Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 268 Spoilers! #jujutsukaisen #manga #spoilers

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:00:46 Category: Entertainment

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jujutsukaisen chapter 268 spoilers today we're diving into the latest spoilers of chapter 268 get ready for some Major Spoilers ahead suk's time is up his Incarnation on megumi's body is undone and he weakens in his final moments sukuna acknowledges Yuji and warns him not to underestimate his power as a curse uram senses sua's demise and decides there's nothing left to do fading away Into Thin Air meanwhile megumi awakens from his sleep and the trio receives letters from Gojo noar's letter contains information about her mother while megumi's letter reveals a shocking truth Gojo was responsible for killing his father toji the group decides to meet up with Maki and the others to discuss Yuta okutsu what's next for our favorite J Jujutsu Sorcerers that's it for today's spoilers don't forget to like And subscribe for more jiujitsu kaisen content

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