Martin Shkreli: «Paul Le Roux Is Satoshi Nakamoto»

Published: Aug 09, 2024 Duration: 01:01:11 Category: People & Blogs

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if you're just joining I seem to be revealing that uh Paulo is a um Satoshi Nakamoto which um is a it's not something that I woke up today expecting I'll tell you that up today y so isn't that just you're breaking up I can't hear you at all can you repeat I think that's right Jean Ro rosis is saying uh no what you're revealing is someone saying that anyone can claim anything even if the message of just true it raises questions I I totally uh agree and ECT what that what you just said there because ultimately there are a couple things strange about this message one it uses a hashtag which is a bit of a newer thing um although hashtags were around in 2009 the second is the name is not spelled correctly which we don't know how how Mr Laro spells his name but that does seem to be a strange spelling given um um the case I mean that that that's just how well it though right uh that's the deepest I can find at least onb it does appear to be H's hell's wallet correct yeah and it has some spense to a coinbase uh account in uh 2017 yeah now we know how um we know Hal's story really well and Hal said that he received the first Bitcoin um from Satoshi yeah assuming this is all real and uh this is actually Satoshi what do you think that means for Bitcoin as a whole that's a good question my mind is a little too blown to really even process that um called my attorneys and some other folks I would imagine it would lead to a crash now I'm no expert on that but the anonymity and the legend of Satoshi I think had a lot of the value in it and then the US government could come in and say oh well you know got this convicted felon behind it they could really lay in on the the timing the timing is very bizarre especially considering you have Sam bankman just getting arrested possibly um binance could be seeing something somewhat similar um it's a little unusual I would say but uh yeah I am uh currently yeah and then when Theo was arrested that was when uh I guess the original big I stop getting updates from I'm uh yeah exactly that was uh the case that as soon as Laro went to prison the Bitcoin update stopped he also said he was on to other things which is a little bit bizarre given I'm not sure there are bigger things than inventing Bitcoin are bigger things than so anyway if you're just joining me I'm I'm uh and I'm asking uh a few experts in this space includ including maybe one of the biggest experts um there are are fewer people than the person I'm referring to hopefully he's starting and watching now um yeah I sent it to Jon as but um it's just that like there's no way the time date um when those uh messages made I guess yeah there there is not there is a way actually but uh but this this doesn't this isn't a dated signature and then I mean the only way that that guy would have got it um would have been if he had access to like the original electron account something um that did that message or he that I'd love to have George George Hots um I I I agree SB makes a really good point if that's how's address at most this means a family member of how Min finny has private keys and decided to say this was from Paul laroo uh it's possible for sure uh it's possible that um Halen's account was sold and then somebody bought an empty account or something and now they're using it to to sign this private key that's certainly um Poss um yeah there's still 10 Bitcoins on it right oh wait no there isn't I don't think there's any yeah too many coins left in there so it's um very bizarre um I have to say um that that to me is a possibility that the the key was purchased or the account was purchased by or sold from the the finny estate or whatever it doesn't have any coin in it you conceptually could have bought the the private key to this wallet now typically you don't want to buy private keys because they're not useful if multiple people know the private key name so it's not right uh some people think it was Craig Wright but no that's not that's not right there's a website that if you if you Google that Bitcoin address there's a website that you know reports that Craig Wright was the founder of Bitcoin which some people do uh believe but um that's been largely discredited yeah linear poker is a good point I mean listen I I'm not trolling if somebody's playing a a massive prank on me then that's fine um it is what it is and I'll take the egg on my face um it does feel like that's that's possible or even probable but still doesn't exactly explain um uh so pauloo I don't know a lot about Paulo um Lars Larson makes a good point why would Satoshi have House's key I do think that's that's a bit a bit strange let's see Allan gal says it's fake let's see take a bit to see what I wrote well where didd you write it yes we know how finny's uh money uh was sent and spent in 2017 that's correct the problem is that uh I don't see your messages so many messages I can't uh still looking um someone else flying me like the enjoyment I get out of being in a plane is like it's one of the only times in my life when I'm not responsible this is some Bitcoin chat room in uh in um my Clubhouse watch R king the J mile I didn't watch the whole thing but it's always pretty competion that was a good old electrum signatures can be faked okay that's interesting um from Allen gal I agree with that Amer it's very very odd it does seem like an obvious prank Bob the lonely Turnal VI but how do you explain the the signature matching that seems how could you fake it right I can speak about the person um who gave it to me I'm still I'm speaking to them could