A Tornado strikes! A visit to Eureka Springs and a haunted hotel?!?
Published: Aug 30, 2024
Duration: 00:21:36
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: hotel
hi I'm Alex archo I've been buying and selling antiques since I was a kid over the years generations of our family have gotten involved in the business and I'll search just about anywhere I can to find hidden treasures both big and small I never know what I'll turn up next it's about exploring new places seeing new sites and having fun and even though sometimes I get over my head we try and make things a little better along the way this is curiosity in currently being what search and resue if you so right now each of our different teams from Electric to streets to our police and fire um our water crew um we've got water leaks we've got gas leaks so each of those crews are now being mobilized in the city well over 100 calls um so with the bville team hey everybody and welcome to today's episode well the last few days um and for the last little while you've seen episodes of me in Arkansas and in Bentonville and enjoying the scenery around here well last night disaster struck um actually I should say it was early this morning um yesterday I was in Bentonville and I went to Andy's Frozen Custard and uh kind of did some sightseeing out there and when I woke up this morning I found out that a fairly substantial tornado had gone through and as I'm uh moving my way through Arkansas again today I'm going to be avoiding destruction and down power lines now uh where I am in uh fville was unaffected uh thankfully so it all looks good all looks pretty normal here um but I am going to Eureka Springs today and um I'm going to have to try and uh pick another way to get there because I was going to stop in Bentonville and go that way but they have a lot of Disaster Cleanup going on and it's best the red Red Cross is there so I'm going to keep away from there but um we're going to keep on trucking today we're going to W make our way to Eureka Springs and uh go and visit the town so uh let's head off let's go on an adventure and see what today brings let's go oh my gosh and as I take the road headed to Eureka Springs I can see Fallen trees and debris kind of all over the place and the uh County doesn't have their workers out clearing it so the locals the neighbors have been out see the tree on the left right there somebody they've been out here with their chainsaws and Hauling trees off on their own so good work to the locals for getting that cleared out of the way but so far we've been able to get around a lot of the damage made it to Eureka Springs pass the debris and damage we made it here to the town which looks all right there is a museum across the street which I'm going to go to and then work my way down the street here it's a really pretty looking Town it looks very wild west the buildings most of them are marked from the 1800s when they were built but uh let's go for a little walk around and see what there is to see so Eureka Springs is a popular destination for uh people who are into motorcycles and bikers and they were at the cat house lounge which has got a really cool look to it well the museum is closed today cuz I'm here on a Sunday but that's okay I'm actually looking at the building which um was built in the 1800s and it was somebody's house in a general store but if you look at how they built it it's built right up to basically a rock face wall apparently some of these structures they use the back um like the cliff side as the back wall of the building you can see the water is sort of trickling and dripping down there but let's walk down this the sidewalk here and see what we can see I'm going to peek my head inside of the museum and see what what I missed no it's like gift shop and stuff maybe if I'm out this way again I'll come back I really like when they've got these exposed sort of porches this feels like a wild west kind of town but I think the main the heart of the town is down the road there so let's head on down the road and see what it looks like so of course if you visit a town that has spring in the name there's probably a reason for it and this is the uh part of the spring where the spring water comes out right over there they've got this nice little statue and sitting area and then you look way up and it's all Lush and green almost jungle like some of those trees are just dangling on the side of that Cliff like that one right there looks like it could topple at any moment but this is the cff spring and uh I guess yeah they've got the the water running right out of it into some of these structures and buildings Aquarius Taria so it's a taco place just a cute little building nestled amongst the Rocks here we got the old letter box there little patio and a spring so I thought it was odd to see a snow plow out but he's out clearing trees off the road and super busy in town today there lots of cars lots of traffic I looked in the store window and they've got taxi der animals even the raccoons are packing heat around here biker squirrels okay let's go inside they have a few Taxidermy bears in here that one is a uh Grizzly I don't know I still wouldn't want to come across any one of these things in the wild to tell you that much that thing is probably I don't know 12T tall that is a machine designed to attack that's for sure I'd rather come across a raccoon in a basket I think cross the street from the uh dead raccoon store is the Carrol County Courthouse it's not actually called the dead raccoon store that's how I'll always remember it and we're working our way towards the center of town lots of little gift shops and things to do and things to see there's a couple antique shops which I'll have to check out too I see license plates in here and signs and they've even got Gumby and Pokey in the gift shop right now and it's kind of