Snoop Dogg the Dog Trainer? | Petco Reacts

Published: Aug 10, 2023 Duration: 00:00:54 Category: Pets & Animals

Trending searches: petco national dog day
hey Rocky Shield good boy hey friends how's it going Darris here Petco's national dog training expert here to check out a video to see what it would be like if Snoop deal in one of our dog trainers everybody out here used the same words we got to use some unique language you feel me throughout the training process we use verbal cues like sit or shield and we also can use hand gestures or signals to communicate desired actions from the dog that's right in front of us hit me good boy gotta kick you a little something for that performance you know a little trick or treat you know my rule of thumb is to reward behaviors you want to see continue and always end your session on a high note guess what I'm talking about good boy good boy there you have it snow Style baby Snoop if you're looking for a job you're hired and for anyone looking to take their training Journey head on over to

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