have stolen how's key that makes sense right yeah like yeah yeah I'm not trying to make any money off of this or anything like that I'm not going to be promoting anything or yeah I wouldn't mind my Twitter unbanned but that's about it player two no you're you're right house key curly could be leak Tech or stolen um seems strange to sign this message that way I don't know sen T golf is the pick a ball just got to got got to quit that Chris man no pickle you guys you guys are actually wrong pickle ball is becoming trendy Chris is ahead of the curve on this I don't know man I'm watching it at my gym and it's just like a bunch of old guys you don't want to move know what is what is cu I don't even know like take tennis and like shrink it and Tennis combined can I interrupt uh no if you have to ask [ __ ] bro is that Andy no it's scy scy so I'm live streaming as we speak and I got this message um do do you all know the the howy Satoshi first transaction yeah so that address and the signature I have decrypts to uh a message that I confirmed as signed by the private key holder of that address and I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here if anything but it's very spooky so who sent it to you and what's the message the message is this transaction was made by Paul laroo to halny on January 12th 2009 oh this sounds like you're getting Con well Paul Paul is one of the Satoshi candidates oh I know that but the the point is that it decry it does decrypt correctly you should pass it to Asher Asher you'd be uh I just uh threw it on my substack as well if you want to check that out um I have no desire for any clout from this or anything I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it well I would be honored you should pass this I'm a huge fan of yours not I mean part problem how's kids I'm looking at it how's kids had access to his Bitcoin so right as why would you be of Martin scy like I don't understand no he said he's not a no I I've already given my position on this and trying to get some barbecue so I don't have time to go into it but but we still confused you said fan or not a fan I said I'm a fan I don't I don't think you did anything wrong thank you yo are you going to let thatan let's let's go back to the Satoshi reveal I think that's a little more important um what you doing with the album my guy you know um so could you fake yeah [ __ ] all that yo what are you doing with the Wang [Music] album Mar where did where did this signature come from I maybe it's better to focus on how I'll tell you that I have no problem telling you that um but I'm trying to figure out how does this private key which you know I guess I can try to post it but it's on my substack martin. substack docomo I don't have half any's private key Rob do you want to take a look at this rob you in the room yeah would I just miss so yeah uh Martin uh got a weird message uh from the Genesis no not Genesis block first transaction between pal and uh pal and Satoshi and he put it up on his sub somebody expert to take a look uh yeah I'll martiny sub right now thank you again I'm not you know certain that the origin is a little strange um but it does decrypt correctly this guy dropped to you where like a Twitter DM or a telegram telegram got um yeah so I'm not trying to you know I I think that the maybe the most likely explanation now is somebody has Hal's key and is is signing a fake message I mean that's possible where oh I see the proof right here okay one second well even if that's the case somebody has house key and they're signing messages with it that's a that's a new story in of itself it is it is do you know this person not well but you know them like you this isn't some random it's a it's a random assume it's a random oh okay I you said not well a second ago so I can't let go that yeah let's just leave it at that you don't have to dox Stu I'm just wondering if there's a pre-established relationship that you have with this person I would again complicated but I'll just go with no okay sketchy it is sketchy yeah yeah this is the key okay this is all right I have my code so I'll tell you what it looks like it's a valid signature I have Bitcoin signature stuff on my local machine in the event this computer got compromised so if you give me another like six minutes I can like 100% verify this okay take your time someone's really got house keys I mean it's either that or it's this is actually so the story I have is this is coming from the L Laro side not the house side but again I could be be being trolled or being lied to I mean like you go out and say that you got these you got you know this this message yet and yet you know you go and say it and then they just like show that they troll you is that like what you're is that like what you're guarding against right now I'm not guarding uh against anything other than a little bit of embarrassment and again I'm willing to be embarrassed talking about I'm willing to be embarrassed on this but I don't have enough confidence so can you explain like the process like what was sent to you and how it was sent someone reached out to me and said that they knew who um uh they knew who Satoshi was and I I said well tell me who then and they said uh um uh paaro and I said that's not news you know a lot of people think satoshi's Paul Laro and they said I have proof I said well if you have proof then um show me the proof and they said no I want you to tell me you're Martin scy first and I thought it was was getting fished or something so I told them to [ __ ] off and um then uh they gave me this cryptographic proof and uh it certainly seems wait what what is this cryptographic proof like is it a PG sign message it's a signed message it's valid