strange to see they've got plates from all over the place but look there's an Alberta license plate that's like the exact type of plate I've got on my car and I'm in like in the middle of Northwest Arkansas and there's an Alberta license plade 20 bucks I just threw a whole bunch of those things out the other day goes to show you stuff's valuable depending upon the location that you're [Music] at somebody's gone to some effort to make a bunch of wooden clubs but look what it says on the side husband Tamer I better not take that home to Melissa she might actually just use it next time I bring home another old car so there's an awful lot of gift shops down the way and I noticed one thing they all have in common they'll have their main thing like this one sells clothing and onesies and stuff but then they'll also sell knives the last place we were at it had stuffed animals and knives that one was a gift shop and they had knives apparently knives are big seller around here what's the deal as you walk along the street there are some residences but they're actually way up on top of the hill you can see there's the back of a house right there and in their yard they have statues of Mexican troubadors big metal art statues down the way is the bason Park hotel which is Apparently one of the most photographed hotels in the world because it's I don't know super cool but because the way it's built on a hill technically every floor in that hotel is a main floor we're going to walk down that way and have a look in the hotel in the meantime taking in the sights over the side and I learned from one of the plaques that during the Civil War they would bring a lot of soldiers here for healing they felt that the spring waters had healing properties and so there is a civil war connection to this town as well we're going to keep on walking down the road and keep having fun I see this little shop here called Ellen Patisserie and what has Ellen done they've made this tiny little gnome entrance down here where You' got a little ladder and they put good luck quarters down there so maybe that's uh keeping the Gnomes happy I feel like that is that an Icelandic tradition where they have Little Gnome doors or elf doors I don't know either way it was so different and cool I thought I'd take a video of it there's the Bas in Park hotel right across from us and then you've got this really cool the Wilson and Wilson folkart company right on the corner there I almost hit my head on all these Windchimes every store is a gift shop down in this area you got candles fortune telling shamanic healer pretty much everything a person may or may not need is right on this one street but that's such a cool looking building right there the Old Brick ton of things to see and do while you're in town here this is a cool little candy shop in here they got everything from ramen noodles but distracted by the big hunk in the corner right there big hunk candy bar they have all kinds of stuff I haven't seen before they have it by bulk they've got like a Korean or Japanese section oh gosh my son stepen eats this stuff that is the spiciest Mouse fire you'll ever have I don't get it he likes this type of spice it's painful I don't mind a little heat but I don't like it to melt my brain out of my head I already have a few cells missing and every kind of soda over here you can imagine Fanta Dr Pepper Frosty probably a few of these I haven't I mean almost all these I haven't had I'm not a big soda drinker but I saw at another shop they had the old style Crush in a bottle it looked like a 1950s bottle that was new and quirky stores like this always have quirky stuff look at that Captain Kirk versus The Reptilian gor who will reign supreme like like they're going to have an advertised boxing match that was such a funny episode filmed in California that they did cute well this building was erected by Baron hussy in 1915 and probably not the only erection by a hussy in this town oh Lord did I just say that out loud I think I did there's kind of an Eclectic mix of stuff in these stories you got this sort of Egyptian lady here holding a lamp 1970s bronze lady $1,400 she's riding a peacock carrying a lamp and down there you got an alien smoking a uh well a wacky tobaki cigar kind of a combination of antique stuff and new stuff but you got the Pinkerton badge I don't know if that's real or not like the old Coke pan is old that bank got a little creepy Factor going on with it they make new Masonic kind of uh keychains Civil War Bolt let's probably find a lot of those around this area some neat stuff I was trying to figure out why this mannequin out here looked like he's just staring off into space and then I saw his shirt now I at least I think it's a mannequin stopped in a little gift shop down the way look at these octopus jars glass artwork Little D Dino cracking out of the shell and I guess this is sort of like steampunked art in a way it's like robot looking heads and then they've added dials and switches and things keychains It's like got a ignition switch like you could start them up wonder what you would do maybe that starts the brain I might need one of those well stopped in the local Nut House here insert your own joke welcome to the nut house and they've got all kinds of stuff I notic they do have some old Advertising Signs it's just as decoration but I'm actually not here to try and buy their Decor I'm here to buy some pistachios chili lime or cun decisions decisions I'm going to fill up my bag and weigh this up you got to weigh it on the scale so we'll get some pistachios while we're out here stopped at a little store down the way and they had these vases these sculptures what they did is they actually when the glass was hot they rested on these logs and so it melted perfectly to the shape of the Driftwood kind of a neat idea and kind of cool you can see it kind