Published: Jun 24, 2023
Duration: 00:33:11
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Trending searches: murrayfield
well good morning friends and welcome to worship at murrayfield this morning as we prepare our hearts to worship God Today We Begin by thinking of some of the words of Psalm 67. God be merciful to us and bless us look on us with kindness so that the whole world may know your will so that all nations may know your salvation May the peoples Praise You O God may all the peoples praise you May the Nations be glad and sing for Joy because you judge the peoples with Justice and guide Every Nation on Earth so with those words in our minds and hopefully in our hearts We join together in our worship of God [Music] oh you're here [Music] have you not seen [Music] met by his gracious ordained increase [Music] what's the almighty can do with his love will be friends [Music] light of the world you step down into darkness [Music] just let me see beauty that made this heart adore you oh spent with you so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me king of old days [Music] to the Earth you created all for Love's sake became poor [Music] so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I hear I say that you're my God you're all together lovely all together worthy all together wonderful to me and I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross in town never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross so here I am to worship here I am to bow down here I am to say that you're my God you're all together [Music] together wonderful to me when they were you join me in prayer let's pray together our loving Heavenly Father as we approach you the only wise glorious everlasting God who is both the Creator and sustainer of all things we thank you that while we change and the world around us changes you never change you are now what you have always been and always will be and yet you are the one who although hidden from our sight doesn't remain distant but reveals himself to us and makes himself known to us in Jesus Christ and so as we come with hearts that thank you for the great hope that we have in Christ we praise you for your salvation and for the sure hope that we have of a life and a future in your presence thank you that the confidence and the joy we have isn't based on or dependent upon what is happening in our lives or in the world around us but in you the unchanging loving God Of Our Lives and as we bow down and acknowledge you as God we come with a longing within our hearts to know you in an increasingly personal way so we join together and that prayer that Jesus taught us Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is a kingdom the power and the glory forever amen our Bible reading this morning a from first Samuel chapter 16 verses 1 to 13 and it comes from The Good News Bible the Lord said to Samuel hello I have rejected him as king of Israel but now gets more of oil and go to Bethlehem to a man named Jesse because I have chosen one of his sons to be king how can I do that Samuel asked if Saul hears about it he will kill me the Lord answered take a path with you and say that you are there to offer a sacrifice to the Lord invite Joseph to the sacrifice and I will tell you what to do you will anoint asking the man I tell you to Samuel did what the Lord told him to do and went to Bethlehem where the city leaders came trembling to meet him and asked is this a peaceful visit seer yes he answered I have come to offer a sacrifice to the Lord purify yourselves and come with me he also told Jesse and his sons to purify themselves and he invited them to the sacrifice when they arrived Samuel saw Jesse's son a lie up and say to himself this man standing here in the Lord's presence a shoot was a one he has chosen but the Lord said to him pay no attention to how tall and handsome he is I have rejected him because I do not judge as people judge they only put the outward appearance but I look at the heart then Jesse called his son a benadab and brought him to Samuel but Samuel said no the Lord hasn't chosen him either JC then brought Sharma nope the Lord hasn't chosen him either Samuel said in this week Jesse brought seven of his sons to Samuel and Samuel said to him nope the Lord hasn't chosen any of these then he asks him do you have any more Sons Jason answered there's still the youngest but she is like taking care of the Sheep tell him to come here Samuel said we won't offer the sacrifice until he comes so Jesse sent for him he was a handsome healthy young man and his eyes sparkled the Lord said to Samuel this is the one anoint him Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers immediately the spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day on named Samuel returned to Rama amen my Jesus my Savior Lord there is none like you all of my days [Music] forever I love you forever [Music] foreign how is your heart it's good to begin your day with a hard check we can do this by simply setting aside some time to be with God for prayer and for reflection I find I need to do that regularly when I do it I'm much more and think with God's heart like day rather than letting my own heart determine my day for me which is what tends to happen when I don't begin my day with God so a regular heart check is something that I would recommend strongly to you I find it really interesting when reading this passage well it says that when God