it's a valid signed message okay but what's it like encrypted to and stuff like I'm trying to get the finer details Rob like was it say and encrypted to your email or sent this this means that somebody with how's Keys signed a message saying this that's correct keys but but no PA keys aren't involved in this how key keys what he just said How's Keys yeah he's wrong okay my bad how if if this message says like this transaction was made blah blah blah blah blah does that not infer that it was attached to that transaction somehow no onchain no it's not an non-chain message this is a digital signature ecdsa it's definitely not like it's definitely not strong Satoshi proof because you know if you want strong Satoshi proof you got to move you got to move from the Genesis block you know what I mean but this is it's interesting that somebody might have house key and is signing with it and what what Bitcoin address was uh was it signed with the the the receiving the the receiving address of the first transaction in Bitcoin history wait a the implication there okay hold on I I I looked at the address it is a valid signature this address did not get a deposit in the first time until 2013 this is not the money though is coming from a signature that was it's all 2013 yeah this is not satosi hold on hold on why if you look at the the block explorer that I looked at on it does say9 1111 so the message is the address belonging to the signature is 1 q2w correct so if I'm looking at that right now I'm looking I'm looking at that on a on a different block Explorer but I'm going to double check it in a second on the Block stream please double check it because I see on on address looks like it was used as recent as this year like somebody's been reusing this address a bunch um this address has been used since 2013 uh yeah I I don't see this address having used beforeand you don't see the 9 11119 no because that's that's that's not associated with this address you're you're looking on block blockchain info yeah okay and for the record after we help you with this we want you to help us with wuang no problem also don't use for your blog Explorer dude terrible well I just I just copied and pasted the address and it looks like no no I just don't just don't use it it leaks a lot of data use a different block Explorer um so I'm looking there's nine total trans actions you see the same thing right yeah the last one 10 10 Bitcoin on the 12th of January 2019 2019 oh I do see this now okay so it received money okay that's weird why don't I not see that on block streams block EXT is it like some early script form it's to public key is it pay to public key that probably be why um maybe I I don't know like I hope our explore like elect RS and all that understands P2 PK like I don't think like do you think they just pay it out and they only have P top Ka so is this address was this the address that hin received the first coins on or is it a different address all right so I found it is from 2000 it just says paid a public key oh my God D you got to talk to your engineers it just says pay a public key I can't look at the address cool send send me the here I'll send xash on on Twitter cool check it on a third Explorer for those of us who are new what's what's the claim here Martin shley here got a message a signed message from uh an address that was the first transaction in Bitcoin and we're going to verify right now that is the case what do you mean got a got a message he got a signed message proving ownership that this it was from Paul the RO to halin in January 12 2009 why do we think that the message can we infer anything from the fact that it has that hash Bitcoin in the message it's a little strange I agree I'm suspicious you know I'm I'm not like some uh born yesterday guy that's why I'm coming to you guys who you know kind of probably know this their stuff better than I do yeah what did he say in the message did he claim that he created the person I talk to no no no no they I can absolutely confirm that it's not uh on any node I have I tried on several new devices and this transaction doesn't show up so that's very weird this transaction there's no transaction this is a uh no the first transaction to the to that address doesn't show up I I I most of the local nodes I have don't have it 2009 it shows up on several other Explorers so that could be it this is somebody on Discord so yeah I'm I'm assuming that not every blockchain Explorer has it maybe because of its proximity that D this block I think any good Explorer would have you would have it then the first one blockchain right this is like unrelated probably not parsing it right this address has been used continually for years on end so it's it's more likely this key has just been could it be that it's it was related to the inflation bug or something like that and it's arrest on some explorers or something because it's very weird it's somebody from my um Discord sorry about that um yeah I mean like this this is where it's incredibly suspect you look at this address on on the Block board like why are there five million transactions going up intelligence is it like one of the well-known private Keys like bacon bacon bacon no it's not yeah I think what's this may reveal is that howy keys are well known yeah how Martin what's this guy what's so so he tells you he knows who Satoshi is you say prove it he sends you this message what does he get out of this trust me that's why that's why that's why I literally block them well I just I just saw nut still feels like a scam it feels totally dude I'm I'm I'm with you okay so what we have to do is to check the address that sent the Bitcoin to this initial address and actually if you look at that