"Sven the Magnificent" Part 11 - The Tower

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:04:28 Category: Film & Animation

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come hurry up you little rat bird I don't have all [Music] day the power uh you never took him did you I never said I did you never took any children people will believe what they will but I'm happy live alone in the woods and not be bothered there take this you may need it what is it a magic potion this will allow you to be your innermost self when you drink it whatever you are in your heart of hearts you will become on the outside 10 F wait a minute you mean the whole time I was doing all that stuff for me mhm now leave me and save the prince um um how about a a hug a hug come on bring it in a hug don't push your luck barp all right all right all right I'm out of here color me gone yeah and now all we have to do is tell him that the prince is in the tower and boom we're on to St Petersburg uh what are you doing finding an appropriate character uh soie I hate to break this to you but you can't go they think you're dead that is exactly why a rich and multi-layered character is crucial the right wardrobe a dab of well-placed Grease paint and none will be the wiser um so see just let me go tell them where the prince is what if something goes wrong we still don't know who took the prince yeah but what is this cabbage cabbage that's your character cabbage great you're going to blend right in with the crowd a big 6ot tall cabbage guy yes but what could be more a propo s the Russian peasant woman I'm going okay you wait here but but nothing okay I'll be right back this is dumb it never work ouch oh Brave that you have returned from your difficult Journey healthy alive apparently no worse for the wear our congratulations but where is the prince the prince never left this the city never let I don't understand okay it's a little complicated and fairly long- winded so everybody listen up huh I left here a little Fan Fair down into the forest lots of trees there some gargoyles big big skull solved a riddle met Baba Yaga not a looker folks did three tasks not important what they are suffice to say at this point I'm fairly confident to my physical emotional and intellectual prowess what the prince yeah hold on to your britches I'm getting there me and the witch we have a slight disagreement some fisticuffs ensue I come out on top and she slips me this here potion see a potion for what well to be all that I can be basically since I did all the tasks I'm now worthy of saving the prince it it makes you tenfold on the outside what you are on the inside that's my understanding anyway sounds impressive I know let me break it down for you essentially if I ever need to be more powerful than I I already am I just give this here sucker the old heave hole yes but where is the prince prince Ivan is in the tower what the tower the tower tall building just outside and to the right you can't miss it my goodness well we must go to the tower at once come

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