everything came onto the scene and it looks really really sharp and crisp no matter where you look in the frame because this was almost certainly rendering natively in real time however the game in my opinion doesn't look quite this good now it looks much more I'd say realistic to what you'd expect for a game of this type but it's still is uh like look at that that's just crazy cool like this is why people got excited because this footage is really really awesome whether they can pull this off you know remains to be seen but it does look wildly impressive you can see why people got hyped for it but I don't think it looks this crisp today in my humble opinion I appreciate that they have made adjustments to make it capable of running in real time more realistically but still now another Writing And Story thing to bring up is the writing this is again a single player game they're not doing any multiplayer or MMO stuff for it it's a single player game and so as a result The Narrative is going to be fairly important however the people who have tried it and of course everybody who has watched these longer gameplay segments will tell you that the like individual dialogue and and Quest writing and the main story stuff seems fairly convoluted and it doesn't flow as well as I would hope even a company like IGN came out and said that they were not that impressed with dialogue writing in their preview time and in their big preview video that they did which I'm just gonna say like elephant in the room IGN they're the guys that gave like dust born a seven out of 10 and that game had some of the most migraine and diarrhea inducing writing I've ever seen in the games industry and I played Saints Row reboot I've played Force spoke like I've seen some stuff and they gave that game a seven and are saying that this game's writing is a little iffy so uh make of that what you will but I I don't think this will be on that level where dustborne is just like actively making you lose your mind I think in this case probably what we see is like just not that impressive of writing or kind of lackluster fantasy writing or or dialogue that's just a little clunky and generic fantasy and that's probably fine like I expect that this is one of those games you play for the gameplay and the open world exploration I'm not expecting to have any like intense moments of role play or immersion like a kingdom come game which is fine you know if anything I find it encouraging almost to see that there are shortcomings to this game if everything about it was coming out as like yep it's the second coming of Jeff Keeley it's going to be amazing and everybody should be super super pumped for it I'd be a little bit more worried that maybe there was some other shoe that was going to fall at some point but in this case it seems like it's a really solid open world game with a pretty good combat system and and cool Dynamics with monsters and boss fights and stuff and then the writing and story writing is just not that great I I think that that is much more reasonable to expect from this team team than them somehow making like a Red Dead SL Witcher 3 competitor out of nowhere and speaking of the team that is another thing to be aware of Monetization Questions this is the team Pearl Abyss out of South Korea that are responsible for Black Desert online in this review from medieval Marty you can see kind of a revisit to the game in 2024 with modern updates and stuff like that and the common takeaway is that black desert online is a very competent made game there's a lot of content there there's a lot of long-term progress and grind to be played and enjoyed certainly but it is monetized out the ever living ass like it is crazy it's changed a lot but even this post from 3 years ago asking how the monetization was compared to 3 years before that so 6 years ago from today you can see people describing how oh it's semi freeto play I'm semi- freet to playay meaning I paid for an initial boost like weight trainers fluid underwear hog I basically spent enough money for a year of $15 a month subscription fees which I guess in the world of MMOs is not that insane if you're like a wow player and stuff but as somebody who primarily plays single player games that seems insane to me just a little crazy and apparently you can purchase things like pets outfits inventory and storage expansions you can purchase mounts there's even at times been boosts to to different skills or XP collection items for decorating in-game uh places of residence things like that like I haven't played the game I I just have never been that interested so I'm not overly familiar with it but what I do know about Black Desert online is that it is one of the most aggressively monetized MMOs that's out in the world today but you may be thinking Luke what's the relevance of that why does that affect the single player game and I think that that is a very very valid question and it's one I'm still kind of grappling with too because on the one hand you would expect if that's how they handled their other big game what are the odds that they just let this be like the most Pro consumer you buy it there's nothing else no DLC nothing like that what are the odds that they do that here I don't think the odds are that great but then again today as of today there have been no announcements of like XP boosts or like you know the the Ubisoft style XP enhanc thing that they do or the ability to buy in-game currency for faster purchasing of better equipment or extra quests that are sold to you or things like that we haven't heard anything like that maybe it's going to be in the game when it launches maybe not but I do think it's important to just keep in the back of your head that this company that's making this game certainly has very very talented devs behind it but the reason they're able to afford to make this massive game that's taking them about seven eight years to put together when all will be said and done is because they are bankrolled by the monetization machine that is Black Desert online maybe this is just their way of breaking into the single player world and they're not going to do any of that here but I think more likely they do some of that here hopefully just doesn't overstep the bounds and get into the the space of being like egregious or hyper aggressive that's my personal hope but again I would just Hazard you getting like super super pumped and and like balls to the wall excited to the point of hype when we still don't know that very very crucial bit I will say in all of the interviews that I've seen in the discussions that Gamers had with some