#nytimes #wordle #1166 Wednesday 2024-08-28 #nyc #nyt

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:05:46 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: wordle - the new york times
[Music] hello everyone and welcome to brim plays world today is Wednesday August 28th and we're playing World 1166 Titus wants us to weigh in today with his word so let's give it a shot how's it going Titus wow three yellows I haven't gotten that in a while with an h and an EI H it's weird I feel like I should already know this just cuz those are unusual letters I mean to have a in a Triad like that but the G is gone so it's not going to be like you whe or thigh or something I was wondering maybe it but it can't be that or if it's going to be an i i consant e or e consant i h e ooh wait oh that's how you spell thief and that wouldn't work that would have been convenient still wouldn't be bad to play honestly but you do waste that eye in the third spot we know it's not that there any words that start with h that have have an ie in them in with what's left here I hiker it's probably not it but let's try hiker it it's probably not it but it gets all those in different positions and uses all three so I'm happy very happy with that and we lock in the ion too all right that's great [Music] so so something I we know it's I don't think it's an i AG I don't even think that's a thing so does that mean that H is going to go in the fourth spot and then we've still got the E it's not going to be an EI word is it with h right there boy it almost lines up like eight almost want to play eight just because it almost fits except that we've we've we've used the G there's not another word like eight is there that ends [Music] in because we haven't used the T wow I'm I'm really tempted to play the word eight again I know it's a bit of well it's really a waste of two things because we we know that we already know the eye so we really honestly don't even have to play that eye again unless we're trying to guess the word which we're not always trying to do sometimes we're trying to get as many letters in play as possible so there's an age can that be pH cuz that H is really looking like it's in the fourth spot so all right so that could be eh but doesn't look right and what can go at the end of that H sh oh but we still got to play the e I started to say like fishy but we have we've got to use that e it really could be fishy isy iffy have to be iy though I what can go there with that H and then maybe an e there tith does that actually work TI i t h e tithe h e I'm playing it I think that might be it is it tithe that fits everything oh it's not oh what is that I got so close Live okay man if I thought of live I would have played it cuz I wouldn't have played two I wouldn't have played a double letter with if I had something else that's super super Common live okay please let me know how you guys do on that one it's got common letters but it's kind of a tricky word so yeah you guys got to let me know on that one all right happy to get that in four all right Titus way worked well um got three yellows on that so that really did did help out all right well thank you guys for watching put your starter word recommendations in the comments and I will see you tomorrow on BR plays world

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