Whiskey, a Security Guard, a mayor and Alec Baidwin
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 01:06:10
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: alec baldwin
[Music] gotcha hey welcome to bouron and bad the podcast I'm Hound slow ride rodor and Doby dog coming to you from Calabash North Carolina shootout Mountain Gaston and Alabama B Bama is that near Green are you near Greenbow Alabama far gun all right just curious Jenny Jenny you know you know D has always been behind he is actually an hour behind behind yep he is true does that mean you can't listen to the podcast we get to hear the podcast an hour earlier than you no it's just a different time that's what I'm saying so we release it at 10:00 you can't hear it until a whole hour 11 o' yeah 11:00 but there is a greenbo Alabama that is a real place is that a real place really that is a real place it's where fars and Jan live Jan that was a good movie yes it was that was good mov that was a good movie yeah bye H all right so uh just just got better Hound do just disappeared oh he's back there he is Boom nice no I I stand corrected there is not a greenbo it's a b battery where bubble Li is a real place B the B is a real place I don't know what you who who who hold on I'm did he just call us a boatload of bastards I think he did pretty much I think he did what did you say I have no clue what he just said so there's a bio laat Alabama where Bubba was from in the movie wow it's a lot of [ __ ] bees yeah B laat where Bubba was from buba bu let's get into what we're drinking man so I going get this going on Lord have mercy I'm doing a little gy beam I didn't realize our music still playing Kentucky Straight Bourbon nice nice nice nice heck yeah what about you guys what are you doing I'm doing something new this week we have never ever had this on the podcast you know a lot of times we drum roll wait a second do we have a drum roll button we do man drum roll this [ __ ] it's first time we've never had this on the podcast and it's a uh it's called Kirkland's Kentucky Straight Bourbon bottled in bond which means it's 100 Proof oh nice okay hey and believe it or not totally against the what we are on this show man it is governed it is governed by the government governed by the government oh wow it's govern dman booze it is I'm telling you it's it's really good and I'll go go into it a little bit later but go ahead what you guys drinking what you got Doby dog I got Jefferson Reserve small BS 90.2 proof put that bottle in front of your face real quick I didn't see it oh there you go I got you okay Jeff Jefferson Reserve nice all right man let me go put the disclaimer out I have totally flip-flopped the studio here so everything was on my right hand side on my left hand side and I already hit two wrong buttons already if you had going to say he's a republican now and now you raise up raise up a knob creep on your right side then you'll be and I just finished off the uh last of the uh leg oh okay P Leg Porker Peg Leg Porker excellent poor man excellent poror y okay co co what about you do so be drinking that tonight I'm doing the Jim Beam like I said the Jim Beam Jim Beam yeah okay Jim Beam Jim Beam label J beam yeah keep up hound dog hell yeah it's all right hound dog had a few before pre podcast poor and then had a few more so ready folks PPP get a pre pass P Cub P [ __ ] cubed all right PE Cub I means he's he's ready he's ready to go and you know what I thought he Chinese go ahead go ahead there hound dog froze what's going on Hound you think about the Chinese comment they thought I was Chinese I don't know do I cause you cause your eyes are all cuz you drinking so much do I look like I'm Chinese but anyway this this Kirkland bottled and bond it is a barg toown Distillery 1792 that's I think I fitted him you fitted me what are you in a time delay what is wrong with you tonight I didn't realize that was a b toown yeah it's a bar toown man it is really really good and you know I've been drinking it for probably about four hours now and uh we can't tell and I tell you what this would be one of the one of the uh if I was to rate this one I would rate it as a uh 8.75 oh really 8.75 is really good it's a it's a uh uh Costco Bourbon that's their that's their the Kirkland brand is there is their brand so if you have a Costco near you Costco Kirkland bottled and bond check it out it's phenomenal good give us some nosing notes what's the nosing notes on that thing smells like liquor tastes like bourbon yeah that's a nephew to you he has one well there you go yeah that's it that's pretty much it he's past the point of figuring it out smells looks and tastes like bourbon what the hell you want from it's Brown let's keep it simple it's brown it's good the fifth you just you see the bottle no it's actually a liter one liter bottle oh corrected are they um because you know regular stores can't sell it have they because of the if if Costco has a uh a liquor store added to their to the brand they can sell it then they can't sell I was wondering how they how that how that came about yeah like in uh for instance I think uh in North Carolina Costco is in wax offw or somewhere like that they can't sell uh spirit just liquor and wax allw in North Carolina because it's not governed by the state like like the ABC Stores okayy South Carolina though you could do right it's like food line yeah food line has a u right ABC Store attached but they don't sell it actually inside food line right okay that's why Costco is as well well that makes sense so it's it's really good if you get a chance to try it man just try this good trust me I can give it a shot give it a shot I definitely look it up hell yeah all right man good deal so well here we are guys uh uh season 6 uh episode 18 and we're rolling having fun time flies brother time any new listeners out there just to give a you a little background you have four police officers all retired we don't answer to any Administration so you have any police questions you have anything especially if a cop out there and you have issues with your Administration drop us an email man drop us something down in the comments we we'll address anything you like we don't ask Administration we'll tell you like it is tell what you know general public you don't hear how cops we feel give us some topics man we' love to have some topics to address that you guys want to know other than Turtles all we hear from our people is Turtles don't want to hear nothing about no damn Turtles H dog give give another H doging Turtle story all our regular listeners know the turtles but our new ones would be like what are they talking about turtles and cops well you don't just don't get it started right now yeah yeah I'm not talking about [ __ ] Turtles this week 120 years of a wide variety of experien a lot of different yeah we bring a lot to the table we can we can address a lot a lot of issues man for for our listeners out there and and any cops got anything going on out there all right yep bye to you rodinator all right well uh I'm going to start the show off with a doozy uh if you don't mind well watch your language please this is a family show I said doozy excuse me about that this is not a family show as much as we'd like to say it is so uh I used to work at the Charlotte mcburg Police Department um and uh something caught my eye today uh the the title of it says security guard accused of masturbating inside cmpd Uptown headquarters oh loves his job he must love his job so some background so I our go ahead how do what's that I have I have questions right off the dam gate go ahead so cmpd I guess this is a building that cmpd occupies it's the headquarters the headquarters for cmpd now cmpd stands for what Charlotte MCB police department and North Carolina and they have to have private security working security for cmpd they don't have to but they choose to yes they're what several thousand it's kind of