you will see that there is something very wrong about sorry too much why do they have them that's the interesting question right address so if you look at the inputs not the output you will see that there are a lot of problems with the inputs know was dying his kids spend all his bitco trying to save him right so like his kids probably just leaked the keys at some point he's like you know otherwise dead right or or or the the kids got hacked or something like that right well that hacked guy to get nothing at all no nothing at all it's not the first transaction just wanted you to know like that just seems so odd to me it is odd that's why look at that transaction hash sorry shared it with other block streamers Rob hey I'm driving what's n saying what's n f saying about this uh he's just curious like Martin is and he's linking to Martin's substack so Martin you tweeted about this already I don't have Twitter my friend I wish I had Twitter sent it to that PA lar guy or other way around in the transaction so these are how fet's keys room right now John N basically posted his substack that's what I know but I'm how does he know like that Martin Martin didn't reach out to him how did maybe he's in maybe he's in here he's not well I know but under an ALT account uh I'm still thinking about that hashtag I'm like what are the odds that was a message from like a forum or email list or something like that also notice that the the spell so I think I know what what happened is correct let me let let's let this guy from let's let's let this guy from my Discord talk he he wants to talk the guy from Discord you don't realize I'm also in clubhouse and when you talk you don't seem to be able to hear the clubhouse people so try to not talk over them and vice versa so what do you have to say yes so what I'm saying uh wa can you mute me on your uh Christ almighty dude just just go to hell please talking between two [ __ ] tin cans sorry about that on a uh yeah Martin listen no offense to you but like it is you know somebody who's like I have incontrovertible proof no yeah I'm not and I'm not saying that right yeah like you're the last you're not one of the guys I'd go to I I'm with you 110% that's why I'm that's why yeah be be careful not to get try to for them to try to scam you or using you to amplify something of their own I still very surprised that message is signed by the private key H very odd you can you can go in forums and buy private keys for very old mining addresses like you and a thousand other people will buy them but you will be able to sign a message right you know well it's like yeah I have a I have a coin sitting on my desk that has a 2011 utxl on it you know what I mean but this one is specifically linked to how right yes so in summary basically someone who has how's Keys is claiming pauloo is Satoshi that's in essence right by the way Paul Laro one of my least favorite Satoshi candidates yeah he would not be a good one so if so we we don't deny the authenticity of the signature matching is that fair Rob what do you think yeah but I don't know how I don't know how meaningful it is that's not what I that's not what I asked no I get it I get I get it I'm saying yes and I'm also saying but it may not be meaningful yeah no that's that's perfectly fine what is your what Your two different questions right if you input how's address and the message the text message that was signed and the signature into Bitcoin or wallet and you hit verify and it gives you the green okay then it matches technically okay so it matches but but I think we can sounds like we can all agree that that doesn't that's certainly not you know not everything not even at that part we know it matches across every single full node right now only is revealing the result you see that's why we're trying to look for other sources as well yeah you gotta try this on your own Bitcoin core note for example you can just have it synced and uh so looking up that address on otx it does say that it is hen's wallet and it received the first 10 SATs ever sent but it also says that that transaction that address has had activity since hell died so someone obviously has the keys to it yes the theory was was it's his family but yeah I I think uh again somebody has hell's keys and either the signature is was made two weeks ago or you know the signature was made 10 years ago and we just don't know yeah was definitely two weeks ago I think right was uh was there an estate sale and that was sold off as an asset I was trying to think that through because remember Hal invented what pgp right I mean this guy wasn't just throwing his keys around um you know who knows um but it's a it's a good well we know he definitely threw them around to his kids his kids and his wife yeah it sounds like they may have sold them um well I don't have proof that they sold them but they could have sold it you know because someone could have offered the money to buy to buy the private key to that and then subsequent subsequently you as the owner of that could resell it to anybody as long as you want as many times as you want yeah the address was last seen on the blockchain on October 3rd 2022 so so you're saying there's a lot of people that have access to these private Keys potentially yeah it sounds like the odds that this is [ __ ] uh you know any evidence of Satoshi is slimed To None assuming it's assuming it's not but it clearly is H sounds like you're Al's house again um it doesn't seem like it verifies it doesn't really give veracity to his claim I still don't see the connection it could be like a single key that leaked right yeah it is the I mean I've read about this transaction right I've read about this transaction for the last 10 years