of burnt the wood a tiny bit when they put it on top but that's something I have not seen before and kind of neat that they thought to do that stopped in a vintage toy shop and yeah they've got vintage toys Star Wars figures in the packaging and look $1,200 $1,000 $1,400 I know the droids ones are a little bit trickier to come across even loose they've got pretty much every character you can think of in here so love Star Wars as a kid in the recent episode I found a whole bunch of Star Wars figures in a suitcase I went through the effort of matching up all their little guns with the character and then you got your GI Joe but you look if you got these things at home look $40 $30 it's important to try and match up all their little accessories and weapons and such but superpowers remember these you squeeze their legs and arms with Punch or you squeeze the arms and legs would kick always hard to find this stuff in the packaging they've got a ton of them in the packages here well in this store they are definitely serious about all their old action figures they've got a he-man case some on the card some loose on this side you got Moran Mindy and Jane West Rocky and bowinkle oh no that's not Rocky and bowinkle the getalong Gang the shop here is called T-Rex extinct toys and collectibles they got all kinds of little things look even a dundy word candy container from the office mapo I feel like this might be the type of shop to also have maybe some old toy cars and stuff so we'll have a little look about see what else they have all kinds of stuff well there are some Redline Hot Wheels which I collect but that little Volkswagon bus $275 with the surfboards and I I I have and have had lots of these they're asking 155 for that car I think my last auction I got maybe 15 20 bucks for it so clearly they get a better dollar for those sort of toys in this market than I do in mine and good for them I'm I'm glad they're able to I don't even remember seeing those when I was a kid karate kid toys from the 80s Johnny Cobra leader would pretty cool to be that actor and have a little action figure based on you so there's a it's a mind reading trick I'll try and tell you what you're thinking okay are you thinking that I can't know what you're thinking I don't know pretty good huh there's six colors on here I'm going to turn around so I can't see okay well I'm not looking someone put the block into the box remember the color of the circle that you put on top that's your chosen color put the little so it's sealed up in there and I'll try to read your mind and tell you col you put on top you do it all right let's see I'm not looking not looking what color she's not helping cuz she doesn't go home with you if you buy the trick a well there's an extra charge for [Applause] that on top you got it yes sit here in my hand okay it's impossible to see my own back is on block is in there who did you drop it in there I did if anybody else saw the color too you can think of it too don't say it just think about it okay concentrate on that color try try to send me like an image or a picture of that color all right and and you don't you don't have to think of just that color oh so we can mess with you well think of a different color no I mean you can think of something that is purple like this is purple you can think of that this book has purple on it you can think of that you can think of a grape that's oh was it purple yeah that's pretty good that's that's easy these sell for $9.99 with instructions I say but what's the trick how do you do it with instructions oh you got to pay the 10 bucks there's a sign right there the secret is told when the trick is sold that's smart that was really good thank you oh final stop on the tour is the Crescent Hotel apparently it's one of the most haunted hotels in the area maybe we'll see maybe we'll find out the nice thing about the interior of the Crescent Hotel is it's very original right down to that Victorian era fireplace you got the antique style furniture big old organ over there it's like stepping back in time and check out the front desk area look at this it's still original 1886 with the little key slots back there the cashier counter this frosted glass the old style safe down there really really neat so the reason why they think this hotel is so haunted is that it was once owned by Dr Baker who claimed that with the he had a magic cure basically for cancer or anything and it's kind of a snake oil salesman and I guess what ended up happening is people check in here they'd sign over their valuables to him he give them turpentine and that was his cure they' die off and he'd get all their stuff so uh apparently a lot of people might have passed away here in this hotel as a result of some greed snake oil sales and well marketing but so far we haven't had any creepy ghosts or anything come up to us I think we're doing [Music] okay at the very top of the stairs you go all the way up the staircase look at that all the way up to the tip top there's all kinds of neat stuff up here so we're going to go explore the hotel a little bit feels like an action movie waiting to happen better not dropped my camera and once you get to the very top they have a little restaurant or Cafe on the left over here and You' got this beautiful view of the valley here down below you can see where the town kind of is it goes down from the church all the way down and they're nice Gardens below they've got a swimming pool over there probably a really nice spot to come and stay and have a bit of a vacation as for me I'm going to go inside and have something to eat so that concludes our visit here to Eureka Springs lot of fun a lot of things to do we saw some magic saw some antiques but guys as for me I'm going to sign off make sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already we'll see you all soon in bye for now [Music]