is looking at us he's not interested so much in what we look like outwardly or outward appearance he is much more interested in the condition of our heart God has told Samuel that he has chosen one of Jesse's Sons to be king so Samuel goes to Bethlehem looking for the one that God has chosen to be king by seeing Jesse's eldest son eliab and how tall and how handsome he was Samuel assumes quite naturally that this impressive figure must be God's choice for Israel's new king surely he looks like a king but God says to Samuel pay no attention how tall and how handsome he is I've rejected him because I do not judge as people judge they look at the outward appearance but I look at the heart God sees in a way that we simply don't see and it's not that God is against tall handsome people he isn't it's got more to do with the fact that while we can see how people look God can see the thoughts and the intentions and the secrets of a person's heart this is the character and integrity other a person has within their heart and here God was looking for someone who loves God and would help others to love God and so one by one Jesse brings his sons to Samuel only to discover that none of them are the one that God has chosen to be king eventually Samuel asks Jesse if he has any more sons and I know Jesse says well they're still the youngest but he's out in the fields taking care of the Sheep it wasn't even in their thinking that David as the youngest son and the shepherd boy would be that important but when Samuel sees David the Lord says this is the one anoint him and so as our assemble takes oil and anoints David we're told that the spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day on well why David well and acts 13 22 Paul writes this is what God said about David I have found that David Son of Jesse is a kind of man I like a man who will do all I want him to do now move on to wee bit and we all know the story of David and Goliath don't we but again we find that it's all about appearances the Israelites are facing the Philistine Army both armies line up facing one another across a valley and a man named Goliath who we're told just like nearly three meters tall and dressed in a heavy armor bearing a shield and a spear steps out and challenges the Israelite Army to send their best soldier to fight him with the winner taking all now looking only on the outward appearance Goliath was pretty impressive and Saul and his men we are told were terrified their problem was that they were judging merely on outward appearance basing their assessment on what the rise could see and they saw in Goliath anemone she should destroy them and so for 40 days 40 days a great number that isn't it there's this standoff with the morale of the Israelite Army just got weaker and weaker the threat of Goliath made them so afraid they were told that they even ran from the field and Terror and that happens until one day when David arrives at a camp and he asks well what will the man get who kills this Philistine and frees Israel from this disgrace and it's interesting he says after all who is this Heathen to defy the army of the Living God David wasn't impressed or intimidated by Goliath size or reputation David knew that no matter how big or how powerful Goliath might be God is greater and God is more powerful it's interesting that David's concern wasn't for himself he wasn't thinking at this time about his own interest his own reputation or his own good he was concerned for God and for God's honor so what does David do David Goes To The King and he says your majesty no one should be afraid of this philistine I'll go and fight him well we know I saw Luke said David and says well how could you fight him you're just a boy and he's been a soldier all his life and a pretty impressive Soldier to that basically saying David you're not old enough or experienced enough for Less and that's a challenge defeat doesn't it and I love David's response to that challenge as he explains the soul that while taking care of his father's sheep he's had to deal with many dangers that could well have caused him his life and he has in every occasion found God to be faithful David says this old whenever a lion or beer carries off a lamb I go after it attack it and rescue the one and if the lion or bear turns on me and grab it by the throat and beat it to death I've killed lions and bears and I'll do the same to this Heathen philistine who has defied the army of the Living God he says the Lord has saved me from lions and bears he will save me from this philistine quite impressive statement from David but here's the difference soul and the rest of the Israelite Army were all caught up in themselves they were soldiers but they didn't think they were good enough to beat Goliath nor win they saw him just in their appearance and so they're all just looking around waiting to see if someone would step up and actually do something but David's strength came not from his own skill or from what he did although he was skillful but in God and at some point in his life David would write in Psalm 28 the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusts in him and he helps me but already we can see David's faith in God can we I mean his confidence not himself or in his own abilities gifted and able as he was his confidence lay in God the Lord as God had saved him from lions and beers and he will save him from his philistine it's all at this time