devs at an event like Gamescom it seems as though there is nothing like that in the game at least as of right now there's not any clear plans to do anything like that so I'm optimistic I'm optimistic but I've been burned before by other companies and you know even other games that are pretty solid during the review period will some times introduce a store at launch that nobody knew about when they were reviewing the game you know so you just never really know until you know until the game's actually out but that is something to factor in okay there's no evidence of it right now except that they've done it very aggressively in their previous game but beyond that we'll just have to wait and see but where does this leave us at the end of looking at Crimson desert my Overall Thoughts takeaway is that this is a very very promising game from a studio that unless you're familiar with MMOs has kind of come out of nowhere and everybody who has tried the game themselves has walked away very excited and intrigued and if you're interested in these big open World adventure games maybe not open world RPG games but open World adventure games it seems like it's going to be a real treat it maybe won't have the best writing or the most compelling narrative but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's it's like never touch it again like it still could be very well worth playing and checking out despite that and even then like it's really hard to judge A Game's narrative at like a 30 minute or 45 minute or hourong preview even extended previews that are like an entire day for media to to try a game and check it out even at those like you're usually playing individual missions and it's not really clear how the story will tie together or how certain characters will develop or if they even will so it's really hard to gauge writing quality in a preview and and so I don't want to commit to the idea that the narrative is going to be bad but it seems at the very least that the narrative was not compelling to people when they were trying it and in these previews that they've uh gotten the chance to see and it seems like it's just kind of like eh which which is fine you know um lots of people like Assassin's Creed games for example and I I would argue a lot of the writing in Assassin's Creed games even as like an Assassin's Creed fan historically is like eh uh at at best so who knows who knows at least for the last like decade it's been eh in my opinion but with all of this if we're trying to evaluate whether or not you are Justified when looking at this skeptically in being excited I think you are perfectly justified in being excited and intrigued by Crimson desert I think it's a game to keep an eye on it seems like it could very well be something special and I really hope it is not just because I want more good games to play you know I feel like there's kind of been a shortage of really solid big budget games recently but I I I do hope it's really good because of that and then also because I think competition is really really good for the industry when you have other new developers popping up blowing everybody's Minds showing what they're capable of I think that helps the industry stay healthy I think when Sony is at their best while uh pear Abyss is doing their best work and then game science is doing their best work and then Xbox Studios is Coming Out Swinging with some big stuff next year like doom and and all sorts of other stuff like f My Hope Is that we get to a point next year and then in 2026 where there are a bunch of new players in the space and they are all Coming Out Swinging with massive ambitious games once again because it feels like so far for the first half of this generation we've pretty much been relying on sort of uninspired sequels or remakes and remasters and then occasionally we'll get treated to something really really cool like balers Gate 3 for example but those are exceptional games because they're just that they're exception all their exceptions to the trend that we're used to and so I hope that this is one of those games that pops off like black myth Wukong and is just amazing and that we all have a new obsession at some point next year when this drops but I guess time will tell but you better believe that I'll be keeping a close eye on it both here on this channel and over on Luke Stevens live my second channel here on YouTube and I I also should point out that I also stream over on Twitch if you're interested stream on YouTube and twitch and you know you can watch wherever you're comfortable but let me know what you think of crimson desert are you intrigued are you interested are you dare I say hyped for the game or is there something that's sticking out to you that you just can't quite put a finger on or maybe that just is is not sold to you just yet let me know in the comments because if I see some interesting stuff maybe I can try to reach out to the devs or something and get some some answers for a follow-up video with all that said we're just going to have to wait until the game launches next year on PC PS5 and Xbox series X and S that's at least where it's understood to be launching as of today it seems like it is coming to console and PC we don't know a lot of specifics like of course targets uh in terms of frame rates or resolutions or install sizes or anything that comes next year almost certainly but until then we'll just have to wait with baited breath and until the next video my friends thanks for watching I love you all desperately make sure to like the video If you enjoyed it it actually does help and subscribe for more videos until next time my friends much love I'll see you soon hugs and kisses bye-bye

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Star Wars Outlaws Launch Impressions - Luke Reacts

Category: Entertainment

Of course star wars outlaws reviews went up this morning i can't show you like just extended cuts of the game unedited or anything but i can show you clips and that to be clear is very very normal okay there's nothing strange about that they just specify like hey can you not post like the entire game... Read more

The Real Reason Gamers Are "Celebrating" Concord's Flop... #gaming thumbnail
The Real Reason Gamers Are "Celebrating" Concord's Flop... #gaming

Category: Entertainment

I think the reason people are celebrating and and grave dancing on concord is because at least from what i've seen most the people that are most passionately opposed to it are playstation fans like old school playstation fans and the reason that they hate concord is because of what it represents it's... Read more