messed up that or having an officer there is you're paying an officer probably a whole lot more than you pay the security guard is what I'm thinking it's probably cost effective oh yeah you're right Charlotte Beck is well paid man you guys are well paid yeah so having an officer there at the metal detector or having a a security guard there I guess they made that I didn't make the decision been retired two years so I don't give a [ __ ] but um yeah so they hired these uh a security guy uh he worked for uh worked for a security company and I guess it's just cheaper to pay him you know they just sit there you know people walk in through the metal detectors you got to WAND them make sure they put their [ __ ] in the thing just like at the courthouse just like at the airport same [ __ ] so um but apparently this guy um a female was walking into the uh Main Headquarters where this guy's working the front door big glass doors right you walk you walk up to the doors and if it's if it's during business hours the door will open if not you got to buzz in right it's pretty secure and then but so since it's regular hours I guess it's in the morning she comes in and she's walking up she sees and she sees this dude and what what it says here is she used the word pleasuring himself in full view of the public I call it rubbing one out you know no he misunderstood what that what wand he had in his hand exactly it was not the metal detector wand although you know but so he was he was just going at it uh in full View and so I guess she continued in and when she got to the door she said he covered up his police genitalia so I can keep it I have to argue rodenator this one was probably attractive so it was her fault you think if she's less attractive you want to blame the female I think it's her fa yeah I think this we do we want I think we're victims when we have rights we can put it on the female they're always doing that stuff well he wanted to put on the female I'm sure but he could Rim shot yeah he wasn't being very successful was he I'm sure he did I don't know what got his attention in the secure area that made him go ahead and want to rub one out like was it was it the uh was it the the machine uh was it the conveyor belt I mean I don't know what the hell he's just sitting there and all of a sudden he just I guess I know what it was I know what it love my job he saw all those composite pictures of CM cmpd he saw Rod up there that's what it was it was all he could anymore he couldn't take it anymore he said there's R that's what he was aiming for you better be happier Alabama Doby dog I'll be coming out of the house right now my flip flops so slow R you just said that's what he was aiming for no pun intended no pun intend I wish we had a rib shot we have a few of them tonight and all this whole time you thought he had a loose bird in there somewhere yeah so anyway so she walks in he covers up she gets through acts like nothing you know one of those was no big deal I didn't see nothing hear nothing say nothing she walks on through and goes upstairs and reports it to her supervisor who then reports it and apparently they let the dude finish out a shift and then at the end asked him to come back in for an interview and he of course denied it uh his name is Austin Thomas 24 um and um apparently though when they told him yeah we have it all on camera and we could show you you he he CED to ited yeah he cop to it uh rub one out blasting baby batter all over the lobby you know and stuff and uh you're fired it's out here and you can keep the pin there you go exactly right anything in here you can keep we don't want any of it uh but then again he uh they after they reviewed the camera footage they asked him about any other incidents and he cops her four more so he says this guy fired rounds off 9:30 p.m. on August 9th 10:20 on August 14th he said fired rounds off I did 908 on August 16th it's it's it's a it's a what if it's a hair trigger yeah good Lord of mercy so anyway this guy's been uh this guy's been firing shots in the lobby uh you know he was charged with um four counts of public masturbation and decent exposure and a 5 thou how about this guys now listen what he did is is weird and disgustingly weird and just weird uh to do you know to not do that in a privacy of your own freaking house you know but anyway it's weird but $5,000 Bond I know dopers and I know people who assault people don't get a $5,000 bond in [ __ ] Charlotte meinberg and we given a guy one for firing off well I don't know if they're harmless rounds he could be firing off some [ __ ] doozies I don't [ __ ] know the guy but you know um $5,000 Bond and he got out so you know this is my thing how did he not does he have a clue there [ __ ] cameras around I mean he's in the police it's a secured area everything's camera will you look up there's a camera for people coming out there's a camera for people going in he's at work in public view exactly exactly so so let's go back this the female that uh that saw all this going on she was an employee for cmpd hey wonder if I made her do a lineup hey like Porky remember porks yeah remember that I can identify it had a it had a mole it had a mole on it we have the boys lineup I will pick it out guy goes we can't do that remember guy goes how about a sketch on and they all start laughing sketch tally wer it was a t that's showing our that's showing our age guys porkys that was a great movie that was a great movie her IQ yeah she walked in guys and just went straight through cuz she was like probably embarrassed as hell too like Jesus dude really uh but yeah he CED to how did he confront that for real I mean you how am I [ __ ] was he maybe trolling for you know future lovers or something yeah you don't know yeah I don't know there he is right there he got a Band-Aid on his head I hope nobody he didn't hit himself in the head with that thing going almost took his damn eye out of something surpris not wearing goggles yeah exactly you you never aim at anything you don't want to destroy remember that you never pointed at anything you don't want to destroy finger off the trigger keep it along the side rail well it must be good fertilizer for his hair do you see that hit of hair you got he's got some hair he didn't look happy though I hope he had a happier ending in the lobby area we are going to YouTube jail once again yeah this is probably not going to end well anyway I just wanted to start the show off with that one there guys yeah nice you know a little fun hey does that mean we're hard up for topics wow rib shot be here all week I resent comedian we're done exactly oh man oh God can't Toby you got something for us don't you you got one of your stories in yeah some good old cop stuff man what you got there some serious stuff um so in um let's see it is in Georgia Thompson Georgia and I'll show you the picture oh [ __ ] mayor see can you see that mayor Cranford yeah craford right yeah um he's 52 years old he was charged because Georgia State VI investigation came in because he was the mayor he was working he drives to drove to rimpy store and purchased a 70 750m bottle of serum's extra dry gent that's a fifth a fifth chin left it in the ditch for the prisoners to get he said he hadn't he said hadn't um let's see where it says Cranford had given alcohol said he had no idea he had given alcohol to the inmate the case was given a grand jury which is issued an arrest warrant for the mayor on August the 14th TBI Georgia Bure investigation officer put Cranford and henus at the Thompson City administrative office they came into the mayor's office in so he he left it for a work detail outside the prison is that what you're saying yeah yeah for the inmates to come oh okay cuz yeah it's like how does he get inside the prison so he left it in a ditch where they're working he knew they'd be working MH do they have any reason why he would do that he claims he has no no idea what