you know this is right literally the first maybe are those um are those multi signatures on um on the most recent um transactions like I don't I don't have the Explorer in front of me I can't tell whoever's looking it up are those multisig or are they um straight up utxo movement in and out let's say 2020 you said they're being did anyone check to see if there's like an offer turn or something in that transaction where he could have stuffed like a hash of that message there's like the odds of that being the case are basically zero like just think if that were the case someone would have found it a long time ago not today no no I I don't well I mean like be a commitment to the message not the message itself what's the size of coin transac actions uh like say the last dozen transactions that are there how much coins are being transacted there is um the current balance in that address is 6 6969 SATs it has transacted a total of 10 Bitcoin over its lifetime from 2009 to 2022 6969 that is correct MH 6,900 you're talking about that is correct the current balance of that is 6,969 SATs yeah that that's that's just dust or messages being sent to the address and paying the smallest required amount to to have the transaction process so uh okay are those inbound do you see any outbound transactions yeah yeah okay I guess I mean I'm reading an article about how you can fake signatures is that I don't think this no it's not a fake signature it's a real signature someone just has has some of his keys if you do the signature wrong you can leak your private ke like if you reuse the wait so somebody okay let's let's get the facts of the case right it appears that somebody has one of how's private Keys yes Fact one yeah looks like that and they signed a they signed a transaction with that key saying that Paul Laro is the toi is that back to uh a message but it's effectively the same yeah signed a message sorry I said key uh signed a message saying Paul Satoshi so it seems obvious to me that you know the somebody has house key and is trying to push this weird message which seems like a thigh off by the way like this would be a very convenient time with all thef money laundering stuff I in the news for Paul laroo to be a Satoshi candidate that's promoted is Paul have to take sc's word for it too yes and Martin you're like the worst Messenger on Earth yeah don't Martin are these uh are these texts available somewhere where I could plug them into a full node without going to anybody's hosted blockchain Explorer and run a verification anyone done that you have everything that I have where is it where can I see substack okay all Che with this again tomorrow for any info we'll all like Sask around and learn more uh but let's talk or you can tell us or Martin hold you can just tell us who because it'd be easier to figure it out that way the person yeah I don't know if he wants me to do that or not well come on it wouldn't tell you if he didn't want you to like you came I mean he wanted did would would he have wanted you to disseminate this on your like it wasn't keeping a secret or something yeah yeah listen without without knowing that piece of information the whole thing is suspect is Fu well that's fine I I think it's suspect too um but I'm trying to figure out um how how I can sign I mean it's suspect anyway and kind of stupid but like it's Ultra suspect I wish I mean I wish somebody could show me how to sign you know messages with private keys because i' sign the first one it's really easy yeah you just type in the command line done it's over right like all I need is the the public the public key you need private you need the private key the same message and then you need to sign it and then so so we agree that the message the message seems to be valid can someone dig up the actual text for that transaction just to rule out the possibility that it was committed to there J let's get J's take on this but it could be Martin scy doing it himself could it yeah it could be Martin I don't have halfin keys I don't think and I don't know it seems unlikely anybody does right I mean the fact very clear somebody does like there's no doubt about that H he didn't come out from the grave and start doing Bitcoin transactions a few years ago like there's no way I mean he did cryogenically freeze himself that is true C what if they've like revived his head actually that's a more compelling easily have yeah I think have that and like a trust that was released recently so many years after his death or something like that no I think that the theory that halin has come back to life and been unfrozen is more credible than the Satoshi Theory yeah look I think the fact that the coins have moved post death means that the chance of this is less than 1% but I would like to rule that out and I think that looking at it just seems so obvious to me that this transaction or if this message was real it would have been committed to somehow in the actual transaction on chain right like it's I agree with that I agree with that can we how do you know that for sure Dy well I mean you look at the transaction but I guarantee you it did everyone would have been talking about it for like years on agent there's no op return on that transaction I guarantee you is there any way that you could commit to something in that transaction other than using an offer turn sure there's infinite ways people would been talking about that too that wouldn't change anything are there ways that were common or like known to be used around in the early days no that you could like rule out no definely not I think the more interesting thing here is half of the block explorers I've G was able to I was able to verify that message uh let me see if