Trump’s Controversial Stance on IVF and Abortion

all right deep breath everyone this could be a dicey episode I know that we're having a lot of feelings about things online right now because understandably people have a lot of concerns about things that Trump and JD Vance have been saying about abortion recently and meanwhile if you have spent any time on X over the past 5 days there seems to be this Schism that is broken out between pro-life people who still want to vote for Trump and are telling people to vote for Trump and the pro-life Advocates that are pushing people to not vote for Trump based on pro-life principles and all of this is causing a lot of Chaos in right-wing social media and in the right-wing commentator influencer Creator Network whatever you want to call it that's so freaking weird but it exists and I'm guessing that it's causing more Chaos Online than it is in the real world but we need to break all of this down before we do though make sure that you like this video subscribe to the comment section Channel if youve not already and of course ring that notification Bell so that you never miss one of our comment section episodes all right so in case you have been spending some well-deserved time offline which arguably is probably better for your mental health and in case you missed it yesterday Trump went viral with two statements first condemning Florida's 6we ban on abortion and promising that the government would pay for IVF if he was elected here is him discussing the former in Florida the state that you are a resident of there's an abortion related Amendment on the ballot to overturn the six we ban in Florida how are you going to vote on that well I think the six week is too short uh it has to be more time and so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks so you'll vote in favor of the amendment I'm I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks look just so you understand everybody wanted roie way terminated for years exceptions are very important for me for Ronald Reagan for others that have navigated this very very interesting and difficult p and per usual because it's the mainstream media they cut him off at a very important point in that interview where I think he was getting into a lot of nuance about this issue because even though in my mind it is a black and white issue that does not take away from the fact that it is a deeply personal issue that it is a deeply emotional issue that it is a very very very complex issue both on a personal and political level now obviously him saying that he would vote to overturn that six- we ban in Florida angered a significant portion of his pro-life base that has trusted him for years with their support and their votes one person said Trump just hates his own voters no other way to describe it another commenter said this is what betrayal looks like in person and then Lyla Rose from live action she said totally devastating president Trump just announced that he will vote in support of amendment 4 in Florida which permits abortion on babies up until birth without restriction pro-life America speak up now she brought in something that Trump was not discussing in that interview which is in that Amendment four it would overturn the sixe ban but it would open up the door for abortions to be allowed up until the moment of birth in Florida and like lla Rose said at the end of that tweet speaking up is exactly what we should be doing but the thing is and this is where it kind of gets dicey for me here while I am disappointed in what he's saying on a personal level I am not surprised by his statements in the slightest or any of the other things that he has said about abortion like he and JD Vance saying that they will not sign a federal abortion ban if you missed this check this out Democrat RS made the case this week and Beyond this week that Donald Trump if elected will impose a federal ban on abortion if he wins now Donald Trump says he won't but can you commit Senator sitting right here with me today that if you and Donald Trump are elected that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion I can absolutely commit that Christen and Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible and the thing is JD Vance is Right Donald Trump has been clear on that now obviously a federal ban on abortion has been floated many times it was floated while he was in office it's been floated when he was out of office it's been floated by the Heritage foundations project 2025 people have pushed him to add that to his campaign so basically it has been supported and pushed by many in Trump's orbit for many many years but in my opinion that was never something that Trump was after and I've known that and I've continued to support him regardless of that he promised and dedicated time and energy and resources for years to get roie Wade overturned to send that power back to the States and constitutionally whether we like it or not that is where the issue should be addressed as it stands today and we've all heard his thoughts about abortion whether that's at town halls in interviews and even on the debate stage with Joe Biden like Ronald Reagan I believe in the exceptions I am a person that believes and frankly I think it's important to believe in the exceptions some people you have to follow your heart some people don't believe in that but I believe in the exceptions for rape incest and the life of the mother I think it's very important some people don't follow your heart I mean look at Biden's face like not registering a single thing later that night I'm I'm sure he got on his phone or his social media admin person got on his phone and tweeted Donald Trump is going to strip all of your rights away in ban abortion when literally he was on the debate stage saying that he was not going to do that so his position is not new no matter what we think about it no matter how angry that makes people he has been open about that he is not blindsiding people no matter what social media tells you so in my opinion I do believe that it is disingenuous to freak out and say that he's flip-flopped on the issue when really he hasn't no matter how that might make us feel however what I am concerned about and what I've already seen other people caution him against is getting involved with the decisions that the states make like Florida and like Arizona and he has now commented on both and their subsequent bans we return the power to make decisions about abortions back to the states it is now their jurisdiction again whether you want it to be federally allowed or do you want it to be a federal ban this is just the situation that we have found ourselves in if they choose to ban it outright or have a six- we ban that is their right by overturning roie way Donald Trump you gave them that right and conversely and unfortunately if you believe the things that I believe if States like California and Tim Wall's Minnesota want to have abortions up until the moment of birth unfortunately and