was going on he knows he doesn't know anything about it so they arrested him in in this mayor's office and booked him into M McDuffy County Jail which is the same jail where he was leaving leaving J for I bet as he walked out the door he looked in that ditch for a bottle of gin he said he was had a $5,000 secured Bond and he has not entered a plea days of the rest granford told Outlet he intended to continue serving as the mayor he denied the claims made in do I've done nothing wrong nothing and to go he goes on to say now I'm not a grammar expert but he says I don't know no prisoners in Jefferson County didn't know of no detail that day that was months and months ago I don't even remember remember that day who remembers what they were doing every day he told the see what that I got questions go ahead SL what that actually is that is a uh confession yeah right he when he he use what what's it called these two double uh negatives double negative negative means a positive yeah he's actually saying that he did M so the question I have is how did you know not this is my fellow law enforcement people people but how do they trace that bottle of Jin back to the mayor they got the Georgia state in beer investigate involved in it well I guess you could do a couple things H you could you could watch him buying it at the ABC Store wherever he bought I guess they could they could they could confirm that if they if they have a store nearby they could they knew where you bought it from but my thing is did they have the camera him laying it in the ditch and like what's his motive for laying it in the ditch well I bet it's not the first time and somebody probably squealed on him and they started setting wonder why though well they could have been doing surveillance on that store or the fact that he's the mayor and it's I don't think it's a very big place so they may like that's the May going to buy liquor while he's working it may have been kind of could have probably Lun I mean you know but he didn't give it to a person he left it on the side he left it on the side of the road he didn't give it to a person even if he did all that did they have a receipt from the liquor store attached to the bottle where had his uh maybe his debit card card or credit card information I would guess I would guess because um I don't know how Georgia does their ABC stuff but they would know who purchased you know cameras him going in there and I don't know if somebody just snitched on him or it was an ongoing thing there something more to it and if they're on work release they're outside the prison how how do you sit there in front of the the the prison guards and pick up a bottle of booze and and get a drink from it you can't probably take it back in I'm sure they're checking you as you come back in oh yeah I'm sure well other thing too it's like anything that's involving inmates they kind of up the in because they're in prison he's an administrated official so don't if that TI into something because he's an elected official well he L he literally now now I know a little bit about smuggling things into a jail or prison is a big time no no but he didn't this is side of the road fellas yeah who say that he who does it say that he didn't go to the liquor store by this fifth of lowgrade slein which is is what it is slow grade take a downam swig out of it said you know what I don't need this anymore and throw it out the damn window and his worst crime is littering I'm sure the first time it happened for for them to to to get this on him but to arrest them there's got to be more to it yeah on the side note though Jen is the least regulated right alcohol there is every Distillery out there just about makes Jin cuz it's the less regulated one okay I'm not a g drink is that the one that tastes like pine needles tastes like the damn Christmas tree yes yeah I've never been I've tried it a couple times as a you weren't in a ditch in Georgia when you tried it were you you weren't you weren't chained to another fella it would have been free if you tried yeah there's got to be there's got to be more of that story to get problem cause got be more and if the states getting involved in it that's kind of Georgia can going to do some weird stuff but you can see why States would because if he's over the local government correct correct bring the state would come in do that yeah oh yeah SBI have to investigate yeah generally though when you're doing the local government or well I know a police officer in North Carolina that that Bureau or that department has to request the SBI to come in right to do the investigation and here's another thing too is this and I'm pretty sure it's that way in Georgia but is it not an election year uh it was an election year for a few things I know that um not to bring up politics though but but maybe Fanny Wilson a couple judges had elections this year so might might as well might very well have been an election year for a mayor I'm not sure and yeah maybe heard that that felons going be able to start voting correct yeah who knows or who somebody comp like you listen to the Democrats they want the illegals to vote so what the hell that's why they let them in yeah any absolutely yeah I thought that was just kind of interesting kind of that was a good one all right I got another one this one kind of pisses me off um no Say It Ain't So Say It Ain't So Right pisses you off rer really um yeah well it just gets on my nerves because I think it's so out of proportion with the rest of the world there's a lot of other people that deserve to be in prison in these folks anyway uh the title of of this one is 89-year-old woman convicted faces over a decade in prison for peaceful pro-life protest you know if you give her two years that's life for her 89 guys that's almost not she don't need to go to prison okay you said for a peaceful protest for what Pro lifee so these are pro-life people yep sitting on the sidewalk sitting on the sidewalk saying a prayer in front of abortion clinics trying to get people not to kill their kids now were they impeding the flow of traffic you know it it it didn't say that yeah but even if she's impeding photo traffic prison but she's 90 like how is she going to impede you with her walker with a wheelchair yeah I don't know if you can see this you can kind of see him on the side of the road um where' you say that was Michigan it'll it'll it'll it'll fill in they're just sitting along the fence unless there's a few people too so so it's not like a big giant blow out stopping traffic stopping stopping people from walking down the sidewalk seven let me read a little bit of this for you guys a group of Christian pro-life activist right there you have like a few strikes on you Christians are no longer people hate Christi Christians you know it's it's that's just how it is prolife of course activists is what they called them but a group of Christian pro-life people including an 89-year-old Survivor of a communist prison camp in Eastern Europe so she's been through it probably got the [ __ ] tattoo on her on with the number you know what I'm saying face over a decade in prison after they were convicted on Tuesday in a federal trial in Michigan leave at the Michigan of course governor governor Whitmer whatever her name is she's a crazy ass bat [ __ ] crazy a jury found um uh a few people's names guilty this that and 89-year-old Eva uh her last name spelling is Ed DL don't know how to say it edel edel guilty of engaging in conspiracy against rights and violations of the face act now you might ask what is a face act never heard of it well the face Act was come up with came up with back in 18 7 and was used against and to convict the Klux Clan with conspiracy charges and trying to get them locked up so they brought out the Biden Administration brought out a uh a charge from 1870 and started applying it to prolife uh uh protesters and putting him in prison for uh uh 10 20 