that address is um he things so supposedly is known for making [ __ ] up like that at times well I have a I have a full independent node I'm not using blockchain I verifi on on a separate yeah yeah I'm happy you are and please verify and like let us know but like is known to [ __ ] as well and that that's exactly why we have fulls how would you find this transaction on this who sent this to him I'm still curious about yeah I Al so curious that would expedite things and I mean yeah listen I suspect what you guys suspect which is that the kids sold the private key or the kids to unlock dad's Bitcoin in his estate sold it to some one or some entity or they stored it in a hot wallet or something like that right I I kind of I don't think that well okay there's definitive evidence that this key is used as late as recently as what was it 201 18 178 right so somebody has been [ __ ] with 2022 no not so like it's not a question of if the keys were leaked they're clearly leaked from the BL well they were used I don't know about the word leaked but used hey Martin the person that sent this to you what are the odds you think that they are either a fed or are being influenced by Feds that are trying to discredit bitcoin by creating a by acquiring the key that's a bit of a conspiracy I think uh it's more likely that somebody's just somebody's just pulling somebody's just pulling my leg I would say more than anything Elsey as well I don't know I don't know man um Never Say Never it's a strange time to if I was a head and I wanted to discredit bitcoin this is the time saying saying that bit yes saying Bitcoin was created by literally the worst candidate possible and then having it be associated with yourself and having you be kind of known as like you know just that Association I think like that seems it makes a lot of sense I missed the conversation catch me up what are you guys talking about yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna agree with Sam I'm and put this in the category of scop either by private individual or by non-private individual I think scop but not intent trying to spread you know discontent cuz I don't think you can this would do that I think more of a troll leg pulling kind of thing well it it's intent is to fo and I'd say it's probably like mostly them and someone who's working with them or knows them that can manipulate and explore no no this is the someone verifies it no no this is this is definitely have talked about this specific address for 10 years like this is the address this is the right address I mean I I think the most more interesting question is why half of the Explorers don't show the initial 10 Bitcoin transaction on that address and half of them do Dad I can't answer right it was very easy for me to find that's pretty easy to explain it's because the old style addresses pay to public keys are just rarely supported and they're hard to support so a lot of block wor just don't bother xfrog do you are you looking at the actual plane test the transaction I I looked up the address not the message I looked up the address that the message uh was signed with on four different block explorers and two of them mentioned that it was the uh address that H received the initial 10 Bitcoin on and showed it in the the list of transactions but all of them said that that uh that address has been used as recently as October in 2022 so was was ridiculous this address looked at there is no this address has been looked at every way for 12 years and and this is the first time we're hearing this come on right it's ridiculous no I I mean I think like the thing that I haven't verified myself is that the the message that is claimed to have been signed by that address actually verifies from that address that's kind of interesting if it is but it doesn't mean anything because that address has been used since hell died so we know that the keys are out there right this it's it's an absurdity and Laro is not a great candidate well I mean is it is what what's the Absurd part cuz it does seem to be valid does anybody dispute that that whoever got how the keys to this address signed a message with that that that looks like it is valid if that message signs correctly which I can't verify right now my not is down I haven't heard anybody dispute that so it it's verified I verified it just you know just minutes ago yeah the signature is verified so we can put that fact on the table and I don't want to replace your pinned link uh for now so I dropped a link to bitcoin talk forums where this is disced go ahead replace the P okay I'll replace so yeah I mean I listen I'm not gullible and I I have no dog in this fight I couldn't give a [ __ ] less who Satoshi is um and uh at the end of the day it it is kind of interesting that uh the sign message you're making blog post titled this guy is well if it's true I mean it's quite interesting true um all this message is Whoever has is a joker perhaps yeah the same thing that happened to Gavin andreon right when Craig R signed something and claiming that no that was that was different the way he did that that a fake yeah yeah fake signature it was like a trick of the like software he was displaying on his screen completely different this is a valid signature yeah his H F's uh Bitcoin talk uh account was accessed last time in 2017 so his children definitely got access to the private keys well to to the we don't know and the Bitcoin to forums as well so his digital whatever you want to call them assets are in control of his children's family well cryptog graffiti has done some work with how's wife I'm curious do you know the story of what happened there cryptog graffiti has has his family got access to his his accounts and