Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:16:03 Category: Gaming

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inside of today's video we're going to be taking a look at over 34 balance changes which are going to rock the meta there's going to be some broken hyper charges as well which we're going to be ranking them in order so make sure you're subscribed for all future sneak PE content getting close to 300K without further Ado let's jump into it straight the way we going to be taking a look at Brock he's receiving a buff and his hypercharge damage per rocket is going from 500 damage to 750 damage so this is a 50% buff again I still don't think this is enough to make Brocks hypercharge useful but at least it's a buff next up we have have two Buffs of Grom and the first one is going to be with his main attack damage it's going from 2,120 to 2,280 so that's an 8% buff with his star power as well that's going to go to nearly 3K damage per shot which is quite crazy and then his super charge rate is going from needing six basic hits to five hits which is a 177% buff this is going to be really big for Gro he's still going to be easy to Juke his attacks but at least when you land them now they're going to be quite impactful I think that's going to sky rocket him back into the knockout and Bounty meta at least in comparison to other throws next on the buff list we have tick and he's receiving a buff to his hyper charge charge rate so before the balance changes he needed four supers to get his hyper charge now he just needs 2.5 supers to gain his hyper charge so that's like nearly a 60% buff that's definitely going to help him out in the meta I don't even think tick really needed a buff but if they needed to buff anything it was definitely his hyper charge rate because I don't even think his hypee charge is that strong so at least you're able to get it at least a couple of times in a game now Sprout was next and he's receiving an attack damage buff as well his basic attack is going from 1,960 to 280 so this is a 6% attack buff which I think Sprout is a little bit bad in The Knockout and Bounty meta his hyper charge is the reason why he's struggling though I think but at least he'll be a bit more usable outside of those game modes so next we have Stu and he's receiving two Buffs one of them is going to be a secret one so the first one is with his HP it's going from 5,800 to 6,400 so that's a 10% HP buff which is massive and his gasa heal star power has actually been changed as well because that's actually in line with his base HP so that's going from 580 healing per super to 640 healing per super so another 10% buff I think it's going to catapult St easily back into the 80 I think he was only just outside of meta because of Frank Etc he's going to shine straight back into it next we have willow she's receiving a small buff to her Shield when she M controls someone so normally it's a 25% shield now it's a 50% Shield so that's basically 100% buff but I don't think that's really the problem with Willow to be honest it's more so that it's so hard to hit that super but it's still a nice buff at least you're able to throw out your super a lot more not have to worry about dying so much next up we have Beast so her big shot damage is going from 4,000 damage to 4,400 which is a 10% buff I believe this is reverting the change they made not so long ago when be was incredibly meta so I think this is a great change because be just didn't have that sting in her anymore so she's definitely going to be a lot better next up we have Spike he's receiving fre Buffs and two of them are secret ones so the first one is with his health it's going from 4,800 to 5,200 which is an 8% buff overall I think with Spike they've kind of tweaked around with his hyper charge his damage whil I don't want to buff his damage too much because it makes him a bit too toxic so went with the HP route this time not too sure how it pan out but he's also received two Buffs to his life plan Gadget because again that's in line with his HP so not only has the health of the actual Gadget gone from 2,400 to 2,600 the healing has also been buffed by 8% as well so everything being buffed by 8% that's basically three Buffs to spike he's going to be a bit better next we have Gus and he's receiving two Buffs and one of them a secret change as well so Gus's basic attack is going from 2000 damage to 2,000 which is a 12% damage buff which is actually really substantial as say anything above like 7% you'll probably notice a lot in game and that's a big one and then of course his cookie Poppa Gadget it's in line with his main attack damage so that's also received a 12% damage buff as well I can really see at least Gus coming back to The Knockout and Bounty meta again next we have Mandy and she's received a buff to her hard candy star power The Shield has gone from 30% to 40% so 33% buff but I just don't think it's going to do anything the S power is terrible and it's mainly due to the fact that the shots are just so slow without the other star power and the super is slow as well so why would you ever want to use a star power just think fundamentally it's terrible next up we have a buff for ash but it's quite meaningless because rotten banana has been buffed it's gone from a 25% decrease in its Health cost to 10% so it's a 60% buff but I just don't think it's really going to do anything actually need to buff in a different category whil this gadget is just me next up we have Penny she's receiving a health buff to her turret it's going from five 5,600 to 6,800 which is a 21% buff I actually recommended this buff and I just thought you know Penny's turret gets destroyed too easily it's not even that good so let's see where this puts her in the meta I think she's going to be at least viable in like Hot Zone and Maps