years for pro lifee now if if you're out there you're not life and you're sitting there and you're showing your ass you're fine if you're pro-choice you're good to go no pro-choicers ever get locked up ever govern is weaponizing yes the laws oh yeah for their benefit for their own agenda just like they just like they did Trump just like did with Trump yeah in New York with the judge and the area and the district attorney they weaponized uh the justice department against their perceived enemies but you can put graffiti on the federal national monuments in DC sure and they lock them up turn around let him go wait minute so so you're saying I'm sure the with that being said all the riders that looted and burned and destroyed these cities all went to prison right they did not go to prison in fact any people that were locked up or even charged in those were all dismissed all of them but grandma and yeah and Cala Harris actually supported the fund in Minnesota to free the ride right after they got locked up she said it was a really good thing that's kind of kind of spin off on the writers did you know they have released five of the five of the officers were released that were involved in the Floyd case they were released from prison oh were they really no this in the last aod wait that's a whole another story let's let's say that yeah let's table that for a minute now have we finished up with this and and and one thing I like to say is just a side note the clue clux Clan were Democrats yes of course yeah yeah and guess who guess who freed the slaves Republicans right guess who guess who voted one last thing Hound do guess who voted for the Civil Rights uh laws that are in place right now uh 100% and guess who voted guess who not one single person voted for him it was 100% Republicans voted for it and none of the Democrats they all voted against it you know everybody thinks everybody thinks the Republicans are the r are the uh are the party of the K clux Clan and Jim Crow and they're not true it's all Democrat Democrat yeah you know what president sent troops to to the South to shut down the clan Grant Republican M yeah anyway um the seven were prosecuted by the Biden Administration which has been used in conspiracy against rights charge is originally designated for the KKK to we of the pro liers they fac 10 years of pris and hundreds of thousands in fines upon sentencing sentencing is pending ongoing back and forth and the defendants and the Department of Justice as a judge consider several motions filed to dismiss the case of course cuz it's ridiculous I mean it's not it's not prison time if you don't want them on the sidewalk you move them away just like any other protesters if they're impeding traffic you have them move along that's all you don't arrest them and charge them with a felony and you lock them up for 10 years for for praying and singing on a sidewalk have you seen the type of [ __ ] people do on sidewalks guys I mean as a cop for 30 years the hus use it to to defate they have they have they have a poop map they have a [ __ ] map in Cal in San Francisco to show you what areas to avoid where people defecate they have it's there's a map and how about it's incredible how about burning the American flag on a sidewalk right that's all okay all that's okay oh no that's not okay you know what I'm saying I'm being I'm being I know I know what you're saying R but that's not okay all over to National Monuments yep and it it clearly says here the charges have stemmed from a peaceful demonstration which the defendants called a rescue where the group sat and stood outside a Northland Family Planning clinic in Sterling Heights Michigan alongside other pro-life activists and they sang and they and they prayed um uh in front of the woman's uh health clinic in Sagen Michigan all right I'm I'm going I'm onose something to you guys go ahead remember we don't ask the administration and you got to eat everybody's got to eat they got to pay their bills I understand that all right I'm the chief I just came to you boys all right arrest those people for what for what not doing it yeah what what whatever reason we say for in feeding PL traffic for uh whatever using these laws arrest these people yeah because you have sworn to hold up the Constitution you have sworn to protect the innocent when you you took that you swore in to be a cop right if if somebody is actually breaking a law what's in FL the uh the speed of traffic that's breaking the law yeah I ain't got no I have no problem whatsoever arresting somebody for that but I would not I would use my discretion as an officer off and I would just move those people along with the S going say number one do you have a permit to protest yes no no okay well you can't be you have to move along or or you will be arrested for trespassing or for impeding traffic not for this 1870 KKK statute they pulled out of their ass and I don't have to uh do anything that's against the law I don't I don't have to arrest somebody if I feel like it's not legal and I don't think it's legal to arrest somebody under that statute for standing outside on a sidewalk a public sidewalk singing a song and praying you hit the you hit the nail on the head if it's up to the officer it's totally his discretion same way if you stop a car for speeding it's your discretion to give him a verbal warning to give him a citation or depending on the amount of speed arresting that same Chief is going to tell to go over here and when you have these other groups just let let them have their space right it can be BLM or and you know what know what and if the chief says just let him have their space then that's what I'll do okay because that's different to me holding back if the chief doesn't want this like I had to do it I I wore the hats and bats and [ __ ] during the DNC in 2013 whatever the [ __ ] it was in Charlotte I was out in the street with all these idiots I was wanting to smash people in the face with the damn club and I didn't I didn't and then we didn't many people we didn't do much of anything we let them kind of Raise Hell and act like fools which I didn't which I didn't want to do but my orders were stand by just contain it and so I did but there's a difference between just containing it and arresting people falsely in charging them with all sorts of craziness like this and I would just tell the chief respectfully Chief you have arrest Powers you go arrest them I'm not putting my name on that arrest sheet I'm not going to court I'm not going to be up there trying to justify you wanting me to charge him so you can go ahead and charge him Chief all due respect I'm not I'm not charging him I'm not taking I'm not putting a hand on him I'm move along but I'm not I'm not I'm not arresting I agree I agree 100% what you just said about you know if you want them arrested you go arrest them you have the same powers that I do mhm but how many chiefs will actually do that goose egg because they don't want to do it they want you to do it and they want you to go to court they want you to explain to the judge why arrested him and going say I arrested him because my chief said I had to arrest him [ __ ] that yeah not only that but that doesn't sometimes as a flying court if the chief tells you jump off the bridge remember how your dad and mom used to tell you yeah oh you did what your friends talk it's the same thing I'm a thinking person I went to the school I went to uh through the Academy I know it's legal or not and I know that is a [ __ ] charge to put on a 90-year-old lady praying and singing songs on the sidewalk it's not meant for that it was meant for the KK [ __ ] K okay the guys who used to hang people you know and Burnes you know that's that's the [ __ ] and see that's what drives me nuts man they they pick and choose specific parties to attack and out of all people you're attacking people who are trying to save the lives of children I get it rape incest I