stuff I'm late to the conversation but but um I don't know I don't is it worth me reaching out to her to try to clear something up I mean no do you know whether or not like the family has access to his like fit Point talk accounts and stuff like that have you ever that I don't but I actually reached out to her a couple days ago to say um you know she wanted to Archive his Twitter account because of uh Elon possibly getting rid of the inactive ones so um I don't know I can I can see I don't want to like she's just super private so she doesn't like get involved with stff public I mean there's nothing to be verified we know that the keys to this address have been used since he died so we know that they're compromised who compromised them doesn't matter Whoever has them now doesn't really matter all that we know now is that person's a joker so they were handed to his daughter according to someone making a statement that after they read the thread of Bitcoin uh I guess in Hell communicating uh that it was handed over to his daughter I cannot verify that claim but that's what it is so yeah it was definitely in his family's hands what happened thereafter you know obviously it's out one way or another yeah I wish I could make another signature uh but I uh uh uh you know this as far as I know uh this signature checks out I I don't have any other signatures or anything like that it's uh again my psychological analysis of it is similar to your guys's which is that this message was not created in 2009 uh that seems very unlikely and that the like the best explanation is simply that the key is available uh h i was removed from the room that's very nice oh well I don't know what I did wrong right on the news hey Mar oh what a burn what Burn yeah uh uh I can explain if you want I try to contact you but yeah I you're you're messaging and all that is just you know you're not being clear yeah sure so let me try to explain right so if you look at the first transaction that happened from satosi to Hal right yeah so now if you go in the blockchain explorers that show that transaction yeah yeah and you click to the input side you will see that the address who sent the Bitcoin who supposed to be satosi is still very active too right and correct me if I'm wrong Satoshi is not supposed to be active uh let me look let me look okay so if you hold on hold on hold on hold on let me look for some reason you annoy me I don't I don't know why but let me take a look um let's see it's received it's received I don't think it's sent though I don't see it sending anything do you I only see it receiving so when you say active has to send to be active right let me check this is what why I muted BL chair this is why I muted you in the first place yeah still but I'm not talking about the actual correct okay so let me try to rephrase it so repase what you said it was active the only yeah but the only way you see this address being uh actually act when I'm telling AC it's not active it it to receive active if you want to receive no to receive Bitcoin doesn't make your address active Okay I you can some you can jump off the roof today and I could send you Bitcoin every day from now to Eternity it doesn't mean you're alive and active this this wallet has only received Bitcoin as far as I can tell it doesn't send Bitcoin I'm not trying to be mean I just like prefer to be talking to somebody that knows exactly what they're talking about yeah that's why um I was going to explain you how it works but when did yeah you you say I'm annoying then when I try to explain you cut me and try to expain words instead of me teaching you something right bro you're on his Discord bro like yeah but if he if he goes to clubhouse and gets kicked up so talking with guys that have no idea what they are talking about and when the guy you have no idea what you're talking about you don't know what you're talking about yourself man I can can we just all shove the EOS real quick this is kind of cool and all right all right enough of you Gil um yeah so I mean you yeah this this account receives Bitcoin periodically on blockchair most people think from Satoshi fans the last time this account sent any Bitcoin was uh the date in question which is 1129 2009 so it received a lot of Bitcoin since then but it has not sent Bitcoin since then uh the conversation is not on chain I agree with that nunie I think it's a little weird that somebody would want to I don't know want this message to to get out I guess is it's pretty interesting it's hard to fake a sign message right I it's basically that's a mathematically impossible that's the whole point is exactly it's it's impossible um you can't so so somebody you know I think that's right that somebody signing this message to influence or otherwise kind of you know I don't know so anyway if you're just joining uh us I received a message that was signed by the receiving account of the first Bitcoin transaction in history which is uh transaction from Satoshi to halin um the theory is that that person is Paul laroo because that transaction private key signed a message that says this transaction was made by Paul lar now how finny passed away um and uh I think we know that how finny's keys after he passed away were maybe not secure maybe they were I don't know so it sort of raises the question as to whether or not how finny um how finy is key are in in the wrong hands or something like that but the proof for sure is that this is this message is signed by that account uh or that uh address's uh private key [Music] um great morning yo son let's go roll up a blunt I'mma go outside y coming with me let's go I don't have to go to the bodega he for for

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