where it's really hard to destroy this turret I think she's going to get a lot of value out of it next up we have Tara and she's receiving two Buffs and they're the exact Buffs which I wanted to see with her so her star Powers have increased in base health so the star power uh the damage one and the healing one have gone up so the damage one has gone from 3,000 Health to 3,400 which is a 133% buff and the healing one has gone from 2,400 Health to 3,000 health so that's a 25% buff I think this is a change at Taran H it's got a hyper charge as well the star Powers will actually feel meaningful now I think tar is going to Skyrocket up to probably the8 and lastly for the Buffs we have Lola so she's received an attack damage buff from 520 per projectile to 500 60 so that's an 8% buff you've got to realize as well this actually gives her an increase in her super damage as well I think this is great Lola has been suffering in The Meta for a while and 8% buff is definitely going to feel noticeable and she's going to feel a bit more of a tank counter now now let's move on to the Nerf starting off with Clancy he's receiving three Nerfs you'll be very glad to hear because he's been so broken on ladder so he's receiving the first NERF to his super charge rate from Super in numbers terms it's gone from 100 to 6 5 so that's essentially 35% Nerf so basically now you can't just Spam out your super and always have one up so you should be able to approach him a little bit more but he still does a lot of damage with that super so next we've got a super charge rate from basic attack Nerf so before it only needed five hits to get his super from his basic attack now it takes six So 20% death which is quite huge and then finally his stage three super damage has been decreased from 1,800 per projectile to 1,520 so a 16% Nerf all in all these are three big Nerfs to his super I still feel Clans is going to be good on ladder but I just think he's definitely overrated and ranked next up we have Frank and he's receiving fre Nerfs he's only just became meta and obviously he's been too Troublesome for a while now so his health has gone from 14,000 to 13,400 so that's a 4% Nerf his star power sponge has decreased in health Boost from 1,400 to 1,340 so 4% Nerf and his Gadget irresistible attraction has his damage multiply gone from 100% to 50% so 50% Nerf those are three Nerfs which I don't think the health ones are going to do too much to him but it's definitely a big one to irresistible attraction because you could combine that with power grab and all other things and deal some insane damage so Frank's definitely going to get toned down but he's still going to remain at least in the at next on the Nerf list we have Meg so we saw this one before her basic attack damage in her Mecha form is going from 340 per projectile to 300 so this is a 12% damage Nerf this is quite substantial and you're going to feel the difference here I can see Meg dropping off quite a lot next up we have Buster he's receiving a health Nerf he's going from 10,400 to 10,000 so this is a 4% Health Nerf I did recommend a small Nerf to Buster just because he still is obnoxious on some maps but I don't think it's going to steer him away from The Meta just make him a little bit more manageable next up we have a Barry so he's healing trait has decreased in supercharge from healing from 75 in number terms to 50 so all you need to know that's a 33% Nerf he's going to get super 33% less frequently let's just face it Barry was broken in the sense like you could just Spam super score if you and your teammates grouped up and you just kept supering them you would always have one available it was just crazy so this is definitely going to tone him down next we have a Nerf to Amber's dancing flame Gadget the damage is going from 2,100 to 1,89 so that's a 10% Nerf I think the gadget is kind of strong but the main problem is the glitch where you can deal all the damage instantly if someone jumps onto you so I'm hoping they fix that but at least it's a nice Nerf and the final Nerf is to Kit the cheeseburger Gadget is receiving a healing Nerf from 40% to 30% which of course is 25% Nerf overall I don't think that's the biggest problem with kit though I still think just the overall healing that kit provides is just way too much and way too cheesy but at least it's a ner so now we're going to be moving on to the two changes and reworks combined so starting off with Daryl he's receiving a rework so now Daryl can store two supercharges in one so what this means is as soon as he charges his first super he's just going to have two available every single time this is going to be beautiful darl's going to go from the F tier to maybe the S tier honestly because these reworks seem to break a lot of Brewers I'm happy because darl's been so unloved he's going to be chaining supers he's going to be able to make so many plays this is a beautiful change and lastly for all the balance changes we have Gail so he's receiving two changes one of them is going to be a buff so his super damage has been increased from 1,220 to 1,640 which is a 34% buff which is massive and then they fixed his super because essentially those was like this bug with his hypercharge and it's been around since the update but they fixed it so I think they realized that Gil wasn't the best and then they buffed his super damage and he just became this really strong brawler so we're actually implementing that a little bit now so I think he'll still be in around the 0 so now we're going to be ranking all the new hyper charges at number six we're starting with Nanny so Nanny's hyper charge is called Big peep so whenever you use your hyper charge super the longer the duration of the super the bigger the peep gets so it's easier to hit and I believe it goes faster which is pretty good I think the