get all that stuff guys if anybody's out there freaking out listening to us I get all that but what we're trying to do here is and what prif trying to do is try to keep abortion from being used as birth control that's it just just just be responsible and don't kill kids because it's inconvenient for you I'm so sorry a common note we protect the pr liers doing their event and would protect the people that was against right pro-choice Choice treat them equally we protect every under the color of law that's what get they have they have certain rights and we protect those rights and we'll protect their right to be able to do what they need everybody's got the same rights and we protect them all everybody the same that we protect the dopers just sometimes just as much as we do the good people because when they get when the other one Doper goes and starts shooting up a house you know how many how many officers gotten shot and kill over over doers and the difference is you just leave them alone let them do a thing who cares just just from my experience alone with with this stuff because I did do Field Force the pro-life people are 99% of the time peaceful the pro-choice people are [ __ ] crazy rabid [ __ ] like they want the right to kill babies they the ones H holding up sticks with the babies hanging from them dolls and [ __ ] throwing blood and stuff on the screaming and stuff prif are just like you know saying a prayer just sitting there you know God bless you and all this it's the pro-choice people that go bananas because they just for some and you know you know guys you know what I'm saying I'm going to say it too some of these women like are so a one isue voters they just want the ability to have an abortion I want to look at him go dude you ain't never going to need a [ __ ] abortion lady look at you you're a [ __ ] train wreck you know they look like [ __ ] sasquat 400 [ __ ] pounds and you you want the right to get an abortion no one's coming near you Lurch no one's coming near you you can pick up a [ __ ] car no one's coming near you what are you fighting for or the or they're or they're or they're they lesbian and don't even want to go allang hang on minute guys we need some time out music do it quickly cuz I'm about to blow a gas go back to the chief stuff going back to that Chief stuff when we had all the rights at we had the George Floyd rights a little bit and then couple months later we had the RS at the ice cream place Tony's okay they held us back okay I was on the line as as a team leader for mobile Field Force I had a group was Squad under me we're doing our thing we're out there on the line and we're holding back because at one point we had BLM BLM on one side and we had the Tony supporters on the other side so we're kind of right in the middle of it trying trying to keep them apart and they were wanting to gas them and different kind of things and they're holding back Chief's having hold back Chief's having hold back then when the when the BLM supporter showed up in front of the mayor's house oh the mayor says get them out of there and lock up because it was the [ __ ] mayor's house the average citizen it wasn't it wasn't an issue but when it got to his house it was a problem that's like when the uh the uh illegals came up the the Marth exactly right exactly right the illegals the illegals flood everywhere in America right but you drop them off at Martha's Vineyard yeah and they have a bus there taking them to an army base within 30 minutes because Martha's vineyard's where the Democrats and all those highrich people like to play you can't have illegals there we can't have them there but you can drop them off in Gastonia in my [ __ ] house no and when they dropped them off at Camila Harris's house too they got out of there real quick as well and Pelosi this shit's been going on guys oh yeah rules for some not for all but here's here's the deal with police officers we are there to Serve and Protect everybody it doesn't matter if you're a pro-life or pro-choice it doesn't matter we're there to protect your ass in case something drastic happens we may not agree with the your views and opinions but we are there to protect your ass right and we may not even like you and you want to defund us you want to defund us no man hell no know that's that's just the way it is here we are we are we serving and protecting yep when we put the uniform on we take our political views our feelings our prejudice or whatever they are we leave them at the door right and everybody gets 100% yeah every time it's straight across the board but what people don't understand is what they use is when we do this thing 100% across the board some people right away will jump in and throw something in like oh you're just this because you're that or you're racist or you're this or you're that you're a homophobe and all this no you're breaking the law like that's what you're doing like you're breaking the law and I warned you and now you're going to jail has nothing to do with anything else you know when you right go ahead I tell you what I always did I done the ass tell take I'll asked you once then I'll tell you and then you still screwing up you going to jail and you know you get to the people who like what you're saying right I mean I I remember one time I stopped the car I stopped the car on the interstate one time I time back in band camp so I stopped this car and they're doing like 90 on the interstate at like 2:00 in the morning I walk up the car he says you stopped me because I'm black dude I can't see it you're going 90 miles you went by so fast I couldn't tell what color you were but automatically I stopped him for that reason sure yeah I the logic of it what am I what of my officers one of my officers real motorcycle motorcycle female motorcycle cop sitting on top of a bridge overpass so she's monitoring the car is going underneath car goes by Z boom gets down pulls pulls over the car as she's walking up to the car the windows are tinted so dark she can't tell who's inside still not only could she not stay on the bridge right but and she walks it rolls down the window she got the same exact thing Doby dog you pulled me over cuz I'm black she said how the she didn't say F I'm going to say it how the [ __ ] did you I think I saw you from on top of that bridge driving in your car with these illegally tinted windows I just know you somehow you knew you ran my tag or something some ridiculous thing they always want to a lot of people hang their hat on some other thing other than you just broke the law they don't want to own up to their to what they don't no one takes responsibility I've got one s that but a sidebar to it dispatch calls me one day say hey I got I got a number for your lady you need to call this lady I so okay what's it about she said well she needs a police officer but she's requesting the black police officer and her black police officers are all busy I called her said yeah I won't talk I won't see I want send me a black police officer ma'am said here's the choice if you did a police officer we'll send you one you'll get the first one available he may be white do you want a police officer not if he's white I said ma'am have a good day and hung up yep good for you good for you you're not you're not ordering through a [ __ ] drive-thru lady yeah you know I'll have a side of fries with that hush puppies no you don't get it you get what you get I had I had a complaint on one one time where the the they stop the car they get it stopped right in front of the mother's house um two officers stop two officers stoer female black female black male white male officer stopper mother calls me and she wants to file a complaint so what what's your complaint will they stop my daughter cuz she's black I said okay what what makes you say that well the white officer was really nice and polite and professional but the black officer he he stopped her he stopped my my daughter