sickeningly that is their choice because of the way that roie Wade was decided and Trump may not like either of those positions he may want something more in the middle which is what it sounds like when he gives these interviews but I do think it's incredibly messy for him to start fighting what these states have done and done well within their right obviously he is a voter in Florida he is going to vote on that Amendment he is going to vote in their local elections I do not think that that is something that he should get into while he's campaigning that is just my personal opinion now looking at all of this from a bird's eye view and not considering his personal thoughts on abortion I think that all of this is part of a very strategic campaign needle that he is trying to very delicately threat because he knows that unfortunately for American women abortion is their number one issue a majority of American women are one isue voters and I think we've all seen that firsthand I personally know women who are more on the right who are married to or in relationships with staunch conservative men who do not want and will not vote for Trump because they have been lied to and told that he will enact a federal ban even though time and time again for literally years he's been saying that he won't and all of this is just so infuriating and it's disappointing and it's confusing because number one it's a Flatout lie and if you paid attention and you were searching for truth you would know that but number two and most importantly in my opinion it is sickening that so many women would rather vote in favor of murdering a child then vote to protect our country from economic Peril and possible nuclear war with countries like Russia North Korea and China however no matter how angry that makes me that is simply the case for a lot of women and between now and November we can't change their hearts and Minds about abortion so Trump logically as a candidate had to decide what he and his campaign were going to do about that and I believe that that is why he is being more vocal than ever about his plans and about his personal beliefs it's not that he's never said these before but he is being more forthright about all of it he is taking a bet albeit a very risky one that pro-life voters will vote for him regardless because they still know that it's what's best for the country and because because he is objectively still the most pro-life candidate we have and that by talking about this so openly and trying to get ahead of all of these lies he can sway the women that are hung up on abortion but would otherwise consider voting for him and considering the commis team tweets this basically every day if Donald Trump wins he will not only sign a National Abortion ban but also intends to create a national anti-abortion coordinator forcing States report on women's miscarriages and abortions like number it's a lie literally that is a lie like I think that she just copied and pasted this from Biden's Twitter what he's been posting for the last four years anyway they tweet this basically every day this is one of their daily talking points I mean she literally posted this last night after Trump was already going viral for saying that he was against the sixe ban for saying that he was not going to enact a federal ban it is so disingenuous it is so Sinister I mean they are lying right through their teeth and so honestly and I might get torched for saying this but I would possibly go as far as to say that he needed to speak up just to set the record straight about his beliefs and about his plans whether or not I agree with them because their lies are just so outrageous and Americans need to see and understand that the outright lies that they spew every single day are appalling and voters deserve to be informed again whether or not we like what the candidates are saying and I'm sure by this point in the episode you guys are probably caught on to my feelings about all of this but I do think that these commenters articulated it well one person said Trump's personal views are less important than what he has actually done what he has done is given voters in Florida and every other state an opportunity to support and enact pro-life laws now it is up to the voters to take that opportunity and I agree and it's track record as the most pro-life president we've ever had still speaks for itself another person said he is with the 80% who want legal abortion but also the 80% who want some limits put on it as well if I were a politician I think that that would be my position also like I think that this is him trying to find that Overton window and the Overton window is the concept of there being a range of policies that are generally acceptable by both sides the common sense policies if you will there will obviously be the unacceptable and extreme policies that either side wants that the other does not agree with so how do you find that middle ground and that is the Overton window and so this might be the difficult line that he is trying to walk as a politician because that is still what he is he is a politician trying to get elected he needs to get as many votes as possible from people in this country and I truly I genuinely hope that this does not blow up in his face because the left already doesn't trust him they're already brainwashed they already have Trump derangement syndrum and now many conservatives feel burned so again this was incredibly incredibly risky Kristen Hawkins from students for Life tweeted this and said so Trump clearly does not want to be pro-life anymore got it for lifers are being screwed we need to demand Trump to reconsider but don't let this screw the babies that we are fighting for vote against kamla Harris and I agree with that because I would rather have Trump and have him disagree with me and many other voters and disagree with some of the state's decisions than have a kamla wals Administration that is rabidly pro-abortion they're not just pro-choice they are pro-abortion and does not even believe in saving the lives of babies who survive abortions who are born alive that is what the other side is offering us so my choice personally is very clear now deep breath guys cuz we have not finished this is a lot to break down I wish I was hugging Opie right now but she's probably busy eating her rough greens now as you guys know I take my health very seriously I'm extremely cautious about the foods that I eat what I put on my skin the supplements I take everything and once I started focusing on that I felt a million times better and I obviously want the same things for my dogs and that is why I started giving them rough greens over a year ago rough greens is a supplement that contains all the necessary vitamins minerals probiotics Omega oils digestive enzymes and antioxidants that your dog needs every single day and what I love about rough greens is that because it's supplement you don't have to go out and buy a new dog food you can sprinkle it on their food every single day