big disappointment with this Nan hyper charge is the fact that it takes 19 hits to charge which is three supers then an additional one hit so that's always a thing you've got to take into consideration also the stat bu Buffs are only 15% speed and 15% damage and I just think it's going to take too long for Nan to get those hyper charges you look at the best hyp hyper charges in a game and they're pretty quick to cycle and they're more impactful and of course I just I think it's really going to make an impact in Bounty and knockout it's definitely going to make like it's definitely going to be worthwhile because you got like Pipers hyper charge and bells for example so she's going to be good again but it's not going to be anything gamebreaking so next is the fifth best new hyper charge we have Tyra's hypercharge so with this it is a much larger super and it lasts longer I think that's what they said in Brew talk but the reason why it's not as strong as others because it still takes taus two supers to get and that's 22 hits we all know Tor takes a long time to cycle through to her supers but if you can cycle that first one and get a really good pull you're going to get your hyp charge pretty quickly I think the main problem with it is not to extravagant there's nothing really else to it other hypercharge supers are just more flashy and like I said T's just been suffering in The Meta for a little while so I'm not too sure this hype charge really fixes her problems but it's going to be good for team wipes it's going to be good for turnaround potential so I definitely see her like Reinventing herself back into the gem grab and bral meta but yeah it's nothing gamebreaking in my opinion so next is the fourth best new hyper charge in the game we have Serge's hyper charge so with this he will instantly go to the maximum level well level five and then he will get an additional range and it will also split so this all sounds really good but you got to realize that Serge only has three pieces of ammo he has a slow reload speed as well so it's going to be hard to always try and get the most value out of this but it is pretty cool and it also takes uh 10 hits to get so three supers and one hit so it charges pretty quickly if you get to the final stage you'll basically get a hyper charge which is pretty cool again I just think the big problem is I just don't think this is going to amount to like team one I just think it's going to amount to maybe like one pretty clutch kill so it'll be a good hyper charge but it won't like completely break him so next up as the third best new hyper charge com to the game we have poco's hyper charge so whenever he uses his hypercharge super it will overheal people and give them a shield for the amount they overhealed for so for example if the if your teammate is at full HP you'll get an additional 4,000 healing 4,200 Shield which will be nice and if the say your teammate is like 1,000 HP below his maximum HP he will get that extra th000 healing from the super and then the additional I don't know 3,200 Shield which is pretty nice so the overhealing is going to be really good for Poco the reason why I think it's going to be really good as well because it only takes 10 hits to charge two Poco supers which going to allow Poco to make so many plays imagine you know sometimes a Poco you can cycle two supers within like 10 seconds so I think this could actually potentially be one of the best ones and we all know how Poco goes in the meta if he becomes meta it just goes to just chaos so prepare for it this hyper charge is going to be really underrated the second best hyper charge coming with the update we have squeaks hypercharge so whenever he throws out his hypercharge super it will actually spawn out another entire super so he basically has two supers in one so this is going to be crazy and another reason why this is going to be so good is because it takes 10 hits to get this super which is 2.5 squeak supers I know it's sometimes hard to get it but you can pretty much team wipe with this if you get the right combat going and imagine this in Heist for example the amount of damage you can do imagine the amount of zoning you can do in Hot Zone I think this is exactly what squeak needed to go back up into the meta I'm scared because if his hyper charge is as good as I think it is it's just going to equate to so many team wipes yeah it's definitely very powerful so now moving into the best hype charge coming with the update and you probably guessed it or some of you might have said it's underwhelming but I think it's Mor is's hyper charge so with his hyper charge super it's like a boomerang so whenever you throw out the bats it returns instantly back to you so that means you deal double the damage but not only that double the healing so if you got to think if you can get multiple tanks or just multiple people lined up the cycling you can do with this hyper charge super is absolutely busted and one of the best things about it it only takes 10 hits so two more to supers to cycle through to his hype charge again that's going to be insane people don't talk enough about how quickly hypercharge cycle I think in my mind they want him to get his Super Hyper charge super quickly you know look look in comparison Tara takes 22 hits to get her hypercharge Mor is 10 10 hits to get his hype charge they clearly want this to be really good and of course he's one of the most popular Brewers in the game as well I think prepare yourself for a mortis meta people are going to underestimate this hyp charge I'm calling it right now and I think it's going to be absolutely broken so that's going to be it for today's video guys I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys next time what your opinions on your egg head

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