CU her black I said do you understand what telling me do you understand what you just said you're this black officer stopped your daughter because she's black because yeah he's racist I said I H up the phone I was like that makes no sense it's the silliest thing sometimes they come up with that word and they it's so overly used now it's like when you hear it you just shut down and go Jesus Christ here we go again like you know there's a proper place to use that word but it's become so commonplace especially when you're arguing politics which I'm not going to get into slow I'm good but when you I'm you going to stroke out brother we do I'm I'm not going to get into it but when you're arguing politics and they run out of things to argue and they start getting all [ __ ] up they go and they just say oh oh you're just you're just a racist and they walk off it's just a way to end an argue and they can't tell you why you're a racist no they just say it they just say it or a homophobe or a misogynist or an islamophobe I mean all these phobes like I I can't keep track of them all you know it's all way when they can't get their way it's all an excuse exactly well boys I do have the empty bottle syndrome you do I do sad day it's a sad day I didn't bring enough alcohol to the table that's not good that's not an experienced podcaster my friend oh you're right man I am dropping the ball here I brought plenty like you need any more four hours in [ __ ] you've been slurring your way through this podcast dude have St happens it's okay we've all been there the turtle they push speaking of being a drunk drunker Boozer all right the Double D what what are you talking about the uh Floyd thing we didn't talk about this during pre- podcast so we're kind of lost in what you're saying um several of the officers I go back and look up all the details it just kind of made me think of it when we went in that that conversation but several of the officers that were charged have been released they were okay give a background first Char before you before you start that everybody out there we've done a podcast on George Floyd I forget the episode and whatever but basically what we did was we went over it and then we had a second part where we showed that he died of a drug overdose and had nothing to do with the police officers uh actions and we actually there's an excellent documentary out there that that hits a lot of those bullet point lot those NOS as well as that other uh podcast slow that we do with those two black gentlemen one being a PhD and a college professor and they and they agreed with us both Democrats um right both Democrats and they were very shocked after they heard the evidence they said we have no other choice but to say he's in prison for for no reason you know for policing while why right right go ahead do um this guy Thomas Lane who is one of the former Min police officers convicted of the murder of George Floyd has been released from custody according to Federal viiew of imprisons Thomas El was found guilty in 2022 violating Floyd's civil rights when former officer Derek shovin murdered Floyd on May 25th Lane was sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison um Lane was convicted earlier that year on state charges aiding and ab betting manslaughter and was sentenced to three years two of those years were served concurrently in as Federal sentence which ended on February 26th of this year so they're up for time served yes he's up for time served oh I got you okay I thought maybe some skip through because I think cuz I thought you know after the autopsy and stuff they starting to talk about chovin uh trying to get a new trial I think he's still trying to get that last was it was denied it was denied yeah so and that's several months ago I did I caught a glimpse something I didn't dig into it much but evidently I think it was chin or one of the officers had to be moved to another federal prison because he was stabbed in prison shovin Shin was it shovin shovin got shovin got they tried to hit shovin yep dude it doesn't matter when you go when you go to prison as a cop whether you're in general population which is crazy or if you're in segregation uh at some point the guards are going to look the other way look up look down going to be fall asleep on the whatever someone's going to get paid speaking you're going to get Dro you're get Dr two people you don't put in general population is a child molester and a cop MH and you know too a lot of and some of the some of your some of your prison guards are just not I don't know some there's some good guys out there to do that and I respect them because they got a hard job but there's there's some that are just kind of no probably a little shady as well well look at look at look at look at Jeffrey Epstein I mean he was in one of the most secure facilities in the nation on a wing with with guards and cameras and guess what the guards were sleeping the cameras were broken I mean it was like are you kidding me that was literally a hit that was all that was man that guy was just yeah you know it's so funny the way he and we talked about this too folks for people who haven't followed the podcast we talked about Epstein and how his autopsy was strange because do you remember guys he put the sheet apparently around his neck neck tied it to the upper part of the bunk bed and just kind of slouch down like this and it just pulls up right and you just you lose blood you lose Blood to the Head you pass out and you die so there's no snapping of the neck there's no like you know when you snap yet he had two broken bones in his neck that are that usually occur when you're strangled violently or or choked out those bones break but when you just lay down and the Sheep pulls up and and takes you two CL you don't break any bones he had two bones broken in his neck and they can't explain it and the and the guards were sleeping or whatever and the cameras were broken and the Jael cell door was open it was a hit it was a hit a hit it was a hit just all I to is a hit your buts about it I'm not going to R but it was a hit I hate to say that well [ __ ] it I'm going to say it probably a former president that you know has something do with it never know many name too many names in that list it's all one big cauldron or [ __ ] all right guys y'all need a time out swap the swamp makes me feel better do we all feel better now yeah I feel a better yeah feel rainbows unicorn guys we're we're revisiting a lot of different podcasts man thing about is we go off evidence we go off evidence we know we're not just you know like said 120 years of law enforcement you talking about investigations I mean the whole gamut we we've done it and you know is in our first rodeo and if something you call [ __ ] on it how many times police officers not charge somebody even they know it in their gut but they can't prove it they know it's not right to charge them because they can't even though they know it in their gut but they get off because we just don't have enough because we're being going by or you got plenty and they throw and they and they start to bring up your procedure how you did something and you might have done something a little bit wrong and they tried to get on tried to get dismissed on that technicality even though everybody knows the guy's guy's guilty that's what they like the whole thing with the Baldwin guy that was such a [ __ ] technicality mhm Boling in that oh yeah that was it was a [ __ ] technicality oh I got one more for you guys oh do you think so i' AR different with that about now you about to Alec B yeah I'm so irritated pissed off about that I can't I can't describe it oh it's just to me to me it's another rich guy getting off on a technicality that's all exactly well well you know what the uh the was a fan believed in his part uh politics there's no way in hell that she was going to finish the uh let's little background ale