feeling confident that you are giving your dog the best chance at Health dog owners everywhere are raving about rough grains it supports healthy joints it improves bad breath it increases gut health it boosts energy levels and so much more for your dogs we are we eat and that obviously goes for dogs as well so when I remember to take my supplements in the morning obviously my day goes a lot better I'm a lot more on my game when I give my dogs rough greens they are happier their tails are wagging more their fur looks better it's all connected natur by like Dr Dennis black the founder of rough greens is so confident that his product will improve your dog's health that he is offering my viewers that classic free jump start trial bag so that your dogs can try it too that free jump start trial bag can be at your door in just a few business days guys after literally like a year and a half of Ru green ads if you have not tried it yet what are you waiting for go to Ru bread or call 87766 my dog again Ru bread or give him a call at 87766 my dog today all right guys we can do this let's talk about the other issue that Trump is now Under Fire for this is the news that he shared yesterday I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment fertilization for women IVF treatment because we want more babies to put it very nicely allow new parents to deduct major newborn expenses from their taxes so that parents that have a beautiful baby will be able so we're pro- family nobody's ever said that before but the IVF treatments are expensive it's very hard for many people to do it and to get it but I've been in favor of IVF right from the beginning I mean you can't not love him babies we are pro nobody's ever said that before we are pro babies stupid and iscol like he's such a median anyway all joking aside on a more serious note people online are also this so exhausting are also very split about this and many are Overjoyed because this is obviously a very Pro-Am pro-op bolstering move but others have their reservations Michael Nolls who was just across the wall from me in his studio right now he for example tweeted this he said the two largest religious organization groups in the US Catholics and Southern Baptists both formerly oppose IVF and many other Americans reject it as immoral it seems ill advised for a political campaign aign to mandate that so many likely voters support something that they consider Gravely evil yes and in my opinion it is one thing for Trump to endorse IVF and encourage it and you know be Pro family and another to ask taxpayers to pay for it it's the same argument that we had about abortion and taxpayer funded abortion literally for years and similarly the reason why so many people are opposed to IVF is because it is a moral issue because if I believe that life begins to conception which I do then I will obviously be concerned with the fact that 93% of embryos that are created through IVF are discarded the fact that IVF might discard more innocent lives than abortion itself however in the grand scheme of issues that are facing our country I do not spend a lot of my time wanting the government to ban or address IVF but I do spend a lot of my time a significant amount of my time thinking about what the government needs to do about the economy and the massive amount of debt that we are all in the debt that is on the taxpayers shoulders to pay off and while yes having the government AKA taxpayers pay for IVF is definitely a pro- family decision and I am completely Pro family it is not a decision that I would make especially not in our current economic State I would prefer we just stick with what he said at the end which is tax breaks for families or tax credits over the government paying for IVF just stop taxing people to high heaven let families keep their hard-earned money so that they can do with it what they want and start a family like we do not need to be paying for more things we need to cut back on our spending and cut back on our social welfare programs and by doing that we will in turn address inflation we will address the housing crisis more people will want to have children and become more Pro family because it will become financially feasible for them right now a lot of people cannot even afford groceries they can't even consider the idea of one day buying a home they can't wrap their brains around the cost of child care and sending their kids to private schools and college no wonder they aren't having babies that is what we should fix First Catholic vote tweeted about this right after Trump made that announcement and they said Trump is right we need more babies we need to make having children easier and more affordable he is wrong that IVF serves those goals we are opposed to any IVF mandate and we'll work with him and his administration to make clear IVF puts women at risk and destroys countless innocent living human embryos another user Janie Girl Texas said I will still vote for president Trump but people need to be aware that a lot of IVF treatments out incorrectly result in the death of an innocent life we need to have reform on how IVF is handled I know that the Catholic Church works with doctors on handling this correctly so that no life is destroyed and it's not even when IVF is done incorrectly it's just how they are currently set up they discard these embryos and most people don't know when they go into it so we should continue educating people advocacy should continue from churches and interest groups as this commenter suggested that is the path forward that I personally see so I hope that this episode offered some clarity amidst all of this Rubble or at least Sparks some productive conversations with you and your family or thought-provoking things that you're grappling with as you work through all of these very very complex decisions especially for people who are staunchly pro-life however I will leave you with this as kind of my final thoughts so the people not wanting to vote for him because of all of this I would say continue your pressure continue speaking out about your values and what is important continue putting the heat on him continue your advocacy in hopes that he will understand the voters feelings about these issues but at the end of the day and I have to ask this are you willing to risk electing Kamala who is not only rabidly pro-abortion but who also would be disastrous on immigration and foreign policy and our economy genuinely ask yourself are you willing to risk World War III and a draft are you willing to have your daughters drafted because that is something that is being proposed are you willing to risk more supply chain blocks are you willing to risk more Farmland being sold off to China more children being poisoned and cerated every single day big Pharma not being held liable for their actions I personally am not hey guys Brett here for more stories and videos just like that make sure you subscribe to my show see you next time

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