Roman Reigns vs Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair Part 2

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:03:36 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: becky lynch
out of this body shots [Music] connecting springboard hammerlock H loock reverse DD carefully measured knee drop this isn't the smartest thing to do antagonizing your opponent in instead of attacking him throwing back in under the [Applause] ropes and this has got to be [Music] [Applause] it oh my God he's still in the match he got the shoulder up right at the last moment he saw it coming [Music] he's got him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scouted on the leg drop bulldog and he keeps his focus on an attack to that area getting up but doesn't have a clue what's coming at [Applause] him wa suicide dive unbel un believable athleticism just going for it all and Landing a direct hit he's back into the ring he's staring his opponent down getting into that zone he's positioning himself closing [Applause] in oh [Applause] [Music] counters Superman punch spear spear Charlotte is in trouble here he goes for the win can he close it out [Applause] cover near fall this just has to be Charlotte's DNA it's the genetics that caused her to kick out after that maneuver just dished out his most devastating offense and you got to be wondering if he's thinking one more time will be the charm back [Applause] [Music] suplex bam down he goes he's feeling the effects of that last [Music] [Applause] hit sidewalks cover here [Applause] still only got one it's hard to believe but it looks like he still has some gas left in the tank up and down into the protox and Charlotte is being controlled here Charlotte's got to find a way the Kat since in is it time to fade there's the save how close was that and she denies Charlotte crucial Turner around there because he was falling behind he's hoping to start a rush of his own with that attack Superman punch in the corner uh-oh uhoh he has been here before

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