Baldwin Alec Baldwin everybody I think everybody knows but Alec Baldwin is an actor the Baldwin family Alec Baldwin and Steven Baldwin and he's an actor and he was on a western forget the name of it rust rust that's right and he had a prop gun that's not really a prop it actually shoots a projectile um and uh he at some point and this is just a fact folks this is how guns work guns don't just go off they don't just go off you have to pull the trigger right of 99% of the guns I don't there might be one out there that's who knows but 99% of the guns have to have a trigger pull and there has to be a projectile in the gun in order to be fired out of the gun so at some point Alec Baldwin pointed that gun gun at this person and pulled the trigger and killed her on on the on the scene on the set on the of rust of rust unfortunately unfortunately someone lost of life right you know unfor it's so unfortunate mhm but in my opinion whoever is holding that gun they need to be held responsible for making sure the gun is clear making sure there's a blank now theay was overall that the the proper person Went to went to they got convicted and went to jail I didn't I didn't even know yes yeah yeah you're right SL you're right it isre but but at the but at the end of the day when you have a gun in your hand anybody who's trained with guns and Alec baldon has been he's been on Plenty of movies with guns I've seen them I've seen the movies so he knows enough one not to point a gun at anybody that you don't know is you shouldn't point it any anybody right ADV the reason he got off is the prosecution or the um Police Department that charged him did not submit evidence that should have been submitted for review the da didn't submit that evidence what I'm saying is it wasn't submitted so did the prosecut not the prosecution but the defense didn't have no way of of of rebutt that or be able to use that for their defense so you're saying the da did it on purpose because the da liked Alec Bowen she she aditt yeah she admitted she liked him she liked him and she likes his M his movies and his politics I don't I don't I don't think that she just didn't submit that just to hope he get I think she did so so why did the case get dismissed and not be able to be retrived after that evidence given over they were and somebody came in up at some point and handed in a box ammunition and said that we think was off actually on the set as well we think we think it could have been it could not have been yeah and then the police dep dep they they examined it they tested they looked at it and said no this this ammunition has nothing to do with that particular type gun or what could have happened but it wasn't submitted to the U for Discovery great so why wasn't it why don't they just retry it because they ruled it with without prejudice so theye with yeah they they ruled with prejudice that so he couldn't be retried why why did he rule with pre be something for the judge I don't know but unless a judge is saying you know that they delber unless they deliberately left that out you know so the the defense couldn't have that could be did do did you guys actually think Alec bald was going to be convicted and sent to prison did anybody really think you know his army was he never pulled the trigger and the FBI tested the weapon said the weapon will not fire without the trigger being pulled right all right so he can say it all he [ __ ] wants to he pulled the trigger he killed somebody he got off with he got away with it I agree Rod Alec Roden Roden rodinator Alec Baldwin he is 100% responsible for that lady's death 100% can they not go back and sue him I think we all agree on that oh yeah they could go back and civil civil side they could they could I guarantee they will because they're probably pissed off yeah Alec baldon is a piece of [ __ ] he needs to be in prison mhm he needs to be in prison he took a life he took a life yeah hey on a second note guys um since we're going back in history uh anybody hear about Michael Brown deal remember Michael Brown the big fat kid who went to the uh uh the the drug store in Ferguson oh yeah and and robbed the guy and then walked down the street and when a cop came up he was uh just going to tell him to move out of the street cuz his fat ass was walking down the middle of the street and and Michael Brown thought he was getting him for stealing from the store robbing the store and he reached in the car they had a struggle shot fired um nothing hit Michael Brown started walking off the the officer in the car got out Drew Down on him where the hands up don't shoot came in that whole [ __ ] remember that that a good chant there from uh right some racist communities and and what and what that was about folks is that was never a true thing Michael Brown had his hands up walking towards the officer now Ju Just just let you know R nobody can see what where your hands are at well my hands are up hands are up in the air okay and he's walking towards the officer so he's not obeying commands but his hands are up so everybody sees his hands up go oh his hands are up don't shoot him don't shoot him but this 300 lb black dude's walking towards this 180 lb officer who we just tried to assault inside the police car and the officer shot him and killed him well I'm sure you remember the riots they built a statue of this fat [ __ ] in Ferguson right honoring this guy just like George Floyd had a [ __ ] mural put on the side of a building all these drug dealing robbing pieces of [ __ ] get killed by the police because they break the law and get mared yeah they get mared out anyway uh 10year anniversary just came by came and went and as a as a great as a great thing for the 10y year anniversary of course what had to happen they had to ride in Ferguson right last month they just rided in Ferguson to celebrate the 10y year anniversary of that fat [ __ ] getting killed and as a result a police officer who is Black is now in critical condition with major brain trauma from one of the riot situations and now he's probably not going to live and survive so I just thought you know well I'm sure the Govern back charged I'm sure the government went back and charged everyone of them with that same statute back from the KKK in the 1800s yeah yeah mhm but you know you know we talked about that last podcast R and and that's that is irritating as hell to us in law enforcement the world times how many times did y'all get out after all that happened and and somebody walk up to you the first thing they say was hands up don't shoot just walk down the road just walk down the road yep yep anyway realize how many times we don't pull the trigger oh my God thanks for thanks for pissing us off Rod I know man I I I don't have any problems with that I'd like to give you guys stuff to think about and our fans like we need a reason to dr's going on this [ __ ] motivation just little motivation yeah but this [ __ ] is going on and you know sad thing about is we're preaching to the choir people that listen and watch our show are people think like us yeah and all all I got to tell you is guys just just please use your heads and vote accordingly just vote accordingly I'm not going to tell you who to vote for just vote common sense [ __ ] please mean give me a I vote with my pocket take your feel I vote policies I don't care give me a list of policies for one give me the list for the other you can mix them up like a [ __ ] card game and I'll still pick the one I like best I don't care who the [ __ ] it fits voting for that person yep yeah but doesn't Cala has some good um policies for waiters and waitresses not taxing their tips well yeah yeah oh yeah even though she was and that came from the B Administration about taxing them she was the decid she was the deciding vote in the Senate it was tied 50 to not do that and 50 to do that the Democrats want to tax it Republicans didn't want to tax it she's the deciding vote and