Category: Sports
오케이 어 우선음 어려운 경기였고 어 전체적으로도음 힘든 상황에서 어 승리를 거둔 우리 선수들한테 진심으로 어 축하하다는 말 전화주고 싶고요 어 전체적으로 저희가 준비한 대로 어 잘 됐다라고 생각이 듭니다 일단은 저희가 득점한 어 것도 마찬가지고 다만 어 전반전에 에 득점 후에에 조금 후반 전반 후반에 약간 처지는 느낌 또 또 그 안에서 또 실점까지 해서 그 실점은 하지 말고 전반을 맞췄어야 되는데 그 실점이 조금 아쉬운 점이지만 그래도 어 저희가 훈련한 시간에 비해서는 전체적으로는 오늘 다 좋았다고 생각이 들고요 또 후반에도 어... Read more
Category: News & Politics
올해 2분기 우리 경제가 1분기보다 0.2% 뒷걸음질 쳤습니다 건설 투자와 민간 소비가 부진한데 따른 영향인데 특히 우리 국민이 국내외에서 벌어들인 실질 국민 소득이 크게 줄어든 것으로 나타났습니다 박진주 기자입니다 한국은행이 올해 2분기 실질 국내 총생산 gdp 성장률이 1분기 대비 0.2% 감소했다고 밝혔습니다 지난 7월 공개된 속보치와 같은 수치입니다 분기 기준 마이너스 성장률을 기록한 건 지난 2022년 4분기 이후 1년 6개월 만입니다 지난 1분기에 1.3% 깜짝 성장을 기록해 비교 기준 자체가 높아진데다 순수출과 내수가... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] mar unreleased wang clan album once upon a time in double rap black community [music] marace 475 million p world rarest [music] Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hurricane francine left hundreds of thousands without power and caused widespread flooding in louisiana as it made landfall in morgan city as a category 2 storm francine weakened into a post-tropical cyclone as it moved north across mississippi soaking that state and its neighbors in heavy rain after... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
You need to hear this if you're in japan or know someone who is typhoon shanon is a force to be reckoned with one of the strongest typhoons in decades typhoon shanshan made landfall in southern japan particularly hitting kushu island hard the destruction devastating three lives lost over 80 injured... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Us-based chipmaker nvidia posted record quarterly revenues amid booming demand for artificial intelligence ai according to its financial results statement released the california based company posted record revenue of $30 billion for the second quarter of the 2025 fiscal year ended july 28th up 122%... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hunter biden pleaded guilty to all nine charges in his tax evasion case agreeing to the charges without maintaining his innocence and faces a potential prison sentence of up to 17 years and fines of up to $1 million a record number of companies planned to reduce at spending on x in 2025 due to concerns... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This is the sit report none shall pass except vladimir putin in mongolia russian president vladimir putin visited mongolia an icc member despite an arrest warrant for alleged war crimes in ukraine this marks putin's first trip to an icc nation since the warrant was issued during his visit putin met... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Donald trump claimed during a fireside chat with moms for liberty that he considered appointing his daughter ivanka as ambassador to the un but she chose to focus on job creation instead hiring a millions of people the brazilian supreme court ordered the suspension of social media platform x in the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Ready [laughter] man that better be a huh remember your name i don't remember my name i'm i know man i'm old i know i'm young what's his name remind the guys i grew up there always one in the neighborhood there you go man need [music] that i ain't going that [laughter] [applause] [music] far i'm proud... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Météo temps chaud et alerte cru dans 6 départements ce samedi 27 janvier sera printagier sur une grande partie du territoire français le premier jour du dernier weekend de ce mois de janvier sera anormalement chaud les températures vont osciler entre 0 et 10° celus pour la moitié nord elles devront... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Action button customize it to quickly access your favorite features and shortcuts ios 18 enjoy a customizable home screen better privacy features and advanced accessibility options camera upgrades camera control easily tweak settings for the perfect shot ultrawide camera enhanced macro and low light... Read more