knew a little about David because one of Saul's attendance had described David the soul as a good musician a brave and handsome man a good soldier and a naval speaker but most importantly he had said Lord is with him and so we find Saul saying to David go and the Lord be with you well Saul of course tries to fit David out in his armor but David says that I'm not used to this it's it doesn't do me any good so he he takes it off and he picks up his shield his Shepherd's deck and then he goes out and he faces Goliath armed with what five smooth stones for his sling when he's on the field Goliath purse scorn on David what's that stick for do you think I'm a dog and he called down curses from his God on David and then he says come on and I'll give your body to the birds and animals to eat David responds to Goliath and to his threat basically by saying you've called and you're good but my God Is Bigger he says you're coming against me with sword Spear and javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the Israelite armies which you have defied this very day the Lord will put you in my power I will defeat you and cut off your head and the the reason for this is so that the whole world will know that Israel has a god and everyone will see that the Lord does not need swords or spears to save his people he is victorious in battle and he will put all of you in our power which is really what happens with a sling and a stone he Downs Goliath and then with a Goliath's own sword cuts off his head David approached the threat not Day by focusing on God on God's power then God's victory facing this great challenge in his life with faith and good so a couple of takeaways firstly don't judge people simply on what you see on the outward appearance it doesn't always show what is in someone's heart that is something deeper and much more interesting secondly how is your heart doing are you building your faith in the everyday moments of life so that when you face your Goliath your Giants your challenges you can approach those bigger challenges and even threats with faith and with confidence in Gods God bless you we often our prayers for others and for ourselves let us pray Lord God if you are for us who can be against us you have given us your son and through him you have given us everything else as well we have a Shelter From The Storm we have nourishment for body and soul we are held forever in the love of Christ from which nothing can separate us so for all the signs of your care and goodness we bring you our thanks in word and gift and promise we pray for our wonderful yet troubled world for those places where the violence of war tramples and crushes the hopes of peace elsewhere those who speak out against tyranny and Injustice find themselves imprisoned and tortured in other places resources are available but are not shared fairly and people go hungry help us to pray for reconciliation for the flowering of Justice and for peace to reign we pray for those who have lost their lives in the Titans submersible for their families and friends who grieve for them help us to better understand the dangers of the sea that such disasters may be averted in future we pray for your church in these days of difficulty and challenge help us not to be afraid of the future to keep planting the seeds of your kingdom to spread your word amongst our neighbors and share your blessings with others so that all whom we meet May encounter the Living God we pray for our nation in all its diversity grant that those who make decisions on our behalf in government and Council wise in the surname Minds to choose the right paths and to serve the interests of all we pray for those we know the best and love the most for those for whom these are days of fearfulness confusion sickness despondency emptiness or addiction even when it seems there is nothing we can do help us where we can to stand with them ease their burdens and share their lord in your name Eternal God throughout the centuries you have called people into your service and have equipped them with gifts for using and sharing in the Kingdom's cause we give thanks for all their faithful service and we remember in particular those who sowed the seeds of faith in us keep strong our faith and enliven our Witness that the Church of Jesus Christ May prosper and that many may find for themselves the love of God from which nothing can separate his people so we offer these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ the bread of life the Prince of Peace and the rock of our salvation Army oh Church the captain for now the weak can say that they are strong in the strength that God has given with shielded [Music] Lies [Music] Love reaching out to those those Darkness are Cold War to love the captive soul but to Rage Against the captor and with the sword that makes the wounded hole we will fight with faith and Valor when faced with trials on every sight we know the outcome is secure and Christ will have the price for which he died and inheritance of Nations come see the cross [Music] like rushed beneath his feet foreign [Music] we hear their calls and hunger for the day when with Christ we stand in glory [Music] well thank you for joining us today we'll be back the same time next Sunday but as we began our service so we close it by offering God our worship in our blessing to the Eternal King Immortal and invisible the only God to him be honor and Glory forever and ever amen