she cast the 51st vote to tax tips on waiters now Trump came out and said he wasn't going to do it on Jan on June 2nd and then in July August Camala Harris decides to agree with them and she's on tape casting the vote to tax them I have the video Democrats going to tell you what you want to hear exactly and do what they want to do until they voted in office they're you're right SL right you're exact for for blacks oh yeah you know we're going we're going to give you that's never going to happen will never happen not restitution what is this called reparation reparations reparations yeah it was close man you had a couple lesses in there should so now she say she's not going to take take take the guns away after she was saying what the hell was that she be a mandatory buyback mhm mandatory buyback Y and she also my guns are worth like $4,000 a piece no mine are worth about 40 million a piece mine I think are are drills they identify their pronoun as a there a a DeWalt Dr your weapons PR drill weap Dewalt drill now your your weapons have pronouns I like that it's a drill blow funny [ __ ] don't whatever you do don't refer to this 45 as a he cuz he'll get really angry he's struggling he's struggling yeah a big deal this 45 d f say he b a b yeah hey this one don't you need a MAG change there anyway all out of ammo yeah golly but you think about the Michael Browns the the damn Floyds the just all the [ __ ] that's happened think about the Floyds and the riots I mean just off of something that doesn't didn't even need to happen he was a he he was a drug dealing piece of [ __ ] who was overdosed on fentanyl among other things we said right cocaine and different things and it it and then it burned the cities down for yeah he kept holling Mama everybody says he wanted his mama that's what he called his girlfriend he called his girlfriend Mama He's Hing for his girlfriend yes it's so ridiculous and think too even even even if you did think that that was wrong why are you tearing up [ __ ] in your own damn neighborhood they exactly exactly you burn you burn you burn the r a down that you get your [ __ ] drugs from or your [ __ ] uh whatever and now it's not going to be rebuilt half the [ __ ] in F half the [ __ ] down if I had been there like if I chain like that I wouldn't no like when Chicago Walmart wouldn't come was was leaving yeah the Walmart was closing down yeah because of all that because it was getting damaged and looted and everything wal greens left San Francisco every damn store has been closed because they get more [ __ ] walking nothing in like me getting pissed at you guys that's like me getting pissed at you guys and me smashing my [ __ ] chandelier it's like stupid like what am I what am I smashing my own [ __ ] for cuz I'm mad it's like a kid throwing a tantrum Tipper tantrum exactly that's a nice seg man go ahead it's an hour I just want the producer to pay attention to the [ __ ] show I am I'm trying to ease into the transition hey how about this one one quick thing so the uh the DNC started this week and uh Chicago right on Monday the first day of the DNC they were were eight shootings four people got killed that's Chicago that's Chicago for you and they that's a low day that's a low day and they say that like it's must not been wigg in they say they say it like it's a it's a [ __ ] you know this is crazy exactly they say they they talk about it like man there was only four people got killed in Chicago this weekend mhm I tell you before whatever man before I know we got to get I know we're getting in but the Sunday the Saturday before the the George Floyd's Riot popped off in Gest onia we had a party we had seven shot one killed couple um one was permanently um disabled paralyzed now that was that that literally Floyd was like the week before this was like on a Saturday the right start of the next day and it was over near Southwest Middle School over on the southwest side of Gastonia they know pretty much who did it but this Witnesses it was like a big block party we get there and there's like two or 300 people there leaving they still ain't charge anybody cuz nobody come for and say anything yep snitches get stitches and end up in ditches like little [ __ ] what so holy [ __ ] that was good hey let me tell you we were Jing about that during briefing one time and it's really nasty fat stinking worthless lazy female officer complained on me about it oh I we say I was there you don't have to say that to me yeah I I said female would you do would you do that well we were just joking around and yeah she just want to complaints she was just [ __ ] yeah this fat and lazy I understand she's still fat and lazy won't do her job we got to do it for her M so there you go okay guys end on the positive note we got a brand new like And subscribe button somewhere as in the right hand we looking it backwards so it would be right hand with you right here it's a red button guys if you like what you seen you like what you hear hit that like And subscribe button please we love we need the love we need support and um what El need to do is uh hit thumbs up the like button and what else here hound dog subscribe subscribe And subscribe and comment yeah y subscribe and comment but I got something I got I got something before we go go ahead all right deputy sheriff Brandon Cunningham lost his life on uh August 17th 2024 he was uh dispatched to a domestic call and this is in uh uh let's see where's that harm I'm not sure where that is Harum some state but uh it was Ambush when he got out when he got out of his car a gunfire sh was shot and soon as I actually the vehicle responding officers were also able to stream gunfire when a Fe M attempted to leave the home she was shot depy conham was transported to local hospital where he was died of his wounds so Brandon Cunningham your name will forever live on this podcast so cheers cheers to Brandon Cunningham bman and bades the podcast we salute you brother it was a his tour ended and he was 30 years old he was a 4E and 6 month cop so 30 years old Dam two babies I think he left two kids exactly sorry I just had to bring that up I just want open price man for protecting these pieces of crap out there right yeah uh all right guys man that's kind of hard to follow man it's that time of night man any last thoughts any last anything you guys want to project before we Le get out here I haven't mentioned Dave's TV in a while watch Dave's TV on YouTube da pretty cool we got to have him on here sometime good stuff he does what we do he just does with beer he does some beer stuff yeah good he actually makes it entertaining un likee us unlike us two quick things one I think regiment is um hound dog mentioned it last week about the suicide officer suicide 988 you if you need help call somebody yeah 988 988 we hear support you guys Everybody Hurts man everybody ghost everybody has issues there's no problem at all there nothing be Ling of you to reach out and get the help you need and shout out to the family mothers especially mothers that their sons and daughters go out to do this job every night they're by the people that behind the badge a lot of people don't think about they think about them Brandon Cunningham we love you brother hey brother yes sir thank you all right guys appreciate it man it's been a great show and uh just to uh recap if you like what you seen hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up button and let us new give some love and leave in a comments anything you like about the show or don't like about the show or anything you would like for us to talk about on the show we're uh four cops four cops about cops issues man so here we are unfiltered uncensored as always let's drink and drink responsibly yeah just like a bourbon uncut unfiltered all you First Responders out there please be careful make it home to your families that's it sir that's Studio 77 production [Music] hey you mean it's over well [ __ ]