(1999) Alec Baldwin & Kim Zimmer Co-Host ALS Event For Michael Zaslow Zaz's Angels | Guiding Light

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:01:21 Category: Entertainment

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it was less than two months ago that we all had to say goodbye to soap opera actor Michael zazo who died after an incredibly Brave battle with Lou Garrick's disease last night in New York City Alec Baldwin helped pay tribute to the man who brought his personal struggle to television and proved he truly was a shining star New York's great white way was much brighter last night as Alec Baldwin joined Stars Linda Dano Robin straser Jane Alexander and Kim Zimmer at the star start a benefit to honor and remember the late Michael zazow his spirit is still with us this was obviously something he was supposed to be at this was supposed to be in his honor not a memorial the star who despite his illness made a triumphant return to daytime last year on the set of One Life to Live died December 6th after losing his battle with ALS better known as L G's disease the event called a night at the golden included the reading of zazzo's favorite play Love Letters which was performed by Baldwin and Kim Zimmer Michael's wife Susan Hafford told us that the star actually organized the benefit before he died with one thing in mind it meant to raise awareness excuse me and money we are so close to a cure every penny counts that event helped raise almost $200,000 for alss research and the continuing fight to find a cure for Lou Garrick's disease

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