Category: Entertainment
Tente não rir se você rir tem que comentar da [música] manga caraca toma bobo nossa que jogador dedicado d a vida no aquecimento cagado uh mãe tu tá bem bonita a tá bem bonita mãe mas essa é uma parte que não é tão bon que parte a tua cai que isso que isso como assim cara como assim cara como... Read more
Category: Gaming
तो गाइस यार फाइनली माफ्ट की मूवी का टीजर लच कर दिया गया है लेकिन भाई इस टीजर को काफी ज्यादा क्रिटिसाइज किया जा रहा है क्योंकि भाई लोगों को माफ्ट का टीजर कुछ खास अच्छा नहीं लगा एंड भा वो टीजर कैसा है मैं आप लोगों को दिखाता हूं बट गाइ यार अगर आप माट के तगड़े वाले फैन हो तो वीडियो को एक लाइक करके कमेंट सेक्शन में टीजर देखने के बाद बताना कि आपको अच्छा लगा या फिर नहीं तो यह रहा वो टीजर कौन हो तुम मैं ह स्टीव ओके यह तो एक नंबर का पपली [संगीत]... Read more
Category: Gaming
皆さんどうもハニー と ポイポイポイポポイポイポピー ポイポイポイポポイポイポピー Read more
Category: Gaming
Aujourd'hui les amis dans blox on va créer le plus grand cocotier du monde non déconne on va faire le plus grand parc aquatique possible avec les plus grands toogans et aujourd'hui je serai accompagné de je cis elle est où elle est où elle est là-bas est lo je suis là-bas ça va ça va et toi ouais ça... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The minecraft movie teaser trailer just dropped and a lot of people have mixed reviews on it one thing that a lot of people noticed about the trailer is that it's all cgi with only the actors being the liveaction element and this is something a lot of people didn't really like mainly due to the fact... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [music] Read more
Category: Entertainment
Nhừ to [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] quá alo mày là thằng bắt cóc vợ tao đúng không chính tao [âm nhạc] ha [âm nhạc] Read more
Category: Gaming
Bang main free fire bang bw ff bang bang minimal bang ff di minecraft bisa gak battle royale bempur oke guys sekarang kita sudah berada di pesawat dan let's go kita turun naik parasut coy let's go jadi kita turun di factakory ya guys nah sekarang gasen kita looting-loting santai dulu coy mantap banget... Read more
Category: Sports
Finally guys we've been able to do it we've got licenses for a minecraft movie everyone has been waiting for it now give us some ideas i've got an idea to have jack black and jason mamoa star in the movie jack black and jason m mo pretty good characters i reckon we have jason m mo as the main character... Read more
Category: Comedy
Fight this [music] way what is that who are you i m [music] ste okay [music] Read more
Category: Comedy
Eu tentando decifrar os códigos misteriosos e ocultos o esqueleto precisa entrar em uma dieta porque ele tá fora do peso o esqueleto preparado para acabar com o steve Read more